Belated birthday wishes in your own words. Is it possible to wish happy birthday in advance?

At first glance, the answer to the question of when exactly should you congratulate the birthday person on his birthday is obvious. Of course, at any time of the same day. The rules of politeness say that congratulations should be made as early as possible, preferably as soon as the birthday person wakes up, if this is your relative, or as soon as he comes to work, if this is your co-worker. By the way, the birthday greetings site will help you choose the appropriate text option.

Why you should congratulate in the morning

Even if the feast is scheduled for a later date or your gift has not yet been delivered, you should still congratulate it as soon as you see this person. This method of congratulations is suitable precisely because the birthday person is immediately in a good mood - after all, we all love receiving gifts and hearing pleasant things about ourselves. As a result, the festive mood, arising in the morning, can last the whole day.

But the common type of congratulations in the evening as a surprise - when a person returns home after work and is greeted by a whole crowd of friends - is not the best option. Agree:

  • all day long he will be tormented by the resentment that he was probably simply forgotten. And on such days people experience any troubles very acutely;
  • a person comes home, having already reconciled himself internally, and even having found some peace for himself - and then suddenly there is such a surprise. That is, resentment, grief, and joy - all on one day, and it’s a holiday too. Is the “bouquet” too rich?

What to do if you forgot to congratulate

Of course, if a person is not close enough to you, such a situation can happen. In this case, psychologists still advise be sure to congratulate, even if only in hindsight, when you remember. Search the Internet for funny birthday greetings, they will help you get out of the situation with humor. And it’s not scary if even this happens in a week or a month: the echo of the festive mood will definitely return at that moment, and the birthday person will be pleased in any case.

Throughout their existence, people have come up with many superstitions and signs. It is believed, for example, that a birthday should not be celebrated ahead of schedule on pain of death. But why can’t you congratulate yourself on your birthday in advance? Let's find out what magicians and psychics answer this question.

Energy reset time

People's birthdays are a period when energy is reset and renewed. People who study natural human biorhythms notice that it is at this time that a person’s energy level is very low. On this day, the energy of the birthday person is very, very weak. Energy goes through a stage of rebirth and renewal. A certain pattern can be observed. For example, many die in the month of their birth. Any strong emotions build channels between people and affect their energy. If at this time a person experiences negative emotions, then against the background of weakened energy, a breakthrough of immunity is possible. And some, trying to answer the question of why it is impossible to congratulate a happy birthday in advance, explain that angels will not hear wishes and will not convey them to heaven. If you look at the dates of death of famous people, you can see that many of them did not live just a few weeks, days or hours before their birthday, or left this world immediately after.

Why you can't celebrate your birthday in advance

Our very distant ancestors believed that the hero of the holiday, who decided to celebrate his day of birth, was visited not only by friends and living relatives, but also by the souls of relatives who had long since left this world. In addition, there is an opinion that evil spirits come to the holiday. And that they also celebrate their birthday, like the birthday boy himself. The souls of relatives descend to listen to wishes and convey them to God. It was believed that if you mark the day of birth earlier, the spirits will not be able to get to it, which will greatly upset them. And many of them can harm the birthday boy, and harm him so much that he may not live to see the date. This sounds far-fetched. But nevertheless, many do not congratulate in advance, continuing to believe in this legend.

What if we celebrate a little later?

Here, many probably have a question about what to do for people who are “lucky” and are on a rare day - February 29? Is it possible to congratulate in advance, later, or should they expect congratulations only once every 4 years? Some are of the opinion that it would be better to celebrate the day of birth not on February 29, but later. And others say that we need to celebrate the way it happened, that is, once every 4 years. Today everyone knows, but the vast majority have forgotten that it is not recommended to celebrate it later either. Nowadays, when the holiday falls in the middle of the week, there is a temptation to move it to the weekend. Whether to do it or not is a personal matter. As well as whether it is worth believing in omens and legends. It was not customary for our ancestors to celebrate any holidays in advance. And this, in principle, is logical as regards birthdays. After all, when congratulating the birthday boy, we congratulate him on the fact that he has become a year older, and doing this in advance, that is, before he has matured a year, is simply illogical. Just as it would be illogical to celebrate New Year, or Easter, or any other holiday in advance.

Why you can’t wish happy birthday in advance

It is not customary to celebrate birthdays ahead of schedule, and we have already sorted this out. But there is another superstition, which says that congratulating a person in advance is tantamount to inviting trouble and trouble into his life. Old Slavic beliefs, when asked why one cannot congratulate a happy birthday in advance, say that if one expresses wishes to the birthday person in advance, no one will hear them. Since it is on the day of birth that the souls of ancestors come into the world.

However, our ancestors no longer celebrated the day of birth, but the name day. The child was given a name after the holy fathers, and the actual birthday often did not fall on the day of the patron saint. Therefore, all beliefs about the souls of ancestors or angels descending from heaven can most likely be attributed to name days rather than birthdays. Of course, whether to believe in beliefs or not is everyone’s personal choice. There is no evidence that superstitions work, just as there is no evidence that they do not work. It is most logical to celebrate your birth day on your birthday itself, without moving it to the weekend - earlier or later. It is not necessary to have a big celebration. It is enough to simply spend this day in a narrow circle of close friends and relatives, that is, the most dear people, and especially parents, who are the direct culprits of the holiday.

There are a lot of superstitions and prejudices in our world that we believe in and follow. One of them is that a person cannot be congratulated on his birthday in advance. But why?

Logically, this can be explained by the fact that this holiday is only once a year: a person already walks around happy for a couple of weeks and plans how he will celebrate the next day when he was born. Why upset him and congratulate him in advance? After all, this day is special and there is only one. And it’s stupid to congratulate a person on something that, in fact, has not yet happened. It’s better to save some kind words and call, write, say them to the hero of the occasion at the right time.
Superstition says that congratulating an “unborn person” is tantamount to inviting troubles and troubles into his life. And if misfortunes do begin to happen to him, then only an untimely well-wisher will be to blame. Of course, this is just one of those old wives' tales, but there is no smoke without fire. This fact cannot be confirmed, but the superstition originated from something!?

Those born on February 29 are treated completely differently. These people either must celebrate the holiday once every four years, or accept congratulations on February 28 or March 1. Most, following tradition, congratulate the birthday person on March 1st.

Another superstition says that a person who was congratulated in advance may not live to see the cherished date. Few people would want to wish a dear or loved one an afterlife, therefore, in order not to confuse superstitious people, it is better to postpone the postcard until the “X-day”.
One of the old Slavic beliefs says that on the day of an angel or a person’s birthday, the souls of ancestors descend to a person to listen to wishes and ask God to make them come true. If you tell the birthday person your wishes in advance, no one will hear them.
If you didn’t succeed in wishing a person the best on his name day, you can do it late, but not a day or a week in advance!

I don't think it's worth it. The communication is over, that’s the whole point. Congratulations on a birthday are an obvious signal “hey, I’m here! I don’t mind starting our communication again!” Do you need it? If necessary, congratulate. If you do this out of decency, then you need to congratulate him the way it would have been during your relationship.

If it's an ex-boyfriend, don't. If this is a friend with whom you quarreled (but you didn’t seem to quarrel) - it’s possible, and maybe even necessary. If this is just an acquaintance who was in life, and then your communication somehow faded away, that’s also not the case.

In any case, if this person is so dear to you that you cannot help but congratulate him (and your question on this site suggests such an idea), then the ANSWER is obvious: prepare a congratulation.

Of course, it may be painful for him and even more than just unpleasant. But the congratulations should either be very restrained, so that any ambiguous nonsense does not hover between the lines, or not at all. You are not a monster, tormenting a person.

I wouldn't congratulate you, to be honest.

However, you can still come up with a more detailed version of “with others”, but without the cuteness :) well, “happy birthday, all the best”

"Happy birthday, may everything be fine"

Something like this.




If you have a friend visiting you who is leaving for a long time today and will be unavailable for contact, and tomorrow is his birthday, then what should you do? Tomorrow you won’t be able to congratulate him, but today it seems that it’s not customary. You won’t be able to explain why it’s not accepted, but it won’t shake your confidence: you can’t congratulate in advance, and that’s all! Maybe try to figure out this sign to understand whether it really has some kind of rational explanation or is it just an ordinary superstition?

Magicians and soothsayers of various kinds warn in unison: do not even think of congratulating anyone on their birthday before the “moment X” has arrived! By disobeying this sign, you can unwittingly bring all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes upon the future birthday boy. On the eve of a birthday, a person’s bioenergy field weakens, he may even feel that he is losing strength. “Gaps” appear in this field, since the energy reserves with which a person has been fueled all year are running out by the time of his next “birth.” Well, the dark forces are right there: having heard your inappropriate congratulations, they will be able to “break through” the weak defense and harm the future birthday boy.

The second explanation is similar to the previous one, but sounds a little different. It is believed that on the eve of a person’s birthday, all the negativity that he has accumulated over the past year gathers in a person’s aura - illnesses, failures, losses, separation from loved ones, depression, and so on. And just imagine, this whole “bag of energy garbage” is hanging in the space near the future birthday boy, but he does not have the strength to push this “garbage” away. And then you wish him a happy birthday! A new “birth” takes place. But the person is not ready for it yet.

As a result, all the “energy bullshit” goes with him into the next year. He no longer has a chance to reset it and leave it in the past, since the surge of energy will only come after the real birthday. Many people believe this sign. Now, knowing what the secret of its origin is, you can decide for yourself to what extent to observe it. Regarding your own birthday, you are free to do as you please: you can tell your friends that you are ready to start accepting congratulations the day before.

But in relation to those around you, it is better to adhere to tradition and postpone congratulatory speeches until the “X-day”. In this case, it is better to be a day late than to anticipate the events. This way you will demonstrate a friendly attitude towards the person you are going to congratulate.