Slavic amulets for the happiness of a doll. What amulets will help to attract good luck, and how to make them yourself? Rules for creating Kula Doli

Dolls are an indispensable attribute of the game for every girl. Someone, having matured, collects expensive handmade author's dolls, making them an interior item and taking care of them like real children. And someone himself makes and carefully stores small rag dolls, endowing them with the property of an amulet or a talisman. But where did the tradition of making dolls come from and what is their original purpose? What information message did they carry to their owner? I suggest you, my dear readers, not only to study the history of occurrence, but also to figure out how a charm doll is made for happiness with your own hands. A detailed master class will teach you how to make your "Happiness".

Where and when did the chrysalis for good luck supposedly appear

A charm doll for happiness personifies the female nature that gives life. It originated among the ancient Slavs as an indispensable attribute of saving and protecting their happiness for every woman. After all, it was the woman who was the keeper of family well-being and home warmth. Any representative of the weaker sex literally “created” personal happiness and kept it in her house, secretly from envious eyes. The history of the appearance of a charm doll for happiness goes back to the idea of ​​the Slavs about the life force of a person, its source and method of preservation. It was believed that the source of strength is in the mother earth, and power accumulates in the hair. Remember how women took care of their braids: carefully combed with a comb and hid under a headdress.

What does the amulet for happiness look like and where is it used?

The appearance of the doll is a small figurine twisted from fabric without a face, but with a long elastic braid. It is the scythe that is the support and protection that allows you to stand steadily on the ground and draw its strength. The height of the amulet is 6-8 cm, and the length of the braid is 2-3 times greater. Manufacturing features:

  • Only natural fabrics are suitable as starting materials: linen, cotton, hemp, nettle. Pure sanitary linen is used for hair. The doll is tied with woolen threads.
  • The doll does not tolerate the touch of metal objects. It is known that metal dissipates energy. Needles must not be used. If during the manufacturing process it is necessary to cut the doll's dress to size, then it is first removed.
  • The charm doll for happiness is faceless. According to ancient beliefs, this was considered a protection from the settlement in the craft of evil spirits and creatures of the dark worlds.
  • To fix the hair on the head, modeling the palms and shoes, a strong thread is used, and the knots are hidden in the folds of the fabric.
  • The talisman must be made in one sitting, without interruption to other things.

The figurine-amulet was not given a female name, but simply called "Happiness". For each of its owners, the doll had a magical meaning. . She was the key to a happy life, good health and longevity, promised success in work and prosperity at home. The effect of the amulet extended not only to its owner, but also to all her household members. The ways of using the doll differ according to the desire of its mistress. The amulet can be kept at home in a secluded place or, conversely, in plain sight in the most beautiful corner of the room.

It is convenient to carry a small figure with you in your pocket, and put it under your pillow at night. Also, the ancient Slavs guessed by the appearance of the chrysalis. If all parts of the body and hair are held tightly for a long time, then a strong talisman will bring a lot of happiness and prosperity. Using a doll involves communicating with her. Tell us about your innermost desires, about the purity and sincerity of your thoughts.

How to make a charm for happiness with your own hands?

It is known that talismans and amulets have maximum power and "feel" their owner better if they are made by hand, which is called - with soul. Before you start studying our master class and making the doll, make sure that no one bothers you. Your emotional mood should carry only positive images: a happy wife, a loving and caring mother, a kind assistant in business, the patroness of the family.

Prepare all the necessary materials: a piece of unbleached linen 14 × 16 mm; white chintz 16×16 mm; a flap of red (or other bright) fabric 6-8 cm wide and 15-20 cm long; strong woolen thread (preferably red); a braid for attaching a dress 12-14 cm. Before you start making your “Happiness”, it is useful to do meditation to get rid of negative thoughts and experiences. Step-by-step instructions with "safety precautions".

  1. Roll the linen fabric into a dense flagellum 1-1.5 cm thick. The sections of the patch should be inside. On both sides we tightly tie the flagellum with a red thread at a distance of 0.7-1 cm from the edge.
  2. We fold the resulting twist in half and tie it with a thread at a distance of 1-1.4 cm from the fold. Thus we form the head of our chrysalis.
  3. To add volume to the head, we wind a small amount of sanitary flax. The head should be neat, round, without tubercles.
  4. Next, we lay the workpiece in the center of a square white patch so that its 2 opposite corners are on the sides of the doll, and the remaining 2 are in front and behind. We tighten the thread on the neck of the pupa, gently straightening the folds. Knowledgeable people recommend doing all the tightenings in 3 turns and fastening with 3 knots.
  5. We pull the free ends of the fabric on the right and left with a woolen or linen thread, stepping back from the edge of 0.5-0.7 cm. Thus, we formed the handles with the palms of our doll. Do not forget to wrap the fabric sections inward, as shown in the photo.
  6. We carefully tuck the remaining corners of the fabric in front and behind and tightly tie the body of the workpiece with a cross-cross thread. We got a doll with a head, arms and legs.
  7. "Happiness" must certainly be shod and smartly dressed. To do this, we wrap the legs of the figure with braid and tighten with a thread. We form a dress from red fabric, laying uniform folds around the body. Under the handles of the doll, we wrap the dress with braid and pull it with a thread.
  8. It remains to attach a luxurious braid. We tie a long strand of sanitary flax, cleaned of coarse fibers and knots, in the middle with the same flax fiber. We put the middle of the strand on the forehead of the doll, and we wind the free ends back, not forgetting to straighten the hair at the crown. We fix the hairstyle under the neck and weave the braid.

Important! Safety precautions in the manufacture of a talisman doll for good luck.

When tying each knot, you fix the information. Therefore, clearly formulate your wishes and exclude evil thoughts. The doll contains an energy-information flow: what you put into it is what you get. Treat her with care and love. Never give your amulet into the hands of strangers!

Where can I buy a doll-amulet for happiness?

If you have no creative abilities at all, and you really want to have the “Happiness” amulet, it’s not at all difficult to get a ready-made one. Numerous trusted sites and online stores offer high-quality hand-made amulets in accordance with Slavic traditions. On the Fair of Masters website, I found a huge selection of happiness dolls at an affordable price. Portal "Slavyanskaya Lavka" provides a wide selection of copyright talismans exclusively from natural materials.


As you can see, arranging your own or purchasing a ready-made "Happiness" is available to everyone. A small doll can bring great happiness to those who believe in its power and sacred purpose. It is worth remembering that the amulet creates favorable conditions for a person, being his assistant. To find your happiness, you need to make an effort. Good luck to you!

A charm doll for good luck has been used since ancient times. Today it serves as a home decoration. Motankas were the most common type of dolls. The reason for this is the ease of manufacture. There are many similar talismans: for money, weddings, but more often - for happiness. There are master classes for making motanka.


Nowadays, a lucky charm doll is used as a decorative element or a toy for a child. Every detail matters. The Slavs made dolls without faces. It was believed that with a face, a thing acquires a soul, which means it can be used by witches and magicians with bad intentions.

Girls were allowed to make their first talisman at the age of 13. If the material produced was of high quality, the girl was ready to get married. Beautiful dolls were hidden and left as a bride's dowry.

Doll features

A doll for happiness among our ancestors was of great importance. She brought:

  • long life;
  • health of all family members;
  • good acquaintances;
  • any good undertakings;
  • enrichment.

In the manufacture of coasters, attention was paid to a number of mandatory conditions:

  • they were made only by girls, in a good mood and with positive energy;
  • the dolls were faceless;
  • coils were made without the use of metal: needles, scissors, or knives; according to legend, it destroyed the aura;
  • on holidays or on weekends, the Happiness motanka was not made;
  • the pigtail was bent up.


Doll Happiness should look right:

  • she was made of small stature - up to 6 cm;
  • a talisman was woven a long braid;
  • hands were raised up.

Each element of the chrysalis matters. The longer the hair, the more luck there will be in material terms. It also promises a long happy life. Thanks to her beautiful long hair, the doll became more feminine, carried an active female energy.

There are dolls for the happiness of the male. But the hair was also made long, but the braid looked down. Such amulets served as a support and protected the owner.

material for amulets

To make a doll of happiness, natural fabrics and threads were used:

  • a piece of fabric 10x10 cm light color - 2 pcs.;
  • a piece of fabric 15x5 cm of any color - 1 pc. (for clothes);
  • bright red threads of wool;
  • comb (the material is taken natural);
  • fabric circles up to 3 cm in size of any color - 2 pcs.

Making a charm takes place only with a positive attitude and with good thoughts. Motanka is so loaded.


Manufacturing master class:

  • Making a doll of happiness with your own hands begins with hair. Linen is combed with a prepared comb. The rest is not thrown away.
  • At the second stage, the legs of the pupa are made. A light-colored square is twisted, and the ends are tied with threads. After they are connected, the top is tied with a thread at a distance of 1 cm. This is the body of the coast.
  • At this stage, the remnants of flax are used after combing and wound around 1 cm of the body - this is the head.
  • The head, shirt and arms are formed from the second light piece of fabric. The head is placed in the center of the fabric and tied with a red thread in the neck area - a bag is obtained. The remaining corners are the arms and the shirt, they are made by twisting the threads in a crosswise manner.
  • Colored fabric is used to make a dress. The flap is moved under the arms of the coastline and tied with threads.
  • Hair is fastened from linen to the head and tied with a thread around the neck.
  • Weave a braid, at the end they tie it with a beautiful ribbon.


When girls make a doll, they think of women's well-being and health. They communicate with the amulet, tell secret desires. Bereginya should always be with the hostess so that wishes come true faster.

The place of honor among the amulet dolls among the Slavs was occupied by doll amulet for happiness. She attracted good luck, success, goodness, prosperity, strength of health - in a word, something that can make a person happy. The amulet belongs to the category of winding dolls, when cutting or piercing objects are not used in the process of its manufacture. The doll is small in stature, she has a big thick braid. A doll for happiness is made necessarily in a peaceful state, from natural materials and with your own hands.

The culture of the ancient Slavs has brought to our days the whole art of making various amulets in the form of dolls. One of these key magical gizmos was the Happiness doll. That's what they called her - Happiness. The purpose of the doll is to attract good luck, prosperity and happiness to the one who made it or to whom it was presented. The task of Happiness was not only to come with prosperity to one person, but also to have a beneficial effect on all members of his family.

Happiness could bring a person or his household:

  • health;
  • longevity;
  • good luck in business;
  • prosperity in the house;
  • favorable in dealing with people;
  • well-being of all family members.

In any area of ​​life, such a doll was able to attract a maximum of positive vibrations and energies in order to transfer them to a person. According to the beliefs of ancient times, the Slavs believed that the chrysalis is very lively and strong, despite the fact that it is small in stature. She can come to distant lands in order to get happiness for her master. Due to its small size, such a talisman could easily fit in the owner's pocket.

How to make a doll Happiness yourself?

Consider first the features of making a Happiness doll:

  1. Without scissors, knives, needles and pins. The Slavs understood that cutting or piercing objects could “break through” the flow of positive energy that the amulet carried.
  2. No faces. Facial features are not distinguished in any way. This part should be even, smooth and light (pure white).
  3. Only women make motanok.
  4. On holidays or Sundays, the amulet is not made.
  5. The braid is several times longer than the body. A symbol of longevity, good health and long-term happiness.
  6. Legs with shoes are a must.
  7. The handles should be pulled up.

The peculiarity of this doll lies in her braid- it is very long and always turned up if it is a girl doll. But it also happened in the magical Slavic practice when Happiness was made by the male. The Happiness-boy doll also has a long braid, only it is already bent down. If the braid turned out to be very long, they folded it in a spiral: for girls - up, for boys - down.

The height of the doll is 5 or 6 cm. The figure was not made above this height. But the length of the scythe could be 3-4 times greater than the growth of the torso and head. The doll must have legs, because the Slavs believe that she walks and runs a lot in order to get happiness. On the legs there must be good-quality paws - the intent is that Happiness could come even from afar to the owner of the doll.

The do-it-yourself doll amulet for happiness is made from materials with natural threads and fibers. All paraphernalia of the doll - jewelry, hair, clothes - should consist only of natural elements. The basis of the product is linen and natural white fabric, clothes are multi-colored shreds. You can use any jewelry, but not metal ones.

The manufacturing method is winding the patches in a special way and weaving the hair into a braid. Therefore, such products are called - motanka doll (emphasis on "o"). Thanks to such an inventive method of our Slavic ancestors, it was not necessary to additionally use scissors or sew with a needle. This is especially good when there is no time to do needlework, and you really need to make a doll.

The use of a talisman doll

Standing up, the doll easily leans on a twisted braid, and therefore does not fall. They use it very simply - during the manufacture they say their desire, dream, aspirations. After manufacturing, they communicate with the doll, telling her in detail about what a person expects from her. The following texts of such communication with the amulet are known:

Motanka doll. Nice, foldable

Bring me happiness!

Yes, not a handful, but a box.

Yes, not a box, but a barrel.

Yes, not a barrel, but a bag.

The strengths in you are immeasurable -

You will take away at least a mountain of light happiness,

Yes, to my house, yes to my heart!

After such “conversations”, it would be appropriate to say the word that fixes any option - “So be it!” or “My word is firm, the key, the lock!”. Next, you need to keep the doll always near you so that your energy of desire is completely absorbed into the little thing. The doll can be carried in a pocket, put in a purse, in a purse. Its dimensions make it easy to place it near you. You can decorate your room with such an amulet or a "red corner" (a holy place in the house), where the Slavic gods are installed.

How to guess on the doll Happiness?

A do-it-yourself doll for happiness fulfills its task not only when it is simply next to the owner, but also when they are guessing at it. Divination happens as follows:

  1. It is crooked, which means that there is some kind of instability in the financial sector.
  2. Big head - a lot of far-fetched problems.
  3. Crooked head - you need to eliminate problems with others.
  4. The braid is short - happiness will not last long.
  5. The braid is 5-6 times the height of the body - happiness will be long, later - tiring.
  6. Too bright dress - people can envy happiness.
  7. Proportionate proportions of the body - there will be enough joy from happiness for all households.
  8. The parts of the body of the doll hold firmly for 7 days - a strong doll will bring you happiness.

Thanks to such signs, you can determine whether the desired will come to you quickly, whether you need to correct something in the first place, what obstacles may be that the person himself can eliminate.

Correct parting with the amulet

When happiness has come, and the doll has done its job, we must thank her. Such a doll was not used to attract other happiness - it was believed that a person was greedy. Therefore, in order not to produce greed in your thinking and heart, you need to part with the spent amulet.

To do this, they thank her, you can bring various sweets or decorations and let the doll stand in the “red corner” for several days (3 days is enough). There should not be a shadow of regret in your heart. Carefully and calmly unwind the doll and burn all its details, and spread the ashes near the house (you can through the window). When parting, you thank, rather, not the rags themselves, but the power that you attracted with the help of the Happiness doll.

A chrysalis for happiness is a doll both for playing and ritual. Such a doll was given with the wishes of happiness, good luck and health. Doll for happiness is one of the few folk dolls, in the manufacture of which a needle was used. The originality of the doll for happiness is that the doll is very small 5-6 cm, but her braid is long - twice the size of the doll itself. Such a long braid symbolizes long life and good health. And, in addition, it creates a support, thanks to which the chrysalis, for good luck, “stands on its feet” very firmly. Some folklorists believe that this rag folk doll is an echo of ancient female amulets. But today it is a cheerful and kind souvenir. The doll is made quite difficult, you can recommend it to children from 10-12 years old.
How to make a folk rag doll for good luck.
You will need:
Two squares of white fabric 10x10cm for legs and shirt
For the shoes, two squares of light fabric 3x3cm
Patch of bright fabric for sundress 5x13cm
Red threads can be used floss
Plumbing linen for hair, tow can be used to stuff the doll's head (can be bought at plumbing stores).
Needle, scissors, light thread
Comb for combing flax
Ribbon for tying a pigtail
1. We make legs for the doll for good luck. We roll a square of light fabric into a tube. We fold the edge of the fabric.
You can sew the edge of the tube with a thread so that it does not unfold.
2. We sew small squares of fabric in a circle with a seam forward and tighten the needle. We turn the corners of the material inward and put on the leg. Sew the shoes to the tube with a thread on both sides.
3. We bend the tube in half and tie it with a thread - the legs are ready.
4. Making the head of a rag doll for good luck. We wrap the rags or tow from preparing the hair for the doll (point 9) on top of the legs. This chrysalis has a large head.
5. We put on the second square of light fabric diagonally on the head. We tie with a thread under the neck.
6. From the two ends of the square of fabric we form handles for a folk doll for good luck. We bend the corners inward, tuck them from the ends and tie them with a thread - we get palms.
7. We turn the ends of the fabric in front and behind the doll inward to the head and tie it with a thread. You can sew the edges of the shirt to the legs of the doll.
8. We make a sundress for a rag doll. We sew a bright fabric of approximately 5x13 cm into a pipe from the inside, turn the material inside out.
We fold the sundress material in half again and make a small cut for the doll's handles (about 1-1.5 cm).
We put a sundress on the doll (the handles should fall into the cuts), form folds and tie it with a thread (as close to the handles as possible)
9. We make hair for a doll for happiness. Plumbing linen is pre-treated (can be soaked in white for bleaching), combed with a comb, divided into two strands.
We sew one strand to the head of a rag doll, so that it is located in front (on the face) and behind the doll.
We put the second strand of flax perpendicular to the first (crosswise) and also sew it with threads.
We separate the hair and tie it to the neck.
Weave a pigtail and tie a bow.
Folk rag doll ready for happiness

In a traditional doll, Happiness is the main thing - it's hair, it has female power. The braid twists up and serves as a support for the doll, making it stable. Few traditional folk dolls can stand on their own. I don’t specify the details, like the braid on the bottom of the skirt, etc., they are obvious, they can be done, you can not do it. The decision is yours.

Materials: two squares of medium-density twin-filament or similar matter 10x10 cm,
linen plumbing,
two mugs with a diameter of 3 cm, thin knitwear is better,
a strip of bright fabric for a skirt 12-14 cm long, 4-5 cm high,
strong red threads, scissors, needle, comb (preferably wooden).

The doll is complex, it must be done sequentially in parts (hair, body, skirt, assembly).

Let's prepare the hair first

Flax should be combed, preferably with a wooden comb. Twist a thread from a thin strand and tie the combed hair with it in the middle no more than 3 cm wide. We will decorate the head with a comb.

Next, we make a twist from one square, tie it at the ends, put on and tie the "boots". There are a lot of ways to put on a doll: tie, sheathe, wrap, etc.

We fold it in half, tie the part for the head, but a little 1-1.5 cm. Holding the comb in the left palm, we begin, as it were, to screw the head into the comb with the right hand, gradually increasing it tightly and evenly to 2.5 - 3 cm.

We place the head in the center of the second square diagonally. We decorate the face, shirt, arms, bending and bandaging.

Determine the height of the skirt and trim it. It is necessary to tie the skirt as high as possible to the neck, for this, after tightening the skirt, pass the threads under the handles, thereby tightening and strengthening the skirt.

Only after putting on a skirt can you tie your hair. At the back, connect their strands, covering the entire back of the head, tightly bandage around the neck.

Braid a tight braid, tie with threads, ribbon, braid at your discretion.

And be happy!!!