What not to do on Easter: six prohibitions in the Easter week. Easter week: do's and don'ts, rituals and traditions

Easter is one of the most beloved holidays for Christians. IN Christ Sunday people break their fast, eat Easter cakes, take Christ, regardless of whether the fast was observed or not.

There are many opinions about how to properly celebrate Easter - someone arranges big feasts and doesn’t deny themselves anything on this day, while someone goes to church first thing. Popular superstitions preserved from the times of paganism are closely intertwined with true traditions Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is wrong.

So how to celebrate this holiday What can and cannot be done for Easter?

What is forbidden to do on Easter

You can't work on Easter. In fact, the church does not forbid working on this day, because many people, due to circumstances, are at their workplace on Easter. In this case, it is not considered a sin. At the same time, work that can be put off for another day should not be done on Easter. Do not do household chores and chores, wash, sew, clean up. But again, the clergy note that there are no strict restrictions on work on Easter, at the same time, it is better to do all the housework in advance, since Easter is a holiday when you need to relax.

You can't go to the cemetery. Opinions differ on this point. On the one hand, Easter is a holiday of kindness, joy and light, in which there is no place for sorrow and sadness. This day you need to have fun, glorifying the Resurrection of the Lord, and not grieve for the departed loved ones. On the other hand, Easter is considered the "day of the dead" because on this day Jesus descended into hell and announced to the dead about their salvation and freedom. So there is no definite answer to the question whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on Easter. But the clergy advise to commemorate their deceased loved ones on a special day for this - Radonitsa, which happens on the 9th day after Easter.

On Easter you can not be sad, lose heart and swear. Easter is a holiday of joy, so sorrow, sadness and despondency are prohibited. On this day, it's time to get rid of resentment and negative thoughts and ask God for strength and health. Also, you can not swear and scold.

Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after the festive feast, leftovers of food remain - Easter cakes, Easter, eggs. Do not throw away everything that is left uneaten! Don't even throw it in the trash eggshell. It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

How to spend this day? Go to church, gather at the same table with your loved ones, congratulate all your friends and acquaintances, forgive insults, let go bad memories. Spend this day with kindness and joy in your heart! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2015 09:20

Catholic Easter- bright religious holiday, which since antiquity is considered the most important event in a year. ...

Saturdays widely known to the people. These days it is customary to go to cemeteries and commemorate ...

The most frequently asked questions about what can and cannot be done on Easter: how to fast before Easter? When can I break the fast at Easter? How to spend Easter day? Are there things that cannot be done? What can you eat on Easter and can you drink alcohol on Easter? Can I work on Easter? Is it possible to practice homework for Easter? Cleaning, knitting, sewing? How should we greet each other at Easter? What to give for Easter?

So, first things first. Let's start with the first question.

How to fast before Easter?

IN Good Friday- the most strict post. According to the Charter, nothing is supposed to be eaten on this day. If you can bear it for your health, try it. On all other days of Holy Week, fasting is also strict, we eat only plant foods, and without oil.

When can I break the fast at Easter?

Breaking the fast (the first fast meal after the end of the fast) on Easter is usually performed after the Liturgy and Communion. If you were at the Liturgy at night, then after the night service you can start the festive meal. If you came to the Liturgy in the morning, then in the same way - after Communion - you can break the fast. The main thing is to approach everything with a sense of proportion. Don't overeat.

How to spend Easter day? Are there things that cannot be done?

On this day, you can not be sad, walk gloomy and swear with your neighbors. But just remember that Easter is not 24 hours, but at least a whole week - Bright Week. In the liturgical plan, the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated for seven days. Let this week be an example of how we should always behave in society, among people. How should you spend Easter? Rejoice, treat others, invite them to visit you, visit the suffering. In a word, everything that brings joy to your neighbor, and therefore to you.

What can you eat on Easter and can you drink alcohol on Easter?

On Easter you can eat and drink everything, the main thing is to do it in moderation. If you know how to stop in time, you can treat yourself to all the dishes, drink wine or some strong drinks - not to the point of being very intoxicated, of course. But if you find it difficult to limit yourself, it is better not to touch alcohol. Rejoice in spiritual joy.

Can I work on Easter?

Most often, the question of whether to work or not does not depend on us. If Easter Sunday You have a day off, which is, of course, very good. You can visit the temple, and meet with loved ones, and congratulate everyone.

But it often happens that we turn out to be forced people and, according to the work schedule, are forced to work on Easter. There is nothing wrong if you work hard. Maybe you can be sad about this, but no more than five minutes! Obedience is obedience. Do your work on this day in good faith. If you fulfill your duties in simplicity and truth, the Lord will surely touch your heart.

Is it possible to do homework on Easter? Cleaning, knitting, sewing?

When we read somewhere that there is a ban on homework on a holiday, we should understand that it is not just a ban, but a blessing that we spend this time in attention to the Lord, the holiday and our neighbors. So that we do not get hung up on worldly fuss. The ban on working on Easter is not canonical, but rather a pious tradition.

Household chores are an integral part of our lives. You can do them on a holiday, but only by approaching this wisely. In order not to spend Easter doing general cleaning until the very night. Sometimes it is better, for example, to leave unwashed dishes in the sink than to be annoyed at household members who have not washed their dishes.

How should we greet each other at Easter?

Easter greeting - angelic. When the Myrrh-Bearing Women came to the Holy Sepulcher to anoint the body of the crucified Christ with spices, they saw an Angel there. He announced to them: “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” That is, he told that the Savior had risen.

We greet our brothers and sisters in faith at Easter with the words "Christ is Risen!" and we answer the greeting: “Truly He is risen!”. Thus, we tell the whole world that for us the Resurrection of Christ is the basis of life.

What to give for Easter?

On Easter, you can give your neighbor any pleasant and the right gifts. And it will be good if any gift has an Easter egg, decorated or red. The testicle as a symbol of evidence of new life - the Resurrection of Christ.

The red color of the Easter egg is a memory of the tradition according to which Mary Magdalene gave the emperor Tiberius an egg for Easter. The emperor told her that he did not believe that a person could be resurrected, that it was as incredible as if this white egg suddenly turned red. And, according to legend, a miracle happened - in front of everyone, the egg turned red, like the blood of Christ. Now the painted egg is a symbol of Easter, the Resurrection of the Savior.

Fomin Igor, priest

What absolutely can not be done on the day of the celebration of Easter?

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events taking place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

There were many signs and beliefs among the people for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can’t do housework on Easter - clean, sew, knit. Direct all your attention to God and your family.

2. On the day of Easter and during the Easter week, one should not be sad and cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about the spiritual.

4. You can’t go to the cemetery on Easter; Memorial week is intended for this.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and accept.

In order for the house to be in harmony, and for success in business, get a charm or talisman.

Husband and wife must hit each other with colored eggs at breakfast on Easter Sunday, whoever does not break a testicle will be the "head" of the family all year.

Whoever of the neighbors will be the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into the basin, dip the consecrated krashenka into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the krashenka over your face - this will bring beauty, getting rid of skin diseases.

And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins.

They roll an egg over the faces of children - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

If unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to whisper softly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single fiancé!”

It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting with friends, fight with eggs. Whose after the blow remains intact, he will be healthy and happy all year.

On Easter you can not do any homework, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

And the main belief: on Easter, God hears all our prayers and helps us to fulfill our desires! We wish ourselves and loved ones peace, health and love!

There was a belief that the water collected in the spring on Easter night or during matins has a special power comparable to the power of holy water. Only it was necessary to bring her home without saying a word on the way. To gain happiness and well-being, houses and barns were sprinkled with this "silent" water.

Husband and wife should not be christened on Easter, so as not to be separated, as it says folk omen for Easter.

There are also signs for Easter for girls associated with Easter. Lips itch during Easter week - a kiss is inevitable; bruised my elbow - remembered dear; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. In the morning, go to church, dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, be sure to give a beggar a coin on Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

And in order for the family to have peace, harmony and no one quarreled among themselves, the Easter meal must be started by the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

First Easter Egg It is customary to divide into several parts according to the number of family members. Such a joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, keeps it friendly relations and love for each other.

In many places, it was believed that if you go to a spring on Easter night or during matins, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water will acquire a special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Houses and barns were sprinkled with such "silent" water for happiness and well-being, they washed themselves with it for health, etc.


Holy Week is the week after Easter. Believers continue to rejoice at the great miracle of the Savior's resurrection, the victory of life over death, honor Christ, and pray fervently. And such prayers, uttered during the days of the Bright Week, are especially strong. What can and cannot be done at this time, we will try to tell in our publication. Let's not ignore and folk customs, signs, rituals by day.

Celebration of the Bright Week - the week after Easter (Red Week, Great, Great Day)

In this joyful for all orthodox time celebratory liturgies are served in churches and religious processions are performed every day. Fast Food Permit begins to operate. Weddings and funeral services are prohibited. Exactly on Bright Week the dead appear before the gates of paradise, where the Almighty grants them remission of sins.

In the week after Easter, those who pray ask the resurrected Savior for condescension, forgiveness, faith, health for themselves and their loved ones. Start the day and end it gratitude prayer. It is better to do this in a calm environment. Prayers and requests expressed in the first week after Easter are considered the most powerful.

Do's and Don'ts in the week after Easter


  • ring bells, give alms;
  • help those in need;
  • rejoice, have fun, laugh, be happy;
  • to be baptized;
  • relax, enjoy life, postponing urgent matters for later;
  • give up negative actions and thoughts;
  • on Friday, bless the water, honor the Blessed Virgin;
  • arrange a show;
  • burn bonfires, relax in nature, ride a swing.


  • get married;
  • visit the dead at the cemetery, make commemorations and memorial services;
  • work hard, especially on Wednesday;
  • fast;
  • stay at home on Sunday;
  • hunt and fish, as everyone rejoices at the miraculous resurrection of the Savior, even animals and birds: they are also creatures of God.

Customs, signs, rituals on the days of the Bright Week

Tuesday of the week after Easter (Kupalny, Bright Tue.)

It was imperative to wake up and go to the morning service. Otherwise, dormouse will bring misfortune and poverty into their home. Therefore, those who overslept were poured with icy water. Women went to visit with Easter cakes and krashenka. The men were doing household chores.

Wednesday of the week after Easter (Gradovaya, Khorovodnitsa, Svetlaya cf.)

In the morning, those who had not yet married should offer up a prayer to the Lord for the speedy acquisition family happiness. After the whole day it was necessary to be among the people, so as not to miss fateful meeting with a betrothed. It is absolutely forbidden to work so that the crop is not damaged by hail. It is highly recommended to go to the tavern to have fun with friends.

Navsky, Svetly Thu.)

Time to visit your ancestors. On this day they visit cemeteries. They take care of the graves, leave a slice of Easter cake and krashenka there. The bird that landed on the monument is a deceased relative who went down to receive gifts. Such a bird, if it flew in during a visit to the grave, was considered a good good sign from heaven. It is strictly forbidden to be depressed. This is a day for a bright greeting to your dead relatives. The day when they descend from heaven to share bright joy with the living.

Friday of the week after Easter (Forgiveness, Bright Fri.)

This is the day of all beer lovers. On Friday, they brewed beer, treated and treated themselves to this drink to a light hop to invite good luck. Excessive drunkenness called trouble. My son-in-law and his family were invited for a beer. They put up with the mother-in-law and father-in-law, if they had time to quarrel with them.

Saturday of the week after Easter (Saint Artos, Bright Saturday)

Believers visit the bell tower in their temple, ring the bells to see off Bright Week. They go to visit, wish others good and well-being. The clergy hand out consecrated bread-artos with a pattern of a cross to the faithful. They washed houses to get rid of misfortunes and evil. Those who live in the private sector need to water the roof with a hose. Those who live in apartments can limit themselves to washing the front door.

In the Easter week, our life is saturated with joy and the light of God. Many people often ask themselves how to behave correctly in Bright Week after Christ's Resurrection.

Lent on Easter, of course, is no longer relevant, so you can and should stop limiting yourself in food and entertainment. This is a happy time, so you just need to enjoy every moment.

What to do on Easter week

Obviously, there are always fewer prohibitions on Easter than what is allowed or even necessary.

What can be done:

  • have fun;
  • do not limit yourself in food;
  • to organize festivities, to have fun.

What needs to be done:

  • help relatives;
  • do not refuse to help people;
  • visit the temple;
  • bring goodness into the world.

Easter is the light of God. This is the grace of God. This holiday should teach us mutual assistance, help. Don't turn your back on those who need something. Be generous, sympathetic, good-natured.

What not to do on Easter week

The prohibitions on Easter week are quite obvious:

  • alcohol should not be abused. Many people think that it is allowed to drink and go to the procession, but this is absolutely impermissible and even blasphemous;
  • you can not be sad, be depressed. It is believed that these are diabolical machinations. Remove negative thoughts, even if it seems to you that they are completely justified;
  • you can’t quarrel with loved ones, take revenge on people, swear;
  • You can't take on extra work. This week you need to rest as much as possible, for God himself ordered. Household chores are the norm, but do not focus too much on them;
  • you can't guess. Many people think that since the time is fun, you can tell fortunes on the betrothed, but this is completely prohibited. The church does not approve of fortune-telling, because only the Lord knows the future.

Easter week- It is not simple good time for festivities. This important period to be lived with kindness in the heart. Bring good to this world, so that the light of God penetrates into your soul and fills you with grace. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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