Wishes for 90 years. Congratulations to a man born in the summer. Congratulations for a man born in winter

Now that's age! Ninety!
Living up to these years is not easy.
And on this day, so beautiful,
I wish you happiness
Never left
And next to the family was.
So that all your children and grandchildren
They didn’t let you think about boredom,
They called to come
More often to visit.
Live without grief and without troubles
At least another hundred years!

Ninety - solid date -
This is life's triumph without a doubt.
Your inner world, very rich,
Gets respect from everyone.

Many years behind the worthy:
There is something to remember, and there is something to be proud of,
And today we want with love
Anniversaries are traditionally celebrated.

And we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth -
No injections, medicines or pills.
Days of wonderful, happy, calm,
Warmth and care warmed!

Congratulations on your 90th birthday from the bottom of our hearts! Such an anniversary is a very important and significant event, because not everyone is destined to meet such a respectable age. We wish that health does not fail, love of life and optimism never run out, and loved ones please with their care and attention. Let every day give joy and positive emotions, because this is the key to longevity.

God loves you, He protects, pities,
Lives for ninety years.
He sows goodness and wisdom through you
And in this world brings its good light!

So don't let your hand go
The Lord is still at least a dozen bright years.
Let there be joy and no sadness
And we send you our sincere greetings!

Let health not let you down on the way,
Strengthens the body to the mind to match.
And only joy penetrates the heart,
To conquer new heights!

It's hard for me to find the words
To explain the importance of the date.
Spring is alive in your soul,
You are very rich in wisdom.

You are ninety, and in the eyes
Earthly beauty sparkles.
And forget about the years
I don't know better people than you.

So let me wish
Good health to you, faith.
And boldly overcome
Barriers are all and all barriers.

May many winters and many years
Your family is with you
Let there be no load behind
Just the joy of being.

And on this round anniversary,
To maintain strength
The words of parting words are stronger
We want to tell you.

Let life be difficult today
God forbid, survive everything.
God bless you to live to a hundred
And save strength.

Our glass in hand will not tremble,
It is raised in your honor.
In it, as in a single line,
There are words from the heart.

Ninety years is not yet old age,
Old age will be a hundred and fifty years.
Life must go on like this
As all people want it.

We never cease to wonder
How young are your eyes.
So only you can smile
We cannot deny this.

Wisdom, mind and life inspiration
At ninety you knew
Like a good poem
You are crystal clear and pure.

God bless you great health
Yes, the attention of grandchildren and children.
To meet again in five years
For your next anniversary!

Happy anniversary - ninety,
Let the soul be easy and simple
Will enjoy life
Bright optimism to you.

Let health not fail
Happiness comes every day
Always surround you
Dear hearts!

90 years is a glorious anniversary!
And life wisdom in the eyes.
Is there anything to regret?
Is it worth looking back?

We want to wish you
So that the house is full of happiness,
Every day to give you strength.
And from us admiration and low bow!

90 - Anniversary!
Congratulations on this date!
Tell your secret:
How to live so many years?

You don't get lost in life!
Let's just say: "Keep it up!".
To not succumb to illness
And call everyone for 100 years.

To have enough strength for everything
Every day seemed the best
To fall out more than one
You still have a lucky break.

So that your house is in abundance.
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren were born.
And at the festive table
Everyone gathered more.

Ninety - three by thirty,
This will suit you for sure.
There is charisma, optimism.
In general, youth, hold on.

Already have children and grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren, this is the thing -
Everyone appreciates you, cherishes,
They come to you for advice.

We wish you health
It doesn't happen much
And in a hundred years to gather us all
Celebrate your anniversary.

Entries 1 - 20 from 28

Without ten years, a whole century ...
You have seen a lot
You're interesting person,
Advice is always available!

On your 90th birthday
I strive from the heart to wish
Health, beauty and inspiration
Your soul will never wither.

Also, of course, to you, as a great woman,
Charm, happiness, kindness.
Another hundred years, please live
We all desperately need you!

Here you are ninety today -
What a wonderful wise age!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
You are incredibly good.

To adversity and bad weather
All melted away at once.
For relatives to visit
Surrounded with warmth and care.

We wish you good health
Smiles more often ... We know something
That the whole secret is in a sweet smile,
So that the heart does not naughty.

This anniversary age
Appreciated throughout the world.
Let it be small for you
Heart so that it does not know fatigue!
You catch happiness in children, grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren and further great-great wait!
You are a great example of fate for us,
Positive attitude towards life!

A bright holiday will knock on the door,
With him, flowers looked into your house,
Time flies, you need to believe in it,
And walk without thinking about it.

Let warm wishes today
The jubilee moment will be full
They contain particles of sincere confessions,
Will strengthen our unsightly verse.

May the soul not know grief,
And health is enough for business,
Let the mood be wonderful
Happiness! And warmth!

You can't find women like that on earth,
I will talk about kindness and warmth,
You are the best - it is simply said,
You are only 90!
Bloom like a flower in the most tender garden,
And never get in trouble!

Dear, revered,
Magnificent person.
adored by all of us,
Be with us, I ask you forever.

Anniversary 90, of course, respectfully,
But you are full of both strength and aspirations.
And today we want to tell you frankly,
May God give you many achievements in life!

Sweet, dear, tender,
Always was, well, only diligent.
Today is your big anniversary
For us, for many, he is truly a saint.
You always gave us affection and care,
Didn't relax even on Saturday.
Today we congratulate you on your ninetieth birthday,
And of course, we wish women's immeasurable happiness.

Look at the clock - ten minutes to...
It's been ten years now
Well, you continue to bloom,
With you grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children.

Your life is beautiful like a flower
Let her stay like that.
You accept this congratulations,
May the sun shine brighter today.

It's been ninety years now
Youth is gone!
And the ninth anniversary
Comes to visit us.

Darling don't get old
It's nice to live in the world!
And the tenth anniversary
We will also note.

Let the words not melt today
These are warm few lines.
We congratulate our grandmother -
It's your anniversary day.

Live in comfort, without cold and heat,
Do not get sick, never mope.
Mood - albeit young,
And wrinkles ... They do not matter.

It doesn't matter that the years go by
And let age be a big number
But nature will not be the main thing,
And most importantly native warmth.

And the grandchildren are more important, of course.
It is necessary that, like a reliable pier,
Your hearth, warming meetings,
Gathered us under one roof.

90 years old for you
You are the queen in the family
And you are always in the shower
3 times 30.

The best grandmother in the world
All your grandchildren are calling you
Celebrate the anniversary today
We are gathered here together.

We wish you, grandmother
Many long, long years
Let health not fail
And the light of the soul does not fade.

Nearby will be children, grandchildren,
Enough of your love
Let our care, affection
Warms your days.

Grandma, you are my dear,
You have already lived for 90 years.
And with this most important anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you!

And let your hands get a little older
But your soul is always young.
I want any cold, blizzards -
All bypassed you.

Of course, good, good health to you,
So that you live for many more years
To meet only good people,
So that you can babysit the great-grandchildren of children!

Your hands know the work
The heart is not tired of loving
The soul has hundreds of songs
And she became calmer.

Look at our families
We are your continuation
Thoughts, kindness, care
Through time reflection.

We respectfully congratulate
Happy anniversary so important
Thank you and agree
With your wise word each.

Ninety years old grandma
How cute is she
We sit next to her
Let's remember her deeds
On the anniversary we wish her
Strength, health, long years,
We cherish and appreciate it
After all, there is no one she loves!

You are our favorite
We always come to you for advice.
And let's say today without embellishment
Your age, 90, is summer:

The soul blooms, and we bloom with the soul,
What, grandma, you are the best in the world
Accept congratulations and let with you
She will be the most joyful and bright.

Grandma, grandma
You are 90!
We wish you
Live another hundred years!
And a little more
So fifty years!
Please your children
And their grandchildren.
We wish you
Good health!
Congratulations honey
We love you!
We wish you bright days
And simple happiness!
Let you pass
Woe and misfortune.

My dear, dear grandmother,
I cherish you and I love you heartily.
You are 90 years old
I wish you to live even more without troubles,

Let the gray hair become only an ornament,
Health dear to you and mood,
Let the soul remain young
And it will be as good at 17.

We also wish vigor and strength,
So that peace reigns in your family,
Relatives and friends nearby in the evenings,
And longer in life to be, dear, with us.

90 years is a secret date that many people dream of. Not every person is given the gift of longevity, but if your parents, grandparents, have such an opportunity, you need to choose congratulations with increased responsibility. Think about what you need to say so that the congratulation sounds solemn and at the same time sincere, touching. Let your words become special and allow you to believe that many more pleasant moments can happen in life, for which you need to live and not be sad. And, of course, you need to be with the hero of the day on this significant day, trying to strengthen relationships, get memories that will warm you for a long time when thinking about your loved one. Special congratulations, warm communication, spending time together are the most special and most pleasant gifts for a 90-year-old birthday man, which you can certainly be sure of.

We came to you to congratulate you on your ninetieth birthday,
And we want to wish you more success,
To live happily for many, many more years,
So that there were many more reasons for laughter.
To make your life interesting and easy,
So that you continue to give us your warmth,
So that many more things in your life work out,
So that dreams one after another come true as soon as possible!

What a loud date of the anniversary - ninety!
We wish you a strong, Siberian spirit,
So that next to your loved ones and relatives,
You were smoking a Cuban cigar near the fireplace.
We will have a lot of fun on your birthday
All guests will be satisfied, and very happy
And in five years we will come to a new anniversary,
And your smile and healthy appearance will be our reward.

Today we all together congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you health and spirit not to lose,
Good to squander and in return always see him,
And on weekends, host guests and relatives.
Today is quite a few years - ninety,
This is a very loud and very worthy number,
And now we tell you in all seriousness,
We are waiting for your anniversary to celebrate - one hundred!

Ninety years is a great accomplishment
And today we have gathered for your birthday,
To celebrate it cheerfully and sincerely with you,
Wishing you good health and strength.
You have always and in all matters been the first,
You have served us as an example for so many years,
And today we will ask you only one thing,
That you invited me to visit you for the centenary.

Ninety years today to you, no joke,
This life is a very long, important period,
You passed it with great dignity,
You have saved love and kindness in yourself.
We wish you a soft and beautiful old age,
So that fate does not spare its sweetness for you,
To be close to you always,
We wish you health and long summer!

Today is a special day - we have a hero in front of us,
Let life be long and difficult at times,
And it was interesting to live in it, it was not easy,
But today we are going to celebrate your ninety!
To this day, you have retained the strength of your spirit,
You still find life special and beautiful,
And in this, many need to learn from you,
No one can compare with your inner energy.

Entries 1 - 20 from 24

This anniversary age
Appreciated throughout the world.
Let it be small for you
Heart so that it does not know fatigue!
You catch happiness in children, grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren and further great-great wait!
You are a great example of fate for us,
Positive attitude towards life!

You can't find women like that on earth,
I will talk about kindness and warmth,
You are the best - it is simply said,
You are only 90!
Bloom like a flower in the most tender garden,
And never get in trouble!

Dear, revered,
Magnificent person.
adored by all of us,
Be with us, I ask you forever.

Anniversary 90, of course, respectfully,
But you are full of both strength and aspirations.
And today we want to tell you frankly,
May God give you many achievements in life!

Sweet, dear, tender,
Always was, well, only diligent.
Today is your big anniversary
For us, for many, he is truly a saint.
You always gave us affection and care,
Didn't relax even on Saturday.
Today we congratulate you on your ninetieth birthday,
And of course, we wish women's immeasurable happiness.

Look at the clock - ten minutes to...
It's been ten years now
Well, you continue to bloom,
With you grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children.

Your life is beautiful like a flower
Let her stay like that.
You accept this congratulations,
May the sun shine brighter today.

It's been ninety years now
Youth is gone!
And the ninth anniversary
Comes to visit us.

Darling don't get old
It's nice to live in the world!
And the tenth anniversary
We will also note.

You are ninety today
Respectable age!
We wish the heroic strength,
Excellent Siberian health,

So that great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children
Lived happily in the world
To visit you more often
You were treated to delicious dishes,

Dear hero of the day, glory and honor to you,
Let the river of life flow happily!

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And in your ninety years
With all my heart I wish
Health, joy, victories.

May your strength not run out
And the heart sings from love,
Adrenaline flows through the veins
And calls for adventure.

Already ninety? Ninety more!
Still life can please you enough!
We wish you happiness, all the best, long years!
And great-grandchildren need your practical advice.
Forget the age, forget the years
Let minutes of illness to you, minutes of adversity.
On this bright day
Please accept our congratulations!

You have always been a brave man
Here the ninth decade has passed,
And for you he will not be the reason
No pain, no sadness. Fine
Everything will be indispensable for you,
All wishes will come true in time
Well, we, know, you will not forget
On the centenary, give congratulations.

90 years is not a term
You are young if you are not alone
And you, look, everything is fine,
In public life, in private life!

So accept the congratulations,
And promise, give us all a vow,
That you will be young and young as now,
That everyone will be illuminated by the bright brilliance of your eyes!

Nine tens is not the limit
Can you double
It doesn't even matter that you are gray
But - all your friends later!
You are well done, at ninety years old
God forbid everyone looks like this,
And the birthday greeting is ready,
Hurry up and see!

You have an anniversary today
Celebrate 90 years as soon as possible.
Live another 100 years
And there will be a holiday for everyone.
We will give you gifts
And we thank you for everything.
So that you are happy, man,
And that you have a driver with a car.

Ninety years old grandma
How cute is she
We sit next to her
Let's remember her deeds
On the anniversary we wish her
Strength, health, long years,
We cherish and appreciate it
After all, there is no one she loves!

You are our favorite
We always come to you for advice.
And let's say today without embellishment
Your age, 90, is summer:

The soul blooms, and we bloom with the soul,
What, grandma, you are the best in the world
Accept congratulations and let with you
She will be the most joyful and bright.

A tear rolled down from my eyes,
Gray hair has already appeared.
Don't be sad, grandma, never
You remain young for me always.
I'll give you a gift quickly
A gift is what we celebrate
Your anniversary, of course.
After all, you are ninety years old today,
You do whatever you please.

Happy anniversary! That's the age!
90 - like a star!
These years are like roses.
They are always important to us.

Congratulations. Seas of happiness!
A mountain of success and kindness.
Sun, bright bad weather!
And health - three buckets!

forty five plus forty five
Let's celebrate!
Read, granny, this poem,
We put a lot of warm lines into it!

Happy birthday dear granny
We wish grandmother not to get sick,
To be healthy, cheerful and beautiful,
And, of course, that she was happy!

So, congratulations on your anniversary today!
Made life rich, silvered your hair ...
An enviable fate, sometimes it was not easy.
So happy anniversary, sun, you always shine for us!
We wish you success, to bring benefits to people,
But we promise you to love you even more!
Rejoice us with your heroic health, strength!
We have you, you are the best, kind and beautiful!

May you have a dream today
How did you run barefoot as a child?
It was so long ago
Ninety years have passed since then.

But at heart you are not an old man at all,
You are not used to asking for help.
May you have so much strength
To make your path easy.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you health.
So that love still warms,
And nothing to hurt.

So that the mood is also
And for happiness to come.
Happy birthday today
We congratulate everyone soon.

And in your 90 crown years,
The whole world is proud of you.

For the anniversary we brought
Gifts, toasts, congratulations!
They are pleasant to everyone, always,
And you are certainly no exception!

You are so strong at 90
And you look so great!
And the old people look at you with envy,
And this, you know, is almost priceless!

Anniversaries are important for us.
90 is like a dream date.
We want you to have
What you yourself desire.

We want it to be easy
Achieve all your goals.
And yet - for the time to come
Read this fiery verse!

There is no better date in the world,
Than a date in ninety years.
I wish you good health.
And happy birthday.

I wish many great-grandchildren
And may you live for a long, long time.
I was good and I was happy
And he would become my idol.

I give you a poem
"Live forever!" I conjure!

Let at 90 you again
Life seems like wings.
Let it not upset you
No rain, no resentment phrases.

We wish you cheerfulness, let
Fragrant May reigns in the soul.
Let the eyelashes silver
Dawn, let there be no offense.

This is generally not easy:
Take and live to ninety!
Life's path is not at all easy.
And today it is no accident

90 noting
We want to give you a toast.
You can remember a lot
Everything happened in life

But today we ask you
Remember only light colors.
In a wonderful mood
We want to see you now.

We want to say with love
health wishes,
Strength for various important things.
And we also want to note:

90 years in the world -
This is not the limit at all!

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