How to arrange a date at home? Preparation ideas. The best first date, where and how to spend it

A banal dinner at a restaurant or going to the cinema today will not surprise anyone. But you really want every evening spent together to be remembered for a long time. The benefit of unusual places to enjoy romantic communication, enough, you just have to turn on the fantasy. ELLE offers original dating options for every taste and budget.

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Dinner at a restaurant - too hackneyed idea? Then try have dinner together on the roof of Moscow skyscrapers. In any social network, in a matter of minutes, you can find "stalkers" who will lead you to the roof (at least the main building of Moscow State University, even the skyscrapers on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment), and if necessary, they will help organize a dinner with wine and a white tablecloth there. Of course, not for free and with the risk that the residents of the house may well consider your romance as petty hooliganism and call the police. For those who are not addicted to dubious adventures, there is always a luxurious alternative - say, Dinner at the Romantic Restaurant on the rooftop of the Radisson Royal Hotel(under the very spire of the skyscraper, known as the hotel "Ukraine"): it has a table for only one couple in love. Dinner can be prepared by yourself by ordering an individual (for a couple) culinary master class at the chef - "teamwork" brings together! True, it is better to plan such a lesson in advance: this way you are guaranteed to get to the “right” chef and select the menu to your liking.

A good alternative to dinner is gourmet tasting- say, wine or varietal Chinese tea. And if both of them sound too simple, there are exotics: cocoa brew according to Indian ritual traditions or matepitiya ceremony(both are available at the Mate club on Shabolovskaya).

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An original date doesn't have to be too contrived: sometimes the simplest things are the most touching - go boating in the park, walk around the old city center, rent a couple of bicycles(or one tandem) and To set a picnic. In addition, there are up to a dozen good (and free) applications in the Appstore that will help take your favorite themed tour- at least for the architectural monuments of art deco, at least for the favorite places of Bulgakov's heroes. Visit to the museum can be no less exciting, especially if you do not test your friend's knowledge of modern painting, but take him to the Museum of vintage cars, Soviet slot machines or the Bunker Museum, hidden at a depth of 65 meters.

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Intellectuals (as well as those who are happy to join their circle) will like this date option, like lecture or public lesson . Poets, musicians, artists, architects - almost every week in the capital you can get (often - for free) to unique master classes . True, it is better to use such a date scenario at the very beginning of communication: firstly, it will help you get to know your counterpart better, and secondly, after the lecture, you are guaranteed to have something to talk about over a cup of coffee. And if cultural trips for your couple are already a common thing, choose more piquant “lessons”: for example, body art or exotic massage karting, wakeboarding (or water skiing, which is said to be easier), shooting from firearms or a crossbow. The main thing is that the extreme hobbies of one of you do not scare the other too much!

Arranging a romantic date for two is easy, because in every city there are interesting places where you can invite your loved one. Even if your soulmate is not romantic, an unusual date will not only pleasantly surprise her, but also leave an unforgettable impression. The main thing is to want to give pleasant emotions and arrange a surprise for your life partner.

Romantic date ideas:

1. Date in a restaurant

Of course, this is the traditional, simplest and most popular option, but we cannot but dwell on it.

To make the meeting romantic, you can choose not an ordinary restaurant, but a sushi bar, a restaurant with winter garden, with closed cabins for couples, etc.

2. Date at the cinema

This option also belongs to the classics, but it can be made unusual. For example, arrange an exclusive screening of a movie where you yourself play the main role. Of course, a separate cinema is ideal for such a session.

On the other hand, you can simply invite your soulmate to a good melodrama and take a comfortable seat. Evening session, twilight, touches of your favorite hands, places for kisses - what else do you need for romance?

3. Date on the roof

Sunset, starry sky, night city lights, beautiful view, romantic dance and dinner on the roof of the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

But, in addition to all this, you need to take care of light dinner, beautiful music and a warm blanket.

4. Date at home

On the one hand, this is the easiest and simplest option, and on the other hand, it is quite complicated. Why? If in a restaurant, for example, the entourage is already ready, then at home you need to prepare it yourself.

To make the date romantic, the house can be decorated with candles, flowers, rose petals, your joint photos, etc. light dinner, pick up good music.

5. Date at the amusement park

This is a good, slightly extreme option. Every city has a park like this. Try to return to childhood: ride various rides, roller coasters, buy ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn.

Walk together, relax, break away, holding hands.

6. Date in a hotel room

What could be more mysterious and sexy than a date like this? A small party in the suite of a good hotel will surprise everyone. Stock up on champagne, have a light dinner, and then…

7. Date in a country boarding house

This option can be used at any time of the year. It will help you take your mind off daily worries and problems, will allow you to retire and be together. Make such a gift to your loved one, he will definitely be satisfied. Organize barbecues, baths, horseback riding, bathing in the moonlight and get unforgettable emotions.

8. Date on the bus, tram

It's already in the category unusual options. Such a romantic trip can be the beginning of an interesting love story. To do this, of course, you need to try: find the right transport, decorate it with balloons, flowers, rose petals, set the table and prepare a light dinner, invite a talented artist, etc. Your soul mate will definitely want such a trip to last forever!

9. Date at the skating rink

This option is especially interesting when it is warm outside. You can organize a corner of winter in the middle of a hot summer. Have some fun with ice skating. And you can complete such an unusual date in the nearest cafe, sharing your impressions.

10. Boat trip

If it is warm outside (weather permitting), a romantic date can be arranged in the form of a boat trip. But don't forget to bring a picnic basket with you. Light breeze, pleasant Sun rays, quietly splashing water, a loved one nearby - isn't this happiness?

11. Date on the ship

The main components of such a meeting are a walk along the river, the sea, candlelight dinner, live music, romantic atmosphere. Such an evening will definitely be remembered as amazing and unforgettable.

12. Date in a cave

It's clear original version. In the cave you can arrange a beautiful and unforgettable date.

Silence, play of light, shadows from burning candles and full feeling the fact that there are only two of you in this world - is it really not romance?

13. Date on the bridge

In order to organize it, you need a beautiful bridge. An unusual evening will turn out when, after a walk in the park or the city, you go out to the bridge, and there you will find a beautifully set table, live music, and balloons.

14. Date in nature

The main thing is that the weather is good. IN warm time picnic date is a win-win. Invite your soulmate on a date in the park, forest with tea from a thermos, sandwiches, board games. It's simple.

If you like to play sports, you can arrange a bike ride or roller skating and end it with a picnic.

15. Date on the rock

If you and your significant other enjoy an active lifestyle, book some climbing lessons. Under the guidance of an instructor, you and your loved one will be able to get acquainted with most interesting view sports and see Beautiful places that nature gives us. And also get unforgettable impressions, emotions. After class, you can arrange small picnic. Read about how to organize a picnic in nature.

16. Date in a cottage or a country hotel by the fireplace

A date by the fireplace always looks romantic, it's like an episode that is taken from good movie. This option will appeal to even the most demanding natures.

To organize it, you need to find a suitable cottage or hotel with a fireplace, decorate the room beautifully and prepare a light snack.

17. Date in the greenhouse, botanical garden

The original place for a date can be a botanical garden or a greenhouse.

To make the evening positive impression enough for a woman beautiful flowers And romantic setting, and for a man - you need to add a pleasant atmosphere, live music, a good dinner.

18. Date on the beach

It's beautiful and very romantic. You can set up a small tent, decorate it with flowers and candles, serve a light dinner for two, invite a good musician and photographer.

19. Date - excursion

An unusual option for organizing a date can be excursions to historical places with a view of interesting buildings, ancient estates, beautiful churches and cathedrals, palaces. Each city has its sights, monuments of architecture and culture.

20. Walk through the quiet streets

This is a classic of romance - a walk in the labyrinths of the streets of your native city. Isn't it romantic, holding hands, and enjoying pleasant touches to each other, kisses and hugs, walking around the beautiful evening city? ..

I think we have helped you answer the question: How to arrange a romantic date?". With our ideas you can arrange both a classic and an unusual date.

Read about how to organize a romantic dinner, and about what to cook for a romantic dinner by clicking on this one.

I will agree if the reader tells me that it is the prerogative of guys to choose a place for a date. However, the material was written not so much to push the girl to take the first step, but to prompt the guys to think about where the girl would like to go. So, five places, five dates. Go!

Date at the top

Lucky for those who live in the mountains. There is nothing more beautiful than sitting on a mountain with a loved one, drinking wine and enjoying the sunset ... But do not rush to be upset by those who live in noisy city. Surely you have a main street or avenue. There must be a lot of houses there. And it is absolutely certain that these houses have roofs. Here we will talk about them.

Why don't you, young man, ask your girlfriend out on a "high" date. Look at the roof in advance, which is the easiest to climb on. Prepare mulled wine, pour it into a thermos, grab a small blanket and a bouquet of wildflowers. You can, for greater romance, take a book with you: from the poetry of Russian classics to English folk tales.

Picture: you and your beloved are sitting on the roof, below is a stunning view, you are drinking mulled wine and reading poetry to her ... Who can resist?...


Our next date is to move from the roof of the house to the bridge over the road. I will explain why: when you stand above the post, under which trucks drive, when the wind blows your hair, you feel like a part of that very wind.

Of course, here it is worth fantasizing a little more. It is not enough to bring the girl to the bridge over the ring road, you also need to diversify this date. You can offer the girl to take some photos of her, it will good memory about a date. You can go play boomerang or something like that later. Here already, young people, only your imagination will save you.


Invite the girl to the station. But do not rush to put her on the train - you will go together. Choose in advance a place within an hour or two of driving from your city. Study the map of this settlement: what sights are there, where you can walk. In a roundabout way, find out if your chosen one has been there before (this is very important so that it does not turn out that she has become your guide).

And then the main surprises. You allegedly unexpectedly decide to go somewhere, offer a girl, get consent. Get on the train and... the journey has begun! Then, too, as if unexpectedly, go to the places that you marked for yourself on the map, along the way, go to the cafe and continue according to the plan. And you only come home late at night. Believe me, your girlfriend will remember this date for a very long time!

royal day

In addition to fantasy, on this date you will also need remarkable expenses. What I'm talking about is that every girl dreams of feeling like a queen, but not every guy can give her this feeling. Be that way in her eyes.

Arrange a royal day for her. Explain that she doesn't have to plan anything for that day - and that's it. In the morning, send her a bouquet of roses with a cute note. Do not sign it, but make sure that the girl understands that the note is from you: here you can use only words, phrases, numbers, etc. known to you.

In an hour or two, call and arrange a meeting in the city. In the meantime, you yourself will arrive at her entrance in a pre-ordered limousine. Finding out what time to arrive is not difficult: you know where she lives, and you know how long it will take her to get to the meeting point. Wait for her at the entrance. Believe me, the girl will be surprised by such a meeting.

Next, you will have a two-hour trip around the city in a champagne limousine and romantic music. Surely, after a long trip you will want to have a bite to eat. Choose exactly the cafe that you have been talking about for a long time, but still have not entered. Then you can choose several ways: go to the cinema, agreeing in advance that the auditorium is empty (which you won’t do for the sake of your beloved!), Or you can go to any other place, but it should certainly be only at your disposal.

Well, anything can be the end of the evening: a concert of your favorite band with the greeting of the musicians in honor of your beloved, a ride on a horse-drawn sledge to the house and further on the "royal" list. And do not forget to constantly remind your beloved of her significance, how good she is, how dear she is to you.

Back to the past

You choose a century: from times BC. to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Here the addictions of your beloved to the era and country should play. If she prefers the times of Shakespeare, send a “messenger” with a letter to her in the morning, then steal her from home, arrange a mini-escape, take a walk around autumn garden, talk about high. If your creative nature is not excised - you can even do it all in costume!

Kite in the park

Buy kite- and it costs only 100 rubles - and run to the nearest park. Choose a name for your snake - and get to work! There is a child in every person - it is worth using it! A sea of ​​​​joy and fun is provided to you.

And when you get tired of running, buy an ice cream, sit on a bench and, hugging, eat it, remembering fun moments ... or viewing these very moments, pre-recorded on your mobile!

Remember dear men, girls are pleased with attention and sensitivity, first of all, however, one should not forget about originality and uniqueness. Is your fiance the only one? Then why does her date have to be like everyone else's? Give your loved one a holiday!

Techniques and rules of seduction are, of course, a very effective tool. And this tool often means minimal amount standard courtship. But sometimes it's still important to do something nice for a girl! For example, arrange a romantic date.

If you have already managed to get to know the pickup truck closely, then you might think that the girl might lose interest in you after that. But usually this is due to the wrong behavior of the guys. Now you will know step by step instructions about how to arrange a romantic date for a girl, and at the same time keep her attracted to you.

First of all →

Making a plan

This is the foundation! Impromptu is an interesting thing, but it only happens when you don’t have enough time to organize a romantic date and you have to make quick decisions.

And if you have time, then the choice, of course, should be made in favor of drawing up a plan.

Think about the ideas that are already in your head and write them down on paper so that it is easier to choose the best one. Remember what exactly you know about her, and choose those places for a romantic date that may be of interest to her.

Your plan should include:

  • Meeting place and time
  • First date place
  • Second meeting place
  • Menu romantic dinner
  • Your money investment

As you noticed, I mentioned the second date. Those. until you come to your house, you have to stay with the girl in two places. This is the number of places that allows you to have a full-fledged romantic date, and at the same time - not hit your budget.

Because you can’t always guess with the choice of a meeting place (for example, when you haven’t had time to find out about the girl’s preferences yet). In general, the more diversity when meeting, the richer the romantic date turns out.

Step Two - Get Ready!

Now take a close look at your plan and make sure you have identified all of your cash investments. Prepare the necessary amount of money and go to the store to buy food for a romantic dinner.

By the way, if you find it difficult to choose a dish, then focus on Chinese or French cuisine . For example, from Chinese cuisine you can cook "Gu Lao Zhou" (pork in sweet and sour sauce), and from French cuisine - julienne. The girls' eyes light up at the mere pronunciation of these names.

Also buy some wine. This great attribute real romantic date. Choose light wine (for meat - red, for poultry and fish - white), so that your guest does not think that you want to get her drunk. Wine should only slightly emphasize the taste of dishes and set you up for a more open conversation. You can buy a bottle of sparkling wine for dessert and offer it to a girl a little later. Serve fruit and cheese with this wine.

If you are going to go with a girl to some event, take care of invitations (tickets) in advance. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a very awkward position if you do not get to the scheduled event!

Step Three - Have a date

Once you have decided where and how you will arrange a romantic date, make an appointment at the place you have planned. And when the meeting begins, it remains only to “listen” to the girl. When you notice that her (and yours, too) emotions have subsided, change the date. And this will definitely happen, because even very interesting place after a while it starts to get boring.

By the way, the second place should be different from the first one. "polarity". That is, for example, after the rides, a calm and at the same time interesting pastime is best suited (as an option: a Chinese tea ceremony). And karting in this case will have a much smaller effect, because it does not differ from the first place in polarity.

A few tips:

  • Use the "closer-further" technique. The main mistake most guys make is that they are in “closer” mode during the entire romantic date, i.e. show a lot of interest, talk a lot, try to please, etc. Therefore, the girl's interest after the meeting noticeably weakens.

This manifests itself both in an excessive desire to fill the void in the conversation, and in the desire to please.

Don't always try to fill the gap in the conversation. After talking for a while, deliberately shut up. Let the girl also take part in the conversation and fill the pause a little.

  • Use "closer-further" and at the bodily level. For example, at one time you hold her hand or hug her, and at another time you walk beside her without touching (as “just a friend”). The strategy of "two steps forward, one step back" in the case of a romantic date is more effective than constantly moving forward.
  • Casually switch to topics such as: family, first love, etc. The atmosphere itself romantic evening will encourage conversation about "personal".

And as a logical conclusion to the evening - a romantic dinner at your home.

Step Four - Have a Romantic Dinner

By the time you arrive at your home, all meals should be ready. Alternatively, you can leave something on purpose not fully cooked. This is a good feature to connect it to active participation on your romantic date. Therefore, let her contribute to the preparation of dinner. She will be very pleased to help you set the table. Besides, joint classes bring together.

When you feel that the girl is relaxed,. But not earlier than after 30 minutes, because. this is a necessary minimum for its adaptation at your place. You should also choose music for it in advance.

If you notice a girl's openness to your kiss, then feel free to move on to action. Only do not rush things, because your goal is to have a romantic evening, not banal sex. When you do everything for the sake of an atmosphere of romance and mental pleasure, then sex happens by itself.

Now, having “in your hands” instructions for holding a romantic date, remember one thing: you don’t need to organize such evenings often, because there must be romance in a relationship. dosed!

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Some more information on the topic:

4 original way how to ask a girl out on a date Unusual date with a girl: advice from a female person

Perhaps you are in a brand new relationship and you really want to surprise and impress your new partner. Perhaps you already long years together with your significant other and just want something new. In any case, there are a few simple and inexpensive ideas with which you can add a little romance to your relationship.


Part 1

Plan ahead

Make sure you come up with a plan before the date starts. It's best not to leave things to the last minute. You should also have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong. Here are the main tips:

    Who? Ask someone special for a date. Of course, if you're already in a relationship, choosing that special one should be easy. If you are single, invite someone you already had in mind. Do not be shy!

    What? Think about what is so special for your partner and for you that you will do on this date. Ideally, it doesn't matter what is so fun and unique that you come up with, it will be made especially for you and your partner. Choose one of your common interests or something that both of you have wanted to do for a long time. Read "Date Ideas" below if you need help brainstorming.

    Where? Choose where you will go. Sometimes it may be obvious, depending on what you will be doing. If, for example, you want to go to a wine tasting, you will probably choose one or more wineries and plan your itinerary, taking into account the transport links. Otherwise, choose the most romantic place in your opinion, where you can carry out what you have planned.

    When? Choose a time that is convenient for both of you. You don't want to be in a hurry to get everything planned for your perfect date. Make sure you can enjoy the special event you have organized during this time. Your partner will most likely have to choose the timing, unless it's a surprise from start to finish. You must take care of all other details.

    How? Follow these tips to make sure your date is spectacular and everything goes according to plan:

    • Wear something nice and appropriate for the event. If the date is in an unusual restaurant, wear a tie and suit, or a seductive but tasteful Evening Dress. If the date involves a walk, dress appropriately for the outdoors.
    • Plan ahead. You want a date planned well in advance. You don't want to improvise or rush to finish everything in the last seconds.
    • Be prepared. Prepare everything you need and all the little things in advance. If you are planning a picnic, prepare food in advance, a blanket. Or, if you're taking someone special to a concert, make sure you buy your tickets in advance.
    • Behave as usual, carefree. Don't worry or get frustrated if things don't go according to plan. The main thing is that you are with those who are dear to you, and you are having a good time.
    • Don't focus on the date you have planned, let it just be the backdrop. Ultimately, you spend time together and get to know each other. If you already know each other well, this will only strengthen your bond.

Part 2

Date Ideas

Choose something special for both of you to arrange perfect date. The possibilities are literally endless, and therefore it is difficult to come up with something of your own. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Organize a picnic in the middle of your room with a bottle good wine and delicious food.

    • Prepare the room ahead of time by rearranging the furniture if needed.
    • Do everything to make a painfully familiar room look unusual, romantic and exciting. Aromas, flowers, candles, music, and anything that might suit the occasion.
    • Prepare food in advance. Choose food that is comfortable to eat on the floor: sandwiches, bread and butter, wraps (a type of burrito), potato and pasta salads, cheese and crackers, chocolate, etc.
  2. Host a candlelit dinner in your backyard, patio or terrace.

    • Use stars as backdrops and candles to create an intimate atmosphere.
    • Prepare everything in advance, as you would for a picnic in the room.
    • Prepare more festive or traditional dishes for a picnic. For example: your favorite wine, fresh vegetable salads, delicious pasta and maybe ice cream for dessert.
  3. If there is a lake or river nearby, look for a company that organizes walks or tours. While your guide talks about the area, you can snuggle up under a blanket and toast your relationship.

    Picnic in a local park or on the beach. Enjoy feeding each other food and fresh berries.

    Call your local culinary school and see if you can hire a training chef to cook something for the two of you. Their prices can be much more reasonable than dinner prices elsewhere, plus you won't have to worry about how much you've had and they'll sort things out for you.

  4. Try tourism. Sometimes we often find places in our city where we have never been, or places long forgotten, but loved by us.

    • Do you live near a museum, state or national park, beach, lake, or attraction?
    • Have you been there lately?
    • Plan a day trip, pack a picnic lunch and do it on a Saturday.
  5. Look in your local newspaper for a special event coming up in your city.

    • Is there a festival nearby?
    • Will there be a time-limited event at a historical museum, theater, mall, restaurant or bar, or maybe some art or science event that seems interesting and fun?
    • It's always fun to try something new, but don't go too far out of your comfort zone.
  6. Take up a hobby or sport together, or try a new sport.

    • Find out how to have fun with your date and let her teach you how to do it.
    • Visit a climbing wall or play golf if possible in your city. Ride bikes around the city together, choose new routes. Is there any other activity in your city that both of you would like to do?
    • Teach your girlfriend/boyfriend to dance or take lessons together.
    • The possibilities for finding new hobbies or taking up a new sport are endless!
  7. Take your significant other on a tour of a vineyard or winery. It may take all day or just the evening.

    • Arrange fun trip out into the countryside to your favorite winery. You can even choose several located close to each other; if you want to travel by transport, hire a driver or take a transfer.
    • Some wineries offer guided tours where you can learn how to make wine together.
    • Many wineries offer Tasty food for a romantic dinner or date.
  8. Go to an amusement park, zoo, or fair together. There is nothing more fun than remembering your childhood. This great way strengthen your relationship.

    • Set aside a whole day for this.
    • Visit all exhibitions, attractions or shows together. Ask him/her what he/she would like to see the most if it is not possible to go everywhere.
    • Win a prize for your partner or buy him something from the gift shop to keep as a keepsake so he/she can remember your date.
    • Have a picnic or have fun breaking the rules and eat some tasty and fatty food sold at a fair, zoo or amusement park.
  • Remember that the purpose of your date is to get to know the person better and spend time with them. A trip to nature will help you do it better than going to the cinema.
  • It doesn't always have to be unusual. Just fun.
  • Can't cook? Serve unusually simple meals. Make miniature sandwiches from fresh fruits and sandwiches, crackers and deli meats. Drink water or lemonade.
  • Flowers. Many girls love flowers and this will help you earn more points than anything else. If she loves gardening, maybe you should give her a flower in a pot.