Making a box for the new year. New Year's gift wrapping with your own hands - templates, master classes. How to make a bow for gift wrapping

New Year traditions along with the magical winter holiday - New Year came to us from time immemorial. According to long-established traditions, before New Year's Eve we set up and decorate a Christmas tree, decorate the house, prepare a large number of festive dishes, and of course, prepare gifts for relatives and friends. Giving each other New Year's gifts is the same old and good tradition. And it is very important to guess with a gift, presenting just such a thing that you will like, so that a person will be happy to use it in the future. But no less important is the design of your gift, its packaging, on which the first impression that the present will make on the person being presented largely depends. The importance of this aspect has led to the emergence of special packaging stores, in which you will be selected the most successful design option, and the item will be packed there. But in the New Year's bustle, we often have no time to look for such services, and on the other hand, we want to decorate the gift ourselves in order to convey the warmth of our relationship to the person through it. We have selected several options for how to pack a gift for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, which will transform the gift, making it a small masterpiece.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write to us!

How to pack a box

Most gifts are given in rectangular and square cardboard boxes of various sizes. The figure below shows step-by-step instructions for packing such a box in wrapping paper. For convenience and greater strength, it is recommended to fix each step with a stapler or tape. It is very convenient in this case to use double-sided tape.

A small present, such as a holiday voucher, gym membership, gift certificate, or concert ticket, would be best presented in a gift envelope. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can buy an original copy with your own hands.

How to decorate a gift

One of the most traditional ways to decorate gifts is with ribbons and bows. Here are some simple and interesting ways to decorate a gift in this way.

How to wrap a gift in the shape of a candy

New Year's Eve is definitely a time for eating all sorts of sweets. Do you remember your childhood? So why not associate the design of the presentation with this pleasant moment. We take beautiful wrapping paper and select two ribbons to match. Then everything is very simple: we wrap the gift like a candy and tie it on both sides. Corrugated paper is also suitable for this method.

Original packaging: photo and video ideas

Depending on who this gift is intended for, you can arrange it in a special way. It can be a gift for a child, a musician or a needlewoman. Here you can dream up and experiment! Connect your imagination and start an exciting creative process.

Do-it-yourself gift wrapping master class

Interesting gift wrapping idea

Video instruction of the original way of making a New Year's gift


This is how easy it is to pack a gift with your own hands for the New Year 2020. Making a gift is a troublesome business, but very pleasant. After all, you are doing this for your loved ones and relatives! And let this one take a little time, but how the process of presenting the present will change! Do it with love, and you will definitely see the surprised and happy eyes of your loved one. Happy New Year!

The year is coming to an end, New Year's and Christmas days are just around the corner. And we so want to please our relatives and friends - to choose and give them more gifts and presents. Paper or cardboard packaging for New Year's gifts is as important as the gift itself.

Of course, you can also wrap a New Year's gift beautifully in a store, but it will be much cheaper and more interesting to wrap gifts for the New Year with your own hands. Among the gifts, there will surely be not only large, but also small surprises, little things that you want to pack more interestingly.

It's good to have templates handy for this. Any paper is useful for packaging: craft paper, colored paper for scrapbooking, cardboard, and so on.

Now many people at work will be preparing for the holidays, including the purchase of souvenirs and gifts. Do-it-yourself packaging for New Year's gifts can be combined with the manufacture of name tags. Making a voluminous snowflake for decoration is very simple.

Figures made of colored cardboard - you can attach a lollipop or candy to them.

Packaging for New Year's gifts can be in the shape of a Christmas tree. If you make New Year's boxes, then you can use everything: colored paper, old gift bags, colored or plain cardboard, and so on. You can make a blank from cardboard, and sprinkle glitter on top of the stationery glue or glue colored stars. Beautiful packaging for children's Christmas gifts will require your imagination and good taste.

For work you will need:

  1. Paper or cardboard.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Pencil, ruler.
  4. Glue stationery.
  5. Ribbon or piece of braid, twine, lace.

Print the template on a printer, or draw with a pencil and a ruler. Cut out and transfer to the main sheet of cardboard.

We circled our cut blanks along the contour, and with the help of a ruler we outline the places of the folds.

Cut out the resulting parts of the box with scissors. Next, you need to bend our blanks along the dotted lines, like this:

We put the Christmas tree on colored paper, circle it.

Glue the tree onto cardboard and cut it out.

With a hole punch or scissors, we make holes in the workpiece. Soda we will insert a ribbon or a beautiful braid.

This is the box we should have. A small gift will fit here: a souvenir, jewelry, and so on.

We thread a ribbon or braid into the holes, and tie a bow. The box is ready. If several boxes are needed, they can be beautifully signed.

There are many templates - simple, and more complicated, with which you can pack a gift for the new year. Using these templates, you can make original boxes with your own hands. These boxes are suitable for both sweets and candies. An original paper New Year's box with sweets will not be superfluous for a child.

Templates are enlarged or redrawn with a pen and ruler. Colored cardboard or colorful paper is used. You can decorate with clippings, postcards, New Year's tinsel, color pictures and even embroidery. Stars, the moon, snowflakes are welcome - from foil and white paper.

It would be interesting to paint such a house for the child himself. Your task is to print and cut out the box template. Cut out along clear lines, and bend - along dotted lines.

Such a wonderful puppy box, denoting the symbol of the year. Suitable for a small gift, candy.

Pictures for decoration with a New Year's theme can be drawn or printed and cut out.

Christmas gift wrapping - do it yourself

Packaging for New Year's gifts 2018 - it should be made unusually, beautifully and tastefully. It's so nice not only to receive, but also to give a beautifully packaged item. How beautiful to arrange a gift? There are many ways and types of decoration and decoration.

If you like to do needlework, then you, without a doubt, have the remnants of fabrics, ribbons, yarn, braid - everything can come in handy. Most importantly, we need paper for packaging: white office paper, newspapers, and best of all, kraft paper.

In the last 5 years, kraft paper gift wrapping, decorated with braid, ribbons, bows, Christmas tree branches, painted cones, figurines, pompoms, has become popular.

With the help of craft paper for gift wrapping, ideas, twisted threads and paper decorations, you can decorate and beautifully decorate a gift of any size. Craft paper can be bought on the Internet (it costs about 200 rubles per 10 meters), it is available in flower shops, and it is free in large hardware stores.

Before you pack a gift - practice on an unnecessary newspaper - this is how you learn. First, we measure out such an amount of paper that there is a supply of paper along the length and width of the gift on each side, which overlaps the festive box by 3-5 cm.

We carefully pack the box along the length, fix it with a strip of adhesive tape. Then we proceed to the sides. First, we direct the paper to the center from the sides, and then close the sides of the box from the bottom and top. We stretch the paper and fix it with tape. If you take burlap, a piece of knitwear, fabric, raincoat fabric instead of paper, you get an unusual soft package for New Year's gifts.
On the video: do-it-yourself textile packaging.

What's a gift without a beautiful bow. We will need a template, colored paper and stationery glue. We will make such beautiful bows.

We print out the template, cut it out and, attaching it to colored paper or foil, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. Then it remains only to glue the bow itself and stick it on the package.

To decorate a gift, such a cute pom-pom snowman will come in handy. It is attached with adhesive tape to wrapping paper. In addition, it can be hung on a Christmas tree.

We make 2 pompoms from white threads, leaving 7-8 cm at the tip of each. We tie the ends and cut off the extra “tails”.

Glue 2 beads instead of eyes and a nose made of fabric or felt. Felt bowler hat, wire earmuffs.

We take a thick thread, thread it into a large needle, pass it through the top pompom. We make pens and a scarf.

Such a funny gnome will turn out if you take a piece of felt, white threads and a few beads. The gnome is attached to the paper by a thread, using adhesive tape. The gnome's hat is embroidered with white thread.

We make a pom-pom from white threads.

We cut out the hat from felt, make embroidery and glue it on the side.

We sew on the nose-bead, thread the thread through the top of the cap and the bead, sew on the pompom. The gnome for decoration is ready.

A good packaging option is flowers from napkins. A do-it-yourself gift for the New Year - a soft toy, knitted socks, scarves, and so on - can be packaged in beautiful paper with such a decor.

Such original pendants for decorating New Year's boxes are made from fresh orange peels and paper or cardboard. Cut out the workpiece and crochet the edges. Beautiful, unusual and exudes a fresh scent.

Giving each other nice presents is a great New Year's tradition. It is important not only to choose a surprise that a loved one will like, but also to effectively pack it. How to do it, and what to use as a decor? We have found budget, but very creative solutions that will delight and surprise anyone.

Colored threads, textiles, buttons

For gift wrapping today it is fashionable to use simple materials that can be found in almost every home. For example, pieces of fabric, remnants of wallpaper, multi-colored threads and even buttons.
Gifts wrapped in multi-colored fabric look very impressive. They don't even need to be decorated. And from colored threads, you can make pompoms and place them on a gift box, instead of a traditional bow. Or embroider images of stars and snowflakes on plain wrapping paper. Such decor is able to surprise friends and relatives.

parchment paper

Today, everything natural and original is in fashion. That is why it is important to decorate gifts in eco-style. To do this, you will need plain and parchment paper, and it does not have to be colored. It can be decorated with a pattern with a New Year's motif, stickers, stickers, sequins, cones, paper snowflakes, lace.

Burlap and jute

Gifts decorated with burlap or tied with a jute rope look very stylish and beautiful. You can find them in craft stores. Such packaging is attractive and self-sufficient in itself, therefore it does not require additional decor. If desired, it can be supplemented with a sprig of lavender or delicate embroidery.


Spruce, yew or rowan twigs, pine cones, dried lavender or chamomile flowers will come in handy to create a wonderful winter mood. These elements will be a great addition to the gift, make it very spectacular, and besides, fragrant.

Festive mood

If there is no time for needlework, but you want to please your loved ones, then you can turn to traditional packaging. Use all kinds of holiday paper for this (which is sold today even in stationery stores), and complement the surprise with a bright satin ribbon. For greater solemnity, you can stop at a combination of golden and black shades, or a classic combination of white, red and green. There are no strict rules and restrictions here, the main thing is that the process brings pleasant emotions to the giver, and the packaging causes joy to the recipient of the gift.

Preparing for the New Year's Eve takes a lot of time. One of the most important questions that needs to be resolved in the pre-holiday bustle is what to give and how to give. If many have already decided on the gift itself and even prepared it, then only beautiful packaging remains. In the article, we will consider how to beautifully pack a gift for the new year with your own hands. Below are a few options and ideas with a description.

Very stylish packaging can be plain paper or burlap. In order to beautifully pack a gift, simply wrap it in paper or burlap. You get stylish and modern packaging. But it is necessary to decorate the packaging with decorative elements. For decoration, you can purchase scrapbooking kits and use the decor from them.

You can decorate the package with a sprig of mountain ash or spruce, simply tied to a wrapped gift with a jute rope or braid.

You can make a boutonniere and attach it to a wrapped gift. We make a boutonniere on a square of paper, sticking sprigs of spruce and any decor on it.

If the wrapped gift has the shape of an elongated rectangle, then you can attach a pair of eyes and a smile to the package, tie or sew a cap and put it on the rectangle on one side.

You can decorate a gift wrapped in burlap or paper with winter mistletoe flowers. To do this, cut out the details of the flower from red and green felt. Grease the edges of the parts with a golden outline on the fabric. Glue a flower from several red and green parts. You can make several of these flowers and place them on the package, fixing them with glue. Glue a bead in the middle of each flower.

We decorate simple corrugated bags

Another stylish option on how to beautifully pack a New Year's gift with your own hands is to use ordinary cheap paper bags. But we will decorate them in a New Year's way.

To decorate a regular paper bag, you can use one of the following options:

Option number 1

The package can be embroidered. To do this, glue a small piece of fabric on the inside of the bag, the size of the intended embroidery. This will strengthen the paper and prevent it from tearing. Choose a pattern for embroidery. It can be a simple star or Christmas tree. Draw the outline of the pattern on the package. Then embroider along the contour. You can embroider with a simple line stitch only along the contour, or you can embroider with satin stitch, filling the entire pattern.

Option number 2

You can decorate the package with the usual pattern with acrylic paints. To do this, choose a suitable motif, draw a sketch with a pencil and decorate with acrylic paints. In this case, it is not necessary to dilute the paints with water, otherwise the paper of the package may get wet.

Option number 3

Make a beautiful boutonniere with decorative fir branches. To do this, cut a small square out of paper. We will glue a boutonniere on it. Prepare twigs, small balls, bells, bows, or any other decor.

Glue branches beautifully on a paper square so that they diverge from the center in different directions. After sticking the prepared decor on top of the branches. Stick double-sided tape on the back of the paper base and attach the boutonniere to the bag in the center or near the handle.

Original types of packaging

For those who do not like traditional options and prefer interesting gifts and unusual packaging, we suggest considering the options below.

Option number 1

Take a piece of thick fabric, fleece or a velvet napkin. Place the gift box in the center of the cut and tie a knot from the ends of the fabric diagonally and diagonally again. In the center of the knot, you can insert a flower or sprig of spruce.

Option number 2

Take packing corrugated paper 2 sheets. Place your chosen gift in the middle. Stitch the paper in the shape of a star or a boot around the gift. Trim off the excess. Thus, the gift will remain inside the stitched figure. To get a gift, you will need to tear the package.

Packing of threads for knitting or knitwear

But how else can you beautifully pack a gift for the New Year with your own hands, using knitting threads and knitting needles. Let's describe two options.

Option number 1

Wrap the gift in plain paper. You can use white paper, you can unbleached.

Tie a wrapped gift crosswise with threads in several layers.

Make a pair of pom-poms out of these threads. To do this, take a ruler and wrap threads rather thickly around it, tie one side tightly with a thread, and cut the other with small scissors.

Tie the pom poms to the ends of the string, from which tie a bow and attach in the middle of the gift.

You can complement the decoration with a couple of branches from an artificial Christmas tree.

Option number 2

For this option you need to be able to knit. To wrap a gift, knit a wide scarf with a braid pattern with stripes, tie around the gift, and attach a thread pom-pom to the knot.

Or you can tie the package itself. To do this, you need to tie a rectangle of such a width that it can wrap around the gift box. The height should also be equal to the height of the gift plus 5 centimeters.

Sew the edges of the rectangle and the bottom, place a gift in the resulting bag, connect the ends of the knitted package at the top and tie with a ribbon or braid.

We sew bags

A very interesting option would be a homemade gift bag. It is easiest to sew it from felt. This material is quite simple to work with and looks New Year's.

For the bag we need:

  • felt of different colors;
  • braid;
  • thread and needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • paper pattern of appliqué details for a bag.

You need to think in advance what will be sewn on the bag. It can be a Christmas tree, a snowman, Santa Claus. It is not necessary to take complex applications; you can get by with a schematic Christmas tree or a snowflake. Draw a pattern on paper to apply already beautiful even contours of details to the felt. When everything is ready, let's start:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from the felt of the main color, equal to the intended width and height of the bag.
  2. Open all the details of the application.
  3. On the front side of the cut out bag, sew the appliqué by hand or machine.
  4. Fold the bag in half and sew along the edges.
  5. Attach a loop from a strip of felt or braid to the top of the bag.
  6. Thread the string through the loop.
  7. Put the gift in a bag and tie a string.

The bag can be sewn as a regular rectangle, or in the form of a boot. You can also knit a similar bag with knitting needles.

If desired, you can decorate a sewn or knitted bag with a small boutonniere made of artificial spruce branches.

DIY gift boxes

Boxes are one of the most convenient and presentable ways of gift wrapping. Let's see how to wrap a gift for the New Year beautifully using handmade boxes.

Boxes can be made from thick multi-colored paper. The following are several options for New Year's boxes with diagrams.

To make a box, take a beautiful cardboard. You can use plain cardboard of any shade or with a pattern.

Any box can then be decorated with a ribbon bow, boutonniere, star, thread pompom or any decorative element.

textile napkin

A pair of fresh crispy baguettes and a jar of marmalade wrapped in a holiday napkin and complemented by a wooden juicer. This is one of the thousands of edible gift options for culinary lovers and true aesthetes. Try to dream up a little on this topic: instead of marmalade, put a jar of pate in a napkin, and instead of baguettes, put homemade pancakes.

You can make cute tags for original gift wrapping by cutting out small squares from thick paper and processing their edges with curly scissors.

Kraft paper and thread

Agree, this is the best packaging for soft New Year's gifts: mittens, scarves and woolen socks. Fold together two sheets of craft paper, draw on them the shape of a star, sock, heart or Christmas tree. Cut out the shape, put the gift between the layers and sew on a typewriter with a contrasting thread (red or gold), stepping back from the edge about 1-2 cm.

Paper scraps

Wrap the gift in white wrapping paper, and stretch a small strip of decorative paper down the center over it. Decorate the package with a cord and attach a small detail that will complement the gift. Stick a congratulations sticker on top. Great gift wrapping idea!

Potatoes and paints

Take a piece of fabric so that you can freely fit the gift into it. Cut a large potato in half and carefully cut out the shape of the letter with a knife. Blot excess moisture with a paper towel, and apply acrylic paint to the cut out letter. Then press the "seal" to the fabric.

old maps

Pages from an old atlas and road maps look very stylish as DIY gift wrapping. And instead of tying a bow at the top, complete the package with unusual details: paint the leaf of a houseplant with gold spray, use a bright button and string, or make a flower from scraps of fabric.

Newspapers and twine

Food grade white paper is a great backdrop for silhouettes with Christmas symbols. Print and cut out the stencils, transfer them to newspaper pages or brown craft paper, and then cut out the silhouettes. Glue them to the box in several places and tie the gift with a simple twine.

Hairpins and buckles

Another original Christmas gift wrapping idea. Beautiful belt buckles and hairpin details are perfect for decorating a gift box. The buckle will not only give a glamorous look to the gift, but also fix the ribbon. So the next time you want to throw away an old belt, think about how a cute buckle can decorate a gift.

Graceful homemade

Make your own wrapping paper using stamps and metallic ink, available from hobby stores. Combine colors and patterns.