How to ask for forgiveness: ready-made phrases. Asking for forgiveness or forgiveness: how and why

The last day of Maslenitsa - last sunday before Lent. Therefore, this day is celebrated Forgiveness Sunday, which, according to the priests, helps people to cleanse themselves before the test of the spirit. On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness and forgive your offenders.

And if you are asked for forgiveness, it is customary to answer: "God will forgive."

According to tradition, on this day you can not swear with anyone. And if there is any conflict, then it must be immediately resolved. And even more so, you can’t fall asleep in a quarrel and with heavy thoughts from this.

By the way, in Rus' even the tsar himself asked for forgiveness from his servants and the people!

Asking for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday is customary not only for the living, but also for the dead, coming to their graves. After all, sometimes a heavy burden remains on the soul when a person is no longer alive, and there is no longer any opportunity to ask for forgiveness from him.

In the old days, on Forgiveness Sunday, people asked for forgiveness from all acquaintances and strangers, even if the person was very offended; on the last day of Shrovetide, the custom demanded that the offender be forgiven with the words "God will forgive." This tradition has come down to our days. How do you feel about this custom? And who needs to forgive here, to yourself or to leave this deed to God?

By the way - what is it all about - Forgiveness Sunday?

The last Sunday before Lent is called "Syropust", because it ends with the eating of cheese, butter and eggs.

At the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which speaks of forgiveness of offenses to our neighbors, without which we cannot receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father, about fasting, and about collecting heavenly treasures. In accordance with this Gospel reading, Christians have a pious custom on this day to ask each other for forgiveness of sins, known and unknown offenses and take all measures to reconcile with the warring. This is the first step on the way to Great Lent. Therefore, this Sunday is commonly called "Forgiveness Sunday." In the evening, after Vespers, the priest sets an example and is the first to ask everyone for forgiveness. After that, all the parishioners come up and ask forgiveness from him, as well as from each other. On this day, everyone does their best to reconcile with everyone.

IN Sunday evening the canon is sung: Let's love each other, call each other "Brothers" and forgive everyone everything by the Resurrection ... Because not to forgive is to remain in darkness when we strive for light, not to forgive is to remain a slave of sin when we are looking for freedom, not to forgive is to preserve by free will in ourselves the seed of death and the sting of death, when we seek, wish for the resurrection, pray for it, strive for it ... Let us forgive each other everything, everything that we have annoyed each other, with which we have each other offended, humiliated, everything that we have done, done insanely, in the darkening of the mind, in the madness of the heart, in the drunken hesitation of the will, in the rebellion of the flesh - let's forgive each other and start this path. This path is not easy, and therefore let us support each other on it; those who are stronger support the weak, but everyone, everyone, everyone, without a trace, endure each other, carry each other.

In Russia, even non-believers celebrate Maslenitsa, eat pancakes with vodka, have fun in the fresh spring air! Most of those having fun are not going to fast seriously, but almost everyone knows that the last day of Shrovetide, which introduces believers "into the sad days of Great Lent", is called "Forgiveness Sunday". On this day, gluttony and fun ends, a fire is made on the ice slides, trying to melt the ice. This is the day of cleansing before fasting. Everyone goes to each other and asks for forgiveness: "Forgive me if I'm guilty" - "Forgive me too" - "God will forgive." All this is accompanied by bows and kisses.

Many of us from own experience they know very well that it is much more difficult to forgive than to ask for forgiveness yourself. Is it easy to offend another person? Easily. Is it easy to get offended? Easily. Is it easy to forgive? Difficult. Uncomfortable. Do not want. But you still need to forgive. Yes, it's a serious step to ask for forgiveness. No wonder the Orthodox say that the most difficult feat is repentance.

Yes ... But almost every one of us in childhood was taught to ask for forgiveness, but not to forgive. And not everyone was lucky with parents who themselves knew how to say "I'm sorry" to the child, admitting they were wrong or excessive vehemence in a hurry.


This is how people are arranged - they offend and are offended, and then they realize that they got excited somewhere, they were wrong, and they should ask for forgiveness. But how to do it now?

- Long and tearfully beg for forgiveness, banging your head against the wall.

This theatrical method is good when the quarrel is petty, the person is pouting, but it is clear to both who quarreled that the insults will quickly pass. Such loud repentance simply helps to make the offended laugh. This makes it easier to get back to the old relationship.

- Bribe

No, no, you don't need to transfer money to his account or put an envelope in his pocket. You can simply show your care and attention by buying or doing something necessary or pleasant for the person you offended. Everyone loves gifts, even if you make someone so angry that your present and help are rejected, there is no need to despair. Your step towards reconciliation will still be taken into account. It's better to make an attempt to give something than to sit in the opposite corner pouting for who knows how long. In addition, it is almost certain that your gift will be accepted after reconciliation. A little patience and your efforts will pay off.

- “I am writing to you, what more ...”

You can write a letter or sms. Often in writing it is easier to express thoughts and be more decisive. Your writing may be put aside for the most appropriate moment and mood to read what works for you, and may also be re-read. After a while, it is best to back it all up with an oral explanation. And then, suddenly, you did not sincerely write and you yourself have already forgotten.

- Talk

If the matter is not resolved simply by laughter and smiles, then conversation is the most The right way. In theory, it should be a calm end to your dispute, the resolution of the conflict, because of which you, in fact, offended the person. You must state your arguments, but do not forget to listen to the arguments of the interlocutor. If it is clear to you that truth is not going to be born in a dispute, and you don’t want to be in a quarrel at all, leave everything as it is: you have your own opinion, your “opponent” has his own. Say it straight. And in no case do not agree with the interlocutor "for excuses." This can be noticeable and only give rise to a new quarrel.

- "Sorry"

Just come up and apologize, admit your mistakes, listen to reproaches addressed to you (probably fair), realize the full depth of your mistake and try to correct it if the offended party requires it.

Yes, sometimes it is very difficult to ask for forgiveness. It would seem like this short word- I'm sorry, but it's so hard. Remember, if a person is offended by you, then in this situation it does not matter whether you did the right thing or not, as you thought at that time. You need to build on past events. Just like that, resentment does not arise in the soul. And if it was born in a person, it means that something offended him - a fact. You may not even find out where you are wrong, if something hurt a person, then you did something not according to his rules. For this, ask for forgiveness if there is no way to find out true reason. Show that you repent, and repentant silence, and sad eyes and deep sighs. This is how anyone does it.

- offend yourself

sly and not The best way. Here a person who has a softer, weaker and more pliable character will give way. And you can be so angry at each other for years. And all these years to remember: "And why didn't we share then?"

- Empty words

You can simply, without hesitation, for an "excuse" say "I'm sorry" as many times as you like, especially without even delving into the essence of a person's offense, i.e. relating to this, and therefore to the person does not give a damn. If this is done with an unfamiliar person, he simply will not get hung up, because of his indifference to you. And if this happens in communication with loved ones, then this will soon be noticed and appreciated not in the best way. Because they will treat you the same way. In this way of forgiveness, there is no small risk of losing good attitude. But if you don't give a damn about it, then you probably shouldn't get involved in such a relationship.

But the most important thing is to really want reconciliation, and then the right words will pick themselves up.

Forgive yourself

Is it possible to forgive everyone and for everything? Should we forgive thieves, murderers, traitors? Stick to your reasonable principles and for such cases there is an excellent, non-binding phrase: "God will forgive."

And forgive me, good people, if anything.

Start your morning with a kind word
Ask your loved ones for forgiveness
Forgive everyone, because it's not difficult,
We are on Forgiveness Sunday!

Wish all people happiness
More strength, health, luck,
On this day, on this Holy holiday -
Forgiveness Sunday!

The air smells of spring freshness -
Forgiveness, for Sunday.
And in the soul one rest -
From the divine, from the bright canopy ...

And my forgiveness flies to you,
Well, forgive and you - cleanse your soul!
Today we experienced the resurrection
And just a little bit better.

Why is my heart lighter today?
Why are all the people kinder today?
Forgiveness bound us on Sunday,
Bestowed with grace!

Wish everyone around you good health,
And forgive all insults at once,
May any troubles and slander,
Never hurt you!

Forgive us, please, friends,
From the heart we ask you for forgiveness,
It’s done this way - it’s impossible to do otherwise,
Yes, there is no need for behavior.

It's no longer worth getting upset
And then you have to whole year be sad
This Sunday will set you up in a cheerful mood,
It is - everyone will forgive us.

You turn to acquaintances and friends,
Bow down at their feet a few times -
See, everything will turn out, understand.

Great Lent is coming and on the eve of it, the Orthodox celebrate Forgiveness Sunday - the last day of the Olive Week.

Many people know about the existence of such a holiday, but not everyone knows the meaning of this holiday, and even more so, how to ask for forgiveness and forgive on Forgiveness Sunday.

Forgiveness Sunday - what is it?

The last day before Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday. This is the holiday that completes the long preparatory period for the most rigorous fasting. For the Orthodox, this is the most significant day, because without forgiveness of those who offended and reconciliation with enemies, reconciliation with God is impossible. This is perhaps the most good holiday. He personifies the main value inherent in the Orthodox religion: the ability to leave grievances and not hold grudges against anyone.

Forgiveness Sunday reminds us of the day when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. This is an occasion to remind people what disobedience and selfishness lead to.

The tradition of asking for forgiveness Palm Sunday comes from the ancient monks of Egypt. They spent the whole great post in the desert to retire there for prayer. And not everyone returned from solitude. Therefore, the monks, before going into seclusion, they asked each other for forgiveness.

Forgiveness Sunday falls on the last day of Shrove Tuesday, which is why it is called "cheesy". This is the last day when you can eat fast food. But on this day they no longer eat meat and meat products.

Forgiveness Sunday is a special day that requires the believer to work hard on himself. On this day, you need not only go to confession in the temple, but also ask for forgiveness from those whom you have ever offended. And you need to do this in such a way that the person you offended forgives you wholeheartedly.

IN tsarist Russia gave this holiday great importance. On this day, the emperor himself asked for forgiveness from his subjects. He did it personally: visiting soldiers' barracks and monasteries.

It is very important to find the strength in yourself to sincerely forgive those who ask for your forgiveness. Therefore, it is very important to know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive on Forgiveness Sunday.

After all, the salvation that every Orthodox strives for is possible only when a person has no desire in his heart to take revenge or feelings of guilt for his actions that destroy the soul.

What not to do on Forgiveness Sunday

It is customary for us to celebrate the end of Shrovetide with a grand scale, dances and songs, and in some regions they even arrange fisticuffs. However, the Orthodox Church does not approve of such fun. Burning an effigy and jumping over a fire are customs that we inherited from our pagan ancestors.

On a cheese week or Shrovetide, according to the charter of the Orthodox Church, each believer should gradually tune in to fasting, leaving earthly joys and calming the soul. This is a period of peace and quiet. It's time for forgiveness, so it's important to make peace with everyone you've hurt.

Orthodox Church gives a whole week to prepare for reconciliation. So that a person can heal from spiritual wounds and forgive insults. Forgiveness Sunday is A good reason to destroy hostility. On this day, one should not ignore requests for forgiveness, and even more so postpone reconciliation. One cannot be at peace with God without having peace with people.

How to ask for forgiveness: to whom and how to address

Unfortunately, asking for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday has become a kind of tradition for many, such as “swimming in the hole for Epiphany” or “blessing Easter cakes”. Many ask for forgiveness on this day simply because it is necessary, and not because the person is really aware of his guilt. This, of course, is hypocrisy.

Forgiveness Sunday is another opportunity to pay attention to your loved ones. They are the ones we hate the most. Not necessarily a rude word, sometimes just inattention or indifference. Having offended, we think: “we need to ask for forgiveness,” but in the hustle and bustle we forget to do this.

Forgiveness Sunday is the day when you need to stop, look back at the days you have lived and remember who and how we offended. After all good relations with people who are dear to us - this is a great value. Human life short, and you should not waste these precious minutes on quarrels and insults.

In the morning, after the prayer rule, ask for forgiveness from your loved ones. At the same time, it is better to ask for forgiveness for something specific: rudeness, paid little attention or refused to help. The general phrase "sorry for everything" is almost the same as saying in confession "sinful in everything." In either case, there is unlikely to be real repentance. Therefore, if you know what specifically offended a person, ask for forgiveness for that.

But often we can offend a person without even noticing it. Say something rude, brush off a request for help, or even just an unkind look. Therefore, you need to ask for forgiveness from all your friends.

Try to stop and remember those moments when you were wrong before asking for forgiveness. A person should humbly ask for forgiveness by saying: “Forgive me if I offended you intentionally or unintentionally.”

On this day, the elders are the first to ask for forgiveness from the younger ones, and the bosses from the subordinates. It is very important to visit your elderly relatives on this day to ask for their forgiveness. After all, these people at any moment can go into eternal life, having a grudge in their hearts, and this cannot be allowed in any way.

Special attention should be given to those with whom you are in quarrel. After all, it is from them that it is most difficult to ask for forgiveness. It is always easy to offend, but it is very difficult for the first to ask for forgiveness, even if you are wrong. But this is the meaning of the holiday, to measure your pride. Because humility main enemy pride.

Forgiveness is asked not only from the living, but also from the dead. To do this, they visit the graves of those who can no longer be seen. After all, often, just when we lose loved one, we begin to understand how much we have hurt him.

How to forgive on forgiveness Sunday: what to answer to someone who asks for forgiveness

It is customary to answer a request for forgiveness on this holiday: “God will forgive, and I forgive,” thereby you, as it were, testify that the Lord has forgiven for repentance, and you do not hold evil.

Asking for forgiveness, we do not wait for the court or want to understand why this happened, but we admit that we have offended and sincerely regret our actions. The answer “God will forgive” means that we are all sinners, and only the Lord can judge us.

So that forgiveness does not become hypocrisy, you need to distinguish between two facets of forgiveness - the wish that God forgive the offender and your personal forgiveness. For example, someone offended you and asks you for forgiveness, but you do not have the strength to forgive (although you understand that this is wrong). But at the same time, you know that if this person repents, God will forgive him, and saying: “God will forgive,” you sincerely wish him this.

If you honestly answer the request for forgiveness of a person whom you cannot yet forgive: “Due to my weakness, I still cannot forgive you, but I ask from the bottom of my heart that God forgive you.” Such an answer will bring you closer than a hypocritical "I'm sorry." And of course, you need to work even harder on yourself in order to overcome your pride and forgive a person.

Another important point. When you come up to ask for forgiveness, you should be prepared for the fact that the person will not be able to forgive you right away. The main thing here is not to fall into despair, but to be patient with the feelings of another person. Time will pass and he will surely forgive you. You don’t need to think: “so I went to meet him, and he rejected me so-and-so,” otherwise it will mean that you didn’t forgive anyone, but were engaged in self-deception.

Is it necessary to forgive forgiveness in the church: from whom and with what words

In the church, the day begins in the evening, so the first service of Great Lent is Vespers of Forgiveness Sunday. Fasting begins with this service, and the services become longer. On this day, the rite of forgiveness is performed, through which a person gets the opportunity to start fasting, having cleansed his soul of insults and omissions, so that during fasting he can calmly focus on his relationship with God.

After the service, the clergyman of the temple addresses the parishioners with a sermon, at the end of which the first one asks for forgiveness from the people. The rector of the temple comes out with a cross, and the believers take turns approaching him, and then to other parishioners with the words "Forgive me." At the same time, answering this: "God will forgive, and I forgive."

And even if you rarely go to the temple, and you don’t know anyone there, you still need to attend this service in order to start your repentance by asking for forgiveness from the priest.

Go to the memorial table, light a candle and mentally ask for forgiveness from your dead friends or loved ones whom you once offended. Attach to the holy icons. It is advisable to confess on this day in order to be completely cleansed and enter into fasting with a pure heart.

We have no right to judge anyone, only the Lord can do this, so let's be merciful and forgive everyone for offenses from pure heart for we are not all without sin.

Bright day - Forgiveness Sunday this year falls quite late - on the thirteenth of March. By church rules, everyone on this day should make peace with each other in order to receive God's blessing.

In churches on this day, an excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount is read, which speaks of one of the most important church laws: if you do not forgive offenses, then you should not wait for the forgiveness of sins.

Oddly enough, the first to ask for forgiveness is usually the clergy. They ask parishioners to forgive them, then they say that you need to forget all the unpleasant moments, and forgive not only loved ones, but also those whom people consider enemies. But before you go to your friends with a bow, you need to learn how to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, and how to respond to a request for forgiveness.

How to ask for forgiveness

The tradition of forgiving offenses to other people the day before the onset of Lent was started by Egyptian monks. Followers of Jesus Christ went to fast in the desert every year. And since this is a very dangerous place, not all of these people came back. And so the monks, who were ready for the fact that they might die, asked to be forgiven for everything, including for the insults that they had caused to someone. People, having heard such words, in turn also asked the monks for forgiveness.

All people liked this tradition very much, so in Rus' after its appearance the word “forgive me” a person could even say strangers, but now they usually ask for forgiveness only from acquaintances, friends, relatives or work colleagues.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you should forget about subordination. On this day, older people should be the first to turn to those who are younger than them. That is, the grandfather should be the first to ask for forgiveness from the grandson, and the boss - from the subordinate. For example, earlier even kings gathered people in the morning and asked people for forgiveness.

Everyone knows perfectly well that it is very difficult to ask a person to forgive you, especially if you are guilty before him, but this is the meaning of the holiday. A person must overcome his pride, must repent and turn to another person with the words: "forgive me."

IN Lately most often they say this: “Forgive me if I offended you with something.” Previously, people bowed to each other and then kissed three times, in Russian, but now you can just hug a person. And if he is far away, then you can send an SMS message or an email asking for forgiveness or a thematic poem.

How to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday

Another question that worries many people: “How to answer “forgive me” on Forgiveness Sunday?”.

Of course, not everyone is really ready to forgive another person, and there are situations when it is extremely difficult to do this, but this is the whole point, according to church rules, you need to forgive all offenses and answer: “God will forgive, and I forgive you.”

It is worth remembering that you need to live in peace and harmony with other people. Also, do not forget to go to the graves of relatives with pancakes on Forgiveness Sunday and say “forgive me” to them. And, of course, you need to ask God for forgiveness for all sins.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you can also have fun, ride the slides, participate in folk amusements, eat pancakes, and visit guests. And in the evening you need to go to the bathhouse and start preparing for Lent.

Ecology of life. Psychology: Penitents hope their red-faced confessions will bring forgiveness, but is it really enough to say sorry to restore trust?

Of six components good apology two are the most efficient.

There are six components to an effective apology, according to new research:

    Expression of regret

    Explanation of what went wrong

    Recognition of responsibility

    Voluntary recognition

    Suggestion to rectify the situation

    Asking for forgiveness

However, two components are more important than the others.

Responsibility comes first, - explains one of the authors of the study, Professor Roy Lewicki.

"Our research has shown that the most important component of an apology is an acknowledgment of responsibility. Say that it was your fault, that you made a mistake."

The second most effective strategy, after the recognition of responsibility, is the proposal to correct the situation.

Professor Lewicki says:

One of the main problems with apologies is that the apology itself is worthless. Expressing willingness to fix what is broken reflects the acceptance of responsibility for the damage caused.

next important thing is an expression of regret, an explanation of what went wrong, as well as an expression of remorse.

The very last step is asking for forgiveness, says Lewicki:

You can skip this step if necessary.

These findings are based on a study in which people read various scenarios in which a person made a mistake for which he had to apologize.

The apology contained one, three, or six components. People rated the effectiveness various kinds apologies. The study tested only the effectiveness of these components.

Lewicki also pointed out another very important factor:

"It's also clear that when you're apologizing, eye contact and an appropriate sincere tone are very important."

It is also very easy to overestimate the power of an apology, as I wrote before.

How effective is an apology?

We assume that apologizing can help mend relationships, but do we overestimate the value of an apology?

Not a week goes by without yet another apology from a public figure for the incredible destruction. An endless parade of politicians, businessmen and celebrities on TV and in the press admitting their mistake and apologizing for what they did wrong.

We have come to the conclusion that as soon as day follows night, a public figure apologizes for this or that offense. Sometimes these apologies look sincere and heartfelt, and sometimes they are just formal and insincere.

Penitents hope that their red-faced confessions will bring forgiveness, but is it really enough to say sorry to restore trust?

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It's great to have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and relatives who are not indifferent, who can always support in Hard time, a person has a sense of security and need. But, as often happens, the most dear people we offend more than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of relatives this does not always work out. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly?

Squeezing out: "I'm sorry" is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will work out by itself is wrong, because this is an indicator of immaturity. A person who admits his mistakes is easier to respect and trust him. But how to ask for forgiveness from your girlfriend, dad and mom, sister or best friend?

Why is it hard to apologize?

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of asking for forgiveness. Prepare a speech in verse or beg for it. All this is useless unless right attitude. The difficulty lies in the following:
  • Pride and selfishness can become a hindrance to reconciliation. It is pride that makes a person think: “Why me? He's wrong too." Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other, and resentment can turn into hatred. To break this vicious circle, you need to calm down and analyze what you did wrong and how you can correct the situation. This will help such a quality as humility. Is it out of fashion now? Yes, a lot of people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. The opinion of the majority should not affect your decisions. It is not a shame to admit that you are wrong, relatives and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a significant role. If in childhood you didn’t hear the words “I’m sorry” from mom and dad, then it will be difficult for you too. Here, awareness of this fact and work on oneself are necessary. Try once to “step on” yourself and apologize, you will feel lightness in your soul and in relationships. Asking for forgiveness next time will be easy. Come up with an apology in verse, this will help smooth out the tension.
  • Correct infusion. How necessary it is. Often people think: "If I ask for forgiveness, then I will make it clear that I am guilty and show my weakness." This opinion is erroneous. Agree, at least two are involved in a quarrel. Do you want to say that you didn’t say too much or didn’t show disdain with your icy silence? You yourself know that there is also a share of your guilt.

What can be done

Before you apologize, it is important to consider some points. Otherwise, you can break firewood, having the best intentions. It's not worth it to sort things out when you're annoyed. Wait for both of you to cool down. And a few more tips:
  • When thinking about how to ask for forgiveness from a girl, in verse or prose, it is important to be sincere.
Notes of sarcasm are inappropriate, even if you are sure that you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you didn’t understand jokes” can be taken as a mockery. If you are sincere, your look and your tone of voice will tell. Even if the resentment is unfounded, admit that you may have hurt feelings. sincere apology removes the wall that is built by an offended person. Destroy this wall and, you will notice that the girl is no longer on the defensive, peace has been restored.
  • It is necessary to take into account different upbringing.
What seems like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. No need to beg the feelings of another or somehow ridicule them. If it’s customary in your family to tease each other and no one is offended by this, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand to be accommodated and understood for your jokes. Over time, this may be, but for now, apologize and no longer let loose mockery of others.
  • The emotional background also needs to be taken into account, it is different for each person.
Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same. Someone is more emotional, and someone is not very much. You think that it is possible to take a sister's jacket without permission, but this can annoy her. The result is a scandal. You think that the sister wound up in vain. Listen to her words, not the way she said it. Try to figure out what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to right decision. And if you need to ask for forgiveness from your sister, then do not hesitate to do so. Understand that she may feel differently than you.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all from evil, offended you, and now I just can’t find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't be angry with me anymore. This fight was a big lesson for me.

With you next to me I breathe
I'm on fire with you,
I live next to you
And without you I'm dying
Forgive me, I beg!

My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.
Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.

Beloved, life is mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But, the only person who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything. I'm not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything I don't do is just because I'm afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I have done. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

Learning to build relationships

Understanding the above principles will help in relationships with your best friend. It all depends on what meaning you put into this concept. If the word "friendship" is a superficial concept with selfish motives, then you should not worry that you offended someone. Your friendship will come to an end anyway. And if friendship is based on affection, loyalty, mutual assistance, then such relationships need to be protected.

It is clear that ideal people can not be. From time to time mutual grievances and claims will be. You should not put an end to your relationship. You can "darn" friendship. Most often, they offend people not on purpose: she said without thinking; rude while being in bad mood; as a friend, she intervened in something that was not her own business.

Once you understand why your friend was offended, start a conversation in order to solve the problem and save the friendship. Explain that you didn't upset her out of malice. It won't look like you're making excuses, you're just clarifying your motives and motivations. You can apologize for hurt feelings. If a girlfriend is a romantic and emotional nature, try to present her with a request for forgiveness in verse.

I was fabulously lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. Distrust towards you was a big lesson for me. Let's make up, my kitten.

I promise to make you happy girl in the world, just forgive and believe me, my good. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired.

Every day without you is just an unbearable ordeal. I think about you every minute, my joy. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not from evil. I love you more life. Don't be offended by me anymore.

Let's keep our love, because we are so good to be together. Darling, I breathe you. I need you like air.

But it's hot.
It happens to everyone.
Please forgive me, please
So love only once!

You're sorry for the extra words and for my foolish deeds. Believe that my repentance has no limit! I want to look into your eyes again... Please forgive me!

The same principles apply if a quarrel has occurred between two friends. If a friend or girlfriend did not accept your apology, then it will be easier for you because you did your best on your part.

Parents, people who will always forgive. They forgive for thoughtlessly spoken words, for not having time to call them. Stop in your circle of life. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest who you have. It may not work out with a girl, friendship can become obsolete, and your parents are always with you.

Make a habit of calling them every day to see how things are going. Ask forgiveness for your indifference to them. But what if you have not yet reached the age when you can fully make decisions and take care of yourself financially?

First of all, you need to realize that you, too, are wrong. If you see only the shortcomings of your parents, but do not notice your own, then it is extremely difficult to ask for forgiveness. Plus, parents aren't perfect. They want the best for you, but they don't always know how to do it right. One thing is for sure, they genuinely care about you.