How to put protection on a child from the evil eye. Rite of maternal protection on a red scarf. How to protect a baby from the evil eye before birth


Small children, especially infants, are very vulnerable. Up to 7 years old personal protection is only being formed, so they are more susceptible to the evil eye than anyone else. Anyone can jinx it, even mom herself. To avoid this, parents should have an idea of ​​how to protect the child from the evil eye.

How to determine that the child was jinxed

Signs of the evil eye can manifest themselves as follows:

Having found any of the listed signs, you can be sure that the child is smoothed. To prevent this, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to protect the child from the evil eye.

Evil eye protection

It is very easy to jinx a child. Sometimes it is enough just to praise the baby without due sincerity, and now the baby reacted to this with illness and whims.

Knowing how to protect a child from the evil eye before baptism, you can avoid negative consequences. Among elementary rules the following can be distinguished.

Show a newborn baby to strangers before baptism, or until the execution of 1.5 months is impossible!

No need to post pictures infants V in social networks ;

Each time, coming home from crowded places, the child should be washed with water infused in silver;

Do not share with colleagues, neighbors and distant relatives the success of the baby. Envy of a stranger easily degenerates into the evil eye.

Don't need to be allowed lisping and excessive praise from strangers. If this happens, then when you come home, you must immediately wash the baby with holy water or infused in silver.

Baby must buy silver spoon "on the tooth". Let the baby eat at least once a day using this device. Silver is a special metal considered to be protective.

Better refuse to communicate with those acquaintances to which the child reacts by crying. As a rule, children feel threatened very well, so crying may not be a manifestation of whims at all, but a common defensive reaction.

Not knowing how to protect the child from the evil eye and envy, it makes sense to take care of the amulet for the baby. His role can be played by a red ribbon tied around his wrist or the Eyvaz rune - protection from evil forces- embroidered on the lining of your baby's clothes.

Corruption protection

Damage differs from the evil eye in that it is a purposeful negative energy message, with the aim of causing as much harm as possible to the one it is aimed at. Happens. Damage is directed at parents, but it turns out to be so powerful that it also affects children, who are the most vulnerable.

However, the children themselves can also be hit if the sender of damage wants to influence the parents in this way.

You need to react immediately, as soon as non-standard events in your own life were discovered.

To protect the child from spoilage, parents should always be on the alert and follow some safety rules.

You need to make sure that the child did not bring home other people's things, toys and try not to take anything from those people whose purity of thoughts you doubt. It is things that often serve as those “conductors” through which damage is transmitted.

You should not trust the haircut of the child to those people whose purity of thoughts you doubt.

On children's things and toys, it is also desirable draw rune Eyvaz, which is able to protect not only from the evil eye, but also from damage.

If the house has Small child, then after any visit of guests and even relatives, it is necessary do wet cleaning Or, at the very least, mop the floors.

How to protect a child from the evil eye even before birth

Even before the baby is born, there are a number of measures that can be taken to ensure its safety.

Every year on June 1, many countries celebrate International Children's Day. But as practice shows, it is necessary to protect children not only from social and psychological upheavals, but also from negative impact. Therefore, today the site will tell you how to protect a child from the evil eye, spoilage and energy vampires.

How to protect a child from the evil eye

It is very easy to jinx a child, because his energy field is not as powerful as that of adults, and sometimes just an insincere praise said by a person with an evil eye is enough for the baby to get sick or start to be constantly capricious. To prevent this from happening, follow a few elementary rules:

  1. Do not show the child to strangers before baptism or until he is one and a half months old.
  2. Do not post pictures of children on your pages on social networks.
  3. After each visit to crowded places, wash your baby with water infused with silver.
  4. Stop the lisping and excessive admiration of complete strangers. If this still happened, then bend forefinger and with a bone, massage the place of the “third eye” for the baby, and when you return home, wash the child with holy or silver water.
  5. Do not talk about the success of your child to colleagues, distant relatives, neighbors. Someone else's envy can also easily turn into an evil eye.
  6. If your baby does not yet have a spoon "for a tooth", then get him this silver cutlery and let the child eat them at least once a day. Silver has been considered a protective metal for centuries.
  7. Refuse to communicate with those acquaintances to whom your child reacts by crying. Children feel threatened very well, so tears are not whims, but a defensive reaction.

In addition, it is recommended to make a charm for the baby. It can be a red ribbon tied around the child's wrist when you are traveling with him in transport or visiting public events, or the rune Eyvaz embroidered on the lining of clothes - protection from evil forces. It looks like this:

How to protect a child from the evil eye, damage and energy vampires

How to protect a child from spoilage

Corruption is already a purposeful negative energy message, aimed at causing as much harm as possible to the one on whom it is directed. As a rule, adults suffer from it. But it also happens that the damage is intended for one of the parents, but at the same time it is so powerful that it “hurts” his relatives, mostly the most vulnerable, that is, children.

Therefore, in order to protect the child from negative magical influence, first of all, promptly respond to non-standard events in your own life. And if something suddenly went wrong or your health deteriorated sharply, immediately check yourself and your child for damage.

True, it also happens that the children themselves fall under the blow, through whom they try to influence their parents. In addition, sometimes teenagers become victims of damage, on whom their unreasonable peers point it out. It is better to try to protect the child from these two options in advance, since it is easier than to get rid of the consequences later.

How to protect a child from the evil eye, damage and energy vampires

In order to protect your child from damage, you need to be on the alert all the time and observe following rules security:

  1. Make sure that your offspring does not bring home other people's things - toys, clothes, stationery, and do not take anything for him from people whose purity of thoughts gives you any doubts. The fact is that objects often serve as "linings" - a kind of conductor of damage, that is, it is directed at a thing, and then it passes to a person.
  2. Do not allow people whom you suspect of some unseemly thoughts to cut your child, and if you take your baby to the hairdresser, then collect the cut hair and flush it down the toilet at home.
  3. Draw the same Eyvaz rune on children's things and toys - it protects not only from the evil eye, but also from damage. In addition, you can draw it on the child's bed, and if you are still walking with him in the stroller, then on it.
  4. If you have a very small child, then after any visitors, even after visiting friends and relatives, arrange a wet cleaning or at least wipe the floors. This will help get rid of possible negative energy and reduce the likelihood of damage.
  5. Timely identify all the acquaintances of the child with whom he has even the most minor conflicts. And before meeting your offspring with such people, provide him with protection with essential oils. Aroma oils are considered good charms: wormwood, frankincense, thyme, cloves, Atlas cedar, cypress, myrtle and juniper.

Apply a couple of drops pure oil on clothes, and drop by drop on each wrist, but before using aroma oil on the skin, mix it with regular sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:5.

How to protect your child from energy vampires

Energy vampires can meet children anywhere - in kindergarten, at school, in the yard, in transport, and the kids are defenseless in front of them. Therefore, the task of parents is to protect their child from the influence of those who "eat" life force surrounding.

How to protect a child from the evil eye, damage and energy vampires

Of course, you will not be able to protect the child from all contacts with energy vampires, but on the other hand, you are quite able to minimize his communication with those people, after meeting with whom he returns home lethargic, irritable and overly tired. Stop the friendship of your offspring with these individuals, but do not forget to explain to him that in this way you save his health and save his strength, which he will definitely need for something important.

In addition, pay attention to which of your relatives or friends your baby is nervous and even frightened of, asks to be held in your arms, tries to close himself in his room, or goes to bed earlier than the allotted time, but

The negative impact on the biofield most strongly affects the mental weak people. This category includes children and pregnant women. Children's biofield is not fully formed, and even a minor intervention will suffice. To know how to protect a child from the evil eye, you must have a deep knowledge of magic.

Characteristics of children's curses

It is very easy to jinx a child or damage him, because his energy field is not as powerful as that of an adult. It is constantly growing and developing, absorbing new knowledge and skills. During such periods, you need to pay Special attention to the child's external environment.

Since ancient times, there have been beliefs that small children under the age of 4 months should not be shown to strangers. It was believed that under the guise of people, evil spirits could get into the house, the only purpose of which was to kidnap the baby. If it was not possible to steal it, the dark forces sent diseases and damage to it.


Depending on the age of the child, the symptoms of negative impact will differ.

So, for a baby under 1 year old, the following manifestations of spoilage are characteristic:

  1. General lethargy and soreness.
  2. Restless sleep and moodiness.
  3. The appearance of rashes on the skin.
  4. Stomach problems.
  5. Refusal to eat.
  6. Redness of the whites of the eyes.
  7. Runny nose and cough.
  8. Defocused attention.

All these manifestations are very easy to confuse with signs of the disease. However characteristic feature the curse is that it does not lend itself drug treatment and the symptoms have no cause.

For achievement maximum effect you need to combine cleansing rituals with taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

In cases with older children or adolescents, the symptoms will take on different forms.

  1. Sudden mood swings.
  2. Problems in study.
  3. Unreasonable fears and nervousness.
  4. Distrust of parents and family members.
  5. Constant quarrels over petty things.
  6. Sudden weight gain or loss.
  7. Increased aggressiveness, which is replaced by apathy.
  8. Craving for dangerous adventures.

As in the case of a baby, it is difficult to clearly understand the type of damage, who sent it and whether it is on the child. To do this, you need to use special detection rituals.

Preventive methods of protection

To protect a child from the evil eye, it is necessary not only to carry out the necessary rituals and provide him with amulets, but also try to physically protect him from unnecessary attention of outsiders.


Newborns are considered to be the most affected. Until the moment of baptism, they are practically defenseless. To reduce the possibility of interference in their biofield, appropriate measures must be taken.

  1. Restriction of communication with strangers.
  2. You can not post photos of children on social networks.
  3. Carrying out small rites of purification after each visit to a crowded place.
  4. Purchase of cutlery or drinking bowls made of silver.
  5. Try to stop attempts to touch the newborn by strangers.
  6. Refuse to communicate with people whose presence makes the baby nervous and cry.

The best option to protect a newborn from negative influences would be to reduce the attention of outsiders to him. Amulets and amulets can also help well.

An important protective element is the proper arrangement of the nursery. There are several rules to follow:

  • there should not be old things in the room, they accumulate bad energy;
  • all donated items and toys are pre-cleaned from possible evil eye;
  • the crib should not be near the window;
  • a canopy is necessarily located above it, which shelters the baby from evil spirits;
  • there should be no mirrors or pictures of people in the room.


Protecting a child from the evil eye after baptism is easier, but still more difficult than an adult.

The best ways would be:

  1. Limit contact with people who cause unpleasant emotions.
  2. After visiting by strangers, the house must be thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Timely identification of all acquaintances with whom the child has conflicts.
  4. Use of charms and amulets.
  5. Cleaning the atmosphere at home with essential oils and incense.

The best protection for children is built on anticipation of the bad energy directed at them.

Children under 7

Children aged 1 to 7 years are next category. Their self defense not yet formed, but already beginning to take shape. It is necessary to help its competent development and prevent the penetration of negative energy into the still unprotected biofield.

For this you need:

  1. Do not allow other people's things, clothes or toys to be brought into the house.
  2. Teach your child not to talk to strangers or take anything from them.
  3. Avoid suspicious individuals who call to him or stare.
  4. Do not pick up coins, buttons, scarves, jewelry and other things on the street.
  5. Children's toys left behind are not allowed to be taken home.

It is easier to protect children who have already grown up a little, but one should not underestimate someone else's meanness and envy.


You can put protection on teenagers with the same rituals as for adults. Despite the fact that their independent defense has not yet been fully formed, they can already withstand the negative impact.

However, it must be remembered that, due to their physiology, adolescents are more prone to curses than adults. Their symptoms appear faster and more intensely.

At the first sign of damage, you must immediately begin to act in order to prevent it from penetrating deep into the energy field.

Protection rituals

There are several ways to protect a child from the evil eye. All of them differ in the complexity of providence and in the final degree of protection.

The following protective rituals are considered optimal:

  • conspiracy on a red scarf;
  • rite to create an energy wall;
  • conspiracy on the mirror.

Conspiracy on a red scarf

One of the most reliable ways to protect a child from the evil eye is a conspiracy on a red scarf.

For him you will need:

  1. Red scarf or cut natural fabric Red. The best option will use a clean, uniform canvas without patterns.
  2. big candle and new box matches.
  3. Spring water, favorite toy and silver item.
  4. For a more convenient ceremony, you will need the help of a loved one.

The scarf must first be soaked in water, where the toy and silver are located. In the process of this, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“I beg you, Light Forces, come and protect my child. Shelter him from all troubles and hardships with your hand. Shield it from black thoughts, from envious words, from traitors, evil eye and corruption. Give him good health and sincere happiness. Amen!"

After that, a candle is set on fire, and a scarf is put on the head of the protected. The words of the conspiracy are repeated.

At the end of the ceremony, a thin strip is torn off from the scarf and tied on the child's left wrist.

Ritual to create an energy wall

One of the most difficult protection methods. It requires complete concentration and self-confidence. Tips and step-by-step ways to create such protection do not make sense. For each person they are individual.

An important detail is the full concentration on the ultimate goal. The ceremony itself is a meditation, during which it is necessary to build a wall of positive energy around your loved ones.

Depending on how it will be represented in the imagination, how thick and reliable it will be, what shape it will take on, such will it be strong.

This method does not require special elements or long preparation, but is difficult to perform.

Conspiracy on the mirror

The mirror is one of the most mystical elements of home life. With it, you can both impose damage and get rid of it. It is also good for building defense.

For this you will need:

  1. Pocket mirror 4–5 cm in diameter.
  2. Kitchen salt.
  3. Dried leaves of dill, mint, wormwood and St. John's wort.
  4. Small leather bag.

Before the providence of the rite, the mirror is placed under the mother's pillow for 3 days, and is saturated with her energy.

It is then rubbed with a mixture of salt and herbs, wrapped in a leather bag and placed back under the pillow for another 3 days. After that, they take it out, and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced over it:

“Magic mirror, take my energy, feed on my good thoughts and protect my child from the evil one. Do not let damage become attached to him, protect him from evil words, do not let him be jinxed or cursed. Amen!"

After that, it must be stored in the child's things.


It is best to protect a newborn from the evil eye with the help of amulets. They are created independently, by the hands of the mother, and are saturated with her energy. In this case, even a simple amulet in the form of a wicker bracelet or rag doll will have great power.

Even if the amulet breaks, or the child ceases to be interested in it, you cannot throw it away. In the wrong hands, it can become a dangerous weapon and bring many problems.

The following amulets are considered the most reliable:

  • pin;
  • herbal incense;
  • protective rune Eyvaz.


A simple amulet that can protect a child of any age from the evil eye. Usually it is pinned to clothes from the inside so that it is invisible.

It is better to use a silver pin or an iron one. You cannot attach gold or embellished precious stones. They only attract negative emotions.

It would be useful to say a conspiracy in the eye of a pin. Then this amulet will gain great power.

Herbal incense

Popular protective amulet.

To create it you need:

  1. A patch of natural white fabric.
  2. Red thread or lace.
  3. Candle and box of matches.
  4. The image of the Eyvaz rune on a stone, wood or fabric.
  5. Dried herbs: chamomile, apple flowers, mint leaves, birch catkins.

The amulet is created after sunset. The whole process takes place with a burning candle.

Herbs and a rune are placed in the middle of the fabric. The flap is folded into a bundle and stitched around the perimeter with a red thread, during this they say the words of the conspiracy:

“I sew everything good in a clean fabric, I don’t let the light energy spill out. Let this amulet serve my relatives and loved ones from damage and the evil eye. Amen!"

Eyvaz protective rune

Originally Slavic amulet the embroidered rune Eyvaz is considered. It drives away impure forces and all evil thoughts. It must be embroidered on the clothes of the client, depicted on small stones or pieces of wood. The rune should always be as close to the heart as possible in order to be saturated with the warmth of a person.

Minors react to negative impact much more seriously than adults. Their auras are in the process of becoming. An evil eye or a directed attack is reflected weakly, often kids miss every hit. They just need protection from corruption, witchcraft, the evil eye and vampires. Mom can create one on her own.

It is necessary to protect a daughter or son from black charms from birth. Orthodox go through the rite of baptism, which connects the child with God. And in the early days, mom needs to monitor the condition of the little one. It is not in vain that it is customary to hide it from the eyes of others until the christening. This is one of the first ways to protect a child from witchcraft. Let's take a look at the rest.

How to keep your child safe from negativity

Methods for forming a protective cover for a baby have been created for many centuries. There are people who are working on their improvement to this day. For example, "Your yoga." Specialists carefully study the influence of energy on the aura of a newborn, come up with original tricks. Let's analyze traditional ways:

  • prayer;
  • washing with holy water;
  • licking;
  • casting;
  • talismans;
  • rituals.

Important: according to the Orthodox and Islamic traditions of the mother, it is necessary to protect the baby. If it is impossible, she can delegate (ask) her grandmother from any side. For older children, anyone close can make a cover.

Protecting the newborn before baptism

Newborns are susceptible to negative energy. They can "catch" the evil eye even from another room. Therefore, it is undesirable to invite guests up to forty days. Walks are made during this period with extreme caution. The little one should be fenced off from prying eyes:

tulle cape (grandma's way);

a doll placed in a bed;

· bright decorations:

blue eye (accepted in Islam);

pins with beads;


Bathe newborns in herbs. Adding the following to the decoction will help protect against accidental evil eye:

  • thistle;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • cornflower petals.

If the baby began to act up, cry, fall asleep badly, then he grabbed negative energy. The evil eye should be removed immediately. This must be done by the licking method (gypsy).

For information: spoilage in newborns is manifested by sudden ailments:

  • fever for no apparent reason;
  • pain in the tummy;
  • hysterical roar;
  • reddening of the face;
  • rash.

Cleaning from spoilage, evil eye by licking

As soon as mom saw something was wrong, you need to immediately conduct a small ceremony. In fact, with its help, an adult takes a negative program from a newborn into his field. You need to tune in to such a result. The following is being prepared:

  • church candle;
  • an English pin;
  • Icon (for Christians).

Cleaning from damage, the evil eye is carried out as follows:

  1. Mom lights a candle. He puts it next to the bed, next to the Icon.
  2. Takes the baby in her arms.
  3. Reads a prayer according to faith (Orthodox say "Our Father", Muslims - the first sura).
  4. Licks off the baby's forehead several times (at least three).
  5. The movements of the tongue end with an imitation of spitting over the left shoulder.

Hint: After magical ritual you need to pin a pin over the head of the newborn. This will be his guardian.

Protection of the child from the evil eye, envy, spoilage

Older sons and daughters are protected from negative impacts by other methods. Believing mothers see off their children from home with prayer. You can say "Lord, save and help." It's to give positive result. If symptoms of spoilage appear, holy water should be used.

They do it like this:

  1. The son / daughter is seated on a chair.
  2. Three candles are lit. Put around the child on the table, floor, other furniture.
  3. A glass of holy water is placed in front of him.
  4. They get behind. Read the Trinity prayer. If the defeat is strong, then the 90th psalm.
  5. Let the child take three sips from the glass.
  6. They read “Our Father” seven times, washing after each offspring with prepared water.

Attention: a child prone to the evil eye should prepare a talisman. Constant power failures are very harmful to his future.

The old way to get rid of spoilage

Great-grandmothers did it easier. They put the baby on the doorstep. With their hand they washed his face with clean water from a bowl. They lifted the hem of the bottom shirt, wiped it with the wrong side. Liquid splashed over the threshold. They spoke like this:

“Where there is water, there is black trouble. Earth, accept. Save the child. Amen!".

Attention: the technique works only in private homes. Water should be splashed on the ground, not on concrete.

How to protect a child from damage, the evil eye and energy vampires with talismans

Amulets are used everywhere. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we turn an evil look at jewelry or bright clothes. There are special gizmos that can create a protective cover around the child. Give them to a child loving mother.

For understanding: protecting the baby is not a thing. Creates energy armor around him emotional condition mother. She must radiate all-consuming love in his direction every second.

Talismans are created by hand or purchased. The difference is small. It is important to invest in the process a large number of energy. The guys are good for:

  • red thread or bracelet;
  • protective stone;
  • amulet doll;
  • amulet with herbs, salt;
  • a pin on the lining of clothes;
  • cross.

Hint: the amulet needs to be checked. It can get lost, broken, blackened. Then buy a new one.

How to tie a red thread

A magical amulet against damage is made of wool. The rules for tying are:

Choose a sunny, calm day.

1. Pray in faith.

2. Fasten the prepared amulet with seven knots on the left wrist of the child.

3. For each read:

· "Our Father" Orthodox;

corresponding surah to Muslims.

4. Tell your son / daughter about love.

Hint: Do not use old threads from knitwear. Better buy:

crafted red bracelet;

new skein of yarn.

How to protect from negativity with stones

Natural minerals take away the black power on themselves. People have been using this for a long time. They are especially good against energy vampires. This may turn out to be a teacher, educator, friend or friend of a son / daughter, a neighbor on the landing.

Stones must be properly selected and prepared. The strongest are:

  • agate;
  • lunar;
  • cat eye;
  • tourmaline;
  • diamond (not recommended for children).

A small bead on a pin or pendant is enough. The mineral is acquired in the first three days of the month. Pay attention to the state of nature. This should be calm, without climatic differences. Cleaning activities should be carried out at home:

  1. Prepare brine (a glass of salt per half liter of water).
  2. Place the stone in the liquid.
  3. Hold for a day.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with running water.
  5. Dry in the sun.

A child can wear a mineral around his neck as an ornament, with a key ring, in a briefcase, bag. The cleaning procedure is carried out monthly. If the stone is noticeably darkened or cracked, then it is changed.

Charm doll

IN Slavic tradition each child was supposed to make a protective toy. The eldest woman of the family was engaged in such work. It was done like this:

  1. A doll was sewn from fabric.
  2. Her body was stuffed with rowan sawdust. There was also placed a piece of coal from the family stove. It connects the baby with the energy of the whole family.
  3. The toy was given to my son/daughter for his birthday.
  4. You have to carry it with you everywhere.

Hint: you need to use only natural materials.

Protective herbs

Plants help keep baby's aura in its natural state. He becomes immune to evil spirits, the work of sorcerers, the attack of energy vampires. Mom needs to teach her son / daughter to carry a bag with her. They do it like this:

The amulet is sewn with one's own hand from a piece of leather, cotton fabric;

A pinch of dried plants is poured into it:

o thistle;

o nettles;

o cedar needles;

o Hypericum;

dress on the offspring.

Attention: the child is allowed to remove the amulet only during bathing.

The mixture can be prepared in larger quantities. She helps drive evil out of the house. It is done like this:

  1. Herbs are poured into an iron bowl.
  2. Set on fire, but not allowed to flare up.
  3. The smoldering mixture is carried around the rooms, fumigating the premises.
  4. The child can be treated with smoke.

Video on how to protect a child with a pin from the evil eye, envy and damage:

Pulling spoilage and the evil eye with an egg

This method will allow you to clear the energy of your son / daughter. It is used by Orthodox and Muslims. The magic attribute is fresh egg(buy from a private seller). Suitable for protecting newborns. The methodology is:

  1. In the evening, take an egg and a glass of water.
  2. Give the chicken product to your son/daughter. If the child is small, then roll them over the body.
  3. After fifteen minutes, break the egg into the water.
  4. Put at the head of the night.
  5. In the morning, check the result, see the interpretation and dispose of it.

Attention: if damage is detected, then the egg should be taken out to the churchyard and thrown out onto the old grave. Drainage is prohibited.

Ritual with matches and bow

Evil spells drive away strong odors. The ritual uses fresh onion or garlic. This should be done for a son / daughter who has symptoms of spoilage. You need to do it like this:

1. Put the child to bed.

2. Cut the onion in half.

3. Place on a saucer.

4. Light thirty-three matches in turn. For each read the following words:

“Black ashes took the servant of the Lord (name) captive. I drive it away, I clean it, I send it back to hell. motherly love, kind of all by force, I return a happy share. Let it be so. Amen!".

5. The embers are harvested and placed on the bulb halves.

6. A saucer is placed at night under the bed of the affected child.

7. At dawn, the mother must take away the magical attributes, take them out into the street, bury them deeper in the ground. Say:

"The bow will rot, the damage will go away."

Attention: on the morning of the end of the ceremony, the baby must be given a talisman (see above).

The best protection the child is always parental love, family happiness. It is necessary to educate him in an atmosphere of well-being, mutual assistance, joy. Then no vampire, sorcerer, evil look is not afraid of him. It has long been noticed that pets help to protect themselves from the evil eye / damage:

  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • hamsters and others.

Communication with a four-legged friend allows you to dump a random negative on a friend. The animal protects the owner from otherworldly trouble. Therefore, children who have a pet get sick less, grow up self-confident, purposeful, responsible. Moms and dads need to think about this. The dog, being near, takes the blow. She is the strongest guardian.

Very many of us are interested in the question of how to protect ourselves from the evil eye, too often we are in Everyday life encountering unfriendly people. The most effective ways of such protection are recognized charms and protective rituals. Such protection can be easily installed by yourself, without resorting to the help of a professional. If you strictly adhere to all the established recommendations, you can easily avoid the evil eye or damage.

Each of us is subject to evil eye and damage. But the most susceptible categories of people are children, the elderly and pregnant women. This is due to the fact that their natural energy field, which is entrusted with the mission of protecting the body from alien invasion, is weakened. IN such a case even a simple unkind wish can turn into a serious evil eye that has negative consequences.

In this case, most often people turn to special amulets, such as a charmed pin, or impose protective rituals on the child, designed to strengthen the human energy field and not let the dark force go after him.

General protection rules

But what if you did not have time or forgot about such protection? Don't panic, there are certain rules, which will help you protect yourself and your child, as well as your loved ones from the evil eye and damage. Strictly adhere to the above list of recommendations, and you will not be afraid of someone else's negativity:

  • If you clearly feel the symptoms of someone's evil look on yourself, then protect yourself like this: with your fingers right hand draw a protective sign "goat". To create it, cross all fingers except for the index and little fingers. Keep your hand pointed at the ground.
  • Always carry with you pin from the evil eye: it is not necessary to speak it, the main thing is to fasten it to clothes correctly. To do this, take the usual safety pin larger than average and pin to inside clothes. Moreover, its location should be as close as possible to your heart, with its tip it points to the ground.
  • If you need to communicate with a person who clearly has feelings for you negative feelings, put thought block between you. To do this, just imagine that you are separated by a mirror, and its reflective part is directed towards your enemy.
  • Also, don't forget cross arms and legs. Such a casual gesture will not arouse suspicion, but will help you protect your energy field from negativity.
  • When communicating with an evil person, it is recommended to hold it in a fist or simply touch any metal object.
  • Most common gesture: folded fingers fico in your pocket, they can also protect you well from the evil eye and damage.
  • Other effective way protect yourself from negative impact, one of the phrases said in a quiet whisper will become:

"And I wish you the same." "Don't touch!" "Salt in your eyes, salt on your tongue." "Take all your own!"

  • Our ancestors believed Red color protective. Tie a red thread around your wrist or your child's hand. natural material. Wool is best. Such a homemade amulet can effectively protect you.
  • In order to protect your home from evil demons, take an ordinary knife and stick it in the gap between the windows or the door frame. This method will also inform you about the intentions of the guests. Good man will not even notice this thing, but the guest who brought evil thoughts will definitely pay attention and jump out of your house.
  • If you have been seriously ill for a long time, then the first time you leave the house after recovery, first go around the perimeter of the territory in the direction of the sun. In this way, you will help yourself to avoid the return of the disease.
  • If you think that the evil eye or slight damage already lies on you, wash yourself with a clean cold water from a spring or well on the morning of October 29. Thus, you not only wash off all the negativity from yourself, but also get good protection from the evil eye for the whole next year.
  • If you were visited by uninvited guests, then burn a small handful of salt in the fire after their departure. Thus, you will be able to expel all evil demons from your home.
  • Always keep in the house consecrated in Palm Sunday in the church herbs, wax or salt. This amulet can reliably protect your home from the evil eye and damage. Don't forget to restock every year.
  • If you have a housewarming party, then prepare for it in advance: the very first thing you need to do is add bread and salt to it.
  • Other in a good way to protect your home from an evil eye will be a hung bag of herbs over front door. If you are interested in the question of which herbs to take, then such plants must be present in such a collection: laurel, onion, garlic, field rue, St. John's wort, thistle and meadow dandelion.

Red thread

If you follow all these recommendations, then no evil eye can harm you.

The use of salt in protection against the evil eye of an adult and a child

Many people are also interested in the question of how to protect a child from the evil eye.. After all, your baby simply will not be able to fulfill most of the recommendations, and due to their weakness of defenselessness, our children are especially susceptible to the evil eye, not even intentional. In this case, try using ordinary kitchen salt, it will help protect your child.

Such an ingredient very well absorbs all the negativity not only from your child, but also from other people and the home in general.

In order to remove the unwanted evil eye with such salt or protect yourself from spoilage, you will need to cook saline solution. Prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • Glass cup.
  • Clean water, best of all spring or melted water.
  • Kitchen salt.

For a full glass of water, you will need two tablespoons of salt. Gently stir it in a glass and the mixture you need is ready. It must be used as follows: moisten the fingers of the left hand and draw a cross around the head. To do this, make two movements: one of them starts from the right temple and ends at the left, and the second - from the top of the head to the back of the head. Another way to use salt is to protect against negativity through food intake. This is a fairly common problem: it is very easy to put the evil eye on food. Moreover, often this does not happen consciously: in the process of cooking, bad thoughts can visit the cook, which will certainly leave their sediment on the finished dish.

If you have to attend a dinner party with unfriendly people, take some salt from home with you. It is best that it be consecrated in advance in the church. If you salt the dishes served to you with it, then you can not be afraid that after such a meal you will have problems with your well-being.

If you are invited for sweet table, then try to eat only those dishes that were not prepared by the mistress of the house.

Home protection

There are times when you know exactly what will come to visit unkind person but you cannot cancel the visit. In this case, how to protect yourself from the evil eye? You should carry out a set of procedures in advance that will prevent your enemy from doing evil in your home.

To do this, stock up on candles in advance, and place them in the room where the meeting will take place. Light them up before your visit. All negative energy will be burned in the flame and not deposited on you or your home or your child.