A conspiracy from alcohol to alcohol. Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays. Prayer for alcoholism to the Holy Martyr Boniface

Alcohol addiction often leads to quarrels, conflicts and crimes that can end in crime. The problem of alcoholism creates a lot of trouble in families, the husband or wife suffers, and their children do not receive all the warmth and affection that parents should give.

A conspiracy from drunkenness helps develop an aversion to alcohol

If a man or woman drinks a lot, then in order to arouse an aversion to alcohol, it is recommended to try a conspiracy from drunkenness. The essence of the conspiracy lies in the fact that a person develops an aversion to drinking alcohol unexpectedly for himself, and the result is that he stops drinking harmful drinks altogether. Relatives are always worried about loved ones, their health and do not want to visit the cemetery and their graves, but spend a long and happy life with them.

How did drinking develop?

In Rus', people did not grow vineyards, but each person prepared alcoholic drinks on their own, such as fermented honey and beer. Initially, such drinks were consumed exclusively on holidays and feasts, which were arranged by the inhabitants before the start of important matters, during rituals and other games.

Alcohol in Rus' was produced independently

Later, Christians began to celebrate pagan rites, and already closer to the 16th century, the first drunkenness appeared. Even a person on his last journey to the cemetery was escorted with alcohol. But it became social problem only at the moment when alcohol became part of the income in the country.

Even Ivan the Terrible allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a special house, which was called "tavern". And as soon as alcohol and income in the state became one, drunkenness developed more and more every day. All the alcohol campaigns that were held failed to overcome drunkenness, but only led to an increase in people who fell into alcohol addiction and ended their lives ahead of time in the cemetery.

The main rules of the conspiracy

Conspiracies from drunkenness have great power, since we are talking about the salvation of not one person, but the whole family. You can carry out such a conspiracy at home, so that a loved one stops drinking alcohol.

It is important to remember that alcoholics are the first to go to the cemetery. If you decide to turn to magic for help and try a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, then it is recommended to know the main rules:

Faith is the most important thing on which the success of the conspiracy depends

  1. Faith is the first thing to take care of before you turn to magic for help.
  2. The ritual should be performed only on specific days of the week. If a man drinks, then in order for him to stop drinking, you need to perform a ritual on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sparing the lady alcohol addiction, select Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.
  3. You should read conspiracies from drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon, you do not need to go to the cemetery at midnight.
  4. Don't disturb the energy field. If you decide to read the plot and you want the person to really stop drinking, then you do not need to carry out several rituals at the same time. Give him time to work, and do not rush to try everything.
  5. When conducting a ritual in secret from a person who does not stop drinking, you cannot tell anyone, especially if it worked.
  6. When a person refused help, but you decided to secretly read a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, you need to make the most of your faith in order to have the desired result.
  7. You should read the conspiracy against drunkenness in a half whisper and alone, without helpers and witnesses.
  8. Buy an icon and ask the saints for help. You need to regularly read a prayer in front of the shrine.
  9. In the morning, you can take a couple of sips of holy water.
  10. Before the ceremony, experts recommend fasting ( minimum term post for three days).

A conspiracy from drunkenness to water is best done on a person so that he stops drinking, which is against encoding and other methods of treatment. Few people agree to treatment at home.

A water spell is a powerful method to get rid of alcohol cravings

To spare loved one against addiction, you can try a conspiracy on water. He is strong, he can be carried out on himself. A person loses his attraction to alcohol, and such actions, unwillingness to drink, he will not be able to explain and understand.

This plot is required to be read three times in a glass of water. Choose a time so that the speaker is after a hangover and asks you for a glass of water to relieve thirst. You can prepare ahead and wait for the right moment. The text of the plot is as follows:

“Hop, prince, your little head is wild! Do not wave your hair down, but pour yourself down to the bottom. I don't know you, I haven't been to your house. Climb to the sovereign to the top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not fall on the person (name) dashing words and your evil deeds. Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Hop, prince, sit in your own place, like a king sits on his kingdom, but don’t go to my house!

Another water plot can only be carried out on the 19th of each month. Take water and say the words to it:

“As the Lord God Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not endure; like a mother Holy Mother of God and all the saints did not know the drink, did not drink and did not endure, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink forever and ever, amen.

Having spoken water, it must be added to coffee

Add charmed water to tea, coffee, soups, compotes and other dishes. Acts immediately or gradually. Sometimes it may be necessary to speak several containers of water in order to have a result.

Photo conspiracies

You can effectively talk from drinking alcohol with the help of a photo. A photograph in itself stores the energy of a loved one and a little aura. It is important that the photo is fresh, so it should have strong energy. Also prepare three candles purchased in the church and holy water.

Start reading the plot, and so strong conspiracy worked, you can only pronounce words after sunset. Your actions: you must close alone in an empty room, put the candles in a row, and put a photo in front of them. Sprinkle the photograph with holy water and read:

“Lord Holy God, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy from booze, wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

Repeat three times and hide the photo so no one can see it. After a month, repeat the ritual, if necessary, with the same photo.

Conspiracy for yourself

A conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences are not terrible if a person believes in himself and recognizes the fact that he is sick and needs treatment. At home, you can strong ritual against alcohol addiction for himself.

Most effective conspiracy- to myself

If you understand the whole essence of the problem and do not strive to get into the cemetery in your youth, then act immediately. It is difficult to force yourself to stop drinking, because you need a strong character and will. But, it’s easier to talk to yourself and not ask for help from an outsider.

First of all, fast for a few days. After that, you must definitely go to the bathhouse and completely change all the linen to clean and fresh. Draw not drinking, but clean water from the spring. Above the water in the container, read a strong addiction plot:

"In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Hop and braga! To the tombstone, for all ages from me, a servant of God, leave! All cravings for wine and hops are gone! The wind is violent, take my dashing passion! Drinking in the forest, get away from me, to black birds, and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I do not know grief. From my stomach for all time, step back dashingly dashing! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

After drinking the charmed water to the bottom. Spend it to stop drinking on the waning moon. Quitting drinking, drinking alcohol is easy if there is support from magic and the faith of the person himself. None of you wants to get to the cemetery ahead of time, and excessive drinking will lead to it.

Consequences of the spell

All the rites and conspiracies that you use to get rid of bad habit associated with white magic, and not with black. Do not trust anyone, what negative consequences can be here.

It is necessary to get rid of drunkenness with the help of white magic

The only thing that can be expected is the psychological and physiological limitations of the person you are relieving of the disease. This normal phenomenon, which will accompany a person if a person refuses the habitual use of alcohol. Often such people need qualified medical help.

But remember, if you support it, then even getting rid of a bad habit at home will be successful and without consequences. A number of rituals can be performed at home, or in a cemetery.

To perform the ceremony, you need to go to the cemetery, stand near the fence and wait for the funeral ceremony to take place. You need to have with you alcoholic drink, which the addicted person likes to use. Arriving home, put the bottle in a prominent place, it is important that the lover sees it. If the alcoholic himself took the bottle and drank the contents, then the actions will give positive result, and a conspiracy from alcoholism will help.

Every year the number of people suffering from alcohol addiction is increasing. Getting rid of this addiction is quite difficult, so people are ready for a lot to save themselves and loved ones from the desire to use.

There are several rules for reading a conspiracy and prayers for drunkenness for a husband and other people that are important to follow. First, rituals should be performed in certain days week, for men - Tuesday or Thursday, and for women - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Secondly, great importance has a phase of the moon, so best time the full moon or waning month is considered. Thirdly, it is important to believe in a positive result, since nothing will work, and in some cases there may be serious consequences. In addition, it is important not to tell anyone about the rituals, since the sacrament is the key to success.

Conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences

Almost all rituals associated with getting rid of a bad habit are white magic, so any dangerous consequences no need to wait. As for a person who gets rid of alcoholism, he may experience psychological and physiological limitations. This is quite normal, because similar consequences occur in a person if he stops drinking without the use of rituals. In some cases, medical attention may be needed. It is important to support an alcoholic at all stages of getting rid of a bad habit.

Conspiracies and prayers from the drunkenness of a son, husband and other people

There are many different rituals that you can perform for yourself, as well as for loved ones. It's best if the plot is read blood relative. Let us dwell on several rituals in more detail.

A conspiracy from the drunkenness of her husband and other relatives in the photo

It is believed that rituals using photography are the most effective, since the picture has the energy of a person and even an imprint of the aura. It is important that the photo is fresh. In addition, you need to prepare three church candles and sacred water.

Start reading the plot should be after sunset. It is necessary to close in an empty room, put candles in a row, light them and place a photograph in front of them. Take holy water and sprinkle the picture with it, saying the following conspiracy:

“Lord Holy God, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy from booze, wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!"

Repeat the words three times, and then put the photo in a secret place. Within a few weeks you will notice improvements. It is recommended to repeat the ceremony in a month using the same photo.

A conspiracy against the drunkenness of a husband and other people for soap

This rite is popular because it belongs to the famous healer Vanga. Thanks to him, you can save a loved one from the habit of drinking alcohol. To do this, prepare soap, which will later be used to wash hands. Holding soap in your hands, you should read the following conspiracy:

“Oh, do not drink to you, servant of God (name), Do not walk in a frenzy, do not wander drunk. I speak, I conjure! So that you wash your hands, So you forgot your addiction. So that every time a crappy thought comes to you, You forget it, you hate vodka! Amen!"

Read the words nine times. Put the charmed soap near the washbasin so that the person who drinks will wash their hands with them. If no changes have occurred, then after two weeks the ritual must be repeated.

Conspiracy against drunkenness for vodka

For this ritual, you can use not only vodka, but also any other alcoholic drink. It is necessary to pronounce the following words on it:

“The abbot called the priest to him and together they made a prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on the servant of God (name) from a bad passion, from a drunken adversity. Let him not know the drunken maety from this day to the grave. Just as a fat pig cannot cross the ocean alone, so the servant of God (name) will not drink alcohol from this day on, do not hold it in his mouth, and do not desire at all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is believed that when a person drinks the charmed alcohol three times, he will get rid of his habit.

Conspiracy from drunkenness of the son

Every mother wants to see her child happy and successful, so she is ready for a lot to save him from alcohol addiction. It is believed that carried out by the mother is the most effective. Required in Clean Thursday wash the windows and pour the remaining water on the back of the son, saying:

“As I gave birth to you, I fed you with my milk, so you, the slave (name), would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine and mash into your mouth. The windows are washed and you are clean. Let it be so".

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that makes both the patient and the people around him suffer. Drunkenness does not allow a person to be a full-fledged member of society, prevents him from building healthy relationships and career. In order to save a loved one from addiction, women go to great lengths: drugs, coding, hypnosis, scandals and tantrums. When nothing helps and even powerless, another comes to the rescue. good method- effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism, which you can carry out on your own. In this article, we have collected the best, according to user reviews, rituals.

A conspiracy against alcohol abuse is a prayer or an appeal to higher powers with a request to rid a person of an addiction. In order for it to act quickly and effectively, you need to pronounce it seriously and correctly, in no case should you conspire for the sake of laughter or entertainment. For women, a conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Conspiracies from alcohol are very different: on wax, on water, in a photo, cemetery conspiracies and rituals from your husband’s drunkenness, you just have to choose the one to which your soul lies and thoughtfully carry out the ritual. So, here are the main conspiracies against drunkenness that will help you and your family regain peace and tranquility.

Conspiracy for yourself

It is best when a person who is addicted to alcohol is aware of his addiction and wants to be treated himself. In this case, the treatment is more effective, and conspiracies act faster. If it was you who faced the problem of alcoholism, then you can independently talk yourself out of drunkenness without resorting to the help of third parties. To do this, you need to fast for several days, then be sure to go to the bathhouse and put on clean linen. Take clean, non-drinkable water (well, if it is water from a stream or spring), read a conspiracy over it three times and drink, while imagining how your addiction is leaving you:

Conspiracies for water

A very strong conspiracy against drunkenness on water must be performed on the 19th of any month. To do this, over a container of water, you need to say the following text:

This water then needs to be poured into tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a conspiracy can work immediately, or it may take some time and several containers with charmed water.

Another water conspiracy from drunkenness is suitable for mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol addiction at home. Wash windows on Maundy Thursday clean water, and then pour this water seven times on the back of the son with the words:

Water conspiracy from female drunkenness. They read over the water that an alcoholic woman drinks. You can also read over food or other liquids (not over alcohol).

Photography conspiracies

Also very effective and popular folk conspiracies from drunkenness according to the photo. In this case, conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are pronounced not over water, but over a photograph of a person who needs to be rid of the disease.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness according to a photograph is necessarily pronounced on a waning moon. Above the photograph of the patient you need to say:

There are other conspiracies from drunkenness in the photo. Over a photograph of an alcoholic, they read “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Hop and wine depart from the servant of God (name) to dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

Other conspiracies

  • Conspiracy for food. They say it over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect conspiracy to the one for whom it is being done.

  • Fire conspiracy. IN odd number you need to collect brushwood in the forest, kindle a fire from it and draw a circle around the fire. Then sit behind this circle and read the plot without taking your eyes off the fire. Tears that have fallen can also not be wiped away.

  • Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova. Pronounced over alcoholic beverages that an alcoholic drinks. Usually, after a person drinks the charmed alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspiracy text:

  • Wax conspiracy. It is necessary to make a drunk person bite a piece of wax when he drinks or eats. Then this piece is taken away and a plot is recited over it. After that, a piece of wax is sewn into the clothes of the alcoholic. Conspiracy text:

  • Difficult to perform, but very effective conspiracy on the widow's ring. Have to take wedding ring a woman who buried her husband no more than a month ago. On the waning moon, the ring is placed in the water and they speak it. This ritual must be done three times, after which the craving for drunkenness in a person will pass.

  • At midnight, you need to speak wine, vodka or any other alcoholic drink that your loved one drinks three times.

“Just as the dead man does not rise from the grave, does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink dawn in the morning, or at noon for the day, or from evening to night. Amen."

  • Conspiracy on the towel. This conspiracy is read over a clean new towel, which is then given to the drinking person to use, without telling him that the towel is spoken.

  • Old Russian conspiracy from excessive passion for alcohol. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in Ancient Rus' and, I must say, quite successfully. To perform the ritual, buy an ordinary castle. This must be done on Friday on the waning moon. Take a glass that has at least a couple of drops of alcohol left after the person you want to talk to drank from it. Pour these leftovers into the keyhole, while saying: “You, (person's name), a libertine and a drunkard. Just as this castle is closed, so you must always keep the doors of the pubs closed. After that, the lock must be closed two turns and well hidden so that no one can find or see it.
  • Cemetery conspiracy. Gotta get a bottle alcoholic drink, which the person being spoken to usually drinks, and go with her to the cemetery. There stand at the gate and wait until the funeral procession passes by you. As soon as you see people going to bury the dead, immediately say the words: “Just as the dead does not live among us, so the slave (name) does not drink drunk. Amen". At home, put the charmed bottle where the drinking person sees it, but do not offer him a drink yourself. When he sees the bottle himself, pours from it and drinks, the conspiracy will begin to act.

It happens that a drunkard categorically refuses to be treated and becomes very aggressive when you start the topic of his bad habit and treatment. In this case, the conspiracy ritual is best hidden from him. Go to a grove, forest or garden and collect a broom from trees and herbs. For a woman to speak in a broom, there must be plants with names female(viburnum, mountain ash, birch, mint), and for a man to speak - plants with names male(maple, oak, ash, St. John's wort). When you come home, sweep all the corners in the house with this broom, while reading a prayer:

After all the corners are swept, dig a hole behind the house that will fit your broom and bury it. By the time the broom rots, the patient should give up alcohol. After that, you may need .

Conspiracy from child alcoholism

Unfortunately, in Lately There is a rapidly growing trend of regular alcohol consumption among children and adolescents. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful ones. In order to rid your child of alcoholism once and for all, you need to buy cow colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or in the market. Above the colostrum on Wednesday on an even day, they first read a prayer Mother of God(you can read it in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice", which is considered an assistant for alcoholism), and then they read the plot:

This colostrum is given to eat drinking child or teenager. It happens that this conspiracy helps adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We really hope that you will never need conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness, but if such a nuisance has already overtaken your family, use conspiracies wisely, do everything accurately and without errors. Remember that games with magic do not end well and the effect of a conspiracy can be quite the opposite.

The best results in the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies are achieved if the patient himself seeks to get rid of alcohol dependence. What is the best treatment for alcoholism?
Let's take a look at the most popular folk methods treatment of alcoholism with the knowledge of the patient.

How to cure alcoholism with lovage.
1 lovage root (perennial celery) - about 1 tbsp. l. dry root and 6 sheets of laurel insist in 500 g of vodka, insist a week. When you want to drink - drink this infusion. Half an hour later, vomiting begins. A persistent aversion to alcohol is achieved, in addition, the body is cleansed.

Smoke of birch wood. This remedy for alcoholism can be used without the knowledge of the patient
Dry birch firewood is generously sprinkled with sugar and kindled. Then the fire is extinguished and the patient is allowed to breathe smoke, after which he drinks a glass of vodka. Alcohol intolerance is observed, often lifelong. If the first time does not work, repeat the session. This method of treatment can also be used secretly from the patient - fry a shish kebab on birch wood sprinkled with sugar and give this shish kebab to the patient, after which it is necessary that he drink vodka.

Treatment of alcoholism with herbs.
Centaury - 1 hour, thyme - 1 hour, wormwood - 1 hour. 3 tbsp. l. Spoons of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, for 2 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

How to cure alcoholism with apples.
Sometimes, eating sour apples can save a person from addiction to alcohol. To do this, you need to eat 3-4 sour apples, in each of which it is advisable to keep 5-6 iron nails stuck in during the day. The course is 6 weeks. From this treatment, hemoglobin will also rise.

Prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness

A conspiracy or prayer for drunkenness is an appeal to higher powers with a request to save a person from alcohol addiction. In order for the conspiracy against drunkenness to work, you need to pronounce it seriously, firmly believing in its strength, clearly pronouncing the words and clearly forming in your mind the image of the person who is being plotted against, who has quit drinking. We must be convinced that thoughts and words are material, and if you strongly strive for something, then our aspirations find support in higher spheres. That is why the conspiracy against alcoholism among grandmother healers is most effective (in some cases, the percentage of alcoholics who abruptly stopped drinking reaches 90%, the usual result is 40-70%). Healers firmly believe in what they are doing, and if an alcoholic is conspired by his grandmother, then he and all his relatives believe that this will help, everyone takes the conspiracy seriously. But if you do not have the opportunity to get an appointment with such a grandmother to cure alcoholism, then anyone can say prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness. This is usually done by a close relative. But the most effective are conspiracies from alcoholism, which are read by the patient himself, who has realized his illness.

There are a lot of conspiracies from drunkenness, you can now find them on the Internet. Here are also the most effective conspiracies from drunkenness. From all the variety, you need to choose the one that, in your opinion, will help cure the alcoholic.

A few rules to achieve the greatest effect from conspiracies:
1. For women, a conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
2. In the house where the patient lives, there should be an icon "Inexhaustible Chalice", relatives and the patient himself can turn to her with a request for help and support.
3. Every morning on an empty stomach drink holy water, if there is not enough blessed water, then 1 tbsp. l. add such water to a glass of ordinary water.
4. Before reading the conspiracy from drunkenness, the one who will read the conspiracy (the patient himself or a close relative) needs to fast for 3-5 days.
5. For believers, order at least three prayers from drunkenness in the church.
6. If a woman is reading the plot, tie her head with a scarf
7. Conspiracies from drunkenness read on the waning moon

How to cure alcoholism with conspiracies on your own
If you have realized that you are addicted to alcohol, then you yourself can talk yourself out of drunkenness.

Conspiracy for water
For this conspiracy, you need to fast for several days, then be sure to go to the bathhouse and put on clean linen. Take clean water, read a conspiracy over it three times and drink, imagining how an addiction is leaving you. Perform this ritual at least three times

“Wine and hops! Depart from me, the servant of God (name), for all time, to the grave. Depart from me, all desire for wine and liquor. Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dense forest, where only fierce animals and black birds live. Take you, violent wind, desire from me, a destructive passion for wine, and take it to the blue sea, to evil people and dashing people. Tether you, my passion, to dashing man, which does not do good to people, but brings one evil, like a cursed wine-potion. Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my stomach. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Hollow Ritual
This conspiracy from alcoholism can be carried out by both the patient himself and loved ones.
First you need to find a tree in which there is a hollow.
On the date of birth (the date of any month in which a person was born) of a person suffering from alcoholism, one must go to this tree at sunset, put a glass of vodka in the hollow and say:

“My God, my God! Calm down and rest on this day, holy, every hop, every drink from your person (name). Let it be so!"

Sometimes this rite must be repeated three times.

How to cure alcoholism of loved ones with the help of prayers and conspiracies

Water conspiracy on the 19th
A very strong conspiracy against drunkenness on water must be performed on the 19th of any month. To do this, the following text must be pronounced three times over a container with baptismal holy water:

“As the Lord God Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not endure; just as the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints did not know the drink, did not drink and did not tolerate it, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink and pump out forever and ever, amen.

Try to ensure that each repetition of the plot is done in one breath. Then close the jar with a lid and open it only in order to Once again pour water into the drink and food of an alcoholic. Pour this water into tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a conspiracy can work immediately, or it may take some time and several containers with charmed water.
If the person you are treating accidentally notices that you are adding something to his food, say that it is plain holy water.

conspiracy for food
They say it over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect conspiracy to the one for whom it is being done. A conspiracy for men is read on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

I speak, God's servant (name), God's servant (name).
Love, O Lord, my spirit
My deeds, my words, God's words.
I drive away, God's servant (name), lust for drunkenness.
Go you, hop, to the churchyard wattle fence -
There you will be, there you will live. Go away from the slave (name),
Leave me alone, to the old demon pier,
And you, servant of God (name), stop drinking wine.
Resurrect my word, and crack the demonic one.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from drunkenness on a towel
This conspiracy is read over a clean towel, preferably a new one, which is then given to the patient with alcoholism, without telling him that the towel is conspired.

Lord, the royal dress on the shoulders, sleep and rest to the servant of God (name).
Cover, Lord, his mind. Strengthen, Lord, his body. Save, Lord, his soul.
Lord, as Mother washed and washed You in childhood, dressed You in clean clothes, so You, Merciful Lord, strengthen the slave (name) in the pure consciousness. Amen.

Conspiracy for clothes
No one should know about this ritual. At the beginning of a new day on the first day of the full moon, you need to take underwear (the best option- remove it from a drunk) spouse and immediately begin to wash first in cold, and then in hot water.
At this time read:

“Cool down, come to your senses, take up your mind-reason. My word is strong and spoken" (in cold water). In the hot one: “(Husband's name), wake up, take hold of the mind-mind. Take a walk - and calm down. Yes it will be. Let it be so. Let it be so".

When the linen is dry, let the husband wear it, after which the same manipulations should be done alternately with the rest underwear husband.

Conspiracies from home alcoholism on the dead

Very strong conspiracies from drunkenness are obtained using cemetery paraphernalia and with an appeal to the souls of the dead.

Here is the simplest but effective method cure an alcoholic: you need to take a bottle of vodka or whatever the patient usually prefers to drink, and go to the cemetery. At the entrance to the cemetery, wait for the funeral procession to pass by. At this point, you need to say:

“Just as a dead person does not live among us, so a slave (name) does not drink alcohol. Amen".

At home, put the charmed bottle where the drinker can find it, but do not offer it yourself. When he pours from a bottle and drinks, the conspiracy will begin to act.
This conspiracy from alcoholism can be repeated several times for reliability. If your alcoholic husband often makes you run to the store for alcohol, you can prepare several bottles of charm in advance, hide them in a safe place, or give them to a friend for storage. Pretending that you bought a drink in a store, bring the charmed alcohol from your cache.

Conspiracies from drunkenness on the widow's ring
This conspiracy is more effective than the previous one. You need to take the wedding ring of a woman who became a widow no more than a month ago. On the waning moon, the ring is placed in the water and they speak it.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Like a widow for her husband sheds bitter tears
and how the coffin does not allow her husband to get up,
so is the servant of God (name) so that he does not drink wine,
I didn’t drink mash, I didn’t take intoxicating things in my hands:
neither in the morning at dawn, nor at night with a star, nor with a red Sun.
Be, my words, sculpting and tenacious and, like metal, strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen

This water is given to the drinker, imperceptibly added to food and drink. Do it three days in a row

A call to deceased relatives
This is the most effective conspiracy from drunkenness, very often after it it happens that the alcoholic abruptly stopped drinking.

It is necessary to act on the first Friday after the holy holiday, it is desirable that this coincides with the waning moon. Lay a white tablecloth without a pattern on the table. Place three chairs around the table. Place three glasses, three candles on the table, and one glass of clean water in the middle of the table. Put on your clothes back to front. Grab a bottle of red wine left hand, read the plot, pour wine into a glass with your left hand. Since there are three glasses, then the plot must be read three times before pouring wine into each glass. After that, mix the water from the glass with three glasses of wine. This solution should be added to a patient with alcoholism.
You need to use the entire charmed drink to the end, it can take several days or a couple of weeks, time does not matter here. Three months after the last serving, the patient will have a fever, symptoms of a cold will appear. Having been ill, the patient will no longer drink. It is impossible for him to talk about this treatment, otherwise drunkenness will resume. You can not tell friends why an alcoholic abruptly stopped drinking. Make it look like it should be.

In the spell, you must name the names of the dead, related by blood to those whom you are treating, during the invitation to the three chairs. Learn these names in advance. After that, the tablecloth must be taken out of the house for three months, or it is better to give it to someone.

Here is the conspiracy:
Holy Friday, your day, the Lord is with me. I open coffin lids, my golden keys. Come slaves (names of the dead) to visit, drink wine, drink a slave (name) to drink. With your permission, let the slave (name) drink the unfinished treat, and your saliva will not let him drink while he lives. Lord, let him forget the wine. Amen.

Conspiracy on an unmarked grave
A simple, but very effective conspiracy. When you are in the cemetery, go to the unmarked grave. . Put three pancakes, kutya and put a glass of jelly. Crossing yourself three times, read:

Whoever lies in this grave, guards his coffin, waits for Judgment Day, let him hear me. I brought a reminder. Remember the slave (name) from drunkenness, so that he lives and does not drink. How do you lie down, do not get up, do not drink wine, vodka. So that the slave (name) lives and does not drink drunk. Forgive me, for Christ's sake. You lie, and I remember you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for drunkenness

Daily prayer for drunkenness

Say this prayer in the morning to clean water and let the drunkard drink. It does not matter here whether he knows that the water is charmed or not. If he agrees to treat alcoholism, then let him drink, realizing that he is being treated. If he is against treatment, conspiracies and prayers, just teach him to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning for the sake of health and speak the container of water from which he will drink in the morning. For example, you can buy a beautiful jug for drinking water:
Here is this prayer-conspiracy from drunkenness
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hop and wine, retreat from the Servant of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hops and wine go out on fast water that people don't drive. From the Servant of God (name) hops and wine, go to the violent winds that go in range. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go this wine over the hills and mountains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Attach yourself to a dashing person who will not do good. Get rid of the Servant of God (name) forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Prayer for drunkenness "Living help" (Psalm 90)
This is a more serious and canonical prayer.
The “Living Help” prayer is used by healers as a talisman against misfortunes, illnesses, including alcoholism. The text of this psalm is written by hand, placed in a leather belt, which is constantly worn by the patient. IN last resort put in the inside pocket. It is advisable to have this prayer with you or read it in difficult times. life situations.

Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. As the Lord God firmly established and strengthened the sky, and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and the damp-material earth, and how on that damp-material earth there is no disease, no blood wound, no pinching, no aches, no drunkenness , no tumor, no hard drinking, the Lord also created me, the servant of God (name), as the Lord created, firmly established and strengthened my sinews, and my bones, and white body mine, also with me, a servant of God (name), would not be on a white body, on a zealous heart, neither on my bones, nor any illness, nor blood, nor a wound, nor a pinch, nor an ache, nor a heavy hangover , nor protracted wine drinking. One Arkhangelsk key; forever and ever, amen.

Prayer - a talisman against drinking
This amulet will help if a person prone to alcoholism goes to a place where there is a risk of getting drunk. The amulet will keep him from abusing alcohol. A prayer for drunkenness is written on paper and placed in clothes: you can just put it in your pocket, but it’s better to sew it into clothes:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Living God, in the name of all His saints, I speak, I conjure you: wherever you, (name), go, my word will be with you everywhere, and my word is a high wall, strong gates, I lock, I lock your cursed thirst, I turn you away from green wine, from intoxicated mash, from vodka, from tincture, from beer, from bitter honey.
Sinners drink, walk, they don’t know grief, but grief will be for the sinner, as the soul will be separated from the body. How to die sickly, sickly, so you would be sick of any hops. Amen.

Prayer from drunkenness over the sleeping
It is convenient to use this prayer if the alcoholic comes home only to sleep, is rarely at home and there is no way to give him the spoken food or drink or use other folk remedies for drunkenness.

This prayer is read by the wife over her sleeping husband:
Zarya-lightning, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen, the moon is bright, the stars are clear. Take my insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight owl!
In the middle of the night, come to the servant of God (name), even as a red maiden, even as a mother-queen, and lay down from the servant of God (name), and take away the damned power from the servant of God (name), and give Spasov's hand, Mother of God castle.
Angel of the servant of God (name), Archangel of the servant of God (name), save the heart of the servant of God (name).
I am baptized with the cross. I am protected by the cross. With the cross of an angel I call, with the cross of the evil one I drive away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hops and wine. Depart from the servant of God (name) into dark forests where people do not walk, and horses do not roam, and birds do not fly. Amen.

Prayer to the icon "INEXCEPTIONAL BOWL"
The Inexhaustible Chalice icon has helped many people get rid of drunkenness. In front of her, special prayers are performed in churches for healing from drunkenness. If you yourself suffer from alcoholism and want to be healed, sincerely repent of your sin before God

determined not to give up. It is desirable for a baptized person to confess and receive communion. If a person close to you suffers from alcoholism, but is not going to be treated, pray for him, light candles. The key here is faith. When a person sincerely, with all his heart, turns to the Most Holy Theotokos and asks for help in front of the miraculous icon "Inexhaustible Chalice", then She will hear and help.

Here is the text of the prayer:
“O most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the grave disease of drunkenness of the obsessed, and for the sake of his mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of falling away brothers and sisters and our relatives, heal. O merciful Magi of God, touch their hearts and soon restore them from sinful falls, bring them to saving abstinence. Beg your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, wives, weeping for their husbands, orphans and the wretched who have gone astray, and all of us who fall to Your icon. And may this cry of ours come with your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from crafty trapping and all the machinations of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to go through unswervingly aerial ordeals, with Your prayers deliver us eternal condemnation, may God's mercy cover us forever and ever. Amen".

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Words backed by faith can work wonders. They can forever destroy the life of another person, but they can also help when the situation has become hopeless. Very often a woman who is tired of her husband's alcoholism finds consolation in this: sometimes in the words of prayer, sometimes in magic conspiracies. The fight against alcohol addiction with rituals and conspiracies has always been popular, and in modern world this popularity began to rise in waves again.

Everything has to be done right

Three main conditions for the successful conduct of a conspiracy against alcohol addiction:

  1. Right timing. The plot should be read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for maximum effect- with a full moon or a month beginning to wane.
  2. Firm self-confidence. A person who reads prayers or makes conspiracies must be 100% sure that this tool will help the first time. Only faith in a positive result will help save a husband from alcoholism.
  3. Secret mode. That the wife drinking man decided to read a conspiracy against the harmful addiction of a spouse, no one should know, neither before the ritual, nor after its successful completion.

An important rule of conspiracy is seriousness. Can't read prayers or ask higher power about help just in case (“what if it works out”). Reading conspiracies and prayers is recommended only after careful “preparation”, starting at least with excommunication from the house of drinking buddies. Only a serious approach to business and a clear understanding of what will happen can guarantee a result.

From the simplest

There are a huge number of ways to find the most effective and powerful conspiracy. Another thing is that not everyone is recommended to trust. Most simple conspiracies- for water and food, since at home it is easiest to work with this “material”.

An easy way is to conspire on water:

  1. It is necessary to take water from a spring or well (in extreme cases - from the tap, but first stand in the dark for a week) water.
  2. Above the water, you should read the corresponding plot.
  3. On charmed water, you can cook for drinking husband tea or coffee, you can give to drink just like that. Important: you should drink all the charged water.

The food conspiracy is even simpler: you can take any food that will then be served to a person and read over it the right words conspiracy, and then make sure that the food is eaten all without a trace.

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Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

A simple fish plot is effective:

  1. Take two glasses - empty and with an alcohol-containing drink, fresh fish, a knife.
  2. You need to open the fish with a knife, extract bile and dip your finger twenty times alternately in it, then in the drink, reading the words of the conspiracy.
  3. The charmed drink should be added drop by drop to the husband’s drinks, after which the craving for alcohol will begin to pass.

to more complex

The conspiracy of the healer Vanga is considered more serious and complex.

  1. In any month, on the 19th, you must take a clean spring water and pour it into a glass container.
  2. Above the water, you need to read the healer's conspiracy, then say "Amen" three times and spit three times over your left shoulder.
  3. Water, spoken in this way, should be added to drinks or food, it can even be sprinkled on a person.

In addition to the conspiracy, Vanga's recommendation is a special herbal decoction made from wormwood and thyme (80 gr each). Herbs should be chopped, mixed, take 20 gr. mixture, pour clean water (500 ml.) And simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Infused for an hour, this decoction is filtered and given to a person to drink 100 ml three times a day. A month later, a set of measures “conspiracy plus decoction” will help rid the alcoholic of craving for alcohol.

Miscellaneous differences

You can get rid of alcoholism by conspiracies for a variety of things. The ritual is carried out over everything: from a towel, with which a person must dry himself for a week after the ritual, to a photograph on which a slander is “recited” by candlelight. You can speak any thing - a tie, a button, a keychain:

  1. Take a thing, wipe it with holy water - to clean the object from the negative accumulated during the use of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Place the object to be ritualized in a saucer of water.
  3. Light a candle, drain the first drops of wax on the sides of the saucer, drip the rest on the thing and read the plot.

After the ritual, the charmed thing should be cleaned of wax and returned to the owner. The conspiracy will take effect immediately after the alcoholic touches her.

The ritual over a photograph has always been considered the most powerful (a woman reading a plot works with an aura imprint or a trace of energy), although not the most difficult. It should be done after sunset.

  1. It is necessary to take a photo and three church white candles.
  2. In an empty room, you need to put candles in a row, set fire to it, put a photograph in front, then sprinkle it with holy water.
  3. After reading the corresponding plot three times, you can remove the picture to where no one will find it.

Improvements will come within the first week, and to consolidate the result, it is recommended to repeat the “session” in a month.

What to Expect

Experts say that all conspiracies and rituals aimed at curing alcoholism belong to the so-called white magic, which, by definition, cannot harm either the woman using the technique or the man who is being helped. Serious consequences after such manipulations should not be feared. On the part of the health of an alcoholic, one should expect the usual reactions of a physiological and psychological plan, which are also characteristic of the rehabilitation period after traditional anti-alcohol therapy.

After successful conspiracies especially high is the likelihood that a former drunk will experience discomfort associated with the weaning of the body from artificial stimulation by the components of alcohol, which can lead to the need for medical care or traditional medicines.

Better to trust the experts

Every woman can independently conduct any conspiracy against alcohol. However, it is better to entrust such an important and costly energy point view of the event to specialists. More energy potential, stronger willpower, self-confidence - all this helps professionals to noticeably influence the situation for the better.

Turning to professional healers, it is worth remembering some rules:

  • you need to take with you photos of the drinking person and some of his things;
  • on the way to the session, as well as on the way home, you can’t talk to anyone;
  • to enhance the effect of a specialist, it is better to visit more than once;
  • after completing the treatment of an alcoholic, everything that would remind of addiction should be removed from the house;
  • it is extremely important to believe that the conspiracy will be effective, that it will help the drunkard, because for the most part all the “magic” of the rituals is associated with the woman’s sincere desire to rescue her spouse from the trap of alcoholism.

It does not matter what remedy will be used - whispering over water, Vanga's recipe or a conspiracy over a photograph. Words can help in the fight against alcohol cravings, but only if backed up by faith and a certain “baggage” of knowledge. If people believe in a positive outcome of their actions, any ritual will be effective. And, of course, do not forget that alcoholism is also a medical problem, so a person after healing may need support with traditional medicines or funds generously provided by traditional medicine.