How to have the perfect first date with a guy. How to behave on a first date

On the first date, a girl is able to fall in love with a man or forever discourage him from continuing to get acquainted. So that you do not disappoint the one who invited you to the meeting, use the advice of a psychologist. You can find them in our today's article. You will learn how to overcome fear, where you can go on a date, how to dress better, what to say, how to please. In addition, we will tell you why the guy does not call after the first meeting, what mistakes you could make.

Excitement is a natural reaction on a first date. You do not yet know the habits and characteristics of each other's character, but you are already ready to communicate.

To overcome fear, you need to increase your self-esteem. Wash your hair and apply balm on them, tidy your hands, buy new underwear. Tune in to the positive - watch your favorite movie or listen to romantic music. Choose an outfit that you feel comfortable in.

where to go

If a young man offers to find a meeting place, give preference to crowded places - a cafe, a park, a cinema, a museum. So you will not be alone with the guy, afraid of his harassment, you can easily pick up topics for conversation and fill in awkward pauses, for example, with a comment about a picture or the interior of an institution.

The date obviously didn't work out.

When making an appointment, consider the time of year. You should not freeze in a winter park if you can sit in a cozy cafe with a cup of aromatic coffee. In the summer, you don't have to languish in the heat at the sand figure exhibition on the street when you can visit the water park.

So that you can make the right choice, we have prepared for you.

What to wear

Choose clothes according to the meeting place, weather conditions and time of year. Avoid revealing necklines and cutouts. Stylish and neat things attract more attention than vulgar mini-skirts and T-shirts.

Not even new, but well-groomed and figure-fitting clothes will look amazing with a minimal amount of accents. Read more about that here. You can choose top, bottom, accessories.

How to please

Be an attentive conversationalist, do not interrupt. Tell us about yourself, but do not go into details and turn a date into a performance by one actor. Relax, don't ask direct questions, smile.

A man is also nervous on a first date, natural behavior will help overcome awkwardness.

The site has a separate article about. It gives practical advice on behavior.

What to talk about

Start with common topics and interests, gradually getting to know each other, talk about hobbies and hobbies. Avoid talking about your problems and previous relationships, criticism. Stay neutral in conversation to avoid embarrassing situations, do not complain about life.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Why doesn't he call after

The date went, as it seems to you, wonderfully, but the young man does not call. The reason is not always you. If a guy wants to develop a relationship, he will definitely call back or send a message with an invitation to the next meeting. Take your time, wait a few days, something really serious may have happened and there is no reason to worry.

You can call or send a message first, find out his impressions of the meeting and invite him to the next date. But you only have to do it once. All the details in another article on the site. In her. You will find out: how long to wait for a call, whether it is possible to make it first, which may prevent him from contacting you.

Mistakes girls make on their first date with a guy

On the first date, psychologists advise, it is important to create the prerequisites for future relationships. Here are some tips on what not to do:

  • Criticize men. They are much more sensitive to criticism than women.
  • Constantly talk about yourself beloved. Narcissistic egoists do not attract men.
  • Arrange an interrogation. Your task is to ask leading questions very carefully and covertly, and not to conduct a survey.
  • Going on a date casually or too revealingly dressed and with dirty hair. Dirty and vulgarly dressed ladies cause unpleasant feelings not only in men.
  • Build a date plan in advance and anticipate its results. Think nothing. Your thoughts may not have anything to do with the real picture.
  • Seize the initiative. A shy man can be tactfully helped or prompted, but do not make a decision for him, just push him a little.
  • Find out the income level of a man. Asking this question is a surefire way to avoid being invited on a second date.

In this video, a psychologist gives advice to girls who will not let their first date fail:

Prepare carefully for the first meeting so that it will not be the last!

Appearance at the first meeting is a decisive success factor. Initially, it is clothes, hairstyle, and for a girl, make-up also attract attention. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare in advance and look impeccable. First of all, it is worth noting that it is better to give preference not to trendy outfits, but to clothes that are comfortable. It is also important to focus on your own strengths.

Outfit for a girl

The first meeting with a guy is very important for any girl. If she has beautiful breasts, then you can emphasize it slightly, the main thing is that it does not look vulgar. Ladies with a graceful waist should not hide it under voluminous sweaters, emphasize your silhouette with a beautiful tight-fitting dress or belt.

Remember, clothes attract attention, but do not distract from the person. Otherwise, the interlocutor will focus on the neckline, for example, and not the topic of the conversation.

Clothing must be age appropriate. This is the only way to look as harmonious as possible. Agree that a woman after thirty does not look very attractive in a short miniskirt, and a young girl in a librarian's outfit.

Men most of all love beautiful laconic dresses that skillfully emphasize the beauty of the female figure. A classic black dress can be safely called a win-win option. Its length and decorative elements directly depend on the type of girl, advantages and disadvantages.

If you want to wear a bright dress, it is better that it covers your knees. In addition, today the length of the "midi" is at the peak of popularity. Remember that guys like almost everything that makes a woman different from them. These are sundresses, skirts, high heels and jewelry.

There are clothes that should not be worn for the first meeting. After all, she irritates most men at first sight. These are breeches jeans, voluminous sweaters, baggy T-shirts and ugg boots.

As for shoes, it is better to give preference to elegant pumps with heels, which will be comfortable. In summer, you can put on beautiful sandals with a square steady heel, and in the cold season - high boots.

Outfit for a guy

For men, the best option can be called simple jeans or trousers, as well as a laconic shirt. Much depends on where the meeting is scheduled. For beefy guys, it is acceptable to wear jeans with a light-colored T-shirt. For thin people - a sweater or shirt with trousers.

Clothing should reveal your nature as much as possible, show your preferences. Moreover, the days when outfits were limited to a minimum assortment have long gone.

It is not recommended to wear, for example, clothes in the style of rap artists, if there is no certainty that the girl will appreciate it. Of course, sneakers will also have to be abandoned if the meeting is scheduled at the theater. Although it is worth noting that men are forgiven a lot in terms of choosing a wardrobe.

First date colors

The color of the dress itself is of great importance, because it affects human psychology and perception. As for men, they have the least problems in this matter. But with the fair sex, the situation is somewhat different.

Most girls think that if they put on a bright red dress, they will definitely like a man, but, in fact, this is not always the case. The red palette attracts attention, but may not cause the best reaction in a person. It is believed that this is not only the color of sexuality, but also aggression, which not every man likes.

For the first meeting, it is better to choose neutral and pastel shades. It can be beige, white, gray, soft pink and pale yellow. Also, experts recommend paying attention to the green color and all its shades. A good choice would be blue and blue.

With the help of a shade, you can perfectly emphasize your dignity and focus on your eyes or hair. When choosing an outfit for the first meeting, evaluate which color suits you.

It is worth paying attention to the meanings of colors:

  • Green. The color of cheerfulness, energy and positive. It is simply designed to make a positive impression.
  • Orange. One of the brightest shades, which is associated with unforgettable emotions, summer and sun.
  • Pink. The color of tenderness, romance and flirting, which by itself sets you in the right mood.
  • gray and brown. They symbolize a breakdown and stiffness, so this is not the best choice.
  • Yellow. Sunny and positive. But sometimes an outfit in such a palette can look childish, windy and careless.

Where to go for the first meeting

Of great importance is where the first meeting will take place. It is for this reason that the choice of location must be taken especially seriously.

To begin with, all noisy and crowded places should be excluded. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to talk with the interlocutor. Going to the cinema is better to postpone for the next meeting. This rule also applies to clubs.

It is worth giving preference to a calm, cozy cafe with delicious desserts and a variety of teas. A warm atmosphere will only add positive notes to the conversation and make the pastime even more wonderful.

If financial possibilities allow, then you can dine in a restaurant. The main thing is not to try to seem better than you are, and not to spend the last money on going to an expensive institution. In the summer, you can have a spontaneous picnic and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Features of behavior at the first meeting

The overall impression depends on a number of factors, but behavior is of great importance. Therefore, it is extremely important to relax and not be nervous. When a person is worried, he can make small mistakes that can spoil the impression. For example, some begin to talk very quickly, stammer, or unconsciously knock on the table.

A nervous experience can be transmitted to the interlocutor, and this does not have the best effect on the conversation. You need to be yourself, not be afraid to ask questions and show unobtrusive interest. Long pauses and silence will crush and spoil the overall atmosphere. Leaving a good impression at the first meeting will not work.

A universal means to attract attention and be remembered is a smile. The main thing is that she be sincere. A positive-minded person almost instantly causes a good attitude and disposes to himself. In addition, when the interlocutor smiles, he becomes much more beautiful and kinder.

For the first meeting, it is very important to observe the measure, to find a "golden mean" for yourself. You don't have to go out of your way to be liked. If you try to change your natural behavior, imitate someone, then it will be extremely difficult to consider a person and, moreover, to understand whether this person is really suitable. After all, he, too, can impersonate another.

When the interlocutor tries to improve his qualities, it is always very striking and affects the overall impression.

What to talk about at the first meeting

Topics of conversation will also leave an impression, endear you or repel you. First of all, it is worth noting that you do not need to talk only about yourself. Long stories about achievements, about personal qualities can show indifference, selfishness and turn the interlocutor away. And they also look like a show off.

To understand how to behave at the first meeting, it is recommended to imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Counter questions about him, maintaining a conversation and trying to find common interests, sincere interest in answers - ideal for a close acquaintance.

Correct topics for communication:

  1. School, university, work. Topics are simple and do not require deep intimate details. But it doesn't have to look like an interview or an exam. It is better to ask unobtrusive questions that will help you get to know the person. In addition, on such topics it is easier to insert a joke about the past, tell funny moments, reducing the level of tension from the first meeting.
  2. Interests, hobbies, hobbies. You can ask about taste preferences, about your favorite thing, what the interlocutor reads, what films and TV shows he watches. It is worth giving preference to topics that do not relate to personal life, work or family. After all, this is the first meeting, and not the communication of close people.
  3. Impressions, sensations, emotions. Such topics are suitable for those couples who have participated in an event together. For example, they went to a concert or a city holiday.
In the course of an easy conversation, you can catch a lot, even what the interlocutor himself was not going to tell. Short phrases, examples from life, even facial expressions will tell about a person, help him understand, consider the essence and attitude towards his own life.

Prohibited topics for conversation at the first meeting

Regardless of whether already familiar people met, or they see each other for the first time, psychologists recommend avoiding certain topics. In addition, one should not put pressure on the interlocutor, force him to tell what he is actively silent about. Talking too frankly can bring all communication to naught, giving the wrong impression (for example, as a too dissolute, liberated and fickle person).

There are 5 main mistakes that regularly spoil the first meeting:

  1. Past failed relationships. You shouldn't talk about it at all. Also, you do not need to ask the interlocutor about the negative experience. Such topics can not only evoke bad memories, but also leave an unpleasant feeling after the conversation, and the mood will be spoiled for the rest of the evening. In addition, constant talk about past love can be misunderstood.
  2. Experiences, scandals, troubles. Even if it was a very hard day or the whole week, quarrels with someone close or at work, you should not talk about it. The first meeting should remain easy and relaxed in your memory. You should at least for a while forget about everything bad and just relax.
  3. Serious joint plans for the future. At the first meeting, talking about marriage and children is not appropriate. The word "future" can alert, especially if the acquaintance lasts several hours. Remember, everything has its time.
  4. Successful career. Even if you really want to put yourself in the best light, you still should not talk about achievements in work. Of course, this is a great advantage and plus, but not every person can boast of such. At the first meeting, especially if it is not known who the interlocutor works for and what position he occupies, it is better to omit this topic altogether. But even if colleagues at work are sitting nearby, such stories can be perceived as simple boasting.
  5. Intimate details. Usually girls can sin like this, having slightly gone over with alcohol. Discussing the “dignity” of your ex, telling where, when and how you met him is a taboo!
In light of recent events in the world, topics about politics and religion should also be avoided. It is quite possible that the interlocutor has completely opposite views on the situation in the country, for example. As a result, instead of having a great time, the couple will actively sort out the situation, which, in fact, neither of them can influence. A fight is almost inevitable. And you should not count on the continuation of a relationship that has just begun.

Deciphering gestures at the first meeting

Not only words, but also gestures are of great importance. Non-verbal communication can say a lot, the main thing is to correctly decipher the "message".

Do not forget that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, at the first meeting, a look can tell a lot. A truly enthusiastic and interested person always has bright eyes. In addition, this view cannot be confused with something else.

If a person stares intently for more than five seconds, then most likely he wants to show that he really likes the interlocutor. A running glance, on the contrary, will indicate that the partner is bored, he wants to end the meeting faster.

Even the smile of the interlocutor will tell a lot. If only one corner of the mouth rises, most likely the person is just looking for another affair. A smile that resembles a smirk speaks of insincerity. If a person bites his lips or touches some small object between his fingers, then he is nervous.

Try to show by your behavior that there are no grounds for worrying. If the interlocutor leans in every possible way, then this indicates his positive attitude. The first meeting with a girl allows light touches of a guy, hugging around the waist, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Common mistakes at the first meeting

In order for the first acquaintance to be successful, it is important to remember the most common mistakes and avoid them. Men should not forget to show gallantry and show good manners: open the door and let the girl go forward, give a hand if necessary and be polite.

Many people get nervous when they first meet, which leads to another mistake - inappropriate laughter. This can not only spoil the impression, but also offend a person. Therefore, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible.

As for the girls, during a conversation you should not reduce everything to dresses, vacations on the seas and manicures. As practice shows, this will only scare the man away and show the low level of intelligence of the interlocutor.

Under no circumstances should harsh words be used. Such behavior is unacceptable for an educated person.

When communicating, you can not be distracted by planting in social networks and talking on the phone. This problem is very relevant for today's youth. Such behavior can offend a person, it demonstrates that for him the interlocutor is an empty place. It is better to turn off the phone and Wi-Fi altogether. In a few hours, nothing terrible will happen, and the couple will be able to get to know each other better.

A common mistake is fast speech. Do not rush, speak clearly and clearly so that the interlocutor enjoys the conversation, and does not strain, trying to understand what it is about. Present your thoughts as competently and correctly as possible. Agree that clumsy phrases strongly “cut the ear”. Correctly place stresses and follow the flow of speech.

How to behave at the first meeting - look at the video:

So, we can safely say that the first meeting fundamentally affects the future relationships between people. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare for it and think over everything: from the outfit to the place where the date will take place. But if often minor mistakes are quickly forgotten, then insincerity, tightness and a carload of personal problems forever repel a person, closing the door to new meetings.

Doing something for the first time is hard: taking an exam or going to work. But this is nonsense, compared with the emotions that you experience when going on a date. All girls and guys are terribly worried before the first meeting. We could not ignore such a trembling topic and decided to give you advice on how to behave on a first date.

How to behave on a first date with a girl?

Let's start with the girls, yet for them this is a more exciting event:

  • To begin with, I would like to say that don't be late. Although it is believed that a girl should do this, it is better to come on time. After all, your new acquaintance is the same person, he was preparing for a meeting, but now he is nervous and waiting. Why make him worry again?
  • Further, it should be noted that do not be too shy and close. It is very difficult to be open and frank now. But excessive constraint sometimes repels. You cannot say a word, turn your eyes away and fall into a stupor - he will simply become bored;
  • Pay special attention manners. When communicating, watch facial expressions and body movements. Too loud laughter in response to his jokes or a proud chin stretched forward is repulsive. A modest smile and open interest in the eyes always touched the guys to the quick.

This is about behavior. But more often girls are more concerned about how to look at the first rendezvous. We will write about this below.

Clothes for a girl date: what is better to wear?

Girls, having received an invitation, begin to think what to choose from clothes, what hairstyle to do. Opening the closet, they frantically go through things, believing that the success of the meeting will depend on this. Dozens of layers of nail polish and make-up are applied to all possible skin surfaces. But perhaps this shouldn't be done.

Of course, you need to be well-groomed and combed, you can wear a beautiful dress, but do not overdo it. Try to be yourself, because then he will have to see you without glued eyelashes and false nails. Therefore, of course, prepare yourself, but do not forget what is more important to make a spiritual impression, to find common ground, than just throw "dust in the eye."

In addition, naturalness is in fashion today. If you want to look neat, it is enough to apply discreet makeup that hides minor facial defects and style your hair in such a way that it emphasizes advantages or hides flaws.

From clothes "with a bang" there are always simple dresses and skirts, tight jeans and low heels. Such an image seems to say to a man: “I have nothing to hide, it will be easy and interesting with me.”

Should I kiss and when?

And of course, the most exciting moment is kiss. Girls and guys are anxiously thinking how this will happen and when?

There are no obligations in this matter. Even if the guy generously treated him in a cafe, took him to the cinema and walked him home, you can just say goodbye in words.

Another thing is when you like this man so much that you feel the need for a touch. Of course, you should not pounce, but you can hint:

  • Make eye contact when communicating. If you turn away, he will decide that he is not interesting to you;
  • Break the barrier of touch - lightly touch your shoulder or arm at the right moment. Movements should be light, unobtrusive, but speaking;
  • Take a look at his lips. Look not intently, of course, but occasionally lower your eyes to them.

Or act decisively - just ask for a kiss. In general, everything is in your hands, if you want to kiss - kiss, no - postpone until better times.

How to behave after the first date?

In fact, it’s not the date itself that is scary, but what happens next. You will return home and begin to analyze what happened, to understand emotions. However, do not rush to draw conclusions, in a few hours of communication it is impossible to get to know a person enough. Maybe he behaved wrong, talking nonsense.

Yet remember that he was worried too. That's why:

  • Do not attach great importance to trifles - how he was dressed, what flowers he brought or did not bring. The main thing is what you felt, whether it was interesting and exciting;
  • But refuse meetings if he gave alarm signals - he was rude, behaved vulgarly and allowed too much.

How should you behave if you like it? Like that:

  • Send him a text before bed: Thanks, I had a great evening!»;
  • Do not wait until he invites you again, call yourself, offer to take a walk.

But alas, it doesn't always work out the way you want. If the guy has not experienced the same feelings, accept it with dignity. Do not call him, do not look for meetings. If you don’t want to, communicate with others, look for your soul mate.

How to behave on a first date with a man?

It is also difficult for young people to go to meet a girl. They no less preen and worry. But the main rule is the same for everyone - stay yourself, well, there are a few more tips:

  1. Take all the initiative. Women like confident and decisive. Therefore, choose where the date and other nuances will take place. And let her determine the time;
  2. Don't forget manners. If you know about your shortcomings, for example, you can skip a rude word - get rid of them;
  3. According to statistics, most ladies prefer guys who, of course, are held financially. But the same data confirm that sense of humor is more important. A man who can easily make you laugh and cheer leaves your competitors behind.

As for - there are no rules. If you want to add romance to the atmosphere - buy a bouquet. And you don't necessarily need chic flowers in huge quantities. It is better to surprise the woman you like with simplicity, give daisies or sunflowers. They are now available in flower shops.

What mistakes should be avoided?

Below we want to list common mistakes that everyone should avoid. Thanks to these little things, many couples have not taken place:

  • Don't be late. This is especially true when starting a relationship;
  • Do not talk about previous partners. Do not talk about this subject at all unless you are asked. And if they ask, try to translate the conversation. Such conversations usually do not lead to good things;
  • Put your phone down, turn it off. Show respect, show how important the person is to you;
  • Don't go overboard with alcohol. Yes, perhaps a glass of wine will help relieve stress. But it is better to have a fresh head and behave appropriately;
  • Don't be smart. It is interesting to spend time with an erudite person. But no one will like it when this person exposes his intellectual abilities excessively. Be interesting and easy to talk to.

Agree, if, being nearby, the partner would endlessly call on the phone or get drunk - you would not like it. So behave the way you want to be treated. Everything is simple.

So, what conclusions can you draw when thinking about how to behave on a first date? Everything is elementary - do not make hasty conclusions, behave as naturally as possible and respect the person who is nearby. The rest are minor things that can be fixed.

Video tutorial: going on a first date

In this video, psychologist Leonid Paranin will tell you how to lead a girl and a guy on the very first date, what mistakes you should not make:

Surely every girl at least once in her life experienced fear of an important event. Dating a man is one of those. Before the long-awaited meeting, beautiful ladies preen in every possible way, pick up an outfit, and conduct alleged dialogues in their heads. This inadvertently raises the question of how to behave on a first date. What to talk about, whether to lay out your "insiders" and so on. Let's go through the main details one by one.

Preparing for a first date with a man

  1. The first step is to take care of what to wear. But do not expect that the success of a date will depend only on the chosen wardrobe. A man will meet you at the dress, and spends on the mind.
  2. Do not rush to the first beauty salon to have the experts dye your hair red and grow long nails. If a potential young man liked your look on the day of dating, save it.
  3. Be yourself, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. If you want to preen, do a French manicure, renew the paint on your hair, exfoliate to cleanse and smooth the skin.
  4. Be sure to select the appropriate wardrobe. A man will not like it if you look too vulgar and easily accessible. He will not think about the fact that this girl can be married, but about the sex scenes and the lack of prospects for the future.
  5. Choose a dress that is just above the knee length with a moderately revealing neckline. Or you can opt for trousers, accompanied by heels and a romantic shirt.
  6. Do not try on someone else's role. If you are not used to walking in high heels, your face will soon take on a pained expression. Wear comfortable flat sandals to be prepared for any change in plan.
  7. Psychologists agreed that the first date with the same person cannot be replayed. You may not agree with this, but try to do everything right from the beginning.
  8. Between adults, a spark often runs at the first solitude. Be ready for anything. Epilate the legs and bikini area, moisturize the body with lotion, get beautiful underwear, stockings and garters.

Where to go on a first date with a man

  1. Often, when a man invites a woman on a date, he himself chooses the venue for the event (or several places). But if you agree that the choice is yours, follow some simple tips.
  2. If a man invited you to sit in a cafe on a sunny day, you can protest by providing an option in return. For example, say you want to have a picnic or go boating.
  3. A great pastime can be cycling, roller skating, motorcycle, convertible, quad bikes and even hoverboards.
  4. In cases where a guy with brightly burning eyes invites you to dinner at an institution that you do not like, do not rush to refuse him. Compromise, choose a cozy table and create a romantic atmosphere.
  5. You can also have a good time on a date outside the city. Rent a gazebo in a special complex, swim on catamarans, fry kebabs, and in the evening upon arrival, preen at home and go on a date again, but already to the cinema.

What to talk about on a first date with a man

  1. During the conversation, look into the eyes of the young man, do not look away and do not run your eyes left and right. If a man is looking at you with obvious interest, this is an extremely good sign.
  2. Even if you like to chat non-stop, don't do it. Such behavior looks ridiculous. In addition, in confusion, you can say stupid things that you wish to later on.
  3. Girls are fond of soap operas and various tearful series, so they are happy to discuss them. Refuse such a topic for conversation so that the man does not take you for a fool. It is better to discuss interesting films with meaning.
  4. Never interrupt the gentleman, let him finish his speech. Learn to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if the conversation turned to politics, oil rigs or traditional medicine. Be an interesting opponent.
  5. Do not try to tell everything about yourself at once, let such little things be revealed gradually in the process of further communication. If a man finds out all your "underground", he will simply be uninterested.
  6. Ask about the successes and achievements of a man, but do not flatter him openly. Give a few veiled compliments about professional and personal qualities to make him feel like a male.
  7. Real men are interested in independent and, no less important, self-sufficient women. Be like that. It is not necessary to say that you are sitting on the neck of your parents and are having difficulty making ends meet.
  8. In no case do not whine, do not complain about life. Pessimistic women have almost no chance of winning a man on a date. He will run away from you at the first opportunity.
  9. Keep a positive vibe and try your best to make the date go smoothly. Do not arrange an interrogation, take an interest in his life in a veiled way. No need to touch on the subject of ex-girlfriends or the state of a bank account.
  10. Conquer the gentleman with your sincerity and lightness. You must be interesting to a man. Be dignified and a little mysterious, do not reveal all the cards, even if the man insists. But building a touchy is also wrong, everything should be in moderation.


  1. Remember, when going on a first date, you need to discard all negative thoughts and pressing problems.
  2. On such an important day, you need to be yourself, you should not bring negativity and workload to the meeting. Get the maximum pleasure from a date, know the joy of a meeting.
  3. Have a good time, enjoy the conversation. So a man will see lightness and cheerfulness in you. The consequences of such behavior will be the inevitable second date. The main thing is not to play, but to really be sincere.

Manners and courtesy

  1. The fair sex tends to be late for dates. In this case, you should understand that you should not linger for more than a quarter of an hour. If you are really late for a meeting for any reason, be sure to warn the chosen one.
  2. Just make a call or write a message. In this way, you will show the man that you care about him and you are worried. The gentleman, in turn, will treat you more respectfully. Upon arrival at the meeting, it is recommended to turn off the phone so that the gadget does not interrupt your date.
  3. If you have turned off the sound, do not rush to the phone to see who is texting or calling you. Notice if the man did the same. If his phone is ruining the date, consider whether it's worth continuing. A well-bred gentleman would never allow such a thing.
  4. You can do it in a different way, immediately agree and put the phones aside. Answer calls only as needed. Always thank the man for the attention and courtesy shown to you. If the gentleman took off your coat or opened the door, ordered coffee, thank him.
  5. In this case, the man will understand that it is not in vain that he shows his upbringing and respect for the woman. As a result, signs of attention will become more frequent. In particular, you need to learn how to properly respond to the compliments of the boyfriend. You can say something nice in return.

Talk about exes

  1. It should be noted right away that such topics are unacceptable not only on the first date, but also in the future. In the first meeting, you should already have a lot of topics for getting to know each other. If a man asks a question about a past personal life, answer simply and briefly. Do not pile on him about unhappy relationships and love.
  2. Try to move the conversation to a new topic, do not ask counter questions. If the man insists on talking, say that this is personal information that should not concern him in any way. Otherwise, end the date without any follow up. You have a new life.
  3. Do not make yourself a victim and do not say that all your ex-men are bad. Such information should not come from your mouth at all. Also pay attention to the conversations of the gentleman. He shouldn't talk about himself like that. A self-respecting man will not ask you such a question and will not tell you about himself.


  1. On the first date, there should be no hint that you are sexually available. A man will take advantage of you, there will definitely not be a second date. Don't behave like a courtesan, have dignity. There are enough girls of easy virtue. If a man came on a date, then he is looking for a serious relationship.
  2. Do not be of the opinion that if a man took you to an expensive restaurant and the evening was just great, you owe him something. Explain that this was not asked, and it was more important for you to know him as a person. If a guy spent a lot of money to impress you, he can afford it.
  3. Respect yourself and the choice of a man, be a worthy woman whom he called on a date. You have no price, you are not a commodity. If you gave up intimate relationships on the first evening, and the man did not call you on the next date, rejoice. You definitely do not need such a gentleman. It is important to understand that normal relations cannot be built with such boyfriends.
  4. Educated men give preference to women with dignity and honor. First of all, learn to respect yourself. Thus, you will check a man for endurance, whether he really wants a serious relationship with you.

Restaurant payment

  1. When a man and a woman go to a restaurant, the person who invited them to the restaurant pays the check. However, if you offer to divide the amount by two, the man will take such a statement responsibly.
  2. In the first case, he will consider you a serious lady who does not want to be a freeloader. In the second, he will become indignant, because it doesn’t fit in his head how a woman will pay on a date that he arranged.
  3. If the gentleman is a gentleman, he will brush off your offer, and he will do the right thing. A real man won't let a lady pay for him. Moreover, such a proposal would offend him.

Get ready for your first date. Visit the hairdresser in advance and renew the hair color, do a neat manicure, put your body in order. Choose a place to spend time together or let a man do it. Learn the recommendations of what not to talk about on a date. Be yourself!

Video: first date - how to behave and what to talk about?

The perfect first date is every girl's dream. I want warmth, romance and mutual understanding. Often girls are looking forward to the meeting so much that they forget to prepare for it. Not only manners and speech determine the outcome of the first rendezvous. Success consists of many elements, which we will now examine in more detail. Learn how to behave on a first date with a man to impress him once and for all.

When meeting, it’s worth being a little modest, especially if you don’t know how to behave on a first date with a guy. Source: Flickr (Zoya_Rehamat)

Choosing an outfit for a first date

Just before the meeting, it is better not to experiment. It is not recommended to radically change the appearance, otherwise the man will be taken aback. He must recognize the chosen one. You can diversify the usual image by adding an unexpected accent.

For a first date, discreet makeup is suitable. Even if a girl expressively paints herself every day, you need to simplify the style a little. Loose curled curls are suitable as a hairstyle. You need to create an image of a gentle and feminine person.

Important! The perfect appearance and impeccable image can scare a man away. He will think about what is the "last option" for the girl, since she is so prepared.

Don't buy new clothes for a first date. You need to look natural, even if you really want to show off new shoes or a trendy coat. You need to go on a date in something that has been tested by time, will not rub or create discomfort.

Feminine image will add a dress of soft shade. If the date will take place in the evening in a cafe, you can wear light-colored jeans and a large-knit sweater. Clothing should show that a woman is comfortable.

First Date Behavior: Do's and Don'ts

When meeting, it’s worth being a little modest, especially if you don’t know how to behave on a first date with a guy. But there is no need to build a timid touchy. It is enough not to pour out all your problems to the interlocutor, not to be stubborn and not to demonstrate bad habits. There may not be a second chance, so you need to try to find an interesting topic for conversation, joke unobtrusively and ask a few questions. Do not immediately be interested in family affairs and too personal. Enough talk about work, hobbies, views.

Important! On the first date, you can not abuse alcohol, smoke and resort to obscene language.

On the first date, you need to make a good impression, if only in order not to be disappointed in yourself. No need to be late, show off and make hints of intimacy. As a rule, when a man invites a girl somewhere, he automatically takes care of all the expenses, so you should not try to pay for yourself. At the same time, you need to take a certain amount with you in order to pay off without problems if necessary.

The first date is quite exciting, but excessive nervousness will only get in the way. It is worth leaving your worries at home and going to a meeting in anticipation of an easy and pleasant conversation, but no more. Excessive expectations will exacerbate disappointment if the man does not call back.

In an awkward situation, you can not be annoyed and angry. Even if the waiter spills wine on your dress, it is better to smile condescendingly and ask for a napkin. It will be more pleasant for a man to stand up for such a woman, and not for one who will rush to the waiter with screams and tears.

Advice! You can't cross your arms and legs. This posture speaks of the closeness of a person and unwillingness to carry on a conversation.

Even if you don’t like the atmosphere of a date, it’s worth finding a couple of good words about the institution that the man has chosen. He needs approval, so even a gentle compliment will help move him to a second date.

How to behave on the first date in order to be guaranteed to go on a second date: flatter male pride, do not resist his gallantry (pass through a held door, allow a companion to help take off or put on a coat, sit down at the table after he moves his chair). This behavior makes the chosen one more feminine.

The main weapon of a woman on a first date is advice and compliments. A man likes to be asked for his opinion. Even more, he likes to feel like an expert. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to ask for advice on some “male” issue, referring to the work or new hobby of the brother, which is difficult to understand. Well, everyone likes compliments without exception. Proper flattery will help to position a man in the best possible way.

We have a conversation: how to create a pleasant dialogue and what topics to choose

Men by their nature are accustomed to incline any conversation in their direction. There is nothing selfish in this - such is male psychology. Women, in turn, love to discuss something. However, this evening it is better to refrain from gossip and gloating. It is worth talking about pleasant things: hobbies, life, interests. The main thing is not to overdo it with questions. You need to find ones that allow a man to talk for a long time and show you as a good listener.

Advice! If a woman does not know what to talk about with a man, the best tactic is to smile, agree and ask questions.

On the first date, there can be no question of frankness, but you can talk about work, vacation and hobbies. It is unacceptable to talk about former or current fans and brag about their number.

How to behave on a date to attract a man - intrigue. Tell him some secret, sometimes playfully evade the answer. It is better not to talk about the intimate details of life on a first date.

All conversations should be about neutral topics and be unobtrusive. You need to find something in common in your interests and build on the details. Surprisingly, being connected by a common place of rest, former work or any other topic, people feel kinship. Even if you see each other for the first time, but rested in the same hotel in Egypt, this will definitely bring you closer, even though you were not there together.

You can strike up an interesting conversation with both a like-minded person and a person of opposing views. In a conversation, you will learn a lot of new things, you can relax.

On the first date, you don’t need to seduce - to a greater extent, charm. The intimate atmosphere should be light, almost imperceptible. Source: Flickr (NUTS_photo))

How to choose the right place for a romantic date

You need to know not only how to behave on a date with a guy, but also where it will be appropriate. It is worth taking seriously the choice of a suitable place for a first date. It is necessary to clarify with the man in advance the place in order to choose the right image. This will give time and opportunity to prepare: sketch out in your mind a plan for a calm conversation in a cafe or familiarize yourself with the rules of playing billiards if a man invites you to a billiard room.

If a man invites you to a chic restaurant where you have never been, it is better not to refuse, but to get ready. Asking for a simpler place can seem like an uneducated coward. It’s better to go to a restaurant and coquettishly ask for help, saying: “I’ve never been here, but everything here is so interesting!”.

But it’s better to refuse from going to a concert or a movie. You need to tell the man that a noisy or, conversely, quiet environment will interfere with communication, and you really want to get to know him better. You can watch a movie and dance at a concert on a 3-4 date, when you already know each other better and can be liberated. Such a pastime gives rise to common impressions and memories, which is very important for strengthening only nascent relationships.

The main thing is not to be offended or angry for choosing a terrible meeting place. It is better to pay attention to the man himself: talk to him and praise him for his efforts. You should not come to a date in advance, but you can’t be too late (five minutes maximum).

Ending a Date: How to Get a Second Call

At the end of a date, you need to be careful. A man must understand that a woman is interested and wants to continue. At the same time, you can not expose yourself as depraved and accessible. Light flirting and a couple of hints should be enough. It is best to intrigue a man. A hint of something unexpected and surprising will help maintain the interest of a man, and he will definitely call.

Advice! At the end of a date, you can easily touch his sleeve and look deeply into his eyes, smiling mysteriously.

On the first date, you don’t need to seduce - to a greater extent, charm. The intimate atmosphere should be light, almost imperceptible. You need to arouse awe and curiosity in a man so that he wonders for a few more days about whether your touch was accidental and why you looked at him like that.

You can let a man see you, but you can’t invite him into the house. Having revealed all the cards on the first date, it will be difficult to interest and keep a man. Besides, you don't really know anything about him yet. Sex on a first date will only make a man feel like he's got it all. Intimacy on a first date, although men like it, creates a bad impression of a companion.

Important! Allusions to sexual relations should be conveyed by gestures, not words. This will help to "dodge" if the next date suddenly fails. You can always say that a man misunderstood you.

Modern rules of decency allow sex on a third date, but each person has their own view on this issue. The dangers of intimacy at the first meeting are obvious: the habits of a man are unknown, and he can be a carrier of a dangerous disease. It is better to wait not so much because of decency, but for reasons of one's own safety.

For the second date to take place, you need to show that you do not mind seeing each other again. However, it is important here not to show how much you are waiting for this. If a man immediately suggests a day, it is better to pretend to be busy and move the meeting a few days later. This way the man will know that you are not fanatical and do not get hung up on these dates.

Important! The second date is best done 4-5 days after the first. A man will not have time to “cool down” yet, but he will already be bored.

You can part for a long time only after several dates, when the feeling has already arisen. As the relationship grows stronger, it can be helpful to spend some time apart.

At the end of the date, be sure to thank the man for the meeting. You can describe in a few words the moments you especially liked and what a pleasant impression the satellite made on you (without flattery and exaggeration). In case of a mistake, you should not scold a man and teach him manners. This is the surest way to scare a guy away. But praise (preferably sincere and truthful, although you can embellish a little) will make a man more confident. A woman, next to whom a guy feels at his best, is sure to call back.

By following these tips, you can have a great time on a date and are guaranteed to get an invitation to the next one. It cannot be said that the recommendations are 100% effective in every case, but most of them are unambiguously applicable to any man. The main thing is to find a balance.

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