How to make a bookmark with your own hands out of paper and more. Beautiful bookmarks for books with your own hands, original ideas for creativity

We have made a large selection of the most diverse ideas, where you will find the most that are very easy to do with your own hands. In this collection, each student will find something interesting for himself and become even more exciting.

We offer you a selection of amazing bookmarks for books that everyone can use for their own pleasure. With such original bookmarks, you will want to open the book even more often. It remains only to choose the one that you like the most, and start creating such an interesting one. In addition, September 1 is almost on the nose and reading of books will definitely increase. So why not make this process even more fun?

25 bookmarks you can make yourself

The simplest version of a bookmark, which is very easy to make with your own hands, is a flat cardboard bookmark with tabs to cling to the page. Choose who exactly will hold the book page, cut out the lead and start reading your favorite book.

Bookmarks for books on rubber bands are a very convenient option, because both inside the book and from its outer side, nothing will look out and, accordingly, will not be wrinkled.

And if you sew a small pocket to the elastic, you get a kind of one in which you can store pens or pencils, or stickers to mark important moments. This bookmark is suitable for textbooks or notes.

Corner bookmarks attract book lovers because, firstly, they are very easy to make, and secondly, such bookmarks can be very different: with eyes, teeth, overhead elements, or with interesting phrases. Such bookmarks for books will especially appeal to you.

Knitted or crocheted bookmarks will immediately show that this book belongs to a real needlewoman. Such a bookmark can be a great gift, because knitted sweaters and scarves are so commonplace.

From the herbarium, not only beautiful applications are obtained, but also very gentle bookmarks for romantic natures who love to dream and admire nature. - read the link.

Even ordinary paper clips can be turned into bookmarks. Attach a tassel of yarn or a figure cut out of cardboard to the top of each paperclip - and voila! - your bookmark is ready.

Bookmarks for books are also possible. The easiest way is to paint the wand with paints. A more difficult option is to glue a figure or attach a letter on a thread. The choice is yours!

A knitting thread braided into a pigtail and a beautiful button - that's a new bookmark for your favorite book, which is very easy to make with your own hands. Attach a button at one end and loop the other end to "button" the bookmark.

A paper bookmark in the form of a pen and a favorite quote or inspirational phrase - what can inspire you even more to new feats and conquer new heights?

Yarn tassels are suitable not only for, but also for original bookmarks. All you need is cardboard and some yarn. From cardboard, make a bookmark of the required shape, and turn the yarn into a beautiful brush.

Or simply braid the threads and tie them on cardboard, so the flat cardboard part of the bookmark will be inside the book, and the tassel will hang down and point to the place where you stopped reading.

If you have beads from a broken bracelet or pendant lying around, use them to bookmark your favorite book. String beads on a thick thread or leather cord according to the principle.

Another handy option for bookmarks is to use fabric or felt and ribbon. For each new book, you can make a different bookmark with the main characters or the most memorable item from the book. Fantasize!

Now you have a whole collection of amazing DIY bookmarks that are easy to make. And if in, you are on the side of the first, then a beautiful bookmark will be a real gift for your paper friend.

DIY animal bookmarks. Master class with step by step photos

Do-it-yourself corner bookmarks for paper books

Derkach Anastasia Sergeevna, Teacher of additional education, MBOUDOD CDT "Commonwealth", Creative Association "Peacock", Novosibirsk

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, teachers of additional education, parents and creative people who love to create beautiful and unique things with their own hands.

Purpose: Bookmark for a book, souvenir, gift.

A bookmark is a small but very useful thing when reading books. With its help, it is more convenient to read books and find the right page in them. The bookmark helps children, especially in elementary school, to navigate through the lines, and at the same time, it contributes to the development of a culture of handling books. And although there are a lot of bookmarks on sale now, but a beautiful, original handmade bookmark, the child will be more willing to use it, take care of it, since a piece of his soul is invested in it.

I am a beautiful bookmark.
You need me to keep order.
In vain do not flip the pages -
Where is the bookmark, read there!

Target: Making bookmarks with your own hands

- learn how to make bookmarks out of paper;
- to develop interest in artistic creativity;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, eye, fantasy, aesthetic taste;
- improve application skills and abilities;
- educate independence, accuracy in work

Manufacturing technique:
- origami
- application

Materials and tools:

- scissors
- PVA glue
- colored paper for copier
- glue stick
- black marker

Safety rules for working with scissors
1. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors must have blunt, rounded ends
3. Put the scissors with the rings towards you
4. Follow the movement of the blades while cutting
5. Don't leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings forward
7. Do not play with scissors, do not bring it to your face
8. Use scissors for their intended purpose

Rules for working with PVA glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage
3. It is necessary to apply glue in an even thin layer
4. Remove excess glue with a paper towel
5. Try not to get glue on clothes, face and especially eyes
6. After work, close the adhesive tightly and remove
7. Wash your hands and work area with soap



The basis of all bookmarks is the same,
consider the example of making bookmarks - chanterelles

Bookmark - Do-it-yourself paper chanterelle for children. Master class with photo

We take orange copier paper.
We need a square measuring 10 cm by 10 cm

Cut out

Fold diagonally

We bend the corners to the top


Fold one top corner down

Raise the right corner up

We fill it in a pocket

We fill the left corner in the same way

We turn over. The workpiece is ready! Can be decorated

Let's start creating an image
Cut out all the necessary details from colored paper

Glue the head piece to the base

Gently glue pink ears, black nose


We take a black marker and draw cilia, pupils

Our bookmark - the fox is ready!

I met a fox
curious eyes,
Lurking behind a stump
bright red light,
And calmly observes:
Who walks in her forest?!

T. Efimova

From paper, you can make a huge number of different funny bookmarks.
It can be the heroes of your favorite fairy tales, or just little animals.

We take multi-colored paper squares

Laying out the base of the bookmark

Cut out pieces from colored paper

We glue the animals

Draw small details with black marker

We glue the muzzles on the bases - bookmark blanks

Bookmark "Puppy"

Little puppy
I have a funny puppy.
He ate everything he could:
Shoes and from a chair leg,
And a little more sofa.

Kitty grief
crying pussy in the hallway
She is in great grief.
Evil people poor pussy
Don't let them steal sausages!

little mouse
The little mouse was crying
The cat scared him off!
I had a very sweet dream
As if he ate a hundred tons of cheese!
Also for dessert
They gave me a kilo of candy!
Only he doesn't eat candy!
It would be better if they gave meatballs,
Or a bag of seeds -
The mouse could eat it!
He wanted to sleep more
Just grab the cat by the tail!
He almost ate a mouse
Managed to escape!
What a cheeky red cat!
Doesn't let the mouse sleep!

Hedgehog in the forest
Walked, walked, walked
under a bush
Found fungus.
Walked around the fungus:
- That's a good find!
He brought the fungus home
A glorious mushroom soup came out!

By the river, by the river
white sheep
Pinch the grass on the meadow,

The fur will be soft and smooth
Let's knit mittens for the guys.

The frog sat in the swamp all day,
In the swamp, the frog is not too lazy to sit there.
She likes the native swamp very much,
The frog will not change it for another.

Why am I an octopus?
I have eight legs!
With them I swim quickly
I can have lunch.
Friends live deep inside
Me and my whole family.
All legs grow from the heads -
Those are octopuses!

Bookmark "Pig"

pink belly,
pink barrel,
Curl tail,
Piglet nose.
Grunting with happiness
He runs into the puddle
And in the mud embrace
Lying happily.
frisky fool,
He is a pig child
little eared
This? Piglet!

Yellow ball on the grass
Rolled merrily.
They say to the white light
He was born yesterday.
He is happy with the sun and warmth
Like any child
Midges, crumbs, worms...
After all, the baby is a chicken.

The argument about what will win - a classic paper book or an electronic one, is reminiscent of the story from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": one of the main characters argued that very soon there would be nothing but television - neither theater nor cinema. Life proved that he was wrong. It's the same with a book.

Yes, someone prefers electronic. However, the "paper version" is beyond competition. What a wealth and variety bookstores offer! How wide the eyes are, studying the contents of the shelves and counters! And if there is a book, then you need a bookmark for it.

A bit of history

As soon as people learned how to make books or something that looked like books, they came up with bookmarks. For example, the ancient Egyptians marked the necessary scrolls with pieces of papyrus.

Later, in handwritten folios (first parchment, and then paper) too it was necessary to somehow mark the necessary pages, so as not to leaf through the voluminous volume “from and to” in search of some “selected places”.

Precious pages simply had to be protected so that they would not fray. Later, silk ribbons were glued into books..

This technique is used today, but only in expensive, classic editions. Everyone else needs bookmarks.

They are made from different materials and in different ways: leather, plastic, knitted, lace, metal - there are many options.

However paper ones are the most common. The main thing is that they can be made with your own hands, involving even small children in the work. What bookmarks can be made for books?

Teaching kids how to craft

Making paper bookmarks with your own hands is perhaps one of the easiest ways to teach sons and daughters to craft something.

The kid will develop hand motor skills, feel a taste for creativity, and most importantly - very quickly see the result.

It's no secret that young children hardly have the patience to work on some kind of craft for days or weeks, and a creative bookmark for books can be made in one evening.

In the process of creativity, skills are formed in handling tools and materials that will certainly come in handy in the future. Here's what you need to prepare to get started:

  • paper (white and color),
  • thin cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencils and markers;
  • glue stick.

Original performance techniques

You can make a bookmark in the form of an ordinary long strip of paper, or you can show your imagination, then it will be more interesting for you and the children to work. To get started, choose a bookmark making technique. The following options will work:

  • application,
  • scrapbooking;
  • origami;
  • weaving;
  • quilling.

Unusual and beautiful ideas: how to make them

Originality can be achieved already at the expense of the form. It doesn't have to be a long strip of paper. Choose options: it could be a triangle, which is easy to "put on" on the desired page of the book (such a bookmark can be made from a regular mail envelope or glued from a sheet of paper).

A master class on how to make a bookmark-corner for books with your own hands out of paper, origami technique:

It can be a figurine of any configuration, as long as it is convenient to use it as a bookmark. Here are some examples.

Bookmark-palm. Place your baby's hand on colored thick paper or thin cardboard, circle the contours of the palm. Draw something funny on it (like a funny face) and cut it out. Take a strip of paper and glue it to the back of the cut out palm. The bookmark is ready. And, believe me, there will be no price when, in a few years, you find it in one of the books and remember how small your son or daughter was, how tiny their fingers were.

Can do pencil bookmark, using paper of different colors and making one of its ends triangular, like a sharpened pencil. If your child wants to give gifts to his friends and family, you can make a whole set of "colored pencils" together with him.

In general, address bookmarks are very good. Can be done for dad bookmark-mustache, gluing at the top of the strip of paper a drawing in the form of a mustache a la Hercule Poirot.

For grandfather - tea cup, with a tea bag lowered into it on a thread, the tip of which, together with a piece of paper-tag, will peek out of the book.

A gift for your sister can be decorated with a bow pattern or glued on a real thread pom-pom.

Grandma, who "always forgets everything", can do reel bookmark from cardboard, completing it with a kind of coil and carefully winding some beautiful threads around it.

By the way, if you want to “overcast” the bookmark around its entire perimeter with threads ( it will be very pretty), do this: mom will sew a bookmark along the edge on a sewing machine (without a thread, just punching holes with a needle), and the child, using these holes, will walk along all edges very evenly and beautifully with an overcast seam.

Another important point: on bookmarks for books, some quote from your favorite writers, a motivating inscription or your own wish to the person to whom the gift is addressed will look very organic.

Try to ensure that the bookmarks made with the children do not lie at home "dead weight", as Gogol's Manilov has for two years on the 14th page of the same book. The child must be convinced of their functionality, to see that his relatives live according to the principle “not a day without a book”. Then he himself will become addicted to reading.

In conclusion, watch a video on how to make a cool bookmark for paper books with your own hands:

Hello dear guest readers! Do you use bookmarks? If so, then today's post is definitely for you. Feel free to bookmark it, because here we will talk about how to make a bookmark with your own hands for books and magazines.

To be honest, I rarely use bookmarks. By chance, all the materials that I have to prepare for couples are in my electronic form, and fiction (which, to my shame, I read very rarely lately) is also present in the ephemeral intangible space.

But at the same time, I am very inspired by the idea of ​​creating bookmarks for books, because there is such a great variety of possible uses for all kinds of materials ... "Wow" just)) Without missing a bookmark challenge to my hamster nature, I will show you a whole sea of ​​​​interpretations of this beautiful accessory

Some ways to create bookmarks, by the way, were described in the article about do-it-yourself hearts (there, by the way, there is a master class on creating a bookmark from a paper clip).

How to bookmark a book: cute cat

First of all, I want to bring to your attention the charming Bookman cat, which will help you or your child read any work with pleasure :) The bookmark is quite simple, you can even do it with children.

For a cat you will need:

  • thick synthetic felt
  • threads in the color of felt or contrasting
  • rhinestones
  • ribbon, lace
  • glue for rhinestones
  • patterns
  • pencil to transfer patterns to fabric
  • for the eyes: light acrylic paint (in my case, silver) and two black half-beads

Patterns of a cat (on the pattern, you can also mark all the future elements of the cat: rhinestones, bow, etc.):

Cut out two parts from felt, mark a muzzle on one of them with a pencil.

After stitching, the cat should look something like this:

With the help of acrylic paints, draw a muzzle for the Bookman. Under-eye circles should be slightly larger than half-beaded eyes.

While the painted parts are drying, make a bow for the cat. To do this, fold the lace and ribbon as in the photo.

Fold the design in half and sew in the center.

Pull the center off to give the bow an elegant look. You can glue or sew a bead in the center.

Now glue the half-bead eyes on the cat. On each of them you can put a small highlight for naturalism. Also mark the places for gluing the rhinestones.

Here's what I ended up with:

With the help of such a pattern (slightly modified) you can make a dog, a mouse, and many others.

How to make a paper bookmark

All master classes are clickable, so feel free to click on them to enlarge.


An unusual bookmark - a monster can be made from a regular sheet of paper.

The creation process is simple:

  1. Take a square and fold it in half diagonally.
  2. Fold the smaller corners up to the top.
  3. Bend the edge so that the corner touches the middle of the original fold.
  4. Bend the narrow corners again and fold the protruding sides inward.
  5. Now the bookmark can be decorated as you wish: it can be a monster, a smiley or something else.

By the way, you can give a bookmark-monster to the same boys on February 23 - interesting, useful and not expensive.

Mustache and more

A bookmark - a corner can be created much easier: for this, cut a square and a triangle from a sheet of paper with a small margin for gluing. Also cut out the mustache using the photo below.

Coat the triangle with glue around the edges and attach to the square. Glue the mustache on top. Again, instead of a mustache, there can be eyes, a bow, just beautiful patterns or something else.

pom-pom bookmark

Very simple, but no less effective than the previous ones, option. Take a skein of knitting thread for it, tie it with a thread, cut the edges and straighten the threads. Glue the pom-pom to the paper base.

And again cats

The idea is quite simple: cut out the outlines of cats (or other animals) and lightly wet the paper. And then draw all the patterns that come to mind. Example in the photo :)

Tip: so that the bookmarks do not lose their original appearance in the future, seal them on both sides with tape or adhesive tape sold in stationery stores.

Multifunctional bunnies

In this case, it turns out an interesting way to use the same accessory as a bookmark and as a spool of thread.

Animals cut out of thick paper or cardboard will look beautiful. The most important thing is to make incisions at the location of the front legs.

We print on the printer

This stylish set of three bookmarks showed up on Wikihow. It must be printed on a color printer. You just need to cut out all the bookmarks, and in the pig make an incision along the white line.

animal theme

Three unusual forest friends will also be great reading companions if cut out of thick cardboard or paper.

The following options are somewhat easier to cut. In addition, they can even be cut out of fabric using designs as patterns.

To the lovers

The best declaration of love is a valentine. And why not make it a little more functional by giving it the shape of a bookmark? This is exactly what two series of valentine designs will allow you to do.

The first of them depicts beautiful prints with all sorts of declarations of love.

And on the second - owls with appropriate wishes. Very popular pets these days.

Speaking of owls...

I found the most gorgeous collection of owl skins out of 9 pieces. Feel free to take them to your reading assistants.

Do you like My Little Pony?

If so, then here are as many as 8 images that you can use to memorize the desired page with the signs of the main characters.


These two images of bookmarks will look wonderful sawn and scorched from wood, but they will turn out decently on a paper basis. In addition, sketches can be printed even on a black and white printer, because their colors are very close.

Fabric bookmark: back to felt and paper clips


To bring this wonderful bookmark to life, prepare a paper clip, a piece of multi-colored cotton fabric, glue and scissors.

Take a piece of fabric, fold it like in the photo. Sew the design in the center and attach to the paperclip with another piece of fabric.

Scary cute Cheshire

To create one of its two wonderful variations, use purple, raspberry, pink, and white felt. You can cut out parts using a photo. Beads will become eyes and pads on the paws, and various ornate patterns can be created using embroidery threads.

Double-sided bookmarks

Or even double ended. The convenience of such lies in the fact that the bookmark is visible from both sides, and it has much less chances to fall out than the usual one. You can make this from felt and thick braid.

And then he turned to the romantic theme - hearts.


"I grew mushrooms ..." - a song from a very peculiar OST for "Barvikha" pops up in my head. Remember this series? I didn’t really see him at all, but the song impressed me and stuck in my head firmly.

I suggest you also grow mushrooms, or rather their homemade felt interpretation. To do this, take the felt of your favorite color and cut out the appropriate details, and then sew. In the head area, you can put a little synthetic winterizer for volume.

Friends of the Bookman

All of them are not made by me, but they are very similar to the first purple cat. In the first case, it is a mouse and a hamster. The principle of creation is the same as for the Bookman.

This cheerful trinity is also created in a similar way. But the muzzles here are separate and stuffed with padding polyester.

More recently, I wrote about unusual shoelaces and how to tie them. Why am I? Just laces as bookmarks are very suitable.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva