What are the procedures for rejuvenation. Cosmetic procedures for the face: an overview of salon techniques

Facial rejuvenation procedures are a very broad concept. This includes hardware, injection, non-injection and surgical techniques. Of course, not every woman can decide on a serious plastic surgery.

In many cases, stimulation of rejuvenation processes, in addition to daily facial skin care, is also facilitated by more gentle, but no less effective methods.

The most effective modern procedures will be presented below, each of which has its own characteristics. A professional cosmetologist will help you choose the most optimal of them: in accordance with age, individual characteristics and general condition of the body.

Offers effective anti-aging facial treatments. To rejuvenate the skin and restore its beauty, cosmetic procedures are primarily aimed at the formation of collagen protein. It is he who is the main "building material" for the skin, and low-frequency electric currents, ultrasonic waves, heat, laser irradiation can help to develop it.

Obsolete cells and excess adipose tissue are destroyed, and their place is taken by new cellular structures that provide a long-term and lasting effect. All manipulations are painless, and many of them can be combined with other aspects of treatment and care.

Ultrasonic ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic peeling is most often carried out according to the principle of light massage and resembles traditional cosmetic skin cleansing. The gentle effect of a special ultrasonic device removes old and dead epidermal cells, and the face after the manipulation looks healthy, fresh and renewed.

The devices for this procedure are different and vary depending on the power and depth of penetration of the ultrasonic wave into the skin. Any of them, except for the main task, contributes to the soft moisturizing of the epidermis, releasing steam during operation, penetrating into its layers.

There is superficial ultrasonic peeling that affects only the granular layer of the dermis (it can be easily carried out at home, using an ordinary scrubber).

The median type of peeling involves the penetration of ultrasonic waves into the capillary network, and deep penetration already affects the reticular dermis and requires the use of more powerful devices.

Microdermabrasion - diamond peeling

Modern cosmetology has developed another effective type of peeling, which includes both the removal of dying cells and vacuum massage. Cells are removed by the application of laser-cut diamond crystals, and the massage further purifies the skin, stimulating its renewal.

The procedure is also carried out with a special apparatus with different nozzles. The type of nozzle depends on the type of skin and the area to be treated. Diamond spraying allows you to easily and gently cleanse the skin, which stimulates the growth of new cells, and the face looks much younger and fresher. At the same time, blood flow improves, and collagen and elastin are produced more intensively.

Microdermabrasion is used if the face looks tired and fading. It is also effective in the presence of acne, increased fat content, enlarged pores. The procedure helps to eliminate scars left after acne, helps to eliminate fine wrinkles and superficial age-related changes. There is an alignment of the texture and an improvement in complexion.

In this case, the duration of the recovery period is from 5 to 8 days. At first, the face becomes a pronounced pink color, and after 6-12 weeks it gradually turns pale, acquiring a more natural color.

Radiofrequency rf-lifting – thermage

Another excellent method of hardware cosmetology is, which is recommended for women from 25 to 55 years old. Skin stimulation is carried out using radio waves that deliver a certain amount of thermal energy to those areas of tissue that need rejuvenation and support.

The intake of heat provides a reflex contraction of the muscles, due to which collagen begins to be produced in the right amount and rejuvenation occurs.

Radio lifting is remarkable in that it can be done by both women and men, regardless of the season. He perfectly copes with ptosis (omission of facial tissues), corrects the oval of the face, removes "crow's feet" near the eyes and post-acne scars. After the procedure, redness may appear for a short time, disappearing within 15 minutes.

Microcurrent therapy

When it is carried out, low-frequency weakly pulsed currents are used. They act gently and delicately, stimulating the tone of blood vessels and muscles and normalizing tissue processes.

Microcurrent therapy eliminates stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, fights deposits of adipose tissue, activating lymph flow. It removes deep mimic wrinkles, contributing to a long-term rejuvenation effect. It is prescribed for muscle atrophy, loss of skin tone, cellulite, sagging breasts and photoaging. It also helps to eliminate swelling and restores the skin after liposuction.

Laser rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation procedures for 50 years and older include different ones. This non-invasive method rejuvenates the skin on the face and around the eyes.

The laser beam, acting on the surface and middle layers, causes the formation of microthermal foci. They have a healing effect: elastin and collagen are produced, and the skin begins to regenerate itself.

Watch a video about choosing a laser rejuvenation method according to age:

Laser exposure can be either with or without damage to the skin, depending on the goal. If the superficial epidermis is not damaged, one speaks of a non-ablative effect, and if the superficial dermis is damaged, such an effect is called ablative.

The non-ablative technique involves heating the skin to a certain depth, which contributes to increased production of collagen and elastin. This process is called thermolysis. It expands the capillary network, improves blood circulation, moisturizes the face, dissolves acne scars, and also straightens shallow wrinkles.

A deeper ablative method is, with sequential evaporation of the layers of the dermis. The result is an open surface that bleeds, but the further result is worth it: the skin is completely rebuilt. There is an alignment of scars and scars, deep wrinkles and a facelift.

The entire procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and healing takes a long time - a month or two. There is also a risk of infection, which is also a significant disadvantage, but if the manipulation is performed by a professional cosmetologist, all risks will be minimized, and recovery will be successful.

Fractional thermolysis can be called a more gentle way, injuring no more than 15 percent of all treated skin integuments. There is no bleeding and an open wound, and the same laser devices are used. The procedure is suitable for younger patients. It also copes well with the correction of thin skin of the eyelids, postpartum stretch marks, dermal sagging and scars of various origins.

Which is the most optimal type of laser technology, based on the point application of radiation, with alternating damaged and unaffected areas of the face. Its main advantage is a quick recovery within four to seven days. There is a visible face lift with a decrease in the number and depth of wrinkles.


Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 40 years include the main signs of photoaging: a network of small wrinkles, excess pigmentation, the presence of spider veins.

The essence of the procedure is the penetration of wide spectrum light waves into the skin by passing through the tip of the device. The light that enters the tissue absorbs hemoglobin or melanin (depending on which defect is removed, vascular or pigmentary). The skin becomes even and healthy looking. The recovery period after the procedure is not required, the patient immediately returns to everyday life.

Lpg massage

Initially, this technology was used to combat cellulite, but later this type of massage began to be used to correct the decollete, face and neck. The essence of the technology lies in the application of plastic massage methods. Usually, it is done by hand, but the situation is complicated by the fact that the skin of the face is too delicate, and a thorough study of wrinkles is required. It is this massage that allows you to achieve the desired effect without injury.

For the procedure, devices with special nozzles are used. Each nozzle is a small container into which a fold of skin is drawn, and the action itself takes place inside. To obtain a lasting result, it is necessary to carry out from 10 to 20 procedures, and the effect will last up to six months.

This massage is used for women from 25 years. If the skin is weakened and sagging, a double chin and fat deposits appear, it will be very effective. The face acquires a clear contour, mimic wrinkles disappear, swelling subsides. After the massage, redness of the skin and swelling may be observed for the first time, but after a day they disappear on their own.

Injection techniques - beauty injections

Anti-aging procedures are successfully carried out by injection, and the effect of them is longer and more stable. Most often they are used in cases where non-invasive methods of exposure are ineffective.


Applying, it is possible not only to remove wrinkles, but also to stop what is called age-related changes in the contour of the face. Just a couple of injections will help remove sagging eyelids, tidy up the cheeks and chin. As a drug, botulinum toxin is used, which, as you know, is very dangerous in certain doses and causes a serious disease - botulism.

However, this toxin was successfully "tamed" by doctors and was originally used to treat muscle spasms and convulsive conditions. It was then that its side effect was noticed, smoothing mimic wrinkles. Since then, it has been actively used in cosmetology as one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin.

Botox has been successfully and safely used for more than thirty years, and it can be used as early as 25 years of age. With its help, wrinkles that appear on the forehead, around the eyes, in the folds between the eyebrows and in the nasolabial triangle are permanently removed. Injections eliminate the vascular network, improve the outlines of the eyebrows and raise the lowered corners of the mouth. The effect becomes noticeable already in the second week after the administration of the drug. In the first year, it is recommended to perform them once every four months, and subsequently the frequency of procedures is reduced to two times during the year.

After the procedure, you should do a number of simple exercises: firstly, stay only in a vertical position (do not lie down) for four hours, and also work intensively with facial muscles. This will allow the drug to be evenly distributed under the skin. Massage is strictly prohibited.


It is considered one of the most effective ways in the fight against aging. The essence of the procedure: injected under the skin, the composition of which is selected individually. In one session, a large number of injections are carried out using very thin needles, and the drug is administered in batches. To get a visible and lasting result, you will need a course consisting of at least four, maximum ten sessions.

Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of ugly scars, scars and age spots. It also smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes dry skin, stopping the processes of its withering. Not only hyaluronic acid is used as a means: injection complexes include both vitamins and extracts of useful plants. The duration of the effect is about six months, and after the sessions, a number of specific rules should be followed in order to avoid unpleasant complications.

For those who are afraid of injections for some reason, there is an alternative in the form of non-injection mesotherapy, but in this case a longer course will be required.


With all the available methods that allow you to rejuvenate the skin in a short time, one cannot fail to mention. It is difficult to imagine the best procedures without its use, and it rightfully occupies a worthy place in all professional beauty salons.

This word can be translated as "return to life." Basically, hyaluronic acid is also used here: it removes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, and makes it supple. The procedure is also suitable for other parts of the body: it eliminates ptosis, removes unnecessary wrinkles, and increases turgor. Its undoubted advantage is that the result is visible almost instantly and lasts from four to eight months.

In addition to the well-known hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization is also carried out using laser phoresis, which implies non-injection intervention and the fastest possible recovery process.

Contour plastic

Procedures for lifting the oval of the face include and. It uses fillers - substances administered by injection, due to which the resulting subcutaneous cavities are filled.

The same “hyaluron” acts as the main component. Thanks to it, a long-lasting visual effect is ensured: most of the wrinkles and folds are eliminated, and the face receives the necessary volume where it is lacking. Also, contour plastic allows you to correct the face if its asymmetry is observed.

Gel with hyaluronic acid can be of different consistency: more or less dense, depending on which area is to be corrected. The preservation of the result is long, from six months, and after the procedure, a rehabilitation period of 1-2 months is required.

Plasmolifting, plasma therapy – prp therapy

The effect of a facelift can be achieved by lifting, which is based on the biological material of the patient. In this case, natural blood plasma is used, which is previously taken from a person, and then subjected to the necessary processing. This ensures the launch of the internal resources of the body during the administration of the drug, and the effect is so pronounced that plasmolifting is rightfully called a real breakthrough in the field of non-surgical rejuvenation techniques.

First, blood is taken from the patient, then it is placed in a special apparatus, where it is intensively saturated with platelets. Such an updated composition contributes to the activation of connective tissue cells and increases the level of production of elastin, collagen and natural "hyaluronic acid". The skin is saturated, self-renewal and its intensive restoration takes place. After the procedure, a person immediately begins to look much younger than his years, and the result is preserved for six months.

The procedure helps to get rid of early wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin in many places, moisturizes the epidermis, restores elasticity and helps to get rid of wrinkles that often occur after strong weight loss.

sprs therapy

This rejuvenation procedure is also carried out by injection. For its implementation, the patient's own cells, which are called fibroblasts, are used. In the natural environment of the body, fibroblasts are a strong type of cell that helps to activate the production of the "three pillars" of youth: hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is these cells that constantly renew and restore our entire extracellular matrix. The youthfulness of the skin directly depends on how many active and healthy fibroblasts are in it, capable of dividing and developing.

The sampling of biomaterial is carried out simply: a piece of skin is taken from the patient's auricle, and then fibroblasts are isolated from it in a standard laboratory. After the first stage, the material in the test tube is moved to more complex laboratory conditions. Cells are selected and cultured so that only the most active of them remain in the material. The final step in the preparation of valuable biomaterial is to gradually bring the cells to the required number, after which they are completely ready for use.

A cultured solution containing fibroblasts is injected into the skin using mesotherapy needles. Most often, the entire face is processed, in compliance with the desired sequence.

The procedure shows a persistent overall effect, however, in the presence of deep ptosis, it is ineffective. Also, do not use it if a serious tightening is required. As a rule, other manipulations help to correct the oval of the face and eliminate the strong omission of tissues.

Ozone therapy

A little to tighten the face and improve its appearance will help. Ozone gas is injected under the skin, which improves blood circulation in the capillaries and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. The procedure is especially indicated in the presence of scars, stretch marks, hair loss and age spots. If a person's face becomes very red due to sudden changes in temperature or emotional stress, this unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated with the help of several sessions of ozone therapy. After manipulation, the skin looks smooth, well-groomed and healthy, and dryness disappears altogether.

There are many varieties of ozone therapy, but the most popular of them in cosmetology is local. The gas mixture (ozone and oxygen) is injected, and the tissues begin to recover at an accelerated pace. Thus, you can quickly cure acne and other types of acne, smooth fine wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and remove acne.

Other procedures

There are alternative rejuvenation procedures that can also be used if there is a desire and need to constantly look after yourself and look beautiful and young.

Mesoscooter-dermaroller for the face

This simple device will rejuvenate the face at home, help to remove fine wrinkles and improve complexion. Such a device is produced in the form of a small roller with needles, and for ease of use it is always equipped with a convenient handle.

Touching the skin, the needles create a slight tension on it, causing the appearance of microscopic punctures. They will not bring harm, on the contrary: in order for them to heal faster, an increased production of elastin and collagen, already well known to us, begins in the body. With regular use of the dermaroller, the skin will become smoother and more elastic, the double chin will disappear, and cosmetics will be absorbed much better.

Keratoregulatory peeling

It is a superficial facial rejuvenation, which is most often used if the patient has problematic skin. Peeling consists of beneficial acids - salicylic and glycolic, as well as vitamins and plant extracts.

The procedure is carried out after standard preparation (cleansing and disinfection of the skin with the application of a special gel). Peeling is kept on the face for 10 minutes, after which a soothing mask is applied.

The procedure is indicated for excessive clogging of pores with sebum, seborrhea, the presence of milia and comedones. Keratoregulatory peeling perfectly copes with increased pigmentation and inflammatory processes that can occur in the hair follicles.

Cryotherapy - exposure to low temperatures

This is the effect on the skin. It has been established that those parts of it that have undergone cooling become capable of activating regenerative processes and rejecting obsolete cellular structures. The desired areas of the skin are cooled with liquid nitrogen to a certain temperature, and safe and high-tech equipment is used for the procedure.

At the heart of the device is a thermoelectric converter, thanks to which the temperature difference becomes possible when current passes through this mini-transformer. A cold tip of the device is applied to the skin, the temperature of which can be from -10 to -35 ° C.

Indications for the procedure: moles, warts, acne marks, postoperative scars. Their liquid nitrogen removes easily, leaving no residue. Small wrinkles are also smoothed out, the vascular network disappears, and the face looks much younger and fresher. Cryotherapy is also necessary in the recovery period after more serious interventions, helping to reduce the feeling of discomfort after laser skin resurfacing.

Rejuvenating facial treatments are a salvation for so many women, and especially for those who are thirty years old. The skin can be negatively affected by many different factors. Life in a big city, the environment and especially the constant stresses make themselves felt. Nowadays, there are many technologies that will help women stay young and beautiful.

Anti-aging facial treatments can help get rid of wrinkles and make the beauty of the face imperishable. You should not stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself for hours, bitterly lamenting at the same time. It is worth contacting experts in this field.

One of the most common procedures is mesotherapy. In accordance with this technique, a therapeutic drug or a special cocktail is injected into the skin. The action is carried out by means of thin needles, the drugs are administered in small doses and at a shallow depth. Injections are made directly on the problem area. With this method, problems such as bags under the eyes, double chin, wrinkles and the so-called "stars" can be removed, and this procedure also helps to improve. Usually, about a dozen of such procedures should be performed in one course. Then you can limit yourself to one session per month. The effect will be long lasting and amazing.

Another popular method is photorejuvenation. You need to know that this procedure is extremely painful. Before it, it is recommended to apply a cooling gel to the skin of the face. Also be sure to wear special glasses that protect your eyes from bright flashes. The procedure is very effective, after just a few flashes of light, imperfections such as acne, rashes, freckles disappear. But the main thing is the rejuvenating effect. Wrinkles disappear right before our eyes, and the skin looks more toned. Typically, about seven treatments are required. They need to be done at intervals of several weeks.

Almost all anti-aging facial procedures are designed for women in adulthood. But there is such a technique as microdermabrasion - this is a kind of peeling that can also be used for young skin. After such polishing, it will not be superfluous to make a mask in order to permanently fix the effect. You can go through a large course of procedures, or you can do only one, for example, before attending a solemn event. This method is especially suitable for those people who have oily skin.

For women a little older, there is a technique called biorevitalization. The method of exposure in this case is the same as in mesotherapy. But a few procedures will be enough. Hyaluronic acid is usually injected under the skin, which has several remarkable properties. It is able to make the skin very smooth, moisturized, give it tone, elasticity. The result appears instantly.

Thermage procedure is an effect on the skin using radio waves. After Thermage, there are no complications, the skin becomes elastic, and fine wrinkles disappear.

Rejuvenating facial treatments, especially entire courses of therapy, are best done in winter. The fact is that all these methods have a very strong effect on cells, forcing them to renew themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure of the skin to sunlight, as a result of which “stars”, spots and other undesirable defects may appear.

All anti-aging procedures may have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Everyone, without exception, wants to look great at any age. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery allow you to stay young and attractive for many years.

Today we bring to your attention rating of the most effective anti-aging procedures, which includes the latest achievements in the beauty industry.

The operation always gives a visible effect, but it is a rather risky method of rejuvenation, unless, of course, these are the best plastic surgery clinics, due to the mass of contraindications and side effects. The most popular surgical rejuvenation procedures are circular facelift, blepharoplasty, lifting with Aptos threads and S-facelift, in which the incisions will be minimal, and you still have to buy a medical gown.

9. Non-surgical lifting

Cosmetologists offer clients several methods of face skin tightening without surgery. The most popular are ultrasonic lifting, photolifting, cryolifting. Very common RF-lifting or Thermage, in which the skin is affected by an electric current in the radio frequency range.

8. Massage

One of the most affordable rejuvenation procedures in the ranking can be performed manually or using special equipment. Having learned the simplest facial massage techniques from a beautician, you can perform it at home on your own.

7. Peeling

Removal of dead cells allows you to make the skin smooth and healthy. Peelings differ in methods of exposure to the skin and in intensity. The most common is mechanical peeling, the compositions for which can be used at home. In the beauty salon, you can perform superficial or medium chemical peeling, as well as ultrasonic peeling.

6. Mesotherapy

The rejuvenating effect of the procedure lies in the fact that the active substances are injected subcutaneously, i.e. to where they are needed. Mesotherapy is used to improve the condition of the face, body and hair. A set of necessary preparations is selected by a cosmetologist. Most often it is collagen, elastin, a cocktail of vitamins and amino acids, hyaluronic acid, antibiotics and other drugs.

5. Laser biorevitalization

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into the deep layers of the skin under the influence of laser radiation. Unlike classical mesotherapy, the method is painless and does not require injections. The result is stored up to 6 months.

4. Ozone therapy

This procedure affects the entire body as a whole. An oxygen-ozone mixture is injected subcutaneously or intradermally, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

3. Myostimulation

The rejuvenating effect is achieved by exposing different parts of the face and body with currents of different frequencies. Often the procedure is combined with the application of preparations to the skin, which act more effectively under the influence of microcurrents.

2. Bioreinforcement

The method is aimed at correcting the contours of the face without surgery. Under the skin, with the help of biogel injections, a supporting frame is formed, which will retain its shape for 2-3 years.

1. Botox and Dysport

Perhaps these are the most popular procedures in our rating. They are aimed at combating mimic wrinkles. The essence of the method is the introduction of botulinum toxin, which has a locally paralyzing effect on individual muscles of the face. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on the experience of the cosmetologist.

They say that youth is not age, but a state of mind. It is difficult to argue with this thesis, and yet only rare people remain indifferent to the fact that the years they have lived ruthlessly leave marks on their faces - wrinkles, folds, dullness and flabbiness of the skin ... How can all this be resisted without resorting to radical measures - plastic surgery? surgery? We offer an overview of a number of methods and tools that women can rely on in their desire to remain young and beautiful.


from 3000 rubles

A whole "bouquet" of active substances can be given to the skin and subcutaneous fat using a very popular and effective technique - mesotherapy. Individually selected cocktails of useful ingredients (hyaluronic acid, enzymes, amino acids, etc.) are delivered to problem areas by microinjections at certain points and gradually unfold vigorous rejuvenation activity - increasing skin elasticity and firmness, improving its color and relief.

Mesotherapy is a reusable event that does not give an immediate effect: the courses will have to be repeated, fortunately, there are no age restrictions.


from 8000 rubles

Biorevitalization is very similar to mesotherapy: in general, these are the same injections, but no longer of a combined composition, but only of hyaluronic acid. The procedure, unlike mesotherapy, can even be one-time, as it has gained a reputation as a stronger means of rejuvenation. From the point of view of technology, biorevitalization differs in that the whole face is chipped according to a certain pattern, and not problem areas.

Even more dissimilar to this technique was the ability to carry it out without injections. After the introduction of laser biorevitalization, those who could not or did not want to use the traditional method breathed a sigh of relief due to contraindications, fear of side effects, or simply injections.


from 5000 rubles

You can also inject your own blood under the skin - more precisely, plasma isolated from it with a large number of platelets. In a similar role, it produces an interesting effect: the body itself begins to launch mechanisms that contribute to the rejuvenation of the appearance - increasing skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and disappearing pigmentation.

The procedure is called "plasmolifting". The highest degree of naturalness of the filler removes problems with rejection, allergies, infection, selection of suitable material. The plasma injected in 2-4 procedures is enough to maintain the effect for a year or two.

3D mesothreads

from 30,000 rubles (from 1,000 rubles per thread)

With a needle, the face can not only be “feeded”, but also “hemmed”, tightened from the inside, building a framework for weakening tissues from safe and hypoallergenic 3D mesothreads, borrowed from the arsenal of surgeons. Flexible needles are injected deep into the skin, where, after 6-8 months, connective fibers are formed at this place, which for about two years prevent sagging cheeks, deepening of nasolabial folds, wrinkles.

However, the effect of such a lift can be seen almost immediately, and without any trace of intervention, which is a serious advantage of this technique.

Contour plastic

from 20000 rubles

Contour plastic helps to model facial features at your own discretion. This technology involves filling certain areas (for example, crow's feet near the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips) with filler gels. They, in turn, differ in natural origin, consistency, which determine the effectiveness and consequences of the procedure.

Unlike threadlifting with mesothreads, circular plastic surgery forces you to “sit down on a needle” - on average, fillers are introduced under the skin every six months to maintain the result (although some fillers allow you to delay this event). However, such a prospect does not stop those who, in return, receive a luxurious opportunity to “sculpt” a more beautiful and younger face.

laser resurfacing

from 9000 rubles

In the process of laser resurfacing, the rays erase the cells that form pigment spots and wrinkles from the skin. But their action is not limited to this: the laser, as it were, massages the deep layers of the skin, which is why more active production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for its condition, begins there.

The result of the intervention depends on the type of equipment chosen. The carbon dioxide laser provides a thorough and deep processing - so much so that hospitalization is needed; erbium - lighter, but also less effective.

Fractional laser resurfacing

from 22000 rubles

Fractional laser rejuvenation is considered to be a more “advanced” technology, since the beam, divided into several mini-streams, acts more selectively and precisely, and therefore effectively.

The deep layers of the skin remain intact, but they also participate in the process of rejuvenation - not to mention the surface of the skin, which evaporates in the treated areas, giving way to new, fresh, not burdened with wrinkles and other signs of aging.


5000-20000 rubles

Today, photorejuvenation is considered to be an extremely promising area of ​​hardware cosmetology. Its effect is based on the processing of the deep layers of the skin with light, from which ultraviolet is "removed" - the reason for the negative effect of sunlight on it. The collagen fibers heated by it and reduced immediately form a frame - and a lifting effect.

But the rejuvenating effect goes far beyond the scope of the procedure itself, especially if the whole course has been completed. The face is tightened, brightened, pores are reduced, small wrinkles disappear. This happens due to the activation of the production of new elastin and collagen, improve blood supply and other prerequisites for life-giving processes in the skin.

RF lifting (radio wave lifting)

from 4000 rubles

Radio wave lifting (Rf-lifting) - a deep effect on the skin with radio waves generated by a special apparatus. This is a relatively new method in cosmetology, the effectiveness of which is impressive, but remains not entirely predictable in the long term, because. sufficient application experience has not yet been accumulated.

The effect of the course can last a year or two, and much longer if radio wave therapy is used as a preventive measure.

Ozone therapy

from 1800 rubles

Another method in which the benefits for the face are derived from what surrounds us in everyday life is ozone therapy. The medical oxygen-ozone mixture delivered through the ozonizer dispensers nourishes the mimic muscles, improves metabolism and causes other positive changes in the tissues, which allows the skin to get rid of shallow wrinkles, dullness, and flabbiness.

LPG massage

from 1800 rubles

LPG massage, which has the widest range of effects, including facial rejuvenation (the photo shows the treatment of another part of the body), originated in France. It was a resident of this country who invented a miracle unit with rotating rollers that “capture” skin folds and process them not only mechanically, but also with a vacuum. This, in particular, makes the skin more elastic, "alive", significantly activates the synthesis of collagen by the body, and removes fine wrinkles.

Despite the fact that the rollers seriously shake up the body, LPG massage is not only not painful, but even somewhat relaxing. This advantage is very relevant, because. to achieve the effect, a whole course is required, the result of which will last for about a year.

Good old and ... soft

For free

The possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine are impressive. However, upon closer examination, many procedures are often not available. For example, women may see their problems on the list of contraindications, be afraid of the interventions themselves and/or their possible side effects, or find them too expensive for themselves. However, this does not mean that the entrance to the world of appearance transformation is boarded up tightly for them.

There are a number of ways to successfully rejuvenate at home. They act more gently, sparingly, gradually - and this is their strength and weakness at the same time.


Bought or prepared on their own, used regularly, they are able to intensively moisturize, nourish, protect and thereby delay aging, maintain healthy skin. There are many recipes for anti-aging masks, yeast, olive oil, aloe, eggs, honey, vitamins, etc. often appear among the ingredients - every woman can empirically choose something affordable and effective for herself.

Beauty for girls and women plays a big role. And the youthfulness of the skin in this case is one of the important factors. But it is not always possible to maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin, prevent wrinkled manifestations and keep muscle tissue in good shape.

Therefore, the processes of effective facial skin rejuvenation in modern cosmetology are becoming more and more in demand and necessary.

Many people think that until the age of 40 or even 50 there is no need to worry about the aging process, but this is not so. The skin, especially the skin of the face, is daily exposed to external influences: the rays of the sun, wind, poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, fatigue, lack of positive emotions - all this significantly affects the condition of the skin and leads to its premature aging. As a result, it turns out that it is necessary to resort to methods of facial skin rejuvenation even up to 40 years.

Effective procedures for rejuvenating the skin on the face are:

  • Facial rejuvenation process with laser. The light beam has an effect of medium and deep purpose on certain layers of the skin. As a result of the action of the laser beam, collagen fibers are produced in the skin. And, as you know, collagen is a stimulant of rejuvenation. During such a procedure, trauma, soreness or infection are completely excluded.
  • Lifting - RF considered to be advanced technology involving the use of radio waves. In just half an hour of the procedure, it is possible to tighten the skin of the face and get an excellent result of the rejuvenation effect.
  • Using the thread lifting method. This rejuvenation option will eliminate the presence of a double chin, express the clarity of facial contours, smooth out wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasal wings, cheeks and chin. During the procedure, threads of a certain design are inserted under the skin. Such threads lift the fabric, thereby correcting the contour of the face. After some time, the threads dissolve, and a new collagen frame remains in their place, due to which the elasticity of the skin is preserved.
  • Using Botox Injections.

Cosmetics and preparations that can stimulate cellular work, increase their activity and the level of collagen production help to effectively rejuvenate the skin of the face at the life stage up to 50 years. Special gels, creams, lotions should be applied to clean skin.

There are also special lifting serums at home. The composition of such preparations includes biologically active substances that are able to smooth and smooth wrinkles. With regular use of such serums, the skin of the face becomes denser and stronger due to the high level of production of elastin and collagen.

Methods and types of facial skin rejuvenation

In the modern world, the aging process can be easily eliminated and the skin of the face can be restored to its former youth, elasticity and beauty. The choice of procedures is quite wide, each of them has its own positive aspects and distinctive features.

In the fight against stretch marks, wrinkles and pigments, scars and skin changes as a result of age, laser rejuvenation comes into play. A distinctive feature of laser rejuvenation is the effectiveness and rapid onset of a visible effect. Also, after such a procedure, there is no rehabilitation period, and the result obtained after the rejuvenation process is persistent and long. Laser energy in the form of infrared radiation contributes to the regeneration process of collagen fibers and the simultaneous effect of thermal exposure. Tolerability of this procedure in patients is good. After laser rejuvenation, redness or swelling may appear, which disappear within a few days.

An effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the face is the method of mesotherapy, which is considered an injection method. The procedure consists in introducing cocktails of a special composition, antioxidants and enzymes, microelements, amino acids, and embryonic preparations into the skin of the patients. Such mixtures get into the deep layers of the skin and begin to produce collagen. As a result, muscle tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes elastic.

There is a procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the body, which involves the removal of superficial sections of the skin layer. This method is divided into such types as:

  • Mechanical peeling, which in turn includes the procedure of vacuum peeling, brossage, microdermabrasion. Through the use of special brushes, vacuum, it is possible to open the pores, clean them, improve blood circulation, eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and get rid of dead cells.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. For this procedure, an ultrasound wave generator is used, under the influence of which it is possible to remove dead cells, restore elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  • Chemical peeling, which is divided into types such as superficial, deep and median. Surface peeling is used to remove the surface layer of the skin. During the procedure, tartaric, citric, malic or other acid is used. For deep peeling, acids such as carbolic and salicylic acids are used. A medium peel involves the use of trichloroacetic acid.
  • Photorejuvenation. In this procedure, a light flux is used for the process of gluing vessels under the skin. As a result of the process of exfoliation of the vessel, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Rejuvenation according to the ELOS method, which involves the use of optical and electrical energy, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen. The result of the procedure is smooth and well-groomed facial skin, elimination of wrinkles and pigments, getting rid of spider veins and scars, dark circles, swelling and other facial skin defects.

Effective facial rejuvenation after 50

For women over the age of 50, a difficult period begins for the state of the body, including for the skin of the face. During menopause, collagen and elastin cease to be produced and function in the skin. The activity of the sebaceous glands also decreases, and the skin becomes thin and dry. The contours of the face become swollen, sagging of the skin appears, the number of wrinkles of various types and depths increases.

Therefore, in cosmetology there is a certain number of procedures designed for effective facial rejuvenation after 50.

It is possible to carry out laser rejuvenation. The method is characterized by deep penetration and effective impact.

A procedure is applied with the help of a laser, when the laser beam is divided into the majority of microbeams, and the action does not appear as a continuous spot, but in a reticulate manner. As a result, the tissues are subject to the process of regeneration, the synthesis of collagen fibers is resumed.

For rejuvenation, the treatment of surface layers is also used to eliminate dead cells and ensure full vitality for new ones. As a result, the correct metabolic process occurs in the skin, the cellular structure is updated, the complexion improves, the skin becomes elastic and durable.

After 50 years, for facial rejuvenation, a method is used using exposure to light pulses. This method allows you to smooth wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, restore damaged cells, remove acne and improve the synthesizing process of collagen and elastin.

With the help of radio frequency radiation, it is also possible to increase the level of collagen production by penetrating it deeply and increasing the temperature of the skin. This method is called the thermage method.

After the mark of 50, women are offered injection methods of facial skin rejuvenation using the following drugs:

  • hyaluronic acid, which helps seal the skin;
  • Botox and Dysport, blocking mimic muscles.

In the process of rejuvenation, small amounts of substances of natural origin are introduced under the skin:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen and elastin extracts;
  • acids of organic type;
  • vitamin complex.

The choice of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of patients.

You can also carry out the process of facial rejuvenation using threads. Polylactic acid threads are injected into the skin. As a result, the oval of the face is corrected, contours are tightened, and a lifting effect appears.

The use of ozone rejuvenation for patients over the age of 50 is widely used. With the help of ozone therapy, stimulated metabolism, blood circulation, elimination of dead cells, improvement of skin color, smoothing wrinkles and renewal of the subcutaneous structure are achieved.

After 50 years, a circular facelift is applicable. The operation involves the use of general anesthesia. Incisions are made along the entire perimeter of the face oval, through which the surgeon tightens the skin. Ultimately, the face regains beauty and youth.

It is also recommended to follow proper nutrition to improve the composition and condition of the skin at this age, get rid of bad habits, use masks at home with components such as oatmeal, yeast, vegetables and fruits, honey, lemon. You should not forget about cleaning the skin by washing with infusions of herbs or special lotions.

In addition to all of the above methods and types of facial skin rejuvenation, peeling procedures are used at home using cosmetic products. Also use masks and compresses based on natural ingredients or drugs. To rejuvenate the skin of the face, they resort to special massage, as well as physiotherapeutic methods.

Such a method of effective facial skin rejuvenation after 50 is also common, such as treatment with leeches. These creatures are able to improve metabolic processes, smooth the skin and give a natural complexion.