Presentation "family holidays". Presentation “Family Traditions We love our home

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Project lesson for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” Project lesson for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”

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Purpose of the lesson: to promote understanding of the importance of family holidays Objectives: To clarify the concepts of “holiday”, “ritual”, “gift” To consolidate the ability to work in groups To develop skills for independent work with sources of information (the ability to obtain and systematize information)

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There are many holidays in the world. Adults and children love them. They draw cards, prepare gifts. Holidays make family life brighter!

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You will learn: When and how holidays appeared What is the significance of holidays What is a gift and how to choose it And answer the question: What is special about a family holiday?

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Ancient people had to work very hard. To make their work easier, they asked for support, help and protection from various forces of nature. This is how holidays arose to celebrate various events. Each holiday had its own ritual.

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What forces of nature did ancient people turn to? How did they do it? What were the holidays celebrated? What modern ritual preserves the ancient tradition of offering gifts to deities? What requirements must a holiday gift meet? What is a holiday? What significance do holidays have for people? What is a ritual?

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Conclusion 1 To make their work easier, people turned for help to the heavenly bodies (sun, stars), the elements (wind, rivers, oceans), spirits, and later to the gods. They brought them gifts, sang, danced and spoke words of praise. This is how the holidays arose. Holidays celebrated everything new: the onset of spring, the new year, the birth of a new life, weddings

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Conclusion 2 Now a holiday is fun, a celebration that is held for some reason. Holidays remind people of all the good things that happened to them before. The holidays reflect the life history of every person, nation and state. Holidays are the historical memory of humanity. Each holiday has its own order - ritual

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Conclusion 3 The oldest tradition of offering gifts to deities has been preserved in our time in the form of holiday gifts. A beautifully packaged gift given from the heart speaks of attention, friendship and love. When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the character, hobbies and tastes of the person for whom it is intended.

What are family traditions? “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.”

With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”. With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”.

And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”, then, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents’ home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition. These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood. And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”, then, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents’ home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition. These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood.

A few fragments of memories related to family traditions: “On weekends, my mother always made dumplings and dumplings. Not a single weekend without them! Only the filling changed: meat, liver, cottage cheese, strawberries. While I was waking up, the final preparations were going on in the kitchen. And then one day I had already gotten enough sleep, but there were still no characteristic sounds from the kitchen... I even wandered there out of curiosity to ask: “Isn’t it time to serve the dumplings?” But it turned out that everything was so banal, it just turns out that the clocks were changed at night, and my mother decided to hold off a little. This is such a family tradition...”

“Our family had labor traditions. The whole family came to grandma to dig potatoes, parents, uncles and aunts, all with children. When we were little, the adults were digging potatoes, the kids were running around. And when they grew up, they helped the adults. And at the end of the harvest, the whole family baked potatoes in the garden. Those were the times! Evening, dying coals of the fire, faces of brothers and sisters smeared with burnt potatoes, interesting memories of adults and the sparkle of grasshoppers...” “Our family had labor traditions. The whole family came to grandma to dig potatoes, parents, uncles and aunts, all with children. When we were little, the adults were digging potatoes, the kids were running around. And when they grew up, they helped the adults. And at the end of the harvest, the whole family baked potatoes in the garden. Those were the times! Evening, dying coals of a fire, faces of brothers and sisters smeared with burnt potatoes, interesting memories of adults and the sparkle of grasshoppers..."

“About what, about what?.. About family traditions?.. What kind of traditions are there! The whole tradition in one word is summer at grandma's. Air, river, sun. Helping mother and grandmother in canning fruits and vegetables. And you know... there is some sense in this: all winter the neighbors came to visit and praised the cucumbers. And I do this, and I teach my own people! There’s no point in running around the shops and buying all sorts of nonsense here, because everything is our own, the best!” There are many such examples related to traditions. The main thing is that in all statements there is a desire to preserve these traditions and pass them on to their children. “About what, about what?.. About family traditions?.. What kind of traditions are there! The whole tradition in one word is summer at grandma's. Air, river, sun. Helping mother and grandmother in canning fruits and vegetables. And you know... there is some sense in this: all winter the neighbors came to visit and praised the cucumbers. And I do this, and I teach my own people! There’s no point in running around the shops and buying all sorts of nonsense here, because everything is our own, the best!” There are many such examples related to traditions. The main thing is that in all statements there is a desire to preserve these traditions and pass them on to their children.

The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members. The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of a home, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems. Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of a home, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems.

In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job.

Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens the sense of family integrity, the feeling of the uniqueness of one’s own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better. If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens the sense of family integrity, the feeling of the uniqueness of one’s own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better.

And also family traditions and rituals: * allow you to feel the stability of your way of life: “whatever the weather”, what is established will happen in your family; *give a feeling of confidence in the world around us and security; *sets you up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when “every day is a holiday”; *create unique memories that you will tell your children about; *allows you to feel proud of yourself and your family. And also family traditions and rituals: * allow you to feel the stability of your way of life: “whatever the weather”, what is established will happen in your family; *give a feeling of confidence in the world around us and security; *sets you up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when “every day is a holiday”; *create unique memories that you will tell your children about; *allows you to feel proud of yourself and your family.

International Day of Families, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened. International Day of Families, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. Questionnaire “Family as a source of happiness” * Have you ever met happy people? * Do you consider yourself happy? If not, then what do you need to be “full of happiness”? What do you do to be happy? *Have you ever thought about what happiness is? Give the definition of happiness: “Happiness is... a) in one word b) in one sentence c) without limiting oneself by size *What does this concept include in your opinion? Place it on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. places (indicate with numbers on the left side depending on the importance for you personally): Questionnaire “Family as a source of happiness” * Have you ever met happy people? * Do you consider yourself happy? If not, then what do you need to be “full of happiness”? What do you do to be happy? *Have you ever thought about what happiness is? Give the definition of happiness: “Happiness is... a) in one word b) in one sentence c) without limiting oneself by size *What does this concept include in your opinion? Place it on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. places (indicate with numbers on the left side depending on their importance for you personally):

Interesting, exciting work, - mutual understanding with loved ones, - a good, friendly family, - prosperity, - a feeling of being needed by people, - awareness of the duty being performed, - interesting work. *Do you agree with these terms of the concept? What could you add? *Could you be happy living with your loved one on a desert island? (Please justify your answer) *Have you ever thought about the purpose of your life? *What do you think is the ideal of a happy female (male) destiny? - interesting, exciting work, - mutual understanding with loved ones, - a good, friendly family, - prosperity, - a feeling of being needed by people, - awareness of the duty being performed, - interesting work. *Do you agree with these terms of the concept? What could you add? *Could you be happy living with your loved one on a desert island? (Please justify your answer) *Have you ever thought about the purpose of your life? *What do you think is the ideal of a happy female (male) destiny?

Family. Family traditions.

What is tradition? Is it important to preserve them? Why do people follow traditions? What family traditions do you have in your family?

Family traditions

Traditions are not only what distinguishes one nation from another, but also what can unite a variety of people.

Family traditions

The family traditions of the Russian people are the most interesting part of the history and culture of the Russian state, which introduces us to the experience of our ancestors.

Family traditions

Let's start with the fact that Russian family traditions have never managed without the science of genealogy: it was a shame not to know the pedigree, and the most offensive nickname was considered “Ivan, who does not remember kinship.”

Family values

Drawing up a detailed pedigree, your family tree, was an integral part of the traditions of every family.

Family values

When cameras appeared, people began to compile and then store family albums. This custom has successfully survived to this day. Probably, most people have old albums with photographs of loved ones who are dear to their hearts, perhaps those who have already passed away.

Family traditions

By the way, honoring the memory of your relatives and remembering those who left this world are also part of the original Russian traditions, as is constant care for elderly parents.

Family traditions

A long-standing Russian tradition can also be called the transfer of things that belonged to distant (and not so distant) ancestors to their descendants. For example, a great-grandmother's box or a great-grandfather's watch are family heirlooms that are stored for many years in a secluded corner of the house.

Family traditions

The history of things becomes not only the property of an individual family, but also the history of the people and the entire Motherland as a whole.

Family traditions

There is also a wonderful custom of naming a child after one of the family members (there are so-called “family names”).

Family traditions

In addition, our unique tradition is the assignment of patronymics. When a baby is born, he immediately receives part of the clan name from the “nickname” of his father. The patronymic distinguishes a person from his namesake, sheds light on kinship (son-father) and expresses respect. Calling someone by their middle name means being polite to them.

Family traditions

The name can also be given according to church books, calendars, in honor of the saint who is honored on the child’s birthday.

Family traditions

But family traditions, examples of which are practically impossible to find nowadays, are ancient professional dynasties (that is, when all family members were engaged in one type of activity).

Family traditions

Entire dynasties of hereditary bakers, confectioners, military men, shoemakers, carpenters, priests, and artists are known.

Family traditions

And, of course, family holidays are our favorite, since the traditions of the ancient Russian feast are still strong in us.

Family traditions

In Rus', they prepared for receiving guests in advance, carefully cleaning not only the house, but also the yard. All entering guests were greeted with bread and salt, then the hostess came out, bowed to everyone from the waist, and the guests answered her in kind.

Family traditions

Then everyone sat down at a common table, sang songs in chorus, and the owners treated everyone with their dishes (porridge, cabbage soup, fish, game, fish, berries, honey).

Family traditions

It is worth noting that tablecloths, towels and dishes stored in chests and cupboards for special occasions were used to set the table.

Family traditions

It is curious that many modern housewives observe some customs from ancient times.

We all wish happiness, peace and goodness!

May joy always reign in your families .

Family joy Happy faces! I wish all families Glow with love! May families be cheerful Children's laughter sounds Kind and joyful Holiday for everyone! Love flourishes Around the Earth!.. Peace to your home And in every family!

Write a miniature essay of your choice: “My future family”, “Family is a great blessing and great work.”

Presentation “Family Traditions of My Family.”

Morozova Galina
Presentation “Family Traditions”

Family- this is a separate unique world with its own unique traditions. Exactly traditions create a unique atmosphere in every family. They keep and protect us throughout our lives.

What's happened traditions:

This is an action or order of things, established over time, repeated unchanged over and over again.

Good or bad, harmful or useful, created or developed by themselves, but There are traditions in every family.

Traditions - these are rosy-cheeked beauties singing folk songs on stage, and noisy Maslenitsa with fragrant pancakes, fluffy willow on Palm Sunday and a demonstration on Victory Day. And also traditions are mom, telling the children a bedtime story every evening, this is dad who turns into Santa Claus secretly on the stairs, and a million little things that only your family has and which remain with you as sweet memories of childhood.

Yes, if they do family traditions– you can have more confidence that the child will be drawn home, will love loved ones, and will not be overwhelmed by anxiety "Street" with all sorts of sad surprises. And the preschooler will grow up in emotional well-being!

You created them and they influence your children. First of all, they show a model of behavior that they will take into adulthood.

Publications on the topic:

Project "Family and Family Traditions" type of project: short-term compiled by Elena Tregubova, educator “The family is the very environment in which a person learns and does good.”

Family values ​​and traditions Family is of great importance for each individual and society as a whole. A healthy, full-fledged family is unthinkable without motherhood.

Consultation “Family Traditions” Family traditions in the modern world. Despite the fact that the world around has changed, many people strive to create a special atmosphere in their home.

New Year's family traditions New Year's family traditions. Christmas Cookies “Before the New Year, you can bake some special Christmas cookies with your children.

Presentation “Old Family Traditions” Program content: 1. Give children an idea of ​​ancient family traditions. 2. Improve the dialogical form of speech and abilities.

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Scenario for the holiday “Family Traditions” Goal: Formation of value ideas about family and family traditions. Objectives: To introduce the most common Russian traditions.

Essay "Family Traditions" My family is big. Me, mom, dad, sisters. But, despite this, we have our own family traditions, which we always observe. Meet.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Goals and objectives:

1) Introduce students to the concepts of “family” and “family traditions”.

2) Expand children's knowledge about family traditions.

3) Support the tradition of family reading.

4) Involve children in family reading.

Organizational moment.

Let's smile at the sun,
Let's give each other a hand -
Let's cheer you up
For yourself and a friend.

(Give your hand to your neighbor, spread a spark of good mood to everyone present!)

Progress of the event

What do you think the word “happiness” means for a person?

Is it career, family, power or money? Slide 2.

Of course, happiness is first and foremost family. Why do you think family is associated with happiness?

You've probably heard the expression: “Happiness is when you are understood!”? These words were said by the hero of the film “We'll Live Until Monday” and how right he was, because what could be more valuable than the realization that you are needed, needed by other people, without you their life is not life? The word “happiness” itself suggests the answer. After all, in ancient times it sounded differently “happiness”, i.e. your participation in the affairs of other people, the troubles and joys of other people, and these others - in your own worries, labors and successes. And where, if not in the family, are there people who will support you in difficult times and will not demand anything in return! Only in the family they don’t look at your social status, career growth, actions. What is important is the person himself, who is loved not for anything, but just because he is!!! Slide 3.

Listen to the parable about the lonely boy! Slide 4.

Once upon a time there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share his joys and sorrows with anyone. And this boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore and met a gray-haired old man. He was very old, but very wise.

Where are you going? - asked the old man.

I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

I know how to help you. “Come with me,” the old man suggested.

He brought the boy to his house, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived.

Look! - said the old man. -We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy.

Why do you think this happened? What did he get? Of course, family!

Now listen to how the author of this poem talks about family. Slide 5.

Why do you think family is so important for every person? Slide 6.

What do we get in the family?

Now, let's see, have we named everything? Slide 7.

What is the most important thing we get in a family? Slide 8.

Can we say that all families are the same?

Of course not. How are they different?

That's right, every family has its own habits, traditions and atmosphere. Today we will take a closer look at family traditions. How do you understand the word “tradition”? What about “family traditions”?

Let's see what “family traditions” are! Slide 9.

There is a tradition in some families - to continue their dynasty . Slide 10.

What do you think this is about? What is a dynasty? In a comprehensive dictionary of the Russian language edited by A.N. Tikhonov gives the following definition to this concept: a dynasty is a series of monarchs of the same family who consistently rule the state; workers who pass on their skills and traditions from generation to generation. There may be dynasties of military men, doctors, teachers, etc. Are there those among you who want to continue their dynasty, who want to connect their lives with the profession in which your parents are engaged?

The next tradition is family holidays. What holidays can there be? Slide 11.

Do you think helping around the house might be a family tradition? Slide 12.

What if every Saturday your whole family cleans up the house?

The next tradition is family reading. Slide 13.

How do you understand this? Who did mom or dad read bedtime stories to as children? Are they reading now?

The next tradition is joint games, entertainment and fun. Slides 14.

Raise your hands, who plays games with their parents, goes down the slide in winter, or just fools around?

An important tradition is cooking together. Slide 15.

Why do you think? As you can see on the slide, here grandmother and mother teach their granddaughter and daughter how to cook, i.e. the connection between generations, strong family ties are visible, and there is also a transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger.

And an equally important tradition is breakfast, lunch and dinner with the family. Slide 16.

A very pleasant tradition is walking in the fresh air. Slide 17.

Why is this a very nice tradition? What can you combine during such walks? Of course, pleasant things with useful things!

Another very important tradition is storing family photos. Slide 18.

Why is this tradition so important? What do photos store? That's right, the memory of dear people and events. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, among which were photographs of relatives and people close to them.

Another very useful tradition is playing sports together. Slide 19.

What could be more useful than riding bicycles, skating, or skiing together? games of football, hockey and even chess!

And the most pleasant tradition is spending time together! Slide 20.

After all, rest, as you know, can be active and passive. You can simply bask on the sand near the sea, or you can climb mountains, rafting down rivers. After all, overcoming difficulties unites the family, makes it organized, because Each family member performs his own functions, without which a single, well-coordinated team cannot be achieved.

And now we will talk about a tradition that is beginning to become a thing of the past. It is a tradition to write letters and congratulate relatives using cards. Slide 21.

Previously, there was no telephone or Internet in every family, and people communicated with each other through letters. They expressed their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in them. It’s not for nothing that on the slide you see a picture where a guy hugs a girl, as if leaving a letter... After all, when reading a letter, you seem to find yourself next to the person who wrote it, communicate with him, get to know his thoughts and feelings. Letters connect people who are far from each other.

How nice it is to receive a postcard for a holiday, to feel that loved ones who are far away remember and love you!

A very pleasant tradition is to make pleasant surprises for loved ones . Slide 22.

I think anyone would be pleased to receive a small gift, a surprise just like that, for no reason! After all, you don’t have to buy a surprise... You can make it yourself: draw a picture; make a craft; clean the apartment before parents arrive; bring a bouquet of daisies picked near the house; just to please you with good news. If you lift the mood of a loved one, you will lift it for yourself!

And the most pleasant tradition is a kiss before leaving the house, before going to bed, or just because. Slide 23.

A kiss before leaving the house lifts your spirits and gives you strength for the whole day; a kiss before bed is a ritual that prepares you for bed, you fall asleep with the thought that you are loved, you are needed!

And now advice to those who do not yet have family traditions. Slide 24.

And if you don’t have family traditions, then you can come up with them yourself, thereby making the life of your family bright, eventful and memorable.

Look at the next slide, read the proverbs about family, happiness, home and explain their meaning. Slide 25.

On this slide you see statements by famous people about family . Slide 26.

The people who wrote these lines lived at different times, but look how accurately they describe the meaning and significance of the word “family.” Why do you think this happens? That’s right, no matter what era a person lives in, the most important thing for him will always be family.
