Holidays as a way of forming the foundations of morality. Outline of the lesson on technology on the topic: Lesson summary "Customs and traditions of the Orthodox holiday of Easter. Dyeing eggs"

Easter is approaching, and it's time to think about how to decorate the Easter table beautifully and what gifts to prepare for relatives and friends. AND required attribute this holiday - colored eggs. In our review - creative ways make this Easter accessory unusual.

1. Space dust

First of all, you need to paint the eggs with dark purple or blue paint and let them dry well. Next, using a brush, spray glitter or white paint onto the dyed eggs.

2. Intricate patterns

Wrap the eggs in old ties and boil them in vinegared water.

3. Black and white decor

Use a regular black marker to original painting Easter eggs.

4. Dragon eggs

From thick metallic paper, cut out many identical “flakes” and glue them to the shell of boiled eggs.

5. Color play

To get such an interesting color transition, boiled eggs should be placed in a container with dye, in which you need to gradually add water.

6. Cartoon decor

Use food coloring to color the eggs so that one half is yellow and the other is blue. Once the paint is dry, start decorating. To decorate the eggs, you will need eyes, a thick black thread and a regular black marker.

7. Mosaic

Use the shards eggshell to create a unique decor for Easter eggs.

8. Gold leaf

Color the eggs with food coloring desired colors and let them dry well. Glue thin gold foil onto the dyed eggs. Using soft nail file, to create beautiful effect abrasions.

9. Case

Skillful needlewomen can try to knit a lace cover for Easter eggs.

10. Sweet eggs

Eggs should be brushed thin layer PVA glue, and then roll them well in confectionery dressing.

11. Pencil drawings

First you need to paint boiled eggs watercolor paints or food coloring and dry the dyes well. Next, use a soft pencil to decorate the eggs. simple drawings or patterns.

12. Bullfinches

With the help of paints, you can turn Easter eggs into charming bullfinches.

13. Application

Decorate eggs with wonderful spring applications that can be done with color corrugated paper and PVA glue.

14. Simple drawings

You can decorate eggs not only with paints or food coloring, but also with felt-tip pens.

15. Eggs in the moss

To create such a composition, it is better to use blown eggs. Using tweezers, stick the moss on the shell, decorate the composition with a coarse rope.

16. Sequins

Another simplest way egg decorations. The blown egg shell should be smeared with a thin layer of glue and rolled in sparkles.

17. Thread technique

For such an interesting decor, it is better to use styrofoam eggs, as a regular shell will be too fragile for this. A needle is stuck into the “crown” of the egg, around which a thread is wound. To prevent the thread from slipping, the surface of the egg should be smeared with textile glue.

18. Minimalism

Stylish decor that everyone can do.

Spring warmth, willow, colored eggs, Easter cakes, greeting Christening - this is all about Easter here, in Orthodox Russia. And how is the Holy Resurrection of Christ celebrated in the Catholic world? After all, this religious holiday sometimes has more importance than even the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

We will find out what “ours” and Western Easter have in common, and how the celebration traditions differ, further.

Differences of Orthodox Easter from Catholic and common in traditions:


The main symbol of Easter in Germany is hares. IN pre-holiday days images of these animals are everywhere: in the form of toys, souvenirs, on postcards. The ancient Germanic tribes held the goddess of spring in special esteem, and her favorite animal was the hare. With the first rays of the spring sun, hare families left the forests in search of food in vegetable gardens and fields where last year's roots remained. According to this sign, the population understood that Easter was coming soon. From year to year, in the spring, confectioners bake gingerbread in the form of hares with might and main and make chocolate figurines.

In addition to bunnies, the fox acts as Easter animals, and the cuckoo, crane, black grouse and stork are those birds that “bring” Easter eggs. Daffodils, they are called "Easter bells", decorate houses for a celebration.

Easter in Germany - Public Holiday. Friday and Saturday before her are non-working days. On Friday, they definitely go to church, do not have fun, refuse to visit guests, and fast. On Saturday, a large Easter bonfire is burned on the streets of cities, as a symbol of the outgoing winter.

On a festive morning all german family going to breakfast, congratulating each other. The children then look around the house for hidden baskets of chocolate eggs. Next comes the guests.


A week before Easter, schools in Sweden remember biblical stories about last days earthly life of Jesus Christ. Dwellings are decorated with flowers of spring shades - yellow, green, white. And the symbolic Easter bird of this people is chickens.

On the Easter table, pastries and sweets are especially favored. Candies are wrapped in paper eggs from cardboard.


Easter Monday is a public holiday in Canada. He is released from all work in order to bless the food and sanctify the dwelling with water brought from the temple. Canadians sprinkle houses, yards, animals. And in the villages, there was such a custom that promotes an early wedding: single men pour water over unmarried girls water.

Mass festivities, games of rolling eggs, visiting museums are accepted on the holiday. Traditional character - easter bunny. Children, adults, and even animals wear rabbit ears. Someone manages to use the day off to go out into nature, breathe fresh air and admire the snowdrops.


By Easter, Australians are stocking up on chocolate and sugar eggs. The traditional animal here is also a rabbit, however, in Lately great popularity as easter symbol gaining a rare Australian animal bilby.

At the festive meal, there are usually meat dishes: roasted lamb, chicken, beef steaks. And for dessert, the national Pavlova cake is served - a meringue with tropical fruits and strawberries. Before going to church, they eat freshly baked buns for breakfast.


Americans celebrate Easter with ham, pineapple, potatoes, and fruit. Children are given baskets with chocolate eggs and sweets. Traditional easter fun- rolling eggs on the lawn in front of the house. The one whose egg is furthest wins. A grand competition takes place in the square near the White House, where hundreds of families flock to play with their children. Even the president participates in this fun event.

Carnival processions take place along some American streets. Judging by the scope, the Easter holiday in the United States feels truly popular.


In Orthodox Greece, eggs are dyed ahead of time to be eaten on Sunday. On the eve of Saturday, they cook soup from lamb giblets. Red wine is drunk at the meal. In the city of Thessaloniki, local authorities treat everyone on the street with fried meat, eggs, and wine.

Closer to midnight on Saturday, believers go to church for a festive service. They celebrate Easter there. And then, throughout the Bright Week, they rejoice with all their hearts at the Resurrection of the Lord.

Great Britain

On Friday, English Catholics usually fast. They eat fish dishes, but not meat, and sweet buns. It is believed that bread with milk baked in Good Friday helps with stomach pain.

English children look forward to Easter: this is an occasion to play egg hunters, for which there is a chance to get a great reward in fun entertainment and, of course, sweets.

At Easter, the British wear new clothes in commemoration of the change of seasons and the arrival of heat.

Here it is customary to consecrate bread, eggs and other products that people bring with them to church.


Finns, a northern people, especially rejoice at the end harsh winter. Therefore, on the Easter weekend, which begins on the evening of Maundy Thursday, the majority of the population leaves for country houses meet the holiday in nature. On Thursday, the main preparations take place: the housewives bake Easter cakes, rye pudding, paint eggs, and buy food for the Sunday table.

According to tradition, two days before Easter, bonfires are burned, the fire of which protects from evil spirits. On Saturday, something like a theatrical performance takes place in the capital of Finland: actors demonstrate sketches of the Passion of Christ.

It is not customary to sleep on Easter night: you need to meet the Resurrection of Christ with a sunny dawn.

Master Class"Easter Easter eggs"

teacher additional education

Abramova T.A

Target: - expansion of ideas of children and adults about Russian folk traditions, customs and rituals.

Tasks :

Development of artistic and creative abilities, imagination, associative memory, development fine motor skills hands, education of artistic and aesthetic taste.

Orientation of the family to the spiritual and moral education of children by familiarizing parents with the basics of folk culture.

Materials: Wooden egg blanks, acrylic paints, brushes, cotton swabs.

Equipment: Multimedia, projector, musical arrangement.

In March, our gymnasium with parents and pupils held a master class within the framework of the Easter in Rus' project on painting Easter eggs.
Easter is an Orthodox holiday that not only unites people, but also fills our lives with joy, light and faith in a miracle. The tradition of giving Easter eggs - a symbol of the birth of life, resurrection - has existed in Europe since the 16th century. Making exquisitely decorated Easter eggs was both a tradition and an old craft in Russia. Long before Faberge, jewelry eggs from precious metals and stones were made for Russian tsars.
Quite a lot of visitors came to our master class to learn the ancient art of decorating Easter eggs, but as always, we would like to have even more guests!
The children, along with their parents, were so carried away by the arts and crafts that they did not want to leave. We think that parents, forgetting about everyday fuss and problems, plunged together with their children into the world of beautiful “Faberge art”. Certainly the general creative occupation contributes to a better understanding between parents and children.. each mother, grandmother, having made her work of "Easter" art, helped her child to finalize her testicle and shared her knowledge about the history of the Easter holiday.
In the end, everyone was satisfied with the result. We are confident that handmade, unique Easter eggs will take their rightful place in every home, and their production will become a wonderful family tradition.

Course progress.

“Good afternoon, dear parents, grandmothers and children. Today we will get acquainted with wonderful Easter traditions. Do you know what Easter is? major holiday year for Orthodox Christians. The word "Easter" came to us from Greek and in translation means "Deliverance". On this day, all Christians celebrate the deliverance of mankind from serving the devil through Christ the Savior, and the giving of life and eternal bliss to all mankind.

After the resurrection of Christ, his disciple Maria Magdalena came to the Roman emperor Tiberius and brought him the first egg with the words “Christ is Risen”, to which the emperor replied: “It is as unthinkable as if this egg suddenly turned red.” And then it happened, the miracle Easter egg turned red. Since then, all people give colored eggs for the Easter holiday.

The eggs were originally red. The paint was obtained from onion peel (boiled). Later, other colors began to be used - yellow, green, black. Yellow paint was prepared from saffron, boiled cumin, grain, a weak decoction of onion peel and steep linden tea; green - from clover, rosemary and parsley; black - from coffee or from an infusion of rusty iron, dipped in the juice of sauerkraut, with the addition of a few drops of vinegar. Depending on the coloring method eggs were called: painted - " Easter eggs and", painted - " krashenki", wooden - " eggs". Later, eggs made of porcelain, silver, with decorations made of enamel, beads, precious stones. There are many ways to color eggs, in which traditions are intertwined with fantasy, the invention of performers.

The easiest and most enjoyable process of all this is coloring the eggs. True, few of the "egg artists" know how to properly decorate an egg so that it does not crack in boiling water, and the color is intense.

To keep the shell intact until the end of cooking, the eggs must be held for about an hour at room temperature. It is advisable to add a tablespoon of salt to the water. You can also poke a small hole at one end of the egg. In order for the paint to lay down more evenly, before painting the eggs, they must be degreased - wiped with soapy water or alcohol.

Now about the methods of coloring eggs themselves.

1. Onion peel is the most famous and affordable way for everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction. You need to prepare a decoction of onion peel and let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.

Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take out, cool.

If, after staining, put the eggs in the same broth overnight in the refrigerator, then the color will be brighter.

2. Wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with a thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and boiled in onion peel in the usual way. It turns out eggs in a speck.

3. To get a marble effect, you need to wrap the eggs in onion peel and tie some cotton material on top.

4. When dyeing, you can wrap eggs multi-colored threads, then they will get interesting stains.

5. Boil eggs in water with soda. Wrap the eggs in multi-colored silk shreds, tie with a thread. Boil them again in this water, let cool, open the shreds.

6. Tear off young leaves of various shapes (for example, parsley leaves). Attach these leaves to the eggs, wrap them with a stocking and tie tightly. Dip in strongly brewed onion skins. Cook for a long time.

7. Wipe the eggs dyed with any food paint while still hot with a napkin, put them in a glass or egg stand and paint them with a thin watercolor brush until they have cooled. In this method, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination. After dyeing Easter eggs, to add shine, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil.

The custom of ordering expensive Easter eggs made of wood or bone for the royal court from the artists of the Armory has existed in Russia since the 17th century. Unfortunately, Easter eggs from this period have not survived to this day. As far as can be judged, these were most likely wooden eggs, gilded or silvered and painted by master painters, as well as bone carved eggs.

Today we will learn how to paint wooden blanks that will decorate your home in Holy holiday Easter.

MOU DOD "Children's and Youth Center" Industrial District, Barnaul

Holidays as a way to form the foundations of morality

"Love to native land, knowledge of its history is the basis,

on which growth can only take place.

spiritual culture of the whole society. culture like

a plant, it has not only branches, but also roots. Extremely

it is important that growth starts from the roots.”

Psychologists have long established that it is in the younger school age there are great opportunities for a systematic and consistent moral education children, because it is this age that is characterized by increased susceptibility external influences, faith in the truth of everything that is taught, what they say, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards. It is at this age that our task is to help develop in children all the good that is inherent in the child by nature, to form the foundations of moral self-awareness, moral positions, to teach a culture of behavior, to cultivate tolerance, responsibility, etc.

Build children's ideas about moral values, O interpersonal relationships, to solve many other educational tasks, folk pedagogy helps us - wise and kind helper in raising children.

We are based on one of the features of folk pedagogy, which lies in the eventfulness, that is, every business, meeting, action is dedicated to specific holidays, events in our life, creative activity. And them Cohabitation, the experience of children and parents is of invaluable educational value.

Not edification and teaching, but joint creative work, game, song, round dance, oral folk art(proverbs, sayings, fairy tales) truly educate, form high civic qualities in children, a patriotic attitude towards native land, respect for folk traditions, customs and way of life.

Such event events are holidays (especially on folk calendar), which include the richest range of means for identifying human capabilities, abilities, qualities. And, being their equal participants, children and parents help each other to become better, master cultural traditions peoples of Russia, are attached to various genres of artistic creativity.

Our task as organizers is to orient parents to a joint creative activity with children, in which mutual understanding, spiritual unity are strengthened different people And different generations which promotes the development of positive parent-child relationships.

In the course of preparing and conducting educational activities, we set and implement the following tasks: acquaintance with various types holidays: Orthodox, folk, family, with holiday traditions and ceremonies; the use of holidays, creative deeds to educate a culture of communication, a culture of behavior; the formation of feelings of national pride, dignity, patriotism; development emotional sphere child, culture of feelings.

Children prepare for the holidays with their parents, grandparents. Together with teachers of additional education and a teacher-organizer, they study its ritual actions, make attributes, arrange exhibitions family creativity in which representatives of several generations take part. Holidays become truly family. Moms, dads, grandmothers, sisters and even aunts come.

Holidays are held in the form of competitive games, get-togethers, travel games. At the holidays according to the folk calendar, most of which are associated with various customs and rituals, children get acquainted with traditional ceremonial dishes (kozuli cookies, larks, pancakes, Easter cakes, etc.), with holiday rituals, games (caroling, egg rolling , invocations, etc.).

And they not only get to know each other, but also play with pleasure, participate in contests, quizzes, read poetry, guess and compose riddles themselves, lead round dances, etc. We always include game elements in the script, concert numbers, small performances based on fairy tales, attractions, as well as the presentation of prizes and souvenirs.

Such an integrated form as “holiday plus family workshop” is very popular in the associations of our Center. This is when on holiday competitive gaming program, prepared by the teacher-organizer, includes a lesson in a family workshop, which is conducted by teachers of additional education in arts and crafts. In such classes, both children and parents get acquainted with folk crafts, their history, and then they all sculpt, sew or make ritual figurines, toys, souvenirs, masks out of paper, paint Easter eggs, Christmas cards that they give to relatives, friends, acquaintances . Thus, first preparation, and then participation in the holiday unite, unite adults and children, help to reveal their talents.

There are no spectators in the festive actions, all participants, everyone live moments filled with emotions, good feelings. Everything takes place in a warm, homely atmosphere.

Teachers of additional education of arts and crafts and artistic and aesthetic creativity, teachers-organizers, children, their parents take part in the preparation and holding of holidays.

Over several years of work, a large amount of methodological material. We present you several different scenarios.

After such holidays in our Center, festive actions and rituals are transferred to families. At home, parents and children already from real dough, according to the recipes that they have learned, bake ritual cookies, Easter cakes, paint eggs for Easter, perform ritual actions, meet mummers, put spring willows in vases, visit relatives and friends. This, undoubtedly, brings generations together, evokes in them a sense of community, family, creates comfort, a holiday, an atmosphere of mutual understanding, kindness and love in the house.

Many parents have become our associates and helpers. They are well aware that the time has come to know their history, culture, to keep a family tree, to remember and respect their ancestors, that these events are holidays of feelings, emotions, joyful experiences that are necessary for them and their children.

(family living room scenario)

Easter is a holiday of Christian holidays, that is, the most important and main. It is celebrated most solemnly. The word "Passover" is Hebrew; it means: passing and deliverance. During the service, the clergy greeted in the temple: "Christ is Risen!" - and the people answered: "Truly Risen!".

On Easter, it is customary to congratulate each other on the resurrection of Christ, to share Christ and exchange colored eggs. On Easter, everyone is allowed to ring the bells everywhere, so it sounds uninterrupted bell ringing maintaining a joyful, festive mood.

Like everyone big celebration, besides lasting a week, Easter is filled with various games, entertainment, visiting guests.

For the holiday bright resurrection they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and prepare a special sweet dish called Easter.

The peasants had a belief that at Easter "the sun plays." And many tried to watch for this moment. Children turned to the sun with a song:

sun, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, take a ride

Red dress up!

An exceptional Easter entertainment was the rolling of eggs, for which special grooves were prepared in advance, and the eggs were chosen by experienced players of a special shape - so that they easily break other eggs, and the whole remains intact.

Easter never happened without swings. In almost every yard, a swing for children was arranged, but in a traditional place (in the village square, the nearest pasture, etc.). pillars were dug in ahead of time, ropes were hung, boards were attached - public swings were erected.

From Easter, youth festivities are transferred to open air: they dance, lead round dances, start games on the lawns outside the outskirts, on forest clearings, at the end of the village street.

cognitive goal: Acquaintance with the history of the people, with their customs and traditions.

educational goals: Spiritual and moral education through familiarization with folk traditions; fostering a sense of love for their homeland, respect for the past of the people, for its history; education of love for one's neighbor, kindness, love of life. Formation of a sense of beauty. strengthening family relations through joint creativity.

Development goal: Development creativity children and adults.

Preparatory work:

1. Selection of musical arrangement.

2. Selection and preparation of poems with children.

3. Preparation of posters with sayings by children and parents.

4. Preparation of costume elements.

5. Preparing props.

6. Preparation of slides.

Decor: The wall is decorated with rustic window decoration. A festive “Easter” table / samovar, painted bowls with sweets, muffins, painted eggs / is decorated in front of the window, and an “Easter wreath” above the table.

The tables in the hall are decorated with bowls of green grass and Easter eggs.

The course of the holiday.

Leading: Christ is risen! I congratulate you on the brightest and happy holiday- Easter. As you know, the Easter festivities last a week and end with a national holiday - Red Hill. Let the bells ring, let the songs sound, let it be filled with bright joy.

(Sounds of bells ringing).

At today's meeting, we will learn a lot about this holiday. He has always been popularly loved and therefore in Russia he was called the Great Day or Bright Day.

The peasants had a belief that the sun plays on Easter. Many tried to watch for this moment and turn to the sun:

Children: Sunny, bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunshine, take a ride

Dress up red!

Host: The youth climbed on the roofs to meet the sun. On Easter, congratulations from each other on the Resurrection of Christ were heard from everywhere.

Children: - "Christ is Risen!"

- "Truly Risen!"

Leading: With these words, people greet each other and kiss three times as a sign of goodwill. And nature itself seems to rejoice with them ...

Child: The heart gets used to troubles -

But when the demon rides

Comes down to us on wings

Easter bright from heaven.

Easter Russian, old,

With variegation and crowd,

Genuine, epic -

The one we celebrate as a family.

Let's break the fast early in the morning

According to the way of old people.

And we hope to love and live

Another thousand centuries.

Let's get together, don't quarrel

There is hope - we will live! ...

Smells like tart acacia

The ringing floats in the native land ...

Come back, celebrate, nation

Russian Easter.

Host: Indeed, over the centuries this holiday has deeply entered life, and sayings and sayings associated with it were born.

Children: "And the fool knows that Easter is a holiday!" - this is a hint of something obvious that the interlocutor does not want to take into account.

Children: "Expensive testicle to christ day- so they say when they want to emphasize that every business has its own time.

Children: Christ Sunday everyone for fun!

Children: Christ is Risen! Christ is risen! Angels rejoice from heaven!

Leading: One of the symbols of the holiday is an egg. The egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. In ancient times, there was such a legend: “In the beginning, the human race was enclosed in an egg. He was an unsprouted seed, an unopened bud, but the end came to imprisonment. Rod gave birth to love - Lada Mother. And the world is filled with love. But why are painted eggs still a symbol of Easter? How do you think?

(Participants answer).

1. Probably, that is why in the egg hiding the life of the chick, our ancestors could see a visual image of the Viviparous coffin.

2. On the other hand, the color of the Sunday egg resembles the blood of Christ.

3. Once upon a time, the egg was familiar spring revival sun, and many believed that the world came from an egg. Hatched like a chick!

Moderator: The first written evidence of painted eggs for Easter can be found in a manuscript made on parchment and dating back to the 10th century.

The tradition of exchanging colored eggs for Easter has long roots in Russia. It is known that during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, up to 37 thousand eggs were prepared for distribution at Easter. Along with natural (chicken, swan, goose, pigeon, duck) colored eggs were wooden, painted and carved, bone, porcelain, glass and stone.

(slide show)

Host: I invite everyone to the creative workshop, where everyone can paint their own special egg and give it to someone or keep it as a keepsake.

Before the event, the children visited the museum with the exposition “Peoples of Altai: Traditions and Modernity”, and prepared eggs for themselves and their parents in advance. The teacher burned them in the oven. Parents prepared the trays, and the children painted them with the Gorodets painting.

Preliminary work:

ü Familiarity with customs and traditions folk holidays

ü joint production of clay Easter eggs

Equipment and materials:

ü Eggs and coasters made of clay are pre-made

ü gouache paints, black felt-tip pens

ü Brush size from #2 to #5

ü pipettes, palettes, napkins

ü clay and puff pastry toys

ü a book with illustrations of painted eggs

ü slides /for rolling eggs/

Teacher: On Easter, children and adults gave each other Easter eggs and Easter eggs. It was believed that Easter eggs in the house are a sign of harmony and prosperity. Eggs were often painted in spring, so you can see the sun, vegetation, flowers, birds, landscape pictures in the pattern. The background for the ornament was different colors, each had its own values:

Red color- the color of joy, life, love;

yellow- dedicated to the Sun, the Moon;

green- a symbol of spring and nature;

combination of red and white- thanksgiving to God for protection from evil;

brown- the color of the earth.

Showing a book with illustrations of painted eggs, beaded eggs.

Teacher: I invite children to briefly talk about the types of murals that can still be used to paint eggs / Filimonovskaya, Gorodetskaya, Polkhov-Maidanovskaya /.

Children's stories about paintings.

Teacher: And now we are starting to paint, the children will help their mothers, and the mothers will help the kids.

(Picture 1).

I think that we are in a festive mood, which means that we will paint the eggs creatively, with soul. As a result of the lesson, we will show and tell what each one reflected in his painting.

At the end of the creative workshop, while the products are drying, they are

Easter games. Children prepare krashenki brought from home for them.

Continuation of the educational game program

Host: How many games with eggs used to be? (Children answer). So we will play, whose egg will spin the longest.

On command, children and adults spin their dyes.

Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

(Game over).

For many centuries, the favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. To play, you need a wooden or cardboard "skating rink". Whose egg rolls further is the winner.

(Egg rolling).

And here's another game. Prizes are placed on the table: whistles, toys, dolls, sweets. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they liked with their egg. You have to take turns. Started! Each player receives the prize that he knocked out of the table with his egg. The game continues until all prizes are won.

(Children and adults knock out prizes).

The brought eggs are laid out on the table and covered with hats. There are also hats on the table, under which there is nothing. Then the caps are moved across the table. One of the participants in the game at this time is outside the room. They call him and ask: “Where do you soar?” The driver raises his hat and, if there are dyes, takes them for himself. The game continues until the eggs are gone. Whoever is luckier will take home a whole hat of eggs.

(Game with hats).

Also, the players can sit against the walls of the room against each other and roll the eggs. Krashenki collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent. They also played hide-and-seek on Easter. Some of the adults went out into the garden early in the morning with big bag gifts, but returned empty-handed ... Why do you think? Right. He hung gifts in the garden. Festive Sunday morning As soon as they opened their eyes, the children ran into the garden. Hastily divided into teams and go! Who will find more gifts!

We have also prepared a surprise for you. Gifts are hidden in the hall. Everyone is given 2 minutes to find them. Whoever finds the most hidden gifts is the winner! Started!

(Search for treasure).

Leading: And on Easter, of course, they baked delicious, sweet muffins: rolls, pies, Easter cakes. We, too, will not deviate from the tradition of the Russian people and drink tea with sweets!

(The holiday ends with tea).