Why is the Church against surrogate motherhood? Who is a surrogate mother? The cost of surrogacy in Russia

The surrogacy program is one of the assisted reproductive technologies. Its essence lies in the voluntary use, young, healthy woman, whose reproductive age is 20-35 years, as a person who agrees to carry a baby to an infertile couple. One genetic parent (only dad) can participate in the process, or with the help of the latest medical technologies, a fertilized egg of genetic parents is implanted in the uterus of a surrogate mother. But besides this important point, there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account before agreeing to such a serious, responsible step, both for future parents and women who decide on such an act ().

Genetics is a branch of medical science that studies about the various probabilities of variability and heredity. IN this case, future parents are interested in how high the probability of a genetic relationship that a child and surrogate mother. Before allowing this technique to combat infertility to become available to other couples, it went through a thorough study of all genetic nuances, in order to exclude any diseases that may arise as a result of a violation of the natural laws of fertilization and pregnancy in general. To this day, many scientists are trying to prove or deny with the help of research work the existence of a connection between a surrogate mother and a baby.

Surrogacy whose child?

Many infertile couples ask a similar question - “whose child, in the end, is our own, and 100% native, or is there still any connection with the surrogate mother?”

Disputes also arise among groups of scientists from various research institutes. So, at one time, it was believed that there is no and cannot be any genetic connection between the fetus and the surrogate mother, since all the DNA laid down during the fertilization of the egg is transmitted exclusively from the genetic parents. A surrogate mother is just a woman who agrees to pregnancy, whose baby belongs to genetic parents.

But after some time, one scientist made a colossal statement that, based on the results of the studies, it was established that it was possible to transfer the genetic material of a surrogate mother to an unborn child. So, after pregnancy, identical traits of character or appearance can be transmitted to a newborn baby, in cases where the genes of the surrogate mother were much stronger than ordinary person during prenatal development fetus. And after such conclusions, problems arose among specialists in the field of surrogate motherhood, which affected to a greater extent moral and ethical aspects this issue. Every infertile couple began to file complaints and publicize their suspicions, which were categorically denied. medical workers. Has the question of using surrogate motherhood come to the fore again? Some married couples were simply afraid to resort to ART (assisted reproductive technology), fearing any consequences associated with heredity transmitted from a surrogate mother.

In surrogate motherhood, whose genes does the child have?

Since not many of us are specialists in the field of genetics, it is difficult to understand or believe someone alone in order to make sure that the participation of a surrogate mother in the child's heredity is completely absent (). Let's look at this question with psychological side. During pregnancy, a surrogate mother somehow develops a strong connection, even if it is “invisible”, all the feelings experienced by a woman in relation to the unborn child directly affect his health from the first months after conception. And even if the surrogate mother tries to treat her own pregnancy remotely and coolly, it is possible that after the birth of a child, when the woman’s psyche is completely rebuilt, the body receives a powerful dose of adrenaline that can change thinking – a desire to keep the child for herself may develop, along with the emergence of maternal instinct. Even if in reality the child has never been and never will be native to her, at the genetic level.

Or, talking about negative side manifestations in the child, any signs of kinship with a surrogate mother, it can only be noted that it is precisely because of an overly negative attitude and detachment during pregnancy, frequent concomitant diseases that occur in cases of IVF use, such as toxicosis, for example, after birth, can manifest itself over the years in a child, in the form aggressive behavior. Or an unstable psyche, mood swings, and feelings of insecurity, as the surrogate mother set herself up categorically not to use maternal instincts in relation to the fetus.

Due to such incidents, genetic parents mainly have complaints against specialists in the surrogate motherhood program, accusing the surrogate mother of bad heredity (). In rare cases of the birth of a child with any pathology, the couple simply refused to register the baby as own child, indicating that due to the fault of the surrogate mother, the newborn developed one or another genetic disease and simply simply abandoned the child, leaving the surrogate mother without a monetary reward and with someone else's child in her arms.

Based on the above arguments, it is difficult to come to one conclusion, so speaking myself, I would like to focus only on the degree of desire of the spouses themselves to become happy parents. Always and everywhere there will be barriers and doubts in order to allegedly prevent an undesirable outcome of events, and therefore it is necessary to maintain a consensus that thanks to modern techniques in the fight against infertility, there is a chance to find a child, despite all the nuances and sometimes risky actions. And succumb to such provocations and fears, only those people who are not completely ready to admit that they may not be ready to become parents, subconsciously pointing out all the shortcomings of this reproductive program, thereby protecting themselves from undesirable consequences.

Most women who decide to become surrogate mothers prefer to remain silent about what they experience for nine months while they are carrying someone else's baby. It is generally accepted that surrogacy is a business, so women do not become attached to children who are carried under their hearts. But is it really so?..

IN Lately All more women, who, for certain reasons, cannot conceive and carry a child on their own, turn to surrogate mothers and do not even hide it. Surrogate mothers have their own motives: some do it disinterestedly and give their loved ones the opportunity to become parents, while others are interested in the generous financial reward that famous clients are ready to offer. But is the game worth the candle?

The Whisper.sh portal recently published frank confessions surrogate mothers who anonymously spoke about their experiences, difficulties and feelings that they experience when giving birth to newborns. Most women did not hide the fact that it was very difficult for them to part with the babies immediately after they were born. Indeed, in nine months, surrogate mothers manage to become attached to children.

“I am due to give birth in a few days. I loved this child more than I planned”, “I am a surrogate mother. All this time I thought that giving up the baby would be easy. But now it seems to me that it will be very difficult to part with a child, ”the women shared.

For others, surrogacy is an unforgettable experience. Women admit that they love to be in an interesting position, so they are ready to bear children again and again, as long as their health allows.

“I am a surrogate mother and am already carrying fourth child. Only now I am ready to admit that I am dependent on pregnancy and childbirth,” one of the surrogate mothers said.

And some women decide to become surrogate mothers so that their closest relatives or best friends who cannot have children, babies appeared.

“I became a surrogate mother for my barren sister's child. This is the least I can do for her,” said one of the Internet users. Another girl admitted that she was carrying her friend's child under her heart: “I am carrying a friend's child. Every time they congratulate me on the upcoming replenishment, I have to say that the baby is not mine - I'm just a surrogate mother. Because of this, acquaintances consider me strange.

Not all surrogate mothers had pleasant impressions: some honestly said that they bitterly regretted their decision to bear someone else's child. “I was a surrogate mother. This is what I regret the most in my life. And even if I fulfilled someone's dreams, for me this experience became a real nightmare, ”an anonymous web user shared her experience.

She is not the only one who interesting position involuntarily causes discomfort: “I am a surrogate mother. Now I am in my fourth month of pregnancy and I can’t wait until all this horror is over!”.

In addition, the girls admitted that surrogate motherhood deprived them of the opportunity to build personal life. "It's hard to find young man while you're carrying someone else's baby. People think that you have someone if you have pregnant belly”, - admitted one of the surrogate mothers on the Whisper portal. However, some still manage to start novels: “I am a surrogate mother and am in my sixth month. Every day I sleep with the father of the child. His wife doesn't suspect a thing."

Recently, more and more people have heard the concept of a surrogate mother, how it happens, and what kind of service, it is worth understanding in detail. Replacing motherhood refers to assisted reproductive technologies. Taking advantage of it, a couple unable to various reasons have children, be able to become parents genetic child.

If we compare it with other procedures aimed at combating the problem of infertility, for example, IVF or ICSI, surrogacy is a rather complex and ambiguous process, even in legal aspect. First of all, this concerns the fact that three parties are involved in the process of the birth of a child: the father, the mother and the woman who decided to bear.

Before understanding how surrogate motherhood occurs, it is worth understanding in what situations it is necessary to resort to using such practices. In most cases, substitute motherhood is necessary for those couples in which there is female factor infertility. There are several reasons for the development of this state:

  1. The period of pregnancy will definitely be associated with physical harm to the woman's body, or it may become real threat life;
  2. Problems with the physiological development of the reproductive organ, for example, the absence or underdevelopment;
  3. Severe uterine pathologies that cannot be cured;
  4. Previously held 3 or more unsuccessful attempts in vitro fertilization.

In each of the situations described, if a woman or married couple wish to become parents in any way, they have no choice but to use the services of a surrogate mother.


The very procedure of the assisted reproductive technology under consideration provides for the participation of three parties in the process:

  • biological father;
  • biological mother;
  • Surrogate mother.

First of all, the question arises whether it is possible to use the eggs of a surrogate mother for fertilization.

There is such a type of procedure as traditional substitute motherhood. In this case, the woman who agreed to bear the fetus uses her own eggs to conceive it. As a result, she has her own genetic child. After that, the surrogate mother writes an official rejection of the baby in favor of the genetic father and his wife.

Worth paying Special attention to the fact that in Russia such a procedure is prohibited by law. Actually, even in the absence of the possibility of obtaining an egg from a biological mother, you can use the donor's oocytes and plant them in the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother. The indications for such manipulations are complex genetic diseases, in which the child will definitely inherit them after birth.

There are also such concepts as full and gestational surrogacy. Here it turns out that a woman bears not her own genetic child, but someone else's. Thus, at the biological level, the spouses who donated their germ cells for fertilization unequivocally act as parents.


Initially, we will consider the requirements for women who are ready to bear a child for a married couple, and then how surrogate insemination takes place.

First of all, only a woman who is absolutely healthy physically can become a surrogate mother. This paragraph provides for the absence of any contraindications with medical point vision for successful gestation.

Also, a woman should not have pathologies of an infectious nature, since harmful bacteria and viruses penetrate through placental barrier and the baby may be born sick. If everything is satisfactory in this regard, then the doctors take an anamnesis family type. A surrogate mother and her close relatives should not have chronic and genetic diseases.

At the next stage, experts will conduct research on the absence or presence of bad habits. A surrogate mother should not have any addictions (alcohol, tobacco or drugs), and throughout her life. If similar cases took place, then the probability of gestation and birth healthy child is significantly reduced.

Only women who are between the ages of 20 and a maximum of 35 years old are suitable for surrogacy, and they have at least one healthy own child, born naturally without IVF.

As for the legal side, the unequivocal requirement for choosing a candidate for the role of a surrogate mother is the absence of a criminal record, legal violations and drives to the police. If there is still a criminal past, then the woman will not be allowed to be a surrogate mother.

The opinion of a spouse or cohabitant is also necessarily taken into account. If the girl is legal or civil marriage, then the implementation of this procedure requires the written consent of her man. In case of refusal, the girl will not be able to take part in the program.


It is important to understand that agreeing to such a procedure, a woman will have to pass necessary tests for a surrogate mother. The list can be adjusted, but in most cases the following surveys are used:

  1. Clinical blood test of expanded type. It determines the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body, establish the level of hemoglobin and the number of platelets. Valid for 30 days.
  2. Biochemical blood test. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to establish whether the woman has any disturbances in her work. internal organs especially the liver and kidneys. Valid for 30 days.
  3. Hormonal diagnosis. Here, the indicators of FSH, LH, inhibin B, estradiol, prolactin, TK, Free T4 and TSH will be considered.
  4. Determination of the level of blood coagulation. Coagulogram shows INR, APTT, PTI, PTT, D-dimer. Valid for 30 days.
  5. Urinalysis of the general type. The result is valid for 30 days.
  6. A blood test to determine the group and Rh factor. At negative Rh factor the probability of being approved for the role of a surrogate mother is much lower, because an Rhesus conflict can develop, and the body will reject the fetus.
  7. Linked immunosorbent assay. Thanks to the study of ELISA, it is possible to determine the presence of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV diseases in a woman. Valid for 90 days.
  8. Examination of a smear from the vagina for microflora. With the help of it, the presence or absence of gonococci and Trichomonas is determined. Valid for 30 days.
  9. Oncocytological study. I am diagnosing a smear from the cervical canal. The results are valid for 12 months.
  10. Examination of a smear from the urethra for the study of microflora. Valid for 30 days.
  11. Fluorography and its description (once every 11 months and not more often).
  12. Electrocardiography. Results are usable within 12 months.
  13. Identification of pathologies of an infectious type. Check the presence or absence of herpes, rubella, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus and two types of mycoplasma in a woman. The result is usable within 6 months.
  14. Examination and conclusion of the therapist. Valid throughout the year.
  15. Examination and conclusion of a gynecologist. An examination is carried out and the condition of the genital organs is assessed. Before superovulation, an examination with ultrasound control is done.
  16. The conclusion of the psychiatrist. Valid for 12 months.

To the last point necessary examinations many women are quite skeptical. However, the role of this specialist in the process of surrogacy should not be underestimated.

First of all, you should definitely make sure that the chosen woman has never or is not currently registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary. This will confirm her mental health and the absence of diseases of this nature.

Also, the doctor will help determine whether the girl is suitable for the role of a surrogate mother. After all, candidates are not always able not only to bear a genetically alien child, but also to abandon him in the future. It is the psychiatrist who will prepare the girl for the fact that after the birth of a surrogate mother, she will not be able to raise a child, care for him and breastfeed. The natural balance is disturbed, which is often associated with the development of serious mental disorders.


If surrogate motherhood is planned, all parties to the process should know how fertilization takes place. The procedure consists of four main steps, as shown below.

First of all, in order for the conception to be successful, it is necessary to take a sufficient number of high-quality spermatozoa. Biological material can be used both from a donor and from a husband. It is important to understand that if borrowed germ cells are used, then it will be necessary to take a responsible approach to the process of choosing a donor.

After selecting a candidate according to the questionnaire, he is examined, sperm is taken and subjected to cryo-freezing. In this state, the materials are within six months. Only after such manipulations can germ cells be used.

At the next stage, doctors collect a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg. As mentioned at the very beginning, oocytes can be used both from the genetic mother and from a donor. It is prohibited by law to take biological material from a surrogate mother.

Doctors do the actual sampling of eggs either in a natural cycle. This is possible only with the full health of the ovaries, when ovulation occurs according to plan and is stable. If there is various pathologies perform induction, that is, stimulate the work of the ovaries and establish a cycle. After hormone therapy, one or more mature eggs can be obtained.

The penultimate stage is fertilization. Taking into account all the nuances of the legislative level, the egg is always obtained from the donor or the mother herself, which allows the surrogate mother to bear a genetically alien child.

The fertilization procedure itself is carried out using IVF technology or ICSI with IVF. Extracorporeal technology involves the union of sperm and egg outside the human body, that is, in a test tube or a special medical Petri dish.

Fertilization will occur spontaneously, but when using IVF technology with ICSI, the procedure is forced. That is, with the help of a special needle, the spermatozoon is planted in the egg.

The final part is the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother. After that, the embryo itself should already be attached to the walls of the organ. To increase the chances of pregnancy, both women undergo hormone therapy. As a result, at the time of egg replanting, after synchronization menstrual cycles, the surrogate mother has an endometrium ready for attachment.


In conclusion, it is worth mentioning how surrogate mothers give birth. Such childbirth is not fundamentally different from ordinary ones. The process takes place in the fertility clinic, where fertilization was performed and pregnancy was monitored. There are some experts who are confident in the need for delivery by caesarean section if the woman was artificially fertilized. However, there is no consensus on this matter, because there are doctors who are confident that any pregnancy should ideally end in natural childbirth.

Due to the fact that during the gestation of the fetus, the condition of the woman and the unborn child is controlled by highly qualified specialists, the chances of having a healthy child increase several times.

It is also necessary to understand that children born from a surrogate mother, regardless of whose eggs were used, are no different from ordinary babies in physical terms.

About surrogacy (video)

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


This manipulation is a relatively new reproductive technique, in which the creation of an embryo occurs outside the body of a surrogate mother, and then the fertilized oocytes are introduced into her uterus.

Such a technology of bearing a fetus provides for the conclusion of an agreement between genetic parents (or a single woman / man who wants their own child) and a surrogate mother.

Terms of the surrogacy program in Russia

The procedure under consideration today enjoys considerable popularity, especially among foreigners.

The fact is that the legislation of some countries prohibits their citizens within the state from using the services of surrogate mothers. Such citizens seek and find a way out in this situation on the territory of Russia: surrogate motherhood is officially allowed here.

Over the past few years, there has also been an increase in the number Russian couples who, for certain reasons, cannot give birth to children on their own, and therefore turn to the services of surrogate mothers.

The legal aspects of this procedure are regulated by the following legal acts:

  1. Family Code of the Russian Federation (dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ).
    Here (vv. 51, 52) the fact is written that for official registration the child's parents need the consent of the woman that she carried this very child. If she refuses, the court will be on her side, and the child will remain with her in any case. official litigation there is very little on this issue: women agree to bear other people's children in order to improve their material condition, and extra child will mean additional costs. Although some women may blackmail their customers in order to increase the fee.
    To minimize the risk of encountering scammers, it is better for future parents to contact a specialized law firm, but you will have to pay a decent amount for this.
    You can also look for a surrogate mother among friends, relatives, but problems of a different nature may arise here. When the child grows up, his psychological condition may be affected by the fact that the biological mother is one person, and the one who endured him is another woman, who is also a close person for the whole family, and with whom he will periodically meet.
    Using the Internet to find a surrogate mother can also be unsafe, although there are several relatively reliable sites with lots of ads and reviews.
  2. Federal Law "On Civil Status Acts" (November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ).
    Article 16 specifies the list of documents that are required when applying for the birth of a child. Here again, the obligatory consent of the mother who gave birth to the recording of customers by parents is mentioned. This document must be certified by the head physician, gynecologist (who took delivery), a lawyer.
    When writing a refusal to give birth, the newborn will be transferred to the baby's home, and genetic parents will need to go through the adoption procedure in the future.
  3. Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" (November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ).
    Article 55 provides an explanation for surrogate motherhood, prescribes the conditions that a woman who wants to become a surrogate mother must comply with.
    However, in this legal act it is indicated that either a married couple or a single woman can be genetic parents. The law does not say anything about single men who want to have offspring through the use of a surrogate mother.
    The situation with respect to couples is not entirely clear. gay. In these cases, you definitely need the help of a lawyer.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia "On the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) dated August 30, 2012 No. 107n.
    Here paragraphs 77-83 are devoted to the topic of surrogate motherhood. It is in this legislative act that clarifications are given on the cases in which the manipulation in question is shown; a list of tests that a woman should undergo before the introduction of a donor embryo; IVF algorithm.

Indications for applying to surrogate motherhood - who can use it?

Partners can use this procedure in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Congenital / acquired anomalies in the structure of the uterus or its cervix.
  • Serious violations in the structure of the mucosal layer of the uterus.
  • Pregnancies always end in miscarriage. She has a history of three spontaneous miscarriages.
  • Absence of a uterus. This includes cases of loss of an important genital organ due to diseases, or defects from birth.
  • . A high-quality embryo was repeatedly (at least three times) introduced into the uterus, but the pregnancy did not take place.

single men Those who want to acquire heirs must resolve surrogacy issues with lawyers. But, as practice shows, in Russia such a desire can be translated into reality.

Requirements for a surrogate mother - who can become a surrogate mother and what examination do you need to pass?

In order to become a surrogate mother, a woman must meet several requirements:

Stages of surrogate motherhood - what will be the path to happiness?

The procedure for the introduction of a donor embryo into the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother takes place in several stages:

  1. Measures to achieve synchrony of menstrual cycles genetic mother and surrogate mother.
  2. Through hormonal drugs doctor provokes superovulation from the genetic mother. The selection of drugs is carried out individually, in accordance with the state of the ovaries and endometrium.
  3. Egg retrieval under the control of an ultrasound machine transvaginally or by laparoscopy (if transvaginal access is not possible). This procedure is very painful and is performed under general anesthesia. For high-quality preparation before and after manipulation, you should take enough strong drugs. The extracted biological material can be stored long time, but it costs a lot of money (about 28-30 thousand rubles a year).
  4. Fertilization of the genetic mother's eggs with partner/donor sperm. For these purposes, IVF or ICSI is used. Last method more reliable and expensive, but it is used only in some clinics.
  5. Cultivation of several embryos at once.
  6. Placement of embryos in the uterine cavity of a surrogate mother. Often the doctor is limited to two embryos. If genetic parents insist on the implantation of three embryos, the consent of the surrogate mother should be obtained after her conversation with the doctor about possible consequences such manipulation.
  7. Application hormonal drugs to maintain pregnancy.

The cost of surrogacy in Russia

The cost of the manipulation under consideration is determined several components:

  • Expenses for examination, observation, medical preparations. Here, much will depend on the status of a particular clinic. On average, all these activities take 650 thousand rubles.
  • Payment to a surrogate mother for carrying and giving birth to a donor embryo will cost at least 800 thousand rubles. For twins, an additional amount is withdrawn (+ 150-200 thousand rubles). Such moments should be discussed in advance with the surrogate mother.
  • Monthly nutrition of surrogate mother costs 20-30 thousand rubles.
  • Cost of one IVF procedure will vary within 180 thousand rubles. Not always surrogate mother can get pregnant on the first try: sometimes a successful pregnancy occurs after 3-4 manipulations, and this is an additional expense.
  • For the birth of a child it can take a maximum of 600 thousand rubles (with complications).
  • The layer's services , who will deal with the legal support of the manipulation in question, will amount to at least 50 thousand rubles.

Today, when going through the Surrogacy program, you should be ready to part with at least 1.9 million rubles. The maximum amount can reach up to 3.7 million rubles.

A surrogate mother is a woman who carries a genetically alien child. After giving birth, she gives it to clients - biological parents.

Surrogacy is a big burden on a woman. She must first be examined in order to be admitted to this program. Fertilization is then carried out by embryo transfer, and this may take several attempts. After that, the woman will have to carry the child for 9 months, and, in the end, give birth to him. The specialists of the AltraVita clinic helped to understand the essence of the issue.

Why surrogate motherhood is necessary for the child's parents is quite clear. Often this is the only chance for a married couple to continue the race. But why is it a surrogate mother? The main motivation for her is financial reward. In various clinics, she can receive from 500 thousand to one and a half million rubles for carrying and giving birth to a child. The highest fees are paid at the AltraVita clinic - up to 1.6 million rubles.

How to become a surrogate mother?

Becoming a surrogate mother is very easy if you meet the requirements of the program. To do this, it is enough to contact a large center of reproductive medicine.

In no case should you look for clients on your own! If only because it is not economically feasible. In the center of reproduction, the surrogate mother will receive a more substantial fee, and in addition, her health will be in complete safety. The woman will also be protected from fraud, as the Reproductology Center provides not only medical, but also legal support for the surrogate motherhood program.

Before calling the clinic or applying for surrogacy, make sure you meet the basic criteria. According to Russian legislation, they are as follows:

  • Age 20-35 years.
  • Having your own children.
  • Childbirth took place naturally.
  • you gave birth last time 12 months ago or earlier.

Your husband, if any, must be prepared to provide written consent for your participation in the surrogacy program.

Who can't become a surrogate mother?

A woman under 20 or after 35 who has no children or who gave birth by caesarean section cannot become a surrogate mother. This significantly increases the risk of uterine rupture. Therefore, such women are not accepted into the program. Since last birth that passed naturally, at least a year should pass.

If you meet all the criteria, take your passport, child's birth certificate, and come to the clinic. You will be examined to assess your reproductive, mental and physical health. Doctors need to be sure that your body is ready to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

You will not be able to become a surrogate matter under the following conditions:

  • You have infections that can be passed on to your baby.
  • The state of your somatic health is unsatisfactory - pregnancy is dangerous for you.
  • Your condition reproductive health unsatisfactory - the risk of miscarriage, the formation of malformations in the fetus, complications in childbirth is assessed as high.
  • Inflammatory diseases of any localization were found.
  • Oncological processes are revealed.

All other women, regardless of citizenship, nationality, place of residence, marital status, Rh factor, can become surrogate mothers. Examination, support for pregnancy and childbirth, moving and living in Moscow for the duration of the childbearing - all this will be free for you, provided that you contact a large, reputable reproductive center.