Surrogate motherhood: genes. Possible reasons for the surrogate mother's refusal to fulfill the contract. Where does the surrogate mother live?

Medical statistics claim that about 20% of couples cannot have. The way out of this situation is surrogacy. This gives a chance to have a child to those families who have problems conceiving. In this article, we will consider what surrogate motherhood is, who a surrogate mother is, and what requirements may be for her.

Surrogate mother

Consider who a surrogate mother is. This is a woman who is transplanted into a ready-made embryo for bearing. She has no genetic connection to him. The embryo is obtained as a result of IVF (in vitro fertilization), using the gene material of biological parents. The surrogate mother bears someone else's child for 9 months, and after giving birth she gives it to the biological mother. Before dealing with the requirements for a surrogate mother, it is necessary to understand in what situations one should resort to using the services in question. The most the main problem- it's feminine. There can be many reasons, such as uterus, repeated failed IVF attempts, absence of a uterus.

Did you know?The world's first child from a surrogate mother was born in 1989 in the UK.

Requirements for a surrogate mother

Biological parents are very serious about the woman who will carry their baby. A surrogate mother should carefully monitor her health throughout. If a woman is an athlete, then she should adjust the level physical activity. should be correct - this will also be monitored by the genetic parents.

An important requirement for a surrogate mother is consent to conclude a contract. It is expressed in writing and signed consciously, without coercion.

Important!If the surrogate mother is married, then the written consent of the husband is required.

One of the requirements is to pass a regular medical examination with her husband if they live together.

List of mandatory requirements

A woman can become a surrogate mother if:

  • her age is between 20 and 35 years;
  • she is healthy on a physical and mental level;
  • she has at least one child born naturally;
  • she does not have bad habits;
  • she had no abortions, miscarriages, premature birth And
  • she is not overweight.

How to find such women

Consider how to find a surrogate mother. Basically, they are women who are ready to help other people's families and at the same time earn money. You can find a suitable candidate for the role of a surrogate mother using the services of specialized companies. It is recommended to choose agencies with a good reputation. They look for surrogate mothers, examine them, help draw up contracts. The services of such companies are not cheap. The amount includes the search for a woman, IVF,. Also, the surrogate mother is paid a monetary reward during the entire pregnancy and during childbirth.

You can search on your own surrogate mother, for example, via the Internet. However, at the same time, you will not have any guarantees in conscientious performance by such a woman of the functions assigned to her.

Important! Do not spare money and contact specialized companies, because when choosing a surrogate mother on your own, you may encounter scammers.

Who usually becomes such a mother?

A woman who can bear someone else's child, as a rule, becomes a female person who meets all the requirements. Before becoming a surrogate mother, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies to confirm the absence various diseases and normal mental state.

Some myths

There are many myths about surrogate motherhood, which will be discussed below.

Legislation and who can become a surrogate mother

Myths about the service in question:

  1. “A surrogate mother can be a female person who has at least 2 children.” According to official documents, it is enough for a woman to have 1 child to be allowed to carry someone else's.
  2. “The service can be used by persons registered in marriage.” Yes, such a condition is mentioned, but it is not required. If people are not in a legal relationship, then during the registration of the baby, the data of the surrogate mother can be recorded in the “mother” column. Therefore, it is recommended to legalize the marriage before the procedure. If a single girl wants to use the service, then only after the consent of the surrogate mother, the data of the biological mother will be entered in the “mother” column.
  3. "The service in question is illegal." There is a law that allows surrogacy.
  4. “Many are ready to adopt a baby rather than use the services of a surrogate mother.” Surrogate mother will give birth to you genetically own child. And when adopted, the child will be a stranger by blood.
  5. “An aged genetic mother cannot use the service in question.” If at least 1 egg can mature in a female person, then you can get a baby even after 45 years. But if the biological mother has menopause, then the child may develop incorrectly.
  6. “The services of surrogate mothers are used by women who are afraid to spoil the figure after childbirth.” This happens, but rarely. Typically, these services are used by women who long years want to have a baby but can't get pregnant or have a baby.

Did you know?Over the past 5 years, the number of people using the services of surrogate mothers has increased by almost 15%.

Will give - will not give

Myths "will give - will not give":

  1. "The surrogate mother gives own child, because she wore it for 9 months. She is carrying someone else's child. The surrogate mother must agree to have the names of the biological parents written in the birth book. This consent must be in writing and certified by seals.
  2. “Often a surrogate mother keeps the baby to herself.” When registering the service, both parties sign a legally executed contract, which specifies all rights and obligations. A child from a surrogate mother legally belongs to her. This means that if she does not want to part with the baby, then they will not be able to take him away (Article 51, part 4). But, if the contract is executed, then the actions of the surrogate mother can be challenged in court. A woman in labor is hard to bear parting with the baby, so they prepare for separation in psychology centers, and this is almost 100% effective.
  3. “A surrogate mother can keep the baby for 3 days after birth.” The law does not stipulate how long a woman must make a decision. She must agree or disagree to pick up the baby before discharge from the hospital, and this is, on average, 3 days. But the law has general term enrolling a child who is 1 month old.

Myths about what the baby will be like:

  1. "The baby will have her blood." It is a myth. The circulatory systems of the baby in the womb and the mother are not connected.
  2. "Outwardly, the baby will have similarities with the woman who bore him." No, the genes of the child are biological mom and dad.
  3. "Children born this way are different from ordinary children." It is a myth. Such babies, as a rule, outwardly do not differ from ordinary children and have a good.

Problems faced by a surrogate mother

Women who have carried someone else's child may experience some problems:

  1. Maternal instinct. At first, it seems to the surrogate mother that she will give the baby away without any problems. But for 9 months, she is very close to the child. During a breakup, a woman can get severe psychological trauma. In this case, you need to seek the help of a specialist.
  2. Anxiety. Many surrogate mothers during the gestation period are too worried about the baby. They not only want to endure it and give birth healthy, but also worry about its future fate.
  3. Family problems. The husband and children (especially adults) of the surrogate mother also experience psychological trauma, realizing that the wife/mother is carrying someone else's baby.
  4. Legal issues. There are cases when biological parents refuse a child born by another woman. Basically, this happens due to any deviations of the baby, pathologies, diseases. And then the surrogate mother can be left without money and with another child, sick and genetically alien.

Now you have learned what a surrogate mother is. Using her services is reliable way become parents to childless families. Therefore, if you have problems conceiving and bearing a child, you can safely contact specialized clinics where you will find a suitable surrogate mother. Of course, the cost of such a service will be much higher than with an independent search, but the probability of a successful outcome is much greater.

Being in the womb, the baby feels the mood of his mother well. No wonder psychologists explain some childhood psychotrauma and unequal maternal love the one in which emotional state conception and childbearing took place.

You can read this opinion in our materials “Why do mothers love some children more and others less” and “Children's psychological trauma: 4 cases when parents unknowingly cripple the fate of a child”.

However, these articles we are talking about the impact on the child of his biological mother. Therefore, we had a question: “And if a strange woman is carrying a child, will she be able to convey any information to him?”

For an answer, we went to the expert of the network of centers for reproduction and genetics "Nova Clinic" - obstetrician-gynecologist Aza Mukhadinovna Balova.

Aza Mukhadinovna Balova

Surrogacy is perhaps one of the most difficult to understand methods of "treatment" of infertility. This is largely due to the fact that it is not customary to talk about this procedure loudly. Those couples who turned to the help of surrogate mothers are not inclined to extend to this topic. And articles on the Internet are often written by people who are far from medicine.

It's no secret that a child born by a surrogate mother will not be similar to her in appearance, because the germ cells of biological parents are used for fertilization. Russian legislation strictly forbids a surrogate mother to be an oocyte donor at the same time.

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Thus, there cannot be a genetic relationship between her and the baby.

But what effect does the woman who carries him have on the child?

Mood. It is believed that unwanted children will be prone to depression, as the baby feels the mood of the mother during pregnancy. Doctors have a completely different point of view. American scientists have proven that depression is hereditary: in people prone to blues, the level of expression of the MKR-1 gene is twice as high as normal.

Nutrition. And what's about taste preferences? Can the addictions of a surrogate mother affect the child's tastes, because the nutrition of the fetus directly depends on what the pregnant woman eats?

And here we are back to genetics. Scientists at King's College London compared the love for certain types of food in several thousand twins. The study involved twin women aged 18 to 79 years. Among their taste preferences respondents named fruits, vegetables, alcohol, fried meat, coffee, garlic and other products. After processing the information received, scientists came to the conclusion that our food preferences are 50% determined by genes. The remaining 50% depends on external factors. Attitudes can change over the course of a lifetime.

Habits. And can the habits of a surrogate mother be passed on to a child, for example, love for sports, music or learning languages? It is difficult to imagine the mechanism of transmission of the habits of a pregnant woman to an unborn child, because a child's addiction to sports, music or reading is largely due to education and social factors.

prenatal matrices. Now it's time to talk about more complex matters.

Back in 1975, psychologist Stanislav Grof, PhD, published his work on the theory of prenatal matrices. In his opinion, the intrauterine period of development can leave an imprint on a person's entire future life. In his work, the psychologist identified four stages, each of which affects the character of the child. However this work has been criticized as unscientific. From the point of view of specialists, the theory of prenatal matrices is based on a free interpretation of Eastern philosophy by the author.

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To sum it up briefly, we can say that a surrogate mother cannot convey anything to the child she is carrying.

There are a number of other myths related to a greater extent to the legal and organizational side of the surrogate motherhood program.

Today we would like to talk about the three biggest fears of biological parents.

Myth 1: Surrogate mothers often keep the baby

The most serious concerns of biological parents are related to the fact that a surrogate mother may refuse to give them a child.

To avoid problems, it is better to entrust the selection of a surrogate mother and legal support of the procedure to specialists.

Myth 2: A surrogate mother can increase the amount of monetary reward originally declared

Due to insufficient understanding of the essence of the procedure, many biological parents may feel like hostages of the situation, completely dependent on the will of the surrogate mother.

In order for the interests of both parties to be observed, the amount of payments and monetary rewards must be clearly fixed in the contract. If all agreements with the surrogate mother are oral, then the fears of the biological parents may be fully justified.

Myth 3: to register a child born by a surrogate mother, you need to go through a long legal procedure

In some countries with a complete or partial ban on surrogacy, recognizing spouses as parents of a child can be difficult.

In Russia, registration of a baby born by a surrogate mother does not require judicial procedure and takes place in the standard manner at the local registry office, taking about 10-20 minutes.

At the age of 40, a friend of Sergei Dmitrievich asked for help: due to health reasons, she cannot give birth to a child and wants to use assisted reproductive technology (ART) - a surrogate motherhood program. But to communicate with a woman who bears and gives birth to a child, she categorically cannot different reasons. She asked Sergei Terekh to choose a surrogate mother. Today, when his friend is safely raising twins, born thanks to his participation, too, he is ready to draw a portrait of a surrogate mother.

IN international center reproductions of the person I turned to for help in conducting a surrogacy program were surprised that a man is doing this not for his wife, but for stranger woman. I'm afraid this was the first and last case in their practice. However, I had the right to do so.

The beginning of our cooperation was promising. I was named three contenders for the role of a surrogate mother, I chose one of them. And the first embryo transfer was successful. According to the terms of the contract, at the 10-12th week of pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis. She revealed a hereditary disease in the child, incompatible with life, she had to terminate the pregnancy.

It was only then that I realized that I was involved in something completely different. simple job: the surrogate mother accused me (!) of the fact that the child had a congenital disease and desperately wanted to meet his mother. Since the absence of meetings with the surrogate mother was an indispensable condition for this whole story, the services of this woman had to be abandoned. Out of 120 applicants in total, with only six we made it to embryo transfer. We entered into contracts with them in stages, and only with one of these six did we reach the second, successful attempt, which ended with the birth of two girls.

Criterias of choice

I am not a psychologist, so I chose women for the role of a surrogate mother intuitively, as loved one that can help solve my problem. Because all candidates medical point view had the right to become surrogate mothers, I was interested in:

  1. Psychological state: adequacy and stress resistance.
  2. Hygiene (maybe I'm biased, but I broke up with one of the applicants only because she smelled of sweat).
  3. environment (family). The presence of a husband, as it turned out in the course of this difficult occupation, was a big minus. Living with parents too.
  4. Motivation: what prompted the woman to sacrifice her health in order to carry and give birth to a child to a stranger and a stranger to her.
  5. The degree of trust in the biological parents with whom the contract is concluded.

Someone needs money, someone needs atonement for sins

Only a quarter of them honestly said that surrogate motherhood is a way to solve financial problems. One married couple came with a calculator and counted in front of me how much I should pay so that they could buy a gas station. "But you smoke?" I wondered. “We will sign the contract, the work process will begin and I will quit,” the sober half of this family, the wife, assured me.

Still, probably, at least a quarter were embarrassed to admit that they decided to participate in the program in order to earn money. They behaved as if they wanted me to impose the reward due to them for bearing and giving birth, to convince them that they deserved it. And they themselves simply decided to do a good deed for people deprived of the opportunity to have children.

Rarely, but there were also unique specimens. How they got to the interview is unclear. One of the applicants refused to be rewarded at all: "I must help free of charge - this will atone for my sins."

Adventure does not come with a guarantee

The vast majority suspected a gamble in the surrogacy program itself, but were ready to take the risk. Except, of course, for those who have already decided to participate in it for the second time. These women told what the mothers of the children they bear are like. Some insisted that they live with their biological parents, others broke into the apartment at 3 a.m. to check if their surrogate mother was having sex, and at the same time looked in the refrigerator to see if she was eating right (a woman receives money for food according to contract terms)...

And almost everyone was waiting for a catch. As an intermediary between a family that wanted to have children and a surrogate mother, I was afraid that at some point the woman would refuse obligations (at that time there was no article of the law on surrogate motherhood). Therefore, he was especially meticulous about married people: for a man whose wife is expecting his child, pregnancy is a test. And what is it like to endure when she bears someone else's? It's not even the hour - it will break. When I visited the applicant who lives with her parents, it turned out that they consider such an income for her daughter to be immoral (the fact that she pays for this with her health was the tenth issue), and I was not sure that they would not be able to do this convince over time. And even doctors warned that there were no guarantees that a woman would fulfill the terms of the contract. Maternal instinct is a delicate matter. And this is an occasion to think: “Will she definitely give the newborn to the biological parents?”

What are surrogate mothers afraid of?

The surrogate mothers, in turn, feared that I would not fulfill their obligations. Moreover, most often this doubt was inspired by their environment: will they definitely pay for everything that was promised? Will they definitely take the child away or will she have to raise him herself?

Of the six women who passed one failed attempt embryo transfer, we have one left. Unmarried, one might say, middle-class. We sincerely took care of her when she was in the clinic, we bought a TV set so that she could be in comfortable conditions. And when she first got pregnant, it turned out that she had a friend who was sure that at some stage she had to wait for a swindle. And she waited: until she received the reward, she did not believe that we would fulfill the promise and the terms of the contract.

Fortunately for all the participants in this story, everything ended well: my friend is raising her girls, the woman who carried and gave birth to them received everything that she was promised under the contract, and now I have an amazing and no longer applicable experience of communicating with candidates for the role of a surrogate mothers...

And one more touch to the portrait of the surrogate mother. All 120 people with whom I spoke were residents of St. last resort, Leningrad region. And almost everyone had at least minor health problems, but they were. Except for the only one - the most adult, 35-year-old candidate. She was perfectly healthy. But by the time we were about to start the program, she was pregnant. This is to the question of age, which I did not include as a selection criterion for a surrogate mother.

Irina Baglikova

Dr. Peter

Surrogate mothers can be treated differently: someone condemns them, and someone thanks them. But one thing is certain - without such women, many children could never be born. In difficult cases of infertility, when a woman cannot bear her child because of the threat to her life, only a surrogate mother can come to the rescue.

What it is?

Surrogacy is a type of assisted reproductive technology. There are oocyte donors, and there are sperm donors - both help the couple conceive a baby if there are factors of female or male infertility. There are also surrogate mothers who take on the bearing and birth of the baby. By blood and genetic parameters, it will be native not for her, but for those who provide their germ cells for IVF - an egg and sperm.

The indications for the program of artificial insemination with the participation of a surrogate mother are quite simple and understandable - all cases of female infertility, in which there is no possibility of becoming pregnant, as well as carrying a fetus and giving birth to it. You can use the help of surrogate mothers as couples and single men and women who do not have a permanent sexual partner.

Everything happens as conventional IVF: the egg is fertilized in a test tube or by ICSI, and the grown embryos are transferred not into the uterine cavity of the owner of the egg, but into the uterus of another woman who has undergone preliminary hormonal stimulation for synchronization menstrual cycles. If everything goes well, then pregnancy begins. But the baby, which a woman will bear under her heart, will not be native to her. He will have biological parents - he will be similar to them, from them he will take character traits and hobbies, intelligence and even talents.

WHO recommends replacing the somewhat dismissive definition of "surrogate mother" with the concept of "gestational courier" - it is more in line with the essence of what is happening. And it’s completely indecent to call a surrogate mother an “incubator”.

According to the legislation in force in Russia since 2012, it is strictly forbidden for women (gestational couriers) to simultaneously act as egg (oocyte) donors in order to avoid situations when the courier will bear a child who is related to her by blood. Laws rather strictly regulate relations - a surrogate mother under no circumstances can claim the rights to the baby she has given birth to. Even in her womb, he is considered the biological child of other people, and it is they who, together with the doctor, can make all decisions regarding the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Candidate Requirements

For infertile couples and single parents, a surrogate mother is a solution to the problem of infertility. She happens to be important person which will help to realize the long-standing cherished dream to have children. For a gestational courier, “customers” are a way to improve their financial situation, because any work must be paid.

There are, of course, countries that prohibit surrogacy based on monetary relations and this is regarded as human trafficking. There it can only be allowed on a voluntary and free basis (for example, in the UK), and only close relatives or girlfriends who sincerely want to help without demanding anything in return act as gestational couriers in such circumstances.

In Russia Government program support for demographic measures, which includes a program to support reproductive technologies for couples who are diagnosed with infertility, does not prohibit the use of the services of gestational couriers on a contractual basis.

It is possible to become a surrogate mother only if the woman fully complies with the requirements set by the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 107n. These requirements should not be considered excessive, even if, at first glance, such a thought creeps in. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear why the criteria are such.

reproductive age

This concept includes a range from 18 to 42-43 years, however, for a surrogate mother, the restrictions are more stringent: the age of a woman at the time of concluding an agreement with future biological parents should be from 20 to 35 years.

Having at least one child of your own

It is important that the child be conceived naturally, carried and born as a result natural childbirth. At the same time, a woman can be married, and then the written and notarized consent of her husband to the wife's participation in the surrogacy program will be a prerequisite.

If the candidate is not married, divorced, civil marriage, then the consent of the man is not required.

Excellent health

The selection of candidates is quite thorough. A woman should not have any chronic diseases, pathologies reproductive system, mental illnesses and deviations, as well as bad habits. The psychiatrist additionally gives an opinion on the sanity and adequacy of the candidate (about 15% of applicants, for example, are eliminated at this stage). The narcologist not only checks whether the candidate has ever been registered with a dispensary, but also conducts a large number of tests for traces of prohibited and psychotropic substances.

healthy genetics

A woman should definitely get admission to the program from a geneticist. Despite the fact that her biological material is not used for artificial insemination, and therefore the DNA is not transmitted to the child, the geneticist must be sure that there are no developments of any genetic abnormalities. There are cases when schizophrenia and epilepsy were first manifested in a surrogate mother during pregnancy.

No criminal history

A candidate for surrogate mothers needs to provide not only a certificate of her absence of a criminal record, even if canceled, but also a certificate stating that she is not a suspect in any criminal or administrative case, is not under investigation.

All criteria are important, but the medical board will be the most “time-consuming”. You will have to pass a huge number of tests, go through big number tests, obtain written permission to participate in the program from all medical specialists: cardiologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dermatologist, venereologist, psychiatrist, narcologist, surgeon, therapist, neurologist.

Most Russian clinics and centers try to select only women who have Russian citizenship, as well as women with positive Rh factor blood.

Required documents

In order to get a referral for an examination, a woman needs to provide the agency or clinic with which she plans to cooperate with the following documents:

  • Russian passport (copy of all pages);
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • birth certificate of your child (copy);
  • marriage or divorce certificate (for those who have never been married, a certificate from the registry office about the absence of records in civil status acts is required).

Where to apply?

You can, of course, advertise on the Internet, but this is not the best way out, because not only biological parents should be protected from fraud, but also the woman herself - the gestational courier. Only a reputable agency or clinic can ensure legal accuracy and transparency of the transaction. Finding the closest reproductive mediation agency to your home will not be difficult - there are a lot of official websites of such organizations on the Internet.

The agency maintains its own database of donors and surrogate mothers. Leading clinics providing IVF services cooperate with the largest agencies, because the larger the selected intermediary, the faster woman will be able to find "customers".

For starters, you can limit yourself to submitting a questionnaire on the agency's website. It contains basic data: age, height, weight, presence of children, Family status, reasons why a woman wants to become a gestational courier. If this information satisfies the requirements, the woman will be called back and invited to the office with the above documents. Women who do not have children of their own are not considered candidates, nor are women who have had a caesarean section.

The cost of the medical examination can be paid both by the agency and by the woman herself (subject to a guarantee of the return of the money spent at the conclusion of the contract). If all the medical reports are in order, the woman is entered into the database of surrogate mothers. As soon as there is a couple or a single infertile patient who likes this particular surrogate mother, a representative of the agency contacts the woman.

Typically, the lawyers of such companies take over the execution of the contract between the woman and the future biological parents. At the request of the latter, a separate person can be assigned to act as an intermediary between the surrogate mother and the biological parents, if the latter, for some reason, would like to limit communication with the gestational courier until the birth of the child. Then the pregnancy will proceed with a curator who, on behalf of the biological parents, will pay the current expenses of the pregnant woman and closely monitor that the terms of the contract are not violated by any of the parties.

Duties and Rights

A surrogate mother has the right to count on the decency and honesty of the baby's biological parents, on respect for her human dignity. She also has the right to monthly payments: salary, compensation for all expenses that are associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

The gestational courier has every right to ask for an advance: no more than 10-15% of the fee. Also, a woman can ask to rent housing for her during pregnancy in order to keep the fact a secret, for example, from her own children.

The gestational courier may well provide his services for free if he sees fit, as well as replace the financial fee with another option, for example, asking to buy her an apartment or a car after the baby is born. Surrogate mother has the right to demand that biological parents provide her with everything necessary for the successful bearing of a baby: vitamins, qualified medical supervision medicines prescribed by a physician.

Some manage to persuade biological parents to pay for a stay at a resort during gestation, if the attending physician does not mind, because sea air and Sun rays useful, first of all, for the unborn child.

A surrogate mother can legally receive maternity payments at the place of work when leaving on maternity leave and after giving birth.

But after three months, when the sick leave ends, she is obliged to return to her main job, since she is not entitled to parental leave, as well as social payments given by the state to families with children.

Now about what gestational couriers are not entitled to. A woman cannot violate the doctor's recommendations, as this harms the health of the baby, skip taking medications, and be frivolous about nutrition and daily routine. She has no right to smoke or drink while carrying someone else's child. She can't break legal status genetic parents, assign the child to himself, blackmail the "customers" with an abortion, demanding a change in the terms of the contract.

All terms must be clearly stated in the contract. In order to protect the interests of the surrogate mother, it is important to introduce a clause that would outline the course of action in case, during her pregnancy with genetic parents something happens (death, divorce).

The parties must clearly understand what will happen to the child in this case. The more detailed the contract is, the better protected all interested parties will be.

Cost of services

There is no single price for surrogate motherhood - it is not regulated by the state in any way. A couple cannot do IVF with the participation of a surrogate mother, having paid for her services with the funds of the IVF quota. All costs will fall solely on the shoulders of the "customers".

The amount of the fee that you can count on depends on the region and the standard of living in it, on competition (the larger the agency’s database of surrogate mothers, the less you can earn). Statistics for 2018 show that the most average amount of the fee is the amount in the range of 1.5-2 million rubles. The binding to the region is very significant: in Siberia, for example, surrogate mothers rarely receive even 1.5 million (the average cost there is 800 thousand rubles, and in Moscow or St. Petersburg you can “earn” up to 3 million - depending on the specific individual agreement ).

This amount is a fee that is paid after the birth of the child. Biological parents must pay for diagnostics, tests, medicines as needed. Also in Russia there is a practice of a monthly “salary” for a gestational courier: on average, it ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles per month.

A woman can count on the first "salary" from the moment pregnancy is established. The fee is paid after childbirth, even if it occurred prematurely.

Most of all, gestational couriers are paid in the United States - there the fees are almost three times higher than in Russia. In Ukraine and Belarus, prices are the lowest - a woman does not receive more than 15 thousand dollars for her services.

When deciding whether to become a surrogate mother, a woman must answer honestly to herself main question: will she be able to part with the baby to whom she is already accustomed after 9 months of pregnancy without problems and worries.

It is also worth understanding that problems of a moral and spiritual nature are possible, because it is not for nothing that surrogate motherhood is condemned and considered immoral by almost all religions in the world, with the exception of Buddhism and Judaism, and even those with great restrictions. From their point of view, what happens between the biological parents of the baby and the woman who carried and gave birth to him is nothing more than the devaluation of eternal values: the inviolability of the family, the sacrament of the birth of life and the happiness of motherhood, since all this becomes the subject of sale .

Before taking a decisive step, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and only then make a final decision. After the conclusion of the contract, it will no longer be possible to change it, or the penalty may amount to such an amount that it will be easier to agree to all the conditions of the second party.

Any violation of agreements and simply spoiled relations with biological parents at any stage can lead to the fact that your name, surname and other data, along with a description of claims against you, will fall into the so-called "black list".

There are also "black lists" of biological parents, but to find right person they are quite difficult. Sometimes a surrogate mother does not even know the contact details of her "customers", especially if planning and pregnancy proceeds with a curator. Nevertheless, a woman should also be prepared for fraud: on specialized forums, you can find reviews that the biological parents underpaid, left, disappeared with the child. You can also encounter despotic "customers" who, with the help of cameras and bodyguards, will track every step of the pregnant woman, every meeting and every purchase.

Married women Those who want to improve the financial situation of the family in this way should be prepared that the idea may end in divorce, because not every man will agree to his wife's participation in the program, and not every husband after her birth will be "happy" with such a monetary increase.

Find a surrogate mother