Brief description of stones and minerals. The magic of stones, their magical properties and purpose

People have been familiar with gemstones for many centuries. They used them not only as decorations, but also as charms and amulets that protected their owner from an evil look and relieved him of ailments. Each stone requires careful attention to itself, because it has strong energy. Therefore, it is so important to understand the magical properties of stones and minerals.

The power of natural stones

In nature, there are many different natural stones, the properties of each of which are unique. Some gems have mass useful properties and are considered strong, in terms of magic. magical properties stones and minerals are great and varied. As an example, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of three popular gems.

Known a large number of versions regarding the name of agate. According to one, this stone got its name due to the translation from Greek. According to some people, they call it that because in ancient times agate was mined from the Ahates River in Sicily. Today, agate and its varieties are called sardonyx, carnelian-sardonyx, non-rachite onyx, Arabic onyx, dendritic stone, swallow, owl's eye.

The magical properties of agate were known in ancient Egypt. Then people were saved with the help of it from a thunderstorm. In Rome, people believed that by burying small balls of agate in the ground, the yield could be improved.

Depending on the color, agate can exhibit different magical powers:

Agate helps to find inner harmony and appeasement, relieving emotional and psychological stress, develop intellectual ability and improve mindfulness.

This gem is recommended for relieving internal tension, as it guarantees a sense of security and confidence. The maximum positive impact of agate can be received by people born under the signs of Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer, Libra and Gemini.

This stone is considered the patron saint of strong, determined and worthy people. Not everyone can wear it. To a greater extent, it is suitable for majestic and regal people, radiating goodness and generosity. Evil people with bad intentions and a bad conscience will not be able to cope with the bright energy of the diamond, and therefore all their lies and essence will soon be revealed.

Diamond is known for various magical manifestations, including:

The diamond symbolizes solar principle, therefore, it is best suited for people born under the element of Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who have the greatest susceptibility to the energy of this gem and have the opportunity to fully reveal its abilities and benefit.

To strengthen immunity, gain energy and manifest strong-willed qualities and creativity, such a mineral is recommended to be worn by Libra and Aquarius.

The name of this gem originates in Ancient Greece and literally means "nail", since, according to legend, onyx originated from the nails of Aphrodite.

The color of the mineral is varied, the color palette includes shades from light to dark green. Distinctive feature this stone - brown, red, black and white stripes.

This stone will help kind, sympathetic people. Its magical power is aimed at strengthening leadership qualities and developing oratory skills. The mineral promises its owner to help achieve the desired and encourage people to listen to his opinion.

Onyx gives its owner stability and confidence. It disciplines and gives motivation to achieve goals. The mineral serves as a magnet for positive energy and allows you to improve your mood and organize vigorous activity.

The main difference between this gem and others is a long period of “thinking”. Such a stone does not show its qualities immediately, it begins to actively help its owner only when he moves towards his goal and takes attempts at something new and useful.

For lazy and apathetic people, onyx will be useless..

A black mineral will be an excellent talisman for Capricorns. The stone helps to enhance their natural determination. Also, this gem will help Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. He will give them good luck not only in working, but also in romantic relationships.

In nature, there is still a huge number of precious stones, the meaning and properties of which are interesting and varied. Minerals have strong energy and affect people both positively and negatively..

In many ways, the magical and healing power of stones is determined by their color:

Precious stones are widely used as talismans and amulets. At correct use the mineral warns of the possible onset of negative events and tells you how to avoid them. Gems have the ability to darken and change color, so you need to treat the state of your amulet with special attention. It is important to carefully study the stones and the meaning of their magical properties.

This section contains detailed information about all the stones in the world. You can find out where and how stones are mined, what properties they have, both natural and healing with magic.

Few minerals can warn their owner of impending disaster. Sultanite is considered one of these magical patrons. In the case of impending negativity, the stone will simply begin to crack, breaking into pieces. The peculiarity of the mineral is that it is unnecessary to carry out any rituals over it - it is already a powerful protector.

Star sapphire is rare precious stone with a unique optical effect. The reason for the uniqueness of the mineral lies in the content of titanium dioxide crystals. Molecules bizarrely combine and form rays resembling rays. In some cases, the image is more like a pictogram, which makes the stone even more mysterious. Interestingly, the "star" may appear after jewelry processing, and at first glance, the stone will look like an ordinary sapphire.

sun stone or heliolite, named after heavenly body, at first had a more prosaic name. Geologists have enrolled it in the category of feldspars and called it oligoclase. But jewelers noticed that there are samples of the breed that are worthy of becoming precious jewelry.

White quartz is a common mineral, which in chemistry is called silicon dioxide. The crystalline composition of the mineral gives it good thermal conductivity and strength. Shades of such quartz can be both completely white and milky. Sometimes rock crystal is referred to as white quartz, but this mineral has a transparent color.

Hyacinth is a rare gemstone. It is distinguished by a diamond luster and a red-orange color of varying intensity. According to one of the legends, the mineral got its name in honor of the young man. The young man enjoyed the favor of the god Apollo. In one of the fights, he died, and drops of his blood turned into crystals of extraordinary beauty. The stone has other names: topaz, ligurium, jakinite, jargon.

Cacholong is considered a powerful talisman for pregnant women. It helps to endure and give birth to a healthy child. It's not all magical and medicinal properties Cahalong stone. This mineral holds many secrets and is of great importance for some signs of the zodiac.

We know from history that silicon was almost the very first mineral that appeared on our planet. Thanks to this stone, the development of modern civilization began, starting from the time of the Stone Age. Primitive tools were made on the basis of flint.

Bronzite is a variety of the mineral enstatite. A significant difference lies in the increased content of iron. Other impurities of the stone include magnesium. The mineral is characterized by brown and yellowish colors, sometimes with a green tint. The attractiveness of the gem lies in the heterogeneity of color with many transitions of shades and in the characteristic bronze reflection.


Since ancient times, man has been fascinated by everything unknown and mysterious. He was interested in tracking the behavior of animals, the laws of nature, he connected his feelings with the elements and the location of the planets. Over time, a reasonable person noticed that precious crystals and gems influence his behavior, mood, and sometimes well-being. Observations lasted for years and even decades. Ancient sages, sorcerers, healers and leaders got to the bottom of the deepest magical power of minerals. Amazing Facts and practical advice on the use of jewelry came to us from antiquity.
Today there is a wide range of varieties of precious and semi-precious jewelry. Scientists divide them into groups and subgroups, give names and subject them to various classifications. Researchers observe the character and behavior of each breed, noting its strength and internal energy. After all, each fossil on our planet has its own individual magical properties and only its inherent qualities.

A bit of history

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The emergence of noble breeds, according to an old Persian legend, is associated with biblical times. Pretty and bewitching fossils were created by the serpent-tempter in order to win the attention and admiration of the first representative of the fair sex - Eve. The serpent saw that the woman was admiring the variegated and colorful flowers that the Lord had created and hurried to create his aesthetically perfect creation - precious and semi-precious materials.
There is also a beautiful Avestan legend about the origin precious minerals. She tells that at the beginning of the creation of our world, the firmament was made of strong solid rock. The stone vault of heaven guarded the earth, protected it from evil. But one day, evil managed to invade the earth and split the firmament. Tons of precious gems rained down on the ground, which people still find. And to this day, these fragments of the firmament protect a person from evil, protect his happiness, good luck and health.

The Indians believed that noble materials appear where the blood of the gods fighting on the heavenly slope fell on the ground. Such droplets, touching the ground, turned into grenades and rubies. This unusual legend explains why red stones are the most popular in India, while, for example, the tribes inhabiting America liked green ones more, and in the Middle East they respected the blue color of fossils more. Speaking about the Egyptians, one should remember their astrological aspect of the teachings about the breeds. They believed that all materials are tied to certain planets, and therefore can affect the signs of the zodiac, and therefore the person himself.
The healing power of stones was discovered by man in ancient times, because we still find evidence of the worship of jewelry today. Their strength is evidenced by mythology, in which many legends and stories are told around magical rings and precious stones - talismans. The teachings and beliefs of the Egyptians have come down to us, we still feel the direct influence of decorations on signs. But over the years of observation, discovery and study of various precious jewelry and their influence on the fate of a person, stones began to be classified not only in relation to the planets, but also by birthdays, internal energy, vibrations and much, much more.
Sympathy for precious jewelry differed significantly in various eras. For example, in ancient Egypt, the beautiful Nefertiti and Cleopatra had a weakness for pearls. All the ancient Egyptians were happy to wear jewelry and talismans from rock crystal, emeralds, turquoises and amethysts. The Romans doted on sapphires and diamonds. During the opulent and opulent era of the Renaissance, bright, provocative and sparkling jewelry was preferred, such as emeralds, rubies, sapphires or various topazes.

In rococo, the diamond shone with all its facets at the peak of popularity, while in the era of romanticism, cold, strict material was replaced by “living” semi-precious minerals: chrysolites, opals, garnets, aquamarines, etc.

When precious jewelry began to heal

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Since ancient times, the healing properties of talismans have been used to enhance protective functions. human body, to raise immunity and to fight many, sometimes intractable, diseases. The use of jewelry really shows positive and sometimes even surprising results. Some believe that in order to be completely sure of the effect of a particular mineral, it is better not only to wear it as an amulet or amulet, but also to take it inside as a powder. Vedic medicine uses this method of treatment. To enhance the benefits of the powder, fresh honey is added to the drug.

For medicinal purposes, magical talismans are also used in Ayurvedic medicine.. For therapeutic purposes, coral, ruby, emerald, pearl, topaz, carbuncle, onyx and cat eye. Their medicinal properties are also mentioned in Chinese medicine. Even from the time ancient egypt The Ebers Papyrus, a kind of medical reference book, has come down to us. It describes in detail the strong magical properties of various talismans, as well as the most detailed recipes potions for various diseases, in which gems are the main ingredient.

If we talk about Slavic beliefs, then in Rus' the first recorded and extant mention of the healing effects of precious stones dates back to 1073. The "Izbornik of Svyatoslav" includes recipes for antidotes for scorpion bites and poisonous snakes, all kinds of poisons. Ever since those times, the belief has come that amethyst protects its owner from drunkenness, and pearls - strong remedy which prolongs years of life.

"Whims" of gems or what to consider when choosing a talisman

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Magical and healing properties sooner or later manifest themselves in interaction with a person. But sometimes, in order to feel the full power of the breed you have chosen, you must know certain nuances and meet the “requirements” put forward:

  1. From the stolen jewels it is impossible to achieve positive influence and pure magical power. Most likely, a mineral acquired dishonestly, on the contrary, will have a very negative impact on the fate of its criminal owner.
  2. When making a pleasant purchase, do not expect results from the purchased gems right this minute. The breed should tune in to the owner's energy, which can take a considerable amount of time. Sometimes it takes even years for a fossil to "adapt".
  3. Talismans that are donated "from the heart" or are inherited by you have a great influence.
  4. You must love a stone that you wear regularly. Make contact with him, sympathize with him. If you do not like the mineral used as an amulet, then it will not lead to anything good. At best, the magical properties of the rock will not manifest itself, at worst, the mineral will begin to negatively affect its owner.
  5. Selection of precious and semi-precious stones must be done very carefully. It is believed that the mineral should first of all match the sign of the zodiac, and then - to the name of its owner.
  6. Not the last nuance in the acquisition of semi-precious and precious stones is the "floor" of the mineral. "Female" gems will faithfully serve their mistress and will not bring any benefit to male owners. "Male" talismans will become unlucky, finding themselves on the arm or neck of a woman. Remember that all male breeds have warm shades and shine brightly, while women's mascots have a matte luster, and the tones are mostly cold.
  7. Nondescript talismans of small sizes show their magical power more strongly.
  8. Defects, cracks and cloudy parts of the mineral enhance its negative properties.

Color and its effect on humans

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It has long been noticed that both its magical power and its influence on its owner depend on the color of a fossil. It is worth noting that in India, for example, colorless minerals, despite their sometimes undeniable advantages, were valued much less than jewels and gems of bright saturated colors.

The influence of the colors of the talismans is also mentioned in Chinese medicine. Researchers present us with such a picture of the impact of the color of the breed on its owner:

  • Red gems activate a person, give him physical and emotional strength, increase resistance various diseases, as well as improve and accelerate the internal processes of the body;
  • Orange shades improve the appetite of its owner, relieve depression, uplifting.
  • Green talisman - calms and pacifies the owner, concentrates consciousness on the right things acts as a strong sedative for the heart.
  • Blue relieves spasmodic pain and acts as a relaxing agent.
  • The color blue can be intimidating and make its owner feel anxious.

The use of stones for medicinal purposes

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Today, the use of precious and semi-precious stones to prevent and get rid of ailments is gaining steady popularity. Increasingly, specialized information centers are being opened, and lithotherapy rooms are appearing. A lithotherapist is a specialist who deals with treatment and prevention using minerals and metals. Such interest in alternative medicine, unfortunately, is associated with the frequent helplessness of traditional medicine. When doctors shrug their shoulders and say the tragic: “We are unable to help,” a person has no choice but to look for any ways to recover.
Today we use the magical powers of minerals in several ways: we wear them as amulets, talismans, amulets; use for massage; use for meditation. Speaking about the use of jewelry for medicinal purposes, it will be useful to know a few interesting and useful facts:

  1. Since ancient China and Egypt came the rule to wear rings with rocks on different fingers. Here we are dealing not only with a question of taste, but also with the rules of energy.
  2. Attracting the sexual energy and attraction of the opposite sex, even the first dancers in history used a dark red stone, mainly a ruby, to pierce the navel.
  3. To better influence the work of the heart and the heart chakra, it is recommended to wear the right healing stone in a necklace.
  4. Having learned a little about the reflex points on the earlobe, you can influence various body systems with the help of gemstone earrings.
  5. It is best to wear the talisman directly in direct contact with the skin and in those areas where the focus of the disease is located.
  6. The energy forces of the gems can be affected by the mood of the patient himself. A mineral can lose its strength if the patient is very sick, unwilling to take treatment, or too weak-willed.

During massage, the talisman can be used as a “recharge” for ointments and lotions. To do this, it will be enough for you to hold in the right tool your mineral, and the magical properties of the ointment or cream will definitely increase.

A specific massage performed directly with stones is also popular today - stone therapy. For this, large smooth minerals are used, which are laid out in a certain sequence in the right places.

Products made of stone have been companions of man since antiquity. Houses are built from them, furniture and interior items, exclusive decorations are made. The magic of stones is understandable only to those who believe in it. Precious items can not only decorate with themselves, but also cure the disease, bring success and prosperity to the house. There is even a certain direction in Tibetan medicine - lithotherapy.

For more than one century, people have studied the magical power of stones. It was found how each mineral affects the fate and health of a person. It is very important to choose the right amulet so that it really benefits, and not vice versa. You can classify them as follows, depending on the sphere of influence:

  • talismans from troubles, dark forces (rubies, emeralds and sapphires);
  • amulets that help in amorous affairs and attract good luck (jasper, citrine, quartz);
  • for wealth and prosperity (all green shades of stones, emerald, beryl, aventurine are best);
  • healing amulets;
  • energy minerals for rituals, divination.

Influence of form on magical properties

Of great importance is how to wear magic stones. Some should be worn in secret, while others only work if they are visible. So, the rings must be worn on a certain finger of the hand in order to achieve the desired goal. The left palm is responsible for psycho emotional condition, and the right one is for influence environment. The little finger is responsible for mental activity, the ring on it helps to attract wealth, the ring finger symbolizes family and love, the middle finger increases self-esteem, the index finger increases influence and control of people, the big one helps to seduce.

Brooches and hairpins increase the bioenergetic field. Stones of yellow shades, encrusted in a piece of jewelry, attract fame, while transparent and blue minerals contribute to improvement. mental capacity. Earrings, beads, pendants are responsible for the material side of life (orange colors) and Creative skills(pink and green shades). Bracelets are multifunctional amulets, and their properties depend only on the selected stone.

In addition to decorations, figurines and objects are placed in the house, the purpose of which also depends on the shape and mineral composition. In addition, it is important to properly charge the stone. It is impossible to allow the contact of the amulet with other people's hands, so as not to pollute the energy. Needs to be cleaned periodically from negative energy , for which you lower the mineral into salt water and move candles over it.

The effect of color on human health

The magical properties of stones and minerals have different meaning depending on their color:

Characteristics of the most popular minerals

When choosing an amulet, you need to trust your intuition, there are times when a stone attracts you, and sometimes the situation is just the opposite. Need to feel your stone then he will certainly help.

Most wanted gems

Jewelry with a precious stone will decorate even the simplest and most unassuming outfit. Many owners of such values ​​\u200b\u200bare not even aware that such stones and their significance of magical properties largely determine fate and help decide impossible tasks. Here short description their magical abilities and appearance:

Semi-precious stones and minerals

Despite their relatively low cost, semi-precious stones and minerals, their properties in all areas are no less. And they also look amazing in any jewelry and are powerful amulets for their owner. Here are the characteristics of some of them:

  1. Aventurine is a variety of quartz with shimmering inclusions of other minerals. Considered a patron gambling and accompanies good luck, but its constant use makes the owner irresponsible. The yellow shade of the mineral attracts money and good luck, brown heals skin diseases, pink helps in love affairs, green will bring harmony. The rarest variety - a stone with golden splashes, brings happiness.
  2. Agate consists of multi-colored curls of chalcedony. Affects the mental side of life - normalizes sleep, gives self-confidence. It is believed that agate helps in the treatment of severe chronic diseases. Sometimes the most different colors and shades. Yes, blue - stimulates brain activity, pink - develops willpower, eyed - protects from the evil eye, green - eliminates negative impacts, and black is used in magical rituals.
  3. Aquamarine is a type of beryl. This mineral protects travelers on the road, helps to make friends. It is useful for the liver, stomach, reduces toothache. Recommends wearing only daytime days. All varieties of beryl absorb well positive energy and will certainly hand it over to its owner.
  4. Amazonite is the talisman of home and family. This subspecies of feldspar has a bluish color with silver veins. Helps maintain harmony in relationships and avoid quarrels. Massage with this stone helps in the treatment of joint diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, relieves swelling and helps prevent varicose veins vessels. It has long been believed that it restores vigor and prolongs youth.
  5. Amethyst is the most valuable variety of quartz. It has a purple color (from light to almost black). The magical properties of this mineral help restore peace, inspire creativity, and relieve nightmares. Used for medicinal purposes in endocrine diseases, stress and depression, restores hormonal background organism. The cut must be made of silver or not at all, so that the magical properties do not disappear.
  6. Turquoise is a blue beautiful mineral, very often used in jewelry. In addition to its attractive appearance, it is an indicator of human health - if it fades, then it should be recharged (it absorbed a large amount negative energy from the owner) and diagnose the organism.
  7. Rock crystal is a type of quartz, sometimes referred to as an Arabic diamond. The uniqueness of this mineral lies in the fact that it balances the emotional state, prevents the adoption of impulsive rash acts. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, if the throat is sore. For this amulet, a charge of positive emotions is important.
  8. Pomegranate in color resembles a fruit, which is why it is named so. A stone of saturated dark red color contributes to the disclosure of organizational and managerial qualities, allows you to recognize lies. It has analgesic properties, it is enough to attach it to a sore spot and it accumulates pain. Its magical properties will manifest itself only in a decent and highly moral person.
  9. Onyx is a mineral color scheme from green to brown shades with parallel veins. Dishes, caskets, figurines and other products from this magic stone filled with positive energy will help logical thinking and enhance the leadership qualities of its owner. Used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. This talisman is credited with mystical properties that allow you to control the elements.
  10. Opal is probably the most exciting and mesmerizing stone with its beauty. A variety of colors and shades, inside it creates a unique accumulation of light. This is a universal amulet, restores peace of mind, protects against colds, patronizes lovers and punishes infidels. It is believed that black opal helps to reveal the gift of foresight, and white, almost transparent, helps to reveal talents. The royal mineral, stunning in its appearance, with a mosaic ornament helps to learn all the secrets.
  11. Amber, in principle, is not a mineral, but just an indescribably beautiful frozen resin of trees. But he, along with stones, brings joy and peace to life. Such an amulet inspires optimism in its owner, gives confidence. And wearing a charm with jasper during pregnancy is a guarantee of a good and friendly disposition for a future person. Since ancient times, talismans with this stone have helped with headaches, thyroid diseases, and tumors.

Zodiac signs and stones

The magic of stones and minerals, the magical properties of amulets are also selected depending on the sign of the zodiac. So , magazines and books on astrology recommend choosing amulets as follows, so that they bring good luck and happiness:

When choosing a stone, you need to be guided not only by its appearance, but also by your intuition. And also to believe that he will help in life and do not forget to restore his energy. Skeptics deny the magical and healing influence of stones, but the thousand-year experience of mankind proves the opposite.

Attention, only TODAY!

Jewelry stones talismans have a wide variety. Almost every stone has its own meaning, and among the huge number of varieties you can even find inexpensive options to create jewelry and amulets.

In the article:

The magical meaning of jewelry stones is a whole science that has passed through millennia. Despite the huge number of varieties, most in one form or another was known to people in antiquity. Our ancestors had a habit of noticing even the smallest details, systematizing them and understanding the impact of each thing on a person and others.

Jewelry stones, due to their rarity and beauty, became objects of much more close attention. At the same time, it cannot be said that expensive jewelry are stronger than cheap and common - each stone has its own characteristics.

Do not assume that only jewelry is suitable as talismans. There are separate magical meanings ornamental stones And jewelry and ornamental, which allows you to really open wide range opportunities for every person.


Aquamarine is a clear, aquamarine stone often found in jewelry stores. It is easy to buy jewelry with it in any region of the country.

Aquamarine amulets are ideal for sailors. They will protect you while swimming and remind you of your family. In addition, a talisman with such a sea mineral will help to find out the truth about the events taking place around. This is a stone of those who wish to skillfully balance between the emotional and rational mindset.

Aquamarine blocks thoughts of breaking laws - both human and magical. With it, you can find out if you are going to be deceived. The mineral also helps those who quit smoking, drinking and using drugs. You will gain courage, courage and self-confidence. Aquamarine is well suited for travel (especially marine) and those whose work is related to science and research.


A fragile stone that changes color depending on the lighting will help you learn in advance about future troubles. In ancient times, alexandrite was considered a stone of prophecy, so it can serve as a good talisman for fortune-tellers and those who wish to develop their intuition. But it helps and does not harm only people who have willpower.

The mineral can subjugate weak-willed people and constantly get into trouble. But if you pass the tests of alexandrite with honor, he will reward you with well-deserved success in any endeavor.

This mineral can make you more reasonable and balanced. If you lack these qualities, choose it to create an amulet. But wearing one stone is undesirable, pick up a set of jewelry.


A diamond, or diamond, is one of the most expensive stones in the world. It differs from the rest not only in cost, but also in durability. Jewelry with a diamond is the dream of every girl, but few people know that a very strong amulet can be made from it.

For it to work, the mineral must be taken without someone's advice and bought without trying to drop the price. Greatest Strength encased in diamonds handed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. These stones are very popular for creating tribal talismans, but they can lose their power if an inveterate sinner wears the amulet.

Diamonds help restore youth and health, enhance hearing and vision. They protect against the attack of animals, witchcraft and evil forces. If you want to gain confidence, courage and luck, choose a diamond as an amulet. Spiritual development is what its owner always strives for.


Amethyst is most often colored in all shades of purple. Its translation from ancient Greek means "sober", so it is believed that the amethyst talisman is needed for those who quit drinking or want to get drunk less for festive table and not have alcohol-related problems.

Amethyst was often worn by widows as a sign eternal love to the deceased spouse, since this mineral symbolizes pure love, fidelity and devotion. An amulet from it will protect your relationship from quarrels and betrayals. The ancient Sumerians believed that amethyst could cause love feelings for the giver of this stone, which makes it good option for a gift to your loved one, which will always remind him of you.

If you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time, choose an amethyst charm. Sometimes it even helps infertile women.

The setting in which you place the amethyst matters. Silver will contribute to the establishment of friendly and business contacts, and gold will give energy balance and harmony in everything. Magicians appreciate amethyst for its ability to develop the inner, hidden abilities of people and help in gaining wisdom.


Ametrine is polychrome and combines citrine and amethyst in its composition. But by combining two stones that have different meaning in magic this mineral used for completely different purposes.

It is a symbol of peace, balance and harmony. Medieval courtiers made charms from ametrine, which allowed them to achieve the location of superior persons. This is true even today, because a lot can depend on the attitude of the authorities. At the same time, the stone protects against any violence and coercion, helps to resolve any conflict not only with others, but also with oneself.

Ametrine was valued by magicians and alchemists of all times and peoples. The ancient Indians, with its help, turned to the gods in order to avoid bloody battles and resolve the conflict between the tribes of the world. Ametrine is a stone to end war. He calmed and disposed to communicate with medieval sorcerers of spirits, which they also called with the help of this mineral. Currently, ametrine is used to develop psychic abilities. Good amulets are obtained from it for prophetic dreams, which usually take their place near the head of the bed.

It is believed that ametrine is bad, as it increases fears and can cause constant anxiety.


This ornamental semi-precious stone most often has a blue color, but there are minerals with greenish, brown, gray and even olive hues. It is difficult to find a person who would not know about this stone.

It is believed that turquoise amulets bring happiness to their owners and are able to warn of trouble by changing color. They bring peace, help calmly resolve conflicts and convince anyone to change their anger to mercy. In addition, amulets are made of turquoise for the fidelity of a husband.

Turquoise brings victory, helps you advance in your career, especially if you are a politician. But, at the same time, the stone does not treat those who are unclean with intentions. Do not violate moral principles, and then your turquoise amulet will work for you, and not against.


There are many varieties of beryl, and all of them can have a variety of colors - from azure to blue-black, yellow and greenish.

In the distant past, amulets were made from this mineral to preserve the family, peace and love between spouses, as well as parents and children, fidelity and mutual understanding. Beryl will save your home from negative energy and guests who come to you with malicious intent.

The stone is very good quality. It helps to avoid financial losses in business, dismissal and will help not to bring conflicts with management, colleagues and those to whom you owe money. Beryl is useful in litigation, but he will only protect you if you are trying to defend yourself, and not get a profit. In addition, the amulet will help you save life and health in case of danger.

This mineral will also make a good one, students who pass exams or enter higher educational institution, research staff(especially philosophers).


This stone is often referred to as the Brazilian emerald. He has green color, not always uniform. Verdelites of other colors do not exist.

Verdelite is a stone of harmony. It will help you to better understand your body and the world around you, to feel what harmony with nature is. Of course, he will not teach you how to talk to animals, but he can be a translator between the outside world and you. This mineral will correct your shortcomings - both external and internal, endow you with noble qualities and improve your health.

It should not be worn by those who harm nature. If you are a poacher or lumberjack, you cannot use verdelite. The stone does not punish those who hunt solely for subsistence, fish legally, humanely kill livestock in order to eat them, etc.

Verdelite is ideal for creating a talisman for a person who is associated with the protection of nature, its study - both scientific and magical. These are herbalists, huntsmen, veterinarians, biologists and some other specialists.


Another name for the mineral is black jasper, and, accordingly, it has a black color. There are many legends about the origin of its name.

The stone was dedicated to many female deities and their various guises. Gagat is the stone of the Mother Goddess and natural forces. It absorbs all the negativity that is created by enemies or the owner of the jet amulet himself.

The mineral gives help in getting rid of cowardice and indecision, favors those who seek to gain knowledge, develop their minds. But those who are too bold and confident, he can make reckless and overconfident.

The stone will help you to know when you are being deceived, to recognize lies without mistakes. It is believed that the Mother Goddess has enclosed in him the power that helps to give birth with little or no pain and other problems. But, at the same time, pregnant women cannot wear jet, it threatens with a miscarriage. Make him a talisman that you will wear only in the maternity ward. This mineral also helps after childbirth, for example, drives away postpartum depression and others psychological problems, helps a woman quickly adapt to changes in life.


Hyacinth is not only a flower, but also a stone. It is painted in warm colors, has high strength and diamond luster. It used to be believed that it was connected with God, and the walls of Heavenly Jerusalem were decorated with it. The Indians believed in the connection of the hyacinth with the legendary dragon, causing solar and lunar eclipses.

This is the amulet of those who go on a long journey. If you often travel on business trips, travel a lot or research something in distant countries, feel free to choose this mineral. It will protect you from attacks by evil people and other unpleasant incidents, diseases on the way (but vaccinations are still necessary, you can’t rely only on stones) and even from stomach problems, unaccustomed to foreign food.

But the help of hyacinth is dangerous and brings misfortune in love. Jewelry from it can even destroy a family. Be careful with this amulet.


This stone can be not only red, as is commonly believed, but also black and even green. But the green variety is called uvarovite, and it will be discussed below.

The grenade needs a strong-willed owner, distinguished by poise and confidence. It gives its owner power over people. You can easily find an approach to any person and get what you want. Pomegranate will reward you with cheerfulness, optimism and inexhaustible energy. With the help of such a talisman, you can get rid of bad thoughts and harmful ideas. If you consider yourself unemotional, wear a pomegranate.

In addition, this mineral has always been considered a stone of love. He will help you find, win and keep long years the right person for you. Pomegranate jewelry will ignite passion and make you remember feelings even after several decades of marriage.

In the Middle Ages, the pomegranate was exclusively a male amulet. He protected the soldiers from injury, injury and helped to get out of any unpleasant situation, even from enemy captivity.


The cost of this stone can sometimes exceed the price of a diamond if the shade of the emerald is dark enough. Its magical properties were valued even in the times of Rus'.

It is believed that an emerald can save a person from all evil inclinations - the desire to commit crimes, cheat on a spouse, deceive. But it is also suitable for those who are not endowed with such vices. It brings good luck, protects from damage both to the person himself and to his house.

Emerald is a good family amulet. It protects from quarrels, betrayals, helps to conceive, give birth successfully and properly raise a child. Good as an amulet for a nursing mother, helps in creativity.

In magic, this stone is used to communicate with the dead and contacts with other worlds and higher powers. An excellent talisman for those who practice astral travel. It will not only help to achieve success in this, but also protect against possible consequences.


This is a little-known mineral that has a blue or purple color. It is called the peace stone.

It can protect any family from scandals, quarrels and even minor disagreements. If discord reigns in your family, make an amulet of iolite stone. In addition, he kindles passion and love, protects from betrayal.

Iolite protects from slander, envy and intrigues of enemies. In addition, it will help you avoid conflicts at work and evoke only positive emotions in people in public places, for example, in public transport.

Moon rock

As you might guess Moonstone associated with the Moon and its power and can be used in appropriate rituals. It can also help to find love and keep peace in the family. At the same time, the moonstone reduces carnal feelings and contributes to the appearance of only high feelings.

Selenite, as this stone is also called, will correct your emotions, removing all evil. It relieves aggression and helps to resolve conflicts peacefully. Also, the moonstone will reveal your hidden talents and abilities. If your imagination needs nourishment, and fantasy seems unacceptably poor, choose a moonstone as a talisman stone.

It also has a good effect on meditation, helping to find balance and harmony within oneself. You will find harmony in all other areas of your life.

You have to be very careful with black opals. There is a high probability that an amulet made of such a mineral will strengthen all your evil inclinations if your will is not strong enough. The careless use of black opal leads to a passion for debauchery and the appearance of bad habits, best case scenario. This stone enhances spellcasting abilities when set in gold.


Opal is very beautiful stone, which may look like any other, or, on the contrary, have a bright, multi-colored color characteristic only for opals. However, the background color can only be white or black. It's hard to see in a photo, but when you hold the stone in your hands, it will be much easier to determine its color.

During times, protective amulets were made from opals from damage, evil eye and evil spirits. Protects such a talisman from death in natural disasters and theft.

White opals, except protective properties, can also enhance all positive character traits and inclinations. It will help you connect with the people around you and good spirits. It is believed that the talisman of white opal is the best choice for a healer or physician.


This bright red mineral is common in Russia and other countries. Rhodolite is one of the varieties of pyrope, which has a more pinkish tint and has properties similar to it.

It is believed that pyrope brings good luck in love affairs. Moreover, he can help both create a family, and simply look more attractive to the opposite sex. He guards love relationship from quarrels and betrayals and helps to maintain passion for many years of a happy marriage.

It is also recommended to wear pyrope for those who need extra energy. At the same time, the mineral loves active people and tries to make them happy, and will also strive to fill with energy those who do not have the strength to manifest their favorite talismans of qualities.

Pyrope perfectly protects not only from black magic and negative witchcraft influences, but also from the harmful effects of the energy of a large metropolis. Therefore, it is shown to be worn not only by those in love and suffering from a lack of vitality but also for those who live in big cities. However, this stone is very strong, and it is not worth wearing it continuously.


The color of rubellite is similar to that of a solution of potassium permanganate. This is not surprising, because this mineral contains manganese in its composition.

Like most stones of this color, rubellite is used to create talismans of love, revealing talents, creativity and good intentions. With it, you can love yourself, gain confidence and discover in yourself creative potential. Rubellite attracts inspiration, makes it more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and helps to find family happiness.

With the help of rubellite, you can revive your relationship with your husband if you have been married for a very long time. The stone drives away all fears and gives courage. It will be easy for creative people with such a talisman to succeed and gain fame.


Jewelry with this stone strengthens the character of the one who wears it, gives confidence, helps to make the right decisions. Rubies make women attractive and charming. Wearing rubies will provide an influx of additional vital energy, longevity and good health.

The amulet made of ruby ​​jewelry will well protect you from any manifestations of black magic and evil spirits. It is believed that this mineral helps to recognize secret enemies and their intentions.

It saves from injury and protects mortal danger soldiers, rescuers, miners and representatives of other professions that are associated with a risk to life.


In ancient times, sapphire was called the stone of nuns, as it symbolizes purity of conscience, chastity and truthfulness. This is a stone of modesty, which does not allow its owner to be deceived, provided that he is also honest with others.

Amulets made of sapphire not only protect against lies and the use of any violence, but also bring happiness in marriage and help to know the world around. It enhances attractiveness, but does not contribute to multiple love affairs. With the help of sapphire, you can determine the goal and achieve it, it will give wisdom, peace and confidence.

Contemplation, a philosophical outlook on life and the purification of thoughts from unnecessary thoughts and emotions - this is what a sapphire talisman can bring into your life. It is well suited to cultural figures, historians, philosophers and those who study the humanities.


A pleasant blue color stone is often used to create magical items and talismans. It is considered a symbol of luxury, beautiful life and true love. It is well suited to those who wish to achieve a strong financial position and no less strong family ties based on love and affection.

Tanzanite does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards love. If its owner is distinguished by such a character trait, then he will not see success in finance and career. But when the goal is to create a happy and wealthy family, such an amulet is ideal for you.

A family that is protected by a tanzanite amulet will always live in peace and understanding. Your home will be cozy and not the worst in the area. Tanzanite makes women sexy, attractive and attention-grabbing.


The interpretation of the meaning of topaz in magic may depend on the color of the crystal, but in general it is considered a stone of wisdom, attractiveness, enlightenment and friendship.

If you wear topaz, friends will not leave you, you can become a more confident and interesting person for the opposite sex. The stone is good for businessmen and careerists, scientists and those who travel often.

Golden topaz helps to see the essence and gain enlightenment. Pink minerals of this group bring back hope and desire to live. Topaz helps to overcome obstacles without loss and gives strength in difficult times.


This unusual one appearance the mineral attracted the attention of people hundreds of years ago. Tourmaline can look like a slice of watermelon, even a small piece can be tinted pink and green. There are tourmalines and other colors.

Black tourmalines, with or without inclusions, are considered ideal amulets for practicing magicians. They will help you find your way, strengthen your abilities, see the essence of what is happening and protect you from negativity and the forces of evil.

Green tourmalines are worn by creative people to enhance talent and make inspiration a constant companion. If you are going to discover any ability in yourself, choose such an amulet.

Red and pinkish tourmalines also have a positive effect on creative natures. They can energize you when you need it. But wearing tourmaline too often is undesirable, it can lead to mental problems.


Catherine II loved to wear jewelry with uvarovite, so the mineral, similar in color to emerald, was called the imperial stone.

In the past, it was believed that uvarovite was able to evoke passion and love. Pieces of this stone were sewn into a pillow to adjust sex life in marriage, and gave to lovers, and also worn in order to become more attractive.

Uvarovite is also used as a home talisman, it can protect against theft, fire and other disasters. Attracts profit, but does not bring happiness to scammers and thieves. Uvarovit welcomes honesty, generosity and devotion to close people and wants to see these qualities in his owner. Therefore, it protects against deceit and fraud, and also helps to awaken intuition and develop intellectual abilities.


Chrysoprase has a green color and was considered a stone of success in ancient times. Currently, it is used to create amulets when embarking on some new undertaking. From them are obtained great helpers inventors.

Chrysoprase loves restless people who follow an atypical path and have extraordinary character traits and hobbies, a craving for changing places. Good amulets from it are obtained from businessmen, merchants and those whose work is related to advertising.

Chrysoprase does not like selfish and suspicious people who do not keep their word. But he can protect people of honor from damage, the evil eye and any troubles, help to find friends and make useful contacts.


Citrine is a bright yellow or orange variety of transparent quartz semi-precious stones. It has a very narrow interpretation, it is a stone of lies and deceit.

It is used to create talismans by those who earn their bread by any kind of fraud or theft. Such talismans attract monetary luck, help to deceive and develop intuition, saving a representative of the criminal profession from being taken into custody and from attempts to deceive other scammers.

Also, often this stone can help if your business is associated with constant risks, or if you have to use deceit and dishonest methods on duty.


This variegated pink-violet-green stone is easy to find in stores and is quite popular.