How to have a fun party. House party. What is needed for that? Invite friends old and new

Do you want to have a great time? Throwing a party is a great way to unwind and just have fun with your friends! You will learn how to choose the right theme for your party, what you may need for it (from food and drinks), as well as the plan for its implementation. Start with the first step to arrange a simply unforgettable party, after which only good memories will remain.


Part 1

Think about who, what, when, where and why.

    Think about why you want to have a party. Are you going to celebrate someone's birthday, or some international holiday (New Year, Halloween, etc.)? Perhaps you just wanted to gather your friends over on Friday to have a good time with them. You should think about the following things before hosting: the age of the participants, the scenery, the theme of the clothes, where everything will take place, food and snacks, who you are going to invite, and the number of people you will invite.

    • Birthdays: most often arranged for people aged 10-12, 16, 18, as well as 21 years old.
    • Holiday parties: such parties take place the day before, or right on the day of the national holiday. New Year, Christmas, Halloween and many other holidays that can be celebrated with a noisy campaign!
    • "Continuation of the banquet": a type of party that smoothly flows into another party, or some kind of event, such as a concert.
    • Lonely Hearts Parties: parties created for single people to find their soul mate.
    • Sports gatherings: these get-togethers usually take place in a noisy campaign, during a major sporting event. Especially often take place during competitions, or cups.
    • House parties: house parties are quite simple, without any extra preparations - just to gather friends at home and have a good time. Such parties usually take place on Friday evening, or on the night from Saturday to Sunday.
  1. Think about what age people will be at your party. In the case of any party, it is very important to understand the age of the people who will attend it. For example, a birthday party for 16-year-olds will be very different from a New Year's Eve party for "lonely hearts." If you are organizing a party for children under 18, try to make it of high quality, without hints of sex, and also come up with various contests for holding it. Or, even better, set it up in a place where there are likely to be a lot of kids, like an amusement park, pizzeria, or the local bowling alley.

    • The age of the participants determines almost everything. It's best to invite fewer kids (can you imagine 20 screaming 8-year-olds running around the apartment?), think carefully about contests and timing, and keep the party shorter the younger the participants.
  2. Think about the venue for the party. According to the definition of a party - think about where you will arrange such a noisy event. You can do it at your home, or at your friend's place, somewhere on the street, in a bar/club, cafe, etc.

    • If there are neighbors around, then first of all make sure that they will not mind loud music, as well as a large number of people, especially if you arrange it at your place or at a friend's house.
    • If you are hosting a party in a public place such as a club, bar, restaurant, or amusement park, or any other venue that you have booked for the time of the party, please call before you arrive to see if there is availability at the desired time and book it.
  3. Decide on a guest list. Do not forget to list your close friends first, and only then your acquaintances. If you're going to have a huge party, automatically add +1 to each friend because they might bring more friends you know or don't even know. It can be a bit risky in that you won't know who is coming with who, but it will be a great way to meet new people.

    • If your party will be attended by members of your family, try to keep them close to your friends (in case these family members are not in your age category). You are unlikely to want to explain to your grandmother what kind of strangers they are.
  4. Determine the maximum number of participants in your party. If you don't know a huge number of people, your party list won't be too big, and then you just don't have to worry about it. If you know a large number of people, say thirty, or you just decide to add a "+1" item to your guest list, then think about it carefully before hosting such a party. Parties with more than 30 people tend to get out of hand. To resolve this situation, ask a couple of your friends to help you through it.

    • The bigger your party, the more help you'll need - especially if you're buying your own drinks, food, and entertainment. Ask your friends to help you set everything up, arrange it, or clean it up, or invite them all to chip in with you so you don't have to take on such a big burden.

    Part 2

    Party planning.
    1. Consider if you need a theme for your party. Thematic parties help your guests to quickly join the atmosphere of the party, as well as feel more comfortable in the group. Sometimes, if a person does not know at all what to wear to a party, he may feel a little uncomfortable at it. Theme parties are fun! If you are celebrating a holiday, ask your guests to dress appropriately for the celebration. Ideas for a themed birthday party or a simple hangout: 1980s, Greek, black and white, masquerade, jungle, or Western.

      • If you're over 18, you can suggest a "sexy" costume party. Most adults refer to it simply as "costume party".
    2. Consider food. Party food isn't healthy, so it's often sweet, fried, salty, cheap, or just easy to make. It can be a cake, ice cream, chips and crackers, sauces, sweets, muffins, or pies. But, of course, you can pick up food that will fit your hangout. Be creative!

      • For many people, a party is an occasion to relax. If you have a more or less formal celebration, none of the above snacks will suit you. Only top-class cheeses, bread, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits will decorate your evening properly.
    3. Don't forget the drinks! When you think about what people will drink at a party, you most likely think of alcohol, but it doesn't have to be alcohol. Stock up on fruit, soda, and other groceries while shopping. For alcoholic drinks, beer will be the cheapest, so find the right container for the number of people at the party. This way, you will have less trash left after the party (you may have had to collect a huge amount of beer cans after a big party). You can stock up on beers like Heineken, Guinness, Bud, Miller, or any other brand. You may also need something stronger, like liquors, wine and cocktails.

      • If alcohol is present at your party, then your guests are under your responsibility. You need to make sure that they will be able to get home and also that you will have sober drivers. Get ready to take keys from people if necessary. Prepare plenty of water and other non-alcoholic drinks so that people drink more than just alcohol.
    4. Buy jewelry. Usually decorations are associated with the theme of the party. Most of these decorations can be obtained from the nearest gift shop, or the nearest store with things for the holidays, or through online stores; such decorations are quite inexpensive. Make sure you have a well-prepared environment for your party, according to its theme. The more decorations, the better. If your guests really feel like they are in the jungle, or plunge into the spirit of the dashing 90s, then your celebration will be a success.

      • If the place where you are having a party is hard to find, make signs so that your guests do not get lost. Balloons, or simple signs catch the eye, just like light music, or flashlights.
    5. Prepare everything you need. So, we already have drinks, snacks, decorations, what else is missing?

      • For snacks, you will need containers in which you can store them until the holiday. Keep food prominently displayed on huge trays, plates, and bowls so guests can easily reach it.
      • You probably want your drinks to stay chilled and still be easy to get. Get out a portable ice box that you can store bottles of lemonade and beer in. Stronger drinks are best kept away so that you can easily monitor how quickly they are drunk. Perhaps you have the opportunity to purchase a special refrigerator for wine.
      • If you have a special keg (beer barrel), you can put your close friend to it to serve beer to guests.
      • Do not forget to stock up on disposable tableware: cups, plates and bowls. Don't put your mom's favorite Chinese china on the table because it will definitely break.
      • Also, buy plastic knives, forks and spoons so that you can safely throw them away after the party.
      • What else you may need: a large dumpster and several cans of water for cigarette butts (otherwise, in the morning you may find a huge number of them in your backyard, or right in your apartment), or simple ashtrays.
    6. Plan your party. As soon as the guests arrive, they will certainly be amazed by the huge selection of drinks and snacks, along with the incredible decorations, however, after that they will want to do something. Here are a few ideas to get the party started:

      • Billiards (of course, if you have a pool table)
      • Darts
      • Table tennis
      • beerpong
      • Music and dance floor
      • If you have a pool or sauna, prepare them
      • There are other entertainments that do not require special equipment (games, for example) that can be played throughout the party. Save a few for last, just in case there's a lull.
    7. Choose the right music. One of the main questions at the party is - what kind of music to choose for it? You can invite a DJ to your place, or if you have a friend who knows how to choose the right songs, appoint him as a DJ, but now is the age of high technology, therefore, you yourself can become a DJ! You can use special programs on your computer, or simply connect your player with suitable music to the speakers.

      • Think about who will come to you and what kind of music they might like. Or, play music from a variety of genres throughout the evening if your guests have a variety of musical tastes. Most often, parties play rap, hip-hop, dance music, electro, house, and any other genre that has a rhythm that you can dance to.

    Part 3

    Collect your thoughts
    1. Prepare the venue for your party. If 30 people come to you wanting to take part in a beer pong tournament, then this is a great reason to put your collection of ancient vases away. Everything that you want to keep, or that you should not touch, should be removed from sight. Close and lock doors you don't want guests in, clean your bathroom, and get your house ready for a party.

      • It's best to have your trash bags and cleaning supplies ready ahead of time - it'll be a lot easier that way.
      • Prepare a variety of games and music tracks just in case you need to shake things up a bit.
    2. Set everything up. Invite your friends to prepare the house for the party. This will be great for guests who arrive first; because when they appear, someone will already be at the party, which means you will avoid an awkward situation. Show guests where you have all the necessary places where drinks and snacks are. Do you want them to feel comfortable right away?

      • Chat and meet people you don't know well. If there is alcohol at your party, make sure that the glasses of everyone who drinks it are filled. Make the music louder, but in a way that you can comfortably communicate and hear what is being said to you.
    3. Take care of your guests. Make sure your guests don't feel embarrassed - introduce people who don't know each other yet. You can immediately start the game and turn up the music to warm up the party faster. Keep an eye on hard liquor so people don't get drunk on it very quickly. For groups of people who don't know each other, you may need to start a conversation between them. You are the boss here!

      • If you feel like the party is starting to die down, feel free to end it. Just start cleaning and thanking people for coming to your place and they will immediately take the hint. If not, just tell them the party is over! They don't have to go home right away, but they can't stay here either.
      • Make sure everyone gets home. Do you have their phones? Can they drive? Do you need someone to drive? If they can't drive, do you have a place to put them overnight?
    4. Ask others to help you clean up. If your room has turned into a mountain of aluminum cans and neatly scattered plastic plates, you have every right to ask guests to help you clean up. It's their mess too! If this pisses you off, just ask your friends to cheer you up before they leave. You will repay them in kind when they throw a party at their place!

    • Make sure that you yourself enjoy the party - after all, this is the most important thing.
    • Invite good friends over to help you with hosting and looking after the guests.
    • Lock the doors to rooms you don't want your guests to enter.
    • It is best to clean up trash or spilled drinks immediately.
    • Stay sober, or ask your friend to stay sober so you can keep an eye on the party in case it gets out of hand.
    • If your party is themed, dress up! If you wear a suit, your guests will feel much more comfortable in their incredible outfits.
    • Make sure you have some drinks left in case the keg runs out or runs out of soda.
    • Take care of sufficient cooling of the room in which you will hold a party. Since there will be a large number of people, they will need more fresh air.


    • Alcohol reduces the sense of danger and responsibility, so a party that has alcohol can get out of hand.
    • By inviting strangers to a party, you risk because you have no idea how they will behave.
    • Loud music and alcohol may not please your neighbors if you do not warn them in advance about your party. In this case, the police may come to you with a request to turn down the music, or even fine you. If there is alcohol at your party, try to remove it from prominent places so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Parents are gone... then it's time to throw a big party! Your parents moved away, you and your girlfriend rented an apartment or bought your own, or just found an empty square ... then it's time to throw a big party!

So, first of all, it is necessary to complete all urgent and urgent matters, and most importantly, do not start new ones so that nothing can interfere with your holiday.

Also, one should not forget that those whom you are going to invite may have such cases. Therefore, call everyone in advance and find out if they will be free at this time. It’s good to know who might be late, whether everyone has the opportunity to get to you or, conversely, from you, it may not be superfluous to agree on seeing off. Explain where the party will take place and make sure that everyone finds the street, house, building, intercom and apartment.

1. Territory of the party.

Such an event should be held in at least a 2-room apartment. Of course, if you have a luxurious single apartment with an area of ​​at least 50 meters, then feel free to prepare them for the celebration. The fact is that it is necessary to provide several so-called zones of interest. Someone will want to discuss the problem of the Far East, others - the last episode of the new series. In no case should you interfere with everyone in one heap.
Direct preparation of the apartment:

1. Hallway. It is necessary to free up as much space as possible for outerwear (especially if it is not in the summer), shoes and bags. Put all your things in the closet. And free up space, and things will be safer. From all the bins, get slippers or any shoes suitable for wearing at home.

2. Bath and toilet. Leave the minimum of jars and bottles that guests actually need. In the bathroom there is soap and clean towels. In the toilet - this is a sufficient amount of toilet paper.

3. Kitchen. In the kitchen, you should prepare a LOT of free space for dirty dishes, which will appear literally from the first minutes of the party until the end. It is best to use disposable tableware. It is necessary to think about where it is better to put dirty, but not disposable dishes. Stock up on plenty of trash bags, napkins, sponges and rags. Don't forget the ashtray!

4 rooms. In the rooms, follow the principle as in the case of the bathroom and toilet. We leave a minimum of things. All more or less valuable things should be put away. Otherwise, be sure that half of them will be on the floor, and the guests will be tormented by guilt for what they have done. Do you need it?

2. Table.

There are several options here. classic table with drinks and snacks. Remember that a party is not a feast. Do not force the table with heavy food and strong liquor. In this scenario, the holiday quickly promises to move into a quiet hour ...

When seated at the table, try to remember the relationship of the invitees. Well, if you seat everyone not according to interests, then at least according to tolerance to each other. You can have a party in the western style - do Buffet. Arrange snacks and drinks around the apartment so that everyone can come and take everything they need. There is a money factor to consider here. In my opinion, the buffet is easier not only for the stomach, but also for the wallet. For this option, sandwiches, canapes, chips are ideal.

3. Entertainment.

Entertainment is the main component of any social event. The main thing here is to be fully equipped. You can have a party with dancing, games, group watching a movie or discussion general(interesting!) topics.

Costumed parties are a good option. For example, a retro party, pajama party, etc. Say, if you decide to have a retro party, then warn everyone in advance that the entrance is only in costumes from the 70s and 80s. It will be so interesting to see who gets what from the chest!!!

Such a party will provide you with a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of past years: remember the once popular songs and dances. Try to imitate actors from old films. I think in the process everything will come by itself.

You can dedicate a party to a specific event, book, film.

Contests, games. The Internet is full of show jumping and entertainment. Your task is to choose what you consider the most interesting and suitable for your company. Games like Twister are very popular at parties.

4. Music.

5. About the computer.
If you are not planning a computer party, and the music will not sound from it, it is best not to turn on the computer and generally disguise it so that no one remembers about it. Otherwise, some guests may get lost in the virtual wilds until the end of the holiday. If, nevertheless, the computer is turned on, take care of the necessary files or files that are not intended for public viewing (for example, your photos, videos).

When the party is over and the guests have gone home - you have to inspect the apartment, collect garbage, sweep, shake, rub, wash and wash everything that needs it, mend, glue, sew and repair everything that can still be repaired, and tie knots for the future, so that the next party will be even more fun.

Recently, the fashion for house parties has become more active. Secular characters began to tell in the press how they dance with friends at home on the tables. Glossy magazines explain this by the notorious crisis and promote it in every possible way. We are not surprised by stunning home fun, because we know how to make a home party better than anyone else. And here are our top 20 ingredients:

1. Idea

It is very important to come up with a script, because you can just have fun with friends without declaring a meeting a “party”. For example, one group of intellectuals I know started to get together every Tuesday to drink and be smart. In fact, the revival of the Russian salon of the beginning of the century: they tell each other about new writers, listen to the music of not well-known composers, commemorate in vain the brilliant surrealist Rene Magritte. It is also important to drink heavily. It would be nice if someone dressed up as Yesenin and showed up in felt boots. You should point your lorgnette at a man in felt boots and quote the allegedly Russian poetess Zinaida Gippius: “What kind of leggings do you have?”

2. Spontaneity

No need, no need to look for a reason. Let the party be sudden and without reference to great dates. A birthday, a diploma, a cool new job, a rich old boyfriend, it's all too obvious. And spontaneity can bring life to a qualitatively new adventure level. When no one was waiting for the party, it is more fun for her to come up with an excuse (for an excuse, see paragraph 1).

3. Chronicler

Today, a simple rule applies: if after the event no one posted photos from it on a social network or blog, consider that there was no event either. The rule is dictated by the general fashion for SLR cameras, and then the old Zeniths, and then the soap dishes from the nineties, and now our own videos. So we arm ourselves with any digital technology and fall into the annals of history. A successful photo session is when you can see people in the photo, and people look good and behave unbridled. You give self-will, arbitrariness, debauchery! For greater relevance, the image can be overexposed or out of focus, the grainy film effect is still in use.

4. All nice people

Just the case when quality is more important than quantity. The key to a successful party is a cheerful mood, and people create it. Therefore, you need to call, first of all, friends who are well acquainted with each other and know how to anneal such a company. Fresh blood will be needed later, when rumors about your ingenious home parties will spread throughout the district. It will be needed and will appear immediately.

5. Smart place

The place is able to create the right atmosphere. Say, if you are having fun in the summer, then let it be a roof. Even the roof of a five-story building in a residential area may seem like a paradise, because it is high, warm, stars and friends. And if the reason for the party is some kind of Halloween, then it's fun to go out of town to an abandoned pioneer camp or sanatorium to make it really creepy. In the cold season, apartments and cottages are suitable, but you can also arrange something risky in your father's garage or the Moloko store that has been boarded up over the past 10 years.

6. Experiments

We all need action. Mix something with something and see what happens. Alcohol and killer alcohol, girls and boys, pantomime and salochki, Russian pop and Britpop, kebabs and vegans. Pushkin explained to us the attractiveness opposites: "They got together. Wave and stone, Poetry and prose, ice and fire. However, one should not forget how it all ended for Lensky. Know the measure.

7. Beverages

Alcohol (as well as non-alcoholic) policy needs to be thought out in advance. Party style dictates drinks. However, the drinks themselves can dictate the style - whiskey cocktails will add some Wild West fun to any touching bachelorette party.

8. Technique

Sometimes, of course, one laptop is enough to dance properly, but this is good for chamber gatherings, and not a couple of dozens of friends. The fashion of the last year is to play music from iPods, but for a party it should sound impressive and loud. This will require amplifiers. Surely, they can be borrowed from friends or friends of friends (somewhere in the same place, by the way, there are also DJ installations). The scale of the festival should be obvious to everyone.

9. different space

You can't dance all night. All night you won’t talk about the fate of the motherland and the vanity of the essential (in fact, you will, but this is not the same as a cool party). But you always want everything at the same time. This can be arranged if there is a disco ball hanging in one room and yelling music, in another chill-out with conversations and board games, a minibar and a mini-dinner are organized in the kitchen, and a talking-smoking room is on the balcony. You can also lay a mattress-blanket-pillow in the bathroom, because everyone dreams of taking a nap there, but the opportunity still doesn’t present itself.

10. Professionals

You need to call someone who is not only daring and knows how to have fun, but also knows how to do something else. A professional DJ will do a great job with turntables, a bartender will mix the right cocktails, a stylist can please someone with a new haircut, a photographer will beautifully capture guests, a skilled chef will make croissants with Dor blue cheese and grapes. You can even organize a quick master class. The main thing is that it should not be tiring.

11. Official

A house party would be nice to add claims. So come up with original invitations, send them out, specify the dress code, talk about the concept. A mixture of a friendly coven and a bit of responsibility - this is just a cool homeparty.

12. Defeat laziness

You, of course, prepare for the event with all responsibility. But some of the guests still, despite all the warnings, will come in their ordinary clothes or will not bring fruit and wine. In general, since this is inevitable, you need to play it safe. You can, for example, buy a pair of matching accessories to hand out to irresponsible guests at the entrance. After all, he does not quarrel over trifles.

13. Decor

To create an atmosphere, there are few costumes and alcohol. It would be nice to hang themed posters, dress up the entrance and come up with something special for the bathroom, because this is the center of the world.

14. Water

It is not known how this happens at all, but where there is water, it becomes even more fun. It does not matter in what form it is present - a pond, a river, a swimming pool, an inflatable pool, a full bath, water guns, water balloons. Just don't touch the aquarium.

15. Strangers

On the way from the club to your home, you can always grab a couple of new friends for an after-party. What they are good for remains to be seen. Without new people, no intrigue. In order for those whom everyone is waiting for and whom no one knows to come, announce your party loudly. Word of mouth is still one of the main PR tools.

16. Mass creativity

One of my acquaintances with friends (not as part of a party, but as part of socially responsible fun) made a huge banner “The sea for dolphins!”, Then to fix it on a high-rise building in Sevastopol, a port city that selflessly pollutes the depths of the sea. Of course, it’s not necessary to perform feats during a house party, but getting friends to work together and create something as a result is a sure way to remember how great you had a good time for a long time to come.

17. Local celebrities

If there are significant people in the party at the party and they like it, tomorrow everyone will say that the evening was a success. If you don't like it, they will say it again, but the opposite is true. Therefore, it is better to include local celebrities in the organizing group, then their opinion will be more likely to be positive.

18. rituals

Inventing your own traditions is fun and enjoyable. Moreover, mandatory morning cleaning is not quite suitable for this role. It's better to dance to your favorite song before everyone leaves. Or give guests goodbye fresh buns. Or blow up confetti crackers at exactly five in the morning. Something touching to do.

19. Good-natured neighbors

If all the time to arrange hell for the neighbors, they will tritely call the police. So either let them hang out with you, or solve the problem somehow. In principle, conflicts have their own charm, but sometimes they cause material damage.

20. Extreme

You can organize a stripper pole. In 20 years, those who dared to approach him will tell these stories, if not to children, then to someone for sure. Strip games, property damage, running outside to play hide-and-seek in zombie costumes, pillow fight club, toilet paper throwing.

A successful party can only be organized after preliminary preparation. It requires careful planning in all aspects. To make sure you don't miss anything and anticipate a bad outcome, use our party plan.

The plan includes determining the theme of the party, choosing the date, time and place, drawing up the list of invitees and mailing, planning the budget, choosing the right games, compiling the menu, drinks, choosing decorations for the room, small gifts for guests and farewell. Each of these items has its own nuances. Let's consider them in more detail. Subject. It is preferable to avoid "80s" type parties, as guests may have been to them more than once. Try to come up with something original. You can pick up an idea. After choosing, select the necessary props and decorations for the room. Take care of the musical accompaniment. Gather enough songs so they don't go in circles. Don't forget the equipment. Date, time and place. Choose the most successful date for the party for the invitees. Pick a time that most guests will be able to show up. House parties have become a big hit these days, but you can also opt for a public venue. Restaurants, bars, public parks, entertainment centers, sports complexes, etc. are good options. Don't forget to decorate the room based on the theme of the event. If you're throwing a classic party, be sure to have napkins, cutlery, and lighting fixtures ready. Make sure people have easy access to food, drink, toilets. Keep fragile and valuable items away. List of invitees. Events with a large number of people are considered the most successful, but guests should not feel like herrings in a barrel. Decide how many people you plan to invite and find out in advance who exactly will come. This is very important as you need to properly budget for food and room rentals. You can create an invitation using social networks and place it on your page. A beautiful picture describing the party will give the impression of pleasant anticipation. Then send a message to each guest on social media. To get people to answer, ask a question at the end. If some people are not there, contact them in the most convenient way. Don't forget to include important points in the invitation, for example, for guests to take drinks or dishes, choose the appropriate outfit, indicate the cost of the party (if any). Start inviting them three or two weeks before the event. Budget. List all costs. If the amount turns out to be too impressive, exclude things that are not too important. Experts recommend to attach each guest to the party. Ask them to bring something with them, prepare music, make costumes, etc. This way you will involve people in the process, give them responsibilities and make them feel important and needed. This will increase the chances of all scheduled guests arriving.

Games. Find games that suit all guests. You can play mafia, any board game. The board game "Alias ​​for Parties" is very popular. Food and drinks. Decide on cooking. It is preferable to create snacks so that people can grab food and eat it on the go. Good fruits, vegetables, chips, cheese, desserts, etc. If you want to include more nutritious meals in the party, make a list and stock up on groceries. In order not to stand in the kitchen for 3 days in a row, take on a main course, and ask your friends to take something light with them. You can prepare a large bowl of punch or pour a large tub of alcohol and soda. There is one more idea. Make a special corner for creating cocktails. Put all the food for cooking there and hang small instructions. Personalized items. Choose a unique gift for each guest. You can not buy expensive things. Do something memorable for everyone personally. You can decorate cupcakes in an original way or decorate glasses of drinks with bright stickers printed from the Internet.

Now you know how to organize an amazing party. Only formalities remain. Approach duties with all seriousness and settle important details as early as possible. Guests will remember you as a pleasant leader and will be happy to come next time.

In recent years, house parties have become very popular. Both adults and children love them. And this is understandable. After all, this type of recreation, even for the host, can turn into a real holiday without much effort! To make the party memorable fun and interesting, there are simple secrets.

The foundation of any holiday is the presence of a wonderful mood. In no case should you take on the organization of recreation in a bad mood. This will affect literally everything that will be done. If an idea with a party came to mind, you should cast aside all doubts and arrange a real holiday from the heart!

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to consider the number of guests. No matter how many people the apartment accommodates, you should surround yourself only with those people with whom it is always cozy and comfortable. For many, this is "their own company", which even tightness is not a hindrance. A small intrigue for everyone can be an original invitation to a holiday.

About the advantages of a buffet table

A party with friends does not require a large feast - it is a tradition of family holidays. Snacks and drinks are the main components of the buffet table, which is preferred most often. The most common snacks include cuts of meat and cheese plates. Fruit is also an affordable and tasty treat. A bookcase with them will decorate any table. Cut fruit is not worth it, as they can quickly weather.

Experience shows that hot sandwiches, shrimp and olives are excellent snacks. A small box of chocolates will not be superfluous on the table. And if the hostess of the house is passionate about cooking, guests will certainly appreciate her “meat in French” or whole baked fish.

It is worth learning about the preferences of guests in choosing drinks. But it often happens that the invitees themselves decide this issue.

The design of the table deserves special attention. Be sure to lay a beautiful tablecloth, take a comfortable place for plates with cutlery and napkins. It is worth beautifully laying out all the treats on plates. It will not be difficult to fulfill these nuances, and the buffet table will immediately take on a festive look.

Entertainment is a great bonus to your vacation

An important point in organizing a house party are games and contests . With great pleasure everyone is drawn into them without exception. Among the most popular entertainment, you can choose karaoke - it's always a win-win option! The Crocodile game, in which teams use gestures to explain hidden words to each other, is also very common. If you offer the guests the game "Patter", then everyone will be provided with positive emotions! A good alternative to everything are board games: backgammon, loto or the popular "Mafia".

Guests will be doubly pleased if they are awarded small prizes for winning competitions. A thrifty hostess, as a rule, always has something: from a beautiful magnet to an unusual photo frame. It is worth thinking about this in advance.

The ability to create a holiday around you is a great happiness. And everyone should certainly be able to make themselves and loved ones happy!