Figures from junk material with their own hands. DIY crafts from junk material - nothing will be lost from a zealous owner. Waste material lanterns


Waste material is called everything that is no longer useful in everyday life and is boldly sent to the garbage container.

But you can try to give such unnecessary things a second life in the form of various children's crafts, home decorations, an extraordinary design of a summer cottage, as well as crafts from junk material with your own hands can act as gift surprises for a loved one, relative or friends.

Crafts from old CDs

It is easy to update old sneakers made of waste material with your own hands by pasting them with pieces of discs of different sizes. It is quite possible to give a new look to the guitar by laying out broken pieces of disks in the form of a mosaic over its entire area. You can add flower pots, glass in the interior door, tables, chairs with mosaics.

For a large mirror on the wall, it is not as difficult as it seems to make a frame from the same pieces. Even for beginners, it is quite possible to make crafts from entire CDs, for example, clocks. Doing such a useful craft will be exciting for elementary school children. She does not carry great ingenuity.

For the manufacture will require the following parts:

  1. CD.
  2. Clock mechanism from a working alarm clock.
  3. Any brand of superglue.
  4. Unnecessary or unusable keyboard.

The compact disc is the basis for future watches, so any of its sides can be used as the front view. Prepare 12 buttons with numbers from the keyboard and only those with the letter f. They are located at the top of the very first line.

Now you should apply glue to the areas, first make marks with a marker. For convenience and uniformity, it is better to glue the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12 first of all. Carefully insert the engine with arrows in the center. Used items must be glued together. After complete drying, it will be possible to decorate the watch with additional drawings or fractional decorative ornaments.

Country crafts from plastic bottles

It is enough just to make an exotic palm tree from plastic bottles, which will decorate the yard, planted a garden at their summer cottage.

Required materials:

In plastic brown bottles, cut off the upper unnecessary part. There remains a bottom 7-8 cm high. Make triangular cuts, in the form of teeth, which will help create roughness and relief of the trunk. Drill holes in each prepared part with a drill. The diameter of the drill must match the diameter of the rod.

The number of bottles depends on the desired stem height.

Make a leafy top for the upcoming palm tree from green bottles. They need 5 pcs. Cut them lengthwise along the entire length to make two equal halves, which are unfolded along the sides. Get rid of the bottom in advance with a clerical knife - it will not come in handy. Make small cuts on each half on both sides. This will create a special splendor for the leaves.

In one lid, make a hole with an 8 cm drill. Place all products from brown bottles on a steel rod, bending the teeth outward in advance. Then plant the foliage. On the last bottle with a neck, tighten the cap tightly. Prepare the foundation for the installation of the palm tree. The fastening must be reliable, then strong winds, hot sun, downpours and severe frosts will not harm the palm tree.

Crafts from covers

From the covers it is easy to make unusual fridge magnets that will decorate the interior of the kitchen.

Simple instructions for magnets from any caps:

To make a bunch of grapes, you will need to collect several blue or green caps, connecting them together with brown wire or thick thread. You can make cherries from red caps, and take green wire, twisting it into the desired shape, it will serve as leaves.

If the transition from the hallway to the room does not have a door, then it makes sense to construct curtains with your own hands from this catchy material, using an awl for making holes and floss. Attach details to it, alternating colors. Make several such chains so that the passage is tightly closed over the entire width.

Take the wire, which will serve as a cornice. It is good to pull it and fix it on both sides using screws and a screwdriver. On the fixed wire, tie ready-made trinkets into knots. Homemade curtains are ready for use.

Lids can decorate tables and benches in the courtyard of a private house, fences, outer walls of a shed, barn. To do this, you need to sort the covers by color. Design in advance a pattern or picture of the drawings being drawn up. You can cut out the finished image and navigate through it. Lids are perfectly glued to wood, plastic, plywood, iron.

What can be made from wine corks

It is enough just to make a hand-made rug for the bathroom from cork waste material with your own hands. Such rugs do not absorb moisture and have healing properties for the feet. Take care in advance of acquiring a waterproof base of the desired coverage. You can use a rubber mat if you have one in the house.

Cut each cork in half with a clerical knife, clean the resulting rough sections with fine sandpaper. For the convenience of the further workflow, line up the parts around the perimeter using an adhesive substance of any kind. Then alternately fill in the resulting space in a row. You can also build a conceived image from traffic jams for a positive mood and effect.

According to the same scheme, wall paintings are made with their own hands.

In a regular frame under the photo, place products, including fantasy. Decorate with buttons, ribbons, chains, brooches, various jewelry. From traffic jams, you can veneer the wall in the kitchen above the desktop, laying them out two at a time, either vertically or horizontally. Wine corks are perfect for serving coasters.

Master class: applications with disposable plates

The cost of disposable plates is available for creativity, making various fakes. It's easy to make masks for kids.

Step by step process:

  1. On the back surface of the plate with a felt-tip pen, mark the location of the eyes of the future animal.
  2. Cut out gaps for the eyes with a clerical knife, decorate them with black and white paper.
  3. Draw on paper a sketch of the muzzle of your preferred animal.
  4. If you decided to start making a fox, then paint the entire back surface of the plate with orange paint.
  5. Make ears out of orange cardboard. For the aesthetics of the image from white, cut out shapes slightly smaller than the ears themselves and glue them inside with glue. Ears put on double-sided tape. From orange paper, make an oblong muzzle by folding the paper into a cone. From the dark gray color, cut out a circle for the nose. Cut out two equal shapes from white paper, place them on both sides of the nose.
  6. Glue all prepared products with glue to the places intended for them.
  7. Insert the elastic cord into the holes just below the eye holes. The mask is ready to use.

In this way, you can make any animal chosen by your child.

Second life for tin cans

From tin cans it is really possible to make an anti-stress toy, a spinner, that has made a sensation throughout Europe. Necessary parts: 2 cans - volume 0.33 l., 2 roller bearings of the same size, superglue, weights (small iron balls) of the same size - 3 pcs., nail scissors and a stationery knife, colored adhesive tape.

Completing of the work:

  • Trim the bottom of the jars with a height of 1 cm with nail scissors. It is necessary to trim the rough and prickly edges without changing the height of the sides.
  • On one tin product, we attach weights with glue at a uniform distance from each other. Proper fastening of the balls will allow the spinner to create a significant system of inertia of the desired speed. That, according to the technical rules in the work, a toy will not distinguish a do-it-yourself craft made from waste materials from factory manufacturers.
  • Then we connect the 2 received parts, putting one on top of the other, the shape should resemble a wheel.
  • Now we glue the bearings on both sides, which should be placed exactly in the center in the same position so that the points match perfectly with each other, otherwise the anti-stress spinner will not rotate as needed.
  • After the glue has completely dried, it is required to get rid of the sharp edges of the tin parts, avoiding cuts on the hands. With colored adhesive tape, gently pulling each time, wrap the toy around the edges. Slowly so that bubbles do not form.
  • Irregularities that have gone beyond the boundaries are cut off with a clerical knife.
  • Bearings can be masked with buttons of the right size, for comfortable use and a stylish look.

Decorating glass bottles

You can beautifully decorate a glass bottle with coffee beans. The work is easy and pleasant. Apply a drop of adhesive to each coffee bean and firmly stick to the bottle. It is permissible to paste without any drawing and pattern, or you can develop a sketch of the image in advance. Colored paper is often used to decorate glass bottles.

Crumple the paper, then straighten it. Apply glue to the bottle. Start at the neck, wrap around the bottle, pulling the paper tightly, but carefully so as not to tear. The paper will shrink, lay down with folds, which means that everything is done correctly. The main thing is to ensure that air does not enter under the paper. Then cut out strips of 3 cm wide from paper of any color. Roll into spirals.

Lubricate the selected area for the pattern on the bottle with glue. It is also possible to use chocolate foil, newsprint or corrugated paper for decoration.

Crafts from newspapers and magazines

It is easy to make many interesting DIY crafts from old newspapers and magazines that can be used with pleasure in everyday life. One of the most popular paper waste crafts is the basket.

In order to weave a basket of newspapers you will need:

  • spray acrylic paint;
  • newspapers that have already been read several times in everyday life;
  • brush with a long handle;
  • durable cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors.

Cut out two circles of the same shape from cardboard, you will need to navigate them in the size of the basket. Cut newspapers to the size of an A4 sheet. Fix one edge of the newspaper on a pencil and start winding the tube, and after a few turns spread PVA glue along the entire length. To make such tubes in the limit of 20 pcs.

Glue 6 tubes to the surface of the cardboard, placing them at equal distances, like numbers on a mechanical watch (6, 8, 10, 12, 2, 4). The rest of the tubes must be made flat, straighten them with the edge of the palm. At the end of the fake, paint over the basket with spray paint.

Craftswomen like to make stylish wide bracelets from the magazines they read.

To do this, you will need handy scissors and a magazine. Cut out strips of 10 by 4 cm from the magazine. Fold the separate part received in half and unbend it back, the fold line should be visible. Bend two edges exactly to the fold. Fold again, you get a long strip. After this, fold it in half in width and straighten it back. Then fold the two sides to the fold line.

You should get a "V" symbol for victory. To collect the bracelet, you need to combine all the available parts. It is necessary to lay the ends of one part into the ends of another until you get a chain with 27 links. You need 3 such chains. Finally, combine the chains with each other by means of several blanks of the “V” symbol. The finished bracelet can be painted or decorated to taste.

Toilet paper and paper towel toys

You can make a lot of interesting toys out of toilet paper rolls and paper towels. Moreover, even a small child can make such fakes from waste material with his own hands, and the parent will gladly want to help him with this. To make the ears of any animal, you need to bend the two edges of the sleeve inward so that they touch each other.

Protruding two ears, lift the top or position them as it seems necessary for the selected animal.

Make a tail out of colored cardboard, and cut out wings, a triangular beak, and paws for the bird. Make an elephant a trunk and huge ears. For a lion a beautiful lush mane - cut out a round figure from cardboard, around which make cuts in the form of scars. From colored plain paper, cut out eyes, noses, pig snout. Also cut out the bow, tie, pockets. When assembling a fake, use ordinary glue.

Do-it-yourself crafts from waste material can be done together with children.

It is not difficult to make an extraordinary snake from waste material with your own hands using paper towel sleeves. To do this, you will need to cut the sleeve in a spiral along the entire length, the width can be different, the narrower the strips, the thinner, but longer the snake. Cut out the shape of a snake tongue from cardboard. Color or cover with colored paper.

Using fantasy, you can make different animals, little men and even monsters, which almost all children have a positive attitude towards.

Examples of crafts from cardboard boxes

It is easiest to make cubes from tetra milk or kefir bags. To do this, cut the bottom of two such boxes with an even square. All sides must be the same height and width. Apply glue to the walls and carefully insert one blank with an empty space into another. Cut out pictures from newspapers or magazines. Paste all the edges with them.

Finally cover with acrylic decoupage varnish. Glue the ribs with thin strips cut out of the album sheet paper. If you place any porridge cereal inside the cube, an original rattle will come out. You can make a stationery organizer from a shoe box.

Finish the inside and outside of the box with cloth or colored paper with pasted pictures that are cut out from magazines and newspapers. Take measurements of the width, length and height of the box. Inside, cut out one partition in length from cardboard and 3-4 partitions along the width of the box.

On short partitions, make incisions in the middle to the very top, so that you can put them on a long partition. Coat all products on the ribs with glue and install in a box. Decorate such an organizer with any material you wish.

Step-by-step instructions: do-it-yourself cardboard horseshoe

For creativity you will need materials:

Work process:

  1. Draw a horseshoe pattern of the desired size on a piece of paper. Cut out.
  2. Put on cardboard, circle with a pencil and carefully cut out.
  3. Tie the workpiece with yarn forming an air loop. Thread both ends through the loop, pulling tightly each time, but do not overdo it so as not to damage the cardboard. With each new weaving, the threads need to be corrected - they should fit snugly and evenly against each other.
  4. Hide the ends of the threads and fasten from the back of the part.
  5. From the bottom of the horseshoe to its half, apply glue and plant coffee beans.
  6. A little higher on both sides of the 8 coffee beans lay out the flowers. Plant a bead inside each flower. Make loops of yarn around the flowers.
  7. For the finished amulet, it is necessary to allocate an area above the door.

How to use egg packaging in creativity

Use egg cartons as bird feeders. So that sudden changes in temperature cannot harm the feeder, you should cover it with gouache, then, after complete drying, varnish it. Separate the lid (if the package is small), fasten the ropes for 4 edges and hang it on a strong tree branch. Pour bird food into the cells. The feeder is ready.

Egg trays are easy to use as vases or fruit stands. Coat the trays with varnish, decoupage or cover them with a lampshade fabric napkin. It will turn out original and impressive. You can make souvenir toys: cut out inner cones from the egg packaging, they will serve as the body.

After cutting out from the package (considering which animal, mammal or bird is present in your imagination) the nose, paws, ticks, wings, beak, scallop. Colorize with paints. Glue the blanks to the body. For the peephole, use buttons or ready-made decorative ones. You can get key rings if you make a hole and fasten the chain.

Homemade crafts from natural material

Interesting ideas:

Having found catchy material in the house, there is no need to rush to identify it in the trash. Set aside unnecessary things until you have free time for original DIY crafts.

Video: do-it-yourself crafts from waste material

Interesting crafts from waste material, see the video clip:

How to make a box from waste material, find out in the video:

Crafts from waste is a topic that makes people think creatively, get used to taking care of nature, educate children in environmental thinking, develop their craftsmanship skills, and satisfy aesthetic needs.

On planet Earth, people produce approximately 3.5 million tons of waste and garbage every day. Over time, this figure will, unfortunately, grow, but not decrease. Now all civilized mankind understands that this is a serious problem requiring a solution, which must be cardinal. What is a drastic decision? If you threw a bus ticket on the ground, threw a plastic coffee cup there, poured broken glass into a “secluded place” in the forest, then this is not a cardinal solution to the problem. In such a barbaric way, you solved the purely personal problem of not littering your space with garbage at home or at work.

Meanwhile, in developed countries, people have learned to sort industrial and household waste and recycle it. Recycling is called (from the English recycling - disposal). That is, it is enough for an ordinary person to carefully sort the garbage and put it on the street. Then the work of specialists begins, who give the garbage a second life. However, creative individuals sometimes find amazing ideas for making something useful or interesting out of garbage.

What types of recyclable materials can be used to make various crafts? First of all, it is paper, old clothes, different types of plastic, woodworking waste, scrap metal, glass and glass products, rubber and rubber items.

Why is it worth recycling waste and crafting something from it, and not just throwing it away?

  1. Once waste enters the environment, it becomes a pollutant. For example, 1 liter of engine oil poured onto the ground forms a thin film on it with an area of ​​two football fields.
  2. Many resources on the globe are exhaustible or limited renewable, so it is quite logical to use waste as a secondary raw material.
  3. Garbage and end-of-life items are a cheaper source of new products than natural ones. Here it would be appropriate to use the statement that the rich are rich not because they spend a lot, but because they know how to save.
  4. Making crafts from garbage is a fascinating activity that requires creativity and ingenuity. Children of any age can be involved in the process, which will tear them away from computers and tablets, and make the family more friendly.

What can be made from waste

In everyday life, people often use things obtained from garbage. These things can be obtained in production, or they can be made by hand. Here are some examples of the use of garbage as a recyclable material.

The scourge of garbage cans in Russia is plastic bottles. What can be made from plastic waste in production? It turns out that this type of garbage is very easy to recycle, and you can recycle it an infinite number of times! At the enterprises, caps and labels will be removed from the bottles, sorted by color, then pressed, crushed, passed through a steam boiler to remove residual impurities and, as a result, granules (flex) will be obtained. Flex can be used to produce not only plastic containers, but also, for example, interlining or polyester. Have you ever thought about wearing clothes made from plastic bottles?

It takes 60 days to recycle and resend an aluminum can, for example, from Coke, back on the shelf in the store. Approximately 75% of all aluminum produced since 1988 is recycled aluminium.

In addition to recycling waste in production, there are many ways to make crafts from household waste. So, for example, you can create beach bags, rugs, decor items, toys for children, Christmas tree decorations and many other crafts from solid household waste with your own hands.

On the eve of the most fun holiday of the year, here are some original ideas for crafts made from waste material - garbage.

They used to be electric light bulbs, but now they are cute toys for the Christmas tree.

You have accumulated used straws from a cocktail! Fold them in a pile, drag the wire in the middle, straighten each tube, paint over with golden paint. The original decoration for the Christmas tree is ready! You can also make a Christmas tree toy, following the instructions described in the picture above.

Don't throw away your toilet paper tubes! They can be turned into cute Santas!

And how do you like these "cozy" penguins made from plastic bottles with the help of paints, yarn and fantasy?

You can give more than a dozen examples of how waste is turned into design elements, but the volume of the article will not allow it. Therefore, we will focus on tips on how to make crafts from garbage for children in school and for children in kindergarten.

What to do to the child in school

On an ecological topic, that is, the topic of relationships in nature, you need to start talking with a child from an early age. Better yet, back up your words with action. An excellent lesson in ecology can be a joint production of useful crafts from waste for the school with a younger student. They say that children should not play with matches, and this is absolutely true! But from empty boxes you can make a whole didactic game!

For work you will need:

  • 33 matchbox;
  • colored xerox paper;
  • colored self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • many small items: buttons, doll slippers, keys, acorns and so on.

It is clear that a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter should work together with an adult. The steps are very simple:

  1. Cut out rectangles from xerox paper, corresponding in length and width to the surface of a matchbox.
  2. Seal the top of the matchbox with the prepared rectangles.
  3. Cut out letters from self-adhesive paper and attach them on top of the rectangles.
  4. Put in each box a small item whose name begins with the letter written on the box.

Multifunctional toy is ready:

  • the child, laying out objects in the correct boxes, learns the alphabet;
  • tries to line up the letters in order;
  • made up of the letters of the word.

Important! The child not only memorizes Russian letters and develops ecological thinking, but also develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which positively affects the development of the brain.

What to do to a child in kindergarten

It is known that mothers and fathers, grandparents again and again experience the events of childhood together with their children and grandchildren. Adults, as well as children, are interested in making something, turning ideas into reality. Let the New Year's fairy tale surround us now, but Easter is just around the corner, which means that soon it will be necessary to paint eggs, and coasters are needed for colored eggs. Let's give a master class on making coasters for Easter eggs from the most banal material - tubes from used toilet paper.

For work you will need:

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • corrugated multi-colored paper;
  • ribbons, scraps of lace sewing, ropes;
  • glue;
  • a lot of positive.
  1. We take the sleeve, make a strip of glue in the center.
  2. We cut out rectangles from corrugated paper of different colors with a width equal to the height of the sleeve and a length of 1 cm more than its diameter. We wrap the sleeve in a piece of corrugated paper, gluing it.
  3. We fix in the middle of the product: a rope, lace or braid, we tie it.
  4. Ready!

And if kindergarten teachers teach children to paint Easter eggs set on homemade coasters, then this will generally be a wonderful lesson. In the process, children will come into contact with the beautiful, comprehend the basics of Orthodox culture, understand that things need to be treated with care, that before throwing them away, you need to think about where this thing can come in handy.

If kindergarten children master the technique of making pompoms from plastic grocery bags that have become unusable or from garbage bags, then you can make a lot of toys and useful things together with adults.

This poodle is made from one color pompoms made from plastic bags that you could just throw in the trash.

And again, a hot topic: this sun can be a great decoration for a Christmas tree.

The question arises: how to make pompoms from plastic film (from garbage bags)? Very simple! The following materials and tools are required for work:

  • clean garbage bags;
  • sharp scissors;
  • thread with good density;
  • two cardboard rings with a hole inside.

Packages, depending on what is planned, can be of different colors: either all plain or multi-colored.

  1. First, we make long strips from the package.
  2. Next, we wrap them around the cardboard rings in a circle using a slot.
  3. If the strip is over, then cut it off at the root of the ring.
    Put on a new strip.
  4. We stop the overlay of polyethylene strips when the rings are completely closed. Using scissors, make a slit between the cardboard rings.
  5. We move the rings slightly away from each other and pull the polyethylene strips between them with a strong thread.
  6. We remove the cardboard rings and straighten the resulting pompoms.
  7. It's time to turn on your imagination and collect pompoms into the right thing or into a toy. If you don't want a toy, put together this adorable rug.

Modern life dictates its own rules to man, one of which is respect for nature. By making useful things from waste material, people save one or another natural resource and contribute to saving the planet from littering with garbage.

An inexpensive way to do needlework, a useful environmental trend, a great topic for creative development - all these are do-it-yourself crafts from waste material for children in kindergarten. There is more and more paper, plastic, metal, polyethylene and glass, and the planet has less and less chance to cope with all this garbage. In addition to recycling, cleaning and disposal of secondary raw materials, there is another, alternative option - turn unnecessary things into useful art objects and teach your children to do this. After all, the future largely depends on us and our awareness that a pile of unnecessary things can lead to an environmental disaster. Scientists today are surprised and horrified by the amount of synthetic waste that humanity produces and throws away. Some household waste can still be given a new life and together with the child turn them into do-it-yourself crafts from waste material for kindergarten, which we will do with you.

Crafting from recycled materials is not only an opportunity to dispose of unnecessary and disturbing things at home - it is an exciting activity in which children will definitely show their strengths. We've already covered how to create . Basically, these were ideas for the house, garden or vegetable garden. This time we will tell you how to quickly and beautifully turn the tools available at home (sometimes that have served their main mission) into bright, useful and creative products.

For example, you can make toys for an exhibition on the topic "Ecology". Kids will love turtles made from plastic bottles and bottle caps.
For the body of the turtle, you need to cut cardboard or foam template, and for the shell - cut off the bottom of the bottle or glue the caps.

Another great photo - a caterpillar from an egg container, which is easy to make. Did you know that these containers are not recyclable?

Christmas is coming soon - it's time to take care of the decor!

New Year's crafts from waste are new original trend, which has more and more followers.
New Year's composition of Christmas trees and deer can accommodate very comfortably under a plastic cup.

With a slight movement of the hand with the help of sequins light bulbs turn into Christmas decorations.
The so-called "stump" from paper towels or toilet paper can easily become a snowman.

And you should be careful with these candlesticks - they are made of glasses.
Such a thing, like CThe D-disk has not been used by many for a long time for its intended purpose. But as a decor - with pleasure!

Plastic utensils are everywhere, so why not make a children's mask out of them or a funny picture for kindergarten?

It's become popular today combine waste and natural material for crafts. We examined in detail all the novelties in the creation of such products in the article, and this tea set will inspire you to use unusual and even unexpected things.

Making crafts is often dedicated to some kind of holiday, for example, you can make real ones from improvised means. man-made masterpieces for Cosmonautics Day or Mother's Day.

Crafts for the garden with your own hands from improvised materials: a master class with a description

After we have introduced you to the most popular ideas, we suggest creating crafts for the garden with your own hands: from improvised materials with a description and detailed step-by-step photos.

Useful crafts from improvised means

Such, at first glance, an unnecessary item as a toilet paper or towel roll, a baby can easily with your help turn into a beautiful Easter craft.

Prepare everything you need for work:

  • one sleeve for the roll;
  • paint;
  • colored paper;
  • glue.

  1. We make blanks on yellow double-sided paper: draw the head, wings and tail of the chicken.
  2. We cut the sleeve lengthwise, take measurements, cut out a “robe” for the sleeve from yellow paper.
  3. Glue the sleeve with yellow paper and make small cuts on both sides of the product.
  4. We insert the parts into the holes - in front of the head, behind the tail.
  5. We circle the plate, making a circle, cut along the edges of the fringe and we “plant” our chicken on this impromptu nest.
  6. We make testicles from multi-colored pebbles.

Here is another interesting way make a chic craft from a paper sleeve to a kindergarten. And this creative idea will help you decorate the wall in the room or in the kindergarten with used paper cups.

Christmas decorations can be made from any material.- even from cocktail tubes, even from expired pasta. Cut the tube into identical particles, after which fasten them with wire or thread. Color the products in different colors. stale pasta can be turned into a snowflake.

Very easily and simply can turn into a snowflake regular plastic bottle, more precisely, its bottom.

From a New Year's fairy tale to a blooming spring. In such a wreath, your baby will look gentle and beautiful, like a forest princess.
And your son will surely like to do robot made of plastic caps and bottles

Want to make some crafts, but do not want to purchase expensive materials? Do you want to give old things a second life? Learn how to make crafts from recycled materials. Our article will help you with this.

What is waste material?

Waste material gives a wide scope for imagination. Most importantly, it is always at hand! In order to make crafts from waste material, you do not have to go to the store or wander through the forest. Everything you need can be easily found in the pantry, garage and even in the wastebasket!

Old newspapers, cardboard boxes, egg containers, plastic bottles, juice and milk bags, metal cans and lids - all of these are useful for making children's crafts from waste material, as well as products that will be useful for yourself. Working with unusual materials will not only develop your imagination, but also teach you to see new sides of ordinary things.

Crafts from disks

Probably, each house has a pile of unnecessary CDs that no one has been using for a long time. Disks can be an excellent material for creating many interesting things.

Warm up the disc a little over the fire, bend it like a bowl - the original candlestick is ready! You can stick pieces of fabric - you get interesting coasters for mugs and glasses. From disks you can make a lamp or a floor lamp.

Round, with a convenient hole in the middle… Yes, this is a finished watch! It remains to insert the clockwork and decorate to your liking. Watches can be both real, functional, and decorative.

The circle is already a finished shape. Excellent crafts from waste material for kindergarten can be obtained if you add it with a muzzle, paws and tail, or fins, or a beak and wings using colored paper, fabric, felt. Bright exotic fish, birds, lion cubs, tiger cubs, cats, dogs can live in your house - that's enough imagination.

Finally, you can cut the disk into small pieces and decorate many things with a mosaic pattern. Thus decorate vases, Christmas decorations, photo frames and even walls! What other crafts can be made from waste material? Photos show that the scope for imagination is truly limitless!

Crafts from plastic bottles

It's no secret that crafts made from waste material are often made from plastic bottles. They are limited by flower beds, flowers are cut out of them, palm trees are made. All this has already come. Let's try to give you some interesting ideas that can surprise you.

Plastic palm trees are boring. But have you ever seen a Christmas tree made of green bottles? With a little work and patience, you can get a real fluffy beauty. And not only desktop: the size of the tree depends only on your free time and desire.

Take two bottles, cut in half, connect the two lower parts. And now let's get down to paint - and boring plastic will turn into funny animals. You can do the same with a bottle of unusual shape.

Accumulated containers of shampoos and shower gels? You can make a real flotilla of them for games at home and on the street. Make a sail from a long skewer, stick it into the half of a wine cork. Now, using rubber bands, attach this design to a closed bottle. The unsinkable ship is ready!

Why not go bowling? There is always a ball, and skittles can be made from plastic bottles. In order to prevent them from being blown away by the wind, pour some sand on the bottom. With the help of paints, such skittles can be turned into funny little men or funny animals.

Crafts from waste material for school in the winter can also be made from plastic bottles. It will be very unusual to decorate the class with the help of Christmas decorations with your own hands. Cut the bottle into rings a centimeter thick, form a ball out of the rings. The base is ready, and you can decorate a light ball with a Christmas tree rain, sequins, rhinestones. The bottom of the bottle is an almost finished snowflake, it remains to apply a pattern with white paint, and excellent bumps will turn out from a brown bottle.

Crafts from covers

So, we used the bottles, there were a bunch of multi-colored caps left. Do not rush to throw them away! Covers will be an excellent material for children's creativity. The smallest ones can draw muzzles on them, add ears, tails - you get a whole zoo. Stick a few covers on a sheet of cardboard - and they will become the heroes of an unusual pattern, for example, fish in an aquarium.

Caps - an excellent element of a mosaic. They can make an excellent panel with a geometric pattern or an animal figurine. Such a craft will become especially bright if paints are used.

And if you make holes in the lids with a hot awl, you can string them on rubber bands and create interesting little robots.

Crafts from newspapers and magazines

Do you have a pile of old unwanted newspapers in your house? Show a little imagination, and it will melt like snow under the spring sun! For example, they can make an excellent storage basket for ... newspapers, for example.

The main way to work with newspapers is to twist them into thin tubes and weave like a vine. By the way, things made by this method are outwardly indistinguishable from wicker products. After painting, of course.

And what to do with a stack of glossy magazines? Read our master class. Crafts from junk material, namely magazines, can become an original decoration for your home. Twist the tubes from the pages, make flat stripes out of them, roll them into spirals of different sizes. Now inflate the balloon and use it as the basis for the future round vase. After all the spirals are glued together around the balloon, deflate it. Form the bottom of the vase on a flat surface.

Crafts from cardboard tubes and egg cartons

Toilet paper rolls and egg trays are the things that go straight into the trash can. Meanwhile, they can also turn out to be crafts. Very interesting things come out of junk material (photos in the article demonstrate this).

Gently bend the ends of the tube inward. Reminds me of ears? From such a blank you can get a beautiful owl or cat. Or maybe you see another animal in this silhouette?

From an old sock or a small piece of fabric, make a hat. Put it on a tube, draw a face - you get a little man. The hub easily becomes a racing car or an airplane.

Do you have an egg carton left? From it you can make a lot of animals and insects. These are spiders, caterpillars, bats, chickens and cockerels. Blossom under skillful hands and beautiful bouquets of bright voluminous flowers.

Crafts from packages, boxes

Did you get a juice bag in your hands? Crafts from waste material in this category will pleasantly surprise you. For example, you can make a cute wallet for storing small things, and besides, it will be closed! Take a close look at the milk carton. See the almost finished bird feeder? It remains only to cut holes on the edges with a sharp knife. You can decorate such a feeder with self-adhesive paper, then it will last longer in the street. It will turn out from the package and a house for a small doll, furniture for Barbie, a ship, a car.

But from a large box of household appliances, you can build a real castle for dolls, a house, a car, an airplane, a ship for a child, a bed for a big doll, a toy TV or an aquarium.

Panels and key holders

Making crafts from waste material is not just for kids. From all sorts of garbage you can make an excellent key holder or just a pretty sign. Stick accumulated little things on the board - old keys, puzzle pieces, gears, small plastic figures and other things with an interesting texture, attach key hooks. Now everything needs to be primed with black paint, and then apply bronze from a spray can. The keychain is ready!

Hello, friends! In the last three days, I have been stubbornly surfing the Internet in search of ... garbage) Or rather, in search of crafts that can be built from it. And, you know, some crafts are so good that it's hard to even imagine that they are made from something that you could just take and throw away.

In this article I want to present you a great review of "garbage" masterpieces. Crafts from garbage that are worthy of praise!

Lesson plan:

From empty matchboxes

They say that matches are not toys for children! And it is right! But from the boxes, you can not only make toys, but even the most real didactic games. See for yourself.

Pasting the boxes with colored paper and writing letters on them, we get the alphabet!

And inside we hide the figures, the names of which begin with different letters of the alphabet. The result is an interesting educational toy. And also multifunctional! After all, a child studying the alphabet can:

  • try to line up the letters in order;
  • to form words from letters;
  • place items in the correct boxes.

And this not only develops thinking, but also fine motor skills.

Tired of learning letters? No problem! You can also relax! You can always build something from colored boxes.

Another option for playing with boxes is “Who eats what?”

I just want to say bravo to the author for such an idea. Here, on the outside of the boxes, images of animals are pasted, and inside there are different habitats. The boxes are disassembled. Well, then you need to properly collect them. Are we expanding our horizons? But how! And we also train memory.

I think many mothers, when they were still girls and had a couple - a trio of little babies, had furniture made from matchboxes. I had! I am sure that modern girls will also like to make it with their own hands and play with such interesting doll furniture.

There are so many shelves, so many cabinets. And there is so much to hide there.

Have you been accidentally asked to make a mathematical pencil case in kindergarten? We were not asked, but I heard about such a contraption from my acquaintances, kindergarten parents. And it is made again from matchboxes. And it looks like this.

This pencil case helps kids learn geometric shapes, counting, colors.

If there is a needlewoman in the house, then she will surely be pleased with such an organizer for all sorts of different handicraft trifles.

And there is nothing complicated in its manufacture. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy!

You can also make puzzles out of boxes.

Just take one beautiful picture, cut it into rectangles, stick the rectangles on the matchboxes and the puzzles are ready!

From toilet paper rolls

From matchboxes, we move on to another popular material for making crafts. Let me introduce you, toilet paper rolls, which give almost unlimited possibilities to young masters.

Let's start with a cool stationery organizer.

It's such a caterpillar. I think that if she settles on the desktop of a first-grader, then she definitely won’t be bored) The body of the caterpillar is just made of bushings. They are pasted over with corrugated cardboard and look very personal. Do you agree? It will not be a shame to take such a craft to the school for the competition.

In continuation of our review - a sorting game for children.

10 colored bushings. They have 10 numbers. And various little things, buttons, some figures, large beads in bowls. The game will help you deal with colors, get acquainted with the score.

Strange as it may seem, but they write pictures with bushings! You just need to cut them, and then make different flowers, leaves, circles from the pieces. And glue it all in an arbitrary, beautiful order.

It turns out very soft and beautiful.

If you take a little top of the sleeve, you get the ears. And then the little animals with ears. Variety. And very beautiful.

Here are the heroes of various games.

And you can try to make these animals.

It's a little more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

These pencil holders look interesting.

And the idea is simple. You need to take the threads and carefully wrap the bushings with them. Then build a decoration out of fabric or felt. And that's it! The original and pleasant to the touch color pencil holders are ready.

From egg trays

We also quite often throw away the trays in which eggs are sold, without even thinking that very pretty little things can turn out of them.

For example, here are such charming caterpillars.

Someday they will definitely become butterflies, but for now they are standing, looking, what else to chew)

Or those chickens. Probably laying hens! Just a couple of simple touches and the poultry yard is ready!

And you can be original! Take a cardboard tray, cut it into separate cells, paint them in different colors, string them on threads, and then tie these threads to a stick.

So an interesting bright pendant is ready, which will delight the eye and cheer you up)

And from the trays very beautiful flowers are obtained. You can make flowers very simple, such as daisies, or you can make them more complicated, for example, roses. There are a lot of options.

Well, you can decorate with such flowers anything you want. For example, a frame for a photo or a frame for a mirror.

You can also make beautiful flowers from plastic trays. But I think it's a little more complicated than cardboard ones.

Well, now not quite a craft from the tray, but rather from what lies in the tray. From eggs. Rather, from an empty eggshell. First you need to carefully remove the egg from the shell, and leave it almost intact, removing only the top. Then fill the shell with earth and plant the seeds of some fast-growing grass in it. Wait and water! And after some time to get acquainted with such funny herbs.

Just so that they can wink and smile at you, you will need to draw their eyes and mouths)

From empty juice or milk boxes

Do you like juice? Do you drink milk? Where do you put the boxes? You are probably throwing it away, but in vain! Indeed, in the soul, each box is not just a box, but a real little man! With its own face and its own character. Don't believe? See for yourself!

Vehicles can be crafted from large empty boxes.

And land.

And airy.

And even waterfowl.

Well, for those who like to grow something, this option is offered.

Vegetable garden in boxes. A very convenient way to grow different seedlings. And neatly, and you don’t need to spend money on special trays.

And now about the serious. How to make sure that there is always order on the table? Of course, install the organizer! You can, of course, buy it. But it is much more interesting to make it with your own hands from the same irreplaceable boxes. And decorate to your liking.

From used disposable tableware

Well, now let's move on to crafts from disposable tableware. Let's start with plastic spoons. What would be so interesting about them? Maybe flowers, and at the same time ladybugs?

Well, just like alive)

And a couple more representatives of the insect kingdom, only a larger size.

These beetles are made from paper plates. In my opinion, they are just adorable!

And how about such a great hat?

It is made from two plastic bowls. One deep and one flat. In a flat plate, the middle is cut out and a deep one is glued onto it. Don't forget to paint your hat in your favorite color and decorate it. Here, by the way, flowers from egg trays, which were discussed a little earlier, would fit.

If you like to arrange home theatrical performances, then plastic plates are ready to help you with the actors. You can make faces of different animals out of them, and then glue a small stick to each. And the puppet theater artists are ready.

And if you cut out the eyes in the faces, you get masks. And a fun children's masquerade is guaranteed to you. Then you will look at the photo and remember how great it was!

And now about beauty. Look what a miracle.

This is a fan made of plastic forks. The forks are attached to an old unnecessary disk. The fan is decorated with ribbons, flowers and lace.

A real work of art that can decorate any interior!

And in this photo you see a fan of large and small spoons.

Also very beautiful.

I also advise you to pay attention to the article about and from them.

That's all for today! I hope you liked the review, and you already wanted to create something with your own hands!

I wish you creative success!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.