The worst toy in the world. The scariest toys in the world

Psychologists do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why children like scary toys. From a number of released scary toys, the top of the most terrible and disgusting ones has been compiled.

Why do kids love scary toys?

Adults have already noticed more than once that children play with scary toys with pleasure. For them, they sometimes become the most beloved. Psychologists believe that with the help of scary toys, a child can win back negative emotions, conquer your fears, throw out aggression. It is known that monster toys have existed at all times in different peoples. They were portrayed as evil fairy-tale and mythical characters. In Rus', children were made from clay of wolves, bears, Leshy, Serpent-Gorynych, etc. Such toys were devoid of detailed details, thanks to which the child's imagination developed. During the game, the kid invented almost everything himself, and the toy was only a symbol of a scary character.

There were scary baby dolls and dolls in Soviet times. Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych, and the wolf can be attributed to classic scary toys. With modern scary toys, the situation is more complicated, because parents need more knowledge to choose them. Modern monsters are detailed, they can be easily mistaken for living ones. On the shelves of shops we see robots, huge insects, monsters, wild animals. Such toys are not particularly useful for children. In addition, they confuse the child with their manufacturability and versatility. Mostly, modern toys everyone is aggressive, both positive and negative characters.

Top scariest toys

Many toys no longer fulfill their purpose. They are not useful and necessary for children. We are talking about scary toys that can harm the psyche of the baby, negatively affect the formation of his character.

Scary teddy bear In order not to harm the child, according to experts, you should abandon different kind shooting toys (machine guns and pistols) that make kids aggressive, as well as from such a game as "Darts". It was from Darts that suffered largest number children, even fatal cases are known.

Scary toys you can make with your own hands The top of the most terrible toys for our children includes numerous obscene toys. It is simply amazing what the manufacturers were thinking about and what goal they were pursuing when releasing a vibrating broom, a doll dancing on a pole, a smoking baby gnome or a toy Hitler. It is known about the existence of soldiers who have an automatic machine instead of a causal place. It is surprising not only that such terrible toys appear on sale, but also that someone buys these monsters for their children, without thinking about what effect this game or the toy will have on the still unformed child's psyche. A saddle for a man is on sale. This is a 5+ toy. The packaging shows a father on all fours, wearing such a saddle. I wonder what she can teach the baby?

Toys with scary faces

There are a lot of toys that manufacturers have “awarded” with terrifying and even frightening grimaces. Particularly susceptible children are afraid to sleep in the same room with them, afraid to even be near. Thus, it can be argued that these children are in a constant stressful situation.

Now even a cheburashka is made scary Toys with scary grimaces, monster toys should play a role visual aids what children's toys shouldn't be. Are they capable of causing babies positive emotions? An example of such a scary toy is Cheburashka Zombie. He is released with different grimaces, which can not be called cute. It is also known about a two-headed monster tearing off the head of a teddy bear.

Toys that disgust

Among the children's toys that shops offer to buy, you can find truly terrifying toys that can disgust even an adult. For example, a child is offered to play with a toy poop and urine. There is a young troll doll, covered in causal places (and not only) with thick red hair. The child is invited to shave it.

Nasty poop toy No less disgusting is a toy in the form of a pregnant baby in a diaper. It is also amazing that the fetus itself, located in his stomach, is also pregnant. There is a game where a child is invited to play as a cat that has been run over by a car, because of which its ribs are already rotting, and the intestines have fallen out of the stomach and lie nearby.

The scariest dolls

Manufacturers have not forgotten about monster dolls. Many of them are produced in small batches or to order. In 1959, the Maribel doll appeared in America, which came with a plaster, plaster bandages, bandages and crutches. She was also called the recovering doll. In 1972, a doll produced by Mattel went on sale. She has slanted eyes and a twisted face. Moving her left hand, you can see how the doll makes faces.

Maribel doll is one of the first scary dolls Artist Shane Erin creates dolls representing ghosts, monsters, skeletons and mummies. One of these dolls is a doll named Cecilia. It is known about the site "Susan Custom", which offers extremely scary dolls. They are created by a taxidermist and former undertaker. She quit her job and started making collectible monster dolls. One of the creepy dolls she created is called Feed Me.

Monster dolls are popular now Very popular in Lately puppets "Twilight". They are purchased for the most part by those who are a fan of the saga of the same name. A vampire baby doll costs at least six hundred and fifty dollars. She has vampire eyes and fangs sticking out of her mouth. According to, scary ones are among the top most popular dolls, but the leader there is another toy.

Psychologists do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why children like scary toys. From a number of released scary toys, the top of the most terrible and disgusting ones has been compiled.

Why do kids love scary toys?

Adults have already noticed more than once that children play with scary toys with pleasure. For them, they sometimes become the most beloved. Psychologists believe that with the help of scary toys, a child can win back negative emotions, overcome their fears, and throw out aggression.

It is known that monster toys existed at all times among different peoples. They were portrayed as evil fairy-tale and mythical characters. In Rus', children were made from clay of wolves, bears, Leshy, Serpent-Gorynych, etc. Such toys were devoid of detailed details, thanks to which the child's imagination developed. During the game, the kid invented almost everything himself, and the toy was only a symbol of a scary character.

The classic scary toys include Baba Yaga, the Serpent-Gorynych, the wolf. With modern scary toys, the situation is more complicated, because parents need more knowledge to choose them. Modern monsters are detailed, they can be easily mistaken for living ones. On the shelves of shops we see robots, huge insects, monsters, wild animals. Such toys are not particularly useful for children. In addition, they confuse the child with their manufacturability and versatility. Basically, modern toys are all aggressive, both positive and negative characters.

Top scariest toys

Many toys no longer fulfill their purpose. They are not useful and necessary for children. We are talking about scary toys that can harm the psyche of the baby, negatively affect the formation of his character.

In order not to harm the child, according to experts, one should abandon all kinds of shooting toys (machine guns and pistols) that make kids aggressive, as well as such a game as "Darts". It was from Darts that the greatest number of children suffered, even deaths are known.

The top of the most terrible toys for our children includes numerous obscene toys. It is simply amazing what the manufacturers were thinking about and what goal they were pursuing when releasing a vibrating broom, a doll dancing on a pole, a smoking baby gnome or a toy Hitler. It is known about the existence of soldiers who have an automatic machine instead of a causal place. It is surprising not only that such terrible toys appear on sale, but also that someone buys these monsters for their children, without thinking about what effect this game or toy will have on the child's psyche, which has not yet been formed.

A saddle for a man is on sale. This is a 5+ toy. The packaging shows a father on all fours, wearing such a saddle. I wonder what she can teach the baby?

Toys with scary faces

There are a lot of toys that manufacturers have “awarded” with terrifying and even frightening grimaces. Particularly susceptible children are afraid to sleep in the same room with them, afraid to even be near. Thus, it can be argued that these children are in a constant stressful situation.

Toys with scary grimaces, monster toys should play the role of visual aids of what children's toys should not be. Are they able to evoke positive emotions in kids? An example of such a scary toy is Cheburashka Zombie. He is released with different grimaces, which can not be called cute. It is also known about a two-headed monster tearing off the head of a teddy bear.

Toys that disgust

Among the children's toys that shops offer to buy, you can find truly terrifying toys that can disgust even an adult. For example, a child is offered to play with a toy poop and urine. There is a young troll doll, covered in causal places (and not only) with thick red hair. The child is invited to shave it.

No less disgusting is a toy in the form of a pregnant baby in a diaper. It is also amazing that the fetus itself, located in his stomach, is also pregnant. There is a game where a child is invited to play as a cat that has been run over by a car, because of which its ribs are already rotting, and the intestines have fallen out of the stomach and lie nearby.

The scariest dolls

Manufacturers have not forgotten about monster dolls. Many of them are produced in small batches or to order. In 1959, the Maribel doll appeared in America, which came with a plaster, plaster bandages, bandages and crutches. She was also called the recovering doll. In 1972, a doll produced by Mattel went on sale. She has slanted eyes and a twisted face. Moving her left hand, you can see how the doll makes faces. Monster dolls are popular now

Twilight dolls have been very popular lately. They are purchased for the most part by those who are a fan of the saga of the same name. A vampire baby doll costs at least six hundred and fifty dollars. She has vampire eyes and fangs protruding from her mouth.

According to the site, scary ones are among the top most popular dolls, but the leader there is another toy.
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We are used to the fact that the creators of children's toys make them kind, exciting and educational, as it should be. But looking at the toys from this article, there is only bewilderment and fear for the children whose parents buy them this. The manufacturers of these toys have a clearly limitless, but sick fantasy.

How earlier child learn how to carve fish, the better.

This miniature golf club is sold in children's toy departments in some countries. Although she has a place in stores of completely different goods.

This toy is called “Kaba Kik”. Japanese manufacturers think it's fun to shoot yourself in the head for fun

Gibba Jubbler - if you grab this doll by the neck and shake it, she will start yelling. AND the only way to silence her - squeeze her neck harder. I wonder what skills manufacturers are going to educate the younger generation in this way

The doll is sold under the slogan "You don't have to wait until your breasts grow to start breastfeeding." The kit includes a plastic doll itself, practically indistinguishable from a human baby, and a special nipple that is attached to the clothes of a girl who has not reached puberty in the place where the breast should be. If the doll is attached to the nipple, she starts to suck. Of course, girls at all times rolled dolls through the streets in strollers and played mothers, but the game has never been so literal.

Pregnant fetus in the belly of a pregnant baby in a diaper ... Just the same recursion.

How easy is the problem to solve? love triangle"in the presence of a domestic unicorn. The animal, by the way, is equipped with horns of different diameters.

This doll is designed for special connoisseurs. All her intimate, and not so, places are covered with thick red hair. The manufacturer offers the child to shave the young troll.

The designer who created the unicorn got to the narwhal. The main character was equipped with four types of weapons and three victims.

Why does a clown need a syringe? Do not know. Ask manufacturers. But such a clown is the place in low-budget horror films.

All parents in all countries of the world teach their children how to use the toilet. But Japanese parents have an assistant - a toilet tiger cub Shimajiro. It exists not only in the form of a toy, cartoons are also dedicated to it, capable of causing hysteria among those who live outside the Land of the Rising Sun.

Tolerance and political correctness should be everywhere. Children's toys are no exception. Meet the transvestite doll.

What is natural is not ugly. So it is quite possible for children to play with urine and poop. The heroes of "South Park" made friends with Mr. Shit, than your child is worse.

A British company has released an educational toy for girls that aims to give girls 10 to 12 years old (maybe younger) the opportunity to become aware of their sexuality. The kit includes a two-meter-long folding pole that can be easily installed on any horizontal surface, a thigh band for accepting money, and several hand-drawn 100-dollar bills.

To give small children, especially girls, something that sticks, sorry, between the legs and, sorry again, vibrates - not the most best idea. The authors of the toy called Harry Potter Vibrating Broom have a different opinion. They think that they just made a cool copy of the broom that witches fly on.

This pig's head is made of a very flexible and malleable material. The pig can be rolled into a pancake, but then it will still take its original shape.

Hand on heart, we must admit that the biggest thing that shines in this life for the children of the poor from the black quarters of New York is the position of a janitor in a large skyscraper. So why not accustom them to this position from childhood? The Cleaning Trolley set includes everything from a cart and mops to aerosol cans.

Erwin the Little Patient is a plush man in a hospital gown. If you unzip Erwin's belly, you'll see him. internal organs made of plush and are almost an exact copy of the real human organs, albeit "cartoonish". All organs from the doll can be pulled out and examined, but putting them back is already more difficult, because without basic knowledge of anatomy human body placing them so that they do not fall out is not easy. But all the organs are marked with multi-colored Velcro, with the help of which the young surgeon will be able to fix them inside the doll in the correct order - there are the same ones inside. Note that the doll is sexless and has only respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems.

Dolls in the style of rappers for young Americans. Our toy makers need to take the idea and make hop-stop boy dolls.

Doll-Hitler. big question what the child, according to the manufacturers, should do with this doll

Inflatable slide in the form of a sinking Titanic

This toy toilet shoots you know what.

It's just a sled, and not at all what you think. You need to hold on to the thing in the center while descending a steep hill.