From whom is Ksenia Borodina pregnant. “Will you be a mother of many children?”: Ksenia Borodina alarmed fans with a rounded belly

It is quite difficult for media people to hide intimate, personal questions. This is especially true when it comes to pregnancy. Some stars go underground, wear wide outfits. Sometimes, the public can find out about the replenishment in the star family after a few months after the happy event. Ksenia Borodina tried to hide and did not comment on pregnancy rumors for almost 8 months, but the other day, the permanent TV presenter of Doma 2, the owner of a nail salon and her own clothing brand, revealed all her cards.

Of course, the second pregnancy in 2015 with Ksenia Borodina was not a secret, since it was already quite difficult for a fragile brown-haired woman to hide the rounded shapes. But to all direct and indirect questions about her pregnancy, Ksyusha clearly, sharply and clearly gave advice - do not meddle in someone else's life!

Rumors about Borodina's second pregnancy began after the announcement of the wedding. March 2015 businessman Kurban Omarov presented his beloved with a ring and received the coveted "yes" in response. Young people met in 2012 at one of the secular parties, but the relationship between them was born in December 2014, three years later. Already in January, the capital businessman, a native of Dagestan, began to appear in photographs with Borodina, but then the TV presenter carefully concealed his name and simply signed it with the letter Z.

Suspicions of an interesting situation were fueled by a change in the date of the wedding. Initially, Ksenia and her fiancé said that the wedding would take place no earlier than the end of September. Subsequently, the wedding was postponed to mid-summer.

The wedding of the star couple took place on July 3. The celebration, which brought together 250 guests, was arranged in the Napoleon banquet hall. The room was decorated for several days with live camellias, hydrangeas and peony roses according to sketches by decorator Yulia Shakirova.

Kurban helped Xenia fulfill more than one dream. With his help, the TV presenter managed to launch her own clothing line and even open a beauty salon. It's only the beginning!

Ksenia has known Omarov for several years. They were introduced by mutual friends at the celebration of the birthday of another "builder" from "House-2" - Stepan Menshchikov. The romance between Borodina and Kurban developed rapidly, and soon they started talking about the wedding. The TV presenter received a marriage proposal from Kurban on her 32nd birthday, after several months of relationship.

This marriage was the second for Borodina. From 2008 to 2011, she was married to businessman Yuri Budagov.

Ksenia Borodina is an active user of the Instagram network. Daily posting photographs in which, in order to hide her interesting position, the TV presenter did not resort to any trick. These are wide outfits, and items at the level of the tummy - such as a bouquet of roses, etc. But, of course, in all the photos a rounded tummy is clearly visible.

Ksenia Borodina pregnant 2015 photo

But the other day, Ksenia nevertheless publicly admitted that she was already 9 months pregnant, giving an interview to one of the popular magazines. In an interview, she described everything in detail.

She found out about the pregnancy in the process of preparing for the wedding. On the set of the Dom-2 project, the TV presenter felt bad and began to guess about the possible. Arriving home, on a pregnancy test, of course, she saw the cherished 2 stripes. The first to know about the pregnancy was her fiancé, Kurban. Not believing his ears, he did not immediately believe and was very happy.

Ksenia and Kurban prepared in advance for the birth of a child: they bought all the necessary furniture, two strollers, a crib, a changing table. Borodina decided to give birth at the Perinatal Medical Center on Sevastopol Avenue, where Marusya was born. The TV presenter did not want to fly abroad. Borodina stated that her husband would not be present at the birth. “I am against such experiments - it is an absolutely feminine thing, a man should not be scared. Better to sit with friends, my friends will stay with me, hold my hand. But as soon as I give birth, my beloved can stay with me - we booked a ward in which I will spend several days after giving birth. This is a real three-room apartment – ​​there is enough space for everyone!” Borodina added.

Now Ksenia has prepared almost everything for childbirth, it remains only to collect the bag - and go. The TV presenter decided that her child would be born at the Perinatal Medical Center. The atmosphere there is truly homely. For example, the delivery room is designed as a living room, where you don’t feel at all that you are in a hospital.

Now Ksenia does not hide her position, but actively shares various information with the readers of her social blogs:

“When the question arose of which medical institution to trust, I immediately thought of the Perinatal Medical Center in Sevastopol. And not only because Marusya was born there. My husband and I have visited more than one maternity hospital. We did not like the option of flying abroad - both of us would have to give up business, Marusya - a kindergarten. We didn't want to be separated even for a month. I called obstetrician Olga, who took Mara, and she invited me to visit. We discussed our future plans over berry tea. She told me that they introduced a new method, according to which the pregnancy and childbirth are conducted by the same specialist. This is really cool! During these months, a person recognizes you, finds an approach and becomes close. As a result, I was assigned under the wing of the chief physician - Tatyana Normantovich. Tatyana Olegovna became my second mother ".

Ksenia is not going to stay on maternity leave for a long time - already three weeks after giving birth, the TV presenter plans to return to work. By the way, Borodin is not going to dwell on two children. According to the star, she and her husband want a big family, and Ksenia is ready to give birth to a third child.

On March 8, the TV presenter celebrated her 35th birthday. The celebration took place in Milan, and only the people closest to the girl were invited to it.

“Thank you to everyone who was able to share this day with me”

Within a few days after the holiday, Ksenia published photos on her microblog that made the public suspect the star of pregnancy.

The TV presenter met the guests in a fitted white dress. In some photos, it seems that the celebrity has a protruding belly. On the Web, they immediately started talking about the fact that Borodina is 7 months pregnant and will soon give birth to her third child.

White dress aroused suspicion

For several days, this topic was actively discussed by followers, but the celebrity did not clarify the situation. But, apparently, the attention from the press was too intrusive, and Ksenia commented on "her 7-month-old belly and 3rd pregnancy."

“It turns out that in this dress they saw a pregnant belly in me. Have you already decided who I am? Fat belly or too skinny?

Ksenia said that she likes today's uniform more than ever. The girl feels young, beautiful and slim.

Ksenia with her husband Kurban

Rumors that Ksenia Borodina will soon become a mother again have remained at the level of speculation and do not correspond to reality.

I found out about my happiness in the spring. Then we were preparing for the wedding with might and main, discussing the details. They wanted to arrange a celebration on September 5, but everything was decided for us - we had to reschedule for the summer. Beloved, of course, said the first. I remember that Sunday in detail. On the set of "House-2" I felt a slight malaise - and began to guess. When I got home, I did an electronic test. He showed plus. Kurban was sleeping at that moment - he took children to the entertainment center, Marusya and Omar (Kurban's son from his first marriage. - Approx. "StarHit"), and, having finally handed them over to the nanny, he was tired and turned off. In addition, he was very worried about Mara, who caught a cold. I go up to him, gently wake him up: “Look” - and show the test. He jumps up: “Does Marusya have a temperature again?” I thought I brought him a thermometer. We laughed so hard at this story. When the husband understood, his eyes sparkled: “Are you kidding?” Wrapped me around, hugged and kissed me. Of course, we were excited, but we were in seventh heaven with happiness. I did not immediately tell my daughter this news. Children usually ask for a brother or sister, and mine is no exception. But when it comes to real events, they get lost, so I approached the matter very carefully.

Marusya herself noticed that during walks her mother stopped riding with her on the hills, sometimes she doesn’t feel well. She chose these words: “We will have a baby with you,” so that she understands that this is a common joy and is not jealous. The daughter smiled: “How long to wait?” We told Omar when I already had a tummy. He was very happy! But, I think, he does not fully realize that our family will increase soon. Children need to be prepared for the whole pregnancy for the appearance of a new person, so that when everything happens, the elders do not have a lack of attention syndrome.

We are constantly talking about the baby at home, looking at the first photos - ultrasound. The daughter asks: “Mommy, will she look like me?”, Talks to her tummy, wishes good night and good morning. Together with her, we go shopping for hours - we buy things for the baby. “I choose what is in trend now,” my daughter tells me and takes an elegant suit from the shelf. I admire: “You are my fashionista! And as the main assistant, you will teach the little one to dress. She chose a duty for herself - at home she lays out new clothes on the shelves. He looks at it for a long time, he understands. And recently I began to play mother-daughters with baby dolls: “I want to be like my mother.” Then she demanded to buy her a sewing machine, promising to sew a sweater for Kurban and sit down for children's things.
They constantly hug Omarchik's stomach: "Our gang will grow!" I remember the first time the baby moved during our honeymoon in Turkey. We celebrated it with the whole family, called relatives. My mother even shed a tear of happiness: “The eyes should be, like Kurban’s, blue!” She is now in Moscow, so she will help with her grandchildren in everything. Already buying gifts. I stop her: “We have everything! They even gave us a transforming bed!” My husband's parents are always in touch: they worry, write text messages, ask how I feel. They promise to fly from Canada when there are more of us.

Decree will be short
- We plan everything in advance, we understand - then there will be no time. Our house near Moscow is being renovated. Let's get over, God forbid, only by the summer. Kurban says: "Take a designer and come up with an interior." We had a long discussion about the move. I am absolutely a city dweller, but he insists: “You won’t want to go to Moscow later!” Recently, the hall in the apartment on Michurinsky was converted into a nursery. They laid a new carpet, bought a cradle, a changing table, a developing mat, a vibrating chair, a crib, two strollers - a warm winter one and a stroller ... Two, because the eldest fell asleep exclusively in the stroller - you need to play it safe.

In general, I only have to collect a bag for the maternity hospital, and, consider it, ready! In the cottage we will also finish the work, but later - now I am too tired to do this. Choose pastel colors, soft, not annoying. The environment around is extremely important for proper development - in recent months I have suddenly become interested in expert articles on parenting. I read the magazine "Happy Parents", of particular interest are tips for working mothers. After all, I'm definitely not going on a long decree! Maximum three weeks - a month. My husband and I will find a second nanny through the agency: we already have an assistant for Marusya, and now there will be one for the newborn. Of course, we need a full-time employee ... It's great that my work at the Doma-2 TV set takes place almost at home. You can return to Moscow from the site at any time. Everyone there - thanks to them - kept my secret. By the way, I will say right away: Kurban and I had not a single doubt - we will not put videos and photographs of our miracle on display for a large audience. So you won't be able to see me on the screens with an envelope. When I was waiting for Maruska, I told everyone about my joy, but now, according to my inner feelings, I don’t want to. There are those who are ready to be photographed with a bare tummy - we had many participants on the project who showed themselves in underwear. I'm not judging, but I won't do it myself again. In recent months, I have developed the main rule - happiness loves silence! I have 3.5 million subscribers on Instagram alone, and everyone is watching and discussing. Ninety percent, of course, wish well, congratulate, write mini-messages that cheer me up for the whole day, and it sometimes jumps because of my hormones. But there are those who leave nasty things under the photo, ask obscene questions.

My husband supported me: “Darling, do not read! Do not pay attention". Particularly annoying are the comments “oh, look, you can see the belly in this photo. You won't hide!" It's none of your business! Yes, and I certainly won’t discuss intimate moments with subscribers. From all this negativity and get sick for a short time, so the rounded tummy was carefully hidden until the seventh month. By the way, I will share with you - my second pregnancy was not the same as the first. The stomach is smaller, toxicosis is a little stronger. But eating a milkshake with pickles does not pull. This is how I treat myself to sweets. I can order a box of Cupcake Story from Serezha Zhukov and eat a couple with cocoa. I do not refuse high-calorie food either, but only in a trusted restaurant where the products are of high quality.

For all the time I almost did not recover - only by the standard few kilograms. This is due to the fact that I don’t exhaust myself with diets - I always told my fans: “Everything is possible, but little by little.” There is an opinion that pregnant women like to lie down at home and do not take care of the body. But I'm not one of those! The doctor categorically forbade me to go in for sports - he only allowed me to swim. But I try to devote time to physical education: walk in the fresh air, wearing comfortable sneakers. As soon as I give birth - the gym, wait for me! That's where I'll rock! The figure cannot be launched in any case, so I will try to return the form very quickly. I'll be back behind the wheel! I hardly drive a car anymore - Kurban is against it. For a long time he persuaded me: “Let's hire a driver, I'm worried about you!” I begged him: “Well, how can I talk normally with the girls in the car about women?” As a result, he convinced me by taking over the search for an employee. Now I drive without a driver only on weekends, and then, as a rule, my husband is driving. On weekdays late at night after filming on the set, of course, they also take me. I return to Moscow tired, and my body says to me: “Ksenia, go to sleep!” I lie down, lie down until three o'clock in the morning, I do not close my eyes. Therefore, I changed the regime a little, now I get up later - at 11.00.

Swedish wall ward

- When the question arose of which medical institution to trust, I immediately thought of the Perinatal Medical Center in Sevastopol of the Mother and Child group of companies. And not only because Marusya was born there. My husband and I have visited more than one maternity hospital. We did not like the option of flying abroad - both of us would have to give up business, Marusa - a kindergarten. We didn't want to be separated even for a month. The husband approached the matter very responsibly: “Ksyusha, you and your baby must be one hundred percent protected! It is necessary to insure everything, to think over and find people who are not indifferent, but who care for each patient with their hearts.” And such doctors were found in the PMC. I called obstetrician Olga, who took Mara, and she invited me to visit. She immediately warned: “Ksyushenka, our center is huge, there are a lot of girls, and everyone must have seen you on TV. So that no one will disturb you, you will enter through a secret door - only doctors have access to it.

At that time, I was so overreacting to any intrusion into my life that these words became a balm. Olga and I discussed our future plans over berry tea. She told me that they introduced a new method, according to which the pregnancy and childbirth are conducted by the same specialist. This is really cool! During these months, a person recognizes you, finds an approach and becomes close. As a result, I was assigned under the wing of the chief physician, Tatyana Normantovich. Tatyana OleG * Vna became my second mother! I remember how scary it was to undergo the first prenatal screening - these are tests and ultrasound for fetal pathology.
I'm sitting, shaking. The doctor hugged me: “Sunny, everything is fine! You have excellent health, and so does your dad, so drive sad thoughts away from yourself, and we have the best equipment. ” I was shown and told about all the benefits of PMC so that I could develop my confidence. Despite the favorable forecasts, it was important for me that the hospital had a children's intensive care unit, which is far from being available everywhere.

Unforeseen situations happen, and, as my husband said, you need to play it safe! By the way, he wants me to donate the baby's stem cells - the issue is still under discussion, because the first time I did not do this. Now I can safely say: we are ready for anything and even talked about the little things. I chose the birthplace - yes, here you decide where your baby will be born! I liked it in blue-orange colors ... with a Swedish wall. It turned out to be convenient. When contractions begin, you want to stretch your muscles, joints, lower back, hang, holding on to the rope. Tatyana OleG * Vna assured that their method of free behavior helps to survive stress - it is more efficient not to tie a woman in labor with droppers and wires, but to let her move so that the processes go faster and, if I may say so, more pleasant.

Kurban will not be with me. I am against such experiments - it is an absolutely feminine thing, a man should not be scared. Better to sit with friends, my friends will stay with me, hold my hand. But as soon as I give birth, my beloved can stay with me - we booked a ward in which I will spend several days after giving birth. This is a real three-room apartment - there is enough space for everyone! Living room with soft sofa and armchairs, bedroom, children's room and two bathrooms. All in soft light colors. It's as cozy as home. And what's great is that there is no such ****ing "zero table", tasteless food.

I was given to try from the menu what was allowed in the first days. Salmon in cream with spinach, rich chicken soup impressed me. They also said that at any time of the day or night I could order hot pastries and even freshly squeezed pineapple juice from the restaurant. Girlfriends laugh: "Ksyu, we will come to you, as in a cafe." By the way, they always take care of me very touchingly. They also help in work - they organized a festive opening of my beauty salon, they go shopping with me. They also offered to take care of the newborn, but I explained that the PMC has special nannies for this, who can be ordered around the clock, and caring doctors who examine the baby several times a day. So not a maternity hospital, but a sanatorium. And the fear of the upcoming event disappeared. Without hesitation, I will come here for the third child, because we dream of a big family!

Thank you for your help in organizing the shooting Perinatal Medical Center of the group of companies "Mother and Child".

Source -

The news about the next pregnancy of the famous body diva and simply beautiful woman Ksenia Borodina has spread all over the Internet. In all likelihood, the rumors about her pregnancy are due to the fact that Ksyusha began to appear less often in public, as well as on the well-known TV project Dom-2, paying more and more attention to her husband Kurban Omarov and children.

Fans of the girl, closely watching her life, managed to see the rounded shapes of the tummy hidden under the new suit in one of the photos posted on the Internet. In this photograph, Borodina very carefully folded her palms over her stomach, which is inherent in women in position. Suspicions about the imminent replenishment in the family of the body of the diva also arose during the period of the next secular party, to which Borodina came along with her husband Kurban.

Some changes in her figure and the fact that she constantly ran her hands over her tummy did not go unnoticed. Ksenia's husband also hinted that replenishment is expected in their family soon. But could this mean that the spouses are waiting for the next heir? Kurban also told the press that over the past year, the couple had a lot of memorable events, the birth of a daughter, parting and betrayal, but they still found the strength to keep the shaky family nest.

At the moment, they live with their children in a rented country house, which they moved to after reconciliation, while at the same time they monitor the construction of their own house. An atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reigns in their family, all omissions and contradictions have faded into the background. The happy father told about his daughter Theon, who is not deprived of parental attention and care. Spouses often watch movies together, cook delicious breakfasts. The man admitted that the fresh air benefited his wife, but the only drawback is that it takes an hour and a half to get to the host's work. Despite the scandalous rumors about the imminent appearance of another baby in the family, Ksenia herself kept silent for a very long time, but when journalists and fans began to overwhelm her with their questions, Borodina had to write appeals for the curious on her Instagram page.

The girl reacted to rumors and speculation about her fake pregnancy with some irony and sarcasm. In the networks, the presenter completely denied the conflicting information and stated that the rounded body shapes appeared as a result of the fact that she began to eat more at the request of the fans themselves, who made comments about her excessive thinness. And the husband's statements about the imminent replenishment does not mean the appearance of a third child, but an animal - a sharpei dog.

The TV presenter slyly teased the journalists that they work on this issue better than any ultrasound and make non-existent diagnoses based on their own conjectures, but confidently gave those who were interested that the other day she donated blood for analysis and underwent a medical examination, but the results did not confirm her interesting position .

Literally 5 days ago, Ksenia Borodina finally admitted on Instagram that she was indeed pregnant, posting a confirming photo and saying that there was no point in hiding it. And it's true, there is no point in hiding pregnancy at 8 months, when everyone around sees it. After all, fans have long seen Boroduli's well-marked, rounded belly in the photos from Boroduli's Instagram.

It is not surprising that the photos of the pregnant Ksenia Borodina immediately became the subject of heated discussion, especially since the TV presenter has already posted several interesting pictures with her belly on her Instagram in recent days. So millions of subscribers learned how the star of "House-2" is preparing for the birth of her second child, what things she has already bought for the baby, in what place she is going to give birth.

So Ksyusha showed that she had already purchased a cute bed for a newborn and a changing table built into the chest of drawers. Under this photo on Instagram, serious disputes have already flared up about the gender of the unborn child, since the bed linen on the crib is purple and is most likely suitable for a girl, but it is quite possible that it will fit for a boy.

Under one of the publications in her told where she was going to give birth. Her choice of couples for one of the best clinics in Moscow - Perinatal Medical Center #pmts. The birth will take place on New Year's Eve.

Well, it remains only to wish the TV presenter good luck, health and patience, well, and see some more photos of the pregnant Borodina from her Instagram account under the same nickname borodylia.