"Christmas magical moment." Scenario for celebrating Christmas "the miracle of Christmas night" Literary musical hour of Christmas magical moments

Characters: Storyteller, Christmas Miracle, Townsman, little girl Katya, Katya's mother.

On the stage there is a tray with baskets full of snow (cotton wool, or something else that imitates snow). The Storyteller appears.

In one small town there has been no snow for several decades. Residents have lost joy and faith in magic. New Year's and Christmas holidays were not so special. They have become commonplace, to which the townspeople are so accustomed. In some places, or rather in some houses, the lights of garlands were still lit, and some even decorated the roofs of houses and lawns with fake snow. Few could afford it, as it was very expensive. But, one fine winter day, snow returned to the city streets. This is what our Christmas story will be about. Make yourself comfortable in your seats, dear viewers, now the magic will begin.

A mother and daughter appear on stage.

Girl Katya:
Snow! We sell snow!

Mother :
Katya, you're doing everything wrong. Listen properly. It will be useful in the future, because very soon you will replace me.

Girl Katya:
Where will you be?

Mother :
I'll be on the other side of the city, if everything goes well, we can open another tray! Then, my daughter, we will live!

Girl Katya:
But they don’t really buy it now.

Mother :
Listen and learn! This is how to attract buyers!
The snow is fluffy, the snow sparkles,
Snow will give magic,
Will help all your wishes come true,
You will feel good with him!
Then guests will come to you,
Joy, happiness will come to you,
Prices are low today,
Who will take the snowball?

(A townsman appears)

My granddaughter is coming to see me soon, I want to give her a holiday. She deserves it, she's smart to me. How much does snow cost?

Mother :
Which one do you want? There is also a fluffier or shiny one from last year, it is cheaper, but of course not as beautiful.

There was a time when snow covered all the roofs and streets, and everyone was happy. How much does a fluffy one cost?

Mother :
900 per kg.

A little expensive, of course, but what can you do for your beloved granddaughter. Would you please deliver 2.5 kg to my home?

Mother :
Yes. Write your address and I will send an assistant.

(The townsman left)

Girl Katya:
Mom, I'm cold, I want to go home.

Mother :
Wait a minute, maybe someone else will buy it. We just left.

Girl Katya:
Mom, no one needs snow anymore, no one. It no longer brings joy.

Mother :
My dear angel, I don’t really like all this myself! I’m a flower girl, and this is just a new job that brings at least some profit, you know?

Girl Katya:
I want to go home!

Mother :
Get ready, let's go. After all, it is Christmas Eve.

(Curtain falls)

The evening was the same as all the previous ones. Mom was cooking something in the kitchen, and the baby was playing in her room. Then there was dinner, a bedtime story and a kiss on the cheek. Every night, when the mother left her daughter’s room, she got up, went to the window and asked for the snow to be returned to the city. Everything was normal until tonight.

(The curtain rises. Change of scenery. Katya is on stage)

Girl Katya:
Snow, snowball, come back,
Plunge the city into a fairy tale,
Give everyone magic
We really need it.
I want to play in the snow
Collect a snowman with friends,
I want to catch snowflakes
And drown in snowdrifts!
Please, snow, I beg you, go. I really want to bring joy back to people.

(There is a knock)

Girl Katya:
Who is there?

(The Christmas miracle appears on stage)

Christmas miracle:
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!

Girl Katya:
Who are you?

Christmas miracle:
I am what you turn to every year! I am the Miracle of Christmas!

Girl Katya:
Can you bring back the snow?

Christmas miracle:
Yes, but not right away, you’ll have to prove to me that I didn’t come in vain!

Girl Katya:
If you want, I’ll read you congratulations,
I composed it a long time ago,
If you want, I'll buy you a cake,
I saved a little!
Do you want me to sing a song?
Mom and I taught together
If you want, I'll give you my toys,
If only there was a lot of snow!

Christmas miracle:
You are a good child, I don’t argue,
But the snow cannot be returned so easily,
Need a few riddles
Take it and solve it!

Girl Katya:
I can call my mom, she loves riddles!

Christmas miracle:
No, it all depends on you! If you can't, no one can!

(You can insert several into the script to interact with the audience, then the running time may increase slightly)

Girl Katya:
I agree, ask your own riddles!

(Several interesting riddles are asked)

Christmas miracle:
What a great guy you are! There will be snow for you! In the morning, I promise, he will be back!

Girl Katya:
Why in the morning?
Christmas miracle:
It's Christmas morning!

(The curtain falls. The scenery changes)

The girl went to bed. In the morning it seemed to her that she had dreamed all this when, looking out the window, she saw snow on the windowsill. She ran out of the room into the street, where all the townspeople had already gathered.

(The curtain rises. Mom and Katya are on stage. The Jingle Bells song is playing, or any other Christmas melody)

Mother :
I can not believe it! Snow! Daughter, look, he's real!

Girl Katya:
So the joy has returned,
Here comes the snow, fluffy snow,
Happiness happened to me
The snow is swirling, white snow!

Mother :
Don't lose faith in miracles!
Believe, always believe,
Christmas is a wonderful time,
It's time for magic!
Let the soul be open,
Give free rein to the places
Miracles will be everywhere
We only need to trust you!

Since then, it has snowed in the city every winter. Katya and her mother began selling flowers again, and the long-awaited joy and faith in miracles, which the residents so lacked, returned to the city. Now, lights flickered in all the windows and alleys, and snowmen guarded every yard.

The epigraph is read off stage:

Today will be Christmas
the whole city is waiting for the secret,
he sleeps in the crystal frost
and waits: the magic will happen.

Blizzards took possession of him,
In the cathedrals there is the flickering of candles and singing,
and silvery incense smoke.

To the sound of bells
your heart will beat like a bell.
And you can’t escape your fate
from Christmas magic words.

Cast your spell, blizzard sorcerer,
your magic element
will transform into other worlds
the whole land, city, and people.

Miracles will happen
so easily, in a crowd of passers-by,
and suddenly they look like music
human voices will become...

Action 1

The curtain is closed in front of him, 3 girlfriends are talking.
Unbeliever- Oh ho ho. (Sighs) I look at the snow, it’s not so white anymore and the frost doesn’t make me happy but bites. Sad.
Doubting. Yeah, sad. The New Year has already passed, soon the holidays will end and everyone will study, work again, and there are no holidays
Believer. But not everything is so bad, you know that today is Christmas Eve
Unbeliever. Soche what? Elnik? It’s like we’ll lead round dances around the Christmas tree like kids. Doubting. Why Christmas? Was someone born?
Believer. Almost guessed. Christmas Eve is the day before a big holiday, the holiday is tomorrow, and it's called Christmas.
Unbeliever. Something I don’t know about this
Doubting. Tell me, maybe we can celebrate too. Wow let's have some fun.
Believer.A little more than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born in the distant country of Palestine.
Unbeliever. Yeah, the history of the ancient world begins
Doubting. Don't interrupt, it's interesting
Believer Born to change the world, to carry all human pain, all sorrows, all illnesses on his shoulders. He opened the door to Eternal life for people and showed them the path leading to it. He suffered for people on the Cross and was resurrected, promising us a resurrection as well.
Unbeliever. Well, why did all this happen so long ago?
Doubting. So what do we get from this?
Believer Yes, many years have passed, but just like then, this Door is open. And people who believe in God follow this Path, becoming better and purer with God's help.
Unbeliever. Somehow it’s not entirely clear to me.
Doubting.Can we now understand that He is doing something for us. Maybe we'll want to too
go to Him.
Believer.Do you want me to tell you a story that happened to my grandmother Masha
Unbeliever Try.
Doubting.And the story is interesting.?
Believer.And then I would say simply magical. Listen..

The curtain opens.



Brother and sister are sitting on the steps, their backs to each other
Masha. Boring…
Sasha. They locked us up like prisoners.
Masha. At least there was a cat.
Sasha. They promise, they promise...
Masha. They say: when grandma’s old house is renovated, then...
Sasha. How will they repair it if the bank bursts?
Masha. Did the jar burst?! That's when I called!
Sasha. Not a bank, but a bank. And nothing funny. Tragedy! Eh, I wish I had a dog...
Masha. When we move into the house, we will buy you a dog like this.
Sasha. And for you - here’s a little cat!
Masha. We'll buy a goat for mom.
Sasha. And daddy has a horse!
Sasha. Oh, if only God would make all our wishes come true!
Masha. I remembered God! And how to go to church with your mother, so Masha!
Sasha. Here I am for you,” he tugs at his braid.
(run away)

Phenomenon 3


The church choir is singing. Mama and Masha are in the choir.
An old-fashioned dressed old lady presides. The choir sings Christmas Irmos. (carol)

Regent. That's it, the rehearsal is over! See you on Christmas Eve!
The old woman collects the notes, hunched over, leaning on a cane, and leaves with everyone else.
Mom and Masha are on stage
Mother. Masha, where is Sasha?
Masha. It's clear where, he ran away.
Mother. I have a general cleaning planned for today. And now look for him all day?!
Masha. Don't look for it, it will come on its own.
Mother. How can you not look for this?! (goes to the edge of the stage). Sasha! Sasha!
Mash A. Mom, let's go, he's not going anywhere!
Mother. No, something happened to him! Sasha! Sasha! (pulls Masha along with him, and they leave)

Phenomenon 4.

Sasha in the company of boys on the street
1 boy (Junior). Guys! Maybe hide and seek, huh?
2 boy. Can.
Sasha. Let's! It just got dark!
3 boy. Shall we chip in?
1 boy. Let's chip in!
3 boy."Rock, paper, scissors, pencil, fire, water, and a bottle of lemonade" (choice of driver on stage).
2 boy. You, Sashka, should drive!
3 boy. Guys! Don't climb the fire escape, last time only a snowdrift saved Sashka.
1 boy. We don’t run further than our street.
Sasha. And don't hide!
2 boy. Word!
3 boy. How long are we counting?
Sasha. Until sixty! Let's start! (stands up against the wall) One two Three-
2 boy(to the third). Let's go over there... (takes the hand of the 1st)
Sasha(counts). 10, 11…

The old lady regent appears from behind the stage, the children do not see her.
2 boy. I climb into the cab of a KAMAZ, who will guess that the door is not locked?
1 boy. And the driver?
2 boy. It won't come until morning.
1 boy. Can i … (sees old lady) Oh look who is it?
2 boy. This is enemy spy number one thousand one hundred forty-eight.
1 boy. Yes, it's just grandma...
3 boy(picks up the game). He's the one who changed his clothes.
1 boy. And if …
2 boy. Without if! He must be neutralized!
3 boy. Attack! (the boys throw snowballs at the old regent)
Sasha. 51…(interrupts counting). Come on, stop it!
2 boy. Sasha, count, count!
Sasha. I'll count it for you now! (pushes them away) Apologize quickly!
3 boy. Lost my mind, for sure. Sorry.
1 boy. Excuse me, please.
Sasha(2nd). What about you?
2 boy (mutters). Sorry.
Sasha. Hide! (The boys run away) 57, 58, 59, 60.
Regent. Sasha… (Shakes off traces of snowballs. Sasha looks around)
Sasha. Oh, is that you? Did they attack you with snowballs?
Regent. Yes. And your mother was looking for you.
Sasha. Why look for me, I told Mashka that I would come myself.
Regent. Then let me call my mom and tell her not to worry.
Sasha. Just don't tell me where I am.
Regent. Fine. Sasha! When you find everyone, come see me for a minute, you won’t regret it.
Sasha. Will try. Loud: I'm going to look! (runs away, regent leaves).

The Regent and the Moneylender are walking towards each other
Moneylender. Happy holiday to you, saint!
Regent. Happy Christmas Eve!
Moneylender. And I’m coming to you, for the same reason.
Regent. I'm listening.
Moneylender. Sell ​​me a necklace - I’ll give you 300 hryvnia!
Regent. It's no longer mine.
Moneylender. Sold?
Regent. Gave it to me. To the boy Sasha.
Moneylender. This clueless boy?!
Regent. And in my opinion, he is very smart!
Moneylender (sarcastically). You chose the most well-mannered, reserved and obedient parishioner of your temple.
Regent. No, he doesn’t shine with these virtues yet. But they too will come to him in time. But he has something that you still have to learn.
Moneylender. What?
Regent. Kindness and selflessness.
Moneylender. You were the first to not be kind to me. How many times have I asked you for a necklace!
Regent. You don’t need this necklace; you don’t know its value.
Moneylender. I myself know what I need and I will find it. Even if it’s in the third and ninth kingdom, I’ll still find it! I’ll buy, trade, steal – but I’ll get it!
Regent. Take me away, Lord.
Moneylender (dismissively through gritted teeth): saintly.
They disperse in different directions.
Regent. (Following) Lord save this servant, You yourself know in what ways.

On stage Masha and Sasha (as if continuing the conversation).
Sasha. Look what I have! A Christmas gift! (Sasha carefully opens the box and takes out a necklace from it).
Masha. Let me have a look!
Sasha. Don't go!
Masha. Isn't this for me?
Sasha. No, they gave it to me!
Masha ( mockingly). Why do you need a necklace? What will you wear? You're a boy!
Sasha. This necklace... Don't laugh! This necklace is magical.
Masha. Yah?
Sasha. It fulfills all wishes!
Masha. As much as you want?
Sasha. Well, that's enough! These beads can make one small wish come true. And the whole necklace together is only three, the most cherished ones, and they must be wished for before Christmas.
Masha. Let me see!
Sasha. Just be careful!
Masha ( puts on). I want a new ball! ( A beautiful ball flies towards her from the hall. Sasha catches it, and he and Masha look at it in amazement).
Masha. It's coming true!
Sasha. What kind of desire was it - big or small?

Mom and Dad come in.
Mother. Here he is, your son, wandering around somewhere all day, and I was running around, worried.
Dad. Sasha, shame on you!
Sasha. But she won’t let me into the yard alone.
Mother. You have nothing to do in this yard.
Dad. Nothing! We will soon move to the village, there are three children your age in the neighboring house, a decent family.
Sasha(twists the necklace). Soon soon! If only this house would finally be built, I'm tired of waiting.
Cell phone call to dad.
Dad. I'm listening! Vasily Petrovich? What? Are you done? Yes, this is a miracle! And does the heating work? Is it really possible to come in on Christmas?
Sasha(Masha). Wishes come true!
Mother. Children, come out for a minute, we need to talk.
Sasha. Let's go hide and listen!
Masha. Is it possible to?!
Sasha. In my opinion, a conflict is brewing between them again.
Masha. Then we hide!
Mom and dad are on stage. Masha and Sasha hid to the side.
Mother. You know, I always doubted this idea with the house!
Dad (angry). Back to old times?
Mother. Yes! You are at work all day, and I sit there alone behind the fence from morning to evening?
Dad. You will find something to do. We'll decorate a living Christmas tree there!
Mother. Did you buy it? Christmas tree markets closed on December 31st!
Dad. We'll come up with something.
Mother. But I have rehearsals. And in general, I’ve already done some general cleaning here.
Dad. And there’s no need to clean up there! Everything is new, everything shines!
Mother. Why are you rushing me?!
Dad. I wanted a surprise for you for the holiday, and you?
(Mom notices the necklace, takes it, tries it on, shows off in front of the mirror).
Mother (quiet). If only this idea of ​​moving would fall through!
Dad. You're not listening to me!
Mother. No! Nonsense! We'll still have time to move!
Dad. Why are you spinning around like a girl, where is that from?!
Mother. It’s probably the children who prepared a gift for me, and you’re yelling at me!
Dad. So that's great! You have your gift, the cleaning is done, celebrate! And I’ll tell my boss that I agree to go on a business trip for Christmas and it’s better to stay away from you! (grabs his coat and leaves)
Mother (behind him). Kolya! Wait! Kolya! Let's go to Malakhovka, I'm like you. I am for you... (cries, gets dressed as she goes, runs after her husband).

Sasha. We had a fight! I knew it!
Masha. We need to make a wish for them to make peace!
Sasha. Quicker! Where's the necklace?
Masha. Here it is. Give it to me!
Sasha. Be careful!
(The children pull the necklace, it falls apart, and all the beads, except one, fly out the window.)
Sasha. What have you done?
Masha. It's all you!
Sasha. Now I'll give...
Masha. Well, give it, give it! And I …
Sasha. Enough. What we are going to do?
Masha. We have one bead left!
Sasha. Maybe it will work?
Masha. Bead, help us! Bring mom and dad home! (wait, look at the door.)
Sasha. No! She alone cannot cope with such a task. This is a great desire.
Masha. We need to collect all the rest.
Sasha. Where can you find them now, in a huge city? Maybe they have gone far away?
Masha. What if you ask for a bead? Businka, help me find your sisters!
Masha. I need to leave mom a note.
Sasha. Now! (writes)“Mom, don’t worry, we walked around the world.” So... there’s no point in talking about beads, they won’t understand.
Masha. They won't understand. Write simply: “So that you can make peace.”
Sasha. Yes. (hangs up a note) We must be back by Christmas.
Masha. Necessarily! How much time do we have?
Sasha. 24 hours! Day! Masha, do you have any money?
Masha. No. Wait! In the box there is an old ruble, silver.
Sasha. Take it, it might work. There was no bread, I took fish pies, a flashlight, and a folding knife from the refrigerator. More salt and matches. (puts all this in the backpack.)
Masha. For what?
Sasha. Hunters always take salt and matches.
Masha. Then, it's OK. All is ready?
Sasha. Ready.
Masha. Well, bead, help me out!


A bundled-up girl walks down the street and rocks a swaddled teddy bear (singing toy)
Girl (sings)
Sleep, little one, sleep
Sweet dreams lure you...
He looks at the ground, bends down, and picks up the bead.
Oh, what is this? Look! Bead. I'll take it, it will come in handy.
The bear seemed to have fallen asleep. (calls quietly) Bear!
A loud song comes from the diapers:"Clouds, white-maned horses..."
Girl. What should we do with you? I’ve been pumping for a whole hour now, but he’s still awake, singing.
Girl (sings)
Kitty, kitty, cat
Kitty, gray tail
Come, kitty, spend the night,
Rock my teddy bear
I'm like a cat to you
I'll pay for the work
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a little milk...
A cat appears.
Kitty. I don’t need any cake, I help everyone absolutely selflessly!
Girls A. Talking cat! Real!
cat. And what else, in your opinion, is madam? If you don't believe me, you can pull my mustache!
Girl. Why use a mustache, it will hurt you...
Kitty. Correctly noted. And mercifully! Yes, sir. So who needs to be rocked here?
Girl. Bear! I’ve been suffering for an hour now, and he’s still singing!
cat (carefully takes the bear, rocks it, sings a lullaby)
Cat's lullaby:
Kitty. Kitty, kitty, cat
Kitty, gray tail
The cat goes to spend the night,
He goes to rock the kids.
You, Misha, are little,
Let's buy Misha some felt boots,
He will wear felt boots,
The cat will be praised!
cat(whisper). All is ready. He'll sleep until morning like a darling!
Girl. Thank you, kitty.
cat. Shhhhhh! What kind of pie do you have there?
Girl. No, it's only in the song.
cat. Eh, now the cat will hit me. Of course, I am absolutely disinterested, but...
Girl. I have a beautiful bead. Want to?
cat. Bead? Come on, come on... Of course not fish pie, but at least something... Moore... Meow...
Girl. Kitty, you come tomorrow, I’ll ask mom, maybe she’ll bake it.
Kitty. No worries.
Girl. Goodbye.
Kitty. Farewell, madam! ( leaves, the song “Clouds...” is heard from the diapers).
Girl. Oh, you’re not hearing, I’ll take you home and put you on the bed! Go to sleep yourself! (leaves).


Kitty. Good evening, meow-meow, dear...
Cat. Don't suck up.
cat. What did I bring you? (gives her a bead)
Cat. Oh, what luxury!
Kitty. Where are the children?
Cat. Hey kids! Father has come (kittens appear, very grimy).
Kitten dance
We kittens are friendly guys,
We're all sitting on the benches,
We want sweet porridge.
Cat. Stop. Have you washed your paws?
Kitty. Why are you so grimy?
Kittens. Even though it's winter outside,
The snow didn't fall on the houses,
On the gate, on the fence,
On the path and hillock.
We got all our fur dirty,
While we were walking around the yard.
Kitty. Yes? Christmas is coming, but there are no snowflakes outside! In other places I heard that mountains had piled up with snow. What a strange winter?
Cat (admiring the bead). I wish it snowed here too!
There is a knock on the door. Sasha and Masha enter.
Masha. May I come in?
Cat. Welcome!
cat. Come in... So, so... I remember I downloaded these in the year... you, guy, in... the year.
Sasha. You – me – rocked?!
cat. How about that? And her, in..., it seems. But less often. Yes. Less often. She fell asleep herself. So to what do I owe the pleasant meeting?
Masha. A bead led us to your house. This one.
Sasha. And as we approached, a snowball began to fall. And we thought...
Masha. Have you found the same one?
Kitty. No, I honestly earned it!
Sasha. Could you change it... well, at least for mom’s fish pies?
Cat. Oh! Dreams come true! (takes the pies)
cat(gives a bead). Much grateful!
Sasha, Masha. Goodbye! (leave)
Kittens(look out the window). Dad! Mother! Snow! Snowball! Let's go outside!

Act 3
Music is playing. Dance of snowflakes.

1 snowflake. How nice it is when everyone is happy to see you!
2 snowflakes. How I love winter!
3 snowflake. I love flying and dancing!
4 snowflakes. How nice it is to do good deeds!
1Snowflake There was slush, dirt and rain,
2 snowflakes All passers-by were shaking,
3 snowflake We have whitewashed the whole earth,
4 snowflake We all covered our dimples,
5 snowflake Roots, grass, warmed
And they flew north.
1 Snowflake. What is that glittering there in the snow?
2 Snowflake. Oh, he's running away!
3 Snowflake. It's rolling!
4 Snowflake. It’s okay, I’m light, I can fly.
5 Snowflake. Once! And I caught up! ( unbends, raises his hand with the bead) Such a beauty! Like snow or stars!
1 Snowflake. Give me! I saw it first!
2 Snowflake. No, me! I'm the most beautiful!
4 Snowflake. To me! To me! I'm the most modest!
3 Snowflake. And I'm the most elegant!
5 Snowflake. And I’m generally the best!

Snowflakes, Sasha and Masha.
Masha. Look! Live snowflakes!
Sasha(Masha). And they quarrel like real girls!
Masha. Snowflakes! Snezhin-in-ki! (they don’t hear, they are still quarreling, they got into a fight.) Oh, we need to reconcile them somehow.
Sasha. Of course you have to. And quickly. Christmas is about to come, and they are fighting.
1 Snowflake. Be careful, it hurts! (crying)
2 Snowflake. Oh oh oh (rubs his knee)
3 Snowflake. Ay!
4 Snowflake. Oh!
5 Snowflake. Ooooh! (they run away and roar.)
Masha. Snowflakes!
1 Snowflake. What?
2 and 3 Snowflakes. Well, what do you want?
Sasha. Would you like to change?
1 Snowflake. For what?
Masha. On your bead.
1 Snowflake. What about the bead?
Sasha. Here, matches
2 Snowflake. Where does the fire come from?!
3 Snowflake. He's hot!
4 Snowflake. Hot?! No, no, don't!
Masha. Do you want my mittens?
5 Snowflake. For what?
Masha. For warmth.
1 Snowflakes. No. No.
2 Snowflake. No need!
Sasha. Eh, I suggested that too! Snowflakes, look what a flashlight I have. (lights up)
1 Snowflake. Oh, what a bright light!
3 Snowflake A. How shiny my outfit is now!
2 Snowflake. I agree to change!
5 Snowflake. And I!
4 Snowflake. And I!
2 Snowflake. Whose will it be?
Masha. It will be common to you.
Sasha. Here's a flashlight. You will light your way in the sky.
4 snowflake.. Yes, today the sky is special, festive, Christmas.
5Snowflake. Here's a bead for you! (takes a lantern) With him ( waving a lantern), we will make the sky sparkling.
Sasha and Masha. Goodbye!
The snowflakes dance away.

Masha. Well, we found two beads!
Sasha. But we are only at the beginning of our journey.
Businka: Hurry up, bead, hurry up!
Find your sisters! (leave)


2 beads. But somehow slowly they are looking for only two beads! There are still so many to find, and Christmas is less than a day away.
In general, I like there to be a lot of everything. Money, pleasures. More, more. And with a necklace ( dreamily) wow, how can I turn around….
I will keep an eye on Masha and Sasha. Also look for beads, otherwise you can steal them.

Act 4

At the doorstep of the house, grandfather and grandmother are looking at a very beautiful new sled.
Grandmother. Have you noticed how smart our granddaughter is?
Grandfather. And so obedient!
Grandmother. And she’s a beauty, a beauty, exactly like me as a child!
Grandfather. We bought her a very nice gift for Christmas!
Grandmother. No one else has this, because Nastya is special to us!
Nastenka runs up
Nastya. Grandfather! (sees sled) What is this?
Grandfather. Sled!
Grandmother. No one on the street has such a sled! Like merchants' children!
Nastya. They are too unusual
Grandmother (anxious). Aren't you happy?
Nastenka. What do you! I am very happy! They must be so expensive?!
Grandfather. Nonsense!
Nastenka. Thank you! (kisses everyone)
Grandfather. Enjoy your ride, my darling!
Grandmother. Our flower!

Children play and sing a song about sledding. Nastenka enters with a new sleigh.
Sveta. Nastya has arrived!
Fedya. What do you have?
Nastenka. Sleds.
Lena. So beautiful!
Igor. The best!
Zhenya. And they probably go fast!
Alice (with sled). Look, you arrogant one! Her sled is the best!
Nastenka. Am I really...
Fedya(with a tablet). Let her ride alone! We feel good on the board too!
Lena. There's no point in playing with her!
Igor Yes, she won’t be able to keep up with us on this car!
Nastenka. Guys! Why are you insulting me?!
Zhenya You won't boast!
Nastenka: Yes, I don’t...
Sveta. Let's run up the big hill!
Nastenka. Guys! I'm with you!
Fedya. You, such a rich girl, have no business hanging out with us poor people!
Igor. Ride yourself!

Masha and Sasha appear to the side. They stop and look at Nastenka from afar. Nastya is alone, sits on the sled, looks sadly at the ground, sees something.

Oh! Bead! Such a beauty! But why do I need it? And if you show it to the guys, they’ll tease you even worse, they’ll say you’re arrogant.
Sasha. Hello girl.
Nastenka. Hello guys! Will you go up the hill with me and do you have a sled?
Sasha. We have no time, we are looking for a bead!
Masha. We really, really need her!
Nastenka. Isn't it this one?
Sasha. Just this one!
Nastenka. It's good that I found her! Take it quickly! I wish I could make peace with the guys! (holds out a bead.)
Sasha and Masha. Thank you, Nastenka! (they run away.)

The guys appear from behind the stage.

Sveta We guys didn't do well.
Lena. And I’m ashamed why Nastya was offended.
Igor Yes, we simply envied her. That's all
Fedya. Eh guys, today is a holy evening - Christmas Eve
Alice. Is it really true that we won’t make peace?
Zhenya. And then the Holiday will not come for us?
Sveta.Nastya!Nastenka! We've become bored without you!
Fedya. Don't be angry with us!
Igor. Guys! Let's run to make snowmen! ( everyone runs away.)

Action 5
A song is playing. Exit of the Snowmen

1Snowman.(Continues to sing): Wow, you, tram-taram we came to your delight.
2Snowman: (Dances) Head in the pan
3Snowman: Enough, stop singing. And who will work?
4Snowman: Work .(Stretches) What for?
5Snowman: Well, the holiday is tomorrow.
6Snowman: Certainly! Nativity
1Snowman: Oh how I forgot.
2Snowman: Let's clean everything clean - clean
3Snowman: Of course we’ll clean it up, people will go to the church for the all-night vigil. They will see how white everything is.
4Snowman And they will think about their soul once again, about their heart. After all, for the Holiday you need to cleanse yourself by fasting and repentance.
5Snowman: Only into a pure heart can Christ, a newborn, enter like a temple.
6Snowmen j. And don’t forget the Christmas trees
1Snowman. Just make sure you don’t take other trees besides Christmas trees.
2Snowman. Where do Christmas trees get such honor?
3Snowman. This has been going on for a long time. Spruce and pine stand forever green - indicating eternal life.
4Snowman And they didn’t forget about the crosses on the footrests for the Christmas trees, so that the Christmas trees would stand straight on the floor, just like in the forest.
5Snowman. How can we do without a cross? So in God’s world, whoever leans on the Cross stands strong, does not fall, and no adversity can break him.
6 Snowman. Time flies so quickly while working, brothers.
They begin to work. One sweeps as if to the side
1Snowman. (sweeps, sweeps, and suddenly bends over as if examining something) Is it a bead? (sweeps it to the side with a broom) No, it seemed.

The bead is grabbed by the Moneylender, who overheard the entire conversation of the snowmen behind the Christmas tree.

Moneylender. Of course it seemed. You're a snow scarecrow.( Admiring the bead) She is mine, not yours. Do you understand this? The heart is pure. Who was there? who saw this heart? So I’ll take it and go to my heart. I'll clean it, wash it. Ha ha ha Fun. (Leaves).

P bird song. The bird catcher comes out.

Action 6

Moneylender. I saw that a canary picked up one bead from the ground and flew away! Where does the canary come from? Maybe I'm already imagining things? No, definitely a canary!
The birdcatcher appears wearing a mosquito net and holding a net.
Moneylender. Hey, my dear, are you, by any chance, a bird catcher?
Bird catcher. He is!
Moneylender. It's you that I need! Here I saw a canary...
Bird catcher. Canary? Have you been imagining things from the cold?
Moneylender. That's right, canary! Catch her for me, I'll give you five kopecks!
Bird catcher. Yes, if she sings well, I’ll sell her for fifty dollars!
Moneylender. Well, okay, fifty dollars, then fifty dollars. An agreement?
Bird catcher. I'll try, depending on my luck.
Moneylender. I'll be waiting.

On one side Sasha and Masha appear, on the other a bird catcher sneaks in a mosquito mask and with a net in his hand.
Sparrow. Half-hearted! Save yourself, who can!
(The bird catcher throws a net over the birds)
Bird catcher (ominously). Well, gotcha, birdie, stop!
You won't leave the network
I won't part with you,
No way!
Sasha and Masha run out.
Sasha. Release the birds!
Masha. Shame on you!
Bird catcher. What more! Shoot, small fry! (leaves, the stage empties)

Birdcatcher and Moneylender
Moneylender. Well done, bird catcher, he didn’t deceive me. And the bead is in place. All that remains is to lure the rest out of these suckers. Never mind, I think they, like these birds, will themselves fall into my nets! (leaves.)

Sasha and Masha.
Masha. Four beads!
Sasha. One was missed, the rest are unknown where.
Masha. Don't lose your temper! And it’s also called a man!
Sasha. And I won’t give up.
Masha. You know, Sasha, we definitely need to save the birds.
Sasha. We don't have time for this.
Masha. And the poor birds will be fried for Christmas by some... tarantula!
Sasha. Okay, let's go!
Masha. Where?
Sasha. Look for a bird market! (leave)

Sellers with animals in their hands, with cages, buyers walk past them.
Kitten trader. Kittens! The best kittens in the world!
Lady(to my husband). Expensive! You promised the kids a kitten for Christmas.
Kitten trader. Only in good hands! They are like family to me.
Mister. I want something real!
Kitten trader. And what's that? Not purebred? What are you watching? What ears! Tails! Fur!
Lady. Oh, the tails are just wonderful!
Kitten trader. And what noble blood! What sensitive natures! When I come home, my cat looks straight into my soul!
Mister. How many?
Kitten trader. Five hundred.
Mister. Wow! Isn't it a little expensive?
Lady. Okay, let's take it! (buy and leave)
Fishmonger (phlegmatic). If she doesn’t have a cat, but a cat, then where does she get new kittens every day? (loud) Fish, fish, golden, bold, iridescent!
Boy. I want these catfish, please!
Fishmonger. With pleasure!
Rodent seller. Hamsters and rats,
Don't look at how bald they are!
Boy. Brazilians, cockatoos and macaws!
And this is an inseparable couple.
Dad. Speaking to us.
Son. The real one.
Mother. Just don't be rude!

The bird catcher holds a cage covered with a blanket. In his hands is a table “Songbirds”.
Bird catcher.
Buy: Birdies!
Darlings! Cuties!

Sasha and Masha appear and go to the bird merchant.

Masha. Hello, uncle.
Bird catcher. I don't have the honor to know!
Masha. And we...
Sasha. (Masha). Quiet! (to the merchant) How much are your birds worth?
Bird catcher. Ten kopecks a piece and fifty for a kenora. A curiosity!
Sasha. Is an antique silver ruble good?
Bird catcher. Silver? Good, take it. I'll give it away with a cage!
Masha. Thank you! ( grabs the cage, takes it behind the screen, everyone leaves the stage. Behind the screen you can hear chirping, whistling, flapping wings)

Sasha, Masha and children in bird costumes go on stage.
Sasha. Well, now fly!
Kenar. And I would like to go to my grandmother!
She must be grieving!
Masha. I saw an advertisement: “The canary is missing, Tsvetochnaya, 7.”
Kenar. Yes, accurate! That is, floral!
Sasha. We will guide you!
Kenar b. Thank you! It's a pity that I can't give you my bead!
Sasha. Which one?
Kenar. Very beautiful! I found her in the snow!
Masha. And then?
Kenar. Then some man with evil eyes gave the bird catcher money, opened my beak and took her away. I saw he has a lot more of these beads!
Masha. Oh, how we need these beads!
Sasha. How can we get them now?
Waxwing. What are we up to?
Sparrow. Good must be paid for with good!
Bullfinch. Let's fly!
Woodpecker. Wait for us here, guys.
(Music of birds, flapping of wings. The birds bring beads to Sasha and Masha. Sasha counts.)
Sasha. Eh, it’s a pity two are missing. But maybe they will be found.
Masha. Thank you, birds! From now on I will always arrange a feeder for you in winter, just fly over!
Birds. Goodbye!
Sasha. (Masha). String beads onto a thread and tie. (Masha quickly ties it and gives it to Sasha. Sasha puts the necklace in her backpack.)
Masha. And now - home!
Sasha. Home!

Suddenly the Police and the Moneylender appear and swoop down on Sasha and Masha.
1 Policeman. We are the guardians of order.
2 Policeman. We don't want harm.
3 Policeman. But if you feel bad.
4 Policeman. We are in a hurry to help!
5 Policeman. Call, call
We don't care!
6 Policeman. We've got your back!
7 Policeman. Let's lend a shoulder!
Moneylender. Dear guards! You have to give me a shoulder! Grab it! Knit! These are thieves!
Masha. We are not thieves!
1 Policeman. We have signs (d leaves the scroll and unrolls it)
2 Policeman(is reading). Here: a girl with blue eyes (looks at Masha) with pigtails...She...
3 Policeman. A boy in a blue knitted hat with a backpack.
4 Policeman. He! The signs agree!
5 Policeman. Search the backpack! ( 1 The policeman takes out salt, matches and a necklace.)
Moneylender. Necklace! My necklace! Give it to me (gives the police money). And this is for you!
(The police give him the necklace and he quickly leaves.)
5 Policeman(Masha and Sasha). Come with us!
Sasha. This old man lied and you believed him.
Masha. And you are also called law enforcement officers!
Sasha. They grab it without understanding it!
Masha. This is our necklace.
Sasha. The regent gave it to me.
1 Policeman. Regent?
2 Policeman. And who is it?
Masha. He waves his hand, like this, he has a tuning fork. My mother and I sing in his choir.
Sasha. In the church.
2 Policeman. In the church choir?
3 Policeman. This is wonderful!
4 Policemen y. A girl who sings in a church choir should not be a liar!
5 Policemen y. So this old man tricked us!
1 Policeman. We need to let the guys go.
4 Policeman. Maybe yes!
2 Policeman. Certainly!
3 Policeman. Go home, children!
Sasha. Go back! No necklace!
Policemen(in unison). We can't help you (leave)

Sasha and Masha
Sasha. So you and I, Masha, are left with nothing, as they say.
Masha. All our efforts are in vain.
Sasha. Shall we go home?
Masha. Yes. Otherwise, poor mother is all alone! And dad left, and we disappeared.
Masha. How will we get home?
Sasha. I don’t know, let’s go where our eyes lead.
Masha. Oh look, a bead! One of our beads! I forgot to string it. She stayed with us and leads us on the road again!
Sasha. Go ahead, follow her! (run away)

Action 8

A money lender walks down the street. He has a necklace in his hands.
Moneylender. Here it is, the necklace in my hands. It’s already breathtaking, right now I’ll start wishing for it... Oh yes, I need to add more beads to it, which I found myself. This is the one he took from the snowmen. (Strokes the bead lovingly) Ha ha ha. I remembered the fun of visiting the heart, cleaning it up for the holiday...

(wind, intense music, dark)

Ahh! Where I am? What's happening?
Conscience. You are in your heart. You asked for it yourself
Moneylender. Why is it so dark? Why is it cold???
Conscience. You know better why it's dark and cold here.
Moneylender. And who says this?
Conscience. It's me, your Conscience.
Rostovshchi j. Conscience? Where are you?
Conscience: (comes out and yawns as if she was sleeping) Oh-ho-ho...
Moneylender. I don't understand anything.
Conscience: (angry) What is there to understand? The human heart is huge and there is room for everything in it. Go and admire

(Heart-shaped screen with signs: family, friends, good deeds, love of beauty, faith).

Rostovshchi. And where can you visit here? yeah, there’s a door with the inscription “Family”.

A little girl on her knees prays in front of the icon
Daughter: Mother Queen of Heaven, pray to your Newborn Son for my daddy, he is very good to me, but sometimes he breaks down, but it’s my fault.
Moneylender(slams the door). She is to blame, and why in the store refuses to lie and weigh her down. Guilty. Prayer book.
Another "Friends" door? I'll come and have a look! (enters. Two people are sitting). Who are you??
1 friend: We are your friends. (laugh)
Moneylender: I have many friends! Both among merchants and among traders, but I don’t remember you.
2 friend: A friend is someone for whom you can give your life. But we didn’t find anything like that for you!
1 friend: Therefore, only we remained your friends: Selfishness and Narcissism. Take it! (bow)
Moneylender: Where is Semyon Ivanovich at least? Dear man, I considered him my friend...
2 friend: No, he considered you a friend! You were sorry to lend him money when his mother was ill, so that he wouldn’t get used to asking you. And you will spare your skin twice for him!
1 friend: (dreamily) And a friend should always love, come to the rescue in times of misfortune...
2nd friend: Well, don't be upset. We definitely won’t abandon you. We are your most faithful friends! (bow and giggle)
Moneylender I don't want friends like that! Get out of here!
1 friend: No, we feel good here!
Moneylender: No, I need another door! Quicker! "Good deeds" ( Comes in).
Come on, come on. Oh, it’s completely empty here, and the smell is kind of bad. Ugh. (Pinches nose)
Conscience. And it smelled of your greed, it has such a wonderful aroma.
Moneylender. And here is the door “Love of Beauty”, there will be a lot of good things here, I support one poet with money, so that he can release his masterpieces into the world.

Behind the door is inflated Vanity.
Vanity. Well, hello darling, I've been waiting for you.
Moneylender. Oh, who is this?
Vanity. Did not recognize. Look how plump and rosy I am.
Moneylender. Yes, somehow not very much.
Vanity ( Offended) Yes, I am your vanity. I have plastered all the walls here with your poet’s poems. In every masterpiece he reminds you of his benefactor. You read them, and it just makes me burst!!!
Moneylender. ( He slams the door and sits down on the floor) I won't go anywhere else
Conscience. Well, let me show you more of your envy, stinginess, arrogance and show you many more doors here.
Moneylender. Don't want. You've completely tormented my conscience, is everything really that bad?
Conscience. Unfortunately, yes. But I’ll show you one more door.

The moneylender reluctantly gets up and follows his conscience to the door marked “Faith.” He looks behind it.
Moneylender. And it’s somehow cozy there and the candle is burning, but it’s tiny.
Conscience. As a child, you were baptized and this candle was lit... And there is also a fireplace, but there is nothing to light it with.
Moneylender. It's a pity I'm already completely frozen. Just numb.
Conscience. And you try to melt it with the warmth of your soul, start living according to your conscience, start right now.
Moneylender. I probably need to use another bead that I bought from Ptitselov.
Conscience. It won’t help, here you need to beg God to help you change for the better.

The moneylender kneels down, crosses himself, and prays. Flash of light appearance of Angels.

1angel. Your words have been heard
On Holy Christmas Eve.
And on the holiday you will no longer be sad
Since you want to melt the ice of disbelief in your heart
2angel We see in the Nativity of Christ
God's gift to the soul.
He is Life and Light! Blessed is he who is with Him
The saint decided to join the union.
3 angel About Him is good news in the country,
We value this gift.
And you, standing aside,
Don't be a stranger to the Lord.
4angel Don't go into the darkness again
And don’t turn away from Christ
He wants to give you too
Salvation and light and life
1angel of the One who eternally was and is,
The Virgin gives birth to the world today.
The earth found Him shelter.
And in the sky the angels sing,
2angel.And the shepherds hurry down the hill,
And darkness crowds in front of the Star,
And the Magi follow the Star.
And that night we knew
How could he be born for us?
The Child - He is the eternal God
While the angels are reciting poems, Mom and Dad appear on one side, Masha and Sasha appear on the other, and when they see the angels they freeze.

3angel. Inns were closed before Christ,
But the lot of our souls is not cramped.
Our heart is the desired tabernacle.
Where He wants to place the throne.
4angel May everyone's hearts be open
God will plant flowers of Faith there
And towards the born Lord
Hurry up and you too
Moneylender..Yes I know what I need to do
I will return what I stole by deception
And with a bow and a request for forgiveness
Accept what the regent gave you
Bowing, he hands the necklace to Sasha..
Sasha. Well ka. Masha, make a wish quickly
Masha. No, let's say it better together
Sasha and Masha. May all adversity and sorrow always
They are giving our house a wide berth.
Dad. Let Faith and Joy settle in him
Mother.Let love and goodness live in him.
Sasha. Let no one ever quarrel with it
Masha And the Lord’s warmth warms everyone
Dad On this bright solemn holiday -
Holiday of Miracle and Christmas
We will all tell each other together
Only warm words to the world.
Mother. Let's all come together to the manger
In them lies the baby Christ
We will grow spiritually
So that He may grow in our hearts.
5Angel, The snow is falling quietly outside the window:
It's been winter for a long time outside,
Let the miracle of faith happen
And it will light hearts with love.
6Angel. It's snowing - and, barely breathing,
We look at the winged world.
The soul awakens
Once dead.
Moneylender. Let your smiles
On this wonderful day
They will be our happiness
And a gift to everyone.
Conscience. The sounds of life flow
Happiness and goodness,
Illuminating thoughts
With the light of Christmas.

Moments of Christmas

On the eve of Christmas, I would like to talk about this wonderful holiday. Recently, turning to folk traditions, which, in turn, are inextricably linked with Orthodox culture, has become very popular. Easter and Christmas have become practically public holidays, more and more people come to church, the basics of Orthodox culture begin to be taught in schools from the 4th grade, many schools touch upon folk traditions in one way or another during festive events. Our gymnasium, where I am an additional education teacher and director of a theater studio, is no exception. Throughout the second grade, children study Russian folklore: signs, songs, dances, holidays (Pokrov, Maslenitsa, Magpies, St. Yegor's Day, Palm Sunday, Easter). Celebrating Christmas immediately after returning from the winter holidays is an established good tradition. A year ago, on Christmastide, the students of the studio performed a Christmas production at the Sunday school of one of the city’s churches and received an incomparable experience and strong emotional impressions. We were received very warmly, the Sunday School students showed us their performance with excellent musical design, scenery and costumes, and excellent acting skills.

We didn't plan this performance in advance. It just happened that when I started preparing for the traditional Christmas concert, I realized: second-graders know nothing about the holiday itself. This is what the answer to the question “What do you know about Christmas?” looked like, to sum up everything I heard: this is a holiday when Santa Claus flies in on reindeer and puts gifts in his stockings, and there are also bright fireworks. I want to emphasize that the children had a week to prepare an answer. Ultimately, I devoted the lesson to the history of the holiday, hoping that some of the Christmas traditions the children would be able to remember at least from their kindergarten experience. Finally, I decided to draw a parallel between the traditions of Halloween and Christmas. And the children, who could not name a single Christmas tradition, told me in detail about Halloween. I must admit, I was confused. Then my confusion gradually grew into indignation: how, why, how do our children know an alien culture and have absolutely no information about their roots? There is no doubt that knowledge of foreign traditions is useful, excellent and has a general cultural developmental effect. But why did our own traditions begin to fade into the background? The result of my righteous indignation was two additional classes dedicated to Christmas in the Russian Orthodox and general Christian traditions, as well as a performance not only within the walls of my native gymnasium, but also, as mentioned above, at the Sunday school of the church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Alexandrovskaya , near St. Petersburg. The co-author of the script that I want to bring to your attention was my colleague, the teacher-organizer of the gymnasium, the head of the “Artistic Word” association, Elena Vladimirovna Shulga.

The performance is dedicated to the revival of one of the majestic churches of Tsarskoe Selo - St. Catherine’s Cathedral. “Moments of Christmas” - this is its name; in terms of genre it can be classified as a theatrical miniature, in terms of content - a musical performance-concert. It does not carry a deep religious load. The main goal is to introduce viewers (and performers!) to folk traditions, customs and, of course, classical examples of musical and literary heritage, create a festive mood and awaken in students interest in the history and culture of Russia through material accessible to children’s perception: familiar images, simple chants of carols, colorful folk costumes. Let me emphasize: despite the fact that the performance is based on Russian traditions, it can be considered international. This is a kind of synthesis of European and Russian traditions, consisting in the following features of the script: a combination of instrumental and vocal music, an academic performance of F. Gruber’s “Silent Night” with the folk manner of performing carols a capella, the harmonious sound of the London Symphony Orchestra with the simple sounds of folk noise instruments ( spoons, rattles, tambourines), strict costumes of the leading readers with bright folk shirts and sundresses of carolers, the author's poetic text with the texts of carols.




2 Stars - girls dressed as stars (shiny long dresses and headdresses)

the Virgin Mary - a girl in a straight long dress, with a wide scarf on her head, a doll representing the Child Christ in her hands








All participants, except the readers, the star and Mary, are dressed in Russian folk costumes. Children playing animals wear caps and masks on their heads that match the image.

Empty stage. There is a draped chair in the center. The phonogram "Silent Night" performed by the London Symphony Orchestra plays. Two presenters rise to the stage and stand at the proscenium, stretching out a wide translucent fabric with the image of a Christmas star in the middle. Following them, performers in animal costumes and Maria come out and take their places behind the improvised curtain. The last four readers to appear from behind the scenes and stop next to the leading ones. The music becomes quieter.

Presenters - Once upon a time on the central square

Catherine's Cathedral stood.

Not knowing about my sad fate

There the bell called people to the service.

At any time of the year to the doors of the Temple

The people walked with hope and faith.

And kids Christmas dramas

Played there year after year.(music fades out)

And these days the guys are trying

Don't forget the old days.

The memory of our ancestors is alive in us! And to this day

We remember the days of Holy Christmas.

The phonogram “Silent Night” plays, backing track. Participants sing 1 verse.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
There is light and beauty in the sky.
The Son of God is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lies in the Bethlehem den.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep Holy Child.

The readers leave. Stars take their place. The soundtrack fades out. Girls read B. Nikonova’s poem “The Dream of a Star”

At one o'clock on Christmas morning
The expanse of heaven began to brighten,
During the long night I'm all covered
Bright stars in a tight crowd.
The stars began to fade quietly,
And the star said to the star:

I dreamed that this night
I've been to earth!
I dreamed of an illuminated hall,
And there is a crowd of people all around.
And there were a lot of children there
I couldn't even count them...
How the children laughed loudly!
How their eyes sparkled!
How much did I see then?
People have love and affection!

The phonogram “Silent Night” plays, backing track. Participants sing verse 2.

The night is silent, the night is holy,
And light and clean.
The joyful choir of angels praises,
Revealing the space far away
Above the sleeping earth
Above the sleeping earth.

The presenters collect the “curtain” and leave. On the stage, surrounded by animals, Maria remains, sitting on a chair and hugging the baby to her. The actors role-play S. Cherny’s poem “Rozhdestvenskoye”

In the manger I slept on fresh hay

Quiet tiny Christ.

The moon, emerging from the shadows,

I stroked the flax of His hair...

A bull breathed on a baby's face

And, rustling like straw,

On an elastic knee

I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles

They flocked to the manger,

And the bull, clinging to the niche,

He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,

He licked her secretly.

The cat was the most comfortable of all

Warm the Child sideways in the manger...

Subdued white goat

I breathed on His forehead,

Just a stupid gray donkey

He pushed everyone helplessly:

“Look at the Child

Just a minute for me too!”

And he cried loudly

In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,

Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart

And with a smile full of affection,

He whispered: “Look quickly!”

The child, who plays the role of Donkey, runs out to the middle of the stage and reads a quatrain as a transition to the carols.

“Christ is born!”

The guys sing as they go around the villages.

And the Orthodox people hear

Singing about the Nativity of Christ.

Carolers run onto the stage with cheerful shouts. They have noise instruments in their hands (rattles, tambourines, wooden spoons). Three guys bring gifts to the Infant Christ: a sheep, socks and a jug of milk, which they bow to the Virgin Mary at the corresponding words of the verse.(NOTE: if children cannot sing a capella, you can record a soundtrack on a synthesizer or play along on the piano without complicating the texture)

1. Everyone goes, hurrying to the holiday with joy in their hearts,
Everyone brings their gifts to the Marvelous Child.

2. I brought you, Child, a good lamb,

You can play with her on your porch.

3. Well, I’m bringing you a little milk,

So that your bright face blooms.

4. Well, I’m bringing you warm socks,
So that they, Baby, warm your playful legs.

Two carolers come forward and read a linking poem.

For Christmas, for Christmas

Always frost and laughter,

Celebration sparkles with snow,

Christ is in everyone's soul.

The guys perform the second carol with the same composition. It is necessary to add dance elements to the sound of folk instruments: stomping, turning around, clapping. Mary does not sing or dance, she only sways slightly, cradling the Baby.

1. Let's go to Bethlehem together: doo-da, doo-da, doo-da-da (2 times)

Chorus: Maybe the Holy Virgin will give us the Baby to rock (2 times)

2. Let's have fun playing:Doo-da, doo-da, doo-da-da (2 times)

3. Boys on pipes(boys imitate playing the pipe. If available, you can connect various whistles).
Chorus: ...

4. Girls on tambourines(girls play tambourines)

Chorus: ...

5. Let's go to Bethlehem together. Doo-da, doo-da, doo-da-da (2 times)
Chorus: ...

The phonogram “Silent Night” plays, backing track. All the presenters come out. The soundtrack gradually becomes quieter. The presenters read the final verses.

Years have passed. And again the walls of the Temple

Saint Catherine ascended.

Both on holidays and on weekdays early in the morning

The bells began to ring again from the bell tower.

Let's remember the city's origins,

Study living history.

And how wonderful it is that you and I can

Dedicate your creations to him!

The soundtrack gets louder. All participants sing the final verse of the Christmas carol “Silent Night.”

The night is silent, the night is holy,
We sing of Christ.
And with a smile the Baby looks,
His look speaks of love
And shines with beauty
And shines with beauty.

General bow.

Christmas...It's hard to remember a more touching and wonderful holiday, filled with exciting anticipation of a miracle. On January 8, the Shchekino Intersettlement Central Library and Children's Music School No. 2 invited city residents to the magic evening “Christmas Magic Moments.” Library guests who decided to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of magical winter evenings, with their Christmastide, mummers and caroling, did not leave a single empty seat in the reading room.

The librarians spoke about the history of the holiday and about the Christmas tale itself, which was written exactly 200 years ago by the German writer E.T.A. Hoffman. “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” is a fairy tale about the magical world of childhood, filled with bright colors and true miracles, about the eternal confrontation between good and evil forces and the victory of beautiful feelings.

A fabulous atmosphere was created by concert numbers performed by the vocal group “Businki” under the direction of V.I. Zhuravleva. The voices of Ksenia Chistova, Olga Kotelnikova, Lyuba Plyakina, Alina Nesterova, Yanina Tuzkova, Artem Sidelnikov, Anna Gerasina, who presented Christmas carols, sounded touching and tender. The audience was delighted with the song “White Snow” arranged for guitar, performed by the teacher of music school No. 2 Molibozhenko A.V. The audience greeted each of the artist’s virtuosic guitar compositions with applause.

Winter Holidays, lasting from January 7 to January 19, are the most solemn, bright, cheerful holidays in Russia. On these days, mummers went from house to house and sang majestic songs and caroled.

A whole performance with songs and carols was shown to the audience by the artists of the Book Theater and the younger members of the folk ensemble “Tausen” under the direction of E.V. Dementieva. The owner (L.V. Korotkova) and the hostess (E.A. Bandurina) cordially welcomed the mummers, who brought the Bear and the Goat with them, and performed ancient ritual songs.

Young artists of the Book Theater Chegodaeva Margarita, Poddubnaya Yulia, Eremichev Sergei, Dronov Egor amused and delighted the audience with their lively performance, and the youngest artist, Alyosha Dronov, simply charmed everyone. He walked ahead of the carolers with the Christmas Star in his hands and read a poem dedicated to the holiday.

Everyone who came to the library that day was able to play, tell fortunes, and answer quiz questions. The luckiest ones received surprise Christmas gifts. And, of course, we listened to wonderful music performed by the most sincere and touching artists. All participants of the holiday were able to feel the magical moments of Christmas.

“Yuletide Evenings in Rus': Forgotten Rituals and Customs” - under this title an educational and entertaining dialogue dedicated to Christmas traditions in Rus' was held in the Nizhneuslonsk rural library.

Librarian Nina Viktorovna Morozenkova introduced those present to an electronic presentation telling about the Nativity of Christ and the events associated with this magical holiday. Young readers and their parents got acquainted with the book exhibition “The Magic of a Christmas Tale.”

Presenting the “Christmas books,” the librarian noted that Orthodox people on the eve of the holiday showed mercy to those who needed help and tried to help them. Everyone listened with bated breath to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s work “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree” and together thought about the sad story of the boy that happened on Christmas night.

The second part of the dialogue was entertaining and was dedicated to the continuation of Christmas - Christmastide. Christmastide in Rus' was always accompanied by fun games, fortune telling and, of course, carols. Those gathered learned what a “carol” is, sang funny carols - ditties, and congratulated each other on the upcoming Christmas.

On January 7, according to a good old tradition, residents of the village of Kuralovo gathered in the village church near the Christmas tree.

Head of the Kuralovsk Rural Library Dryakhlova L.B. with the guys from the “Harmony” club prepared a theatrical performance “The frosty night was like a fairy tale, the Christmas star was watching.” Zvezdochka, Squirrel, Bunny, Wolf, and Bear came to visit the Kuralov residents. They read poems and played with the children, and danced in circles.

Readers of the Kuralovsky Rural Library Alena and Alisa Mironov, Olya Mayorova, Matvey Koronsky, Sasha Galyautdinova, Vlad Baranov, Lisa Bulycheva read Christmas poems. Poems by A. Khomyakov, O. Guzova, V. Pasko, E. Skachkov were read.

On the eve of the Christmas holiday, the head of the Kildeevskaya library, Mukaeva G.N. held for children Christmas gatherings “Christmas is knocking on us.”

At the beginning of the event, the librarian told those present the legend about the birth of Jesus Christ, about Christmas traditions and fun: carols, Christmastide and fortune telling. The children took part in various competitions and games with great pleasure. And by answering the questions of the “Christmas Quiz,” they showed not only their knowledge of the history of this holiday, but also joyfully shared how they like to celebrate this good holiday. All event participants received sweet prizes.

A conversation “Behind the Christmas Star” was held at the Pechischinsky Library for young readers.

In the spirit of Russian gatherings, the presenters, head of the library Yulia Nurgalieva and head of the Pechishchinsky House of Culture Galina Polyakova, prepared competitions, games, quizzes for the children, both serious, intellectual - about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and events related to Christmas, and comic ones.

Having become acquainted with the history of the holiday, folk traditions and customs, those gathered guessed what a carol and a Christmas star were, remembered what they eat on Christmas Eve, sang, competed in dexterity, attention, and, of course, wished each other a Merry Christmas.

The event was accompanied by an electronic presentation “The Miracle of Christmas Night”.

On January 7, the Sobolev Library hosted a conversation about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ “Orthodox culture in Russia: past and present.”

Participants of the event learned about the history of the holiday and actively participated in various fun competitions, games and quizzes. Since it is customary to tell fortunes at Christmas, the readers also told fortunes from the book, by candlelight, the girls hugged the fence to find out whether they would get married this year or not and, of course, wished each other a Merry Christmas, sang carols and recited Christmas poems.

January 7 in the Russian-Burnashevsky Library based on the work of N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” a conversation was held to get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ , and at the end of the event, Christmas fortune-telling was organized with children and teenagers.

On the eve of the great Orthodox holiday - the Nativity of Christ, head of the library Lyubov Gracheva and the head of the Korguzin SDK Tatyana Nazarova in the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden visited the homes of fellow villagers who, for health reasons, do not leave the house.

With warm congratulations and wishes, cultural workers came to Alexei Yatsuta, Tatyana Sakina, Konstantin Gushchin and Valentina Ivanovna Rakova. So that they would not feel lonely, Father Frost and Snow Maiden wished them a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, gave them small souvenirs and distributed sweets. They accepted congratulations and gifts with great gratitude, through tears.

On January 7, in the Yambulatov settlement, according to an already established good tradition, a children's Christmas holiday “Christmas Miracle” was held.

The children were treated to a fascinating fairy tale with fun games, songs and round dances. The main guests of the holiday, Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka, the magical Cockerel and the fox Alice, gave a special mood.

Children recited prepared Christmas poems and songs, danced, and made wishes near the New Year tree. Everyone received gifts and a cheerful festive mood from Santa Claus.

The children had a fun time immersing themselves in a Christmas fairy tale, which was prepared for them by KFOR staff together with the village library.

“Christmas customs of different countries” - an hour of interesting messages was given by the head of the Russian-Makulov Library, Nadezhda Pershina, for her young readers.

The children watched colorful videos “The Nativity of Christ” and “Christmas Traditions of Different Countries” and listened to a story about this joyful and cheerful holiday dedicated to the birth of the divine baby and his mother Mary.

The children had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of magical winter evenings, with their Christmastide, mummers and caroling, which, of course, aroused a lively response and interest. They enjoyed the Christmas quiz, where they showed good knowledge of the history of the holiday, as well as Orthodox traditions, customs and rituals. The winners received well-deserved prizes, and all participants received Christmas souvenirs.

In the Central District Library for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, a book exhibition was organized - a review of “Christmas magical moments...”.

Librarian Plokhova T.A. reviewed the exhibition and presented readers with literature of spiritual and moral content, expressively read an excerpt from Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana,” emphasizing the inextricable connection between Russian literature and folk traditions.

Visitors to the exhibition learned that an important attribute of the Christmas holiday is a colorfully decorated tree. When the king of Judah learned of the birth of Christ, he ordered the killing of all male babies who were born that day. Mary, saving the baby Jesus from death, goes to Egypt. They hid in a cave for the night, and covered the entrance with spruce branches. That is why the spruce is still a symbol of Christmas, because spruce branches saved little Jesus’ life.