What holiday is September 16th. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov was born in 1745. His Serene Highness Prince Smolensky, Field Marshal General, the first full holder of the Order of St. George. Great commander, skillful diplomat. The victory of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812 is inextricably linked with his name.

In 1774, during the liquidation of the Turkish landing near Alushta, he was seriously wounded - a bullet through the left temple came out near the right eye. After 14 years, during the siege of Ochakov - another wound. This time the bullet hit the cheek and exited the back of the head. The surgeon who treated him remarked: "It must be assumed that fate appoints him to something great, for he survived after two wounds, fatal according to all the rules of medical science."

September 16, 1747, Natalya Kirillovna Zagryazhskaya was born. One of the most original personalities of her time, she possessed a huge fortune. She was a lady-in-waiting to Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II, close to Prince Potemkin, a witness to six reigns.

There were legends about her quirks, wit, extraordinary memory. Pushkin was a great admirer of Natalya Kirillovna. Nine stories, written down from the words of Zagryazhskaya, were included in his collection "Table Talk". She also became one of the prototypes of the old countess from The Queen of Spades.

In 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee established the first revolutionary badge of military distinction for the soldiers of the Red Army - the Order of the Red Banner.

The initiative to establish the order belonged to the military, and it was created and introduced under the leadership of Leon Trotsky, at that time People's Commissar of the Armed Forces of Soviet Russia. Vasily Blyukher, commander of the first Red Army detachments of Ural workers, became the first holder of the order. The Order of the Red Banner under No. 2 was received by Ivan Fedko (military leader, commander of the 1st rank), under No. 3 - Joseph Stalin. Kliment Voroshilov was awarded this order six times, and Vasily Blucher - five. Until the establishment of the Order of Lenin in 1930, the Order of the Red Banner remained the highest award of the Soviet Union.

High awards, however, did not save from repression. The same Blucher was repressed in October 1938 and soon died in Lefortovo prison.

On September 16, People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Kokshenov, a man of Siberian health and rare charm, who until recently played grooms and ladies' men, turns 71 years old.

He made his film debut in 1964 as Misha in The Chairman, and since the 1970s he has appeared in several films every year. The role of Mikhail Kokshenov was determined pretty soon. He, as a rule, began to be invited to comedic roles of all sorts of stupid ambals, lumps and village simpletons. It was these characters that were his Stepan in Leonid Gaidai's comedy "Sportloto-82", Sasha Hodos in Igor Dobrolyubov's film "White Dew", Pryakhin in Gerald Bezhanov's comedy "The Most Charming and Attractive" ... As often happens in life, the actor is completely different on your heroes. However, he is not upset about this, on the contrary, he considers that he was lucky. “Comedy role is the most difficult, but probably the happiest for an actor. It is beyond politics, beyond age - it is eternal,” he is convinced.

Mikhail Kokshenov is also trying himself in the director's field, he has already directed about a dozen films, in which he certainly plays himself. All this is also a comedy: "Russian Business", "Russian Account", "Russian Miracle", "Detective in Russian", etc.

Alexander Medved was born in the Ukrainian city of Belaya Tserkov, but in 1956 he was drafted into the army and sent to serve in Belarus. Since then, all his life and fame are connected with our republic.

The son of a forester, he was accustomed to hard work from a young age. From the age of 15 he worked at the factory. Around the same time, he began to engage in wrestling, and among his peers he had no equal. Alexander achieved his first successes in army competitions, and after the service he entered the Belarusian State Institute of Physical Culture in Minsk, from which he graduated in 1962. By this time he had already become the champion of the country.

Until 1965, Alexander Medved competed in light heavyweight and won the world championships in Toledo (in 1962) and Sofia (in 1963), as well as the Olympic Games in Tokyo (in 1964). Then he competed in the heavyweight division and was undefeated until 1972. In 1968 he became the Olympic champion in Mexico City, and in 1972 in Munich, he won five gold medals at the world championships, three at the European championships and five at the USSR championships. Meanwhile, among the heavyweight wrestlers, Alexander Medved was, so to speak, the most fragile (his height is 190 cm, weight - 103 kg). He defeated his rivals (and some of them weighed one and a half centners) due to his excellent technique, speed and will to win.

In 1944, the head of the SS, Himmler, at a personal audience, instructed the captured Russian General Vlasov to create the "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA).

“There are subhumans in every nation,” Himmler began the conversation. “The difference between you and us is that you have subhumans in power, but here, in Germany, I put them under lock and key.” Vlasov called Himmler "the strongest man in Germany", lamented the Germans' "erroneous idea" of the Russians, the too tough position of the German leadership, which, in his opinion, contributed to the growth of Russian patriotism. And then he asked permission to form an army of Russian prisoners of war and workers. “Mr. Minister, if now I had at my disposal an army consisting of my compatriots, I would go with it to Moscow and help to successfully end the war.

Yes, I could complete it just by phone, because I would be talking to my friends fighting on the other side. Himmler summed up the result: here are two divisions, the rank of colonel general, the right to form a committee, plus a number of conditions: the fight against Bolshevism - one, Russia within the borders until September 1939 - two, the rejection of the Crimea - three, the Cossacks - their own government - four , non-Russian peoples - wide autonomy - five. “Vlasov was proud and very animated. Now he has the same agreement as Churchill and Stalin,” recalled the author of the book “ROA: Against Stalin and Hitler,” Wilfried Strik-Strikfeldt.

On August 2, 1946, the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced Vlasov and his associates to death by hanging. On the same day in Moscow at the Lubyanka, the sentence was carried out.

Ivan Sautov turns 60 today. For 20 years now, Ivan Petrovich has been the head of the Tsarskoye Selo Museum-Reserve, one of the most beloved and visited palace and park ensembles in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. The magnificent Catherine Palace, the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the elegant Cameron Gallery, the unique Agate Rooms, the magnificent park with numerous pavilions and the Chinese Village - all this has been under the jurisdiction of Sautov since 1987. In addition, for the second year on the Kultura TV channel, he has been hosting the St. Petersburg Salons and Let's Go to Tsarskoe Selo programs.

Among the many achievements of Ivan Sautov as director of the museum-reserve, one of the main ones is certainly worth noting - the return of the legendary Amber Room to the palace. This office, presented as a gift to Emperor Peter the Great by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm, was stolen during the Great Patriotic War. In December 2006, Sautov was awarded the State Prize for the reconstruction of the Amber Room in the Catherine Palace. “For me, this award is an appreciation of a unique piece of work,” he says. – After all, it took six tons of raw amber to recreate the Amber Room. Work went on for 25 years. The most difficult thing was to unravel the secret of solar stone processing and stone-cutting skill in the Florentine mosaic technique. Today, the Amber Room is the most grandiose piece of jewelry that has no analogues in the world. Its revival was a matter of politics, ideology and national pride."

Today the museum-reserve "Tsarskoye Selo" has more than twenty thousand exhibits. These are collections of paintings, furniture, arts and crafts, weapons, sculpture, historical costumes and amber products. All this is kept under the watchful eye of Ivan Sautov, whom his colleagues jokingly call "the acting tsar".

In 1950, popular American actor Mickey Rourke was born in Miami.

According to him, he started as an ordinary street fighter, fortunately, his mother attached him to the boxing section on time. In his youth he played baseball and boxing. Hanging up his boxing gloves, Mickey was determined to become a movie star. In order to pay for his studies at one of the acting studios in New York, he worked for several months as a bouncer in nightclubs and was a lifeguard in Miami Beach. “I've done 78 screen tests and it's all to no avail,” he says. Rourke was approaching the age of thirty when Steven Spielberg invited him to a small role in the film "1941", and some time later Michael Cimino invited Rourke to star in the film "Gateway to Heaven". The picture was a great success. The image of a rebel and bully Mickey carried through a number of paintings: "Body Heat", "Rumble Fish", "Cartridge Greenwich Village". And then the erotic saga of Adrian Line "Nine and a half weeks" was published. This film, which made a lot of noise, turned Mickey Rourke and his partner Kim Bassinger into the sex symbols of America in the 1980s. Then there were the films "Year of the Dragon", "Angel Heart

”, “Drunken”, “Franciscus”, “Departure Prayer”, “Handsome Johnny”, “Wild Orchid”, “Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man” ... In each new role, Rourke tried to move away from accepted patterns, which led him to conflict with yourself. The actor hated his job and even stated in an interview that he most likely made the wrong choice of profession ... A rather long crisis ensued: divorce, alcohol and drugs, fights and public scandals, hospitals and depression. He stopped acting, led a vagrant lifestyle, went into boxing ... He constantly broke his facial bones, because of which he had to do a lot of plastic surgery.

Since childhood, he had a unique memory. He was only four years old when his grandfather showed him a card trick. The boy immediately repeated it. At the age of seven, he was already demonstrating his personal tricks to the parishioners of the local synagogue. At the age of 12, he performed in the concert halls of Metchen. At 15 he was admitted to the American Society of Magicians - became its youngest member. And at the age of 16 he taught magic at the University of New York at the Faculty of Illusionism.

In the 1980s, Copperfield traveled all over America with his shows, and then the whole world. Combining the achievements of all the illusionists of the world, he demonstrated simply unique tricks: he fell into the waters of the Niagara Falls, passed through the Great Wall of China and made the Statue of Liberty disappear. "What is your secret?" they asked him. And he answered: "Believe that nothing is impossible, and then do everything to make it possible."

Violent fantasy and remarkable performance have led to the fact that now David Copperfield is the richest magician in the world - he gives more than 500 performances a year. Almost every year they release a new program. His success is greatly facilitated by the excellent team that constantly works with him. The artist has several Emmy awards (similar to the Oscar in show business). He is the only illusionist in the US to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And in France, the artist was elevated to the cavaliers of art and literature.

On the same day, September 16, 1959, the eighth child was born in the Fleming Negro family from Mississippi, whom the parents, apparently impressed by the visit of the leader of the USSR, named Nikita Khrushchev. The black namesake of the former Soviet leader turns 48 today.

If we lived according to the Julian calendar, then today it would be not 16, but 3. But we live according to the Gregorian calendar and we have 259 days of the year ..

September 16 - a day in history

In 1492, the first expedition of Columbus discovered the Sargasso Sea.

In 1658, the Zaporizhian Cossacks entered the Polish citizenship, about which hetman Ivan Vyhovsky signed a treatise with the Commonwealth. The treatise went down in history as Gadyachsky.

In 1810, Mexico declared its independence from Spain. On the same day, the People's Liberation War began.

In 1857, a resident of Boston (Massachusetts, USA) Jane Pierpont received copyright for the song "One Horse Open Sleigh". Today, not a single Christmas is complete without this song. And we know her as "Jingle Bells".

In 1908, William Durant founded General Motors.

In 1963, a new country appeared on the world map - Malaysia.

In 1970, the legendary band "Led Zeppelin" received the title of the best group of the year.

In 1975, Papua New Guinea declared its independence from Australia.

In 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan, the world champion in scuba diving, saved 20 people and a fallen trolleybus into the Yerevan reservoir to a depth of 10 meters. The athlete managed to get and raise 46 out of 92 passengers to the surface, alas, but only 20 of them survived. After that, Shavarsh himself spent a month and a half in the hospital with pneumonia complicated by sepsis.

In 1983, Arnold Schwarzenegger became an American by receiving American citizenship.

In 2011, an air show in Nevada (USA) ended in tragedy. One of the planes crashed on people.

September 16th were born

Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov, German financier Nathan Rothschild, Mercedes Jellinek (the girl whose name the Mercedes car is named after), musician BB King, TV presenter Angelina Vovk, comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan, actor Mickey Rourke, illusionist magician David Copperfield, singer Andrey Razin .

September 16 in Orthodoxy

On this day, in Orthodox churches, the memory of the Hieromartyrs Anfimos, Bishop of Nicomedia, St. Theoctist of Palestine, Blessed John Vlasaty, Rostov miracle worker, Saint Thebes of Kenchreia (Corinth), etc.

A celebration is also held in honor of the Pisidian Icon of the Mother of God (VI century).

On this day, according to, it was necessary to lay out old torn bast shoes around the house. We have already told you about this and other folk signs.

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the autumn day on September 16, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events took place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, September 16 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk tales. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the sixteenth of September left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the sixteenth day of September September 16, what events and significant dates he was noted for and what he remembers, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 16 (sixteenth)

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk. She was born on September 16, 1942 in Tulun, Irkutsk region. Soviet and Russian TV presenter and actress, announcer of the Central Television of the USSR. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2006).

Mickey Rourke (Mickey Rourke, real name - Philip Andre Rourke, Jr.; born September 16, 1952, Schenectady, New York, USA) is an American film actor, former professional boxer. Winner of the Golden Globe and BAFTA awards (2009). Oscar nominee (2009).

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov. Born September 16, 1936 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2002).

Svetlana Alekseevna Karpinskaya (September 16, 1937, Leningrad - February 18, 2017, St. Petersburg). Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2009). Became famous after the role of Katya Ivanova in the film "Girl without an address."

Yanina Mikhailovna Sokolovskaya. She was born on September 16, 1978 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actress.

Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan (Petrosyants). Born on September 16, 1945 in Baku. Soviet and Russian entertainer, humorist and TV presenter. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

and Kuan Yu (eng. Lee Kuan Yew, or Lee Kwan-Yew; cant. trad. 李光耀, cant.-rus.: Lei Kuonyu, pinyin: Lǐ Guāngyào, pall.: Li Guangyao; September 16, 1923 - March 23, 2015) - Singaporean statesman, the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore (1959-1990), one of the creators of the Singaporean "economic miracle".

Dates September 16

Mexico and Papua New Guinea celebrate Independence Days

Saint Kitts and Nevis - Heroes Day

Malaysia - Federation Day

Libya remembers - Martyrs' Day

In Kazakhstan - Day of workers of the State Security Service and Mother's Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Domna Dobrorodnaya

On this day:

Tomás Torquemada, who became a symbol of the Spanish Inquisition, died in 1498

In 1736, Gabriel Fahrenheit died, on whose scale America still measures the temperature.

in 1745 Mikhail Kutuzov was born, a commander who saw more clearly with one eye than the other with two

Alexander Friedman, the physicist who predicted the expansion of the universe, died in 1925

B.B. King, the most famous king of jazz, was born in 1925

Peter Falk, Columbo's most famous lieutenant, was born in 1927

Mikhail Kokshenov was born in 1936, an actor who has played more than 100 roles, mostly comedy

in 1942, Angelina Vovk, TV presenter of the Song of the Year, was born

in 1945, Evgeny Petrosyan was born, a satirist who returned Smehopanorama to the screens

in 1952, Mickey Rourke, the Marlboro cowboy, was born, who also succeeded in erotic scenes

David Copperfield, the man who stole the Statue of Liberty and learned to fly, was born in 1956

Maria Callas, the most famous Greek singer, died in 1977

in 2007, Robert Jordan, the writer who invented the Wheel of Time and forced the Dragon to be reborn, died.

Events September 16

September 16, 1654 - Smolensk became part of the Russian Kingdom, due to the fact that the city was recaptured from the Commonwealth, of which it was part of this time period

Despite the conquest, people who lived in Smolensk read books in Polish for a long time and took predominantly Polish women as wives. After Anna Ioannovna came to power, marrying Poles, reading and keeping Polish books were officially banned, for violation they could be exiled to Siberia, after being whipped.

September 16, 1821 - on this day, the exclusive rights of the Russian Empire to Alaska were confirmed. Later, problems in the Far East led to the need to sell Alaska to the Americans, this happened during the reign of Emperor Alexander II.

September 16, 1907 - the first tram passed through the streets of the northern capital, until that moment this transport had already run in the cities of Kiev, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinoslav, Vitebsk, Orel, Kursk, Moscow, Kremenchug, Kazan, Zhitomir, Yaroslavl and Odessa

Since 1894, in winter, when the Neva was covered with a thick layer of ice, transport, to some extent resembling a tram, ran along the main river of St. Petersburg.

September 16, 1918 - the first Soviet order (the Order of the Red Banner) was established. This event took place during the Civil War, it is not surprising that brave and selfless people were awarded this award.

Often the Order of the Red Banner was awarded to military units and ships.

September 16, 1931 - the State Academic Central Puppet Theater was founded, which today bears the name of Obraztsov, it was under the leadership of this talented Soviet director that most of the performances were staged

The theater is the world's largest puppet theater, it is located on the Garden Ring (Moscow).

September 16, 1965 - Changes were made to the Criminal Code of the Soviet Union, as a result of which the persecution of people with alternative political views became somewhat weaker than in previous decades.

They said that if Vasilisa came, it was advisable to hurry up with flax - it was collected and prepared for subsequent work. In addition, on September 16, it was customary to put things in order in the houses, to get rid of various rubbish accumulated during the summer.

All collected garbage and unnecessary things were burned along with potato peels, as this portends happiness for the whole year. On September 16, cold weather began, and the peasants hurried to move into the house from the summer verandas.

In the church on September 16, the memory of St. Domna of Nicodemia, who lived during the reign of Emperor Maximilian, is venerated. Initially, Domna was a pagan priestess, but later converted to Christianity.

During the persecution of Christians organized by Maximilian, Domna suffered for her faith and has since been revered as a martyr.

Interestingly, on September 16, it was customary not only to burn garbage and all kinds of rubbish, but also, for example, to hang various junk around the garden, on poles, roofs of houses. It was believed that this would protect the cattle, crops, house and yard from the evil eye and misfortune.

It was said that if an evil person sees a large number of bast shoes, he will count them and will no longer be able to use his energy to jinx someone.

On this day, bags were also washed and hung to dry, in which potatoes were previously collected. On September 16, the flax harvesting began, and it was necessary to hurry with it, since colds and rains would begin in the coming days.

Folk omens September 16

If a person was born on September 16, then his talisman is topaz and amber - these stones should be worn as amulets

If you collect all the garbage in the house and burn it, then the whole year, according to signs, you will be happy

A red sunset is a sign that very soon you can expect prolonged cold weather and even frost in the morning.

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, and also those famous people who were born today, on the sixteenth September day of autumn on September 16, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on September 16, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 16, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 16?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 16? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 16? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day on September 16 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of September 16? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 16?

What significant historical events on September 16 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people is September 16?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on September 16?

September 16, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day 16 September 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2018, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2019, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 16 September 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2022, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 16 September 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2023, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day 16 September 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2024, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 16 September 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2028, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth September day of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 16 September 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 16, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the sixteenth of September of the month of the thirtieth year.

It turns out that one romantic event takes place on such a day - Juliet's birthday. On such a holiday, people can send their letter to a special club in Verona asking for help in love affairs.

What is celebrated at the UN on September 16, 2019

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The UN General Assembly in 1994 proclaimed September 16 as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The celebration is set to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

The event has been celebrated since 1995. The following words became the motto of such a holiday: Save the sky: protect yourself - protect the ozone layer. In 1987, on September 16, Russia and 36 other countries signed a document according to which the participating countries are obliged to limit and completely complete the production of ozone-depleting substances.

The ozone layer is a thin gas shield that protects the planet from the harmful effects of a certain proportion of solar radiation. It is thanks to him that life is preserved on the planet. Scientists made a discovery in the 20th century in the 80s: in the Antarctic region, the total ozone content was halved. It was then that the meaning appeared - the ozone hole.

Other interesting celebrations of the world on September 16, 2019

Juliet's birthday

In the Italian city of Verona, locals celebrate Juliet's birthday every year on September 16th. And despite the fact that the girl at the time of the tragedy was only 14 years old, letters from all lovers still come to the city. These letters are addressed to Juliet with requests for parting words or advice.

But they answer such requests from the girls from the Juliet club, which was created in 1972 by Giulio Tamassia. It is worth noting that the club receives about 5,000 letters every year, including by e-mail. In honor of the holiday, local residents also hold various events: festivals, performances, carnivals. Also on this date is the presentation of the literary award for professional writers.

Day of workers of the State Security Service of Kyrgyzstan

The government of the country decided to establish such a holiday in order to be faithful to military duty, to educate military personnel in the spirit of devotion to their people and military traditions. The holiday is celebrated every year on September 16th. This date was chosen for a reason.

The State Security Service of the country was established in 1992 on September 16. This service carries out a set of organizational, legal, security, technical and other measures in order to ensure the safety of certain persons. Such persons include: the president, a member of his family, the prime minister, the chairman of the country's Constitutional Court, and so on.

The public service has a lot of important tasks. For example, it must participate within its powers in the fight against terrorism, protect protected objects, detect and suppress crimes, and so on.

Mexico Independence Day

Such a celebration is celebrated every year very magnificently and on a large scale. Folk festivals and the official part of congratulations will start on the evening of September 15th. Although, some historical facts indicate that the establishment of the celebration began on the morning of September 16, 1820.

Most likely, the beginning of the event is associated with the day of St. Porphyry. President Porfirio Diaz was also born on that date. On September 15, 1910, after the clock struck 11 p.m., the president stepped onto the main balcony of the National Palace and began ringing the bell that his father had rang 100 years earlier.

It is worth noting that by the 19th century the country had been a Spanish colony for a long time. And when France captured Spain, then automatically the lands of Mexico passed into the hands of Napoleon.

Folk calendar for September 16, 2019

Domna Dobrorodnaya

People celebrate on this date the memory of St. Domna of Nicomedia. She lived during the reign of Emperor Maximilian and was a pagan priestess. And when the ruler ordered the destruction of all Christians, Domna also suffered for his faith.

In Rus', on such a day, it was a custom to collect various junk around the house - especially worn and old bast shoes. After that, large quantities of bast shoes were hung either on stakes around the garden, or under the roofs of barns. The peasants believed that this is how you can protect the house from the evil eye, as well as crops and cattle.

By the evening, all junk, except for bast shoes, was thrown away, some things were simply burned along with potato tops. Our ancestors believed that such actions would bring prosperity to the family for a whole year. On such holidays, flax harvesting also continued.

Name day celebration on September 16, 2019

Alexey, Andrey, Vasily, Vasilisa, Vladimir, Dominika, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Roman, Sergey, Philip.

What was in the world

  • 1380 - the victory of Russian troops in the Battle of Kulikovo.
  • 1782 - The Great Seal of the United States Government is used for the first time.
  • 1859 - Livingston discovered Lake Nyasa in Africa.
  • 1915 - for the first time in the history of navigation, the route from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk was passed through a through road.
  • 1931 - The State Academic Central Puppet Theater was established in Moscow.
  • 1987 - The Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances is signed in Montreal.

Celebrity Birthdays September 16

  1. Henry V of England 1387 - King of England.
  2. John Gay 1685 - English poet.
  3. Mikhail Kutuzov 1745 - Russian commander.
  4. Peter Falk 1927 - American film actor.
  5. Angelina Vovk 1942 - Russian presenter.

In 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed in a special resolution (No. A/RES/49/114) September 16 as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. On this day in 1987, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed.
In 1974, the American chemist Mario Molina hypothesized that the destruction of the ozone layer is due to the excessive use of chlorofluorocarbons, substances used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosol cans.
In 1977 in Washington, representatives of 32 countries developed the first action plan to protect the ozone layer ...

Events that happened on September 16th.

1492 - During the first expedition of Columbus, the Sargasso Sea was discovered.
1654 - Russian troops conquered the city of Smolensk from the Commonwealth.
1658 - Ukrainian hetman Ivan Vyhovsky concluded with the Commonwealth Gadyachsky treatise on the entry of the Cossacks into Polish citizenship.
1773 - The Hector ship with Scottish settlers on board arrived in Nova Scotia (Canada), after which a wave of emigration from Scotland to Canada began.
1810 - Mexico declares independence from Spain and goes to war.
1821 - The Russian Empire confirmed its exclusive rights to Alaska. However, this did not prevent it from being sold to the United States of America after 46 years.
1828 - Members of the Russian expedition in Brazil, led by academician Grigory Langsdorf, arrived in the city of Para (Belen), from where they managed to get to Rio de Janeiro by sea the following spring. Langsdorf was the Russian consul in Rio de Janeiro, in 1821 he organized a large expedition to the interior of Brazil. The last route turned out to be the most difficult and dramatic: almost all participants became seriously ill, some died. The academician himself returned to Europe completely ill and unable to work due to a mental disorder. The huge material collected during the expedition was considered lost for many years, it was not remembered for almost 100 years, and only by the middle of the last century was the participants of the forgotten expedition paid tribute.
1857 - Jane Pierpont of Boston obtained the copyright for the song "One Horse Open Sleigh", better known as "Jingle Bells". This Christmas carol was written for a Sunday school performance, and now every Christmas holiday is complete without it.
1859 - English explorer David Livingston discovered Lake Nyasa (Africa).
1889 - The first Pan-American Conference opens in Washington.
1907 - the first tram passed through the streets of St. Petersburg.
1908 - General Motors is founded by William Crapo "Billy" Durant.
1915 - the Russian polar expedition of Boris Vilkitsky ended, discovering the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.
1916 - Prohibition was introduced in Ontario (Canada).
1918 - The Order of the Red Banner was established.
1931 - the State Academic Central Puppet Theatre. S. V. Obraztsova.
1943 - the liberation of the city of Lozovaya (Ukraine) from the Nazi invaders.
1959 - The eighth child, who was named Nikita Khrushchev, was born in the Fleming black family from Mississippi.
- French President de Gaulle addressed the people of Algeria by radio with a proposal to hold a referendum in which the Algerians should decide whether they secede from France or remain part of it. The referendum must be held within four years of the complete cessation of the uprising in Algeria.
1963 - The state of Malaysia is formed (from Malaya, Singapore, British North Borneo and Sarawak).
1965 - the USSR amended the Criminal Code to facilitate the persecution of dissidents.
1966 - The new building of the Metropolitan Opera opens in New York with Antony and Cleopatra.
1970 - Led Zeppelin won the title of best band of the year in a New Musical Express poll. They also won the Melody Maker reader poll. Until that day, for seven years in a row, The Beatles, which had disintegrated by that moment, were invariably called the best band in the UK.
1975 - Papua New Guinea declares independence from Australia.
1979 - The Grateful Dead gave a concert in Egypt at the foot of the pyramids.
1982 - the massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps Sabra and Shatila in Beirut, during which, according to various sources, from 700 to 3,500 Lebanese and Palestinian refugees died at the hands of Lebanese Christian Falangists in 2 days. Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon was accused of condoning the killings in Lebanon and removed from his post.
1983 - Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger became an American citizen.
1987 - The Montreal Protocol for the Protection of the Earth's Ozone Layer is signed.
1992 - Black Wednesday for the British currency.
1996 - Kevin Mitnick, a hacker, was arrested in the United States for breaching the Pentagon's computer network.
1998 - release of the musical Notre Dame de Paris.
1999 - Explosion of a residential building in Volgodonsk (Rostov region). 19 people were killed, more than 200 were injured.
- Bill Gates and his wife Melinda donated more than $5 billion to found an organization dedicated to improving health. Of this amount, $200 million was spent on the purchase and delivery of computer equipment, and $100 million on the delivery of vaccines to developing countries.
2000 - Ukrainian journalist Georgiy Gongadze was last seen alive.
- The XXVII Summer Olympic Games opened in Sydney.
2007 - Blackwater incident in Baghdad
2009 - Yukio Hatoyama, 62, becomes Japan's new prime minister.
2011 - during an air show in Nevada, the plane crashed right on the audience.