What happens if you kiss with your tongue. How to properly learn to kiss a guy with and without tongue? Affordable practice

Before moving on to more intimate kisses, let's consider a description of the main types of manifestation of feelings in an appropriate way:

  1. love is shown by gentle, slow touches, as careful as the first time;
  2. passion, unlike the previous concept, is expressed by more emotional, frank and uncontrolled by the mind movements not only with the lips;
  3. friendship corresponds to a meaningless kiss on the cheek or even without touching it, as if into the air;
  4. respect is a sublime feeling that manifests itself only in bringing the lips to the object of respect;
  5. airy, light and playful. Suitable for a little flirting. In this case, it expresses either good friendly relations or the emergence of something more than simple sympathy;
  6. A parent's touch or a child's kiss. The most real and valuable;

Only loving and passionate types of kisses are represented with lips using the tongue, since they show precisely physiological needs, both in the case of a guy and a girl. The organs involved in the process of contact, through their receptors, transmit the necessary information to the parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings. And from there they come out in the form of excitement and desire. Therefore, kisses often end not only in mutual caresses, but also in an intimate relationship.

Kiss with lips without tongue

When the time comes to grow up, changes begin to occur in boys and girls in terms of the appearance of sexual characteristics. This is how teenage love begins. Modern sympathy is not limited to evening walks and handshakes. The moment of physical manifestation of feelings comes.

The numerous videos that our children have been forced to watch since childhood are already filled with vivid scenes of love. But no one explains to kids at this time that real emotions can be shown in other ways. So they have to try to master science on their own. Let's try to tell:

  • Freshness. If you decide that today you will definitely allow your significant other to kiss you, prepare your breathing for this. Pleasant breath is more important than ever;
  • Practice. Introduce your partner and touch your lips, but not too provocatively and demandingly, but carefully. Use your wrist to feel roughly what it would feel like for your loved one;
  • Tilt your head so that your noses do not touch each other. This interferes with the process;
  • Hold back your saliva. Being wet from someone else's secretions is not very pleasant, especially if you have not yet learned all the intricacies of intimate literacy;
  • This is why this type of affection is valued. He is the first, relaxed and sincere, does not involve vulgarity and sexual intimacy at an early age.

To add effect, put your arm around the neck of a member of the opposite sex and press him a little closer. Do not forcefully squeeze the throat and squeeze your partner in a vice. Everything should be by mutual desired agreement. Don't forget that this type of caress without tongue!

French kissing - the art of moving the tongue

How not to go further and abandon the deep method of touching using the tongue. This type of kiss is called “French”. It already expresses sexual sympathy and activates not just arousal, but also the corresponding organs and nerve endings. Erogenous zones begin to awaken and influence the general condition of the body.

The duration of this process usually does not exceed 5 minutes. Depends on how close the partners are emotionally to each other. To learn seductive tongue movements, simple lip kissing skills will not be enough. You need to be prepared:

  • doing something for the first time is always difficult, so just start with the usual touching with your lips;
  • gradually open your mouth, but do not try to eat your partner;
  • if they answer you, continue, gradually penetrating your tongue, but slowly, into the oral cavity of your other half;
  • watch the reaction of the opposite sex.

If everything worked out, give yourself a pass. The next kisses will not be so careful and interesting. Gradually, you will no longer be the initiator of events. Your chosen one or chosen one will independently provoke a French erotic kiss. This will happen all the time now, get used to it and don’t be shy.

An important point in mastering the intricacies of the French kiss is complete relaxation and trust in your partner. The confidence that your feelings are not fake, but the most real and perfect, will do its job. Leave outdated prejudices and get amazing pleasure.

5 ways to French kiss

You have already mastered the basic laws of how to kiss with your tongue correctly, but you should go further and learn the science of all kinds:

  1. passionate "mill". Provides for movement, like the blades of a mechanical analogue, in a circle. Here we cannot do without mutual play and support;
  2. exquisite. You should touch the elements of the oral cavity: palate, teeth, gums. But this should be done as gently and very calmly as possible;
  3. gentle. “Outlining” the contours of the oral cavity, lips, tongue;
  4. playful flirting. Simultaneous use of teeth, which should gently bite the lips of the partner. An addition of already familiar French caresses will not be superfluous;
  5. the last type is “Samayan”, which most clearly reveals the depth of your intimate relationships. Carefully sucking a partner’s oral organ is no longer an easy skill.

You will definitely achieve these requirements over time. Everything is learned through life experience. But don't rush to grow up. Sometimes discovering the delights gradually is the best solution.

Be careful and avoid mistakes. They can cause you an irresistible disgust later and will cancel out all the pleasure that you previously received from a French kiss. Often, unknowingly, it can happen to a girl or a guy, against the background of a nervous experience, that there is a copious secretion of saliva that is unpleasant for some. You will have to not kiss, but wipe your mouth with improvised means.

Don't try to press your tongue too much into your partner's mouth. You are not a tailspin. This is annoying and can cause your partner to feel discomfort, gag, or begin to choke. It is unlikely that the next attempt will be welcome.

Why do you need to kiss with your tongue?

What does an ordinary traditional and sensual intimate French kiss bring into our lives? These two effects affect the organs of the reproductive system and arousal processes, and therefore the entire body. And this is a scientifically studied fact. Representatives of the University of California decided to prove it.

A small and simple experience in the form of observations and regular surveys showed the following undeniable results of what happens with regular kisses with representatives of the opposite sex:

  1. a noticeable increase in financial well-being;
  2. significant resistance to irritation and stressful situations;
  3. full muscle tone;
  4. excellent immunity indicators;
  5. ideal condition and youthfulness of the skin;
  6. increased amount of joy hormones in the body;
  7. feeling of strength and vigor.

In addition to the above positive effects, kissing reduces calories, relieves pain and normalizes the natural metabolism in the body of both partners. Every year on July 6th, the whole world worships the art of kissing and celebrates its day. This is a manifestation of real sensual relationships. How to resist temptation. Kissing a loved one is happiness that everyone should experience.

Often, learn to kiss with tongue- this is the same as learn to kiss in French. Many who have never kissed before have little experience and therefore are eager to learn. Below you can watch several videos, as well as read a couple of tips that can help you in this matter.

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The most important rule when kissing is fresh breath. If your breath smells, the smell is not pleasant, then your partner is unlikely to appreciate it. That is why try to worry about this in advance. To do this, we recommend brushing your teeth 2 times a day, and the best option would be after each meal. And also don’t forget to use chewing gum and dental floss.

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Well, when you are sure that your mouth smells of mint or another pleasant smell, you can safely move on to the kiss. But first, you should find a cozy place, sit closer to your partner and... If your partner (especially a girl) looks at your lips very often, and you yourself have noticed this, then most likely he really wants to kiss, perhaps even more than you. When you have already decided to kiss, you can start with “hugs”, and then with a light touch on the lips.

Don't stick your tongue out right away, your partner may be unpleasant and will think that you are rude and want to move on to sex. After a while, you can move on to kissing with your tongue. To do this, insert its tip between your partner’s lips and find his (her) tip. Then make gentle circular movements or back and forth movements. At this moment it’s worth experimenting, just rely on your imagination. It is not necessary to follow all the rules, it is important not to push your tongue deep into the mouth of your chosen one, since not everyone likes deep kisses. If he (she) wants it, it will happen by itself.

A kiss can last from a couple of seconds to 30-40 minutes, tested. It all depends on the desires and endurance of both. Do not make sudden movements. Actions should be done gently and slowly. From time to time you may bite or suck your partner's lips or the tip of your tongue.

In general, the main thing here is practice. Experience is gained when you kiss, so practice more. Well, that's the end of the advice. Do not forget that you need to act with soul, gently, especially when you finish caresses, improvise, but do not make movements with great force and speed, otherwise you can scare your chosen one (chosen one), naturally, if you do not do everything in a fit of passion.

Video lessons

Part 1

How to initiate a kiss

    Let your partner take the initiative (optional). If you are very nervous, wait until your partner takes the initiative. Just repeat what he (she) does during the kiss.

    Take risks. Over time, you will be able to initiate the kiss, and you will develop your own technique.

Part 4

How to kiss after a date

    Lean in closer. A kiss after a date may or may not happen, so if you want to kiss your partner, be close to him or her. When it's time to say goodbye, you'll be close enough to kiss without having to make any unnecessary moves.

    • Boys, at such moments you usually panic and peck the girl on the cheek, which practically means: “You remind me of my sister” - not a very good way to end a date. When you walk a girl to her car or door, place your hand on her shoulder. The barrier has almost been overcome! Now she already imagines your intentions, now you can safely stand closer to her.
  1. Watch the girl's reaction. If she leans away or moves away from you or tries to create distance between you, then you shouldn't try to kiss her. There is no need to be offended and make a scene out of it - smile, thank her for the wonderful evening and say goodbye. Perhaps the girl is not yet ready for a kiss.

  2. . If a person stands close and looks into their partner's eyes, it usually means that they are about to kiss them.

    • If you look into her eyes for too long, she may feel uncomfortable. Try not to stare, otherwise she will feel like she's being interrogated. Look into her eyes, but from time to time you need to look away - for example, at her lips.
    • Perhaps you think that you don’t need to let the girl know so clearly that you are going to kiss her. But you are wrong - if she is ready for a kiss, then everything will go more smoothly. There is no place for surprises here - otherwise it will lead to bruises, broken noses and teeth, inconvenience and misunderstanding on her part.
  3. Stop the conversation. If you want to kiss her, you don't have to talk all the time. At the moment of goodbye, when it is time for a kiss, people usually start to worry and talk a lot.

    • There is no need to abruptly end the conversation - otherwise she will think that it is time for you to leave and will begin to say goodbye. But, on the other hand, there is no need to continue it endlessly.
    • Let your answers be monosyllabic, but friendly - then the conversation will soon end and it will be time for a kiss.

When romantic feelings arise between people, they want to be as close to each other spiritually and physically as possible. Lovers show their condition through touching, hugging, and kissing. The latter are important in a relationship, because after a kiss you can understand how deep the feelings for a person are, and whether they exist at all. How to properly kiss a guy and a girl on the lips if they have not had such experience? There are many different techniques that are worth considering.

How can you kiss

Kiss - touching something or someone with your lips. The process differs depending on the person's intentions. The other half is kissed for a long time, passionately, the mother is kissed tenderly, meekly, there is no place on the body of the long-awaited child where the mother’s lips do not touch. Residents of different countries have different attitudes towards the phenomenon. The most kissing nations are the Spaniards, Germans, and Dutch. Even when meeting a stranger, they touch their cheeks with their lips. A loving couple kisses passionately - with tongue. Australians touch their foreheads to each other, and the Chinese draw in their partner's breath through their lips and nostrils.

The best kisses

There are many varieties of this phenomenon. The most common kisses in our culture:

  • Welcome. When meeting, people kiss each other on the cheek and often quickly touch their lips. The phenomenon is not of an intimate nature.
  • Romantic. Happens to people between whom feelings arise. It may first affect the earlobes, cheeks, neck, and slowly move to the lips. It starts with timid, hesitant movements, then gains momentum and develops into a kiss with the tongue.
  • Passionate. This category is represented by lip biting, French kissing, and “dancing” with tongues. This includes kissing on the teeth.
  • Body kisses. A loving person carefully “explores” especially sensitive areas of the body with his lips - the neck, the curves of the arms, legs, stomach, chest.


The classic understanding of platonic love is sublime romantic feelings based on spiritual attraction and not involving physical relationships. Kisses with such love are short, gentle, romantic, without smacking or other sounds. Chaste actions are characteristic of teenagers who are not going to move on to intimate relationships, but are already experiencing feelings. Another understanding of this phenomenon is a friendly, related kiss. He expresses joy and gratitude to his parents, brother, sister, friend or girlfriend. It is also given at a meeting or farewell.

Kiss with tongue

This type of expression of feelings is extremely rare on a first date, although among adults there are exceptions to the rule. Boys and girls should hold off on moving to such a serious stage so as not to be disappointed. You need to think about how to kiss with your tongue correctly when you are confident in your feelings and their reciprocity. This action allows you to feel the taste of your loved one, get to know him better, awaken sensuality and desires.

Kissing on the lips

They won’t tell you how to kiss properly, because each person has their own preferences. However, there are some tricks in this process. A little theoretical preparation will ignite your imagination and provide a wide field of activity. A kiss on the lips can be different:

  • Smooth – light sucking, biting lips.
  • Smooth - the movements are gentle and slow, they do not bypass a single millimeter of the partner’s lips.
  • “Pleasure of the bud” (the view described by the Kama Sutra) - a man gently squeezes a woman’s lips with his fingers and kisses them.

How to start kissing

In this matter, the environment, feelings towards a person of the opposite sex, and mood are important. A young man should invite his significant other on a romantic date. If it goes well, the girl will have “butterflies in her stomach” and you can kiss her while walking her home. Based on your partner’s behavior, you will understand whether he is ready for this stage of the relationship. Burning eyes, reciprocal movements when hugging, stroking - all this indicates that you can act.

Before you kiss on the lips, you should think about your oral hygiene. To ensure that the smell is normal, you should brush your teeth in the morning and evening and properly remove plaque from your tongue. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth and use a cleansing floss. Take care of the health of your teeth, because caries, holes in the enamel, its darkening or yellowness kill self-confidence.

How to kiss a girl

Previously, women rarely showed such initiative. Today, girls are increasingly taking matters into their own hands and winning. How to learn to kiss first? Three cases in which a kiss is appropriate:

  1. The young man is older than you. He is afraid of harm, so you yourself let him know when you are ready for the next stage. A girl can give her partner a light kiss or immediately move on to decisive action.
  2. The guy has no relationship experience. Your careful movements will help to liberate and teach a young man how to kiss correctly.
  3. You are in a playful mood. You know for sure that the guy likes you, but he is in no hurry. During goodbyes, you can move closer to your partner, clearly making it clear that you are not against something more. Lightly touch your loved one's lips and linger close, waiting for an answer.

How to kiss a guy

Love intentions should not be voiced in the question. This will create a tense environment. How should a guy kiss correctly? A girl should be loved and loving, then all embarrassment will go away. The guy needs to relax, be gentle, decisive, and not skimp on pleasant words (tell her how cool, beautiful, and the best she is). It is not necessary to practice kissing on tomatoes or the tip of a pillow; act intuitively and avoid common mistakes. If a girl closes her teeth or holds her tongue to the roof of her mouth, it means she doesn’t want to continue.

Lip kissing technique

It's never too late to learn, even if you have an idea of ​​how to kiss properly. You need to take care of the condition of your lips in advance - do sugar peeling, apply a softening balm. Be open psychologically - keep your gaze straight, do not cross your arms over your chest, smile, do not cover your face with your palms. Further training will not cause you any difficulties and will lead to complete euphoria in practice.

With tongue

The first serious manifestations of feelings are very exciting. The tongue kissing technique will help you become a little more confident:

  1. Gently look at your partner's face and touch his lips with dry lips. Perform light pinching and squeezing for a few seconds.
  2. Moisturize your lips. Then run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s closed lips. If he reciprocates (opens his mouth), the kiss will continue.
  3. Penetrate your tongue into your partner's mouth. The right thing to do is to do it gently, without pressure. Too deep penetration is not recommended. Move your tongue in different planes - up and down, left and right. You can close your eyelids and completely surrender to the process. Swallow your drool in time, because too slobbery kisses are not fun.
  4. Completion. Touch your foreheads and look at your partner. Enjoy the togetherness.

Without tongue

How to kiss correctly without tongue? The instructions are given above, only point three is excluded. Touch your lips, clasp them, squeeze them, bite them, suck them. Proceed in no particular order. Hug your partner with your hands, touch the face, neck, slide over the shoulders, waist, but do not be overly active. That’s right, if the lipstick has long worn off, men don’t really like this “dish.”


The first kiss is one of the most exciting moments of a nascent love relationship, when people reveal their sexual nature and temperament to each other. There are different types of kisses, but the most sensual and exciting, of course, is French, which is known for its use of tongue. How to kiss with tongue correctly and how to make sure that the first such contact makes an unforgettable impression on both?

Kissing is a very natural process, which implies, rather, the ability to relax, trust and enjoy, rather than mastery of a special technique. Despite this, many people are afraid of making a mistake and showing inexperience during the first contacts of this kind. Because of this, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear of opening up to a partner appear. In such a state, a person can naturally commit awkward actions and, instead of pleasure and a feeling of closeness, feel only disappointment. The most important point is the internal state: the first kiss is not a test of experience, but the first close contact with a loved one, which should bring nothing but joy and pleasure.

Getting ready for some sweet kisses!

The environment and atmosphere around you plays a significant role in achieving a comfortable psychological and emotional state: smells, sounds, lighting. In order to relax as much as possible and let go of worries, it is best if the first kiss takes place in a pleasant romantic environment, where both the guy and the girl will feel at ease and calm.

  • A beautiful location in nature is ideal for this event. But, if the weather or other circumstances do not allow, you can create a very pleasant atmosphere at home. It could be a romantic dinner or just tea in a cozy atmosphere.
  • Lighting should be soft, unobtrusive: live fire is great for this: candles, aroma lamp, fireplace.
  • Music will also help create a comfortable and cozy environment. You can choose absolutely any music, the main thing is that both the guy and the girl like it.
  • Smells play a special role in the emotional state. The fact is that in addition to an attractive appearance, a partner - both subconsciously and consciously - receives a large amount of information about his boyfriend/girlfriend through his sense of smell. A stale odor from the skin or breath can spoil the impression and make the kiss unpleasant and even repulsive. A too sharp and rich smell of eau de toilette, deodorant or perfume also creates a not very pleasant impression, even if the aroma itself is pleasant. In addition, the rich smell completely interrupts the natural body odor, which is the most attractive from the point of view of sexual perception of the partner. The most suitable option is light, fresh or spicy scents that are only noticeable at close range.
  • Girls should not use a large amount of cosmetics: a thick layer of foundation, powder, greasy lipstick. When you kiss, your makeup will definitely get ruined, and your partner will only worry about how she looks. And a guy is unlikely to enjoy the taste of cosmetics in his mouth.
  • Tactile sensations also play an important role: soft, smooth, clean skin will be incredibly attractive to a partner. But chapped, dry lips and hard stubble can cause discomfort during a kiss.

How to kiss for the first time with tongue?

First, while it's possible that your partner really likes surprises, it's best to kiss him when he's ready for it. The question “Can I kiss you?” can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is better to trust your intuition and try to read your partner’s body language, to “figure out” when his gaze, facial expressions, and movements indicate that he is pleased with your close presence and wants closer contact.

Secondly, the kissing process itself must necessarily be accompanied by hugs, gentle touches, stroking the face, hair, back - in this case, the contact of lips will bring maximum pleasure.

And now more specifically about how to kiss with your tongue correctly.

  • Touch your boyfriend/girlfriend's lips with relaxed lips very gently, kiss the upper or lower lip. You can make light sucking movements.
  • Gently run the tip of your tongue over your partner’s lips, penetrating inside.
  • You should not penetrate too deeply during the first kiss: the other party may not like it. It is enough to use the tip of your tongue to find your partner’s tongue and gently stroke it: in a circular motion around the tip or along the side and along the surface.
  • You can gently run your tongue across the palate and teeth of your partner.
  • Alternate these movements with light sucking movements of the lips.
  • The lips and tongue should be soft, relaxed, but not too flaccid.
  • Try alternating light and gentle tongue movements with more intense ones.
  • The first kiss shouldn't last too long (unless you feel like your partner really doesn't want to break away from you).
  • You shouldn’t open your eyes during a kiss and watch your partner’s reaction. It’s better to relax, surrender to your feelings and just enjoy the moment - this way it’s much more likely that the kiss will bring pleasure to both.
  • During contact, breathe freely through your nose, no need to hold your breath.
  • The head should be at a slight angle so that the nose does not interfere.
  • If necessary, swallow your saliva periodically to prevent your lips from getting too wet.

Subsequently, when you begin to feel what exactly your partner likes, you can experiment: make the kiss faster, passionate and active or, conversely, more tender, slow and sensual, make light, fluttering movements of the tongue or more persistent and deep. The main thing is that all this should be like a pleasant game in which you get to know each other, and not a set of learned movements in which you mentally analyze all your actions.

How to kiss a girl with your tongue correctly? There is no particular difference between the actions of a guy and a girl during a kiss. But still, the nature of the kiss may differ: the girl, as a rule, expects more active actions from the guy. As already mentioned, during a kiss, people subconsciously read information about their partner from his actions. So, if a guy kisses too sluggishly, slowly and timidly, this can create the impression of him as an indecisive person and unable to lead - and this is what girls are often afraid to discover in a boyfriend. At the same time, if the kiss is too rough and persistent, the girl may perceive it as an indicator that the guy only needs a relationship of a sexual nature, and he has no trace of any romantic feelings. In this sense, a kiss can be compared to a dance, when a man must be soft and romantic, but be able to lead his partner. It is very important that “in the process” the girl feels gentle touches, hugs, hears tender words in her ear before and after the kiss and sees the man’s admiring gaze.

How to kiss a guy with a tongue? Just as in the case of a guy, a kiss from a girl should not be too sluggish and inactive. Otherwise, it will create the impression that the contact does not give her any pleasure. It is important for a guy to feel that his actions are pleasant to the other party. This, of course, does not apply to the case when the girl is not ready for a kiss and does not want it at all. At the same time, it’s quite natural if a girl’s first kiss is a little hesitant, as if testing the taste. She should not be afraid of this and try in every possible way to show that she is experienced in kissing. On the contrary, a little timidity and excitement on her part can be exciting and intriguing for a guy.