Sunday morning slobs. Sunday morning. Sunday morning wishes

Wartime hit stories are very popular. Now there are a lot of fantastic books that give readers the opportunity to get acquainted with an alternative version of the development of events. Some of these stories are especially interesting because the author manages to bring something new to them. Mikhail Alekseev succeeded in this in the novel "Sunday Morning", which captures from the very first pages. Events develop dynamically, you follow the characters with unfailing attention. And although the author, of course, writes that this story is fictional, but there was a war, and there were the same heroes, patriots who evoke the warmest feelings in the reader's soul.

The peculiarity of this book is that the writer gives the characters an opportunity to look into the future. Due to some kind of glitch, it turned out that they were able to find themselves in June 1979 and find out what awaits them in the future. Then they returned to their time - June 1941, a week before the offensive of the army of Nazi Germany. People from 1979 also got to this time with them. And since they still have one homeland, it must be protected, no matter what time they are. But now they have the opportunity to use the knowledge gained to change at least something. But will they succeed, or is it already too late?

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How pleasant it is to slowly wake up on a Sunday morning after a tense hard working week, slowly stretch and smile! After all, you don’t need to run anywhere, combing your hair on the go and trying to have a bite to eat in three minutes. You can look out the window for a long time, listen to your favorite music, get up slowly, make yourself tea or coffee and say: “Sunday!”

Remind yourself to a friend or girlfriend. Surely they are still basking in bed! How about a little joke? And send a cool photo? Don't get angry, just have fun! Humor in the morning charges with a good mood for the whole day. You will see - you, too, will definitely be sent some nice and funny picture with a wish or the same funny joke in response.

It is especially sad for those who are far from each other. After all, weekends are meant to be spent together. But you can give love, attention and warmth at a distance. It is so sweet! Send your girlfriend a cute kitten or a red heart in the morning as a reminder of yourself. And write SMS: "" She will be very pleased.

What if your man works on Sunday? Imagine you are relaxing, enjoying the weekend, and he is working. Maybe happy, maybe not. Don't let despondency and negativity spoil his working day, choose a beautiful high quality picture and send it to your chosen one. He will definitely appreciate such attention. And in the evening a surprise may await you - a man will come with flowers or invite you to a cafe. A romantic evening is guaranteed for you.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend for your beloved mother. Such attention from children is now a rarity! Our free images are easy to upload and share. Nothing complicated! Choose a cute bear with kind eyes for her, a photo with an original and unusual design and attach a message, in prose or poetry. Give your mom a little joy and she'll smile and say, "What a good Sunday morning!"

What if your kids are grown up? Study or live in another city? Perhaps they are already a little ashamed of your guardianship and excessive attention? Do you really want to show your love, wish you health and wellness? Here, too, our creative postcards with inscriptions will come to the rescue. Moreover, you can download them for free.

And children will surely feel the parental warmth hundreds of kilometers away. They will be fine! And, perhaps, at breakfast, one of them will not only remember you, but also want to write back: “I love you, mom! And have a great weekend!”

The most beautiful Sunday is a holiday. There is no better day to celebrate a birthday! Of course, guests will gather during the day, bring gifts, and say a lot of congratulations. But you can bring joy to the birthday boy in the morning. Wish him a happy weekend, with a hint that there will be many of you, guests. Of course it's cool and funny! But he will not be offended - after all, you are kind to him. And for a woman - have a great morning (she should look her best!).

Whatever Sunday morning - gloomy or rainy, frosty or snowy, sad or lonely - always remember: it will definitely be kind if you look at the world with a positive!

Alekseev Mikhail

Sunday morning

Annotation: This is the work of my friend, who has long helped in writing books, advises, and kicks where necessary and makes you look at the problem from a new perspective. I ask you to treat this work as more than a fantasy, as it was written by a person who takes history very seriously, especially the little things that, upon closer examination, significantly change the whole picture.

Mikhail Alekseev.

5.50 am. Vyazma region. Board of the flagship

PS - 84

Head of the Main Department

Air Force of the Red Army.

Zhigarev Pavel Fedorovich had a dream from a distant childhood. As if he, again, is an ordinary boy from the poor village of Brikovo, Vesyegonsky district of the Tver region. The same barefoot kid, like his peers - friends from the poor. He and his comrades were sent to graze a small herd of the village community in the bush, on the banks of a small nameless river. Rather, even just a stream. There are a great many such streams in the forests of central Russia. The task before the boys is usual - not to let the cattle out of the agreed area rented from the manager of the local landowner and not to let the lord's mowing be damaged. The villagers have nothing to pay for the damage, which means that they will have to work off the debt. Well, parents will ask with rods from the boys.

Pashka sees that the leader of the herd - the goat of Malasha's neighbor, took advantage of the fact that the boys were distracted, and is already going to the mowing. He tries to run, but his legs won't move. Instead of running, it turns out only with difficulty and incredible effort to push the air, which has suddenly become dense and viscous. With horror, he realizes that he does not have time to intercept the obstinate cattle and becomes even more numb. And the boys shout to him: "Pavel Fedorovich! Pavel Fedorovich!" And Pashka, surprised at the unusual treatment, emerges with difficulty and relief from the captivity of children's fears.

Pavel Fedorovich Zhigarev, born in 1900, a former peasant son, and now, since April 1941, the Head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Force, comes to his senses. Less than two weeks ago, he received the third star of a lieutenant general in the blue buttonholes of his uniform, and immediately there was not enough time to sleep.

The air smelled of thunder. From the western Special Districts almost every day there were reports of overflights by German aircraft, successful and unsuccessful interceptions by our fighters. The headache from both was about the same. Under the directives of the General Staff and the country's leadership not to provoke the Germans, a "successful interception" could lead to a note from the German government, the punishment of the pilot and his commanders. Unsuccessful - showed a hole in our air defense system, allowing the Germans to calmly carry out their task. Only the notorious hero of Russian folk tales, Ivanushka the Fool, had no idea about the purpose of these flights.

Zhigarev worked without days off, lunch breaks and, practically, sleep. Today was Sunday and he flew to Minsk, to the headquarters of the head of the Air Force of the Belarusian Special Military District, Major General I.I. Koptsa. Taking advantage of this, during the flight he tried to at least partially compensate for the lack of sleep.

"Pavel Fedorovich!" - the second pilot of the flagship PS -84 of the Air Force Headquarters gently shook him by the shoulder. Zhigarev looked at him questioningly, at the same time trying to straighten his cramped arms and legs.

"Pavel Fedorovich, go into the cockpit, you need to see this!" - said the pilot, seeing that the chief had woken up. Rising, Zhigarev went into the cockpit. During these less than two months, the crew had already flown on the Moscow-Minsk route more than once, and he could not understand what had so alarmed the commander of the ship.

"Where are we?" - asked Pavel Fyodorovich, entering the cabin.

"The Vyazma area. Look, Comrade Lieutenant General," the pilot replied and banked the plane to the left so that it would be more convenient for him to look over his head.

Zhigarev looked to the left along the course. I tried to blink. But what I saw did not disappear. Below, to the left of the course, from a height of one and a half thousand meters in conditions of visibility "a million to a million", lay a large airfield. Maybe no bigger than the heavy bomber airfield at Monino, but quite comparable in size. AND CONCRETE! Pavel Fedorovich knew that it was here, since this spring, that the NKVD had been building a concrete runway for the future airfield. The deadline for the completion of the object is autumn 1941. However, there it was about several hundred meters of narrow concrete. When he flew for two weeks along the same route, he clearly saw that work was underway, but the builders were unlikely to meet the deadlines ahead of schedule.

Now, quite clearly, he saw in front of him a wide and long, approximately two-kilometer-long runway, oriented, as planned, in the South-North direction, with a developed system of taxiways and a huge parking lot.

PS -84- In accordance with an agreement with Douglas of 1936, the Americans transferred to Soviet specialists a package of documentation and a license for the production of a multi-purpose DC-3 aircraft. In accordance with order N02 of January 10, 1937, this liner under the designation PS-84 began to be mass-produced.

Parking - this was the second thing that struck the Stalinist Falcon. In the parking lot, strange silver planes were lined up in three long rows. Offhand - more than a hundred. Even stranger silhouettes Zhigarev saw on the taxiway running along the runway and in the green squares between them.

On the taxiway were twelve craft resembling blue-grey arrowheads. But on the green squares... there were two MONSTERS. One - four-engine, with a normal, direct wing - was still comparable to the TB -3, although it had completely different proportions. But the other, in the opinion of Pavel Fedorovich, was at least twice the size of TB -3. Also four-engine, but two-keel. He also saw some other vehicles, with or without very short, stump-like wings. From everything that the eyes saw and the brain tried to understand, he singled out only three silhouettes at least similar to what he could call an airplane. The silence in the cockpit dragged on. The commander of the ship continued to perform a gentle left turn, keeping a view of the airfield on the left.

"Let's sit down!" - Zhigarev's order broke the silence.

Of course, there was no connection with the airfield, so the commander of the ship decided to land from the north. There was a large forest from the south, so it was easier to land on an unfamiliar airfield from the north, leaving Vyazma on the right as a guide, as well as observing the railway perpendicular to the glide path. The direction of the wind was unknown, but the length of the strip made it possible to ignore it. On the landing course, Zhigarev saw on the right a railway station packed with trains loaded with military equipment. There was no time to consider, but again noted that there was nothing like what he had seen in the Red Army.

Even closer to the airfield, also on the right, there was a large fuel depot. Zhigarev understood this from the brilliant huge tanks.

The crew pulled over the beginning of the runway a little and the plane rolled along the concrete. Now it could be said that the width of the strip was almost twice as wide as the wingspan of the PS-84, that is, about fifty meters. The strip itself had two "humps" at the beginning on each side and, as it were, a lowland between them. The runway was well-groomed and the most interesting - judging by the traces of wheel braking at the moment of contact - was intensively used.

Tupolev TB-3 (also known as ANT-6) is a Soviet heavy bomber that was in service with the Soviet Air Force in the 1930s and during the Great Patriotic War

By whom? When? The number of questions grew every minute, and not a single answer has yet been viewed. The plane rolled towards the southern end of the runway and everyone in the cockpit kept looking to the right, peering at what they were trying to see from a height of one and a half thousand meters. Of all that I saw, from about 100 meters away, only one thing was encouraging so far - the stars were red on the tails of the "monsters". But where do these planes come from?

The best, original and good wishes for a good Sunday morning, we have collected for you on our Krasivo

Send them to your friends, family and loved ones, show them what you think of them. This will cheer them up for the whole day.

The best wish for a good Sunday morning, you will find on this page.

Good morning everyone and have a great day!

Sunday morning wishes

Good morning, bright, clear,
Sunday and beautiful day,
Positive attitude
And life without stagnation!

What a wonderful morning my friend!
Get out of bed soon!
Today we will arrange a wonderful leisure,
After all, the day off is Sunday!
Wake up, smile, the sun has risen a long time ago.
Already I was cheered up by charging.
Cake, coffee ready, movie tickets,
Fun and laughter, all right.

Good Sunday morning
Wake up, let it in your soul
Warmth reigns!
smile brightly,
To be lucky today!
Let the day turn out wonderfully
Life will be filled with good
So that a cheerful, sonorous song
Everything filled up!

Good Sunday morning
Happy your wonderful day -
Wake up, it's time to act!
Let the mood be lovely
And success is better than yesterday!
Open your eyes faster
Shower, exercise, strong coffee…
Let the morning start like in a fairy tale
And it's going to be a great day!

Sunday good morning
I want to wish soon
Let you have a hundred questions
Today will be on the shoulder.

Let mistakes be forgiven
Don't be shy before them
Give me your smile
And step forward boldly.

All problems are resolved
People will become a little kinder
Expectations come true
The day will be more fun!

Good morning! Let the sunshine
Sending air greetings through the windows!
Let interesting, happy, lucky,
A joyful day is sure to await!

All the birds woke up with the dawn,
Sunday morning is knocking on the window!
What do you see, what do you dream?
It's high time to get up.

Good Sunday Morning Wishes

Sunday morning is good!
The night has fallen over the edge of the earth.
Congratulations on clear skies!
Congratulations on the red sun!
This morning is just fabulous!
Doesn't spare bright colors.
Away with sadness and away with bad weather.
Good morning my happiness!

The sun is knocking at the window
It's morning on earth.
The sun plays with rays
In window panes and the river.

We are waiting for a meeting with you again,
It's time to get up now
And after the dusk of the night
We will be together, believe me!

Good Sunday morning, I will say as always,
To make your day easy in the morning
So that the nightingales sing in the soul,
So that your thoughts are good,

So that you are lucky today
So that nothing interferes with things,
To be joyful, light,
So that everything ends successfully.

How wonderful everything is
Get up early in the morning.
Smile at people, the sun,
Wishing you all the best in the morning.

Mikhail Alekseev

Sunday morning

Book Two (SI)

The commander of the 1st Shock Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General Oganyan, put on a dress uniform, which he nevertheless ordered and sewed at that time. He did not want to lag behind his comrade - already Major General Krasavin, who already had a uniform. Also, by the way, Hero of the Soviet Union. After the end of the Belarusian defensive operation, award rain fell on both Special Corps - both air and combined arms.

So - in an hour and a half at the airfield "Dvoevka" a festive parade and a rally were to be held on the occasion of the release of young pilots. 150 lieutenants of the Air Force - jet pilots - became part of the belligerent country. And he was invited to this event.

The headquarters of the army being formed was located in the estate of the princes Volkonsky Alexandrino, located 30 km north of Vyazma, not far from the Kasnya junction. From the history, Iosif Bakratovich remembered that it was in Alexandrino that the Headquarters of the Western Front, Lieutenant General Konev, was located in the fall of 1941, the story that ended with the “Vyazemsky Cauldron”. But now the war is going the other way and the enemy is far away.

Already on the road, looking through the glass of the ZiS-101 given to him by Stalin at the Central Russian nature, Oganyan went over in his memory all the events that had happened to him and his comrades in this unusual story, since the end of the battles in which both Special Corps of the RGK participated.

The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, having replenished the Armies of the Western Front with reserves and reinforced the Front as a whole with the 29th and 3rd Armies, considered it necessary and possible to withdraw both Special, 5th, 6th mechanized and 6th cavalry corps to the rear.

The reasons for the air and combined arms Special Corps were different.

The jet fighters, which were actively used for a month, did not require field maintenance, but routine maintenance at the base airfield. The regiments of Zakharov's 43rd Air Division remained at the front, in addition, the 16th Air Defense IAP was deployed from the Dvoevka airfield near Minsk on MiG-3 aircraft. In view of the overwhelming numerical superiority and in the presence of active radars, this was enough to maintain air superiority. And now the Soviet Air Force could send three regiments of jet aircraft to the front.

It was also decided to form the 1st Shock Army as part of the 5th and 6th mechanized, 6th cavalry corps. A heavy tank division consisting of two KV-1 regiments and one KV-2 regiment was also transferred to the Army. In the future, it was planned to replace these tanks with self-propelled guns SU-152.

The special corps remained in the reserve of the RGK. In this story, the disbandment of the mechanized corps and the transition to a brigade structure did not take place. Corps consisted of divisions.

Divisions changed. All motorized rifle divisions became six regiments: three motorized rifle, tank, artillery, anti-aircraft regiments and reinforcement and support units. The former 108th and Border Rifle Divisions were transferred to the new states as motorized rifle divisions. The 1st Special Division was completely reorganized. Colonel Goltsev, along with the assignment of the title of Hero, received the shoulder straps of Major General and replaced Oganyan in this post, becoming commander of the Special Corps of the RGC. The staff of the 134th Regiment remained almost unchanged, only a T-55 company was added to the tank battalion of the 134th Regiment, making the battalion four-company. They did the same with the 23rd SME, in which the tank battalion was supposed to receive the T-34. Formed a new artillery regiment. The anti-aircraft division of the regiment on the "Shilki" was not touched. Moreover, they added a self-propelled battery of twin 23 mm aircraft, now anti-aircraft, VYa guns, based on the former T-40 light tanks. Katukov also became the commander of this division with the receipt of general's shoulder straps. The 805th artillery regiment was withdrawn from the motorized rifle division, and on the basis of it an artillery division of the RGK breakthrough was formed, consisting of 3 regiments: the Akatsy regiment, the MLRS regiment as part of the Grad and Katyusha divisions and the ML-20 howitzer regiment. Major General Morozov, Hero of the Soviet Union, was appointed commander of the division.

Thus, the Special Corps began to have four motorized rifle divisions and, as a reinforcement, an artillery division of the RGK. But the biggest change has been in staffing. In all units there were massive movements of the commanding staff. Officers from the regiments of descendants moved to other parts of the corps, their places were taken by people from other divisions of the corps. There was a strict restriction - commanders from 1979 had not yet left the structure of the Special Corps. At the very top, so far it has been decided to do so. Most of the soldiers and sergeants of the 79th with more than a decade of education were asked to use their knowledge in the specialty. Some were demobilized. Those who did not want to leave the units received officer ranks and were sent to accelerated training courses for command personnel, formed right there, at the Corps. Least of all changes occurred among tankers and anti-aircraft gunners. It was impossible to replace the crews of the T-72s and anti-aircraft missile launchers. So far it's impossible. Tankers, for example, all had two medals, and some even orders, the commanders of all crews received the rank of junior lieutenants, the drivers and gunners became sergeants and foremen without exception. But there was no one to replace them.