Development at 2 months. How does a two month old baby develop?

A newborn baby is a unique phenomenon. It develops unusually fast, acquiring new skills every month. The weight of the baby increases in 30 days by about a kilogram, in growth the baby acquires 3 centimeters. But the most important thing is that a small person begins to contact the world, with those who are closer to him, first of all, with his mother. A child at 2 months of life begins to smile!

Every mother worries whether everything is in order with her son or daughter. I must say that all existing norms are approximate, and each baby develops in its own way.

Therefore, focusing on pediatric indicators, you should not compare your own 2-month-old baby with other people's children. Such "races" will not lead to anything other than the excitement of the parents.

What can most 2-month-old babies do?

  • Hold your head. A 2-month-old child begins to lift it after. From the “lying on the stomach” position, which is especially important for the spine and abdominal muscles to continue to develop correctly, the baby can hold his head on weight for some time. At first, he only tears off his cheek and forehead from the changing table, by the second month, most infants are quite confident in considering the world around.

When a newborn or a month old baby is carried vertically in his arms, he puts his head on the chest or on the shoulder of an adult, because he still does not have enough strength to hold it on his own. But when the child turns 2 months old, he easily tears it off the support in order to study everything that is around him.

  • Smile. This is not only a joyful moment for parents and relatives, but also an important moment for the formation of a personality, indicating that the baby is in contact with people, communicates with them, emotionally responds to their words, which means, from the point of view of psychology, he has no violations. However, children begin to smile earlier if they are spoken to, sung songs to them, turn to them, looking into their eyes. Such emotions, as a rule, become the result of eye contact, because a baby at about two months of age focuses well on faces.
  • Demonstrate a "complex of revival." This most important term in developmental psychology refers to the reaction that a child shows at two months when a familiar and beloved adult approaches him, for example, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. It looks like this: the baby is in the crib, he is alone in the room. He is practically motionless, he can suck on his fist, sometimes make slow head movements. However, as soon as an adult approaches, bows down, speaks, the arms and legs of a 2-month-old child begin to move actively. The baby shakes its head as much as possible. This behavior is characterized by uncoordinated, erratic movements, but usually gives parents great pleasure - because it shows the joy of their child from meeting.
  • Focus your gaze. If the child is in his second month, he can linger with his eyes on moving or, conversely, stationary objects - this is an indicator that his development is within the normal range. The kid will be happy to examine the toy that you show him, follow her with her eyes, turn her head after her. This phenomenon indicates the active work of the brain and the correct development of vision.
  • What else can a baby do at 2 months? Bring to the mouth and put there all the objects that are in his hands. Of course, he still cannot grab something with his fingers on his own, but, for example, he will not release a nested toy. The child holds certain things very tenaciously and immediately pulls them into his mouth. This is not a bad habit, but a necessary stage in understanding the world, so you should not “wean” the baby in any way.
  • The development of a child at 2 months is also characterized by the fact that he carefully listens to everything that is happening around, and also begins to distinguish native voices, first of all, of course, mothers. To be able to turn the head to her gentle call is one of the basic skills after the first month of life.
  • The baby begins to "walk", that is, to make sounds. This has nothing to do with crying, such a phenomenon can be safely described as communication. So far, adults hear only lingering vowel sounds, which later, after 3 months, will begin to transform into more complex structures.

Remember that baby crying is also a way of communicating. Although this is a normal phenomenon, it should not be ignored. Crying is a call, a request for help. It is important for mom and dad to understand what worries their child at this moment - he is scared, wet, cold, hot, uncomfortable, or needs food. Children at 2 months are in dire need of basic needs.

Day and night mode

Usually, by this period, the routine of the life of mother and baby begins to improve. Although, in the experience of many parents, the regime as such appears after three months, however, a certain ordering of life is already taking place.

All events and actions during this period, of course, are tied to feedings. If the baby is breastfed and eats on demand, this can happen once every hour or two, and much less often.

Night feedings can be long, some mothers practice co-sleeping, so they can rest more or less fully.

Children who are given the mixture have a more pronounced regimen. They eat from 7 to 9 times a day, eat about 120 ml of the mixture at a time, that is, on average, about 800 grams in 24 hours.

If the child is 2 months old, his development occurs naturally and normally, he is awake from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Most mothers strive to ensure that the night's sleep is the longest and interrupted no more than two times. During the day, many children sleep well in a stroller on the street or on the balcony, which makes it possible for a woman to do some of her business.

Baby 2 months and its development

How can a mother help her child explore the world? At this age, simple and suitable games and massage are needed, they are able to provide correct and timely knowledge of the world.

  • The right decision would be to hang a mobile over a crib or deck chair - a special device with figurines spinning on strings, sometimes with a mechanism that plays gentle and calm music.
  • The best educational games are a demonstration of any items. For example, a mother picks up a bright bell, first rings it away from the child's head, waiting for him to turn towards the sound. Then slowly passes an object in front of his eyes and rings in the opposite direction. Such training is very useful, but you should not move the object quickly - the child is still too small to have time to rebuild in seconds.
  • As such, it is still too early to play games, but carrying a son or daughter in her arms vertically is a very important task, because this way the view expands and an intensive knowledge of the world takes place. It is worth telling the child something, humming, often changing position, drawing his attention to bright, noticeable objects. The more communication and various experiences there are, the sooner your baby will develop.
  • Breast massage is of particular importance. It is not at all difficult for attentive parents to master it, but the benefits will be enormous. During such a procedure, both tactile and emotional communication between mom or dad and the child takes place, and his muscles are strengthened. Massaging the back and tummy, arms and legs, the face of the child, it is important to talk to him, hum something. An excellent solution would be folk songs and nursery rhymes that develop both the aesthetic sense, the rhythm, and the musicality of a little person.

Do not forget about precautions: in any non-medical massage, it is important to avoid the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine itself, the heart and liver. You can not massage at a temperature when the baby is tired and naughty, hungry, or, conversely, just ate.

Typical problems

The most basic trouble that happens to all kids up to 3-4 months old is colic. This phenomenon is due to the physiological immaturity of the intestine, sometimes allergic reactions are superimposed. Colic is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • flatulence of the intestine;
  • unpleasant, stabbing sensations;
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort.

The most important thing that every mother should understand is that this phenomenon is temporary and absolutely normal. But, of course, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the baby. How to do it?

  • Periodically lay out your son or daughter on the tummy. This should be done several times a day, but not after meals. Such a natural massage of the tummy contributes to its optimal functioning.
  • After feeding, scold the crumbs with a “column” to let out excess air.
  • Do the exercise by pressing the baby's legs to the stomach and gently straightening. So mom or dad can help him pass gases and relieve pain.
  • If the baby is screaming, give him some kind of relief, such as Espumizan or Bobotik.
  • Massage the baby's belly in a clockwise direction. This will help you improve your digestive processes.
  • Strong, some experts advise treating with skin-to-skin contact: mom's warmth helps a little person relax and fall asleep.

The most important thing to understand about the development of the crumbs at the age of two months is that he needs your attention, affection, communication with you and, of course, unconditional love. It is these factors that are decisive, contributing to the normal growth, health and psychological comfort of the baby.

A whole month is behind, your baby is growing, and together with him you are entering a new phase of development, when the first sounds appear, and your beloved eyes are already looking consciously. A child at 2 months achieves many successes, and they are clearly noticeable in comparison with the neonatal period. Let's follow the development of a 2-month-old baby. The goal of parents at this stage is to help them better adapt to the world around them.

Physical parameters

2 months of life - a period of intensive growth. In physical terms, progress is more obvious than in other areas, because in a month the baby is gaining from 800 grams to 1200 grams. There is also progress in growth: the baby grows by 3 cm. Due to such rapid growth, it is not recommended to buy a lot of clothes for the baby in the first months, since it may turn out to be small after two or three socks.

At 2 months, the following indicators are considered normal:

  • weight - from 4.5 to 6 kg;
  • height - from 56 to 60 cm.

If the baby's weight is too small or he is not gaining it well, it is worth consulting with specialists about breastfeeding. An additional examination may be needed to exclude some pathologies.


The best food is mother's milk. By two months, nutrition is already getting better, a certain feeding regime is established, so there should be no problems. Be sure to hold the baby in a “column” after eating. This will allow air to escape and reduce the chance of spitting up. So that the baby does not choke from regurgitation during sleep, it is laid "on the side".

The intervals between feedings are noticeably increasing, now they are about 3 hours or a little more. In order to avoid the development of allergies in an infant, the mother needs to monitor her diet, do not abuse foods that are considered strong allergens, as well as the intake of alcohol and caffeine-containing products. For those who, due to various circumstances, switched to artificial feeding, it's time to decide on the best adapted mixture for the baby.


The development of a child at 2 months is influenced by his inherent reflexes. The main ones are:

  1. Breath holding reflex. At this age, the baby is still able to swim several meters under water, thanks to the ability to hold his breath. It is believed that such swims are good for the respiratory and muscular system of the child, but if you do not hurry, the reflex will soon fade away.
  2. . Probably, you have already noticed that if you put your finger in an infant's hand, he will squeeze it tightly. Mom can help open the palms with a light stroking of the fingers.
  3. Sucking reflex was necessary to find food, and still has not lost its relevance, only now the little one likes not only his mother's breasts, but also his own thumb, a pacifier.

Thanks to an innate reflex, a child at 2 months is able to hold his breath underwater.

Core Skills

  • Raises head and holds it for a few seconds.
  • He likes to look around, looking at the objects around him.
  • When studying bright objects, the baby does not yet understand colors, but may prefer one of the toys.
  • Vision allows him to focus on a stationary (non-moving) object.
  • From time to time, the first short vowels can be heard.
  • By the age of 2 months, the baby is able to determine the distance to the toy and tries to reach it with its handles; of course, while such movements are poorly obtained, but soon he will be an expert in matters of "getting" the things he needs.
  • The coordination of the movements of the arms and legs improves, there are no more sharp shudders, as it was at the very beginning.
  • The baby recognizes his mother and loved ones living in the same house.
  • Reacts to the voice, listens to it, turns in the direction from which the sound comes.
  • Lying on the stomach raises the chest for a few moments.
  • Holds a rattle in the palm of your hand.
  • A smile now appears not just reflexively, but quite consciously, as an expression of joy in relation to loved ones.
  • Responds to the pace of speech. If you speak quickly and excitedly, the so-called revitalization complex sets in, when the baby begins to joyfully fiddle with his arms and legs, demonstrating his delight. With a calm tone, the movements are measured.
  • The crying of the child is distinguishable by intonation: the mother can easily understand what the baby wants to “say” in this way: whether he is hungry, craves attention, or cries from pain in the tummy.

The mobile over the crib is great fun for a 2 month old baby

Sleep and daily routine

In a dream, the baby is gaining strength for further research and growth. Since the food at this time is more or less established, and the child sleeps 18-19 hours a day, including daytime sleep, it's time to set the daily routine.

A routine is a specific routine where feedings, games, and going to bed happen around the same time. With its help, it will be easy for all family members, because you will approximately know when you will have free time for yourself or accumulated household chores.

Bathing and walking

Daily bathing is essential for hygiene. Remember that soaps and shampoos (of course, for children) are used no more than 1-2 times a week to prevent problems with children's skin. During water procedures, it is important to monitor the water temperature and its quality.

Walking in the fresh air plays an important role in the hardening and healthy development of the baby. In summer, you can walk as much as you like, but not in direct sunlight and not in the very heat. Winter walks should not be longer than 2 hours. Hypothermia to a newborn is useless. You should not go for a walk in very windy weather or severe frost, the child is still too small to adapt to extreme conditions.

Baby care

It is important to change diapers in a timely manner, especially after emptying the baby. If there is no access to running water, it is necessary to clean the skin with wet wipes. A healthy 2-month-old baby poops about three times a day. If the baby receives artificial nutrition, the stool may be more dense and only once a day.

In the first year of life, visits to the pediatrician are frequent, especially for children under three months old. In the second month, you need to undergo an examination of other specialists: a neuropathologist, an oculist, an orthopedist. They assess the condition and behavior of the crumbs, help to identify possible pathologies in the early stages.

At 2 months, you should visit some doctors, get the necessary vaccinations

By the 2nd month, the umbilical wound has already healed, however, if the navel suddenly becomes wet, festering or bleeding, this is an occasion to unscheduledly seek help from a doctor. In addition, you may notice crusts on the head. Do not be afraid, they do not bring discomfort to the baby, and the pediatrician will tell you how to get rid of them.

When the child sleeps, it is necessary to change his position, shifting from one barrel to another. Because the bones of the head are still soft, deformity can occur, causing the skull to become irregular.

Babies' nails grow quickly, so don't forget to cut them on time with special blunt-tipped scissors.

Games and exercises

The main task is to strengthen the muscles of the neck and back, so lay the baby on his stomach for such "training". In the “on the back” position, spread apart and bring the arms at the chest, bend and unbend the legs. Let the baby hold a small ball to train the palms. Stroking the back, arms and legs is very effective.

In the house where a small child lives, calm melodic music should sound, it helps to develop a sense of tact and hearing. Choose bright, large toys that are dominated by one or two colors. Take the baby in your arms more often: this is how he feels your affection and love, and also expands his horizons.

Very soon you will enter the phase of the third month, where your child's new skills will manifest, and the old ones will become more perfect. So, month after month, the baby will grow and delight the parents.

In this article:

During the first month of life, the body of a newborn fully adapts to extrauterine life. He already reacts to sounds, distinguishes the intonation of the voice, turns his head and pulls his legs and arms with might and main.

The second month of a newborn's life is characterized by even greater development. Literally in a month, his daily routine completely changes. He becomes even more active and receptive to the world around him, his interest in everything new increases several times.

Baby physiology

The physiological development of a newborn at 2 months has its own characteristics:

  • the digestive system is already practically established, due to which the child is less likely to be disturbed by colic, bloating and abdominal cramps;
  • the immune system rises - the baby's body, faced with "unfamiliar" infections, begins to actively produce specific antibodies;
  • the central nervous system is not fully developed, therefore, at this age, babies are prone to generalization of disease processes that can occur with convulsions, meningoencephalitis or meningitis;
  • body temperature exceeds the temperature of an adult by 0.3 - 0.4 C;
  • the tone of the hands decreases;
  • eye coordination is being formed - now the baby not only hears the sound, but also focuses his vision on the object that emits it.

Coordination of the work of hands and vision is also formed - when a child sees an object, he not only looks at it, but also pulls his hands towards it. He begins to follow bright moving objects. If a bright toy is shown to him during feeding, he will turn his attention to it and stop suckling.

A newborn at 2 months already begins to raise his head, if he is placed on his tummy, and his chest, resting on the handles. This strengthens his muscles. By this time, the crawling reflex disappears, the arms are free to move. But the legs are still compressed and bent at the knees (increased tone), this indicates the presence of Kernig's symptom (the impossibility of extending the joints of the lower extremities at a time when they are bent at the hip).

During this period, the baby also actively begins to gain all. During the second month of life, he gains 600-800 g in weight, and his height increases by 2-3 cm.

As for the stool, in children who are bottle-fed, it occurs about 2-3 times a day, and those who are breastfeeding - 1-2 times. Sometimes there are cases that the intestines of newborns on HB are not emptied for more than a day. This phenomenon is considered normal if the baby is not bothered by abdominal pain, and is due to the fact that mother's milk is well absorbed in the child's body.

Psychology 2 month old baby

The psychological development of a 2-month-old baby is also reaching a new level. He already recognizes voices and recognizes mom and dad by their appearance, becomes more cheerful and is already trying to take part in a conversation with adults - he smiles back at them and tries to make sounds. His crying acquires one or another emotional character, which allows parents to determine what is bothering the child - he is hungry or scared of something.

The main indicators of normal psychological development are:

  • the ability to hold the head, lying on the stomach, and focus it at the top point for several minutes;
  • the ability to rest with the legs, while holding it under the armpits;
  • reacts when they talk to him - smiles, snorts, jerks legs and arms, makes various sounds;
  • close examination of hanging toys;
  • focusing on moving bright objects.

At this age, a newborn child begins to respond to weather changes, geomagnetic and astronomical phenomena, which is characterized by continuous crying, restless or prolonged sleep, lethargy or excessive activity.

Vision and hearing

A baby at 2 months already clearly hears voices and distinguishes colors. With a loud sound, the baby shudders and blinks, and when he hears someone's voice or a sharp sound, he concentrates and tries to find the source of the sound with his eyes.

Also at this age, children are already beginning to distinguish colors and focus their vision on bright objects. They begin to recognize the facial features of the people who most often surround him. When talking to them, he begins to smile and babble.

It is very important to protect the child at this age from loud and annoying sounds. Since it is during this period that the central nervous system is formed, and loud sounds are an irritant for it, which can affect the further psychological development of the baby.


A newborn baby at 2 months already holds his head and turns it in different directions, examining his surroundings.

Lying on his back, he begins to lift the upper body, making movements similar to physical exercises for the press. If the child is offered fingers as an emphasis, then he will begin to rise, as if he wants to sit down, and some children really succeed. However, you should not overdo it with such “exercises”, as this can affect the development of the hip joints. In general, doctors do not recommend planting children up to 4-5 months.

The baby has a great desire to stand, which he tries to do when he is held under the armpits. He begins to unbend his legs and rest against them. This is a natural phenomenon that allows you to reduce the tone of the legs.

The child begins to play with toys, twisting and examining them in his hands. For the development of motor skills, he can be given not only bulky objects of large sizes, but also small figures that have different shapes and textures.


At this age, the baby's sleep takes less time than in the first month of his life. Daytime sleep decreases in duration, now the baby sleeps twice for several hours, and several times for several minutes (from 5 to 20). But the time of night sleep increases to 12 hours, it is natural that the baby wakes up several times to refresh himself, but then easily falls asleep, and most often this occurs during feeding.

Already at this age, children manifest themselves as "larks" or "owls". "Larks" fall asleep at about 20:00 and wake up around 6:00 - 7:00 in the morning, and "owls" fall asleep at about 23:00 - 1:00 and wake up around 10:00 - 12:00 in the afternoon.


At this age, the baby is fed exclusively with mother's milk or infant formula. The child has become more active, which means that more energy is wasted. To replenish the balance, he needs to consume food in large volumes. So, for example, if in the first month of life, the baby sucked milk from only one breast and this was more than enough for him, then at two months the child can suck milk from two breasts and this is the norm for him.

Breastfeeding can occur at any time at each request of the child (at least every half an hour), which cannot be said about feeding the baby with milk mixtures. Formula-fed babies often have bowel problems. As a rule, such babies are very often disturbed by swelling and clicks in the abdomen. Therefore, feeding with milk mixtures should occur strictly according to the schedule, that is, every 3 to 3.5 hours. Since the need for food in the baby has increased, it is necessary to increase the amount of the diluted mixture.

motor development

At 2 months, a child can:

  • keep head;
  • lift the upper body of the body;
  • "stand" on legs;
  • hold and play with rattles.

The baby begins to actively develop, but you should be extremely careful when playing and holding the child in your arms. His bones and cartilages are not yet fully strengthened, and any careless movement can lead to a fracture or dislocation.


The kid has already become active, and it's time for developing games and activities. At 2 months old, the child is interested in watching various moving objects, studying the faces of loved ones and the situation in the room. The following activities can be used as educational games:

  • You can hang bright toys over the crib, it will be good if they make different sounds at the same time. At their sight, the baby will have a desire to reach out to them and taste them. Therefore, if the toys are close to the baby, it is best to use plastic products that are easy to clean. Soft toys, although safer, accumulate a lot of dust and various microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases or inflammation in the baby's body;
  • You can take a bell, tie it to a string and hang it at a small distance from the baby's eyes (about 20-30 cm, close proximity of objects can cause strabismus). Hide the bell in your palm and move it in different directions. The kid will first react to the sound, and look for its source. Then open your palm and show the object to the baby, without ceasing to drive it. The child will focus on the bell and will try to reach it.
  • A baby's sense of rhythm can be developed by reading books or singing songs. When the child begins to make sounds, repeat them so that he hears them.
  • To help the baby begin to associate your words with objects, take the child in your arms and walk around the room with him, showing various objects and be sure to say what they are.

And remember that a child is a person who is formed due to your upbringing. Sing songs and tell him stories only those that evoke positive emotions. Your constant presence is simply necessary for him, he cannot yet separate his life from yours, since quite recently you were one with him. Do not be afraid to spoil your child, because your love and care given to the child now will definitely return to you in the future from him!

Useful video about the development of a two-month-old baby

The most difficult period - the period of adaptation, behind. The kid gradually begins to get used to the world around him, the restructuring of his organs and systems ends, the nervous system matures. In the second month of life, the active physical and emotional development of the child continues.

Your child already knows...


53.4-62.1 cm.
3.6-6.6 kg.
36.9-41.8 cm.
35.0-41.6 cm.
52.1-61.8 cm.
3.8-5.8 kg.
35.6-41.4 cm.
34.6-40.9 cm.

Physical development of the child in the second month

In the second month of life, a child, on average, gains 800 grams. The total weight gain for the past period is 1400 grams (600 grams for the 1st month and 800 grams for the 2nd).

The baby grows by 2.5-3 cm in the second month of life (for the past period 5-6 cm).

Head circumference increases by 1-1.5 cm (over the past period by 2-3 cm).

The circumference of the chest increases by 1.5-2 cm (over the past period) by 3-4 cm).

Neuropsychic development of the child in the second month

To assess the neuropsychic development of a child, the doctor evaluates several basic criteria: motor skills, statics, conditioned reflex activity, speech and higher nervous activity.

Motor skills (or movement) is a purposeful, manipulative activity of a child. By two months, eye muscle movements become more coordinated, thanks to which the child fixes his gaze well on bright objects. Turning the head behind the toy indicates the development of the neck muscles.

Statics is the fixation and holding of certain parts of the body in the required position. The first sign of static in a baby is head holding. This skill appears at 2-3 months of life and is further improved.

Conditioned reflex activity is an adequate reaction of the baby to various irritating environmental factors and his own needs. The main reflex in a two-month-old baby, like in a newborn, is still the food reflex (dominant). But, in the second month, the child begins to smile and a complex of revival at the appearance of the mother. The signs of conditioned reflex activity also include auditory and visual concentration. At two months, the baby should blink in response to a loud, sharp sound. Also at this age, the baby should already follow the movement of the object well.

For a child of the first year of life, sensory speech is characteristic - the child's understanding of individual words that sound from the outside. The first signs of speech appear in the baby at 4-6 weeks, when he begins to call out.

Higher nervous activity - this criterion develops as the nervous system develops, and also on the basis of the formation of all previous criteria, the upbringing and development of the child. The final conclusion about the state of higher nervous activity can be made only at the age of 5-6 years.

After the second month of life, the reflexes of the newborn begin to gradually fade.

Vision and hearing of a child of the second month of life

By two months, the organs of vision have noticeably developed, so the child can fix his gaze for a longer (up to 30 seconds) on a stationary object located at a distance of 30-50 cm from his eyes. This means that the baby's visual concentration is improving, this is also evidenced by the fact that the baby can already carefully follow not only stationary objects, but also moving objects.

At two months, the baby no longer just reacts to sounds, but also tries to determine where these sounds come from. If you make noise with a loud enough rattle outside the baby’s field of vision (but within one meter from him) for 5-10 seconds, you can notice how the baby freezes for a few seconds, and then starts turning his head, then in one direction, then in the other trying to find the object that made the sound. The baby also reacts to human voices, especially familiar ones.

What should a child be able to do in the second month?

At two months, the baby can independently raise and hold his head in an upright position for a few seconds.

Hold the toy in your hands and wave it, holding it firmly with your palm.

Starting from the second month of life, the baby begins to build the first cause-and-effect relationships. That is, he begins to understand that if he cries or gives a voice, then they approach him.

The kid smiles, auks, fixes his eyes and follows moving objects.

In healthy babies, by two months of life, muscle tone returns to normal. The child stops clenching his fingers so intensely into fists, the movements become more free. The child can lie in a calm, relaxed state. At the same time, he becomes interested in surrounding objects, he can grab a diaper, a rattle, care items, everything that comes to his hand.

The sleep of the baby takes about 18 hours a day. Begins to establish night sleep lasting 8-10 hours with breaks for feeding.

Second month baby care

We continue to perform all the necessary hygiene procedures (washing, washing, bathing, cutting nails, and others).

You can gradually increase the number and duration of walks. From two months, even healthy children are recommended to do massage and gymnastics. Consult your pediatrician for any contraindications.

Many babies still startle during sleep and wake themselves up with involuntary movements of the arms and legs, such babies need to be swaddled to sleep soundly. But there are those who love freedom, it is more convenient for such babies to sleep without diapers.


The required volume of food for a child of 2 months is about 1/5 of his body weight, while it should not exceed 1 liter. But do not get hung up on this, all children are individual and a healthy child usually feels how much milk he needs.

Children who are breastfed on demand, that is, without a pronounced regimen, can often be applied to the breast, while full feedings, as a rule, occur every 2-2.5 hours. At two months, night feedings are required.

The period of colic has not yet passed, so pay special attention to prevention. The correct position after feeding, so that excess air leaves the tummy, frequent laying out on the tummy, massage, gymnastics and proper nutrition of the mother, these are the main aspects in the prevention of intestinal colic in babies.

Necessary examinations

At two months, at the reception in the clinic, the pediatrician will examine the child, evaluate his physical and neuropsychic development. Up to 2 months of life, the baby should be examined by an ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist. Also, the pediatrician will tell you about the results of the examination (general blood test, urine test, ultrasound of the hip joints and internal organs).

How to play with a 2 month old baby?

Since the baby begins to follow moving objects more intensively and distinguish sounds, then try to talk more with him, read fairy tales, sing songs. Show him bright toys. You can play hide-and-seek with him, stand where he won't see you, but hear you and start talking to him. The kid will start looking for you, but you should not try his patience for too long, after a few seconds, show yourself to the kid, and then hide again on the other side. You can ring a bell or make a noise with a rattle periodically changing its position, the child will react to the sound and turn his head towards the stimulus.

What toys are suitable for this age?

Toys that can be hung over the crib are good. It is better if these are toys of different sizes and colors. You can hang them so that the child can reach them with arms and legs. The baby will have even more joy if these toys make different sounds.

At two months, rattles, bells and other toys that make sounds can be used to play with the baby.

To strengthen the muscles and prevent intestinal colic, you can lay the child on a large ball and gently and gently rock it.

Other related information

  • Baby development at 6 months

  • Child development at 2 years old

  • Newborn baby development

  • Child development at 1 year 6 months

* The weight of the child must also correspond to the height, use to estimate.

* The normal weight and height indicated in the tables are 94% of healthy children (more).

Weight gain and growth

Over the past month of life (from the 1st to the 2nd), the boy was supposed to arrive in weight and height by 960–1300 grams and 3.8 cm, the girl by 800–1160 g and 3.5 cm.

From two months, the boy should gain weight 170-220 grams per week, the girl - 150-190 g. Over the coming month, the boy will have to add 700-900 grams in weight and 3 cm in height, the girl is 600-870 g. and 2.7 cm.

Development of meaningful skills and limitations

two month old babies it is strictly forbidden to plant and sit down, because in the future, this may result in serious problems with the musculoskeletal system, and for girls, even infertility. To kid sleeping on the tummy is forbidden, because there is a danger of burying your nose in the pillow. Carrying on hands, be sure to hold the head.

The main job of such a baby is to eat, gain weight and height well, squeak, follow the parents with their eyes.

Breastfeeding and complementary foods

Healthy two-month-old babies are strongly recommended to be exclusively breastfed, except in isolated emergencies. Continuous complementary foods or formula feeding should only be done as directed by a pediatrician.

In the second month of life, a healthy baby should eat about 7 times a day, drinking 90 ml of breast milk.


Weeks 9, 10, 11, 12 go from the second month to the third.