How to bathe a newborn for the first time. What should be the temperature in the room when bathing a newborn. Bathtub or regular bath

Reading time: 6 minutes

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event in every family, which brings great responsibility. It is important not only to feed and change diapers to the baby on time, but also to know how to properly conduct the first bath of a newborn. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, stick to a few simple rules and motherhood will bring you pleasure.

When is the first time to bathe a newborn?

Young mothers are interested in the answer to the question: “On what day after the maternity hospital is it allowed to bathe the baby?” It will depend on what state it is in. umbilical wound newborn. Until recently, bathing a baby was allowed from the moment the umbilical wound completely healed - about the second week after birth. And to remove sweat from the child's body and food debris, it was recommended to use a towel or napkin dipped in boiled water. But now the bathing procedure is allowed to be carried out, starting from the second day the child is at home (day 5 after birth).

To get an accurate answer, you need to consult a pediatrician who will examine the child and give good advice. Bathing the baby is carried out only in boiled water - this rule is observed until the umbilical wound is completely healed. Preparing in advance the right amount water, then a clean bath is filled. To bathe a child, it is not necessary to purchase a special bath - wash an adult bath with a simple baking soda.

Using an adult bath for a newborn, you need to hold it yourself, and bending over a large bath is not very convenient, besides this hygiene procedure will have to be done regularly. Therefore, it is best to spend a little and purchase a special bath for bathing newborns.

To fill an adult bath, you will have to boil a lot more water, which will take a lot of time. It is important that the water temperature is 36°C. Subject to use hot water, there is a risk of leaving burns on the delicate skin of the child. Check the water temperature before every swim. To do this, purchase a special thermometer.

What you need for bathing at home

The first bath of the baby will take a long time, so first you need to prepare bath accessories that may be needed:

  • Bath tub. For the first days of a baby's life, purchase a special baby bath. Before the procedure, rinse it thoroughly using cleaning products intended for children. It is not recommended to spend the first bath in large adult baths, otherwise the child will be frightened.
  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature. The first bathing of newborns must be carried out only when optimum temperature no more than 36°С. If the water is too hot, the baby may overheat.
  • Soft mitt or washcloth. As a washcloth, you must use a soft cloth, mitten, sponge, which gently rubs the baby's skin. It is strictly forbidden to use hard washcloths, because they can seriously damage delicate skin newborn.
  • Toys and soap. It is not necessary to take toys into the bath, but they can distract the baby, and bathing the newborn for the first time will be more peaceful.
  • A clean and soft towel, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green to treat the umbilical wound, a diaper, cotton buds with a special limiter, clothing.

Water temperature

The most important thing is to know in what water it is allowed to bathe a newborn, and for this it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. The bathing bath must be filled with water by about 15 cm. The first bathing of a newborn baby is recommended to be carried out in boiled water, but if the tap water is well filtered, then it is not necessary to boil it again.

What to add to water - bath products

To bathe a newborn baby, use plain boiled water, it is recommended to add decoctions medicinal herbs that need to be insisted (string, chamomile and others) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before using potassium permanganate, consult a pediatrician who will tell you the correct concentration of the solution so as not to harm the baby. There is one interesting sign- a silver jewelry (but not a cross) was placed in a bath of water in order to attract wealth and prosperity to the fate of the child.

Bathing a newborn in a diaper

The first bath of a newborn baby can be carried out in a diaper according to the following principle:

  • the child must be wrapped in a thin diaper or simply thrown over the baby’s shoulders and lowered into a clean bath;
  • you need to bathe the child together - one person holds the baby, opening the arms and legs, and after washing with warm water, he covers it again with a film, the other pours from the ladle;
  • first of all, the handles are washed, then the legs;
  • then the tummy is washed, then the back;
  • at the end bath procedures, the child is taken out of the bath and wrapped in a dry towel.
  • After drying, the baby is dressed in warm clothes.


Professional pediatricians advise newborns to bathe for no more than 10 minutes. If the first bath scared the newborn and even the gentle voice of the mother cannot calm him down, it is worth getting the baby out of the water much earlier. Provided that the child likes the water procedure, you can extend the process a little, but in this case it is important to constantly monitor the temperature of the water so that the baby does not freeze. To do this, prepare another pot of water to add while bathing.

How newborns are bathed

Provided that the child is completely healthy and the first bath caused only positive emotions, the water procedure is allowed to be carried out every day. Pediatricians recommend bathing your baby at about the same time every day. Most parents choose the evening time, before feeding the baby. It is best to monitor the mood of the child, if he feels good and likes daytime bathing, give up evening procedures. For some children, bathing does not have a calming, but an exciting effect, and here it is necessary to take into account the mood of the little one.

Rules for bathing newborns

Bathe the child according to the following instructions:

  • The bath is filled with water by about 15 cm. The chest, shoulders and head remain dry. Next to the bath is a ladle filled with warm water needed for rinsing.
  • A small child undresses and is taken in his arms, then very carefully, slowly lowers himself into the water. It is necessary to immerse the baby in water so that his head is on the elbow bend of the mother, and the back is supported by the left hand.
  • With a soapy cotton swab, the chest, arms, legs, and genitals are carefully washed. Then the baby turns over on the tummy, the chest and head are supported by the hand, the back is lathered. At the end, you need to lather your head (it is recommended to use a special baby shampoo).
  • Using warm water from a jug, the rinsing procedure is performed. It is important to wash off the soap foam from the head very carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes. To do this, a stream of water is directed from the forehead to the back of the head, but not vice versa. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the child so that there are no soapy traces left on the delicate skin, otherwise there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Then the child is quickly removed from the bath and wrapped in a soft towel, placed on the changing table (hard bed) and the rest of the water is soaked with gentle movements. It is important to wipe the skin with gentle movements, but do not rub too hard, Special attention is given to the folds of the neck, groin and armpits. If the child has very dry skin, it is recommended to use baby oil or cream (it is advisable to consult a pediatrician).
  • The next step is the procedure for processing the navel. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide solution is drawn with a pipette (only a doctor can determine the correct consistency) and a couple of drops are dripped directly onto the navel area, then gently wiped with a clean cotton swab. It is possible to replace peroxide with a solution of potassium permanganate (strong) or a simple brilliant green.

Up to 6 months, the child should be bathed every day, provided that contact with water does not cause severe stress, and then water procedures can be carried out every other day. IN without fail The temperature of the water is constantly monitored. Gradually allowed to increase the duration of bathing.

Video: About bathing a newborn - Dr. Komarovsky

Before the first procedure for bathing a newborn child, a consultation of parents is held, the doctor gives advice and general recommendations. But verbal advice is not always enough, especially for young parents. Therefore, it will be useful for them to familiarize themselves with several videos, learn about all the intricacies and rules for bathing newborns. It is important to provide the baby proper care, and how to do it, Dr. Komarovsky will tell.

Hello, Dear Parents! Probably, every mother is faced with the question of how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home. At what time, how to wash properly, whether to use herbal decoctions and many other questions. Looking through the family photo archive, I found pictures from the first bath of the baby after being discharged from the hospital and immediately remembered this moment in minute details. I was lucky that for the first time my mother and mother-in-law were nearby.

To be honest, I watched more and was on the hook. For the first time, the water was boiled. They filled the bath with water, diluted the potassium permanganate to a slightly pinkish state. Checked with a thermometer. Then they carefully lowered the baby, wrapped in a diaper, so that he would not be afraid of the water. He wasn't afraid.

On the contrary, he really liked to swing on the waves, and when he was pulled out and wrapped in a towel, he shouted to everyone about his displeasure that he was torn away from such a pleasant, but short-term procedure. A whole ritual, not an evening swim.

When is the best time to bathe a newborn baby?

Previously, doctors strictly forbade bathing children before complete healing umbilical wound, that is, until about the second week of life. Now the opinion of pediatricians has changed significantly, and they allow for the first time to start water procedures on the second day after returning home from the hospital, that is, after the 5th day.

As for the time of day, here it is customary to give preference to the evening.

It is believed that the child, having swum well, will eat and go to bed for several hours, and if you are lucky, he will sleep all night. Well my baby didn't have that much sound sleep but evening swimming became really convenient for us. For some children, bathing has an invigorating effect, which is why it is more expedient to transfer the procedure to the morning or lunch hours.

Therefore, observe the behavior of the baby and adjust the time of bathing.

It is also advised to bathe the child before feeding, but if your baby is naughty, crying, then first feed him (let him get kinder), and then bathe him. Otherwise, bathing will turn into torture for you and the child. And it is not necessary to take a break between feeding and bathing. If the child is on breastfeeding, then the process of digestion is almost instantaneous.

What you need for bathing a newborn baby - a list

Indeed, the first bath becomes a sacred ritual. First, parents are nervous not knowing how to wash a newborn baby for the first time without harming him. Secondly, it depends on the correct procedure whether the child will be afraid of water in the future. As practice shows, a little cold or hot water, a sharp immersion, splashing on the face, soap in the eyes - and the child will have to be persuaded for a long and painful time - not to be afraid of the bath.

In order for everything to go perfectly, you need to prepare the following items in advance:

  1. Baby bath - it can be ordinary, with a slide for newborns, on a stand, with a drain or in the form of a mother's tummy. In principle, it is allowed to bathe even in an ordinary bath well washed with baking soda, but in practice, keeping a crumb in it for 10 minutes is too much stress for a tired mother's spine, as often happens after pregnancy. Therefore, for the first months, it is still worth buying a baby bath, which can be placed on a table or chairs and it is convenient to bathe the baby.
  2. A water thermometer will help determine ideal temperature water. A beautiful model later turn into interesting toy for the baby.
  3. A soft washcloth, which can be used to clean the skin of a child, it should be gentle and natural.
  4. Baby soap and shampoo, they are convenient to clean the skin of the child and his hair from the remnants of blood and other impurities left after childbirth. In the future, it is better to use them not daily, but once a week.
  5. A soft towel, which, if possible, needs to be slightly warmed up before removing the crumbs from the water.
  6. Change of clean clothes for the baby, hygiene items, including cotton buds with a limiter for cleaning the ears, cotton pads for cleaning the eyes, a pipette, hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green for treating the umbilical fossa, powder or cream for the diaper, if necessary - children's manicure scissors to remove regrown nails.

At what temperature to bathe a newborn for the first time

It is important not only in which bath, but also in what water we will bathe the baby. Before the umbilical pit heals, it is worth using strictly boiled water to avoid infection, for this you will have to boil and cool large containers in advance. Immediately before bathing, you need to mix the water so that you get a temperature in the range of 36 to 37 degrees using a thermometer.

By the way, you should not take it out of the bath in the future - it will tell you at what temperature the newborn is bathing now, so that you can add warm and not overcool the baby.

For these purposes, you will have to boil another pan immediately before water procedures and keep it nearby along with the ladle.

You can also check the water temperature with your elbow. If there is no sensation of hot or cold, then the temperature is suitable for swimming. The bath for bathing should be filled with water by about 15 centimeters so that the chest and head of the crumbs are not immersed in water.

We boiled only the first time. In all subsequent ones, they simply added potassium permanganate or a decoction of chamomile or succession, calendula to water or a solution. This rule is only valid for the first month.

Although the previously popular solution of potassium permanganate is now not recommended. Too weak has no effect, and strong can cause burns on the child's body. But if it is properly prepared, then this solution will help the healing of the umbilical wound. Potassium permanganate must be diluted in a separate container so that all the crystals disperse, and strain through cheesecloth into another container. Add to bath. The color should be light pink. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Bathing rules

    In order to fearlessly wash a newborn baby for the first time, read the rules for bathing.
  1. Bathing a newborn in the warmest room at home without unnecessary drafts, however, is not worth warming up too much, 26-28 degrees is enough.
  2. Undress the baby, lower it into the water slowly and carefully, allowing you to get used to the unusual sensations. Previously, a diaper was used for this purpose, which wrapped the body of a newborn, it was believed that the fabric gets wet gradually and does not allow the child to be frightened. Now few people use this method, the main thing is to make the first dive comfortable.
  3. Dipping the child is not all, but leaving the head and part of the chest on the surface, it is recommended to lay it so that the head lies on the elbow bend, and the torso on the arm. But it was more convenient for me to hold it with both hands - under the neck and head, and ass, and let go of the torso in the water and wash it with one hand, holding the face on the surface with the other. Now you know how to hold the child while bathing.
  4. Gently wash the hands, feet, stomach, chest, perineum of the child, gently turn him over, keeping his head above the water, and wash his back and buttocks. You can use soap and baby shampoo, washing them off the head exclusively in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head so that the foam does not get into the eyes.
  5. For the first time, 10 minutes in the bathroom will be enough, if the baby is naughty, the procedure will have to be shortened, and in case of outright pleasure, it can be extended by 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove the child from the bath and wrap in a soft towel, lay on a flat surface and gently blot all the wrinkles.
  7. Treat the navel, ears, nails on the hands and feet, the skin under the diaper, dress the child.
  8. In the future, you can bathe the baby daily, skipping a day or two if necessary.

How to bathe a newborn baby in a diaper

As mother and grandmother said, it used to be customary to bathe the baby in a diaper. The first time they did it. It is more convenient to bathe together. What are the rules for bathing a baby in a diaper:

  1. Undress the baby and wrap in a diaper
  2. Carefully lower into the water, holding the head, the body of the child lies on the elbow
  3. Unscrew the diaper from one handle and wash it, then from the second and repeat the process
  4. The next step is to wash the child's feet.
  5. Then the baby's belly and back
  6. Wrap your baby in a warm, dry blanket
  7. Dry and sanitize

bath time for baby

Pediatricians advise, bath time baby in the first month, bring up to 10 minutes. But if the child is uncomfortable in the water and the newborn baby cries while bathing, in this case, reduce the time the baby is in the water.

If the child is happy and splashes with pleasure, then bathing can be extended by 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the temperature of the water so that it does not cool down. If a child's nasolabial triangle turns blue, then he may be cold. Take it out of the water immediately, dry it and wrap it in a warm towel. If after warming the child the blueness does not go away, contact the pediatrician. Perhaps it is associated with some kind of disease. In this case, it is necessary to be examined by specialists.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about bathing a newborn baby for the first time. Let's watch the video:

Folk signs of bathing a newborn

A lot of folk signs are connected with the first bathing of the baby. Here are some of them:

  1. For the very first time, only the parents should bathe the child. It was believed that the grandmother could harm the child
  2. In order for the child to increase strength, you need to add a solution of elecampane to the water
  3. To improve the lactation of milk, it is necessary to whiten the water with it.
  4. Water after bathing must be drained into the sewer
  5. Under no circumstances should a dog be allowed to drink water after bathing a child. Otherwise, it may harm the baby.
  6. And in order for the baby to be treated kindly with love, you need to add a decoction of lovage
  7. Bathing the child should not be on Fridays and Sundays
  8. Do not wash diapers in the water left over from swimming.

When bathing a boy

  • a silver coin or a spoon was thrown into the water for prosperity
  • grain for health and wealth
  • paternal wedding ring to have offspring.

When bathing a girl

  • so that the skin is tender and white, they bathe it in white clothes or add a drop of milk to water
  • 9 grains to live in abundance
  • a few pieces of coal from the evil eye

They also put a bible for the mind under the bath. Hammer for a boy to be careful owner. And for the girl, a spindle, a needle, a sickle, so that she would be a good housewife.

Believe it or not folk omens- this is everyone's business.

Benefits of bathing

  1. Strengthens and tempers the child
  2. Pleasant emotions during water procedures
  3. Baby skin cleansing and care
  4. Child's knowledge of the world around

How to brew grass for bathing a newborn

Pediatricians advise using decoctions of herbs for bathing a child

Herbs for bathing a newborn

Herbs are natural product and a wonderful helper for baby care.

  1. If the child sleeps restlessly, shudders, use soothing herbs. For example, motherwort, lavender, juniper or valerian, mint and oregano.
  2. Chamomile will help if the child is worried about colic.
  3. Herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect - calendula, string, nettle - will help eliminate rashes, sweating, and disinfect wounds.

Basic rules for preparing herbal baths

When you first use a decoction of herbs, you need to check the skin reaction of the child to exclude allergies. To do this, apply on the leg or arm of the child with a cotton pad dipped in broth, and hold for about fifteen minutes. If the skin remains clean, then the herb is suitable.

  1. Use only one herb. This is necessary to find out the reaction of the child. When you have already decided suitable herbs, you can mix them. But no more than 4 in one collection.
  2. Monitor your child's behavior after bathing. The action of decoctions can be different. Some have a stimulating effect, others have a sedative effect.
  3. For bathing a child, such herbs are contraindicated: tansy, wormwood, celandine, thuja.
  4. Bathing with herbs should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, so as not to dry out the baby's skin.
  5. Bathing time is initially no more than 5-7 minutes, then can be extended to 15.
  6. After bathing in decoctions of herbs, the child does not need to be rinsed in order to retain the benefits of bathing.

How to prepare a decoction of herbs

Pharmacies sell filter bags and grass in bulk. When brewing, the filter bags will require at least five pieces and one and a half liters of hot water at one time. Wrap and insist for an hour.

When brewing dried herbs, you need to take one large handful and pour three or even five liters of hot water, wrap it in a towel and leave it to infuse for an hour and a half. Strain before bathing so that the solution does not contain any leaves or blades of grass.

Herbs for decoctions must be bought in pharmacies. The herbs you have collected can harm your child instead of benefiting due to non-compliance with the rules for collecting herbs.

In order not to run into problems, it is worth knowing in advance how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home and start the process competently. See you soon, subscribe to the blog and share articles with your friends. Let your kid fall in love with water procedures!

A lot of questions from young inexperienced mothers are caused by the first bathing of the child. When you need to bathe the baby (immediately after returning from the hospital or a few days later), how often can water procedures be performed for a newborn, are cosmetical tools for delicate baby skin - all these issues are of most concern to newly-made parents before the first bathing of the crumbs. Well, let's try to answer them and give you a few useful tips.

A newborn baby literally immediately upon birth is faced with a lot of harmful bacteria. Thermoregulation in the body of a baby is significantly different from that of an adult: the sweat glands of a child cannot cope with the load, so babies often sweat. Final formation sweat glands ends at 6 or 7 summer age. That is why it is very important to monitor the hygiene of the crumbs.

For the first time, your baby should take a bath in the evening, immediately after discharge from the hospital. Of course, for mom, this may at first seem like a real "strength test", but after a while, you and your little one will only enjoy bathing.

First, let's decide on the things necessary for bathing a baby. You will need:

Special bath designed strictly for bathing a child. Do not use the baby bath for any other household needs. Modern manufacturers offer many interesting models in which mom can independently, without outside help bathe the baby. After water procedures, use a solution of soda or baby soap to clean the baby bath. Powders made on the basis of baby soap.

Water, in which you are going to bathe a newborn. In the first four weeks of a baby's life, use boiled water, but not higher than 37 degrees.

Thermometer. Determine the water temperature with .

Specialsolution for disinfection of the umbilical wound (after birth, it has not yet had time to heal). Dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in boiled warm water, take a folded bandage or cotton swab. Soak it in the resulting solution and treat the wound. Once it heals, you can stop adding potassium permanganate to the water.

When is the best time to bathe a baby: before or after feeding?

How often should a newborn's hair be washed?

There is no need to wash the baby's head more than once a week. After all, the hair of the crumbs is not yet as greasy as in adults, and, therefore, it does not get dirty so often and does not require daily washing.

Does a baby need a washcloth?

You can use a washcloth while bathing - it helps to remove dirt better. But never use a washcloth made of synthetic fibers: a clean, soft cloth made of natural material or a sterile cotton swab. And, of course, no one except the baby should use this washcloth.

How often should a baby's hair be brushed?

Since the baby is mostly lying down, soft and fine hairs become tangled. You need to comb your baby about once every two days, using a special soft brush with natural bristles.

How long can you bathe a baby infancy?

For a newborn, the duration of water procedures should be a maximum of 5-7 minutes. Gradually, by two or three months, the time can be increased to 10 minutes, and then increased by about 1 minute per week.

And to make it more fun for the baby to swim, mom can learn a few funny nursery rhymes.

Pigs, pigs,

I’ll wash your heels now. (Wash your child’s legs)

The piglets ask: "Mom, can we eat jam?"

We open a buffet, (run your fingers up the child's pen)

But there is no jam! (Slap your hands on the water)

After all, it was yesterday...

(child's name) ate (a) in the morning (rub the child's tummy)

Who will be here kup-kup,

By water - squelch squelch?

In the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere.

Boule, boule, boule, carp.

We bathe in a basin.

Near frogs, fish and ducklings.

For the first time, you can bathe the baby on the day of arrival from the hospital, if the vaccination against tuberculosis was done the day before.
If the vaccine is administered immediately before discharge, water procedures should be postponed for a day.
First, you should make sure that everything you need for swimming is at hand: this will allow you to avoid distractions and help you feel confident in your abilities.

The main thing you need is a bath. Of course, you can use the usual one, but it is still advisable to purchase a special baby bath.
Firstly, during the period of mass shutdowns of hot water, the required amount of liquid can be heated faster.
Secondly, babies sometimes have skin problems - allergies, diathesis, erythema, in which the use of medicinal herbs is indicated.
In a small bath it is easier to achieve the required concentration of water and broth. Thirdly, it is much easier to keep such a container clean. Baby bathtubs come in different widths and depths.
Among them there are very comfortable ones - with wide sides that cling to the sides. large bath, which allows the one who bathes the baby not to bend down too much. Slides for swimming are also sold separately - a very convenient invention that frees parents' hands to support the child.

In addition to the bath, there are many more little things that you should take care of in advance. So, you will definitely need a bath thermometer: after all, the temperature of the water is individual for each baby, and when choosing it, you should be guided by the reaction of the child. At the first bath, 36.6 degrees are considered standard ( normal temperature human body). And then you need to watch the crumbs. Some children prefer warmer water, others cooler. And "inappropriate" temperature can cause whims and bitter crying while taking water procedures.

It is best to buy a terry towel, with a hood-corner that is put on the head: this way it is easier for the baby to completely wrap up after the bath.
Concerning detergent, then both classic and liquid baby soap, which is more convenient to use, will do.
It is strictly forbidden to wash the baby antibacterial agents- they can disrupt the natural microflora of the skin.
For washing hair, children's shampoo is ideal, which not only gently cleanses and nourishes the hair, but also does not cause tears when it gets into the eyes. It may be necessary to change several brands until the child "chooses" what he likes. The same can be said about cosmetics - baby cream or oil.

As a washcloth when bathing a newborn, you can use a piece terry towel or a special terry mitten.
However, many do without it, preferring to lather the baby with just a hand. It is more convenient to rinse the body with a small bucket.
And for hygienic treatment of the eyes and ears after bathing, you will need cotton pads or flagella.

Until the umbilical wound has healed, it is preferable to bathe the child in potassium permanganate or herbs - a string or chamomile.
It's a good idea to check with your pediatrician first. It is only worth considering that potassium permanganate and a string dry the delicate baby skin too much. So after water treatment You need to use a baby moisturizer.

As the child grows, the composition of the herbal bath can be changed and complicated.
Yes, it helps with allergies.
prickly (flowers and leaves),
common heather (grass),
mountaineer bird (grass),
corn (stigmas of pistils),
burdock (roots)
medicinal lungwort (roots and grass),
Dandelion officinalis (roots)
motherwort five-lobed (grass),
couch grass (rhizome),
chamomile (flowers),
rowan ordinary (fruits),
common chicory (roots),
tripartite sequence (grass),
purple (roots).
With sweating and diaper rash, you can use the leaves and buds of birch and aspen.

Valerian root, hop cones, juniper branches, pine and spruce needles, five-lobed motherwort leaves, herb and flowers of chamomile, medicinal sage herb, wormwood, bitter St. John's wort, peppermint are suitable as sedatives.

Even though evening is considered the traditional bathing time, this time is by no means obligatory. There are children who are overexcited by bathing, after which they hardly fall asleep and do not sleep well. Such babies can be washed in the morning. Some babies prefer to bathe before meals, others only on a full stomach. Some people immediately fall asleep after bathing, others will play for a couple more hours. And these are not whims: such “requests” are closely related to the physiology of the child, the characteristics of his nervous system. So when choosing a time for bathing, you should listen to the "opinion" of the baby.

Bathing by the rules
Now that everything is ready, you can proceed to the main thing. Water procedures are best carried out in the bathroom, maintaining a temperature of 26-27 ° C in it and eliminating the possibility of drafts. First you need to fill the bath with water with a temperature of 37-3 7.2 ° C (by the time the baby appears, the liquid will just cool down to the desired values). You can add a few drops of diluted potassium permanganate or herbal decoction. On the slide or the bottom of the tub, place a thick diaper folded several times so that the child does not slip. If the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to place a changing table, then it is better to undress the baby before bathing there. Before immersion in water, it is necessary to wrap the newborn in a thin diaper so that he is not afraid of unfamiliar sensations from contact with water; then unfold the diaper.

There are two ways to wash a baby: soaping before immersion and soaping in the bath. The second method is the most commonly used and recommended by pediatricians. It is very important to properly immerse the child in the bath. With your left hand, you need to grab the left armpit of the child, the back of the head and head of which at the same time rest on the shoulder of the bather. Right hand buttocks are supported. After immersion, you can leave the baby's legs free, but the head and torso must be supported with the left hand and forearm. Having lowered the baby into the water, you need to give him time to get used to it. It is better to use soap no more than twice a week. Soft in a circular motion wash the head, neck, armpits, arms, chest, abdomen and legs. Soaped areas immediately rinse. The crotch area is washed last.

The length of stay in the water depends on the age of the child. In the first months, 5-7 minutes are enough. After that, you need to remove the baby from the water and rinse it with warm water from the bucket.

Final procedures
The washed baby should be wrapped in a towel and placed on a diaper. The delicate skin of a newborn is not wiped in the usual sense of the word. It is enough to properly blot the crumbs with a towel, paying special attention to the folds in which diaper rash can form from excess moisture. Now the skin needs to be lubricated with special cosmetics. Powder can be used in areas of weeping diaper rash, cream - where the skin is dry. It is impossible to apply powder on the cream: it rolls into lumps and can rub the skin.

Now with sterile cotton or cotton pads you have to rub your eyes. Do this from the outer edge to the inner, so as not to infect the infection. With flagella twisted from the same cotton wool, the nose and ears should be cleaned, removing any remaining water. You can only clean visible part ear. It remains only to comb the baby's hair with a hair brush, carefully combing out the scales on the head. The scales go well if you lubricate your head with baby oil before bathing. Now the baby can be swaddled or dressed.

Despite the apparent complexity, bathing is actually a fairly simple procedure. Each time, parents will feel more confident, and the baby will get more and more pleasure and positive emotions.

Helpful Hints:
– Bathtubs for bathing babies are produced for every taste and color: anatomically shaped, with a slide on which you can put the baby, on special stands built into the swaddle

- Before using herbal baths, you should consult a pediatrician who will advise decoctions suitable for the baby's skin.

- Never leave a child alone in the bath - it is very dangerous!

- If the baby's skin is healthy, not overdried, there is no irritation, diaper rash, then no baby cosmetics will be needed after bathing

Based on the article by S. Petina, pediatrician

It is necessary to start bathing a newborn baby only after the wound at the site of the umbilical cord has healed. Until this time, the baby can only be wiped with a damp soft towel. Particular attention is paid to the folds on the skin. Usually, the first bathing of a newborn baby is carried out by parents for the first time in the second week after the birth of the child.

For this procedure, you need to prepare everything you need, including soft sponge, baby soap, a large jug for rinsing. The bath can be used enameled or plastic, but specially designed for bathing newborns. Be sure to have a thermometer ready to measure the water temperature.

Baby's first bath

Water procedures can be done at any time of the day, but it is best to do this in the evening before the last evening feeding. It is also recommended to bathe at the same time. If in the evening your baby is worried, naughty while bathing, try to carry out the procedure in the afternoon, after dinner, before feeding.

It is necessary to observe a certain air temperature in the room where bathing is carried out. It should be 20-25 degrees. The water temperature is 37-38 degrees. Make sure there are no drafts in the room.

Before filling the tub with water, prepare glass jar dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. You will need it to treat the navel after bathing. Close the jar with a lid, store it in a cabinet so that it is always at hand. Now fill the bath with warm boiled water, pour in a little solution so that the water becomes light pink color.

Bathing a child in water with potassium permanganate is necessary until the wound from the umbilical cord is completely healed. Bathing water should be boiled and cooled for about 2 months. The first procedures should last no more than 3-4 minutes. Baby soap is used no more than 2 times a week.

Prepare everything you need in advance. Place these items next to the tub so they're close at hand and don't leave your baby unattended for a second.

For the water procedure, you need to prepare:

Clean bath, baby soap, soft clean towel to dry, warm towel to wrap baby after bath, cotton swabs, diaper, diaper.

You will also need two undershirts: light and warm. Two bonnets: light and warm. Be sure to use the baby bath. You can bathe a child in a shared bath only from six months. For convenience, use special stands.

Some helpful swimming tips:

During the first water procedures, do not use any cosmetics other than baby soap. Shampoos and bath foams should not be used. They can cause allergic reactions.

You can use baby shampoo from 5-6 months of age, no more than 1 time per week. Bath foams can be used after 1 year.

First bath

Fill the bath to 15-20 cm. When bathing, the child's head, shoulders and chest should remain dry. Place a jug with warm (36 degrees) boiled water nearby for rinsing.

Undress the child, take it in your arms and very carefully lower it gradually into the water. The baby should be immersed in water, and his head should be located on the elbow of his father or mother. At the same time, support your head and back with your left hand.

With your right hand, use a soapy cotton swab to gently wash your baby's chest, legs, arms, and genitals. Then turn it over on the tummy, supporting the head and chest, lather the back. Now lather your head with a swab.

After that, rinse it with water from a jug. Rinse the soap foam from the head carefully so that the soap does not get into the eyes. This should be done in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head, and not vice versa. Rinse your baby thoroughly so that there are no traces of soap on the skin.

After bathing and rinsing, take your baby out of the tub and quickly wrap him in a soft bath towel. Place on changing table. With blotting movements, wipe the baby from the remnants of water, starting from the head. Wipe with light movements, starting from the stomach to the back. Thoroughly blot skin folds, neck, underarms and groin. If the baby's skin is very dry, you can use baby cream or oil.

Now the navel should be processed. Pipette a solution of hydrogen peroxide into a pipette (your pediatrician). Apply 2 drops to the navel area, then blot with a piece of cotton. Instead of peroxide, you can use brilliant green or a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which you have already prepared in advance. Now the baby can be dressed and fed.

After the first water procedure, bathe the baby daily until he is six months old. After 6 months up to one and a half years of the baby can be bought every other day. Be sure to monitor the temperature of the bathing water. First use boiled water 37 degrees. After six months, water can be heated from 36 to 36.5 degrees.

At the first bathing up to 6 months. the duration of the procedure should be 5 minutes. After 6 months up to 1 year - from 5 to 10 minutes. After the first year of life up to 2 years, it is permissible to bathe a child from 10 to 15 minutes. Increase the duration of the procedure gradually, starting with a few minutes.