Spring applications with your own hands. Simple spring DIY paper crafts. We decorate the playground in kindergarten

Whatever spring days you associate with, but for the majority, these are necessarily flowers, the beauty of nature, tenderness, this is exactly what the right ones should be. DIY spring crafts. I really want both the gentle spring sun and bright flowering, we will display all this in our works.

Children's spring crafts

Even children's spring crafts will be simple or elementary, they will still look beautiful, especially when it comes to floral appliqué. The beginning of spring is hard to imagine without a variety of postcards dedicated to March 8th. If quilling is still too complicated a technique for your kids, then try to master a simpler application.

Blooming spring trees served as a source of inspiration for the work. In fact, such work was done in the technique of blotography. Yes, yes, there is one among the great variety of children's creativity. The kid is given the right to make kalyaki-doodles with his own hands, which, soon, will turn into a beautiful work. Blotography can be created using a thread dipped in paint, or you can, as in this case, use blowing paint with a cocktail straw. The paint is applied to the drawing without squeezing the brush. The thicker the paint, the worse it will spread, but the color will turn out to be more saturated. We draw a branch schematically, and then we begin to blow on it from a tube at different angles. The paint, spreading, forms bizarre, each time unique patterns. After drying, it remains for you to stick crumpled pieces of pink corrugated paper on the branches in random order so that a blooming peach branch appears before us in all its splendor.

When nature blooms around after a winter sleep, you want to make flowers with your own hands from all possible materials. Even turn into luxurious bouquets. To create such a bouquet, cardboard disposable egg trays are used. The basis, stems of flowers will be thin branches. Cut off the side strips from the tray, cut them into ribbons and roll each into a roll, secure with glue. Cut each notch separately and remove the bottom from it. Now insert the center twisted into a tube into the petals from the cell, fasten with glue. String a cardboard flower on a branch, paint everything together with light spray paint.

Spring plasticine craft

Toddlers will definitely be able to spring plasticine craft, this material is easy to work with and a lot of fun. The craft can be the most elementary, but it looks very elegant, very spring-like bright.

The garland, made of cardboard squares, is decorated with beautiful daisies, which are made in just five minutes. The middle of such a chamomile is molded from yellow plasticine. First, a ball of plasticine rolls down, which is molded in the middle of the square. White pumpkin seeds join it, with the sharp side towards the middle. Press the edges of each seed well into plasticine so that they hold securely. It will take you just a few minutes to make each such postcard. Connect the finished cardboard boxes together on a ribbon or braid and decorate the room with them. Such a picture is the first small step towards complex applications using natural materials and seeds. Large paintings, which take a lot of time and effort, are mastered by creating small, simple applications.

From plasticine, you can make a picture that is not inferior in beauty to any of them. Isn't it true, there is something in this work from the nobility of applications in the quilling technique. It would seem that the work is very simple, but the beautiful selection of a flower, the accuracy of execution make it very interesting. In this case, the plasticine is not smeared over the surface of the picture, and the elements are only slightly pressed in, which allows you to save the amount of work. In order to emphasize this volume, the picture should be laid out in layers. First, create a wicker basket of crossed tubes. On it, place stems with forget-me-not and mimosa flowers. Now it's the turn to place flowers with twisted petals. Roll out plasticine into thin sausages and carefully twist into a spiral. The larger the petal you need, the longer the original sausage should be. In this way, you can create not only simple ones, such as chamomile, flowers, but also complex roses and hyacinths.

Spring crafts from natural material

We all remember that not only women's day is celebrated in the spring, but also another holy holiday - Easter. Many traditions are associated with it, many traditional ones are made for it, it is also customary to clean your house, decorate it with flowers, green branches. How impossible will be by the way on the eve of this holiday spring crafts from natural material. In your work, you can use germinated grass, green leaves, all kinds of flowering plants.

In the first such work, juicy spring greenery is decorated with unusual crafts. These openwork Easter eggs are made of woven threads, and in order for the craft to keep the necessary shape, there are a few secrets. We will not braid the egg, but the empty eggshell. We also learned how to free it from the contents, . We place the empty shell in a bag woven with a hook of cotton threads, we continue knitting, adjusting the size of the bag directly to the size of the egg. We knit a ribbon on top of the egg, for which it will be hung. When the egg is completely tied, immerse it whole in concentrated sugar syrup (2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water, boil for 5 minutes). When the threads are well saturated with syrup, we take out the egg and hang it by the ribbon to dry. The structure of the threads will tell you about the degree of “readiness” of the craft, they will become rigid, keeping their shape well. It remains to gently break the shell into small pieces and remove through the openwork holes of the bag. The finished craft is decorated with a bright bow and hung on a support.

We are used to the fact that crafts can be either a Christmas wreath of pine needles, decorated with bright red holly berries, or a wreath of autumn leaves, turning the gift of a dying nature into the golden luxury of crafts. But spring leaf crafts can be even more beautiful and more elegant, especially for us, who are so yearning for the bright green color over the winter. To make the wreath more durable, along with herbs, you can use it in decoration, or from cold porcelain, which look like real ones. Wide ribbons will also add tenderness and brightness to spring crafts.

Spring crafts photo

In the spring, on the windowsill, you can grow not only green onions for salads, but also a real herbal composition. True, your cat may ruin it from time to time, but this will benefit her health, and the green grass will grow better. Similar spring crafts, photo one of which you see below is very popular for decorating spring eco-interiors.

To create such a house, it is better to choose a massage sponge with large pores, in which the seeds will be slightly sunk inward, and the grass stalks will stay even at sunrise. Seeds are placed on the surface of a wet sponge and watered. Ordinary oats have excellent germination - a green rug will delight you in ten days.

For spring craft competition you can do a simple but very unbanal work - appliqué on green leaves. In the work that you see above, both appliqué and embroidery on a piece of paper are made. For crafts, a large and beautiful maple leaf is taken, a few heads of daisies and another maple leaf, but much smaller than the previous one. Daisies are sewn to the surface with literally one stitch of a small needle. A small leaflet is sewn to the surface with overcasting stitches. The finished craft can be dried or varnished to prevent drying and damage to the fragile natural material.

Crafts on a spring theme

Crafts on a spring theme from fabric must be bright and colorful. In the spring, we ourselves crave to put on bright things, to stand out, so you need to decorate your house with handicrafts to match. In the spring, it was customary to make birds from various materials: wooden whistles, ceramic figurines, soft stuffed toys made of bright fabrics. It was believed that by filling our house with elegant birds, we would bring closer the return to our native lands after a winter absence and real birds. And with their arrival, a warm spring will surely come.

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Creativity is wonderful. Such an activity can give wonderful emotions. In addition, it develops the creative abilities of any person. Spring has come, which means that it's time to make beautiful spring crafts. For their manufacture, you can use improvised materials that you have at home.

How to make crafts on the theme of spring

To have fun in your free time, make crafts. You can do this activity at any time of the year. In this case, you can use a variety of thematic ideas. In general, involve children in this activity. Surely they will enjoy this pastime. Quickly get acquainted with the ideas below and do the most interesting activity.

Origami bird.

Spring is the brightest time of the year, which inspires everyone to do wonderful things. Children can easily transfer their impressions to paper, which is the most accessible material. From this material you can make a huge number of interesting things. And if you use the origami technique, you can get a great product. So, to make a bird, prepare:

  • Strips of colored paper, having a width of 3 cm and a length of 20 cm and scissors.
  • A branch of a tree.
  • PVA glue or glue gun.


Spring lilies of the valley.

If you do not yet know how to make voluminous spring crafts, then this craft is very easy to learn. Get to know the quilling technique. This technique involves twisting the paper into various modules. In this case, twisting occurs by means of a device or an ordinary toothpick. These products are glued to the paintings and drawings that were made earlier. For this job you will need the following:

  • Paper strips: green, white, blue.
  • Two types of cardboard, braid, and scissors.


  1. For the base of the craft, you will need two rectangles. They are cut out of cardboard.
  2. The contours of a flower are drawn on cardboard - a lily of the valley.
  3. Twist the strips of paper into special modals, and then glue them to the offices that are marked on the cardboard.
  4. Now the pano should be decorated with braid and make a loop out of it.

Easter Egg.

We continue to offer you crafts on the theme of spring. Everyone knows that in the spring time such a wonderful holiday as Easter awaits us. And it is for this occasion that the following papier-mâché craft is proposed. To create a product, you must prepare:

  • Balloon and crepe paper in different colors,
  • Old newspapers or waste paper.
  • Flour for making paste.


  1. The balloon is inflated first. We prepare a paste, and then lower small pieces of paper into it. Further, the whole ball is pasted over with these pieces.
  2. The first and final layer should be lined with colored corrugated paper.
  3. Now the ball should dry thoroughly. This will take 10 hours.
  4. When the craft is dry, the ball is blown off and its remains are removed.
  5. Using scissors, a hole is made in the egg.
  6. Any material of your choice fits inside. It can be: straw, pieces of colored paper or dry hay.

You have a beautiful house. Now it is worth putting some inhabitant into it. It can be a beautiful bird or a bunny. You can use ready-made figures or fashion something interesting from plasticine.

miraculousapplique .

An applique is a craft that is created by gluing paper or cardboard pieces onto the base. In this work, it may be useful:

  • Colored and thin paper and a black felt-tip pen.
  • Scissors, PVA glue and brown wool threads.


  1. Using ready-made templates, we make individual fragments of the picture.
  2. Be sure to mark the middle of the flower, and draw the veins on the leaves.
  3. From wool threads it is worth knitting a chain of air loops. They should lay out a nest and branches.

House for birds. Volumetric craft.

Volumetric crafts have a wonderful appearance. And if you intend to make crafts for the spring contest, then this option will be the most suitable. If you use a template in your work, then the craft will be created in a few minutes. We suggest cutting out a ready-made template, which is pre-printed on a printer.

Details for crafts are cut out of thick cardboard. And then they stick together. Now it remains to choose only the right paper with which you will paste over your craft.

Spring postcard.

Everyone knows that in spring time everyone unanimously congratulates their beloved women. Children are simply obliged to pay attention to their mother and give her a little warmth. All you need to work is:

  • Sheets of paper in different sizes and colors
  • Cardboard and buttons
  • Curly scissors.


  1. It is necessary to cut the flower along the contour. However, it is not necessary to cut to the end.
  2. Pieces of colored paper of various colors are glued on its reverse side.
  3. In order for the reverse side to be neat, the reverse part is sealed with a white sheet.
  4. Pick up the buttons of the color of the one that has colored paper. The button should also be glued to the postcard.

Spring chicken.

In this article you will find photos of crafts on the theme of spring. All the options presented by the kids will do with pleasure. To create a spring chicken you will need:

  • Any brand of plasticine.
  • modeling mass,
  • Puff pastry or clay or modeling paste.


Spring crafts are very interesting to make from plasticine. To create a chicken, you will need an empty container from the kinder. To decorate the clearing, you will make an applique.

Craft for the little ones. Sunflower.

Any developmental activity is useful for children. For the smallest, a template is drawn. Then they decorate it with plasticine. Excess material must be removed from the base.

Pompom flowers.

Flowers are the main symbol of spring. Let's create something unusual together with the child. To do this, use:

  • piece of cardboard,
  • glue gun,
  • Burlap rope.


  • Make a pom-pom out of brightly colored wool yarn.
  • This pom-pom is attached to a branch that can be obtained from any tree.
  • Tie a bow with burlap string.

Paper roses.

These flowers are also easy to make. If you follow all the instructions, then everything should work out. You can install such peculiar flowers in an original vase made of burlap.

craft ideas

In this article, we have listed spring-themed crafts for you that you can make with your children. Of course, this is not a complete list and we will offer you many more beautiful ideas that should inspire admiration.

Spring is a time of rebirth of nature and creative inspiration. Try to create something new and beautiful with your kids. We offer options for children's crafts on the theme of "Spring", the production of which together with the children will give you many pleasant minutes, and your child will help win the spring crafts competition in kindergarten.

"Flower meadow" - crafts on the theme "Spring"

You will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • plastic spoons;
  • scissors;
  • gouache;
  • plasticine.


Make ladybugs out of disposable plastic spoons. To do this, separate the handles from the spoons, paint the spoons black and red, then apply the traditional ladybug war paint in the form of black dots. The wings are ready.

Fashion the heads and torso of insects from black plasticine. Connect the wings to the body.

The next stage of work on children's crafts on the theme "Spring" is the manufacture of daisies. To do this, you will need small plastic bottles of different colors. First, they must be cleaned of labels, cut off the neck and cut the chamomile petals with scissors, rounding each petal. Place the bottle caps in the holes of the flowers - you will get round cores.

The basis of this craft is a green plastic mat, which you can purchase at a flower shop or from artificial flower sellers. A charming craft on the theme of "Spring" is ready! You can take a flower meadow to a kindergarten, or you can use it to decorate a room, to please relatives and friends.


Travyanchikov (eco-humans) for crafts on the theme of "Spring" can now be bought at any flower shop, but it is much more interesting to make such crafts with your own hands with your children.

You will need:

  • kapron tights;
  • grass seeds;
  • sawdust;
  • threads of different colors;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • ribbons, bows, colored flaps;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache or oil paints.


Pour grass seeds (buy them in advance at the pet store) or sawdust into nylon tights or stockings. From a densely stuffed blank, using threads, form the body parts of the grasshoppers. Highlight the ears, noses, arms and legs, paws, etc., making them as expressive as possible.

Then you need to glue the finished eyes or make them using the application, using cardboard, colored paper, buttons, beads. Dress up ready-made grasshoppers using colored scraps of fabric to make hats, vests, belts, etc.

After the herbs sprout, tie the sprouted grass with bows, modeling pigtails and ponytails, paint the figures in bright colors using oil or gouache paints.

Eco-humans are not only interesting children's crafts on the theme of "Spring", but also very useful toys that teach children to love nature, to see and find beauty in it, to take care of plants and skillfully care for them.

amazing flower

This craft on the theme of "Spring" can be made together with the child and presented to her mother, grandmother or sister.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • paints;
  • tassel.


A cute spring-themed flower craft can be made using the palm print of a child's hand. The child should dip his palm in the paint and press it firmly against a sheet of white paper. On the resulting bright print, it is necessary to paint the flower stalk and leaves, as well as the grass in the clearing, with paints.

The same parts of the flower can be made using colored paper appliqué, complementing the palm print with them. It will be interesting for a child to decorate an amazing flower with butterflies, which can be drawn or glued.

"Palm seals" and flowering branches

One of the most beautiful spring trees is willow. When we were kids, we used to call willows "cats". Let's try to make "seals" with our own hands with the children.

You will need:

  • corrugated paper (white, brown and green);
  • thin wire;
  • cotton wool;
  • thin branches.


Cut out small squares from white crepe paper. Place pieces of cotton wool in the middle of each square and twist each of them with a thin wire. Attach the finished "seals" to the branches of trees or shrubs. Having fixed the “seals” on the branches, tightly wrap the branches themselves with green and brown corrugated paper.

Older children can be offered to weave “seals” from beads or crochet them from white threads.

An option for crafts on this topic may be "Blossoming Twig"

You will need:

  • colored paper in white, blue, pink and green;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • cut branches of trees and shrubs.


From colored paper, you need to cut out white, blue and pink flowers, as well as green leaves. Glue them to the branches with PVA glue to make branches of flowering fruit trees and shrubs - great and very simple spring craft!

After the celebration of International Women's Day, we begin to look forward to the bright day of Easter. And this is so joyful, because on the street you can hear drops and the singing of birds, the sun shines brighter and longer. We are looking for.

Meanwhile, parents again have to while away the evenings thinking about homework. During this period, in all kindergartens and schools, he is asked one thing - to make crafts on a spring theme. Usually, they do not specify and do not set frames, so as not to limit the child's, but rather the parent's, flight of fancy.

I am a parent myself and I also need to look for new simple and beautiful ideas every year in order to once again help my child do something original and interesting. Therefore, today I will share my findings in this topic.

Paper and cardboard are one of the easiest materials to create crafts, and therefore kindergartens prefer to take them for creative activities. And this means that you and I can create something simple and.

First of all, we start thinking about what to do. And the symbols of spring come to mind: butterflies, rain, flowers and a rainbow.

For example, such cute butterflies can be created from cardboard and toilet paper rolls. If you choose bright color combinations for them, you will get a very elegant present.

For wings, use this template.

The sleeve must be pasted over with decor. I would rather buy a self-adhesive one for this, it will turn out faster, and it’s more convenient for children to work with it.

We decorate the wings according to our own taste, using cardboard, braid, beads or ribbons. Also here for flowers, felt of bright colors is perfect.

It is better to glue all the details with hot glue, so it will turn out more necessary. But, if you are working with children, then take PVA glue, as the safest and most non-toxic.

I want to offer you a more complex craft. This is a voluminous lawn, which looks very interesting. I remember that in childhood, our generation was very fond of books with a 3D effect, when the pictures became voluminous, at that time I still did not understand at all how such a miracle could be done. Now I know the whole process!

The entire master class is shown in the photo in step-by-step action.

We need to bend the sheet in half and make cuts from the side of the fold, at a distance of 1 centimeter from each other. The length of the incision towards the center decreases to 1 centimeter. Make each slot synchronously in a mirror image of the same size. Start with a length on the sides of 5 centimeters.

Bend inward through one of our slots, so you get the stems for the leaves. Here is the most difficult part completed. Now you can beautifully trim the edges of the sheet and stick on the base.

Start cutting out flowers and leaves. The leaves will need to be bent inward in length to achieve greater realism.

Add butterflies or grass. It turns out a quick, but very original application.

And in the spring, the earth wakes up, the snow melts and worms and butterfly pupae begin to hatch. Let's make a funny paper worm.

It is necessary to make many circles of the same diameter. If you have special stamps, then the whole process will be faster.

To get a lot of circles, you need to take a long strip of the paper you need, measure the width equal to the diameter of the circle and fold the strip into an accordion. Draw an outline and cut patterns along it.

You will get as many circles as the number of times you folded the strip.

Now we will fold each part exactly in half and begin to form the body. To do this, spread the lower part of the circle with glue and glue the next part on it.

And so on until the length of the calf seems to be the most optimal for you.

We fix the muzzle and antennae.

Cute spring suns can be made from toothpicks and sheets of different colors and given to all your girlfriends and friends.

And to make a bouquet for the teacher, forms for sweets and muffins are quite suitable. They are already on sale in different diameters and colors.

Of course, spring is associated not only with rain and sun, but also with a rainbow! How she cheers us up, and how children rejoice at her appearance in heaven. And it's very easy to make it.

You will need two identical parts of the cloud and seven strips of the same width and length, in accordance with the color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple (we memorized their sequence according to the sentence "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting" , where the beginning of the word suggests the letter with which the color begins).

When you have glued all the strips, close the wrong side with the second part.

Do you remember when you used to make garlands out of paper rings? Now this is not relevant, children no longer decorate the walls with them for the holiday, but the technique itself has remained. And it will make a great bouquet.

Or a fluffy cloud with rain.

I also really liked the idea of ​​a three-dimensional snowdrop. After all, this is the most long-awaited herald of spring.

You need to take three identical white stripes.

Make a drop out of each by gluing one end of the strip with the opposite one. So the resulting three loops are then connected to each other.

And cover the place of gluing with a semicircle of green paper.

This craft is very simple, preschool children will definitely cope with it. But the strips must be cut in advance so that they are even, because not all children of four or five years old can make a straight line with scissors.

Creative birds from felt to school

Felt is a very popular material. It has many shades, which only attracts needlewomen to it even more. We are already from this material, and today I want to offer you to make cute birds from felt and filament pompoms. They look very dignified, and are made in one hour.

Pompoms are made very simply, I have already described the process of their manufacture. You can wind the thread on the fork, or you can cut out special blanks from cardboard on which you will need to wind the thread.

And from the felt, matched to the tone of the birds, the tail and wings are cut out.

Well, now I invite you to watch the video, where the craftswoman shows in detail the entire process of creating birds.

By the way, you can take absolutely any template for crafts, and it can be the silhouette of any bird.

Original crafts with birds

Of course, with the advent of spring, we meet rooks and swallows. Titmouse begin to sing louder and sparrows chirp. Therefore, cute birds are also considered symbols of spring. Basically, we choose swallows and rooks from them, which “fly to us in the canopy in the spring”.

You can make original mobiles. Make the base from crossed branches. And the birds themselves are made of paper.
By the way, do not forget, because the birds tired of a long flight will want to eat, and you can show the kids an excellent example of caring for our smaller brothers.

See what beauty is obtained using the quilling technique. Spring soft and bright.

You need to attach the birds to the base very well, double-sided tape or hot glue is suitable for this.

Sticks can be painted, or you can leave their natural beauty and wood texture.

In the form of a suspension, a transparent fishing line is used to create the feeling that the birds are hovering and catching air currents.

Cotton clouds can also be replaced with flowers, stars or raindrops. It depends only on your imagination.

How to make a panel from plasticine?

Plasticine perfectly develops the image and motor skills. And motor skills, as you know, help to better master the control of your body and start talking earlier. Therefore, it can be so often seen in the classroom with preschoolers. Either they roll cakes, or they roll flagella. This case is very useful.

See what panel with willows can be made using a few materials at hand.

You will need:

  • green cardboard sheet
  • soft plasticine in three colors: brown, blue and blue,
  • cotton wool,
  • pencil.

1. The outlines of a vase and branches are drawn on cardboard.

2. From the plate, the child tears off small parts and rolls them into flagella.

3. With blue flagella, begin to form a vase in a circle so that there are no gaps left.

4. Make the inside of the vase blue to add volume to the craft.

5. Roll up pieces of cotton wool in the form of a capsule, wrap the edges of which with plasticine.

6. We make branches from flagella, at the ends of which we place cotton capsules.

All work is ready, with a four-year-old child, this process took thirty minutes. It all depends on the perseverance of your baby.

Master classes of crafts from natural materials

I was captivated by works made from the most ordinary things. Sometimes, in general, you consider them garbage, but no, you can use them in creativity. In fact, I have always admired people who can see something unusual in simple things and use them for other purposes. Like, for example.

I liked the panel with flowers from egg trays and buttons.

To do this, cut the cells from the tray.

We paint them with gouache from the inside and outside.

Inside, on double-sided tape, hot glue or liquid nails, we fix beautiful buttons of different sizes and colors.

And we form stems from shaggy wire. It is sold in household stores and in departments for creativity. Beautifully connect them with a ribbon.

First, we glue the buds, form a composition of buds, and only then glue the stems, hiding them inside under the flowers.

I also liked the idea of ​​using disposable paper plates as a base.

From them we make both the sun and large flowers, cutting the edges to the middle and painting with paint. In general, there are a lot of ideas.

Of course, do not pass by cute ladybugs made of plastic disposable spoons. The master class below shows how to make them.

Do you have a textile glove at home? Great! Here is a garden decor idea for you. very cute chicks.

Buttons are now often used in applications. They are produced in an unusually wide range of colors, so you can choose products for any composition.

Of course, there are always grains on hand. Depending on the area of ​​residence, the culture that gives these nuclei is different, but the meaning remains the same.

Put the bird with buckwheat, rice, corn or peas. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

Let's start with the materials. Take a sheet of cardboard, a thick sheet of paper, which will be the basis. You need PVA glue, scissors and grains.

On cardboard, we schematically draw the shape of a bird and cut it out along the contour.

We glue the part on the base, which is completely smeared with glue.

You will get it as in the photo below.

Now we put the grits on the glue that has not yet dried and check that it does not fall off. It may be necessary to apply a fresh coat of adhesive.

Try to place the nuclei very close to each other so that there are no gaps.

Another idea of ​​working from food. Look at this wonderful pasta panel. They lend themselves perfectly to coloring and fixing A, thanks to the large number of shapes, you can make a lot of interesting crafts out of them.

Continuing with the pasta theme, check out this cute snail with a house made from shell pasta.

You can also create bright butterflies from improvised materials. Napkins or tulle are suitable for wings, but the body is made of decorative tape, which is definitely on sale in all needlework stores.

another craft idea that uses faux fur and paper.

A little higher, I described how to make an application from cereals, and now look at what cute flowers can be formed from pumpkin seeds.

Take a sheet of thick green felt as a basis. Snowdrops from seeds can be painted in different colors: from blue to yellow.

Volumetric spring bouquet of paper

Of course, spring is the time of flowering, the first buds and young leaves. Let's make original bouquets to be filled with the feeling of awakening life from hibernation.

We make such a bouquet from colored double-sided paper. We fold the sheet in half and mark along the entire length of the strip, 1 centimeter wide. You can take any length, but leave about 5-7 centimeters from the opposite edge.

Glue both ends.

We take a sleeve from toilet paper and cut it off from the edge at a distance of 5 - 7 centimeters.

Coat with glue and wrap the resulting grass around the sleeve to the end.

It remains to stick the prepared flowers. You can use pompoms or beads instead to make the bouquet look more unusual.

Another very simple version of the bouquet, which will appeal to preschoolers.

the basis is an accordion. How to fold it is shown in the diagram. So, the whole sheet is bent into a fan, and the ends of the sheet are glued together with glue, forming such a semicircular shape.

And now you can start thinking about which buds will decorate your base. Can you cut daisies, tulips or snowdrops? Absolutely any, even a fantasy flower, would be appropriate here.

Snowdrops in origami technique

I have already written a lot in previous articles about this technique and every time I am amazed by the many ideas that people embody in it. For example, what are the very first spring flowers? I think that everyone will answer that these are snowdrops.
So we will make his buds using a simple origami technique.

You will need a square of white and not thick paper, with sides of 5 centimeters. Bend it in half, finding the middle line with this.

Then turn the tip down and the part itself becomes a bit like a trapezoid. And in one direction, which looks at you, bend the edges.

Run the tip of your fingernail along all the folds to secure the paper in that position.

Spring sun crochet

I didn’t think that it was possible to crochet something reminiscent of spring, but as soon as I saw this sun, I realized that this is the real spring craft.

The simplest product is knitted with single crochets. You can knit two identical sides for the same number of loops, and then sew them together. This will be an easier option for beginners.

See what cute sunbeams you can create.

And I give a step-by-step description of the manufacture of another volumetric product.

Here, all the abbreviations that are used in the description are deciphered, so there will be no difficulties. The main thing is not to miscalculate and not to miss an extra loop.

Easy and quick paper tube craft

Newspaper tubes allow many craftswomen to replace the vine and master the technique of weaving. After all, this material is more accessible than a vine, which must first be found, then properly dried, and only then master the process of weaving. Of course, newspaper products do not have such high wear resistance, but they look chic.

Since this article is dedicated specifically to children's crafts, I suggest watching a video where a description of the sun with rays from newspaper tubes is given in great detail.

My dears, thank you for your attention and I wish you to spend every evening together with the children, because they grow up so fast. And these evening gatherings for common creativity will definitely remain in my memory.