Can baby oil help with stretch marks? Oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Flaxseed oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks or stretch marks are perhaps the most unpleasant skin problem, which is very difficult to eliminate. Hence, it is so important and necessary to constantly care for the skin and apply preventive measures. One of the most effective preventive measures against stretch marks are vegetable and essential oils, because they are considered a natural source of moisturizing and nourishing components, thereby helping to increase skin firmness and elasticity, and also supply it with essential vitamins and nutrients.

The advantage of oils against the appearance, and not rarely, the treatment of stretch marks is undeniable, because their composition is completely natural and saturated with useful ingredients. They can be used both separately and in combination with each other and with essential components. In the treatment and prevention of stretch marks, oils are used in different variations: in compresses, wraps, masks, in their pure form.

Little jojoba, wheat germ, cocoa, linseed, coconut, olive, almond, kelp and others are recognized as the most effective fatty oils in the treatment and prevention of stretch marks. Their systematic use significantly improves the quality of the skin, such as firmness and elasticity, which is the prevention of internal skin breaks. It is not recommended to use sea buckthorn oil for these purposes because of its ability to overdry the skin.

How to use oils for stretch marks in its pure form.
Apply the oil to damp skin (preferably after a shower), without rubbing, for five to seven minutes. After that, remove excess oil with a soft cloth with blotting movements. To increase efficiency, fatty oils are combined with essential oils. For the base (basis) of mixtures, jojoba, avocado, wheat germ, and macadamia oils are most suitable. In its pure form, essential oils are not recommended for use due to the fact that it is highly concentrated. You can get skin burns. The basis can also serve as kefir, seaweed, yogurt, blue clay, cottage cheese, therapeutic mud, honey. Usually, three to five drops of essential oil are taken per 10 ml of base.

Essential oils stimulate blood circulation and blood flow in tissues, reduce the formation of edema, increase muscle tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin, and stimulate regenerating processes. In addition, procedures with them additionally have a relaxing effect, relieve tension, fatigue, stress.

The most effective essential oils in the fight against stretch marks are:

  • orange - improves tone, has a softening effect;
  • lemon - stimulates blood flow to the areas of stretch marks or areas of the alleged formation of stretch marks, cleanses the keratinized layer of cells;
  • lavender - has a relaxing effect on the muscles, evens out the skin relief;
  • pink - an excellent helper in the fight against stretch marks, has a relaxing effect, improves skin elasticity and firmness;
  • neroli - normalizes skin pigmentation, strengthens, prevents the formation of stretch marks;
  • tangerine - improves skin elasticity, fights stretch marks;
  • jasmine - gives tone, fights stretch marks, has a lifting effect.
Vegetable and essential oils in the fight and prevention of stretch marks.
Even our great-grandmothers used linseed oil in the fight against stretch marks and to prevent their appearance. Today, olive, almond, wheat germ are popular. They are rich in vitamin E, which is known for its regenerating properties. For example, such a recipe for stretch marks: combine 100 ml of aloe juice with the same amount of olive oil, add 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A. The mixture can be stored in a tightly closed container and used twice a day. No need to rinse.

Olive oil for stretch marks.
For getting rid of and preventing stretch marks, olive oil is most often used, due to its availability. Of course, it is not able to completely eliminate the stretch marks that have appeared, but as a preventive measure it is quite effective. In addition, it is an excellent base for diluting essential oils. To prevent stretch marks, for example, during pregnancy, it is enough to massage with olive oil three times a week in problem areas (thighs, abdomen, buttocks). This procedure stimulates the production of collagen, and also prepares the skin for future stress.

Almond oil for stretch marks.
It also stimulates the production of collagen fibers in the skin. It can be used alone or in combination with essential ingredients. Every day after a shower, apply the mixture to problem areas, and after five to seven minutes, remove excess with a paper towel. Enhance the effect of the cleansing procedure with a coffee or honey scrub before using an oil or mixture.

Coconut oil for stretch marks.
This oil (only first cold pressed) is an excellent source of saturated fatty acids, therefore it is considered an effective means of preventing stretch marks, and of a different nature, and their prevention. For 100 ml of coconut oil melted with a water bath, take five drops of jasmine and rose oil. The mixture must be applied to problem areas after taking steaming procedures.

Cocoa butter for stretch marks.
Before use, also scrub steamed skin. Combine 50 ml cocoa butter (pre-melt) with 10 drops of orange oil. You can add two tablespoons of olive oil to the recipe.

Jojoba oil for stretch marks.
For 30 ml of oil, take two drops of lavender, clove and mint oils, and add 4 drops of geranium oil. Apply the composition to clean, steamed skin, to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bproblem areas twice a week.

Grape seed oil for stretch marks.
It is an excellent means of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. In the fight against stretch marks, the following recipe is effective: for 40 ml of oil, take two drops of rose oil and eight drops of rosemary oil. Use the mixture daily, after an evening shower. The procedure improves the condition of the skin, stimulates an increase in its elasticity.

Castor oil for stretch marks.
Effective as wraps and recommended for use in its pure form. Preheat a little oil in a water bath, massage problem areas with it for five minutes, then wrap with cling film and lie under the covers for half an hour. Then remove the remaining oil with a napkin.

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks.
To 50 ml of oil, add a mixture of mandarin, lavender and neroli oils, taken two drops each. Use the composition as a massage oil, immediately after taking a bath, rub into problem areas with slightly pinching movements on the skin.

Oil recipes for stretch marks.
To reduce stretch marks, smooth them: Combine 10 teaspoons of almond oil with five drops of lavender oil. Use twice a week, applying to problem areas.

In the fight against stretch marks, as well as to tone the skin, it is effective to use a mixture of 30 ml of any fatty oil (olive, almond, peach, etc.), two drops of lavender oils, neroli and one drop of orange. Apply in the morning after showering.

And apply this anti-stretch mark lotion with a cotton pad twice a day only on the area of ​​stretch marks immediately after a shower: combine a tablespoon of olive oil with oil of frankincense, neroli, lavender, taken two drops each.

This recipe for stretch marks is best used at night, it also has a relaxing effect: combine 30 ml of almond oil with avocado and wheat germ, taken in 15 ml, add four drops of neroli and two drops of frankincense, rosemary, lavender.

For the treatment of chronic stretch marks: Mix 9 tablespoons of olive oil with a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and add fifteen drops of rose oil. Lubricate problem areas daily after taking a shower in the evening.

For the prevention of stretch marks: enrich 30 ml of jojoba oil with four drops of geranium oil, add two drops of clove, lavender and mint oils. Apply the mixture every day to problem areas.

Baths with oils against stretch marks.
Baths with the addition of essential oils are relevant for large areas of skin lesions with striae. Before adding oils to water, they should be combined with an emulsifier, which can be bath salt, milk, honey. After taking a bath, the skin should not be wiped with a towel, it is important to let it dry on its own. The procedure can be carried out three times a week for no more than fifteen minutes. One drop of the essential component is taken per 10 liters of water.

Bath oil blend recipes.
For the morning treatment: in 20 ml of wheat germ oil, add three drops of orange oil, two drops of petitgrain and one drop of verbena.

For an evening bath: add three drops of lavender, two drops of mint and one drop of rose to 20 ml of peach oil.

Wraps with oils against stretch marks.
Essential oils give a wonderful effect in compositions for body wraps (chocolate, seaweed, honey, clay, etc.). For example, you can enrich ready-made micronized algae with two drops of neroli essential oil. For wraps, you can also use fatty oils mixed with essential oils.

Recipe for a mixture for wrapping against stretch marks: 40 ml of olive oil (can be almond or wheat germ) mixed with two drops of lavender oil and add one drop of lemon and neroli. Apply the mixture to the stretch marks, wrap with cling film, warm (you can cover yourself with a blanket and lie down) for half an hour.

Oil compresses against stretch marks on the chest.
Combine two drops of rose oil with a drop of neroli and the same amount of petitgrain. Dilute the mixture with a glass of water. Next, moisten a gauze napkin in the resulting mixture and apply a compress to the stretch marks for half an hour. This procedure can be done up to four times a week.

Precautionary measures.
In the presence of individual intolerance to any essential oil, the use should be abandoned. Before using any mixture, it is recommended to test on the inner crook of the elbow or on the area behind the ear. Apply a small amount of the composition to the indicated area and observe during the day. If unpleasant symptoms appear, wash off the composition, do not use it.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes, along with this, various processes occur in the skin. They stretch, forming striae - subcutaneous minor injury from rapid stretching, as a result of which the epithelial cells do not have time to divide and tear. Blue stripes appear on the body, which eventually change to a flesh-colored shade. In addition to aesthetic, stretch marks do not pose any harm to health, but sometimes they are the subject of complexes and embarrassment for a woman.

What oils can help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

The safe and nourishing effect of fatty oils from seeds on the restoration of the epidermis has been proven. The reason for the cancellation of the application can only be individual intolerance. When choosing a harmless oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, it is worth giving preference not only to cosmetic properties, but also to take into account the predisposition of the expectant mother to allergies.

You can buy oils in pharmacies, stores specializing in the sale of these products. When choosing a natural extract, you should pay attention to the expiration date - it should not exceed 2-3 years. The bottle should be made of tinted glass - this will help preserve all the nutrients and essential substances.

When looking for a remedy for stretch marks, you should choose the following oils:

  • Coconut. Due to the absence of aggressive reagents and allergens in the composition of coconut oil, almost all pregnant women can use it (for more details, see the article: how to use coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy?). Vitamins A, C, E, lauritan and oleic acids, phosphorus, calcium, which are part of the oil, will help remove fresh striae and significantly reduce the appearance of new ones.
  • Macadamia oil. Components such as fatty acids, vitamins PP and group B, nourishing the epidermis, contribute to the healing of scars, scars, and the prevention of stretch marks. It is safe to use the oil during the gestation period due to the absence of allergic reactions.
  • Shea Butter. Thanks to components such as proteins, oleic and stearic acids, the skin is tightened and smoothed. Allowed for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Argan. Saturating with vitamin E, oleic acid, carotene, it will help get rid of small wrinkles, restoring skin elasticity. The use of argan oil during pregnancy is possible from the third month.
  • Butter from cocoa beans. With prolonged use, the skin becomes silky and supple.
  • Olive. Without negative consequences during pregnancy, olive oil is used, rich in vitamins A, K, E, D, organic acids. The use inside has a good effect on the nutrition and elasticity of the skin.
  • Wheat germ oil is designed to moisturize the skin as much as possible. Regeneration, removal of toxins, improvement of blood circulation - these are the main properties of a useful extract that can overcome even chronic stretch marks and cellulite. Wheat germ oil is used for newborn care, it is not contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Apricot oil is an excellent tool for maintaining a normal level of skin elasticity, containing vitamins A, C, F. Moisturizing and toning the skin makes it possible to widely use apricot seed oil in cosmetology as one of the components of creams.

Perhaps the use of corn, castor, sesame, linseed, wheat oil against stretch marks and cellulite during pregnancy (we recommend reading: features of the use of linseed oil before childbirth). The active substances that make up the fatty extracts are activated when mixed with various essential oils. The choice depends on individual preferences.

The best oils for cellulite

Regardless of the physique, the presence of excess weight or excessive thinness, any girl is faced with the problem of cellulite. Such a phenomenon does not look aesthetically pleasing, and the desire of a woman to find the most effective remedy justifies itself.

Taking a course of anti-cellulite massage helps to solve the problem, but only in combination with rubbing special oils into the skin of problem areas. What essential oils are best used for sagging and the presence of cellulite? The following popular oils have the best effect:

  • Jojoba extract is used to moisturize, soften and remove excess water from the skin.
  • For sensitive skin, avocado oil will be the salvation, which provides deep penetration of nutrients into the skin.
  • Rose hips will help slow down natural aging, reduce stretch marks and scars.
  • Activation of regeneration processes, elimination of stretch marks, rapid healing - these are the properties of grape seed oil, which has a restorative effect.
  • Perfectly suited for the treatment of micro-tears in the skin, oil from the resin of the Boswellia Carteri tree, or frankincense. In addition to fighting deep wrinkles, smoothing scars and scars, frankincense effectively whitens age spots and freckles.
  • Restores the level of collagen, treats stretch marks and cellulite fragrant geranium oil, similar in smell to a rose and widely used in cosmetics. Suitable for dry, damaged skin. Safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Lavender oil is considered universal with relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. The healing effect determines the high value of this oil in medicine and pharmaceuticals.
  • Myrrh essential oil deeply rejuvenates and revitalizes dull skin. The tonic effect causes a decrease in the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite in problem areas.

In the fight against cellulite and stretch marks, it is worth using a whole range of measures. The use of these oils, as the main ingredients of creams and compositions for massaging problem areas, will increase the chances of getting rid of the problem as soon as possible.

How to apply correctly?

For a woman who wants to look beautiful even during pregnancy and reduce the risk of stretch marks on problem areas and cellulite after pregnancy, it is important to start preparing the skin even before the rounding of the tummy begins, namely from 6 to 8 weeks of gestation. The optimal recipe for a mask or mixture for massage and body wraps will help a woman take care of her skin, which is rapidly changing under the influence of hormonal changes.

  • Highly concentrated essential oils are best mixed with a nourishing cream before being applied to the skin. These include popular oils: jojoba, evening primrose, castor, avocado, agranic.
  • Choose only those natural oils that are not capable of harming the expectant mother and child.
  • Do not experiment with oils that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • To mix several oils, it is better to use a resealable container made of dark glass (plastic will not work).
  • It is recommended to apply a product from oils on moistened problematic skin of the thighs, chest and abdomen. This should be done every day in the morning and evening.
  • If the skin in some places is very tight and seems thin, it is worth rubbing oil into these areas to prevent stretch marks.
  • To enhance the effect against old stretch marks, cling film wrapped over the newly massaged areas will help. To withstand such a compress is approximately 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Prepared mixtures for rubbing and massage of problem areas should be stored out of the reach of sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Prevention of stretch marks and cellulite

In addition to a rather extensive list of anti-cellulite and other products and oils for stretch marks, there are preventive measures recommended by dermatologists that allow you to increase the elasticity of the skin at home and reduce the risk of stretch marks during the period of bearing a baby. The following simple steps should be started long before pregnancy:

  • make it a habit to take a contrast shower, which has a beneficial effect on the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • massage of problem areas with the help of manual massagers, rubbing with a hard washcloth;
  • applying milk or special oil to the body after each adoption of water procedures;
  • eat more foods rich in vitamins A, E, PP, omega acids;
  • a sufficient amount of fluid to drink per day (at least 2.5 liters);
  • moderate physical activity.

What oils are contraindicated during pregnancy?

For the expectant mother, an important criterion in the selection of a suitable remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy is safety and the absence of allergic reactions to the drug used. Some oils, such as argan oil, are approved for use after the third month of gestation. Any artificial cosmetic mixtures may contain unfavorable components in their composition, which does not apply to natural oils.

Do not forget that among the oils there are those that are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. They can cause bleeding, uterine tone, or even miscarriage.

List of such oils:

  • parsley and wormwood oils;
  • fennel, ginger;
  • mint, from chamomile;
  • from nutmeg and thyme;
  • sage and basil;
  • oil from cinnamon and oregano;
  • cedar, juniper.

Before using any oil, a hypersensitivity test should be performed on a small patch of skin on the elbow or wrist. The consultation of the attending physician is equally important.

Secrets of using oils

In order not to overpay for a factory-made oil-based product to combat stretch marks, using your own mixtures is a fairly economical option. A few recipes and secrets for using oils at home:

  • Grate a medium-sized carrot, squeeze out the juice and mix with almond oil to the desired consistency. With the resulting composition, you need to wipe the areas of the chest, abdomen and thighs 1 time per day, before going to bed. This lotion prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and an additional effect will be protection from ultraviolet rays. Store in a cool place for no more than 3 days.
  • The secret of using olive oil is its sufficient use inside as a dressing for salads, vegetable dishes. The effect of increased skin elasticity is achieved due to the presence of vitamins A, E, omega-3 fatty acids, which saturate the body from the inside. For external use, cold-pressed olive oil is suitable. It should be rubbed into the skin with a cotton swab twice a day, especially after peeling.

A good effect in the treatment of stretch marks is a mixture of olive oil and vitamin E, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. This rubbing will help protect cell membranes from oxidation.

All procedures to get rid of stretch marks should be carried out for at least six months. Then you can achieve a change in the color of stretch marks from bluish-red to paler, in some cases - flesh. To forget about this problem forever and completely remove stretch marks with the help of natural essential oils, you should be patient and follow all the recommended procedures for at least a year.

Most women during childbearing face the problem of stretch marks, since the skin during this period is subjected to severe stretching. To cope with this problem, oil from stretch marks during pregnancy, which is used for rubbing into the skin, massage or bathing with ordinary vegetable or essential oils, will help. All other remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy are contraindicated.

What oils to use?

A mixture of various oils can not only prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, but also get rid of fresh stretch marks by moisturizing the skin and increasing its elasticity. In the fight against stretch marks, the effect of the use of oil pomace occurs due to increased blood circulation in the tissues and the activation of skin cell repair functions. The use of this tool is indispensable in the fight and prevention of the initial signs of stretch marks.

Stretch marks (striae, atrophoderma) is a skin defect in the form of wavy narrow stripes with a color from red-violet to white, resulting from microtrauma and stretching of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

During pregnancy, any procedures should be carried out with great care, since some pomace can cause allergies. Each trimester of pregnancy shows a mixture of certain oils:

  • in the first trimester, it is recommended to use olive, coconut extracts, as well as wheat germ and jojoba oil;
  • in the second trimester, stretch marks should be fought with sesame, lavender, tea tree, neroli, orange and fir oils;
  • in the third trimester, it is better to use almond, olive, linseed oils, as well as sesame, chamomile, coconut and cocoa.

Important: essential oils are used only in diluted form, and vegetable - in pure form.

Essential oils in their pure form can burn the skin, and some of them are completely prohibited during pregnancy: basil, sage, parsley, wormwood, cinnamon, fennel, ginger, juniper, oregano, cedar, mint, rose, thyme and rosemary.

Pharmacies sell ready-made mixtures for stretch marks during pregnancy, but experts recommend preparing fresh oil mixtures on your own, and consult a doctor before using them.

Effects of using oils

Different types of oils have a certain effect on the skin:

  1. Almond oil - effectively moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
  2. Coconut - softens, gives elasticity, leaves no greasy marks, quickly absorbed.
  3. Neroli - smoothes, soothes and rejuvenates the skin, promotes regeneration.
  4. Shea butter - nourishes tissues with vitamins A and E.
  5. Tangerine and orange - improve blood circulation, even out, smooth the epidermis.
  6. Olive, almond, jojoba, wheat - give the skin elasticity, nourish with vitamins.
  7. Castor - softens, smoothes, moisturizes.
  8. Cocoa butter - heals wounds, smoothes scars, evens out the skin.
  9. Flaxseed - moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis.
  10. Sea buckthorn - moisturizing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  11. Peach - restores the protective barrier, refreshes and softens the skin.
  12. Immortelle oil - has regenerating properties and effectively fights stretch marks and scars.
  13. Carrot seeds - has a tonic effect.
  14. Sandalwood - smoothes wrinkles and eliminates flabbiness.
  15. Frankincense, jasmine, lavender and myrrh oils - rejuvenate, increase elasticity, heal, smooth stretch marks.

Oil mixtures from several marcs help to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, improve the appearance of stretch marks that have already appeared. Use them for massage, baths, compresses or simply apply to clean skin.

Stretch Mark Oil Blend Recipes

Making oil mixtures for stretch marks during pregnancy is available at home. It is not at all necessary to overpay for ready-made tubes if you have all the necessary components at hand. The most available ingredients are olive (vegetable) and lavender (essential) oils. Olive oil can be used as a base, and lavender oil can be used as an additional. Coconut extract is also great.

A few simple recipes for a mixture of oils from the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. Olive oil in the amount of 4 tbsp. mix with 2 drops of orange, geranium and lavender oils. Use for massage or just lubricate the skin in problem areas (stomach, thighs, chest).
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. olive or peach extract with 1 tbsp. coconut, 2 drops of tangerine oils. Apply with light massage movements.
  3. Mix 40 ml of olive, coconut or almond oil with 1 drop of neroli, 2 drops of lavender. Apply for massage 2-3 times a week.
  4. Grate 1 fresh carrot, pour 100 ml of cold water, leave for 15 minutes, squeeze and strain. Add 2 tablespoons to the solution. coconut and almond extracts. Wipe problem areas with a cotton pad daily.
  5. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of milk. coconut pomace and 1 drop each of lavender and neroli essential oils. Use for taking a bath for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees.
  6. Mix 30 ml of honey, 2 tbsp. olive, sesame or coconut extract, 1 drop of geranium, 2 drops of orange oil. Apply for bathing no more than 15 minutes once a week.
  7. Heat 200 ml of water to 30-35 degrees, add 2 drops of lavender, 1 drop of petite grain and geranium. Use for compresses on problem areas for 10 minutes 3 times a week.

Attention! Before using any of the above recipes, you should consult with a specialist.

Any oil for stretch marks during pregnancy will be effective if applied correctly and regularly. Do not actively rub the mixture into the skin, otherwise it will only exacerbate the problem. It is better to apply the mixture with light massage movements or simply wipe the skin. Then no stretch marks can overshadow such a wonderful event in the life of every woman as the birth of a child.

Many women at least once faced with an unpleasant phenomenon called stretch marks. They can appear both suddenly and as a result of pregnancy or sudden weight loss. Getting rid of them is not easy, besides, they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the body and can look intimidating. However, there are cosmetic and medical preparations that are able to eliminate this defect with systematic use and prevent its reappearance.

Stretch marks (a trivial name - striae) is an atrophic change in the skin caused by prolonged mechanical action on it. As a rule, these are scars in the form of wide or thin stripes. They can appear in girls and women of any age, no one is immune from their occurrence, both in youth and in old age.

What causes striae?

Stretch marks can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • pregnancy;
  • rapid human growth, accompanied by slow tissue growth;
  • sports and regular physical activity;
  • wearing inappropriate clothing.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are of several types: some are white, others are blue-violet. It depends on why they arose and how long ago they appeared. The exact time of occurrence of stretch marks can be determined by the doctor.

Where do striae most often appear?

Most often, stretch marks appear on the body in the following places:

  • breast;
  • back;
  • stomach;
  • hips;
  • forearm.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

There are several ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  • the use of cosmetic or medical preparations;
  • laser resurfacing of problem areas;
  • the use of compresses or mud baths;
  • massage with special essential oils;
  • cold and hot shower.

What measures are taken to prevent stretch marks?

  1. A daily contrast shower improves skin elasticity and normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Exfoliating with a hard fiber washcloth and then applying nourishing or moisturizing products will keep the skin smooth, improve blood circulation and increase tissue elasticity.

How to choose a remedy for stretch marks?

When choosing an effective remedy for stretch marks, you need to focus on 5 parameters.


If we are talking about a cream, then it should be moderately thick and moderately liquid. In the first case, it will be difficult to rub it over the skin, in the second, the nutrients will not affect problem areas due to the low concentration and spreading of the product. The oil is always in an essential-liquid consistency, and it must be dosed wisely so that its functionality is fully revealed.


This item is especially relevant for pregnant women and nursing mothers who want to get rid of stretch marks. Pungent odors with pronounced chemical ingredients can worsen the well-being of a potential mother, aggravate toxicosis, or negatively affect the central nervous system of any person. The aroma should be light, not cloying and not harsh. Also, it should not eat into the skin and subsequently into clothing. In general, the remedy should not “remind” itself in any way.


There are creams that are specifically designed to eliminate stretch marks that have arisen from bearing a child. There are products on the market for stretch marks of any type, whether they are striae that occurred during sports or during puberty. Some dermatologists say it's just a marketing ploy. Indeed, this point of view cannot be refuted - all remedies for stretch marks are aimed at eliminating them. But it’s better to find out the purpose of the cream in order to be sure of its effectiveness on a subconscious level.


By the way, the aroma almost directly reflects the composition. It is important that the ingredients are natural products, and that preservatives are used as a last resort. If the composition contains many chemical components, allergic reactions may occur, aggravation of dermatological problems and exacerbation of individual intolerance to the substances present.

Manufacturing company

This point is especially true for creams. It is important that the company producing it is known at least within one country. This guarantees its efficiency and reliability. Girls from Russia and the CIS countries were able to identify 2 manufacturing companies that were on the "black list" - these are Avon and RoC. This choice is based on the personal experience of each woman and the subsequent reaction of the body.

Why Avon and RoC should not be taken?

The chemical composition of these manufacturers' anti-stretch marks almost always causes allergic reactions on the skin. The pungent smell spoils the well-being of women. Stretch marks do not go away, no matter how much the product is used. Thus, stretch mark creams from these two companies are just a marketing ploy to be wary of.

Top 10 Stretch Mark Treatments in 2019

Women can afford to get rid of unpleasant stretch marks with the help of medical and cosmetic products. Oils and creams are ideal allies to achieve this goal.

5 best oils for stretch marks

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural remedy for preventing and eliminating stretch marks. Most often it is used during pregnancy or puberty - the moments when the skin is most exposed to mechanical stress. The advantage of this tool is naturalness, it is completely free of chemical compounds.

Coconut oil contains natural antioxidants and vitamin E. They moisturize the skin and protect cell membranes from oxidation and destruction. Other important components are hyaluronic and lauric acid. They disinfect the skin and make it more elastic. Coconut oil also contains palmitic, capric and oleic acids.

Coconut oil is not a medicinal product and can be used very often, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimized. It nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and starts the regeneration processes.

Coconut oil is used to eliminate stretch marks as follows:

  • in the shower, apply a scrub on the body, massage the skin for 5 minutes;
  • apply enough coconut oil to cleansed skin;
  • after 10 minutes, wash it off, blot the skin with a towel with light movements, an invisible nourishing film will remain on it.


  • pleasant aroma;
  • effective relief from stretch marks;
  • suitable for use during pregnancy;
  • multifunctional nutritional complex;
  • low price of coconut oil;
  • minimal allergic reactions.


  • must be thoroughly rinsed so that no greasy film remains.

Average price: 250 rubles.

argan oil

Argan oil comes from Morocco, where women first started using it for skin care. They saturate the skin with moisture, nourish the hair, making it shiny, and improve the growth of eyebrows. Therefore, the women of Morocco are so beautiful and attractive.

The tradition of using argan oil for personal care has survived to this day: many pregnant women and athletes use it to improve skin elasticity and get rid of stretch marks. Argan oil contains a whole complex of substances that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin and hair.

Argan oil is not used alone, it is used in conjunction with other additional ingredients. There are a huge number of recipes for getting rid of stretch marks of different types.

  • From stretch marks on the abdomen.
    It is possible to prepare two types of nutrient mixtures:
    - mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 5 drops of neroli ether;
    - Mix 1 tablespoon of argan oil with 3 drops of tangerine and lemon oil.
    Rub the mixture into problem areas several times a day with light massage movements.
  • From stretch marks on the chest.
    You can prepare two types of mixtures:
    - Mix 10 milliliters of argan oil and 30 milliliters of rosehip ether with 3 drops of tea tree and geranium oils, adding 2 drops of dried flowers;
    - Mix 10 milliliters of cocoa and argan butter with 60 milliliters of hazelnut ether, diluted with 20 milliliters of rosehip oil and a few drops of tangerine oil.
    Apply the mixture should be 2 times a day, rubbing in a circular motion in problem areas. This procedure is contraindicated in women during lactation.
  • From old stretch marks.
    Two types of mixtures are prepared:
    - 4 tablespoons of argan oil are mixed with 15 drops of coriander ether and 20 drops of grapefruit oil;
    - 6 tablespoons of argan oil mixed with 25 drops of aloe vera.
    The mixtures are applied with massage movements to the skin twice a day and left on it until completely absorbed.


  • effective against stretch marks of various types;
  • time-tested tool;
  • nutritional complex in the composition;
  • quick effect;
  • affordable price.


  • contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  • must be used in conjunction with other essential oils.

Average price: 200 rubles.

Karite is a time-tested component with excellent regenerating, restoring, nourishing and moisturizing properties. Shea butter has a delicate creamy aroma, it melts on the palms from the outgoing heat.

Shea butter is used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as to improve skin elasticity throughout the body. Shea butter saturates the skin with moisture, softens it, eliminates dryness, tightens. Stretch marks become less noticeable after applying shea butter.

How to use shea butter for stretch marks:

  • massage into problem areas before going to bed.


  • pleasant aroma;
  • delicate texture;
  • guaranteed result;
  • Suitable for all skin types.


  • oil is greasy, it is necessary to protect clothes and bed linen from getting it.

Average price: 200 rubles.

Cacao butter

The component that is added to chocolate and coffee has strong nourishing, regenerating and moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter contains vitamin E, stearic, palmitoleic and oleic acids. This complex of nutrients guarantees quick relief from stretch marks and restoration of skin elasticity.

Cocoa butter is used to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

  • It is rubbed into the problem areas with light circular movements, the unabsorbed oil is removed by blotting with napkins.


  • the strongest nutritional properties;
  • enchanting aroma of chocolate and coffee;
  • universal application;
  • economical consumption;
  • quick relief from stretch marks.


  • not a low price at all;
  • too oily texture.

Average price: 400 rubles.

Macadamia nut oil

Macadamia oil is a unique remedy for getting rid of stretch marks and preventing them. Its peculiarity is that the absence of allergic reactions is guaranteed. In addition, it is quickly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture.

The composition of macadamia oil includes B vitamins and PP, as well as linolenic, linoleic, oleic and palmitoleic acids. They have a powerful regenerating effect on the skin. The tool makes it elastic and resistant to mechanical stress.

Apply macadamia nut oil to get rid of stretch marks as follows:

  • Apply with massage movements to problem areas and wait for absorption.


  • affordable price;
  • fast absorption;
  • rare groups of vitamins in the composition;
  • guaranteed effect.


  • not available everywhere.

Average price: 150 rubles.

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    Macadamia nut oil 10%, 32 vote


5 best creams for stretch marks

Avent Moisturizing Nipple Cream

English cream is designed to eliminate stretch marks after pregnancy. It contains a plant complex and seaweed extract. The cream is light, airy, easy to apply and quickly absorbed. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, smoothes it and starts regeneration processes. The desired effect is achieved within a few weeks.

Avent Moisturizing Nipple Cream


  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • natural composition:
  • guaranteed effect;
  • light creamy texture.


  • not available everywhere.

Average price: 930 rubles.

VitaBiotics Pregnacare

English cream is designed to eliminate stretch marks before and after childbirth. Women from all over the world have already appreciated its high efficiency. It not only makes the skin supple, but also relieves inflammation, neutralizes redness, has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. The disadvantage is that the dense consistency of the cream ensures its uneconomical consumption, and the product itself leaves stains on clothes and a sticky film on the body.

cream for stretch marks VitaBiotics Pregnacare


  • comprehensive care;
  • created specifically for pregnant women;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • wide popularity.


  • dense texture;
  • sticky film after application;
  • wasteful expense.

Average price: 1300 rubles.

Vichy Action Anti-Stretch

Dermatological cream is designed to quickly eliminate stretch marks on the skin. It has been lab tested. Many girls have been using it for several months and note its high efficiency. The healing effect is immediate. The cream is suitable for all skin types.

cream for stretch marks Vichy Action Anti-Stretch


  • proven medical effect;
  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • passed clinical and laboratory tests;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • does not cause irritation and allergic reaction;
  • can be used for a long time.


  • unreasonably high price;
  • little functionality;
  • too thick cream.

Average price: 800 rubles.

A French remedy designed for all women, it effectively fights different types of stretch marks. The unique formula instantly smoothes the skin and saturates it with moisture, increasing elasticity. You can use the remedy for pregnant girls, but not during breastfeeding. The tool does not cause allergies, but it can not be used for a long time.

stretch mark cream Elancyl Galenic


  • ergonomic packaging;
  • instant effect;
  • unique composition;
  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • improving the appearance of the skin.


  • small volume;
  • not sold everywhere
  • incompatibility with lactation;
  • not suitable for oily and problem skin;
  • cannot be used frequently.

Average price: 1300 rubles.

French stretch mark cream is specially designed for pregnant women and can be used while breastfeeding. It has a pleasant texture and a subtle smell, which guarantees a natural composition. It is quickly absorbed and eliminates stretch marks of various types.

mustela stretch marks cream


  • can be used during lactation;
  • European quality;
  • delicate texture;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • high efficiency.


  • not available everywhere;
  • high price.

Average price: 2500 rubles.

What cream for stretch marks has helped you?

Stretch marks are something you would never want to see on your skin. Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to avoid these ugly scars, especially when weight gain or loss occurs.

During pregnancy, many women get stretch marks despite the use of special creams of various brands, including expensive ones. The saddest thing is that scar marks are quite "stubborn" and it's not easy to make them less noticeable.

If you're looking for an effective way to prevent stretch marks, the best course of action to keep your skin healthy and beautiful is to keep it hydrated and supple.

There are many methods that can help you and minimize the risk of stretch marks. But, it is better to give preference to what really gives a result.

These are exactly the ingredients that are included in expensive creams and nourishing masks, they promise a woman to either prevent the formation of stretch marks or remove them in a short time.

It is much more efficient and economical to use natural natural oils that do the job "excellently" and, moreover, do not contain chemicals.

Olive oil

Known for its many benefits, olive oil is one of the best remedies for stretch marks. But it is impossible to eliminate existing scars from the skin overnight. Although you will surely find positive changes within a week or two.

The oil is rich in vitamin E, which makes the skin soft and supple. Antioxidants help the skin to cope with the regenerative function much faster.

How olive oil works for stretch marks:

  • Regular use of olive oil lightens scars.
  • Nourishing and softening the skin makes the scars thinner and less prominent, so they look neater.
  • When the skin is stretched, it needs to be softened, which is what olive oil provides.

Heat the oil in a water bath or dip it in a plastic bag in hot water. Apply with light stroking movements to vulnerable areas of the skin. Wait until your hands remain greasy stains.

The procedure will increase blood circulation, improve skin nutrition. Leave the oil on the skin to be absorbed. Remove excess with a tissue.

Coconut oil

This oil is trusted. Coconut oil for stretch marks has proven to be effective. Many people have achieved positive results in reducing stretch marks. You should definitely give him a chance.

A huge plus of coconut oil is its excellent moisturizing effect. It is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin very quickly. Antioxidants simultaneously neutralize free radicals and nourish damaged skin.

The oil is universal, it is eaten and applied to the surface of the body. You will not experience any harm or discomfort. On the contrary, this product is healthy and has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Coconut oil for stretch marks is used without any special conditions. It does not pose a danger to either the mother or the unborn baby.

Its uniqueness is also in the fact that it heals, soothes, cares and moisturizes the skin during pregnancy. Perfectly relieves tension and relieves itching of the skin.

Apply a generous amount of coconut oil every night and nourish your skin. Let her soak in this unique, gentle oil. If necessary, remove excess with a tissue. Healing saturated fats will give the necessary strength to the cell walls, antioxidants will protect against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Recipes for homemade cream for stretch marks with coconut oil

Recipe #1

  • 1 part coconut oil;
  • 1 part cocoa butter;
  • 1 part shea butter;
  • vitamin E - 400 IU.

All oils, except for vitamin, are heated in separate containers in a water bath. Cocoa butter will take the longest to melt. Once everything is liquid, mix in a separate bowl and add vitamin E.

Pour the finished mass into a glass container with a wide mouth and store in the refrigerator. Apply daily.

Recipe #2

  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • 1 st. l. vitamin E;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated beeswax.

All components are heated in a water bath until the wax dissolves. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Apply the cream every day on the desired areas of the body.

Recipe #3

  • 100 g of olive oil;
  • 100 g coconut oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vitamin E;
  • 6 capsules of vitamin A.

Almond oil

An excellent product that has a very beneficial effect on the skin, reducing the likelihood of stretch marks. No wonder it is called "skin oil". Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy affect the skin of the entire body. Some women develop blackheads, especially on the face, shoulders or chest, and other areas of the skin become dry.

The growing uterus stretches the skin of the abdomen, causing itching, dryness and discomfort. Almond oil is ideal for softening the skin of any part of the body during pregnancy. It is most useful to apply it to damp skin after a bath or shower.

Almond oil against stretch marks is used in its pure form. It absorbs beautifully. Be sure to consult your doctor before using it for skin care during pregnancy.

A 2012 study in Italy found evidence that the use of almond oil during pregnancy may play a role in preterm labor.

Peach oil

This is probably the softest and most gentle oil that does not cause an allergic reaction even in babies. It will help a pregnant woman not only from stretch marks, but also in case of a runny nose. A few drops into the nose and its mucous membrane does not experience such tension and burning.

Rubbing peach oil on areas of the skin that are most exposed to stretching will relieve the feeling of discomfort and tightness.

The oil is soft and takes a long time to absorb. This means gradual and thorough penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. It nourishes and cares, gives the necessary moisture and softness to the skin.

Peach oil against stretch marks is used in pure or diluted form, while its quality does not decrease at all.

Weleda stretch mark oil

Pharmaceutical concerns use natural ingredients to create effective anti-stretch marks. The composition of the product and its basis are very important.

Manufacturers of Weleda have a wide range of products that can not only take care of the body from the inside, but also from the outside, suggesting women to use effective and high-quality herbal products to prevent stretch marks.

It was created in close cooperation with doctors and midwives. A quality pure product provides complete skin care comfort for women before and during pregnancy.

The basis of the product is sweet almond oil, which acts gently, providing intense hydration. The skin is elastic and reliably protected from drying out.

To enhance the effect, arnica extract was introduced into the composition, which has a calming and warming effect. Massage with this oil is a pleasure.

Enriched with vitamins, jojoba oil and several valuable chemical compounds, Weleda oil improves skin texture and visibly helps to correct the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and chest, and also prevents the appearance of new ones. With Weleda oil, you can relax and stay calm. Stretch marks do not threaten you.

Hipp massage oil for stretch marks

The Swiss company Hipp, when creating its creams and lotions, also relies on natural ingredients. Hipp massage oil for stretch marks is made on the basis of almond oil with the addition of jojoba and sea buckthorn oils. The product does not contain mineral additives, all oils are of organic origin.

Daily application of Hipp oil to the skin will keep it moisturized and protected from excessive stretching. The oil is absorbed slowly, so it is comfortable for a woman to lightly massage the skin for the best effect.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in a woman's life. Stretch marks can be prevented, and there are many excellent remedies for this. You should not rely only on their “magic”, you need to remember about a balanced diet and enough nutrients to nourish the skin from the inside.

Be sure to pay attention to the quality and quantity of water you drink. Do not neglect the advice of a doctor and good rest, sometimes it is more important than all the most wonderful remedies.