What not to do on Easter: six prohibitions during Easter week. What not to do for Easter - signs

What should you absolutely not do on Easter?

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events that take place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

Among the people there were many signs and beliefs for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You can’t study on Easter homework- cleaning, sewing, knitting. Give your full attention to God and your family.

2. On Easter Day and during Easter week you should not be sad or cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about spiritual things.

4. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter; this is what Memorial Week is for.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and will accept.

To ensure harmony in your home and success in business, get a talisman or talisman.

Husband and wife should have breakfast at Easter Sunday hit the colored eggs against each other; the one whose egg does not break will be the “head” of the family all year.

Whichever neighbor is the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking your fast, pour water into a basin, dip the blessed dye into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the dye over your face - this will bring beauty and get rid of skin diseases.

And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins.

They roll an egg over children's faces - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

If unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to quietly whisper: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

It has long been customary on Easter to leave the house with an egg and, meeting friends, fight with paints. Whose remains intact after the blow will be healthy and happy all year.

You can’t do any housework on Easter, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

And the main belief: on Easter God hears all our prayers and helps us fulfill our desires! Let us wish ourselves and our loved ones peace, health and love!

There was a belief that water collected from a spring on Easter night or during Matins had a special power comparable to the power of holy water. I just had to bring it home without saying a word on the way. To achieve happiness and prosperity, they sprinkled houses and barns with this “silent” water.

A husband and wife should not celebrate Christ on Easter, so as not to be separated, so says folk sign for Easter.

There are also Easter signs for girls associated with Easter. If your lips itch during Easter week, a kiss is inevitable; I hurt my elbow - my dear remembered; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. Go to church early in the morning and dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

If you are constantly experiencing difficulties with money, be sure to give a coin to a beggar at Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

And so that there is peace and harmony in the family and no one quarrels with each other, the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were blessed in the church.

First Easter Egg It is customary to divide into several parts according to the number of family members. Such joint eating of one egg, according to popular belief, strengthens the family and preserves friendly relations and love for each other.

In many places it was believed that if on Easter night or during Matins you go to a spring, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water would acquire special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Such “silent” water was sprinkled on houses and barns for happiness and well-being, washed with it for health, etc.


Our ancestors firmly believed that the events that take place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

Among the people there were many signs and beliefs for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You cannot do housework on Easter - cleaning, sewing, knitting. Give your full attention to God and your family.

2. On Easter Day and during Easter week you should not be sad or cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about spiritual things.

4. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter; this is what Memorial Week is for.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

✔ To ensure harmony in your home and success in business, get a talisman or talisman.

✔ A husband and wife must hit colored eggs against each other at breakfast on Easter Sunday; the one whose egg does not break will be the “head” of the family all year.

✔ Whichever neighbor is the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

✔ If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into a basin, dip the blessed dye into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the dye over your face - this will bring beauty and get rid of skin diseases.

✔ And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water with the egg.

✔ They roll an egg over children's faces - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

✔ If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to quietly whisper: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

✔ It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting friends, fight with paints. Whose remains intact after the blow will be healthy and happy all year.

✔ You can’t do any homework on Easter, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

✔ And the main belief: on Easter God hears all our prayers and helps us fulfill our desires! Let us wish ourselves and our loved ones peace, health and love!

✔ There was a belief that water collected from a spring on Easter night or during matins had a special power comparable to the power of holy water. I just had to bring it home without saying a word on the way. To achieve happiness and prosperity, they sprinkled houses and barns with this “silent” water.

✔ A husband and wife should not celebrate Christ on Easter, so as not to be separated, as a popular sign for Easter says.

✔ There are also signs for Easter for girls related to Easter. If your lips itch during Easter week, a kiss is inevitable; I hurt my elbow - my dear remembered; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

✔ There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. Go to church early in the morning and dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

✔ If you are constantly experiencing difficulties with money, be sure to give a coin to a beggar on Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

✔ And in order for there to be peace, harmony in the family and no one quarreling among themselves, the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

✔ The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, maintains friendly relations and love for each other.

✔ In many places it was believed that if on Easter night or during matins you go to a spring, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water would acquire special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Such “silent” water was sprinkled on houses and barns for happiness and well-being, washed with it for health, etc.


Easter beliefs, what you can and cannot do on Easter.

Over the long existence of the holiday, it has managed to gather a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Easter is incredibly important and large-scale religious holiday, whose history goes deep into the past. Over such a long existence of the holiday, it has managed to gather around itself a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Basic traditions

TO Orthodox Easter They prepare for seven weeks, which are also called Weeks and are accompanied by Great Lent. This is exactly how much time, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ spent in the desert.

The last week before Easter is the most solemn and is marked by many ancient traditions. It is called Holy Week or Great Week. Each day of this week is different in some way, but the most important are: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

This Thursday is called Clean Thursday, first of all, because all Orthodox Christians strive to cleanse themselves spiritually and be ready to accept the sacrament established by Christ. Symbolic and spiritual purity is manifested through physical purity. This is also related to long-standing Slavic traditions bathing, which existed back in pagan times. On Maundy Thursday it was distributed folk custom cleansing with water in an ice hole, lake, river or bathhouse from head to toe. Bathing had to be in nature and lasted all night until sunrise. Nowadays, most Orthodox Christians limit themselves to more comfortable washing of the house and mandatory cleaning inside and out.

On Good Friday, the shroud (the symbolic cloth in which the body of Christ was wrapped after being taken down from the cross) is traditionally taken out. On this mournful day you cannot eat or have fun.

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, during services, believers bless paskas, eggs and other foods, thereby receiving permission from the church to eat non-lenten dishes.

What can and cannot be done on the day of the Resurrection of Christ?

Sunday of Great Week is a holiday, so most of the restrictions of the previous days of Holy Week are no longer valid. For those who have been fasting, you can break your fast (the first meal after the end of fasting) immediately after the Liturgy and Communion. If the Liturgy was at night, then immediately after it you can begin the festive meal.

There is no strict prohibition on cleaning the house or working. Of course, it is advisable to devote the entire day to joy and relaxation on the occasion of the great holiday, but if you need to work, you can do it.

On this day you cannot be sad, angry, gloomy or quarrel with loved ones. On the contrary, you need to congratulate people from the bottom of your heart, invite them to visit you - in a word, bring joy to your neighbor.

Easter beliefs

. On Easter “The sun is playing” and “on this day everything is merry in heaven and on earth”;
. It is not good to sleep on Easter Sunday, because “he who sleeps will sleep through his happiness”;
. On Easter everyone should have fun, because whoever is sad on this day will be sad all year;
. If someone dies on Easter, it is believed that he happy soul will go straight to the sky;
. On Easter night, all earthly treasures are revealed, they glow with lights on the earth, but only an innocent and pure child can see them;
. To the child no one whole year I couldn’t jinx it, I need to cross him with an Easter egg on Easter and say: “Just as no one ever marries this egg, so no one ever marries (child’s name).” We need to give this egg to the child to kiss.

Signs for Easter

. If on Easter the sky is clear and the sun is shining - to good harvest and red summer; if it rains, good rye;
. Like rain or bad weather on the first day of Easter, so spring will be rainy;
. If you hurt your elbow during Easter week, my dear remembers;
. If a fly falls into the cabbage soup, wait for a date;
. If your lips itch, you can’t avoid a kiss;
. If your eyebrows start to itch, you will see your loved one.

Customs for Easter

. The most famous custom, which is familiar to everyone from childhood: to the greeting “Christ is risen!”, one must answer “Truly risen!”
. On Easter, old people combed their hair and counted: how many hairs were left, how many grandchildren they would have. Also common were bathing with gold and silver, which was supposed to bring wealth and prosperity.
. Young people climbed onto the roofs of houses to greet the sun, believing in the “playing luminary on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.” The phrase “watch for the sun” referred specifically to this custom.
. Girls in Easter week They washed themselves with water from a red egg to be ruddy, and stood on an ax to become strong.
. To prevent your hands from sweating, do not take salt into your hands on Easter days.
. It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg they received relief from all diseases and misfortunes. The shells from it could not be thrown away until the very end of the holidays.

There were many more Easter signs and superstitions, but many of them have not survived to this day. And even if Easter celebrations are not so magnificent now, it is surprising that after so many centuries many traditions are still observed by a large number of people.

Easter today is not only a religious holiday, it is the cultural heritage of the people, bright and original!

Easter is one of the most favorite holidays for Christians. IN Christ's Sunday people break their fast, eat Easter cakes, and worship Christ, regardless of whether fasting was observed or not.

There are many opinions about how to properly celebrate Easter - some people organize big feasts and do not deny themselves anything on this day, while others go to church first. Folk superstitions, preserved from pagan times, are closely intertwined with true traditions Orthodox Church, so it can be very difficult to determine what is right and what is wrong.

So how to properly celebrate this holiday, what can you do on Easter and what can’t you?

What is forbidden to do on Easter

You can't work on Easter. In fact, the church does not prohibit working on this day, because many people, due to circumstances, are at their workplace on Easter. In this case, it is not considered a sin. At the same time, it is better not to do work that can be postponed until another day on Easter. You should not do household chores and chores, washing, sewing, cleaning. But again, the clergy note that there are no strict restrictions on work on Easter; at the same time, it is better to do all housework in advance, since Easter is a holiday when you need to rest.

You can't go to the cemetery. Opinions differ on this matter. On the one hand, Easter is a holiday of goodness, joy and light, in which there is no place for sorrow and sadness. This day should be spent having fun, glorifying the Resurrection of the Lord, and not grieving for departed loved ones. On the other hand, Easter is considered the “day of the dead” because on this day Jesus descended into hell and announced to the dead their salvation and freedom. So there is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on Easter. But the clergy advise remembering their deceased loved ones on a special day for this - Radonitsa, which occurs on the 9th day after Easter.

On Easter you cannot be sad, despondent and swear. Easter is a holiday of joy, so grief, sadness and despondency are prohibited. On this day, it’s time to free yourself from grievances and negative thoughts and ask God for strength and health. You should also not swear or swear.

Don't throw away leftover Easter food. As a rule, after a festive feast there are leftovers of food - Easter cakes, Easter eggs, eggs. Don't throw away everything you haven't eaten! Don't even throw it in the trash eggshells. It is customary to give all leftover food to birds or animals.

How to spend this day? Go to church, gather at the same table with your loved ones, congratulate all your friends and acquaintances, forgive insults, let go bad memories. Spend this day with kindness and joy in your heart! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2015 09:20

Catholic Easter- a bright religious holiday, which since ancient times has been considered the most important event per year. ...

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krotoffa What you should absolutely not do on Easter day. In case it suits someone...

Original taken from karina_great What you should absolutely not do on Easter Day

Our ancestors firmly believed that the events that take place on Easter are full of special divine meaning.

Among the people there were many signs and beliefs for Easter, the veracity of which was not even questioned.

1. You cannot do housework on Easter - cleaning, sewing, knitting. Give your full attention to God and your family.

2. On Easter Day and during Easter week you should not be sad or cry.

3. It is forbidden to have sex - throughout the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and think about spiritual things.

4. You cannot go to the cemetery on Easter; this is what Memorial Week is for.


The celebration of Easter in our country is associated with many folk traditions and signs.

✔ To ensure harmony in your home and success in business, get a talisman or talisman.

✔ A husband and wife must hit colored eggs against each other at breakfast on Easter Sunday; the one whose egg does not break will be the “head” of the family all year.

✔ Whichever neighbor is the first to return from the Easter service will be the luckiest.

✔ If you want to be beautiful, on Easter morning, after breaking the fast, pour water into a basin, dip the blessed dye into it, roll it around the bowl, and then wash your face with this water and roll the dye over your face - this will bring beauty and get rid of skin diseases.

✔ And if you want wealth for yourself, dip gold and silver jewelry and coins into the water with the egg.

✔ They roll an egg over children's faces - it is believed that this will protect them from the evil eye.

✔ If an unmarried girl really wants to get married, during the festive matins she needs to quietly whisper: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

✔ It has long been customary to leave the house with an egg on Easter and, meeting friends, fight with paints. Whose remains intact after the blow will be healthy and happy all year.

✔ You can’t do any homework on Easter, otherwise happiness will go away with troubles. The exception is teaching children and caring for animals.

✔ And the main belief: on Easter God hears all our prayers and helps us fulfill our desires! Let us wish ourselves and our loved ones peace, health and love!

✔ There was a belief that water collected from a spring on Easter night or during matins had a special power comparable to the power of holy water. I just had to bring it home without saying a word on the way. To achieve happiness and prosperity, they sprinkled houses and barns with this “silent” water.

✔ A husband and wife should not celebrate Christ on Easter, so as not to be separated, as a popular sign for Easter says.

✔ There are also signs for Easter for girls related to Easter. If your lips itch during Easter week, a kiss is inevitable; I hurt my elbow - my dear remembered; a fly fell into the cabbage soup - there will be a date; eyebrows itch - to meet your loved one.

✔ There is a sign for Easter to get pregnant. Go to church early in the morning and dedicate eggs and Easter cakes. And then ask God to fulfill your desire.

✔ If you are constantly experiencing difficulties with money, be sure to give a coin to a beggar on Easter - you will not know the need for the whole year.

✔ And in order for there to be peace, harmony in the family and no one quarreling among themselves, the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were consecrated in the church.

✔ The first Easter egg is usually divided into several parts according to the number of family members. Such joint eating of one egg, according to legend, strengthens the family, maintains friendly relations and love for each other.

✔ In many places it was believed that if on Easter night or during matins you go to a spring, draw water there and silently bring it home, without uttering a single word along the way, then the water would acquire special power, almost equal to the power of holy water. Such “silent” water was sprinkled on houses and barns for happiness and well-being, washed with it for health, etc.