Hormonal explosion. Relationships with loved ones are at risk. How to curb the hormonal explosion

During the seven months of my pregnancy, many changes took place in me. It would seem that this time is enough to get used to all the changes, but I never cease to discover something new in myself and be surprised by these discoveries. One of them was the change emotional background— hormonal explosion!

I started reacting to everyday things in a completely different way. As if all emotions began to pass through a magnifying glass. I began to feel the slightest mood changes, to notice sharp drops desires, to be capricious, to find fault with any trifles and even cry out of the blue ...

As an emotionally restrained person, I did not like such changes. It is quite difficult to control yourself when hormones play. Yes, and the husband was clearly not ready for such emotional swings and did not understand how to help cope with them.

Many women experience similar emotional outbursts during pregnancy. And as a medical psychologist, I understood this very well. But as a pregnant girl, she could not always keep her emotions under control.

WITH scientific point vision, mood swings are explained by the fact that in our body there is a sharp jump in the level of hormones, which in a way “turn off” control over experiences. This does not mean that we absolutely cannot cope with emotions. It’s just that the ability to control your feelings is so reduced that all the emotions you experience are exacerbated at times. At this point, they aim to create the most comfortable conditions for you and your unborn child. Therefore, in such moments, the support and attention of others is most important.

Only the knowledge that such a bizarre state is natural did not calm me down much and prompted me to start looking for options on how to survive this emotionally vivid period.

It turns out that all the emotions that we experience during pregnancy can be reduced to a few of the most striking and common: irritability, impressionability, a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of inexplicable joy.

Increased irritability is a signal expectant mother to learning to relax. I can note that this skill will help not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but will also have a positive effect on later life. Each of us has our own relaxation methods: some listen to your favorite music, some read books, some take a walk, many even meditate, and some relax when they clean the house or cook. It is important to understand what is right for you. Walking helps me fresh air and moderate physical activity.

Heightened susceptibility during pregnancy is an occasion to take a fresh look at the world. Remember what the baby perceives the world through you, through your feelings and experiences. So go ahead to concerts, exhibitions, museums and theaters. Besides, this great way get rid of sad thoughts.

Feeling lonely It will help you look deeper into yourself, analyze your life experience, evaluate it, and maybe reconsider your life values. Use such moments for self-knowledge, but do not withdraw into yourself: share your thoughts and conclusions with loved ones, talk with other pregnant women, consult a psychologist. Remember that you are no longer alone, there are at least two of you.

And finally feeling of incredible joy, flight, euphoria. Enjoy it to the fullest, share a smile and charge others with positive and lightness.

Fighting emotions during pregnancy and trying to somehow suppress them is absolutely pointless. Trying to block the sensations that arise will only lead to more irritation and a sense of helplessness.

To begin with, I suggest trying to talk to loved ones and explain to them that sometimes it is difficult for you to cope with emerging emotions. This period is temporary, and their support is very important to you right now. Such confidential conversations helped me a lot to maintain an excellent relationship with my husband throughout the entire seven months of pregnancy. I constantly felt his support, and this made it easier.

Also trust your intuition: during pregnancy, it becomes most pronounced. Try to listen more to yourself, to your feelings: what emotions do you feel now, what caused them. Sometimes, when we begin to wonder why we are angry or upset, we realize that the feeling arose on empty place. And it disappears as quickly as it appeared. This method is not suitable for everyone, since it is very difficult for many to think rationally during a period of emotional upsurge. But it's worth a try.

Let every day begin with warmth in your soul, a smile on your face and vivid sensations of a new life inside you!

Ecology of health: A person who has decided once and for all to put an end to extra pounds has to fight his own laziness, lifestyle, culinary passions and bad habits.

The most common reason preventing you from losing weight

A person who has decided once and for all to put an end to extra pounds has to fight his own laziness, lifestyle, culinary addictions and bad habits.

The most common reason preventing you from losing weight is a violation hormonal background. You constantly step on the throat of your own song, show miracles of endurance and self-control, but the arrow of the scales does not move one iota.

IN this case you are practically powerless, hormones control you. They are the ones responsible for overweight deposited on your thighs, stomach and buttocks. But this is not yet a reason to give up and put up with the hated size 52, but just a reason to think about how you can overcome this barrier and normalize the activity of the endocrine system.


The fact that female figure has a lot of pleasant roundness, we owe the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. And this is no coincidence, because they are required by the woman's body in large quantities, and subcutaneous fatty tissue is involved in their synthesis along with the ovaries and adrenal glands.

The first hormonal explosion falls on puberty. During this period, any excess food turns into fat reserves. The brain quickly learns information about what to do with the surplus - to save for the future. The body will continue to act according to the fixed program, and the body will gradually acquire unnecessary ballast. Avoid these unpleasant consequences in so young age quite simple - elementary control of nutrition and physical activity will help.

Most a large number of problems await a woman of Balzac age, many meet their fortieth birthday with significant gains in the waist and hips. It is during this period that hormonal changes begin, preparing a woman for the onset of menopause. The amount of hormones produced by the ovaries falls very slowly and gradually, and the fat accumulation of the body also grows inexorably. It is practically useless to prevent this, the body will take its toll anyway. Of course, you can torture yourself with diets and physical activity, but as a result you will get a whole bunch of symptoms associated with the menopause: sweating, shortness of breath, pressure surges, worsening appearance skin.

It is much easier for a woman in the body to endure menopause. But that doesn't mean you should let your body go wild. Reasonable food restrictions and feasible physical activity are simply necessary for you.

Some women before menopause resort to hormone therapy. The method is controversial, but it cannot be completely written off. If the intake of hormonal drugs is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and is strictly under his control, it can make your life much easier. It is impossible not to mention homeopathic preparations containing phytohormones - they have fewer contraindications and side effects. Or you can simply add foods rich in plant hormones to your diet, such as soybeans or flower pollen. The only disadvantage of such natural remedies- they are good only for long-term use, and in emergency cases they are not effective.

There are situations when a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones and, accordingly, weight gain is associated not with age-related or physiological changes, but with serious ovarian diseases, for example, polycystic disease. As a result of this disease, a benign tumor, a cyst, forms around the ovary.

The symptoms of the disease are so bright that it is impossible to miss them: menstrual cycle failures, facial hair growth, acne. Have you noticed this in yourself? Then run to the gynecologist! He will not only prescribe the necessary medicines, but also help you make a diet that is suitable for you.

During pregnancy, all the resources of the body are directed to carrying the baby and to a successful delivery. Therefore, even genetic thin people get a small tummy and rounded in the hips. But after childbirth, a fertile period begins for transformation into a beautiful swan. Many women not only regain their previous weight, but also significantly improve their figure. The main thing is not to miss this magical time and take advantage of the situation.


Another purely female prerogative is malfunctions. thyroid gland(this small butterfly-shaped organ sits on top of the Adam's apple). The thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) produced by the thyroid gland have a significant effect on the rate of all metabolic processes in the human body.

The more active the thyroid gland functions, the more hormones it synthesizes, the higher the metabolic rate. This means that almost all the food you eat is processed into the energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and is not stored for future use.

Obese people produce too little thyroid hormone, and even with severe food restrictions, it is not possible to achieve positive results. The body cannot cope with even a small amount of food and prefers to take the easiest path - to stock up. There is simply no energy left for life. Not surprisingly, the classic companions of fullness are apathy, lethargy and drowsiness.

It is not so difficult to boost the activity of the thyroid gland, it is enough to include foods with a high content of iodine in your diet: sea fish, shellfish, and algae, for example, sea ​​kale. The latter is preferable, there, in addition to iodine, other microelements abound that stimulate weight loss.

There are also a number of exercises that came to us from yoga techniques that can activate the activity of the thyroid gland. First of all, these are any movements associated with tilting the neck forward and backward, in which the neck muscles experience some tension. Usually they are included in complex asanas, but even without twisted yoga poses, simple tilts can bring a lot of benefits.

I would like to pay special attention to the intake of thyroid hormones, which are part of almost all diet pills. You should not do this unless absolutely necessary. Hormone therapy is only recommended for people with chronic thyroid dysfunction.

If you still dared to take such a serious step, first of all, consult a doctor and in the future try to avoid regularity in taking these drugs. The body very quickly gets used to the supply of the hormones it needs from the outside and, at the end of therapy, refuses to synthesize them on its own.

The longer you take artificial hormones, the faster you become addicted to them. Therefore, it is better to take such things one-time and intermittently (for example, take three days in a row, then take a break for five days, take another two days later, take a week break, etc.). This will further stimulate weight loss and protect against unpleasant consequences.


Have you ever wondered why teenagers eat for three and don't gain weight? The townsfolk say "growth has gone", and they are not far from the truth. In the body of teenagers, growth hormones (somatropins) synthesized by the pituitary gland are raging. These hormones don't just burn fat, they help us stay in great shape and have more energy. But with age, more precisely, starting from the age of 30, the synthesis of somatropin decreases, and by the age of 50 its production stops completely. All this will happen to you if you do not take care of maintaining your hormonal status at the proper level in advance.

First of all, you must provide yourself with enough sleep, as it is during the night's rest that the synthesis of growth hormones increases several times. The peak of secretion occurs 90 minutes after falling asleep, so the first two hours of sleep are the most fruitful. It is also possible to stimulate the synthesis of growth hormones by taking certain amino acids, as well as vitamins and trace elements. Some of the most popular amino acid supplements are ornithine and arginine, and the B and C vitamins, when combined with potassium, magnesium, and calcium, can go a long way in boosting their effectiveness.

People who are not indifferent to heavy physical activity it is recommended to spend a couple of hours a week in the gym. Load your muscles to the fullest, and at night a double dose of growth hormone will work on your body. What about growth hormone injections? healthy people solely for the purpose of losing weight and improving the figure are not only not desirable, but also contraindicated. This was confirmed by 30,000 Americans who, despite the strict prohibitions of official health care, took growth hormones during the year. As a result, minus 2-3 kg, no more, and a lot of additional troubles in the form of diabetes and malignant degeneration. published

Pregnancy is a time of hope and expectation. Happy coming soon little man overwhelms the woman and her loved ones. But things don't always go smoothly. For 9 months you will have to face numerous trials, doubts and fears. It is necessary to overcome them with the least emotional costs. This will be better for you, the baby and those around you.

M + F = Mutual understanding

Pregnancy is a difficult stage for both parents. changing family status and it takes some getting used to. Both men and women worry about the future in their own way.

But a woman during this period is much harder. Her body is undergoing major changes. Hormonal surges, toxicosis, poor health - these factors cause frequent mood swings, scandals, causeless grievances, and even "strange" desires and increased demands.

Pregnancy tests your relationship. Of course, ideally, a man should be gentle, attentive and prudent. But even the most patient have their limits! So don't lose your head! Do not turn into a "monster" that bullies your loved ones. Yes, you want to feel supported, you want your whims to be satisfied. But everything is good in moderation.

Don't shut yourself up in your fears and doubts. If possible, lead an active lifestyle. Take care of yourself, dress up. Walk more in the fresh air, go in for sports, communicate with friends and family, find yourself some kind of hobby - then you will not have time for "self-eating" and whims.

To avoid misunderstandings, talk to your spouse more often about your feelings and problems. Don't forget about him too! Be interested in his work, talk about things that are interesting to both of you. Help him feel like a father: share your plans and dreams for the future baby, establish contact between husband and child.

Psychological harmony will help relieve stress from lowering sexual activity couples!


During pregnancy, try to communicate more with people who are attractive to you. Of course, it is not always possible to avoid contact with unpleasant personalities. Try not to pay attention to their sidelong glances and sharp remarks. Move away from conflicts.

There is a type of "obsessive" people. They (sincerely or not) will be interested in your well-being, who you are waiting for, and whatever you call him / her, they will want to touch your stomach. If you don't like it, talk about it directly. Don't be shy: guard the details personal life- Your right!

An explosion of laughter, sadness, a feeling of joy, stress - their work. They are responsible for high chest, wasp waist and velvet skin. The quality of our life depends on the balance of hormones in the body.

It so happened that many of us have an attitude towards hormonal drugs, to put it mildly, not that negative, but in the highest degree negative. And when patients hear such an appointment from the lips of a doctor, they often refuse to fulfill it. And in vain!

Classical works on the study of hormones were started back in the 30s of the twentieth century ... Many years have passed since then. Of course, the first drugs, like the first computers, were crude, didn't work well, and often led to unwanted reactions. Today, the "primitive" ones have been replaced by the latest super-class medical developments. Their goal is not to harm, but rather to improve health. modern woman. After all, our life is full of hormones! So, everyone knows that a lack of insulin leads to diabetes and to make up for it, you need to take appropriate drugs. A similar principle of replacing the missing hormones with artificial ones is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Dasha has always been a very responsible and serious girl. A gold medal, a red diploma, work in the diplomatic corps - her whole life was thought out and planned to the nearest minute. And stress and nervous troubles were listed in the column "no way without it." But here are the problems in the menstrual cycle caught by surprise. When she asked what was happening, the doctor shrugged her shoulders and explained: “What did you think? unhealthy image life, emotional upheaval. Here's to you hormonal disbalance. Nothing surprising. A lot of people have these problems now." She prescribed HRT.

You know that every woman has, or at least should have, ovaries. But have you ever wondered what role they play in your life? Their influence certainly doesn't end at belt level. Even in the lens of the eye there are receptors that respond to female sex hormones - estrogens.

Accordingly, if a hormonal failure occurs in the body, all this instantly affects the general well-being. And the most common cause of such problems is excessive workload, time pressure. They, in turn, provoke disruptions in menstruation, seborrhea, acne, etc. To calm the body and eliminate hormonal wars, doctors in such cases use HRT.
Physicians also practice similar treatment for:
- abnormal uterine bleeding;
- the threat of miscarriage.

But there are periods due to time. When the ovarian resource is exhausted and the content of progesterone (female sex hormone) in the blood decreases, and menstruation becomes irregular, experts predict that these are the first signs of menopause.
But the body reacts to them instantly: hot flashes, sleep disturbance, pressure surges, fatigue, headache, irritability and a whole bunch of other discomfort brings with it a similar hormonal restructuring.
After a few years, this situation is fixed in time and the lack of hormones can lead to more serious consequences. Metabolic disorders, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, atrophic and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - these are far from complete list trouble. Isn't it, bright prospects? After reading this, I want to immediately book a place in the cemetery. Is everything so hopeless?
modern medicine proposes to abandon such an epochal end and prolong youth by correcting the work of nature with the help of natural hormones. Unless, of course, you have no contraindications.

Exist absolute taboos in which hormone therapy is prohibited:
- Oncological diseases of all reproductive organs and some other localizations.
- Cardiovascular diseases with a predisposition to thrombosis.

The conclusion of the scientists is clear: the combination of estrogen and progestin doubles the number of blood clots.
However, if one of your relatives had a heart attack, then this does not mean at all that when using hormones, you can also have this happen. Remember how old they were when it happened - 40 or 70? Did they exercise every day and diet, or did they like to lie on the couch and eat sandwiches? If you had an uncle or second cousin dad who smoked four packs of cigarettes a day, then the risk cardiovascular diseases should not be part of your family history.
There are, of course, less categorical contraindications, such as uterine fibroids - then an experienced doctor will be able to choose the right therapy for a limited period.

If you are suffering from menopausal symptoms, and everything else is in order, should you be afraid of hormones? The main thing is to find good doctor who you could trust. And then you can avoid:
- hot flashes: estrogen plays a major role in the body's temperature regulation, and when its level drops, this function is performed poorly. As a result: temperature changes, insomnia and blues;
- sexual discomfort: a decrease in estrogen leads to the fact that the walls of the vagina become thinner and become more dry and vulnerable. The genital area is constantly exposed to irritation, which leads to damage and bleeding;
- rarefaction of bone tissue: scientific studies have clearly proven the direct relationship of osteoporosis with estrogen deficiency;
- Mood changes and memory loss.

According to statistics, most Ukrainian women go through menopause around the age of 48. And it is usually recommended to start taking replacement therapy a little earlier, when there is a slow extinction of ovarian functions and the first manifestations of menopausal syndrome occur.

The duration of taking HRT depends on the reason for the appointment. It can be both purely medical: Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and at the request of the patient, when a woman wants to continue life in the same direction even after 50.

And what to do for those to whom hormones are contraindicated or already have negative experience"meetings" with them? In this case, you can turn to other options, for example, plant phytoextracts and homeopathic remedies - they help mitigate the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. Another proven way is an active lifestyle: exercises, cold douches, proper nutrition. By the way, Ukrainian women have one of the earliest menopause starts - an average of 47.8 years. In Japan, for example, it falls on the age after 50-55. One reason: foods high in antioxidants (fish, vegetables, seafood). And of course, less negativity. positive attitude solves half the problem.

We are advised by Tatyana Shevchuk, gynecologist, Ph.D. honey. sciences, senior Researcher Department of Endocrine Gynecology of the Institute of PAG AMS of Ukraine

Prevention Magazine, July 2007

What are the characteristics of adolescence? How do adolescent body systems work? What are the characteristics of adolescence? On teenage years, it is at 16 years old that the first life crisis occurs, usually associated with sexual experience or a hormonal surge. Each age has its own interests and concerns, and adolescents: - begin to pay more attention to their appearance; - spend more time at the mirror (and no need to reproach them). This age is important reproductive health, especially female. Therefore, the task of parents is to unobtrusively, without embarrassing a teenager, talk about contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and about unwanted pregnancy. It's best to let the child get this information from objective sources: books, magazines or the Internet. Already by the age of fifteen, a girl takes shape in a girl: - her mammary glands are developed; - menstrual cycle stable; - appeared hair on the pubis, under the arms; - developed a fatty layer on the hips and chest. However, there are dangers of puberty, such as anorexia - it is associated with starvation and exhaustion of the body of a girl who considers herself complete. Anorexia can leave sexual development, shrink the ovaries and uterus, and significantly affect reproductive health. Even before the onset of menarche - the first menstruation - the girl should be dedicated in particular to intimate hygiene, follow the rules. The reasons for concern are such factors: - By the age of 13, breast development has not begun; - by the age of 15, menstruation did not begin. Boys grow up to 14-16 years old, that is, longer than girls, it is at this time that they have their first wet dreams (sperm emissions at night). At this age, boys begin to masturbate, and this is not a pathology if films and magazines of an erotic nature do not completely replace reality for a teenager. During this period in boys: - the external genitalia increase; - hair appears on the pubis, under the arms, on other parts of the body; - the voice changes (breaks). Possible violations of the sexual development of the boy are: - varicocele - expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord; - undescended testicle into the scrotum (cryptorchidism). How do adolescent body systems work? Visiting a teenage therapist milestone in the development of each person. It was at this age, thanks to physiological changes, the child's body acquires the features of an adult: 1. The cardiovascular system should work normally: at the age of 15, the pressure of a teenager reaches 120/80 mm Hg, and the optimal pulse is calculated by subtracting age from 220, that is, approximately 215 beats per minute. 2. The respiratory system continues its development, therefore, at this age, the child should be in the fresh air more often. 3. Gastrointestinal tract- the basis for the growth and development of the body of a teenager, since at this age there is an accumulation essential vitamins And nutrients. Proper and nutritious nutrition is very important. 4. The genitourinary system becomes important in connection with the sexual development of a teenager, you need to tell him about intimate hygiene, safe sex. 5. Nervous system is in the stage of excitation associated with mobility, growth of neurons. That is why the desire to know everything and apply the ideas of the child somewhere must be directed in the right direction. 6. Endocrine system always important, like proper nutrition (iodine intake), healthy sleep sufficient physical activity. 7. The immune system changes following the formation of blood - adolescence is important for immunity, therefore it is necessary to explain Negative influence on the body of smoking, drinking alcohol; do everything so that at home the child is not subjected to stress and nervous overload.