What are the ways to clean a silver pectoral cross. How to clean a silver cross

Many people are accustomed to complementing their own image with some kind of jewelry: rings, chains, earrings, crosses - all this is very common, like silver, from which a considerable number of the listed products are made. This metal is quite beautiful, and its reasonable cost makes silver quite affordable. That is why a believer often prefers a pectoral cross made of silver.

Despite the positive aspects, the owners of this item often face an unpleasant problem - a gradual darkening of the surface, due to which the appearance deteriorates greatly. When this happens, people either turn to specialized workshops for paid help, paying unfairly large sums for this, or cope with pollution on their own at home.

Causes of pollution

Both the causes of darkening and the ways to eliminate them, which may be suitable for certain cases, differ. The most common culprits for damage to jewelry are as follows:

  • Low quality of the alloy, which does not correspond to the sample desired upon purchase.
  • Oxidation of copper - one of the components of solid silver. This happens to her, for example, at high humidity or from an excess of hydrogen sulfide.
  • Frequent exposure to chlorine, such as showering, bathing, or going to the pool.
  • Cosmetics, perfumes, shower gel, shampoo - all this, getting on the cross, provokes the gradual appearance of oxidation.
  • Storage outside the rules. The habit of putting all kinds of jewelry in one box is extremely harmful and wrong, since corresponding reactions occur between different metals, which spoils each piece of jewelry.
  • Slight damage caused by frequent friction, due to which silver loses its protective layer, subsequently oxidizing and darkening.
  • Lack of prevention in the form of constant cleansing from external dirt, which also includes sebum and sweat of the owner.

Cleaning methods

There is an opinion that a silver cross is able to darken when its owner was jinxed. Many people tend to believe this, so they believe that the product will magically return to its previous appearance if the evil eye is removed and they run to some witch grandmother. It does not take long to explain how wrong such a judgment is. It doesn’t matter to the metal how his environment relates to the owner, and he cannot feel bad energy. This superstition has nothing to do with the truth and the cross, if it has turned black, should be cleaned not spiritually, but physically.

Silver products are cleaned very carefully, as there is a risk of surface damage, which sometimes leads to irreparable damage to the appearance.

In no case should you overdo it in the process, and this is one of the main rules. The second says that it is necessary to use only certain means that can really help, and not backfire. In order not to make a fatal mistake, it is necessary to study the entire list of suitable means.


Surprisingly, the most ordinary table vinegar is able to return the former shine to the cross. In addition to it, you only need cotton or any other soft cloth that you need to moisten with vinegar and rub the surface of the product, then wipe it with a wet cloth.


Another product that is almost always found in the kitchen is baking soda. It (in the amount of two teaspoons) is added to 100 ml of water, and then the cross is lowered into the container for a while, after which the decoration is dried with any cloth.

In the case of a truly terrible state of silver, you can try the extreme method with the participation of the same soda: here the proportions of water and soda should be 1: 1, forming a relatively thick mass, which is applied to the product. Such a procedure, of course, will instantly get rid of any dirt, however, it can easily scratch the surface, so this option should be last in line.


This tool is very effective and able to cope with even the most inaccessible places. For him, you need only one tablespoon of alcohol and a liter of soapy water. The cross is placed in this liquid, remaining there for several hours, after which it is wiped with a damp cloth.

You can use another similar method: take 1: 1 alcohol and hydrogen peroxide and do the same, only leaving the product to soak for only 30 minutes. Is it true, it is less safe for low grade metal, the quality of which may only worsen.


If a serious renovation has begun in the house or its owners have recently moved, it is quite possible that they will not have all the funds listed in the kitchen and first aid kit. Then ordinary toothpaste will come to the rescue. You just need to apply it on a toothbrush and gently rub the surface of the cross, doing this with the utmost care so as not to cause harm.

Having done everything right, it will be easy to get rid of blackness.

Lemon acid

This method will take a little longer than the others and it cannot be classified as particularly harmless, because the acid and high temperature water needed here are very serious things and you will have to exercise all possible vigilance. Acid with water (proportion 1: 5) in a metal bowl should be brought to a boil and the decoration should be placed in the liquid, and then boiled for another 15 minutes. Next, it remains to remove the silver, rinse it with warm water (most importantly, not cold, so as not to arrange a strong temperature drop) and dry.

It is no longer a secret that cleaning silver requires care, neglecting which it is easy to damage it and no longer cope with the consequences. So that you do not have to throw away your favorite jewelry, It is useful to know about a few additional features:

  • If we are talking about cleaning a silver item, this is a separate matter. It is highly discouraged to take the risk of combining cleaning, for example, silver with gold. They are completely different in composition, and each of them must be approached individually. Even if the method of removing contaminants is the same, it is better to act separately, preventing the reaction.
  • Although hydrogen peroxide is not capable of reacting with silver, it does not bypass other alloy impurities, therefore its use is a dangerous business.
  • Abrasives are considered unacceptable for silver jewelry, so their use to remove tarnish is best left to hopeless cases.
  • Do not underestimate the wiping step, as it is he who does not allow the blackening to return again. Dry thoroughly without leaving a drop of moisture.

If cleaning the cross at home causes concern, then you can contact a professional.

Silver jewelry catches people with its bright "lunar shine", the elegance of metal. Rings, bracelets, chains are among the most popular jewelry in the world, in particular the pectoral cross. It is a symbol of the purity of the soul and faith of man. What a strong chagrin it is when such a dear thing to the heart suddenly darkens or oxidizes. Many people ask: what is the reason for the blackness of the cross and how to return the product to its original form?

There are two ways out of this situation: contact the workshop for qualified help or clean it yourself at home using improvised means. The first option will require significant investments, because the master uses expensive chemicals and special equipment.

Causes of contamination of silver products

Before cleaning a silver cross, you can find out the cause of contamination. There are several of them:

  • The cross is made of low quality silver alloy.
  • Increased humidity in the room or an increased content of hydrogen sulfide in the air oxidizes copper, which is part of the silver alloy.
  • Frequent use of the pool. The presence of chlorine in the pool water causes the product to appear black.
  • Gradual chemical reaction with substances in cosmetics: lotions, eau de toilette, shower gels.
  • Friction of buttons, sharp corners of clothes with a cross, which leads to microcracks in the metal and its oxidation.
  • Taking medication in case of illness. At this time, a person's sweat contains an increased content of active chemical elements that react with the metal of the product.

There is also a magical explanation why the cross darkened. It turns out that this is a symbol of the "evil eye". Since ancient times, this metal has been credited with the ability to protect its owner and take on negative emotions, daily stress, protect against bad words and the envy of strangers. The pectoral cross is an indicator of health, as it is constantly on the human body. Therefore, you should "listen" to your defender!

Ways to clean a silver cross that has turned black

Over time, the pectoral cross becomes faded and dark if worn and not removed. At home, cleaning a silver product is easy and simple. There are many proven folk methods, here are some of them.

If there is alcohol and peroxide in the first aid kit. Make a 1:1 solution, lower the cross into it for half an hour. Wipe with a tissue and rinse with water. However, this method is not suitable for low-grade silver.

An unusual way: at night, lower the cross into a glass of Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Brush and rinse in warm water.

The traditional way to get rid of the blackness of the cross: put a piece of foil in a bowl, put silver jewelry on it, then cover it with a layer of soda and pour boiling water over it. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rub with a brush or washcloth. Rinse under running water. Dry with a towel. After the procedure, the product looks like new.

Economical method: dissolve 1 tsp. citric acid in 0.5 l. water. Boil for 30 minutes, then allow to cool in this solution, rub with an old toothbrush, while cleaning out dirt in hard-to-reach places of the product. Rinse with running water and dry with a towel.

At home, with the help of toothpaste and chalk, it is easy to remove the coating of external dirt and give the product a primary shine. Apply paste and well-ground chalk to a powder on the brush, then rub from dirty plaque. Rinse with water and dry with a towel. This method is not suitable for crosses with gemstone inserts, as they can be scratched.

Crosses with inserts of precious stones are cleaned from oxidation using a special liquid. You can find it in jewelry stores: German tool "Leuchtturm", Johnson "Silver Quick". The cleaning process will only take 2 minutes. It is necessary to immerse the silver product in the solution and then get it completely clean.

Do not worry if the pectoral cross turns black during wear - this is a natural process. Cleaning will take only a little effort, patience, and most importantly, you can clean the cross using improvised means that are always present on the farm! This fact will significantly save the family budget. Feel free to clean the cross at home.

Silver jewelry can be found in every home. Silver tends to darken and become coated. You can give it to a jewelry store, but you can quickly and inexpensively clean silver at home with improvised means.

Most often, the problem occurs with body silver crosses and chains, since the crosses have various engravings and protrusions, which makes it difficult to wipe and clean it properly.

Why does silver turn black? Features of silver care

Silver begins to darken due to contact with cosmetics and perfumes.

Any silver will darken over time. Only a special alloy does not darken, which looks like silver, but is much cheaper. Real silver can darken from improper care.

Before cleaning a silver cross, you should understand what caused the darkening and change in its appearance so that you do not have to resort to cleaning silver too often.

  • Superstition. Some believe that the silver cross darkens if a person is sick or because of the evil eye, exposure to negative energy. It is difficult to find confirmation of this, but in any case, it is necessary to clean silver, and regularly, and not as it gets dirty.
  • Increased humidity. Often silver jewelry darkens if it is stored in high humidity conditions. So it is not recommended to store silver in the bathroom, as well as wash in it, go to the bathhouse, pool, etc.
  • Due to contact with cosmetics and perfumes. Silver jewelry darkens faster when in contact with various body lotions, perfumes, eau de parfum, creams and other cosmetics.
  • Skin type feature. Owners of oily skin, which sweats often and profusely, becomes covered with sebum, more often face problems with the darkening of silver.
  • Improper storage of silver. Silver can darken when stored with various medications, in boxes with rubber elements and other metal jewelry that can react with silver.

You can buy a special tool for cleaning silver in a jewelry store. It will safely and quickly clean jewelry, but it is not cheap.

Silver needs to be cleaned every 1-3 months, even if it seems to be clean and has not darkened.

In order to save money, you can safely and effectively clean silver at home, if you follow the cleaning rules.

The best ways to clean silver at home

You can clean silver at home

Cleaning silver is pretty easy. There are many ways to use home remedies. In every house you can find at least one of them:

  1. Vinegar. Cleaning silver with vinegar is almost a tradition. A solution of 6% vinegar not only perfectly cleans jewelry, but also restores their shine. It is worth remembering that you do not need to dip the cross or chain in a solution of vinegar or keep it for a long time. It is enough to moisten a piece of cloth in the solution and wipe the jewelry, and then wipe them dry.
  2. Baking soda. Soda can be found in every home. To prepare the solution, you need to carefully dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 50 ml of clean water. Silver jewelry is placed in this solution and left for an hour. After that, the jewelry is removed and wiped with a soft cloth. Sometimes it is recommended to clean silver with a gruel of soda and water, but this method is quite aggressive and can scratch the metal. You can also use plain table salt instead of baking soda. However, it is better to boil such a solution along with decorations for greater effectiveness.
  3. Ammonia. Ammonia very effectively removes dirt even in those places of silver products where a cloth or brush cannot be reached. In clean water, you need to add a tablespoon of ammonia and a little soap suds. Stir all this and put silver there for a while. After such cleaning, silver things look like new.
  4. Toothpaste. A good way to clean silver if nothing else is on hand. You need to take the paste and the old brush and rub the cross well. However, the chain will be difficult to clean in this way. A toothbrush can scratch jewelry, so you need to clean it carefully, without strong pressure, it is better to choose a brush with soft and thin bristles. This method is good because it does not require waiting and can effectively remove dirt even on a cross with a convex surface.

It is better to entrust the cleaning of silver with precious stones to specialists.

Cleaning silver requires some care. If you do not follow the rules of cleaning, you can ruin the appearance of jewelry forever:

  • You can not clean silver along with gold. These are different metals with different reactions to substances. Gold does not darken, it can become slightly cloudy and lose its luster. Even if the cleaning products are the same, it is advisable to put silver and gold jewelry in different cups so as not to ruin them.
  • Do not clean silver with hydrogen peroxide. Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide is considered the most risky. Pure silver will not be adversely affected by hydrogen peroxide, but it is never known exactly what impurities are in jewelry. Some of them can react with peroxide, and the appearance of the jewelry will deteriorate irrevocably.
  • Care should be taken to avoid cleaning with abrasive substances. Abrasive cleaning refers to substances with large particles that can scratch the surface. Such means include soda, salt, brushing with a toothbrush. These products should be used only in extreme cases, and it is advisable not to resort to such cleaning frequently.
  • Use only soft cloths for cleaning. You can wipe silver jewelry only with soft tissues and, preferably, dry. If you leave polished jewelry wet, they will quickly darken again.
  • Do not clean if there are stones and impurities. If silver jewelry has impurities of other metals and precious stones, it is better not to take risks and take them to a jewelry salon. Professional cleaning is expensive, but still cheaper than buying new jewelry.

After cleaning, silver jewelry can be worn as usual, but protected from moisture and cosmetics. If properly stored, silver should not darken for at least a few months.

How to clean silver at home, the thematic video will tell:

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Ways to clean a silver cross at home

Most of us wear some kind of jewelry, it can be a ring, a chain, a cross, a bracelet or other things. Silver products are the most popular, due to their beauty and at the same time low price. Some claim that this metal is a symbol of the purity of the soul, but we will not believe this. Among all the jewelry, the pectoral cross is noted for its popularity, especially among men. Each owner of this product could notice that over time, darkening occurs on the surface, and the beautiful view gradually disappears. Therefore, you need to make a choice, you can take it to a special workshop to be cleaned there, or clean the silver cross at home. With the first option, everything is easy and understandable, but expensive. In the second case, you can do it on your own and with improvised means, and this is what we will do. And so, how to quickly clean a silver cross from blackness?

Causes of contamination of silver products

Depending on the cause of contamination, the cleaning method may differ. Rapid darkening can occur for the following reasons:

  • The alloy itself is of extremely low quality and does not correspond to the declared sample.
  • Silver is an alloy of several metals, one of them is copper, which tends to oxidize when abundant hydrogen sulfide or moisture in the air.
  • Frequent contact with chlorine. This can be bathing in a bathtub, shower, pool or any chlorinated water.
  • Slower oxidation comes from direct contact with cosmetics, perfumes, shower gels or shampoos.
  • Incorrect storage. Keeping all the jewelry and jewelry in one box, it is difficult to avoid the corresponding reactions between them. It is possible to cause gradual deterioration and oxidation of not only silver, but also other metals and alloys.
  • Silver is covered with a protective layer on top, but constant friction can cause micro damage, which will result in oxide and, accordingly, darkening.
  • The complete absence of preventive measures and cleaning from external contaminants, including sebum and sweat.

There is an opinion that the silver cross darkens if someone has jinxed you, and many people believe this. But I assure you, metal doesn't care what anyone thinks of you. All these are superstitions that came from paganism and are firmly entrenched even among Christians.

Watch the video for cleaning the cross:

Ways to clean a silver cross that has turned black

Silver products are cleaned with extreme care, as you can damage the surface and permanently spoil the appearance. So be careful and don't overdo it. And so, several effective methods for cleaning a silver cross.


Ordinary table vinegar will help clean the blackened cross and restore its shine. The method is very simple, we take a cotton pad or soft cloth and moisten it in vinegar. Now we rub the surface and polish to a shine. Rinse off residue with a damp cloth. Wipe dry and enjoy the novelty.


Silver cleans well with baking soda. To do this, make the following solution: add two teaspoons of soda to 100 ml of water. Stir and immerse the cross for a while. When the right time has passed, pull it out and wipe the surface thoroughly with a flannel, damp cloth or ordinary soft cloth.

If the product is in a terrible state and it is no longer afraid of anything, take water and soda at a concentration of 1: 1. At the exit, you will get gruel, which is used to rub the product. In addition to the fact that all the dirt is quickly rubbed off, there is a high probability of scratching the surface. Therefore, use the method only if you are sure that no other will help.


No less effective tool, penetrates even the most hard-to-reach places. To do this, first make a solution of soapy water and add a tablespoon of ammonia per liter. We put the blackened silver cross inside and leave it for 2-3 hours. Take out and wipe with a damp cloth.

There is another recipe, which is as follows, we take alcohol and hydrogen peroxide and mix in a 1: 1 ratio. We put the product inside for 30 minutes. Take out, wipe with a damp cloth and dry. Be careful, metal of low standard and quality may deteriorate.


How to clean a silver cross at home if there is nothing in the kitchen? There are times when there are no cleaning products, alcohol, soda, vinegar, and almost nothing at all. This situation often happens when moving or repairing. Then you can use regular toothpaste. We apply it to the toothbrush and rub it with light gentle movements. Keep in mind that this method can scratch the surface of the cross. As for the chain, the situation is even more complicated, since it is even easier to damage it. But with careful movements, you can easily remove all the dirt and tarnish without harming the silver.

Lemon acid

The lemon method is not considered sparing, since it consists in using acid at high temperatures. Take citric acid and water in a ratio of 1:5 and stir. Pour everything into a metal bowl and heat to a boil. Now gently immerse the product and continue to cook for 15 minutes. Then remove, rinse with clean water and dry. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, do not wash hot jewelry in cold water.

Silver cleaning: mistakes and rules

As mentioned above, you need to clean the silver chain and cross with extreme caution. By negligence, you can damage the outer layer of the coating. There are a few more features to be aware of:

  1. When it comes to cleaning silver, it concerns only him. It is not worth the risk and combine the purification of gold and silver. These are two completely different alloys requiring an individual approach. So that they do not react with each other, it is better to wash them separately even using the same method.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide does not react with silver, but at the same time it is able to react with other impurities that are in the alloy. Therefore, this remedy is considered risky and capable of spoiling the appearance.
  3. Cleaning with abrasive substances is unacceptable in relation to this alloy and is used only in the most extreme cases, when there is no other way out.
  4. For wiping use flannel, napkins and a soft cloth. At the same time, you need to wipe it dry so that no moisture is left on the surface. Otherwise, darkening may return in a short time.

If the silver cross has darkened, it can always be cleaned using one of the methods above. Remember the precautions so as not to damage the product. Are you afraid of harm? It is better to give it to the workshop, where the procedure will be done by experienced professionals following all the rules.

Video on cleaning the cross using soda:


How to clean silver from blackness at home, whiten silver with stones at home?

Noble silver has a wide range of applications. It is used for the manufacture of cutlery, various jewelry, as well as many interior details.

However, this metal has its own unpleasant feature.

Over time, it begins to darken and also become covered with plaque. Let's now try to figure out why silver turns black, and also find out how to get rid of a similar problem at home.

What darkens silver?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the causes of the appearance of black spots.

There are a number of reasons, so let's look at each in detail:

  • Increased air humidity.
  • Water. Contact with untreated water may cause black spots.
  • Wearable silver darkens from sweat.
  • Various chemicals. These can be any chemicals, ranging from dishwashing detergents.
  • Cosmetics. Cosmetics often react with silver to cause darkening.
  • Products. Certain products can also cause this problem. For example, onion, egg yolk, salt.
  • Household gas.

Despite such a large list of dangers, silver products never lose their relevance. All this is due to the fact that it is quite simple to deal with such problems and it is possible even with the help of improvised means.

How to clean darkened silver?

Cleaning silver is not tricky and quite simple. There are a number of options for how to do this. For convenience, it is best to divide all funds into two main categories.

Improvised, folk remedies

Most often, it is with the help of improvised means that are in every home that you can clean silver.

Let's look at the most popular and effective options:

  • Dentifrice. Tooth powder is great for cleaning. To do this, take an old toothbrush (or other similar brush with hard bristles) and brush the silver like teeth. The harder the brush, the better. The brush can be replaced with a piece of hard cloth. Tooth powder can be replaced with whitening toothpaste (colored toothpastes are not suitable). In this case, the result will also be good, but it will take longer to achieve it.
  • Soda. Along with toothpowder are recipes for cleaning silver with regular baking soda. To do this, take a little soda and pour it on a piece of cloth, then moisten it a little. Use a rag to rub the silver and it will shine again. The second way is to make a solution of soda. To do this, it is best to take an aluminum pan, fill it with water and put 1 - 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Next, lower all the silver into the pan and wait a few hours. Having taken silver out of the solution, it is necessary to wipe it with a rag, along with this, the remains of blackening will come off.
  • Ammonia. A solution should be made from 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of ammonia. Further, the necessary silver object is lowered into the solution for 10 - 15 minutes. You can simply clean the appliances with ammonia diluted with water using a soft cloth.
  • Vinegar or citric acid. These items are always in the kitchen. There are no recipes here, you just need to moisten a rag in acid and wipe the silver well.
  • Potato. One of the oldest methods is peeling with raw potatoes. It is believed that it is enough to put darkened silver in water, where raw potatoes are cut (better grated). It is desirable to leave silver for the whole night.
  • Washing powder or soap solution. If the silver is slightly darkened, then simply wash it in soapy water or rinse it with washing powder.
  • Eraser. An ordinary stationery eraser can clean silver. To do this, you just need to rub the place of darkening with an eraser.
  • Salt with soda. One of the best cleaning methods that can cope with even serious stains of many years. To do this, salt is mixed with soda in a ratio of 1: 1 and wetted in water. You need to get a kind of gruel. Using a soft cloth and the resulting substance, we rub the products.

Modern special tools

At the moment, there are special chemicals for cleaning silver. They are really effective and help to clean any object without any extra effort and harm. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the composition. In most cases, it is very toxic. When working with such solutions, be sure to wear rubber gloves, and also try not to breathe in fumes.

The purchase of such funds is relevant only in cases where improvised means do not help. It is also quite beneficial if you need to clean a huge amount of silver from blackness.

You can buy these tools at any jewelry store. Also, such funds are not uncommon on the shelves of hardware stores and hypermarkets.

How to whiten silver with stones?

Stones in silver jewelry are quite common. They add beauty and elegance. But besides this, the stones add a number of problems to the owners when cleaning silver. The fact is that not all gems are able to withstand any procedure.

Suppose a diamond can be cleaned even with tooth powder, nothing will happen to it. But if you take amber or malachite, then things are completely different here. Let's look at the options for whitening silver with any stones:

  • Special bleaching liquids sold in jewelry stores. They have a special composition that is not capable of harming either silver or stones. In addition, such liquids are the best way to whiten silver.
  • Soap solution. Ordinary soap will not harm stones. We make a soap solution (it is advisable to take laundry soap) and wash the silver in it, using a soft cloth for rubbing.
  • Soap solution with ammonia. It is necessary to grate the soap on a fine grater and add a few grams of ammonia to it. Next, heat the solution (but do not boil). After cooling in it, clean the silver with a rag or a soft toothbrush.
An important detail is the removal of darkening around the stone. In such places, it is advisable to use cotton swabs dipped in a solution.
  • Have your silver professionally cleaned. In almost every jewelry store, specialists are ready to clean any silver items, as well as cover them with a special protective layer.

How to bleach a blackened silver cross?

Rumor has it that a blackened cross is a bad sign. For example, this may indicate a severe illness or the evil eye.

In fact, a cross is no different from a silver chain, coin or spoon. It, like any other object, can darken due to natural causes.

Let's look at the basic tips on how to whiten a silver cross:

  • Instead of a rag, it is better to use a soft brush. Often the cross has curved parts that matter cannot get into. Using a brush will allow you to get to any places.
  • It is best to use solutions in which objects must be completely dipped.
  • The best remedy is a specialized liquid from a jewelry store. She is definitely worth the money. But the effect will be long and incomparable with home cleaning.
  • After cleaning, do not immediately wear a cross. After cleaning, wipe the cross dry and let it lie down for at least a few hours.
  • Treatment. Due to the fact that the cross is constantly in contact with the body, it very often begins to turn black. In order to prevent this, silver should be coated with a protective layer.

Otherwise, there are no serious differences between cleaning a cross and other silver. And I also want to add that there is nothing sinful in cleaning the cross. This is absolutely normal and natural, even if the baptized cross begins to darken.

How to prevent darkening of silver?

Having figured out how to whiten silver, let's try to figure out how to prevent the appearance of a noble metal.

Let's look at a number of basic rules, and ways to prevent darkening:

  • Minimize contact of silver with skin. It is very difficult to achieve this, especially when wearing a chain around your neck or a cross. In this case, go to the next point.
  • Coating with special jewelry varnish. It can be purchased, it is better to entrust it to the masters. It is invisible and harmless, but it will allow you to keep the jewelry in its original form for more than one year.
  • Store in dry places. It is best to store unused silver items in caskets or boxes that stand in dry places. Moisture is very bad for silver.
  • Remove jewelry before bed and before showering or wearing make-up. All this can speed up the darkening process. But at the same time, for example, rings can be cleaned regularly during washing dishes and never darken.

In general, it should be said that the only way to completely prevent the darkening of silver is to place it in a vacuum in a dark place. In other cases, any silver will be subjected to one or another chemical reaction, which will lead to blackness.

The best way is to wash the silver as soon as it has darkened a few tones. You can clean it from light pollution with a regular soap solution. And besides, it is always more pleasant when the jewelry looks like new.

  • When cleaning, do not use metal brushes or sponges. The fact is that blackness, although it is a kind of coating, such an attitude will cause many scratches on any silver.
  • It is best to clean silver regularly, at least once a year. Even if there are no obvious black spots on it, this will only benefit and prevent the appearance of darkening.
  • Products with amber, corals and pearls are strongly recommended to give to professionals. Such a procedure is not so expensive, but the owner does not risk spoiling the decoration.
  • The plaque that comes off silver is sometimes difficult to clean off some surfaces. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to prepare a place for cleaning.
  • Do not forget to dry the silver after getting wet. This procedure takes only a few seconds, but it helps to preserve the original appearance of objects.
Summing up, I would like to say that cleaning silver at home is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In addition to knowledge, it is necessary to understand that blackness does not always disappear quickly and easily.

Sometimes it can take up to half an hour to clean one chain or silver coin. However, you should not leave silver black, because this not only spoils the appearance, but also harms the metal.


Blackened silver cross - how to clean?

Silver jewelry catches people with its bright "lunar shine", the elegance of metal. Rings, bracelets, chains are among the most popular jewelry in the world, in particular the pectoral cross. It is a symbol of the purity of the soul and faith of man. What a strong chagrin it is when such a dear thing to the heart suddenly darkens or oxidizes. Many people ask: what is the reason for the blackness of the cross and how to return the product to its original form?

Found in every home. Silver tends to darken and become coated. You can give it to a jewelry store, but you can quickly and inexpensively clean silver at home with improvised means.

Most often, the problem occurs with body silver crosses and chains, since the crosses have various engravings and protrusions, which makes it difficult to wipe and clean it properly.

Silver begins to darken due to contact with cosmetics and perfumes.

Any silver will darken over time. Only a special alloy does not darken, which looks like silver, but is much cheaper. Real silver can darken from improper care.

Before cleaning a silver cross, you should understand what caused the darkening and change in its appearance so that you do not have to resort to cleaning silver too often.

  • superstition. Some believe that the silver cross darkens if a person is sick or because of the evil eye, exposure to negative energy. It is difficult to find confirmation of this, but in any case it is necessary, and regularly, and not as it gets dirty.
  • high humidity. Often silver jewelry darkens if it is stored in high humidity conditions. So it is not recommended to store silver in the bathroom, as well as wash in it, go to the bathhouse, pool, etc.
  • Due to contact with cosmetics and perfumes. Silver jewelry darkens faster when in contact with various body lotions, eau de parfum, creams and other cosmetics.
  • Skin type feature. Owners of oily skin, which sweats often and profusely, becomes covered with sebum, more often face problems with the darkening of silver.
  • Improper storage of silver. Silver can darken when stored with various medications, in boxes with rubber elements and other metal jewelry that can react with silver.

You can buy a special tool for cleaning silver in a jewelry store. It will safely and quickly clean jewelry, but it is not cheap.

Silver needs to be cleaned every 1-3 months, even if it seems to be clean and has not darkened.

In order to save money, you can safely and effectively if you follow the rules of cleaning.

The best ways to clean silver at home

You can clean silver at home

Cleaning silver is pretty easy. There are many ways to use home remedies. In every house you can find at least one of them:

  1. Vinegar. Cleaning silver with vinegar is almost a tradition. A solution of 6% vinegar not only perfectly cleans jewelry, but also restores their shine. It is worth remembering that you do not need to dip the cross or chain in a solution of vinegar or keep it for a long time. It is enough to moisten a piece of cloth in the solution and wipe the jewelry, and then wipe them dry.
  2. Baking soda. Soda can be found in every home. To prepare the solution, you need to carefully dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 50 ml of clean water. Silver jewelry is placed in this solution and left for an hour. After that, the jewelry is removed and wiped with a soft cloth. Sometimes it is recommended to clean silver with a gruel of soda and water, but this method is quite aggressive and can scratch the metal. You can also use plain table salt instead of baking soda. However, it is better to boil such a solution along with decorations for greater effectiveness.
  3. Ammonia. Ammonia very effectively removes dirt even in those places of silver products where a cloth or brush cannot be reached. In clean water, you need to add a tablespoon of ammonia and a little soap suds. Stir all this and put silver there for a while. After such cleaning, silver things look like new.
  4. . A good way to clean silver if nothing else is on hand. You need to take the paste and the old brush and rub the cross well. However, the chain will be difficult to clean in this way. A toothbrush can scratch jewelry, so you need to clean it carefully, without strong pressure, it is better to choose a brush with soft and thin bristles. This method is good because it does not require waiting and can effectively remove dirt even on a cross with a convex surface.

Silver cleaning: mistakes and rules

It is better to entrust the cleaning of silver with precious stones to specialists.

Cleaning silver requires some care. If you do not follow the rules of cleaning, you can ruin the appearance of jewelry forever:

  • You can not clean silver along with gold. These are different metals with different reactions to substances. Gold does not darken, it can become slightly cloudy and lose its luster. Even if the cleaning products are the same, it is advisable to put silver and gold jewelry in different cups so as not to ruin them.
  • You can't clean silver. Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide is considered the most risky. Pure silver will not be adversely affected by hydrogen peroxide, but it is never known exactly what impurities are in jewelry. Some of them can react with peroxide, and the appearance of the jewelry will deteriorate irrevocably.
  • Care should be taken to avoid cleaning with abrasive substances. Abrasive cleaning refers to substances with large particles that can scratch the surface. Such means include soda, salt, brushing with a toothbrush. These products should be used only in extreme cases, and it is advisable not to resort to such cleaning frequently.
  • Use only soft cloths for cleaning. You can wipe silver jewelry only with soft tissues and, preferably, dry. If you leave polished jewelry wet, they will quickly darken again.
  • Do not clean if there are stones and impurities. If silver jewelry has impurities of other metals and precious stones, it is better not to take risks and take them to a jewelry salon. Professional cleaning is expensive, but still cheaper than buying new jewelry.

After cleaning, silver jewelry can be worn as usual, but protected from moisture and. If properly stored, silver should not darken for at least a few months.

How to clean silver at home, the thematic video will tell:

In contact with

The question of how to clean a silver cross is relevant for everyone who prefers such jewelry to gold. Silver tends to darken and become coated, so to restore the attractive appearance of a product made from this metal, you need to use effective proven methods.

1 Causes of darkening of silver

Before you begin the process of cleaning a silver cross, you need to determine the reasons for its darkening. This will eliminate adverse factors in the further wearing of the product and not resort to cleaning too often.

Darkened silver cross

Silver changes color for the following reasons:

  1. Popular beliefs indicate that the cross worn on the body darkens from the "evil eye", that is, the negative energy that the ill-wisher directs towards the owner of the product. It is currently not possible to confirm this superstition or refute it.
  2. High humidity negatively affects any silver product. In order to avoid frequent cleaning of jewelry, you need to store them in a dry place, remove them before water procedures.
  3. The cross may darken from exposure to cosmetics and perfumes. When applying lotions, perfumes, creams to the skin, it is necessary to wait for some time, during which they are completely absorbed, then put on a silver product.
  4. People whose skin is oily will be forced to clean the pectoral cross much more often than others. From excess sweat, increased work of the sebaceous glands, silver quickly darkens.
  5. Violation of the rules for storing a precious metal cross leads to a change in its color. It is necessary to separate jewelry and medicines, as well as to allocate a separate place for products made of other metals. It is not recommended to purchase containers for silver (for example, caskets) that have rubber elements.

2 How to clean silver?

Silver items should be cleaned once every 1 - 3 months, even if they do not look dirty. To do this, they are given to a jewelry salon, they buy a special liquid or use folk remedies.

Silver cleaning

Vinegar for cleaning silver is a traditional remedy. A 6% solution allows not only to remove dirt, but also to add shine to products. To effectively clean the cross, you cannot completely place it in liquid, just soak a small piece of cloth in it and wipe it. Then wipe the decoration dry with a soft cloth (for example, flannel).

In order for the silver cross to shine again, you can place it for 1 hour in a solution of 1 tsp. soda and 50 ml of pure water. After that, the product is wiped dry. A more aggressive remedy is cleaning with a mixture of soda and water, which resembles gruel in consistency. The method is recommended to be used only in cases of severe contamination, because it is easy to scratch the metal.

Boiling a solution of water and common salt along with a silver cross removes all impurities from its surface and restores its shine.

If the jewelry has complex engraving or patterns, then in some places it is impossible to clean the blackness or other impurities. For such cases, there is a method using a solution of ammonia (1 tsp) and water (150 ml) with the addition of soap suds. The silver item is placed in a container with liquid for 30 minutes.

To clean the cross from plaque, a toothbrush with soft bristles and paste is suitable. Use this tool carefully so as not to scratch the surface of the jewelry. It is better to avoid strong pressure and intensive movements.

Silver cleans well with ordinary soapy water. The cross should be placed in it for several hours, and then wiped dry.

Removing black from a silver cross

A solution of citric acid is simply prepared: 100 g per 500 ml of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath, the decoration is lowered into it, boiled for 15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the product must be washed under running water and wiped with a soft cloth.

3 Rules for cleaning silver

In order not to spoil the silver cross, but to effectively clean it, you must follow some rules:

  1. Silver and gold should be cleaned separately.
  2. Do not use hydrogen peroxide on silver items because it may react with an impurity metal that was not known to exist. As a result, the decoration will be damaged.
  3. Abrasive cleaning with soda, salt, hard brushes is unacceptable. After such methods, noticeable scratches will appear on the surface of the product.
  4. Use a soft cloth to wipe the cross. This will give it extra shine.
  5. Wipe the product dry after wet cleaning.
  6. Clean silver with impurities in a jewelry salon.
  7. Before you start cleaning a silver cross, you should make sure that it is not made of blackened silver, to which most of the listed methods cannot be applied.
  8. To store a silver cross and other items, it is best to choose a wooden box, upholstered inside with soft material, and put it in a dry place.

Silver tends to darken over time. This feature can be called a sign of the preciousness of the metal, because only a special, cheaper alloy is not subject to color change and plaque.