Apology to my best friend

The women’s website would like to devote today’s article to a rather delicate, but very important topic -.
Women's nature is such that a beautiful representative of the fairer sex can react too emotionally and violently to any event in her life. Sometimes this leads to disagreements and quarrels.

In the heat of a showdown, you can cause pain and insult to such a close person as a friend. The quarrel passes, feelings calm down and the understanding comes that you were wrong to offend her, but you no longer communicate. She doesn’t make contact, and you don’t know what’s best to do.

In such a situation, there is only one thing left - to ask your friend for forgiveness, but you need to do this sincerely and with all your heart.

How to ask for forgiveness

It would seem that asking for forgiveness is not so difficult, it’s enough to say just two words "I'm sorry".

But, despite the apparent ease, these two words can be very difficult to come by, especially if your friend does not want to meet with you. Women are quite vulnerable and touchy, they do not forgive insults very quickly, but do not despair, true friendship can overcome a lot, except betrayal.

To answer the question of how to ask for forgiveness from a friend, remember what the quarrel was about and what she loves most.

Give her a surprise before asking for forgiveness. Invite her to meet at your favorite place, invite her to your home to talk, she is unlikely to refuse you.

After all, even someone who has been offended experiences a disagreement with someone dear to him. And your attempts to make peace will not go unnoticed. Explain to her why you did what you did, what caused the hurtful words. Who, if not she, will understand you.

There is no need to start sorting things out again, even if you both got excited. Your task is to understand how to ask your friend for forgiveness, and not to renew the quarrel.

Remember that you are the one asking for forgiveness, so silently listen to complaints and tell him you won't do that again. If the quarrel was not so significant, and you sincerely asked for forgiveness, your friend will definitely forgive you.

Try not to hurt her anymore, otherwise after several quarrels, none of the ways to ask your friend for forgiveness will help you regain your friendship. Appreciate your friends and protect their feelings, because the most painful thing is to hear evil words from a loved one.

How to ask your best friend for forgiveness

  • The women's site strongly recommends: do not ask for forgiveness as if you were not to blame for anything, but simply decided to do so because you felt sad and lonely. Forgiveness is needed ask with all your heart and only if you are really guilty and realize your guilt. Otherwise, all words will sound insincere and are unlikely to be received favorably.
  • In case of a serious quarrel, when your best friend does not want to talk to you, ask for forgiveness in writing. The Internet, a postcard, an ordinary letter - all this can help you ask for forgiveness from your best friend. Find the words that will touch her soul, because you know her like no one else. Apologies made in writing- the easiest way to say “Sorry.” After all, waiting for a decision while feeling someone’s gaze on you is very unpleasant. It's best to write the words of the apology manually, it's more intimate, but if you decide to use email, then choose a good picture that can bring a smile to your friend's face.
  • Start your letter with a warm, friendly greeting.
  • All writing must be imbued with sincere regret and a desire to make peace.
  • Re-read what you got. Remove words that could offend your friend or be misinterpreted, and wait for an answer. If he's gone for a long time, don't despair. The main thing is that you made it clear to your friend that you regret what happened.
  • If you decide to personally ask her for forgiveness, briefly explain what caused your ugly behavior, but there is no need make too many excuses. An attempt to justify yourself can be understood not as a desire to ask for forgiveness, but as a desire to say once again that you are not to blame.
  • Try not to remember in detail what happened; it’s better to talk about how you can restore the previous good relationship.
  • If it is very difficult for you to personally ask for forgiveness from your best friend, it means call her in 10 days and start communicating as if nothing happened between you.
  • Remember what pleases and inspires her, and give it to her, and then without a doubt you will be forgiven.
  • Finally, ask how to ask your friend for forgiveness. She'll be confused, then she'll laugh, and peace will be restored.

Try not to hurt your family and friends. There is nothing more valuable in the world than them. Only real friends They will support you in difficult times and lend a shoulder.

There is a real one in the world, and this priceless gift must be protected. How to ask forgiveness from a friend - each woman can decide for herself, but if you use a few recommendations, you can not only receive forgiveness, but also strengthen your friendship even more.

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If you quarreled with your friend and want to make peace and restore friendly relations, then you have realized your action. Making peace is not quarreling, so before making peace, think about how you will do it, there are several ways to do this.


MEETING: It is best to ask for forgiveness from a friend in person, but sometimes the quarrel is so strong that the friend with whom you quarreled simply does not want to meet with you. Maybe you are stopped by your shame and fear, and you cannot decide to approach the friend with whom you quarreled and ask her for forgiveness. We recommend that you read

CALL: The second way to ask for forgiveness from a friend is to call her on the phone. This option is less preferable than a personal meeting. There are many reasons why you do not have the opportunity to meet her in person, so pick up the phone, call and ask for forgiveness.

REMOTELY: How else can you ask for forgiveness from a friend other than a personal meeting and a phone call? This can be done correctly remotely, for example, by writing her an SMS message or sending her an email. Sometimes the quarrel is so strong that it is impossible to meet, and your friend does not answer the phone. How to write a letter to a friend and ask for forgiveness? First of all, do not look on the Internet for various options for letters to ask for forgiveness from a friend; think for yourself and write a letter in your own words. We recommend that you read

WHEN TO ASK FORGIVENESS: You should never call or otherwise ask for forgiveness from a friend immediately after a fight. At this time, you and your friend’s hearts are heated with sadness and quarrel. It is best to wait a few days until your mind and heart cool down and you have time to comprehend your quarrel. If the quarrel was very strong, then wait a week or two. There is a proverb: time heals, but in your case, time allows you to calm down and think about the lice quarrel.


DO NOT HUMILIATE yourself: Never, under any circumstances, humiliate yourself in front of your friend. Do not tell or write to her that you are so melting (such), do not say that you are a bad person, or any other humiliating phrases addressed to you. Asking your friend for forgiveness in this way will not achieve a positive result. Your friend may forgive you, but she will still have a negative attitude towards you because she herself began to think badly of you after the quarrel, and now you have confirmed her guesses.

WHAT TO WRITE: Don’t write long poems or verses, just write a few lines that you have thought about the whole situation and come to the conclusion that in this quarrel you were completely wrong and you really regret your behavior. Write that you ask for forgiveness and are very sorry for offending your friend. It would be enough. We recommend that you read


Perhaps your friend was very offended by you, and therefore you should not immediately expect a response that she will come running, hug you and also ask for forgiveness. She may not even read your letter. Don't get upset right away, wait a few more days after your letter and try again. The main thing here is not to bother and not to demand anything, because your friend will most likely be angry with you and if you bother her with your forgiveness, it will only cause negative feelings in your friend and stress her even more.

If, after several letters in which you ask for forgiveness from your friend, your friend has not answered you, you will need to wait a week and not bother your friend, and after this time call her and invite her somewhere to go, just like in the old friendly times. We recommend that you read

Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that we say unnecessary things, or do something that offends someone close to us. Of course, sometimes this is practically not our fault, and often we feel absolutely right, but it is very important to take the first step and apologize to your best friend. Even if you are sure that you are right, this must be done. At least in order to improve relations between you.

Spit on your pride and apologize for your best friend. If you are specifically at fault, then you need to do this all the more. Moreover, you need to speak not just anything, but essentially. Let your apologies be not only sincere, but also beautiful and touching. Then even the highest ice wall erected between you will melt in a matter of seconds.

You can find a similar apology for your best friend in ready-made form here. We have tried to collect for you only the most touching apologies that can resolve the strongest disagreements. Take advantage of this opportunity and re-strengthen your relationship with bonds of friendship. After all, no offense should destroy a strong bond between friends!

Girlfriend, it's my fault...
Please forgive me!
Life is not good for me without you,
How stupid I was...

Let's make peace with you
Can I come to your house?
As before, let's sit together,
We will forgive each other everything, everything, everything!

Congratulations on mobile

Girlfriend, forgive me
Forgive the words I said
I suddenly miss you
I blame myself for being rude!

Forgive me my friend
For the last time, trust me
You can't lose a friend like that
You were not given to me to lose!

My dear, my faithful friend,
I apologize to you again.
I'm sorry that I offended you without thinking.
After all, you are my friend and I appreciate you.

And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
You and I have faced so many troubles together.
And we have dealt with any difficulty more than once,
So be merciful to me this time too!

I did something stupid
Offended you....
But there is no better girlfriend,
What are you, my soul!

Let's talk again
And fun to chat.
I don't want to say goodbye
And lose friendship!

I'm sorry, because I'm sometimes wrong,
You and I sometimes quarrel
And I don't notice it
Why should a dear person be angry?

And you are alone, my friend -
My support for years.
Let there be no blizzard between us,
But only friendship, forever.

Sorry my friend
What happened to us?
We respect each other
But now they quarreled.

I don't want to see anymore
Your tears, sorrows, torments.
I do not want to hurt you,
I don't want to be separated from you!

We quarreled with you a little,
And our paths diverged.
There is sadness in my heart,
I do not want to lose you.

I want to make peace with you,
No need to be angry anymore.
I'm sorry, I'm just begging
I can't imagine life without you!

I want to ask for forgiveness
You have it, dear friend!
I sincerely apologize,
Be careful in your ear...

And I hope everything gets better
In our relationship with you.
The negative will roll away,
We will not spill water!

Forgive me my friend
Our conflict weighs on me,
I think about him with fear
Both at night and during the day.

Someone like you, friends in life
I know for sure I won’t find it,
I sincerely apologize
So that our paths do not diverge.

I'm bored, I'm sad, I can't be angry,
So I want to make peace with you, friend,
I apologize, forgive me,
And let go of your resentment.
Don't be offended and don't hold a grudge,
I need your friendship
From now on I will follow the words,
I will be a lot smarter in the future.

I know it's not easy to forgive me,
But believe me, it’s even more difficult now,
Knowing that you hurt your friend
This makes it doubly painful.

Let's forget past grievances,
I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying,
Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
I apologize.

Sometimes we build walls
From words to each other,
But mercury corrodes the veins,
When I'm in a quarrel with you, friend.

Just a glance is enough for me,
See - you were able to forgive.
Friend, soul and joy,
Sorry: I was wrong!

Girlfriend, excuse me
For this stupid act of mine.
After all, God sees how I repent,
It was stupid to swear.
Please forgive me quickly
And call, friend.
After all, you and I must go
For life just by the hand!

We are friends who don't spill water,
And they quarreled over a trifle,
I'm the only one to blame for everything,
And I admit my mistake.
Excuse me, dear friend,
You won't hold a grudge for long, I know
Forgive me for everything
Give me a chance to find friendship again.

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I admit it
Better just smile
I love you with all my soul.

You are my friend
Dear little man,
I will never become
With someone closer than with you.

Girlfriend, extend your hand,
After all, you and I are still friends,
I stumbled and found
We must belong to each other in this darkness.

In no way you
I didn't mean to offend.
Let me hug you lovingly
I want you to smile again!

It's so quiet and empty without you,
My whole world is in the dark,
I'm very sad without you,
Well, at least answer me!

Our quarrel dragged on
Our quarrel needs to stop
My dear friend,
It's time to forgive me!

Sorry, I repented a long time ago
I'm in all my sins
It's hard for me without you,
Loneliness and darkness all around.

I beg you, a truce,
I ask for a truce
Forgive me, stupid
Your stupid girlfriend!

Apologize to your best friend until you cry

It so happened, we quarreled with you,
I don't know how to cope with such trouble,
I'll definitely be lost without you,
I won't find a better friend anywhere.
Please forgive me for everything,
Please accept my apologies,
I won't hurt you anymore
I will always respect your opinion.

A quarrel fell upon us so unexpectedly,
I myself didn’t understand how it all happened,
In a word, I offended you,
I'm sorry, all this is not out of malice.
I can't find a better friend
Only you and I are on our way,
Please accept my apologies,
And don't hold grudges anymore.

Did I offend you?
Believe me, I didn't want to.
Something came over me
I didn't look at my tongue.

Sorry friend,
I inadvertently
I won't repeat myself
It will be a lesson to me.

I'm so ashamed, uncomfortable,
My soul felt bad,
Excuse me please,
I will improve, I will become better!

Girlfriend, forgive me
Sorry for the words I said
I suddenly miss you
I blame myself for being rude
Forgive me my friend
For the last time, trust me
You can't lose a friend like that
You were not given to me to lose!

Our quarrel dragged on
It's time to fix it
You are my beloved friend,
We need to save our friendship!

We need to forget the grievances,
We must let go of anger and sadness,
And I must apologize
And ask for forgiveness.

We won't quarrel anymore
It's very difficult without you,
You will understand, you will always support,
Forgive me, forgive me!

Friend, dear, please forgive me,
I really don't want to argue with you,
I didn’t do it on purpose, try to understand me,
I want to be friends with you as before - to smile.
Let there never be quarrels, insults and vile disagreements,
There will be no more life between us,
After all, I want you to always be happy,
Let's forget all our grievances and sorrows?

You and I ate a ton of salt,
We have gone through and survived everything.
Days and weeks flew by
But we valued our friendship.

We didn't abandon each other
In a difficult moment, in a moment of vanity.
I love you my friend.
There are no others like you.

There have already been quarrels,
But then they always made up.
We have forgiven each other everything
And they only got closer.

So let's forget everything
The bitterness of words and the burden of insults.
Let's discuss everything with you.
I believe friendship will win.

It’s sad, it suddenly became empty all around,
Silence on the network and the phone is silent,
Forgive me for everything, understand...
Just don't turn away, come back.
You and I have been together for a hundred years!
We've been through and through a lot,
We still have a long way to go.
Dear friend, just forgive me!

Forgive me, friend!
I was wrong.
Forget, I beg you, rude
Hurtful words.

I'm terribly embarrassed
I'm languishing in my guilt.
We are stupid and in vain
We quarreled with you.

I miss you,
And I know you're sad.
I have hope
That you will forgive me!

Sincere apologies to my friend

Beloved friend, forgive me quickly,
I understand that you are angry with me now,
I promise - I won't behave so lousy
I'll improve, for sure, you'll see!!!
And if you want anything, just ask,
I will try to do everything in the world for you,
Please, save our friendship, save us,
Resentment and evil, I ask you, do not need to remember!

Friend, I'm sorry, I was wrong,
I know the words were unpleasant
But you also understand and accept me,
And forgive me for thoughtlessness and stupidity.

You are not closer, smarter and dearer,
I admire your kindness
Let's just appreciate each other
To preserve the hearth of friendship for a long time.

Forgive me my friend
Our conflict weighs on me,
I think about him with fear
Both at night and during the day.

Someone like you, friends in life
I know for sure I won’t find it,
I sincerely apologize
So that our paths do not diverge.

Well, that's enough, I'm sorry, please,
Yes, I admit that I lost my temper,
I want to make amends
Let's forget what happened!

Are you my friend or what?
I'm not interested without you,
And without you there is only horror, fear,
Believe me, I say honestly!

Let's make peace, I'm tired of the quarrel,
And I know you miss me
Best friend on earth
Tell me, do you forgive me?

Listen to me, dear friend.
Forgive me soon, my dear,
I know everything - my guilt is very big,
And I wish to beg your forgiveness as soon as possible,
Let's try and forget everything bad,
And we will never quarrel again,
After all, you are my closest and best friend,
And we are not strangers, we love each other very much.

Girlfriend, excuse me!
I was wrong.
I offended you in vain
It's all my fault.

Let's make peace with you.
Forgive me, I pray!
You are the dearest person,
And I love you!

My best friend,
My good sister,
Forgive me, dear,
What offended you!
Forgive me, fool,
I can't live without you.
The best friend in the world
I shed tears for you!
I'm suffering for you now,
My soul hurts for you.
Forgive me, dear,
What offended you!

Well, that's enough, that's enough,
There's no need to be mad at me
I'm not comfortable, I'm restless,
I know I offended you.

I know you are angry, dissatisfied,
And maybe, just like me, you’re sad,
Please, let's continue as before
You call me today.

It’s impossible for friends to quarrel,
It spoils karma, everything around,
Well, pay attention to the torment,
I won't do this again, I promise!

Apologizing to a friend in your own words

Forgive me, friend, forgive me for my stupidity. I couldn't even imagine that I would offend you. But I feel very bad, I haven’t heard your voice for a long time... You know, our friendship is stronger than all the obstacles and insults, I hope that you will forgive me. You are very dear to me...

Dear friend, you taught me that friendship is an art that does not tolerate falsehood. But today I understand that asking for forgiveness is also a kind of art, and I would like my little creation to reach the depths of your heart and return your priceless friendship to me!

To my dear friend I want to say that I love you very much and trust you in everything! Let us never quarrel, let us always help and support each other! Forgive me for all the bad things I said to you - these are all emotions. I respect and trust you very much!

I'm so happy, girlfriend, that I forgot about everything in the world! Forgive me for the long silence, for the unanswered calls and inattention to your SMS. When we meet, I will tell you so much! Don’t be offended, dear, but rather rejoice for me from the bottom of your heart! I wish you to be as happy! Life is beautiful, take my word for it!

Dear friend, I really want you to forgive me as soon as possible and that everything will be fine! We have been friends for so long, we are ready to do so much for each other, that I think this resentment cannot come between us. Let's forget everything that happened and start with a light heart from a clean slate!