Why is long-term abstinence harmful for men? Consequences of long-term abstinence from sex - physical indicators

It is still not clear exactly what long-term sexual abstinence leads to. The opinions of doctors, psychologists and sexologists vary between two extremes and cannot be balanced. Some say that abstinence is very dangerous for health, others believe that sexual abstinence leads to a healthier body. In addition, there are certain differences between men's and women's perceptions of abstinence.

The evidence base for the impact of a long period of absence of sex on a person is insufficient, which is why there is such a diversity of opinions. Only by evaluating them all, comparing them with each other and discarding the absurd ones, can one get an idea of ​​the impact of sexual abstinence on a person.

Sexual constitution (or sexual temperament) is a concept that determines the intensity of sexual desire, depending on a person’s genetic makeup, his prenatal development, the characteristics of his upbringing and the environment in early childhood. Sexual constitution is a value that, unfortunately, does not change throughout life and includes: resistance to harmful factors that influence sexual life, the level of need for sexual intercourse and the limit of sexual activity.

An individual determination of the constitution is made on the basis of identifying several criteria, some of them are: , maximum kurtosis, etc.

Sexual temperament can be of three types:

  • Strong;
  • Average;
  • Weak.

Depending on the degree of sexual constitution, the consequences of sexual abstinence will manifest themselves for both sexes. That is, the lack of sex life will have a greater impact on people with a strong temperament, while those with a weak constitution may not have any consequences from abstinence at all.


All causes of sexual abstinence can be divided into two groups: voluntary and forced.

Voluntary renunciation of sexual activity is mainly associated with some principles and beliefs of a person. There are many reasons why people may voluntarily refuse to have sex. These include religious vows, strict moral principles, and even some banal promises or actions “on a dare.”

A much more serious problem is forced sexual abstinence, which can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • An unstable psycho-emotional state, which is characterized by increased irritability, depressed mood, sometimes chronic fatigue, and asthenic syndrome. Such psychological problems arise as a result of an unstable or tense environment at work, constant quarrels with your significant other, any disturbances in relationships with loved ones and sexual partners, including.
  • If we are talking about the female body, then sometimes abstinence is promoted by a certain time of year, weather conditions, as well as the woman’s social status.
  • Physiological problems. Cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the digestive tract, pathologies of the kidneys, respiratory system, as well as many chronic processes.
  • For men, testosterone levels play an important role in sexual life, a decrease in which can lead to a decrease or absence of sexual desire.
  • Taking certain medications can also cause problems with your sex life. Such drugs include antidepressants, antipsychotics, and female hormones.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period.

The most common and significant factors are the psychological state in women and hormonal levels in men. The reasons for forced sexual abstinence can also include erectile dysfunction, but it rather leads to the inability to perform sexual intercourse, rather than to refusal from it.

It is worth noting that voluntary refusal of sex is more dangerous than forced one. The human body always tries to compensate for the violation of any body function and stop the consequences of these violations, including sexual abstinence. However, voluntary refusal will not be perceived by the human autonomic nervous system as a signal to trigger compensation, so such people will experience a change in behavior much faster, mental problems will appear, and hormonal levels will be more clearly disrupted.

The benefits of abstinence for men and women

In fact, the benefits of sexual abstinence are quite small. It is mainly associated with the emotional background of a person, since after moderate abstinence, often of a voluntary nature, the excitement will be many times stronger, just like. And do not forget that this statement concerns short periods of abstinence.

However, some experts are of the opinion that the consequences of abstinence are extremely positive. At least for the male body. The theory is based on the fact that sperm is a source of many elements beneficial to the body, and during abstinence, its excess is reabsorbed back into the blood, thereby beneficially affecting many processes. This is followed by the following conclusion: excessive sexual activity leads to health problems and a deficiency of certain substances in the body that are contained in sperm.

Such a theory, of course, has a right to exist, but she sounds a little dubious. And the main point confirming its absurdity is the fact that the reabsorption of sperm occurs due to its excessive quantity due to abstinence. This process is compensatory, aimed at preventing pathologies of the gonads and organs, in particular the prostate. And the return of the elements that make up sperm into the blood leads to a slight excess of them, but in no way to an improvement in health.

Sexual abstinence in pregnant women

The only physiologically justified period of abstinence from sexual activity in women is pregnancy and the first weeks after childbirth.

Having sexual intercourse in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous due to the termination of pregnancy, especially in women prone to spontaneous miscarriage. Mechanical impact, excitement and blood flow to the genitals can lead to irreparable consequences - the embryonic egg will tear away from the wall of the uterus.

Sexual intercourse in the last trimester of pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated, as it can lead to premature birth. There is also a possibility of infection of the fetus due to bacteria entering the vagina and uterus.

After childbirth, sexual abstinence should be observed for 6-8 weeks, so it is during this time that the woman’s genitals are restored to their normal state.

Male and female abstinence and its negative consequences
As already mentioned earlier, the degree of influence of sexual abstinence on the human body mostly depends on his sexual constitution. And the stronger it is, the more dangerous the consequences of prolonged refusal of sex will be.

Male and female bodies are different in many ways, so the consequences will be different. However, there is one common point that concerns the emotional state of such people. Both men and women, as a result of prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, become irritable, hot-tempered, prone to depression (more women) or aggression (more men). Sexual abstinence can cause neuroses, nervous breakdowns, and depression. Men experience psychological disorders, leading to an increase in cases of self-satisfaction.

In addition to psychological disorders, people who have given up sexual activity are also characterized by certain physiological health problems.

Negative consequences of long-term abstinence in women:

  • Sexual function deteriorates. After several months of not having sex, libido may disappear completely.
  • Stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Since excitement promotes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and the lack of discharge impairs circulation.
  • Disruption of the glands, which contributes to the development of a tumor process in them.
  • The occurrence of fibroids, fibroids, uterine cancer, mastopathy.
  • Abstinence is the cause of severe premenstrual syndrome (due to hormonal imbalance).
  • The overall resistance of the body decreases.

Negative consequences of sexual abstinence in men

  • The most dangerous problems associated with withdrawal involve the prostate gland. Due to congestive processes in the prostate, inflammatory processes may occur, which will lead to acute or chronic congestive prostatitis, the consequences of which may be impotence or.
  • Deterioration of fertile function. Sperm after sexual abstinence has an unbalanced composition, and the motility and ability to fertilize sperm decreases significantly. This is unlikely to lead to infertility, but the health of the unborn child may suffer.
  • Decreased oxygen saturation of the penis. A rush of blood during sexual intercourse contributes to sufficient saturation of cells with oxygen, and abstinence can lead to cholesterol blockages, trophic disorders in the penis, and subsequently to deterioration or disruption of erectile function.

It is also worth noting that sexual intercourse is a source of additional stress on the entire body as a whole, increasing its overall tone, improving blood circulation and, of course, having a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background.

Therefore, long-term sexual abstinence negatively affects the condition of the entire body, and not just specific organs.

Sex after a long period of abstinence

Women who have voluntarily or involuntarily abstained from sexual intercourse for more than a few months will face the problem of lost libido. Because of this, sex after abstinence in women can cause discomfort, even be painful. Orgasm most often also disappears for some time. And the longer the period of sexual abstinence lasted, the slower the above processes will be restored when sex is resumed.

Men who return to sexual activity after abstinence face more serious problems. The most harmless of them will be premature ejaculation. Lack of erection is also a common occurrence in such situations, however, with the right approach, function can be restored without much effort. But impotence is difficult to correct, so after a long period of abstinence from sex, it is best for men to immediately consult a doctor to have them checked for pathologies in the prostate gland.

In most cases, it takes some time to restore sexual function in both sexes. However, in the end it returns to its original state, allowing you to enjoy your intimate life again.


  1. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, giving up bad habits;
  2. A stable, favorable emotional environment, healthy sleep (at least 7 hours a day), proper distribution of work and rest during the day;
  3. Timely visit to the doctor if you suspect any violations related to sexual activity and not only;
  4. Contact a psychologist in case of family problems.

Treatment of sexual abstinence

Treatment is carried out if a person refuses sexual intercourse due to forced reasons. And the doctor’s actions are aimed mainly at eliminating this very cause. Most often, therapy consists of restoring the patient’s psychological and emotional state, which is what psychologists and sexologists do.

If the etiology of sexual abstinence is physiological in nature, then even drug treatment is possible. For example, with hormonal disorders in men or with chronic cardiovascular diseases in both sexes.

As a rule, if no serious diseases of the body are diagnosed, sexual activity returns in full within a month, sometimes earlier.

The issue of sexual abstinence is a delicate one: only a specific person in a specific situation can decide for himself whether it is worth introducing restrictions in the area of ​​sexual activity. In scientific and religious circles on the issue of abstinence, different points of view on the problem prevail: sexologists and psychologists argue that restrictions in the field of sex have a bad effect on the physical and mental health of the human body.

Many religious movements insist that celibacy is beneficial for the spiritual development of the individual. We will figure out who is right and who is wrong together. So, is abstinence harmful?

The benefits of restrictions in sexual life

Let's start by finding out whether short-term or long-term abstinence from sex is harmful or beneficial for women's and men's health?

Some scientists believe that a decline in sexual activity is useful for a person’s personal fulfillment, since most of the energy spent on sex remains unspent during temporary celibacy, and a person begins to use it in other areas of his life: work, creativity, study. It is not for nothing that athletes and artists are recommended to refrain from intimate contacts before important performances.

Moreover, reasonable restrictions in the area of ​​sexual life are necessary: ​​in men, excessive consumption of seminal fluid and regular increased energy costs can cause a number of psychological disorders and even cause such a serious disease as neurasthenia. Also, frequent sexual intercourse leads to a deterioration in the fertilizing function of sperm, which is extremely undesirable for couples who want to conceive a child.

Temporary abstinence from sexual relations is also useful as a means to renew the sensual side of relationships - passion flares up with renewed vigor after forced breaks in sexual activity.

It is also worth noting that in the theory of representatives of spiritual and mystical teachings, sexual abstinence is useful for spiritual concentration; a person becomes more capable of concentration, contemplation, and deep reflection.

Here are reasons why restricting sex can be beneficial, but excessive and prolonged celibacy can also be detrimental to your health.

Let's talk about this in detail.

Sexual abstinence is a condition in which a person adheres to forced sexual abstinence. Such a situation may be the result of a voluntary renunciation of sexual life or provoked by certain life circumstances that require a person to remain without the possibility of sexual relations with a partner. This condition is also defined as withdrawal syndrome. Sexual withdrawal is divided into several types.

  • With total abstinence, all types of sexual activity are excluded.
  • With partial sexual abstinence, a person periodically experiences wet dreams or masturbation.

In young men, abstinence can be completely natural and usually occurs without harm to the body. But already in adulthood, a man may experience some difficulties when trying to resume sexual activity after abstinence. In some cases, irreversible suppression of sexuality occurs, requiring treatment.

But in some cases, abstinence in men leads to disturbances in the rhythm of sexual life and the manifestation of premature ejaculation.

A long absence of sexual activity sometimes leads to the fact that its normal rhythm is restored relatively slowly. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that painful sensations during abstinence manifest themselves depending on how pronounced a person’s sexual desire is, what are the characteristics of his temperament, sexual constitution, as well as on other factors. So, if the attraction is weakly expressed, then the periodic absence of sexual activity for several months or even years does not negatively affect the general physiological and mental state of a person. At the same time, if a person’s sexual desire is particularly strong, then the harm from abstinence can be very seriously noticeable for the body.

A person feels a constant negative impact on his mood, performance, he has a high level of excitability and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Thus, to the question of whether long-term abstinence from sex is harmful, the answer is yes. Abstinence from sex is especially harmful for people with a strong sex drive.

Symptoms of sexual withdrawal

With sexual abstinence, a person may suffer from severe emotional lethargy, depression, discomfort, and sweating. The balance of nervous processes is also disturbed, which is expressed in irritability and even neuroticism. Congestion may occur. All these symptoms provoke increased attention in a man, and the consequence of this is an intensive increase in congestive processes. With further sexual abstinence, the secretion of the prostate gland is gradually absorbed into the blood, suppressing the hormonal function of the testicles and the production of male sex hormones. As a result, a man's sex drive decreases.

Forced abstinence is harmful for men over the age of forty. In mature men, as a result of withdrawal, not only sexual function is significantly weakened, but prostatitis can also develop.

Consequences of sexual abstinence

Thus, long-term abstinence from sex can have serious consequences for a man. If forced abstinence in a mature person continues for more than five years, this is fraught with severe erectile dysfunction, problems with ejaculation and even impotence.

Since regular sex has a beneficial effect on the functioning of a man’s endocrine system and also strengthens the heart muscle, its absence in mature men deprives them of the ability to keep their body in good shape. A prolonged absence of sex life not only negatively affects a person’s mood, but sometimes even leads to depression. After prolonged abstinence, a man may periodically show unreasonable aggression, signs of excitability and dissatisfaction with life. There are also studies that indicate that a long period of abstinence can cause prostatitis, adenoma and even increase the risk of developing cancer.

The period of recovery of sexual function in a man after a period of abstinence may vary: for some, everything can return to normal in a few days, while for others it takes several weeks. Sometimes, in order to fully restore sexual function, a man even needs a visit to a specialist sex therapist.

There is also evidence that if conception does not occur, then the man needs to abstain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will increase the chance of conception. This theory is explained by the accumulation of germ cells in a man’s body during the period of abstinence. However, this theory has many opponents who claim that sperm quality and sperm motility are much better in those who regularly have sexual intercourse.

But, despite everything said above, promiscuous sexual relations with casual partners, in terms of the degree of harm, outweighs the negative impact of sexual abstinence. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal physical and psychological state, men are recommended to lead an orderly, regular sex life if possible.

Consequences of abstinence in women

What about the weaker sex? Is abstinence harmful for young and mature women?

The female body and psyche tolerate the absence of sexual relations more calmly. This statement is especially true for women after menopause or, on the contrary, who have not yet reached childbearing age.

As for other age groups, the following changes may occur:

  • Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (the notorious PMS) will be more pronounced and painful;
  • If sexual activity was previously active, and then its regularity began to decline, disturbances and changes in the menstrual cycle may be observed.

Regarding statements that long-term refusal of intimate relations can cause tumors and uterine bleeding, this information should be classified as speculation, not confirmed by science.

In the psychological aspect, women with increased temperament and libido experience the same consequences as men: aggression, irritability, frequent mood swings, increased interest in sexual perversions. In addition, against the backdrop of a long absence of sex, passionate women may develop a tendency towards nymphomania or simply promiscuity.

During sexual intercourse, women produce a special pleasure hormone, which has a positive effect on a woman’s mental state - she becomes less susceptible to depression and apathy.

Nutritionists also have interesting information on this issue: they believe that girls and women who have regular sex life without long breaks are not prone to gaining excess weight, since having sex requires a huge amount of energy. There is also a controversial theory among a number of dermatologists who claim that regular and satisfying sex is the best remedy for youthful and healthy skin.

Let's draw conclusions.

Having assessed the above information, you can easily come to the conclusion that the need for regular sex is a purely individual problem for each person. A man or woman must make a decision about abstinence based on their temperament, character, inclinations, and state of health.

Within reasonable limits, abstaining from lovemaking is definitely useful, but excessive enthusiasm for celibacy leads to negative consequences.

Finally, advice from sexologists, which will be equally good for both men and women: do not practice restrictions on sexual contacts in family life without reason.

Abstinence has a harmful effect on the relationship between partners, weakens the connection between them, and makes them want to seek entertainment and consolation on the side.

Remember that sex, although not the most important thing in life, is still one of the basic and natural instincts of a person, so harmony in this side of romantic relationships also needs to be given enough attention.

Sexual withdrawal is a condition in which a person adheres to forced sexual abstinence. Such a situation may be the result of a voluntary renunciation of sexual life or provoked by certain life circumstances that require a person to remain without the possibility of a relationship with a partner. This condition is also defined as syndrome . Sexual withdrawal is divided into several types. At total abstinence All types of sexual activity are excluded. At partial sexual withdrawal a person periodically experiences wet dreams or masturbation.

In young men, abstinence can be completely natural and usually occurs without harm to the body. But already in adulthood, a man may experience some difficulties when trying to resume sexual activity after abstinence. In some cases, irreversible suppression occurs, requiring treatment.

Features of sexual abstinence

In a historical context, sexual abstinence was considered the most significant and, in fact, the only method of protection against unwanted conception. Spouses or regular partners who are sexually active gradually establish their own special rhythm of such relationships. Sexual abstinence does not bring much harm to young and middle-aged men, who can relatively easily tolerate the forced absence of sexual life. In this case, sexual function, as a rule, is not impaired. But in some cases, abstinence in men leads to disturbances in the rhythm of sexual life and the manifestation of premature ejaculation. A long absence of sexual activity sometimes leads to the fact that its normal rhythm is restored relatively slowly. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that painful sensations during abstinence manifest themselves depending on how pronounced a person’s sexual desire is, what are the characteristics of his temperament, sexual constitution, as well as on other factors. So, if the attraction is weakly expressed, then the periodic absence of sexual activity for several months or even years does not negatively affect the general condition of a person. At the same time, if a person’s sexual desire is particularly strong, then the harm from abstinence can be very noticeable for the body. A person feels a constant negative impact on his mood, performance, he has a high level of excitability and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Thus, to the question of whether abstaining from sex is harmful for people with a strong sex drive, the answer is yes.

If we are talking about a forced absence of sex, then abstinence in women and men can temporarily weaken sexual desire. However, in this case, the period of absence of sexual activity is taken into account. For example, if a man practices short-term abstinence before conception, then this is not reflected in his general condition.

The intensity of sexual desire during forced abstinence can be changed using certain self-regulation mechanisms. So, if sexual intercourse is impossible, then both a man and a woman can practice masturbation . With age, forced abstinence from sexual activity is felt less acutely in representatives of both sexes. At the same time, doctors note that for most people it is not a problem to control their own sexual behavior and suppress the need for sex, without feeling any impairment of physical and mental health.

Periods of sexual abstinence

If we consider abstinence from sexual activity, regardless of a person’s age, then it can be divided into two different periods. The initial period coincides with the refractory stage of the copulatory cycle. The next period is the time of forced sexual abstinence.

Most men who lead a normal, rich sex life perceive the first period positively, that is, as an opportunity for a certain respite after energy-consuming activities. In this case, the feeling of negativity manifests itself only in asthenized men with a high level of vegetative lability. Immediately after sexual intercourse, such people show signs of lethargy and severe depression, general adynamia. Sometimes there is a strong heartbeat, high levels of sweating, as well as other signs of autonomic disorders. Since such symptoms do not disappear within one day, previously this phenomenon was called “one-day neurasthenia.”

But for most men, negative emotions manifest themselves in the second period of sexual abstinence: at this time, after the refractory period, a pronounced need for sexual activity appears, and for certain reasons its satisfaction is impossible. With this condition, a person experiences two types of manifestations: neurotic And stagnant . With neurotic manifestations, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, as a result of which the man becomes irritated and unbalanced.

Congestion is expressed by dilation of the veins of the scrotum, spermatic cord, rectum, noticeable swelling of hemorrhoids and other unpleasant phenomena. In this case, a person may periodically notice the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, an excessively frequent urge to urinate, and a periodic feeling of discomfort in the genitourinary organs.

The most acute signs of forced sexual abstinence occur during the years of hypersexuality of a young man. This period for most men covers most of adolescence and transition. Thus, there is a dependence on a person’s age: young men and adolescents do not tolerate abstinence well psychologically, and in involutionary age a person is bothered by neurotic and stagnant phenomena. At the same time, psychologically, a person at involutional age tolerates abstinence much easier.

Restoring potency after forced abstinence also directly depends on the person’s age. So, the older a man is, and the longer the period of abstinence continues, the more difficult it will be for him to restore and libido .

Therefore, at involutional age, it is advisable for men to maintain regular, gentle, stimulating sexual activity. It is important here to avoid both an unbearable pace of sexual life and long periods of abstinence.

Symptoms of sexual withdrawal

At first, during sexual abstinence, a person may suffer from severe emotional lethargy, depression, discomfort, and sweating. At the second stage, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, which is expressed in irritability and even neuroticism. Further stagnation may appear. All these symptoms provoke increased attention in a man, and the consequence of this is an intensive increase in congestive processes. With further sexual abstinence, the secretion of the prostate gland is gradually absorbed into the blood, suppressing the hormonal function of the testicles and the production of male sex hormones. As a result, a man's sex drive decreases.

Forced abstinence is harmful for men over the age of forty. In mature men, as a result of withdrawal, not only sexual function is significantly weakened, but it can also develop.


Thus, long-term abstinence from sex can have serious consequences for a man. If forced abstinence in a mature person continues for more than five years, this is fraught with severe problems with ejaculation and even .

Since regular sex has a beneficial effect on the functioning of a man’s endocrine system and also strengthens the heart muscle, its absence in mature men deprives them of the ability to keep their body in good shape. A prolonged absence of sex life not only negatively affects a person’s mood, but sometimes even leads to depression. After prolonged abstinence, a man may periodically show unreasonable aggression, signs of excitability and dissatisfaction with life. There are also studies that suggest that long periods of abstinence may cause prostatitis , and even increase the risk of developing oncological diseases .

The period of recovery of sexual function in a man after a period of abstinence may vary: for some, everything can return to normal in a few days, while for others it takes several weeks. Sometimes, in order to fully restore sexual function, a man even needs a visit to a specialist sex therapist.

There is also evidence that if conception does not occur, then the man needs to abstain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will increase the chance of conception. This theory is explained by the accumulation of germ cells in a man’s body during the period of abstinence. However, this theory has many opponents who claim that sperm quality and sperm motility are much better in those who regularly have sexual intercourse.

But, despite everything said above, promiscuous sexual relations with casual partners in terms of the degree of harm outweigh the negative impact of sexual abstinence. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal physical and psychological state, men are recommended, if possible, to lead an orderly, regular sex life.

Regarding sexual abstinence, every sexologist has his own opinion. Different men tolerate the lack of sexual intercourse differently. For example, if a man completely devotes himself to what he loves, his interest in sexual relations decreases for a certain time. And sometimes sexual desire disappears completely for a while. In such cases, abstinence for men is a completely natural phenomenon that does not cause any particular harm to a man’s health.

Often, sexual abstinence contributes to the occurrence of emotional distress, depression, nervous breakdowns, and neurosis. In such circumstances, a man begins to feel impotent, while experiencing a depressed state. Taken together, this situation sometimes contributes to premature ejaculation and fear of sexual relations. The most correct thing to do in this case is to calm down and try again for sexual intercourse, which will certainly be crowned with success.

The lack of ability to have a regular sex life in most cases in young men causes problems with night rest, and insomnia develops. Therefore, long-term abstinence for men threatens with excessive emissions, experiences of sexual neurosis, and pushes a man to engage in masturbation. These problems associated with long-term abstinence are quite natural and understandable, but possible changes in the prostate gland and the appearance of congestive prostatitis pose a greater danger. According to many sexologists, frequent ejaculations are an effective preventive measure for prostatitis, in which the prostate is regularly cleansed.

Medical specialists believe that a man's penis requires oxygen to function properly. The penis receives a sufficient amount of oxygen during erection. This explains the age-related sexual problems of some representatives of the stronger sex. The blood vessels are blocked by cholesterol, which means that the supply of oxygen is significantly reduced, which has a negative impact on the activity of the penis. You can increase the supply of oxygen solely through regular sexual intercourse. A man's active sexual life is a necessary physical activity for normal life and functioning of all organs and systems of the male body. There is a natural increase in blood circulation, which is not observed with long-term abstinence for men.

It is also noted that a long process of abstinence contributes to the breakdown of sperm, which, when dissolved, is reabsorbed by the male body, which has a rather negative impact on sperm motility in the future. Men who want to soon have healthy offspring should not abstain from sexual relations for more than two days. Two-day abstinence for men will ensure an intensive increase in the number of sperm in the ejaculate, which will make it possible to successfully conceive a healthy child within a certain period of time.

Sexologists have noted that long-term abstinence is primarily dangerous due to a violation of the psychological state of a man. It is impossible to say unequivocally that giving up regular sex life is equally harmful for absolutely all men. It all depends on the natural, hereditary sexual temperament. There is a category of men whose sexual need, due to their emotional characteristics, is quite average, which does not affect their longevity at all.

The male body has a remarkable ability to perfectly adapt to the environment and lifestyle. There is an adaptation to the rhythm of sexual life. Even with a fairly long period of abstinence for a man, in particular a sailor or military man, when sexual relations are normalized, sexual function is restored quite quickly, everything returns to normal. The main thing is that promiscuous sexual relations do not become a serious threat to health, in the presence of such life-threatening diseases as AIDS or other diseases of a sexual nature.

Also, a sedentary lifestyle, which, like abstinence, reduces a man’s potency, poses a great danger to men’s sexual relations. Always, under any circumstances, make sure that sexual relations do not become overwhelming work. Then the issue of reducing potency will certainly fade into the background as irrelevant. Be healthy!

It is so arranged by nature that both men and women should lead a regular sex life. This is not a whim or a whim. The male body is designated as a continuator of the family, but in life it happens that periods of abstinence (abstinence or deprivation) occur. Before you find out how long-term abstinence affects men and what consequences await them, you need to decide on the definition itself.

What is abstinence

There are two types of abstinence

Refusal of sex

  1. Lack of sex after sexual intercourse. In ordinary cases, this period is regarded as a respite after an emotional action, but asthenics experience it differently. They experience physical and emotional decline, lethargy and depression.
  2. Voluntary or forced abstinence. It can be dictated by several reasons: the inability to have sexual intercourse with a partner due to his absence, or a conscious reluctance to have sex may come to the fore. There are two types of such abstinence - total, which does not involve any sexual experiences, and partial, interrupted by masturbation.

Is abstinence harmful?

It is believed that for young men, a pause in sexual relations does not have a negative effect, and that even after a long break, sexual intercourse restores all functions. However, every person is different, and the impact of a break and its consequences on intimate relationships varies. An active man, one who cannot imagine his life without constant sex, has great difficulty enduring its absence. And forced pauses negatively affect his overall health.

A man who belongs to another group, calm about having sex, will endure the period of deprivation with ease and without harm. So there is no clear answer to the question – is abstinence harmful or beneficial?

A lot depends on a person’s mood. Take monasticism, for example. Monks give up sex, directing all their love to God, and do not do it under compulsion. Of course, there are also defrocked monks, but this only confirms that the psychological component in this matter is decisive.

There is also teenage abstinence. It stands a little apart. During the period of rapid puberty, hypersexuality occurs in young men. Young people have to abstain because regular sex life has not yet been established, and periods of long periods without sex are the norm. This will change over time when the guy gets married and sex becomes an integral part of the relationship.

Harmful effects of abstinence

Why abstinence is dangerous - physical and psychological consequences. A long absence of sex in active men suggests the onset of many negative manifestations. First, their mental health suffers. Without sex, a period of discomfort begins, and the longer this continues, the greater the threat of transition to obsessive thoughts and a depressive state. A man who constantly thinks about a prolonged pause slips into a neurotic state, he is frightened by possible impotence, and insomnia appears.

All this entails a deterioration in the physical condition. Secondly, men who abstain for a long time get it, which can result in prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer. Congestive prostatitis is always accompanied by varicose veins and the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Against the backdrop of a long absence of sex, hormonal levels undergo changes, which directly worsens the quality of semen, and this threatens infertility. In the absence of an erection, the penis ceases to be saturated with oxygen, which affects the condition of the entire body due to a decrease in tone.

Both the cardiovascular and endocrine systems are affected. In addition, lack of sex at an older age is much more harmful than at a young age. Due to the natural decline of testosterone production, sexual function decreases, and if a man has a long period of abstinence, then this process accelerates. And long breaks in intimate life are absolutely contraindicated for men suffering from prostatitis or prostate adenoma. In these diseases, ejaculation is a kind of medicine. The outflow of secretions reduces the inflammatory process.

Benefits of abstinence

What is the benefit of abstinence

Are there any benefits to abstinence? Yes, doctors agree that a week-long pause in sex will be very effective before conceiving a child. Experts do not recommend longer abstinence, since the body, being able to adapt, will get used to infrequent sex, which will lead to passivity, and then the extinction of erectile function.

It is also believed that during sexual intercourse a man consumes a lot of useful substances, and excessive exercise will deplete the body. In addition, too frequent sex can increase blood pressure and deplete the nervous system. There is a rational grain in reasonable abstinence, but this does not apply to those men for whom the lack of sex is akin to tragedy.

Differing opinions on abstinence

Consequences of abstinence

Adherents of Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophical doctrine, believe that having sex too often weakens your health because it depletes your kidneys. They believe that abstinence in men is the path to immortality. They have developed a special formula for calculating the frequency of sex. They themselves abstained not so much from sex, but from ejaculation.

This practice was brought to perfection by them, but this is a whole teaching. In modern life, professional athletes use their rule. Abstinence is practiced by male athletes before important competitions to preserve energy and strength.

By analyzing all of the above, every man can benefit and decide on the need or harm of abstinence. Medical advice about the period before conception should not be ignored. It is better to abstain for a week to increase the amount of sperm and to increase its concentration. It is also useful to do this to preserve your own energy, since frequent loss of sperm has a bad effect on the entire body.

Experts have proven that an excessive number of orgasms exhausts the nervous system.

Should you give up sex?

During abstinence, lecithin, which is involved in the structure of brain cells, is consumed less. Sperm stored in the body can be absorbed into the seminal vesicles, making the period of abstinence easier. It has been noticed that after the onset of orgasm, immunity decreases. Very frequent sexual intercourse causes asthenia.

When considering the problem of abstinence, a man, first of all, must proceed from his psychotype. The frequency of sexual contacts will depend on this. There are cases, especially in relationships with a large age difference (the man is much older than the chosen one), when the partner becomes overexerted and overtired during sexual intercourse. Such an intimate life, naturally, will be harmful.

The partner, in order not to lose his dignity, will most likely use medicinal stimulants, and this will further complicate his health, as the load on the cardiovascular system will increase. In any case, the man himself makes the decision and answers the question: “Can I and should I abstain.”