How to treat hair after extensions. Hair extensions - pros and cons, is it harmful to your hair, how is it done and how to choose a specialist. — After hair extensions, my head hurts a lot

A woman wants to be beautiful - this is her feminine nature. Long hair is considered the standard of female beauty by almost all peoples of the world, but this requires a lot of time, care and patience. Not every woman can boast of healthy and long hair - frequent dyeing, fashionable haircuts, exposure to temperatures and precipitation, hormonal imbalance and a number of other reasons do not contribute to the growth of beautiful hair.

In these cases, the beauty industry has come up with a solution - artificial hair extensions. In a couple of hours of work by a master, your appearance can change beyond recognition, but this artificial beauty also has a downside.

Which type of procedure is more harmful?

Before adding curl extensions, you need to objectively assess the condition of your hair. Extensions are performed in different ways, but regardless of the technique, it has one important consequence - the strands become a source of excess weight that the hair follicles have to withstand. If your hair does not naturally have sufficient strength, the procedure for securing additional strands can be a disaster - the weight of your hair will begin to fall out or break off. In addition, hair follicles, under the weight of additional curls, do not receive enough nutrition and oxygen flow. Agree, such a test is not suitable for thin or weakened hair, and there is little benefit from such manipulations for healthy people.

There is an opinion, actively disseminated by hairdressers, that the result of extensions is safe, the main thing is to choose a professional specialist, and then negative consequences can be avoided. But even if the master uses the latest technologies for the procedure, you will in any case feel discomfort when wearing extensions.

Today, there are many ways to extend curls, and all of them can be divided into so-called “cold” methods and “hot”.

  • Tape extensions– for this cold type of procedure, a special tape is used with strands of hair, on which a sticky adhesive composition is applied on both sides, thanks to which the tape is fixed to your hair. The method is quite simple to use - the tape is easily attached and can also be easily removed if you apply special means to the adhesive layer to destroy the adhesive composition.
  • Extension with capsules– this procedure can be performed either cold or hot. The cold method involves attaching artificial strands to your hair using special metal clips in the form of a small capsule. With the hot method, the strand is attached using heated glue - it is also used in the form of a capsule in a small amount.

  • Tress extension is a cold method of securing artificial or natural hair strands. Wefts are strips in the form of a thin cord into which hairs are woven. The method of fastening the tresses is very original - on the back of your head they braid a pigtail in a horizontal direction, to which the tresses are sewn with special strong threads.

When assessing the harm to your own hair, you need to understand that any method - cold or hot - does not matter, it is damaging. It is almost impossible to choose the most harmful extension method for one reason - They are all, without exception, harmful. The hair is subject to not only physical stress from the weight of additional strands, but also chemical stress - from the use of fastening or removing adhesives, as well as thermal stress - at the time of their fastening.

Don’t think that with the new volume and length of your hair you will be able to wear a wide variety of hairstyles. Such curls look decent only when worn loose. It will not be possible for you to assemble them into a complex structure, since those around you will see the places where the donor hair is attached, and such a sight, you must admit, is not the most aesthetically pleasing.

After a month, the entire structure will require correction, which means that your curls will again be subjected to a serious test - some of the strands will need to be removed and re-attached, or all the strands will need to be unfastened and rearranged a little higher. Additional strands tend to tangle into tangles - artificial materials are especially susceptible to this. To untangle such curls, you will need to put in a lot of effort and time, and your hair will be seriously damaged.

Does your hair spoil and how to prevent it?

Not wanting to spend a long time, money and effort on growing their own luxurious hair, some ladies resort to hair extensions; however, it is impossible to constantly wear artificial strands on their hair from year to year. No matter how universal the fixing methods are, the time comes when there is a desire or need to part with artificial curls. Wearing even the most beautiful hair extensions for a long time not only causes fatigue, but also negatively affects your nervous system. Judge for yourself - day after day you experience a feeling of heaviness and irritation from the attachments of donor hair on your head. It doesn’t matter what material and how this fastening is made - be it adhesive tapes, tresses or capsules made of metal or ceramics, during a night’s rest you will certainly feel the unpleasant and sometimes painful effects of foreign objects on the scalp.

During sleep, your hair tends to tangle, so you will have to braid it before going to bed - this may not always be convenient for you, and the hair itself does not rest. When combing, you will also face difficulties - you will no longer be able to quickly run a comb through your hair to put it in order. The procedure will require much more time and patience so as not to get caught on the fastening points. But that's not all. The process of washing your hair will also become quite a difficult task - in order to rinse it well without tangling your hair into one big tangle, you will need a certain amount of skill, as well as a supply of time and patience.

If you have finally come to terms with the idea of ​​parting with false curls, be prepared for the fact that the state of your own hairstyle will disappoint you. After removing extensions, your hair looks lifeless. You will find that many of them have fallen out and bald patches have formed in some places, the strands have deteriorated, become thin, light, and when combed, the hair “cries out” and falls out in large quantities. Such changes occurred because those strands of yours that held additional hair stretched due to the weight of the capsule or glue materials and the weight of the hair itself, because the longer the donor strand, the heavier it is in weight. During wearing, due to constant stress, the hair shaft is damaged, becomes unstable, and the follicles themselves begin to be injured and decrease in size due to lack of nutrition.

Often, women, after wearing donor strands for a long time, find that their heads have become quite bald. Baldness appears in those areas where there is excessive tension on your own hair under the weight of the extensions. Often the cause of hair loss is an allergic reaction to resins, glue and even the metal from which the capsules are made. There is only one way to prevent such consequences - to abandon the idea of ​​hair extensions or use disposable extensions, which are used for some special occasions and are used during the day, after which they are detached without harming the health of the scalp and hair.

Why does my head itch and what can I do about it?

The attachment sites of donor strands can cause irreparable damage associated with disruption of the structure of not only the hair, but also the scalp. Every day your skin will be subjected to mechanical friction of foreign bodies (capsules, glue, tapes and other components), which will inevitably lead to microtrauma of the epidermis, which will be accompanied by pustular rashes, quite severe itching and the appearance of dandruff. Dandruff is a constant companion of hair extensions - after washing your hair, the moisture at the junction of your hair and artificial strands evaporates from the surface of the skin much more slowly than is usually the case. Thus, an ideal environment is created on the scalp for the development of fungal organisms, manifested by peeling of the epidermis in the form of dandruff flakes of varying intensity.

To avoid severe itching, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical anti-dandruff products in the form of sprays or medicated shampoos, and also dry your hair thoroughly after washing. If the attachment points put excessive pressure on the scalp, you need to contact the specialist who performed the procedure and ask him to rearrange the strands and loosen their tension.

Other possible problems and their solutions

After securing the donor strands, your hair will need some care. Experts often recommend using liquid keratin to improve the appearance of hair. This product has long been adopted by modern fashionistas who love smooth and even hair. However, when applying it to hair there are a number of nuances that must be observed. For example, when carrying out the procedure, it is very important to remove the remaining keratin from the hair before drying and straightening it.

With hair extensions, this is quite problematic, and remaining in large quantities on the hair, keratin can get on the scalp, causing irritation, and sometimes the result of such irritation can be plaques, very similar to psoriasis. A way out of the situation may be to replace liquid keratin with hair masks containing keratin in a more gentle amount.

It is best to stand upright while washing your hair.– only in this position will the curls, under their own weight and the weight of the water, not increase the load of the strands on their own hair follicles. Water and steam when washing hair contribute to tangling of strands, especially those made of synthetic fibers. Unraveling tangles can be very difficult. Therefore, you need to dry your hair with blotting movements, trying not to tangle it even more, then you need to comb it with a comb with frequent large teeth and only then dry it.

A fairly common problem with false hair is alopecia. You are unlikely to be able to cope with this condition, and only a trichologist can help you. You will be advised to part with false hair, after which the doctor will conduct an examination and identify all the causes of baldness. Treating it is not only long and difficult, but also expensive. In order not to come to such a sad ending in the pursuit of beauty, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of hair extensions and make a choice towards natural beauty and health.

Marina Nikitina

Is it possible to restore hair after extensions? Reviews indicate that the task is feasible. It depends on the extent of their damage. If your hair has become dull and unsightly, it’s okay, restoration is possible provided you take regular care. If you have less than half of your previous volume left, act urgently.

Development of a plan “How to restore hair after extensions”

Have you received a portion of admiring glances every day, walking down the street, thanks to your mop of hair extensions? Well, everything is coming to an end - now there aren’t any extensions left on your head, or any of your own? Even if you hate to look in the mirror, take heart. You will need patience and regular procedures. If you follow these simple and old rules, improvement is inevitable.

So, is it possible to restore hair after extensions? Only if at least some of the conditions are met:

Buy a minimally harmful shampoo without “hellish” additives that will only make things worse - with a neutral PH level, without parabens or dyes.

Regularly make suitable masks that nourish, restore and moisturize your hair.

Cut your hair. This will give them relief and new strength to grow further.
During the recovery period, avoid any styling or shaping products, including a hair dryer.
Don’t immediately dismiss the option of outside help. A good hairdresser in the salon will advise and carry out the procedures necessary for you.

Homemade masks

How to quickly restore hair after extensions using masks:

Salt restorative.

Take a glass (250 mg) of sea or table salt. Add a little water to create a spreadable consistency. Add a couple of drops of plant essential oil, if available. Distribute everything through your hair, wrap your head with a towel and wait an hour.

Oil nourishing. Take one of the oils:

peach, tangerine (at night),

Rub into the hair roots until heat forms, quickly cover with cellophane, and tie a towel with a third layer.

Kefir-mustard strengthening.

Pour a little kefir into a bowl (100 ml is enough) and the same amount of mustard. For cohesion of the mass, add vegetable oil (no more than a tablespoon) for fat content. You won’t be able to keep the burning mixture on your head for a long time, so be guided by your sensations. Usual time: 20-30 minutes. When making this mask, it is most convenient to add mustard at the end of the cooking process.

To prepare one of these hair masks, take a tablespoon of yeast, pour in warm water, wait half an hour. Then you can add onion porridge, already familiar from other recipes, and wait for action (from 40 to 60 minutes).

400-500 ml of kefir will help you make the second version of this remedy: add just a couple of spoons of honey and leave it on your hair for 2 hours. The simplest option consists of only two components: yeast and yogurt. Mix 10 mg of yeast and 100 ml of real yogurt and wait for the reaction for two hours. If there is no yogurt, replace it with milk or water, the main thing is that the mixture swells.

Alternative restorative masks

What other folk methods will save hair after extensions:

Pepper activating.

Buy tincture (bitters), castor oil and look for some hair balm. All ingredients are mixed one to one. Usually one tablespoon is enough. Apply to your head and be patient - a normal pepper spray for your hair will burn. This effect is needed to give a charge of vigor to your tortured bulbs.
Mix the red pepper, pre-ground, well with the same two measures of honey - the mask is ready. The duration of action is maximum 15 minutes.

What to do if the tincture does not cause a burning sensation? Try diluting it with water 1:1. Hot pepper is activated by liquid. “Pepper” sessions are considered one of the most effective remedies. Apply the mixture only to problem areas (partings, bald spots) and wait a little. The burning sensation activates all dormant cells and the hair will be reborn. Representatives of dry hair add oil to the life-giving ointment, while those with oily hair use water. It is important to maintain sufficient distance between your face, and especially your eyes, and the pepper to avoid burns!

All-purpose onion (stinks, but works):

Grind the whole onion in a blender until you get a paste. Stir a spoonful of honey into the onion mixture. Rub all this into the roots of your hair, make circular movements until you get tired of it, or 45 minutes. Don’t forget to rinse off at the end of the procedure and rinse your hair with a vinegar solution to remove odor (be sure to add water to the vinegar).
In this case, leave only the juice from the onion, grated on a regular hand grater, for the medicine. You will also need: a couple of spoons of cognac, an yolk, a spoonful of honey and lemon juice, a spoonful of castor oil and up to ten drops of a pleasant essential oil (lemon is recommended). The heated substance is applied to the desired part of the head and covered with cellophane or polyethylene to retain heat and nutrients. Judging by the reviews, this onion hair mixture is done once a week. Four procedures are enough to feel changes in the microcirculation of the scalp for the better. It is better to limit the time of each session to one hour, otherwise the smell of onions will not disappear for a long time.

But such actions carry the risk of harming yourself even more or simply not helping. Be careful and be armed with information in advance when choosing an expensive hair restoration product, because a high price does not necessarily mean corresponding quality.

6 April 2014, 19:55

Good afternoon, dear girls! I know that many people want long thick hair, and some want it right now, despite the fact that there are several thin shoulder-length hairs on their heads. I was like that too.

Just 3 years ago, my head was adorned with long, medium-thick hair. But first I wanted to dye my hair blonde, the color turned out to be yellowish, I wanted a different shade. My hair is thin in structure, it couldn’t withstand my experiments and began to split.

Yes. I had to cut my hair in a cascade. Every other day I'm talking about

I regretted it, but it was too late. The entire cascade merged in length, there was no volume, the hair

looked liquid. I started putting curlers on curlers at night to somehow add volume, but sleeping on them was not very comfortable. Then, after watching enough video tutorials on the Internet, I decided to make “Hollywood curls.” I had an ordinary curling iron, iron, without any protective coating. Moreover, I doused my hair with foam and hairspray on each strand before curling (it wouldn’t hold up any other way). I liked the effect and got carried away. About half a year later I discovered that there was no hair on my head. The ends all broke off, the hair turned into a washcloth.

I started fighting with all methods: masks, sprays, vitamins, oils. But they say correctly that only scissors will help damaged hair. And I wanted it so much

long hair!!!

When I finally realized that it would not be possible to revive my straw, I decided to build it up.

The procedure itself took 1.5-2 hours. The strands are attached to their hair by sealing capsules. There is no discomfort felt. The master told me about caring for hair extensions and dispelled many myths:

Myth #1: Hair should be washed with a special shampoo for hair extensions.

Myth #2: You can only wash your hair vertically, without bending over the tap.

Fact: You can wash your hair in any position

Myth #3: You can't go to bed with wet hair

Fact: All you need to do is dry the capsules overnight.

I left the salon like a princess! Finally, the dream of long hair has come true!

The first 2-3 days I felt a certain discomfort, something was constantly in my head, but I quickly got used to it. Caring for her was not particularly difficult; she looked after her as if she were her own.

Of course, after some time the hair lost its marketable appearance: it began to fluff up, apparently all the silicone had been washed out. I had to straighten my hair with a straightening iron after every wash.

After 2 months, the regrown capsules began to fall off and twist among themselves. Involuntarily, I could drop a mask on them and burn them with an iron. After 2.5 months I went for correction, taking with me 10 fallen strands. At the salon they said that the hair

sy branches by 4-5 cm during this time (hurray!!!).

The correction took a long time, about 3 hours. The donor strands were removed, the old capsules were cut off, new ones were made and reattached to the head. When the master was engaged in encapsulation, I examined my hair, at that time it had not deteriorated at all, and I decided to continue extensions.

I wore hair extensions for 8 months without a break, making corrections. When I took it off, I realized that there was significantly less hair, the ends were all terribly split. But the damaged hair of the industry, I cut it without any problems.

I've been wearing my own hair for 3 months now. I intensively treat with homemade masks, burdock and mustard oil, special shampoo, and an anti-hair loss remedy. I had my hair laminated at the salon. The density has not yet returned, but the undercoat has grown. I had a bad experience with Aleran spray, if I’m not lazy,

From my experience, I can highlight the pros and cons of capsule extensions:


1. Two hours and you're a beauty! You don't have to spend years growing your hair.

2. Your hair grows quickly under the capsules.

3. Hair can be dyed, pulled out, curled like your own.

4. The capsule is not visible at all in any hairstyle.


1. Expensive (10,000-25,000 rubles depending on the length and quality of the hair)

2. Hair quickly becomes unusable even with very good care, because it is not nourished from the roots.

3. It is impossible to treat the roots of your hair; the capsules slip off from oils and masks.

4. After each correction, the hair becomes shorter: the capsule is cut off (1 cm), the strand with the new capsule rises to the roots (2-5 cm), the ends are equalized (1-2 cm).

5. Overgrown strands can get tangled, and there is a risk of tearing them out with your own.

Because of these disadvantages, I give the hair extension procedure a B.

I can’t objectively evaluate the condition of my hair after removal, because before the extensions they were all damaged.

From my experience I can draw conclusions:

1. If you want to grow a loofah, like me, then you can extend it, but if you just don’t want to wait for years, and your hair is good, just short, then it’s not worth it. Anything that grows back will still have to be cut off.

2. Use the services of only a proven, experienced technician; any mistake can lead to disastrous results.

3. Buy high-quality hair, otherwise after 3-4 washes you yourself will not be happy with such “beauty”.

Thank you for reading to the end of my long review. Good luck!

- Hair falls out after afro braids

Afterwards, on average, girls wear this hairstyle for about 2 months, during which time they do not comb their hair, as it is woven into braids. Naturally, they fall out, since we lose about 150 hairs per day, so after unbraiding, we comb out a large head of hair - this is what fell out naturally during the period of wear.

— Does hair deteriorate badly after extensions?

With the right approach, your hair will not deteriorate at all. If the master has correctly chosen the type of hair that suits you, and distributed the strands correctly, your hair will not be damaged. Hair extensions do not require special care. If the master tells you that you need special tools, think about it. It is possible to use non-natural hair here.

— After extensions, hair deteriorated

If your hair is damaged after extensions, you simply didn't get them done correctly. Come to me, I will tell you. In addition, hair can be restored with high-quality keratin.

— After extensions, hair fell off

Hair can fall off when the hairdresser has not correctly made the ratio between his own strand and the donor’s. This happens when your own strand is much thinner than the donor one. A common mistake of self-taught craftsmen.

- Hair falls out after extensions

After extensions, hair may fall out if they were not removed carefully or if the hair follicles were damaged. Never remove hair extensions yourself or at home. Contact a specialist who will carefully remove them with special tools.

- My head itches after getting hair extensions

The head may itch when the master has placed the capsule too close to the scalp! Mistake of beginners. I advise you to check it after the master has made you the first capsule. Touch it, it should be 1 - 1.5 cm from the root.

— After hair extensions I became bald

Completely bald? Hardly. And if hair extensions are not applied correctly, a lot can fall out. Always be interested in the experience of the master, read how it is done.

- Dandruff appeared after hair extensions

This is not dandruff, but flaking of the skin. It happens again after the master has placed the capsules too close to the head, it begins to itch and peel. The same thing happens when the capsules are formed incorrectly, when, for example, they are too large and clutter the head. Peeling may also appear.

— After hair extensions, my head hurts a lot

A headache can occur for various reasons. But the most common ones are that capsules are placed close to the head, which causes the skin to pull and headaches, or the volume of hair is incorrectly selected or the hair extensions are too heavy, which again causes discomfort. Contact the professionals. It’s better to remove this hair.

— After hair extensions, when can you wash your hair?

After any extension, your hair can and should be washed immediately!

— Hair roots hurt after hair extensions

The hair roots hurt because they are being pulled. They chose the wrong hair structure for you, it is heavier than yours, or your hair is too long.

— Boost up damage to hair

There are several compositions, if the composition is selected specifically for your hair, then there will be no harm. Some masters buy one composition for this procedure and use it for everyone. It is not right. This may even cause your hair to fall out. Choose the right master who has all the compositions in stock, there should be at least 3, and ideally 4 compositions.

— How to care for your hair after a boost up

The care is the same as you are used to.

— What shampoo should I use after keratin straightening?

You need to use the same brand of shampoo that you used for straightening. In my case it is . Or sulfate-free shampoos without parabens.

— Does keratin straightening ruin your hair?

can ruin your hair. At the moment, there are many brands of keratin straightening available on the beauty market. But not all of them are good, and what’s more, there are a lot of fakes! The masters sometimes themselves do not know that they are working with low-quality keratin, since they were brainwashed by free training, the essence of which is to simply sell the product. And some masters are under the misconception that their keratin is actually the best at a very low price.

Good keratin will never be cheap. Since the most expensive thing in the composition is the keratin itself. Natural keratin is very difficult to produce; it is a labor-intensive and costly process. Keratin Global Keratin and Brazilian Blowout have a high purchase price, since they contain only harmless substances! and the keratin in them is natural!

At the moment, I can say that on the beauty market you can find no more than 5 harmless compositions, and such cheap compositions as Cocochoco, Ionar, Tokyo, Research and others seriously damage your hair!

— Do you need special hair care after keratin straightening?

Hair does not require such care after keratin straightening. To prolong the straightening effect, I advise you to use after-straightening shampoos and conditioners for home care from the same brand that was used to straighten your hair.

— I heard that hair falls out after keratin straightening

Contact only a professional master. There can be many reasons why your hair is damaged. First: cheap keratin. Second, the hair was overheated when straightening and dried it out, third: individual intolerance to keratin.

— After keratin straightening, the hair began to quickly become oily

After a high-quality composition, the hair will not become greasy, but will always have a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Always straighten yourself only with high-quality ingredients!

— Is it possible to curl your hair after keratin straightening?

Yes you can, you can twist it with both a curling iron and curlers.

— When can you wash your hair after keratin straightening?

It depends after what composition. I use Global Keratin and can be washed after 72 hours. But it’s worth it, since this is currently the best keratin straightening composition on the beauty market. And Brazilian Blowout, can and should be washed immediately - this is keratin hair restoration with a smoothing effect.

The beauty industry is developing at a gigantic pace, and today something that until recently seemed unattainable has become a common reality. This also applies to luxurious curls - the dream of any woman. Now, to implement it, you just need to visit a beauty salon, which provides such a service as hair extensions. Just a little time - and now, instead of the usual, but, let's face it, far from luxurious head of hair, long, well-groomed hair appears. Delight! But in order to preserve this beauty for as long as possible, you need to be able to properly care for your renewed hair.

Hair extensions - how to properly care for them?

Today, many techniques have been developed for hair extensions. English, Italian, Spanish, tape technology or ring extensions - they all have one thing in common, namely that such a hairstyle will require special care. Regardless of whether capsules, resins are used for fastening, or additional strands are attached to small (from 4 to 2 cm) ribbons, then all this beauty needs careful treatment and special care.

Wash correctly

Beautiful hair is clean hair. This rule has not been canceled, and it is also true for extended curls. They need to be washed like your own. And there is no need to be scared; as a rule, the fastening of the donor strands is quite strong and allows you to wash them without fear of them leaving your head. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises from this procedure, you need to remember and follow a few simple rules.

  1. First of all, you can start washing your renewed hair only after two days have passed after the extension. This time is needed for the final hardening of the fasteners. However, the master who worked with you must warn you about this. And, yes - before you start washing, do not forget to comb your strands thoroughly - this will reduce the risk of tangling during the procedure.
  2. The second is the correct posture. Forget about washing your hair when you throw it forward, wash it under the tap or rinse it in a basin. I wash my head strictly vertically. A shower is ideal for this. Jets of water flowing from above will help to rinse the extensions as gently as possible, without tangling them or damaging the junction with the natural hair.
  3. It is better to use special shampoos and balms designed specifically for hair extensions. As a rule, you can purchase them in the same salons where the procedure took place. However, similar products can be found in regular retail outlets. In this case, you should give preference to products with neutral PH. The use of rinse aids is not recommended. You should not use shampoos intended for the care of thin and dry hair. Under their influence, the extensions can begin to be combed intensively.
  4. The washing process itself must also be carried out as carefully as possible. The consistency of the shampoo should be so liquid that it can be simply applied to the hair without rubbing or smearing. If your product is thick, it is recommended to dilute it with water. There is also no need to leave shampoo on your hair or actively massage it. On the contrary, it is better to wash it off immediately. After this, use the balm, avoiding attachment areas when applying it. After waiting for the time specified in the instructions, the product is washed off with warm water.

Important! For washing, and, most importantly, for rinsing your hair extensions, you need to use clean, warm, better filtered water. Vinegar, citric acid and other similar additives, which are often used when washing hair, can disrupt the structure of the substance that holds the donor strands together, which means they will last much less.

Video: why you need to wash your hair correctly

Beauty requires sacrifice, and in the case of hair extensions, these sacrifices include saunas and steam baths. High temperatures damage the fastening capsules, and the use time of the strands is greatly reduced. If you cannot overcome the temptation, then your hair needs to be protected with a special cap. You cannot wash or comb your hair in such establishments. As a rule, the water there has a high chlorine content, which also does not have the best effect on the strength of attachment of the strands. For the same reason, you should avoid visiting swimming pools.


It is equally important to properly dry your newfound curls. A high-quality terry towel will help with this. The main thing is that it absorbs water very well, because you cannot squeeze, twist or actively rub your hair after extensions. In order to remove excess water, you need to carefully walk the towel through your hair from top to bottom, trying not to pull the extensions.

You can’t even use a hairdryer in this case - you just need to let your hair dry on its own. And, of course, you should not comb wet strands. It is not recommended to do this with your own hair, and in the case of extensions, you can lose most of it. You shouldn't go to bed with a wet head. The strands can get tangled, and it will take a lot of time and effort to sort them out.


To properly comb your hair extensions you will also need special tools. In the salon where the procedure was performed, you can usually purchase a comb with soft, sparse teeth. Another important point is that if you are used to using a brush, then there should be no balls on its ends that can easily damage the strengthening capsules.

You need to start combing your hair extensions from the ends. To do this, the hair is collected in a bun and, holding it in the fist of one hand, they begin to comb it out with soft, careful movements, gradually capturing more and more length. This must be done carefully, avoiding jerks and sudden movements. If your hair is tangled, be patient and calm as you carefully untangle it. Lastly, comb the hair roots. And one more thing - it is best to fix hair extensions at night as close to the capsules as possible. To do this, they are usually collected in a ponytail or braided into a weak braid. Otherwise, the capsules may get confused with each other and form tangles.

Additional care

And now, finally, your hair has acquired the desired volume and length, but, as always, you want something more. Often, donor strands do not quite match the shade of the original ones, and therefore there is a need for additional manipulations.


Of course, donor strands can be dyed, but there are certain difficulties associated with this. The fact is that paint cannot be applied to the fastening areas. It is quite difficult to do everything correctly at home, so in order not to be disappointed, it is best to turn to a specialist. The salon will help you choose the right coloring agent (usually using paint that does not contain ammonia, or another product in which the amount is minimal) and will carry out the coloring procedure.

It must be remembered that with frequent dyeing, the extensions become stiff and lose their natural appearance.


You can also style your hair extensions. It is not forbidden to use a hair dryer, irons, and tongs. But you need to remember that the places where the strands are attached cannot be subjected to aggressive influence. In addition, it is best to give preference to styling and fixing products that have a neutral PH. However, in order to do a complex hairstyle, it is better to entrust your head to the specialists of a beauty salon.

Video: a little more about care

Masks for hair extensions

First of all, you need to remember that only your hair needs nutrition and additional care. For donor strands, these procedures are completely optional. Since masks contain organic acids and other substances that act aggressively on the places where artificial strands are attached, it is recommended to apply them avoiding these areas. Most often, masks are used only in the root zone, but they can also be applied to the entire length of the hair.

You should not use masks that contain hot spices, in particular mustard, cinnamon, or citrus juice. They can easily damage the attachments of the extensions.

It is better to make masks no more than once a week, and leaving the composition on the hair for longer than 40 minutes is not recommended. In this case, experts advise using a ready-made product designed specifically for hair extensions. However, there are also recipes for homemade masks.


  • 1–2 yolks (depending on hair length);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Beat the yolks and add honey and butter to them. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the roots and strands, avoiding places of attachment. Wrap your head, trying not to twist your hair too much, and leave the mask on for half an hour, after which you wash it off with shampoo.

  • 1 glass of kefir.

You can also enrich your hair with nutrients using kefir. To do this, it is heated and applied warm to the hair strands along the entire length, being careful not to touch the attachment sites of the donor curls. Leaving the mask on your hair for 40 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.


  • 5 tbsp. l. natural yogurt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. linseed oil;
  • 2 tsp. cocoa (for dark hair).

Beat the egg and mix with yogurt. Oil is also added there and, if you have dark hair, cocoa. The mass is applied to the entire length of the hair and after 30 minutes. wash off with shampoo.

  • 1 packet of gelatin;
  • glass of water.

Gelatin is poured with water and allowed to brew. After this, the mass is thoroughly mixed, breaking up all the lumps, and applied to the entire length of the hair. The mask is left for 40 minutes and washed off with water.


Since our hair, although slowly, still grows, the attachment sites of the donor strands descend further and become more noticeable. In this case, volume and natural appearance are lost. This is why hair extensions need correction from time to time. The frequency of this procedure depends on which method was originally used. For example, capsule extensions need correction once every 2-3 months, whereas after tape extensions it will most likely have to be done within a month. The champion in terms of duration is considered to be extensions using the Italian microcapsule method. After it, the hair can be left alone for almost 4 months. However, if the roots of the native curls of the branch are 2-3 cm deep, tangled or “moved” strands appear, then it’s time to pay a visit to the beauty salon.

Order of conduct

As a rule, the correction procedure, regardless of the method by which the extension was carried out, includes 4 stages. At the same time, the technology for its implementation will depend on the method of attaching the donor curls.

  1. The first stage is to separate the native and extended strands. Various solvents are used for this. For example, in order to remove curls applied using the tape method, a spray is used, under the influence of which the glue that fixes them on the head instantly dissolves. To free yourself from the capsule fastening, the master uses a special solution that softens the capsules. After using it, they are easily broken with special tongs, and the strands are released without causing damage to natural hair.
  2. The second stage involves preparing your own hair. To do this, they are carefully combed out with a special comb with small, frequent teeth. During this procedure, not only the remnants of fixing agents, fallen and tangled hairs are removed, but also the blood supply to the scalp is improved. After this, the ends of the hair are trimmed, and, if necessary, the regrown roots are tinted. At the same stage, the master determines whether the donor strands can be applied again, or whether it is worth allowing the natural hair to recover and taking a short break during which it will rest. This stage ends with washing your hair with a special degreasing shampoo, which also deeply cleanses the skin.
  3. The next step in correction is preparing the strands. However, for tape extensions it only involves discarding those that have lost too many hairs and are no longer suitable for reuse. But if the strand has retained its volume and appearance, then it can be used again. To do this, simply apply glue to the fixing tape. A slightly different story with capsule techniques. In order to reuse a strand, the master first applies a heated substance - carotene - to it, from which he forms a new capsule using special tongs.
  4. Well, the final stage is re-extension. Here the master reconnects the donor strands with the client’s natural hair. Again, depending on the technique, capsules, resins or, as in the case of tape application, a special glue are used for this.

Sometimes, when you inaccurately remove curls applied with tape correction, remnants of the fixing substance remain at the hair roots. To remove it and prevent tangling and tangles, you can comb your hair using products that contain alcohol.

Video: hair extensions and correction

Despite the fact that the correction procedure is considered quite simple, although it takes much more time than extensions, professional hairdressers do not recommend doing all its stages in one day. It is optimal to take a break of 6–10 days from removing the false curls to re-fixing them.

Hair restoration

There is nothing eternal in our world, and the extensions will have to be removed sooner or later. And then most women are faced with the need to restore the appearance and health of their own hair, because no matter how gentle the master acted, damage is still present. The least of the evils is the dull and lifeless appearance of your own hair. But it is also possible to lose both individual hair and entire strands. So what to do?

The main thing is not to panic. With some effort, hair is restored within a few months. This process can be divided into several stages.

  1. The first and most urgent is a consultation with a good professional. The hairdresser will help you use a haircut to disguise the areas of active “flight” of hair. In addition, he will also recommend which line of medical cosmetics and care products will bring maximum benefit.
  2. Hair is a part of our body, and therefore its condition largely depends on our well-being. Good nutrition, sleep and a healthy lifestyle will speed up their recovery. It would also be useful to take an additional vitamin complex, which directly affects the condition of hair and nails.
  3. During the recovery period, it is best to provide your curls with the most gentle treatment possible, that is, avoid curling and styling with hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons and other aggressive influences, giving preference to regular ponytails or braids.

Folk remedies

And, of course, you shouldn’t give up on the means proven by generations that our mothers and grandmothers used. First of all, oils will help restore damaged hair. For this you can use burdock, flaxseed, castor, almond and even regular olive. If you regularly apply heated oil to your hair and leave it wrapped for 1–3 hours, the result will be noticeable within a month.

Do not forget about masks, and here those that contain burning and irritating substances come to the fore. Yes, yes, exactly those that had to be avoided when wearing extensions. Now their active ingredients will help awaken and stimulate the hair follicles.

Mustard mask

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. l. warmed kefir;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of burdock oil.

All ingredients are mixed and the resulting paste is applied to dry hair. The head is wrapped. Since the mask turns out to be hot, it should not be left on the hair for long - from 15 to 40 minutes.

Onion mask

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey heated in a steam bath;
  • juice of half an onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock or castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Grate half the onion on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Honey and butter are heated in a water bath and mixed with beaten yolk. Cognac, lemon and onion juice are also added there. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair. Covering them with film and wrapping them in a towel, leave them for 40–60 minutes.

Consequences of build-up

Like everything in the world, hair extensions have a downside. First of all, during this procedure, your own hair experiences additional stress, because on average there are from 1.5 to 2 kg of donor hair per head. This causes increased loss following their removal. In addition, such a load can cause increased sensitivity of the scalp and even pain.

Another unpleasant point is the fastening elements. And if in the case of tape attachment, discomfort can only arise when a reaction to the glue occurs, then the capsules with which the strands are attached are often perceived as a foreign body. They irritate the skin, interfere with sleep, and your hand just reaches out to scratch your head. This often causes increased flaking, dandruff and even microtrauma.

Resin extensions can also seriously damage your hair. Under the influence of high temperatures, their structure changes. The hair loses most of its liquid, becomes brittle and lifeless.

Of course, such consequences cannot always be observed, but if you do not monitor the condition of the hair extensions and do not allow them to recover between corrections, then they may well occur.

Hair extensions make it possible to fulfill the dream of most women - to have long and thick hair. However, you need to remember that renewed hair will require careful care. In addition, with this method, your own hair becomes damaged over time and may begin to fall out. So should we give up on our dreams now? But you shouldn’t go to extremes, because with a reasonable approach, extensions are actually a fairly safe procedure. It is important to follow the master’s recommendations, take the time to implement them, and then your hair will become the subject of admiration and envy of others.