What is the danger of a solarium for a person. Why is it better not to visit the solarium too often. Who can use solarium services

Tanning in a solarium has been an integral part of the wellness lifestyle for some time now. This name speaks of the benefits of a solarium, since "wellness" is a fashion for the right and. However, opponents of tanning under lamps tirelessly warn lovers of swarthy skin, promising the most various problems health in the future. The truth, as usual, lies in the middle, tanning in a solarium brings both harm and benefit.

The benefits of solarium for the body

The benefits of a solarium for the skin is to get rid of some problems, such as acne. Because tanning makes the skin thicker and drier, acne, pimples, and boils become less noticeable and heal quickly.

In addition, the benefits of a solarium are invaluable for residents of the northern latitudes, who lack the sun during the cold season. The consequence of this deficiency is the lack of vitamin D and endorphins, which are responsible for the quality work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems strong immunity and good mood.

For those who decide to spend their holidays in the resort, the solarium is useful because it helps to prepare the skin for the hot southern sun. Sunbathing under direct rays without prior preparation is dangerous - on the very first day you can get such burns that the whole vacation will go down the drain. Therefore, the most far-sighted go to the solarium before leaving - several sessions of 1-3 minutes will make the skin darker and ready for sunbathing.

The harm of a solarium for the human body

Despite some usefulness of tanning for the skin, it is to her that the solarium causes the greatest harm. Light ultraviolet lamps causes a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which causes photoaging of the skin. In people who abuse the solarium, wrinkles appear much earlier and age-related changes in the form of pigment spots.

In addition, due to the abuse of salon tanning, the skin may be prone to a terrible disease - melanoma. This form of cancer affects many young people every year, and the reason for this is the love of tanning. This fact has already been proven by doctors, so it cannot be ignored.

One of the final arguments against tanning beds is that the habit of sunbathing can cause an addiction similar in strength to alcoholism and drug addiction. Tanorexia - dependence on sunlight - is treated with psychotherapy and medications.

Since the abuse of a solarium can cause disturbances in various systems ah and organs, it is also contraindicated in many chronic problems:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • tumors;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • numerous moles.

How to minimize the harm of a solarium?

Those who find it difficult to give up the solarium should follow some rules that will help minimize the risk to health.

  1. Before visiting the solarium, it is useful to consult a doctor and identify contraindications, which include taking certain medications - antibiotics, painkillers and tranquilizers.
  2. The salon in which the solarium is installed must enjoy a good reputation. In such an institution, they will not hide information about the last replacement of lamps and will definitely advise the time of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which depends on the condition of the skin.
  3. Before a tanning session, you need to apply special protective equipment to the skin, put on glasses, close nipples, moles, piercings, various wounds and skin areas with a vascular network with special nozzles.
  4. Before the solarium, you can not go to the bathhouse and do some cosmetic procedures eg peeling. It is also forbidden to visit the solarium two days in a row.

Sunburn is in fashion today. And lovers of tanned skin do not have to wait for summer or go to hot countries in winter - you can sunbathe all year round in a solarium. But how safe is such a tan? In recent decades, heated debates about the benefits and harms of a solarium for women have not subsided. Come on and we will weigh the pros and cons, and also consider the most common misconceptions in this regard.

Arguments against"

Consider the main disadvantages of visiting a solarium.

Cancer risk

According to doctors, a solarium can become a catalyst for the oncology, primarily skin cancer. At risk are people with a congenital genetic predisposition, as well as those with many moles on their bodies and birthmarks. In general, according to research results, people who visit the solarium more than 10 times a year, the risk of getting skin cancer increases by 7 times.

Accelerated skin aging

Alas, it is scientifically proven that the solarium causes accelerated skin aging. With frequent visits to the solarium, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness, wrinkles and cracks appear. The fact is that under the influence of rays of type A, the upper layers of the skin become thin and dry, and rays of type B, which affect the deeper layers of the epidermis, destroy collagen fibers. And as a result - old and flabby skin.

Deterioration in hair quality

It may seem to you that after visiting the solarium, the hair burns out and looks like after highlighting in the salon. However, this can hardly be written into the pluses of visiting a solarium, since in fact ultraviolet rays have a very harmful effect on the structure of the hair - they become thinner, split, lose their shine and fall out. Without special protection and care, even luxurious hair runs the risk of turning into “straw” very quickly.

Important! During the procedure, always use a special headgear!

Harmful effects on the eyes

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium, you can get a burn of the cornea, retina, or accelerate age-related changes in the lens. Therefore, the eyes during the procedure must be protected by special glasses that do not transmit ultraviolet rays.

Important! During the procedure, always wear special glasses!

The occurrence of tanorexia

With frequent visits to the solarium, the risk of psychological dependence on ultraviolet rays, the so-called tanorexia, increases. It manifests itself in the constant desire at any time of the year to have tanned skin. And the inability to receive ultraviolet light can cause depression.

Arguments for"

Of course, the solarium would not be so popular all over the world if it did not have certain advantages. Here are the most basic ones.

Attractive appearance at any time of the year

Today, a tanned skin tone is an indispensable attribute of a successful, fashionable, sexy attractive woman. Sunburn gives the face a healthy, refreshed look, masks signs of fatigue and skin defects, and makes the body visually slimmer. And all this - at any time of the year. That is, you can be fully armed both in summer and in winter.

Quick effect and minimal time spent

On average, a tanning session in a solarium takes only 10-20 minutes. Already after several procedures, the skin becomes tanned and others think that you have just returned from a full-fledged beach holiday. You no longer need to lie on the beach for hours to get this effect.

Convenient visiting time

You do not need to focus on the sun and the weather, you can drop into the solarium at any time convenient for you - after work or even at lunchtime.

Preparing for a beach holiday

Already on the first day of rest, you can boast of a beautiful tanned figure, and not give other vacationers a reason to immediately identify "new comers" by their dazzling white skin.

Source of Vitamin D

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced in the body. Although a solarium cannot replace the benefits of natural sunlight, nevertheless, during a session of such a tan, vitamin D is synthesized, which is especially useful in the cold season.

Good mood

Attractive during the autumn-winter blues appearance can cheer you up and give you confidence in your own irresistibility.

Common misconceptions

Quite often you can hear statements in favor of a solarium, which in fact do not correspond to reality. Let's consider the main ones.

Myth 1. Solarium relieves acne and acne

Myth 2. Solarium stimulates the production of serotonin.

It is no coincidence that serotonin is called the “happiness hormone”, because it is precisely its lack in the brain that causes depression. There is an opinion that ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of serotonin - the so-called "happiness hormone" responsible for a good mood. However, studies have not revealed a pattern between a visit to the solarium and a change in the level of serotonin. Thus, the improvement in mood can only be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure.

Myth 3. A visit to the solarium before traveling to hot countries will prepare the skin and reduce the risk of burns.

I do not agree with this fact. world organization Health (WHO). According to them, preparing the skin in a solarium is equivalent to applying to the skin sunscreen only with a minimum degree of protection, which is clearly not enough.

There are a number of contraindications to visiting a solarium, which you are unlikely to be informed about in a beauty salon or fitness center. However, such a seemingly harmless procedure, under certain circumstances, can do more harm than good - cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases and other backfire. Remember that sunburn is an additional burden on the entire body. Therefore, in no case do not visit the solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases. And even without an exacerbation, it is better to completely refuse to visit the solarium or do it only after consulting with your doctor if you have the following chronic diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • blood circulation disorders;
  • mastopathy;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • allergy.

Also contraindications to visiting the solarium are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recent surgery;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • very light skin;
  • a large number of freckles and moles on the body;
  • claustrophobia.

Unpredictable and undesirable results from tanning in a solarium can be obtained under the following circumstances:

    Recent holding laser hair removal, grinding or chemical peeling skin - high risk of burns and pigmentation.

    The period of menstruation - these days the melanin will be distributed unevenly and may appear on the skin dark spots- chloasma.

    Reception medicines, including antidepressants - they may contain photosensitive components.

    Tattoos and Permanent makeup- some paints are capable of reacting.

Well, we weighed all the pros and cons. Now you know that visiting a solarium is not such a harmless procedure, which, if abused or violated, certain rules can cause significant harm. Beauty requires sacrifice, but this sacrifice should not be your health!

Each of us periodically hears or reads in the media discourse about harm. ultraviolet radiation for our organism, and, in particular, solarium. Is solarium really harmful? If yes, what is harmful solarium? And how to sunbathe in a solarium to get the maximum benefit?

Lack of measure and non-compliance with the rules for using a solarium can really harm our health. Many people, after all, like to rush from one extreme to another, not realizing that frying to the state of a charred crust is simply ugly. After all, the people around you will not think that you were in the Maldives, but they will think that you look stupid and funny. This is on the surface, but what happens inside our body?

Everyone knows that collagen is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of our skin. So, with excessive tanning, collagen fibers are destroyed. As a result, the skin loses its elastic properties, and signs of early aging: wrinkles, sagging, dryness. But it's the easiest side effect. The skin can react more radically - with all kinds of photodermatitis and hyperpigmentation. The latter, by the way, can often be cured only by surgery. And sometimes there is no cure at all.

Excessive passion for solarium slows down work nervous system. And the nervous system, you know, is our everything.

But with proper and moderate use, a solarium is useful, and it has its own advantages over the sun's rays.

Solar, natural ultraviolet is divided into three groups according to wavelength: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. It was previously thought that the main reason sunburn and skin aging is ultraviolet A radiation, but recent studies have shown that type B rays penetrate the skin more deeply and destroy the collagen layer "responsible" for maintaining skin elasticity and smoothness. Rays of type C do not reach the surface of the Earth at all - they are held by ozone layer in the atmosphere.

The ultraviolet rays that affect the body in a solarium have a strictly safe and controlled wavelength, which makes this procedure as safe and beneficial as possible for the body. This is the most important advantage of a solarium over a sun tan.

Solarium and contraindications

In some conditions of the body it is contraindicated to visit the solarium:

When exhausted;
with severe forms of tuberculosis;
women during pregnancy and lactation;
with bronchial asthma with frequent and severe attacks;
for all acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
with any type of bleeding (including menstruation);
with any, both malignant and benign tumors;
with pronounced manifestations of hypertension and ischemic disease, atherosclerosis;
with severe disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems;
with blood diseases and systemic diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis);
at hypersensitivity to the rays of the sun.

What is the benefit of a solarium

a lack of sun rays difficult to tolerate by the human body, although we are not always aware of this: for example, depression may occur when a person begins to see the world"V dark color". This is also true for Russia, where there are very few sunny days a year. In addition, there are some vitamins, such as vitamin D3, which are formed in the skin only when exposed to sunlight. And the short northern summer is clearly not enough to provide us with the necessary supply of these substances.

In this case, a solarium is a good replacement for summer sun rays. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, endorphins are produced in the human body - chemical substances, evocative pleasure.

The duration of one procedure and the frequency of visits to the solarium depend on several factors:

1) age, skin condition and health,
2) set goals ( health effect or just "tan"),
3) the power and features of the apparatus used and the condition of the quartz lamps.

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium?

If the owners of the solarium have invited real specialists to work, you will immediately be advised to sunbathe exactly as much as is recommended for people of your age and type of appearance - and not a second longer.

But in any case, even if you are naturally very dark skin However, sunbathing in the solarium is still recommended no more than 2 times a week. This is if you are under thirty. Those over 30 should limit themselves to once a week.

Doctors generally calculated the number of permissible insolations per year - only 50. Otherwise, your skin will constantly break down, not having time to recover.

Find out when last time solarium lamps changed. Maximum allowable time operation of lamps - 540 hours. If the lamps have been replaced recently, reduce the time spent in the solarium: the likelihood of getting burned increases significantly.

How to sunbathe in a solarium?

In order not to harm your health, be sure to observe following rules:

Protect your eyes with dark glasses (if you wear contact lenses, remove them before the solarium!).
Put a bandana or cap on your head so as not to dry your hair.
Apply to the body special remedy for tanning in a tanning bed (skin protection from the sun is not suitable for a tanning bed!).
Use while sunbathing special pads on the nipples.
It is also better to close the face: firstly, the skin of the face dries out, and secondly, dark tan on the face adds a few years. Generally tanned. face goes not for everyone, although a slight golden tan of some is very beautiful.
Remove makeup, remove jewelry.
Before the solarium, do not use perfumes.
Consult with a salon employee about the tanning time (it depends on the type of your skin, its current degree of tanning, as well as the power and total number of tanning lamps).
It is better to cover tattoos in a solarium, because. some inks may fade or cause an allergic reaction
Do not wash your body with soap, shower gels or go to the steam room before going to the solarium. After these procedures, the skin loses some of its protective functions and becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

After a solarium, the skin needs only light moisturizing. But by no means in scrubs, alcohol lotions and deep penetration creams. Drink more water, as the solarium dehydrates the already dehydrated city life.

How do moderate doses of ultraviolet radiation affect our body?

1. Nervous activity is activated.
2. The metabolism of fats in the body is activated.
3. Nervous and bone tissues recover faster.
4. The number of red blood cells and their oxygen saturation increase in the blood.
5. Skin respiration and oxygen supply to the heart muscle increase, which increases the contractility of the heart.

Due to this influence, solarium can be used for prevention and as additional remedy treatment of certain diseases with the prior consent of the attending physician.

1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

consequences of bone fractures.

2. Diseases internal organs :

bronchial asthma,
ulcer disease.

3. Diseases of the nervous system:

vegetative-vascular dystonia,
spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries.

4. Skin diseases:

ulcers after skin burns and erysipelas.

During and after visiting the solarium, you should carefully monitor your own well-being, especially the condition of the skin in the abdomen, lower back and shoulder girdle - these areas of the body are most sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. If the state of health worsens and discomfort is felt on the skin, it is necessary to tell the specialists in the solarium about it - they will adjust the duration of the session.

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Solarium gives you the opportunity to please yourself sunshine even in winter. Our skin needs ultraviolet radiation. But is it so good? Why is solarium harmful?


First of all, the solarium gives rise to dependence. Many women, and even men, are very addicted to solar lamps. This form of addiction is equated by scientists with drug or alcohol and requires appropriate treatment. Such dependence is rare, but cases of the disease are still registered in medical practice.


Photoaging of the skin is accelerated by irradiation. Excessive sunbathing leads to the appearance of wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Collagen is no longer produced in the required dose, so the skin ages and loses its attractiveness. This happens because solar rays penetrate deeper than natural solar rays. The production of not only collagen fibers is disrupted, but elastin is also produced to a lesser extent. This skin condition provokes allergic reactions and the formation of free radicals in the skin. Aging of the skin provokes flabbiness and the appearance of a yellowish tint. In this case, the pores expand, the greasiness of the skin increases. In some cases, seborrhea develops, dandruff, itching appears skin heads.


Scientists have found that the risk of developing melanoma is increased in those people who regularly visit solar cabinets. A special risk group is women under thirty. In addition, excessive visits to the solarium contributes to the dysfunction of various systems of our body.

People having on the body dark spots, should not visit solar cabins. When taking contraceptives, antiallergic or antibiotics, you should also not go sunbathing. Pregnant women, due to hormonal storms and imbalances, should not go to the solarium. Hormones are responsible for many things in our body. Their excess or lack instantly affects our condition, leading to inevitable changes. The most affected of all systems human body is endocrine. Thyroid increases markedly with excessive visits to solar cabinets.


One of the most obvious contraindications to visiting a solarium is bad condition skin, that is, in the presence of various violations and ruptures of the skin, it is forbidden to sunbathe. Initially, acne and wounds become smaller, but after several sessions, they appear with new force and less treatable.

You can not ignore the risk of developing cancer. Ultraviolet solar rays contribute to the development of tumors in our body. Neoplasms are not always harmless. Therefore, people who often sunbathe under artificial lamps should think about their health.

Despite the fact that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the so-called “happiness hormones” are formed in our body, which give us a good mood, the harm from a solarium is much greater than the benefits.

The rapid aging of our skin, which occurs under the influence of solar rays, is the key to all irreversible processes and disturbances in the work of our body. The skin gradually wrinkles and becomes flabby. It is scary to look at a young tanned girl whose skin hangs like an eighty-year-old grandmother.

give golden hue your skin can use various body balms that contain extracts walnut or beta carotene. Sunbathing is best in the sun, but if this is not possible, then a visit to the solarium once a week should satisfy everyone's needs. It is necessary to use special nipple covers, as well as professional cosmetics for Tan.

A beautiful tan is every woman's dream. Chocolate skin tone gives seductiveness, sexuality and unsurpassed charm. In addition, a tan masks the imperfections of the epidermis and allows you to save the already “lush” cosmetics from the foundation.

Is a UV laser as useful as colorful advertisements for beauty salons say about it? Is it worth it to systematically spend money on it, and perhaps health? The benefits and harms of a solarium for women will be discussed further.

Meet His Majesty Solarium

The platform of a special configuration, placed in a vertical or horizontal plane, creates powerful illumination thanks to the built-in light lamps. The emitted alpha and beta rays contribute to the active synthesis of melanin by skin cells. The given ratio of rays will determine the intensity of the tan and the degree of its durability. To avoid burns, the level of ultraviolet radiation is under strict control. By standards, the percentage of beta rays does not exceed 1.7%.

Varieties of solariums

Judging by the reviews about the benefits and dangers of a solarium for women, it does not matter which one to use. Upright models become more common In the spacious cabin, you can move to the music from the player, so the tan will lie down faster and more evenly. The lamps here are more powerful than in the horizontal counterpart, because they are located at a remote distance from the skin. If safety precautions are not followed, burns may occur.

As stated earlier, horizontal solarium has lamps located in close proximity to the skin, but their power is negligible, so you can not be afraid of burning. For hygienic purposes, a special film that transmits light is changed after each client. After visiting such a unit, white spots will remain on the skin at the places of greatest glass pressure on the body (buttocks, shoulder blades, etc.).

Solarium: arguments "for"

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women, it is worth starting with the benefits. What is the reason for the high popularity of this type of beauty services? Today, not only long-legged models, women from the covers of glossy magazines visit tanning salons, but also the average accountants, teachers and nurses. Moreover, chocolate tan in the summer, men also strive to get it!

The main advantage of equipment that emits ultraviolet light is the promotion of the active production of vitamin D. An indispensable component is responsible for the absorption of calcium, regulates the balance of phosphorus. It can be concluded that the solarium makes an invaluable contribution to the health of bones, joints, teeth and the nervous system, especially in winter.

The consequence of the previous point is effective prevention arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

Most women notice that in winter the number of pimples on the face and body increases. Ultraviolet rays dry out small inflammations and kill pathogenic bacteria that cause acne. A systematic visit to the solarium facilitates the course of eczema and psoriasis, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of certain forms of dermatitis and neurodermatitis.

Therapeutic properties

According to doctors, the benefits and harms of a solarium for women are in a 50/50 ratio. Useful characteristics include assistance in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases respiratory tract such as rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds.

In winter, the solarium is an excellent therapy for seasonal depression. Ultraviolet rays relieve the feeling of apathy, despondency and drowsiness, giving energy and good spirits.

In addition to an even chocolate skin tone, a visit to the light-emitting chamber strengthens the immune system, helps fight fungal diseases, and increases potency and libido in men.

To avoid burns

Preparing for trips to a hot tropical climate, for example, to the islands, where the eternal summer is cold in January, cannot do without a couple of solarium sessions. The benefits and harms for women are obvious here: you have to spend extra funds to prepare for a vacation is a minus, but upon arrival in an exotic country, the girls will not get burned on the very first day, risking spending the rest of the tour in the shade, hiding their skin from the sun's rays under a T-shirt.

For the same reason, athletes, singers, artists and the military are regular customers of salons with a solarium, who are forced to be on outdoors long time.

Solarium: arguments "against"

The abuse of "portions of light" dramatically transforms a delicate golden tan into a dirty, with a touch of a la slums of India. It's all about the pigment melanin, whose production under the influence of ultraviolet rays increases several times and the skin simply does not have time to recover from it. Age spots, freckles and even moles appear on the body.

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women over 50 years old, experts focus on the problem of melanomas. Another 50-70 years ago malignant formations appeared in one in 90-100 women, and today, in the age of the popularity of tanning salons, the figure is frighteningly close to 20.

Owners of tattoos need to be prepared for burnout, pallor and the disappearance of parts of the picture. If you are determined to artificially tan in the winter, the tattoo area must be generously lubricated sunscreen with the highest SPF.

On the effects of ultraviolet radiation on organ systems

For women in the photo, the solarium bears benefits and harms equally. Unfortunately, the owners of beauty salons do not tell their clients what a visit to the solarium threatens the skin, eyes and glands.

In high doses, ultraviolet penetrates into all layers of the skin. This leads to a rapid loss of elasticity, dryness, sagging. In medicine, this process is called photoaging. Therefore, signs of aging in hot countries appear several years earlier than in peers from the northern regions.

Getting into the eyes (even through the eyelids), UV rays can provoke the development of cataracts and impair vision.

Artificial light destroys the structure of the thyroid and mammary glands, makes irreparable changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands. This is fraught with hormonal surges and tumors.

Visiting the solarium during menstruation

The opinions of gynecologists about the dangers and benefits of a tanning bed for women are unequivocal - during menstruation, it is forbidden to visit it unless absolutely necessary.

The hot hot air inside the chamber contributes to the thinning of the blood, which flows faster through the vessels. The result may be heavy bleeding with spasms.

Due to the need to be completely naked in the solarium, sanitary napkin should be replaced with a tampon. Under the influence of the same high temperature- an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria, can develop inflammatory processes aggravating the course of chronic diseases.

If it is not possible to wait for the end of critical days, reduce Negative influence solarium in the following ways:

  • after the procedure, drink plenty of clean water;
  • for 3-4 hours after sunbathing, exclude any physical activity;
  • use protective cream.

Solarium during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are sure that bearing a child is not a reason to refuse golden color skin. Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women in position, obstetrician-gynecologists do not put forward categorical prohibitions. In any case, before visiting the salon with artificial tan, you should consult with your doctor.

Fundamental changes in hormonal background pregnant women, multiplied by the action of ultraviolet rays, increase the work of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, which in some cases leads to complications and miscarriage.

Solarium for women - is it harmful or beneficial in the third trimester? Definitely harm. One session is enough to provoke overheating of the fetus with an unformed excretory system and dehydration of the mother's body.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe in the chamber with UV radiation, regardless of the gestational age for women:

  • with gestational diabetes;
  • with a confirmed violation of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • with hypertension.

Contraindications and precautions

According to the reviews of women after 50 years, the solarium brings harm and benefits in unequal amounts. For aging skin, the action of ultraviolet radiation is most detrimental. In addition to uneven tanning, older women are at risk for oncology patients.

It is not recommended to visit salons fake tan persons under the age of 15. Claustrophobia, diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, mastopathy, tendency to allergic reactions, a large number of moles - arguments to cancel a trip to the solarium.

When taking antibiotics and drugs sold in pharmacies by prescription, sunburn is contraindicated. Most of the components of antibiotics are destroyed by a powerful ultraviolet beam, others will bring a radically opposite effect.

You should not sunbathe in the solarium and on the beach on the same day. High light exposure is damaging to the skin.

Regardless of the state of health and well-being, the decision to visit a solarium should be discussed with a dermatologist. This is especially true for women with pale, fair skin types.

How to sunbathe with benefit?

In order not to bother yourself with thoughts, whether a solarium brings benefit or harm, you just need to follow the rules. proper tanning. It would seem that difficult? I climbed into the booth, received a portion of ultraviolet radiation - it's ready! For those who want a healthy and healthy tan, there are a number of conditions:

  • The time of the first two or three sessions should not exceed 10 minutes. The skin should gradually get used to it.
  • An hour before the procedure, you can take a shower, it is advisable not to use soap and gels to avoid degreasing the skin. After solarium contact with water is not recommended.
  • Before the session, it is recommended to wash off cosmetics and refuse to use perfume.

It is forbidden to use any creams, except for those specialized for the solarium.

Sensitive places must be securely covered. Hide your hair under a scarf, put on Sunglasses, seal large moles with a piece of plaster.

Immediately after leaving the cabin, you must drink clean water to restore the fluid supply. On this day, the diet should be filled with foods high in carotene (carrots), this will strengthen the tan. Do not forget about antioxidants (berries, fruits, vegetables, milk, green tea).