Even tan in the solarium. Instructions for use. Contraindications for tanning in a solarium

First of all, you need to define the concept of “fast”. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a uniform and deep tan in 1-2 sessions in any solarium.

Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult your doctor whether you can sunbathe, as there are many contraindications for these procedures.

No matter how perfect the technology is, certain processes in the human body, including skin pigmentation, go on as usual. And if you try to speed up the tanning process, you risk burning your skin. However, in 5-10 solarium sessions it is quite possible to get desired result.

What types of tanning beds are effective for quick tanning?

There are 2 types of solariums, differing in the lamps used in them. These are tanning systems that use:
- low pressure lamps;
- lamps high pressure.

In the first types, A- and B-radiation are produced. They tan a little slower, but they last longer on the skin. It is these solariums that are most preferable for fair-skinned people who are prone to sunburn. Tanning systems with high pressure lamps produce more A-rays, targeting melanin and rapidly oxidizing it. Tanning in such solariums rich color can be obtained faster, but it is advisable to visit them for dark-skinned people or those with a natural tan.

In addition, solariums are:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- in the form of chairs.

The chairs also use a system with powerful A-rays, but usually those tanning in such solariums are those who only need a slight change in skin color visible parts bodies.

Vertical solariums are the most powerful in their radiation. Their session lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Ways to enhance your tan in a solarium

If you want to tan quickly enough without getting your skin burned, take care of it before visiting the solarium. Under no circumstances should you wear makeup or use any cosmetical tools(including soap).

A few hours before tanning, remove dead skin cells by scrubbing your body. To tan quickly and evenly in a solarium, use special creams or lotions that are intended specifically for this procedure. However, be careful: you should not use tanning creams in the sun in a solarium.

It is not recommended to tan in a solarium more than 2 cycles per year. One course includes no more than 20 sessions. The amount of the latter and the time spent under the lamps depend on various factors: skin type, presence of natural tanning, technical characteristics equipment.

You should attend treatments no more often than 2 days (48 hours) after your previous visit to the solarium so that your skin can recover and rest. To prevent its premature aging, observe moderation in creating fake tan.

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Unfortunately, not every year you have the opportunity to travel to warm countries to soak up the scorching sun and enjoy the sea breeze. In a metropolis, you have to make do with a solarium to get an even beautiful tan, which you want to acquire as quickly as possible.

Basic rules for using a solarium

Before going to the solarium, you should take a shower and cleanse your skin of cosmetics. This will allow ultraviolet rays to more intensely affect the epithelium.

This procedure must be carried out several hours before a tanning session, otherwise you risk getting sunburned, which will have an adverse effect on your skin and overall well-being.

Decide on the type of solarium. “Reclining” solariums combine lamps with A- and B-radiation, i.e. The tan will not only appear quickly enough, but will also stay on the skin for a long time. These models are equipped with a special air conditioning system and an audio system, so you can listen to your favorite music while sunbathing.

Make sure your tanning salon is clean and sanitized before you enter the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. It is best if a salon worker performs this procedure in front of your eyes.

There are also vertical solariums, which have their own advantages: they are quite powerful, so you should not overuse ultraviolet light - the session should not exceed 10 minutes. In terms of hygiene, they are more convenient - you do not have to come into contact with their surface.

To enhance your tan, choose a solarium with new lamps - only in this case can you count on a lasting, deep tan.

In an effort to darken, do not forget about protective equipment - a hat on your head, protective glasses and, of course, stikini on nipples and large moles.

After the procedure, you should not shower for two hours - allow the tan to set on your skin.

Now a new feature has appeared - a solarium with a shower. Moisture attracts ultraviolet radiation more strongly, and the shade comes out more natural.

Little secrets for a quick tan

If you want to tan faster, then do not refuse special products that are sold right there in salons - creams, lotions, oils. They contain activators and accelerators of melanin production in the body. These products promote a deeper tan by reducing the amount of time you spend in the cabin, which is important for the health of your skin.

There are special drops - “Vetoron”, they can be bought at any pharmacy. The main component in their composition is beta-carotene, which affects the rapid development of tanning. The drops should be taken according to the instructions, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Some foods help you tan faster. Carrots and carrot juice- catalysts for the release of melanin. Peaches, melon, tomatoes, and broccoli also enhance the tan.

What is a tanning procedure in a solarium? possible contraindications and rules for exposure to artificial ultraviolet rays, depending on the color and type of skin.

How often can you sunbathe and visit the solarium?

The solarium is especially popular among the fair sex in winter and spring, before mass trips to open beaches. Many ladies strive to quickly get an even chocolate skin color and therefore want to go to the solarium as often as possible. However, it should be remembered that haste in this case is unacceptable. You should not frequently visit baths with artificial ultraviolet light.

In order to receive even shade skin, in most cases it requires four to six trips to the solarium. Dermatologists have a universal formula for the frequency of visits to a solarium: 50/48, where 50 is the maximum number of sessions in a solarium during the year, and 48 is minimal amount hours between them.

The principle of tan formation is that ultraviolet radiation causes injury to the skin. The latter as defensive reaction produces a special substance - melanin. It is responsible for the brown tint of the epidermis. It is important to give your skin a day or two to calm down after the injury.

However, choosing for yourself suitable mode visits to an artificial sunbath, one should take into account individual characteristics your skin. There are four main types of epidermis, for which dermatologists have developed recommendations for the frequency of visits to the solarium:

  • Celtic type. About two percent of Europeans belong to this type. Such people are characterized by very light white-pink skin, they often have freckles and red hair, light eyes. The pigment in the epidermis of these people is practically not formed, so exposure to the sun often results in burns rather than tanning. Therefore, “Celts” are not recommended to visit the solarium at all. Maximum - no more than three to five minutes under the lamp and no more than once a week.
  • Nordic type . They are a group of fair-skinned Europeans who have blue, gray or green eyes and sometimes freckles. They have light or Brown hair. These people also have skin that is quite sensitive to the sun's rays, so they get burned easily. However, you can visit the solarium with caution. Recommended - no more than twice within seven days.
  • Central European type. This is the most common group of people, making up about 80% of the European population. Such representatives have slightly dark skin, no freckles. Natural color hair - from light brown to brown. These people tan quite well and can easily achieve a bronze skin tone. They can go to the solarium three to four times a week.
  • Mediterranean type. Approximately 8% of Europeans belong to this type. They have dark hair, eyes, and the skin is naturally dark. These people almost never get sunburned; their genetic characteristics are responsible for this. They tan quickly, and the acquired skin tone lasts a long time. They can go to the solarium at least every day, but, of course, this is not worth doing, since, in addition to burns, artificial sun can cause other harm to the skin - cause dryness, premature aging, and also increase the risk of developing cancer.
In addition, there are two more types of epidermis - Indonesian and African American. However, in our latitudes such people are quite rare, and the issue of tanning in a solarium is of little relevance to them, since their skin naturally has dark shade.

How many minutes does it take to sunbathe in a solarium?

Whatever skin type you have, remember that the first session in a solarium should be minimal in time and last no more than five minutes, if your dermis is not too sensitive to the sun's rays.

The further amount of time is determined individually:

  • People with very fair skin It is recommended to visit the solarium for 10 minutes maximum. The first procedure takes about three minutes.
  • If you have fair skin that sometimes burns, but generally tans well, then the first session should last from three to five minutes. Then you can increase the duration of the procedure to 10-15 minutes.
  • For brown-haired women with not too light skin, the time for visiting the solarium is 20 minutes maximum.
  • For dark-skinned people, the maximum duration of sessions is also 20 minutes. A few procedures are enough for them to achieve even tone skin.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

Before the first session, you need to find out whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium with health pathologies, and be sure to consult a doctor. Ideally, this is a dermatologist, oncologist and gynecologist.

Firstly, there are a number of contraindications for health reasons to sunbathing with artificial ultraviolet light. Secondly, there are certain medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight and can provoke allergies to ultraviolet radiation.

The main contraindications to visiting a solarium are: various gynecological diseases, genetic predisposition to melanoma, disease endocrine system And thyroid gland, benign and malignant neoplasms, severe forms of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, any acute ailments and exacerbations of chronic ones.

It is also not recommended for children under 16 years of age to visit the solarium. Their skin is not yet fully formed and is very delicate, so burns easily appear on it. If you have a lot of moles on your body or age spots, then it’s also better not to go to the solarium.

Women who have recently visited a cosmetology salon and undergone various beauty procedures - peeling, skin resurfacing, etc. should hold off on using artificial ultraviolet light. It is advisable to wait at least one month. It is also not recommended to visit a solarium immediately after hair removal.

Of course, you shouldn't sunbathe under artificial sun pregnant women and during lactation. Solarium is not recommended during menstruation.

Concerning medicines, then it is contraindicated to sunbathe in a solarium while taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antidepressants, medications that are designed to stabilize arterial pressure. Ultraviolet radiation can reduce their effectiveness, and when interacting, unpredictable reactions from the body are likely. Therefore, during periods of treatment it is better not to take risks.

How to properly prepare before sunbathing in a solarium for the first time

If you have never been to a tanning salon, it is best to make a trial visit to see what you will need for your first visit. As a rule, a basic kit includes the following basic items:
  1. Towel and slippers. In most cases good salons provide disposable hygiene items. But since you are going for the first time, it doesn’t hurt to take everything of your own with you.
  2. Hair band. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the hair, so protect it with a scarf or bandage. However, many salons provide disposable caps.
  3. Tanning cosmetics. In the case of a solarium, regular beach sunscreens are not suitable. Therefore, you will have to purchase special cosmetics.
  4. Glasses. They are issued in the solarium and are subject to mandatory use.
  5. Swimsuit. This is the recommended attribute. It is especially important to cover your nipples and genitals. Some women prefer to sunbathe in the nude. In this case, you should at least cover the nipple area with stickers and the genital area with thin, non-synthetic panties.
  6. Make-up remover. Before visiting the solarium, you must remove your makeup.
  7. Cosmetics after sunbathing. It should also be in your makeup bag. Its function is to moisturize and soothe the epidermis after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Before visiting the solarium, the skin should be prepared. It is recommended to do this in several stages if you want to sunbathe in a solarium without harm to your health. Let's consider the main stages:
  • Skin peeling. Before the session, it would be a good idea to do some light peeling or scrubbing. However, do not do these procedures in specialized salons. As a rule, they offer deep cleaning, after which you cannot visit the solarium for a certain time. Easy superficial peeling can be done while taking a shower about an hour before the start of the procedure in the solarium. This way you will not only cleanse your skin, but also remove dead cells from its surface, which will benefit your tan. It will lie flatter and last longer. You can use your regular favorite scrub for these purposes.
  • Facial makeup remover. This is a mandatory condition for visiting the solarium. Moreover, it is best to wash off makeup 2-3 hours before the session. Some cosmetics penetrate deeply into the skin. You should also wash off perfume from your body.
  • Applying lip balm. In these areas the skin is very delicate and thin. Therefore, under the influence of ultraviolet lamps it will dry out and peel off. Recommended to cover lips chapstick or balm.
  • Protection of moles and age spots. It is advisable that moles, especially convex ones, should not be exposed to artificial ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to cover them with suitable sized napkins. In the same way, tattoos, especially fresh ones, need to be protected from direct radiation.

How to properly sunbathe in a solarium with cosmetics

To get a beautiful and seductive tan, you should adhere to simple rules. It is especially important to follow the recommendations during the first session. Also take into account the advice of specialists directly in the solarium, who will indicate the exact time of stay under the lamps, taking into account their power.

How to tan in a solarium using cream for fair skin

People who are too fair-skinned should sunbathe in a solarium carefully and always use protective cosmetics.

If you want to short time To get a beautiful tan, you are recommended to choose a cream with bronzers. They act as tanning activators, working like a “self-tanner”, but showing their effect under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In this way, women with very fair skin can get a beautiful golden hue epidermis without harm to it.

If you have very sensitive skin, you should opt for products with vegetable oils - olive, sandalwood. Also, such representatives should visit the solarium as little as possible, which means they need to make sure that the resulting tan lasts as long as possible. For this purpose, there are cosmetics with vitamin D and watermelon extract.

If you have very fair skin (Celtic type), then creams with bronzers should be natural basis and contain henna extract, walnut.

To achieve an even golden color, not brown tint Accelerator cream is suitable. It accelerates the production of melanin.

Women who belong to the second skin type and have light, but not very sensitive to sunlight, epidermis can opt for a cream with a natural bronzer. However, it is necessary to control the volume of bronzing components. So, you can start tanning using products with a small amount of bronzers. Gradually you can move on to using products with an enhanced tanning effect. Keep in mind that the effect of bronzers wears off after a few days, but the tan itself remains.

Creams with a body blush effect provide a good effect for fair-skinned people. They help improve blood flow, saturate the epidermis with oxygen and achieve a beautiful natural tanned skin tone.

How to tan quickly in a solarium using cream for dark skin

Tanning cream in a solarium is required attribute for those who want to get an even and healthy tan under artificial ultraviolet light. You should not ignore this rule, thinking that you have dark skin, which means your tan will lie evenly. Special cosmetics are needed not only to enhance the tan, but also to moisturize the epidermis. Ultraviolet radiation harshly dries the skin, causing it to age quickly.

Only allergy sufferers and people with very oily epidermis who take ultraviolet baths to dry their skin should not use special cosmetics in a solarium.

If you go to the solarium to enhance your natural dark complexion and make the chocolate shade more pronounced, then choose a cream with a bronzer that suits your color type. You can also opt for creams with accelerators and cosmetics with a tingle effect. The latter helps accelerate blood flow and helps achieve an even color in the shortest possible time.

However, such tanning creams are not suitable for people with sensitive skin, as this is fraught with irritation and allergies.

How to sunbathe and visit a solarium without cream

In some cases, it is permissible to use not special cosmetics for visiting a solarium, but vegetable oils. This is justified in cases where a woman has a tendency to allergies.

Recommended humidifiers for visiting a solarium are Coconut oil, shea, avocado, walnut, olive. They can be applied either pure form, and in combination. In this case, you should not use essential oils with a strong odor.

You should not use mineral minerals to moisturize your skin in a tanning bed. cosmetic oils, for example, Johnson's Baby. Such a product will clog pores, form an airtight film on the surface of the skin and may even cause a thermal burn.

Currently, there are two main types of solariums - horizontal and vertical. Both of these types are widely used in beauty salons. Tanning in them has its own characteristics.

IN horizontal solarium lie comfortably and relax during the procedure. In this case, the body tans almost completely, including the feet. However, there is a risk that the areas that were in the fold in the supine position will not be tanned. Such areas may remain pale. Also, when placed horizontally, it tans worse top part bodies. In addition, the ultraviolet lamps in such a booth are slightly weaker, so you will have to lie under the rays of the artificial sun longer than in a vertical solarium.

In a vertical solarium, the client has to stand during the entire procedure. At the same time, he does not touch any surfaces, which is considered more hygienic. In a vertical cabin, the upper part of the body is better tanned. Such solariums are equipped with more powerful lamps, so the procedure takes less time and can be reduced to 5-10 minutes, instead of 15-20 in a horizontal booth. Such a short session exposes the skin to less risk of drying out and dehydration and is considered more gentle.

How to sunbathe in a solarium - watch the video:

Tanning in a solarium differs from natural tanning only by the time spent under ultraviolet rays. The duration of sessions under artificial sun is much shorter than under natural sun. Therefore, the skin is less dry and at risk rapid aging and development of various dangerous diseases. However, in order not to put your health at risk, it is important to adhere to all requirements when visiting a solarium.

It's nice to look at a beauty with a beautiful and even tan. After all, this skin tone is associated with the sea, the beach, and relaxation. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to receive sunbathing in sufficient quantities. And many, depending on their skin type, can only dream of a golden tan.

A solarium has become an excellent alternative to the natural sun. You can visit it without leaving for hot regions, and even in winter you can be tanned. But will the “artificial sun” help those whose skin covering reacts to ultraviolet radiation only with strong redness? How can people with fair skin properly tan in a solarium?

The color of a tan obtained in a solarium is practically no different from a natural tan. Since the pigmentation principle is the same, the durability of the golden-brown skin tone obtained under solarium lamps will be the same as a tan resulting from direct sunlight.

If the advantages of natural and artificial “sources” for tanning are almost equal, the same can be said about the disadvantages. People who sunbathe easily open sun, just as quickly they will get a beautiful and even dark tone skin. And on the contrary, those whose skin is “afraid” of being in the hot sun, being in a solarium for a long time, will at a minimum only get redness of the dermis, or even peeling and peeling of the skin.

Hence the conclusion: before becoming a visitor to the solarium, you must:

  • Determine your skin type
  • Create an individual tanning program
  • Select solarium type
  • Stock up on necessary protective items and cosmetics

How long a stay in a solarium can be and how many sessions in a row should be done to become an attractive “chocolate” directly depends on your skin type.

Experts distinguish four main types of skin structure:

  • The first type, which is more often called “Celtic”.

Owners of the first type have delicate and very fair skin, often with freckles not only on the face; they are naturally blonde or red. When exposed to the sun, such skin quickly becomes red. In this case, a beautiful tan is possible; this requires frequent exposure to the sun, but for a fairly short time.

The first session in a solarium should also exceed 3 minutes. Subsequently, the time can be increased slightly, but if you sunbathe for more than 7 minutes, there is a high probability of getting skin burns. Number of sessions per week – maximum 2.

  • Experts defined the second type as “European fair-skinned.”

Such people have: eyes light color, brown hair, a small number of freckles on the face and matte, milky leather. The tan on such dermis lays beautifully and lasts a long time, but this happens gradually, and the risk of burns is also high.

The initial stay under the artificial “sun” should not last more than 4 minutes. Gradually you can sunbathe longer, but optimal time session - about 15 minutes. You should visit the solarium three times a week, but on the condition that at the same time you do not spend a long time under active natural sunlight.

  • "European black" or third type

It cannot be said that these representatives are dark-skinned by nature, but the color of their dermis is darker than that of the two previous types. In winter, when the natural tan fades, their skin is quite light. But in the spring, with the first rays of the sun, exposed areas of the skin turn golden brown. Burns are possible, but occur much less frequently, and only from prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.

There are significantly fewer restrictions on visiting the solarium for this group. Initial sessions are possible for up to 7 minutes, with a gradual increase to a quarter of an hour. During the week, you can treat yourself to being under the rays of an artificial star three times.

  • The fourth type or "Mediterranean"

But these people are brown-eyed, with dark hair and dark color skin. Under the influence of the sun, such skin very quickly becomes an even darker shade, while the tan is rich Brown smooth and velvety. Burns are practically excluded.

But in any case, the initial tanning procedure in a solarium should not be too long; it is necessary to provide the skin with time to get used to it. In subsequent sessions, you can increase the time to 20 minutes. Since the dermis is initially dark, it is enough to follow the following regime of visits - 2 times a week.

It should be noted that, regardless of skin type, you should not expect a rich tan to appear after the first session. On average, to obtain a stable and dark shade, a course of five to six procedures is required, with a two-day break between each of them.

To become the owner of a beautiful and “juicy” skin, you need to know not only your skin type, but also the principle of operation of a solarium, the power of the lamps, the ratio ultraviolet radiation. By combining all these parameters, it is necessary to determine not only the time spent in the solarium, but also the percentage level of ultraviolet radiation.

Modern solarium devices are represented by the following modifications:

  1. Horizontal
  2. Vertical
  3. Turbo

There is an opinion that tanning is better in a vertical solarium. Actually this is not true. The quality of tanning does not depend on body position; this indicator largely depends on the lamps: their power, quantity and UVA to UVB ratio. The turbo solarium has the highest lamp power.

The best option for choosing a solarium would be a booth equipped with low-pressure lamps and a tunnel-like shape, since the tanning area is in this case increases by two tens of percent, and the risk of burns is almost completely eliminated.

As for the percentage of rays A and B, for the first and second types of skin, the level should be 0.7%. For more dark skin this figure may be within 2.3%.

The lighter the skin, the more vulnerable it is in a solarium; a tanning course for it should be planned in stages:

  • Stage 1: one week of 3 shortest procedures
  • Stage 2: the same number of sessions, one or two minutes longer
  • Stage 3: three tanning procedures of 7 minutes each

And be sure to pay Special attention to the reaction of the skin. If he does not react by darkening the shade, but only turns red, it makes sense to stop further sessions. In the case when a light golden tone appears on the skin, the course can be continued, and in the future, to maintain the intensity of the tan, visit the solarium once a week.

The radiation from solarium lamps can harm not only the skin, but also other external parts of the body. To avoid this, you need to know and follow the basic rules:

Make-up for tanning

Cosmetics for solariums are divided into groups according to their intended purpose:

  • Manifesting
  • Activating
  • Fastening

The first group of products is needed to stimulate the production of melanin in the skin. They are used before the procedure to ensure the best preparation of the skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Activators work great after the first session, for those who want to get a brighter tan. The composition of the products from these two groups includes the following substances: “tingles” and “bronzers”, which stimulate blood flow to the skin, which is very effective for the formation of better pigmentation.

The function of setting creams is obvious from their name.

All these products may not be safe for people with fair skin. Since in most cases they have a cooling effect, the feeling of real temperature is disrupted, and you can get burned unnoticed.

Skin care after solarium

After the procedure, you need to take a shower. This is necessary not only to wash off any remaining cream, but also to avoid drying out the skin. Then you should moisturize your face and body with a cream designed for this purpose.

A fixative cream would be optimal. Since at its core it is a moisturizing cream with a cooling effect. Thanks to this means, it happens deep hydration, which serves as an obstacle to peeling.

It is important to know! 2-3 days before visiting the solarium, you should not do any procedures affecting the skin: peeling, biorevitalization, mesotherapy. This is too much stress on the skin. And it is always unpredictable how the effect of radiation on the injected subcutaneous fluid will manifest itself.

Contraindications, side effects, possible harm

Light skin tones are most sensitive to the effects of solarium lamps. But this is not the only factor to treat such procedures with caution.

Considering that a solarium is essentially one of the types of physiotherapeutic procedures, and the effects from it can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the body's systems.

Therefore, visiting a solarium has its contraindications:

  • The presence of papillomas and large quantity large moles
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Pregnancy, regardless of timing
  • Chronic diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Taking some medicines (hormonal agents, antibiotics, retinoids)

In addition, when going to the solarium, you should remember some necessary actions that will ensure health safety:

  • you cannot visit the solarium with a wet body
  • It's better not to take it at all water procedures immediately before the tanning procedure, the skin in this case is deprived of its natural protection
  • Before entering the booth, be sure to remove all makeup from your face. The ingredients found in such products: alcohol, dyes, oils, preservatives and hormones can provoke the appearance of age spots. As for cosmetics, you only need to take with you lip balm, the label of which says “with a UV filter.” This will protect your lips from drying out and cracking.
  • You should also not use perfume - this leads to irritation of the dermis
  • You should not use sunscreens that you usually use when going out into the sun.

For girls with fair skin, experts advise that a few days before going to the solarium, wipe their body with moisturizing creams based on sesame, almond or olive oil. Thus, the skin accumulates required amount moisture and better resists burning.

Despite the fact that the bronze shade of the skin looks attractive and has remained at the peak of popularity for a long time, people with fair skin should weigh all the reasons whether to expose their body to ultraviolet radiation or not. And if the desire to become a seductive “chocolate” still wins, only strict adherence to all safety rules before and after the procedure will ensure the most positive result.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Know, how to tan quickly in a solarium or in the sun, is necessary when only a week is allotted for vacation, or in the near future you are preparing to wear an open outfit. Is it difficult to master the science of proper tanning?

It turns out that you just need to know a few secrets of fast, but most importantly, safe tanning, which will also last a long time. And it doesn’t matter what skin type you have: if you follow all the rules, even girls with very fair skin can achieve success.

How to tan quickly in the sun

First of all, you need to be careful. The sun is not only our friend, but also our enemy. If you try to simply increase the amount of time you spend in the hot rays in the hope of speeding up the appearance of a tan, you will very soon regret it. IN best case scenario, you will get a burn, or at worst, heat stroke. Great way ruin your vacation!

Before you tan quickly in the sun, you need to carefully prepare. And then use some tricks. Our tips will help you achieve your goal.

1. Accept vitamins. The level of melatonin production is positively influenced by vitamins A, C, D and E. If you choose the right one vitamin complex 2-3 weeks before your vacation, you can quickly get a beautiful tan.

2. Your assistant - peeling. Deep cleansing Skin a week before a trip to the sea will prepare the body for sunbathing and will guarantee that the tan will not wash off soon.

3. More take a bath! Water flows well Sun rays, making their impact much stronger. This is why children, without trying at all, tan faster than anyone else. Just don’t swim during maximum solar activity (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) - this can lead to severe burns.

4. Moisturize and protect your skin. Beautiful skinhealthy skin. And this also applies to tanning! Pick up good means for care, and success is guaranteed. And don't neglect sunscreens: Believe me, colorful, extensive burns are not a tan.

5. Take a shower after sunbathing. Especially if you are relaxing near the sea. This will help keep your skin clean and make it more susceptible to sun damage.

6. Don’t lie like a “seal” on a sun lounger. Firstly, it gets boring quickly, and secondly, you can get heatstroke. If you don't want to do active look sports on the beach, then at least roll over from back to stomach every 5-10 minutes.

7. Drink more freshly squeezed juices. Carrot, orange and apricot are especially useful: they contain substances that help you tan quickly in the sun.

"The most useful time for tanning - from 8 to 11 am and from 15 to 19 pm. "

It just seems that everything is happening too slowly: in fact, the skin is actively receiving the sun's rays, and very soon the result will please you.

How to tan quickly in a solarium

If the sea and sun are not yet available, achievements come to the rescue modern technology Fortunately, solariums have long been available in most cities. What could be simpler: follow all the rules, undergo regular sessions, and your skin will be bronze for a very long time. But even here you want to “cheat” and get quick result. How to tan quickly in a solarium and is it possible?

In principle, the process can be accelerated if you know a few secrets:

1) if you have a choice, give preference vertical solarium– it helps to tan faster;

2) take care of your skin regularly: a week before the scheduled procedure, exfoliate (you can use home remedies), and then be sure to moisturize your skin after each session;

3) pick soft remedies For shower: skin may become more sensitive due to solarium;

4) change your diet a little: eat more red and orange foods (melons, watermelons, peaches, oranges, carrots, red peppers, pears and apples are suitable);

5) amino acid tyrosine- your main ally. It is found in red meat, liver, tuna, cod, as well as avocados, almonds and beans;

6) when visiting the solarium for the first time, be sure to check with the administrator for information about the power of the lamps, how many minutes do regular clients of this solarium usually take (as a rule, they start sunbathing from 6 minutes, gradually increasing the time by 1-2 minutes with each new session);

7) in as a last resort, use bronzers: it's quick and safe way achieve the desired effect;

8) the interval between sessions should be at least 2 days - this way you can more accurately calculate how many minutes to take when visiting the solarium again.

The main thing when visiting a solarium is regularity. Can't get it beautiful shade skin in just one or two sessions. But after 10 procedures - please. You will certainly like your reflection in the mirror!

"Take our advice, be careful, and you'll soon receive a lot of compliments."

If you are an amateur tanned skin, but you don’t know how to get a beautiful tan in winter, maybe you don’t want to lie on the beach, or sunbathing is contraindicated, feel free to sunbathe in a solarium. But before you sign up for a session, you should consider the procedure itself in more detail, what rules and advice from experts exist, are there any contraindications, what to do if you need results quickly. If the words “I can’t tan in a solarium, what should I do?” - about you, then this article will give you answers to all your questions.

What is a solarium and how to tan in it

A solarium is a special chamber equipped with ultraviolet lamps, which irradiate the skin in doses. Special additives that contain UV lamps prevent the emission of short ultraviolet waves, thereby protecting the epidermis from dangerous radiation.

It's up to you to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, but the tanning result will be in both cases. The only difference in choice is that in a solarium you can choose the intensity of the lamps based on your skin type, as well as the power based on what shade you want to get.

General rules: how and how much to sunbathe in a solarium

  • You should consult your doctor before visiting;
  • visits should be limited to 12 times/month;
  • the session time should not exceed 12 minutes/day, if this is the first procedure - no more than 4 minutes;
  • in just a year you can use 6 full courses visits;
  • the interval between sessions should be at least a day;
  • many cosmetic products contain substances that, penetrating under the surface, can behave unpredictably under
  • exposure to UV rays, so do not use cosmetics, eau de toilette before the procedure;
  • After the session, you should not shower for 4 hours, as the dermis continues to produce melanin;
  • the day before the session, you can do peeling so that the surface of the skin is smooth, without flaws;
  • you should refrain from attending the session after cosmetic procedures, capable of injuring the top layer of skin, also in the presence of open wounds.

How to tan in a solarium in a month according to skin type

Pale skin type. You don't have to worry about how long to tan. This skin type is not prone to tanning, either in the sun or artificially. However, you should not get too carried away with ultraviolet radiation; anyone can get burns.

Moderately fair skin type, brown hair. You should choose an average visiting schedule. It is worth starting with 5 minutes per session, with a break of 3 days. After darkening the skin, you can increase the time to 7 minutes, with the same interval of days.

Owners of velvety skin and dark hair. You can receive radiation without using sunscreen or sunscreen. You are guaranteed a chocolate shade in 5 visits. 12 minutes a day with an interval of up to 2 days is enough. There is no need to increase the dose.

Dark skin type, dark hair. You only need up to 7 sessions of 12 minutes per day. Usually the tan on such skin is quite persistent, so there is no need to repeat the course of visits.

How quickly can you tan in a solarium?

In order to quickly get a tan in a solarium, you should follow all the rules of the procedure. To the basic rules - how to quickly tan in a solarium without cream, you can add a couple more that will help you get faster desired shade skin:

  • Be sure to consult with the administrator before choosing the type of procedure.
  • Places where there are birthmarks, or it’s better to cover tattoos.
  • Use bronzers, their effect is aimed at painting the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • To tan as quickly as possible, you should use a vertical chamber.
  • Attend treatments regularly. This will help you maintain your desired skin tone for as long as possible.

To speed up tanning in a solarium, I recommend using a specialist special means. You can also use them to improve the effect. It is important to distinguish between tanning cosmetics, designed to accelerate the effect and protect the skin, and after, which consolidates the result by caring for the skin.

Please note that the product for quick tan in a solarium should have a moisturizing effect. You should use this cream, lotion or oil both before and after the session.

How to tan evenly in a solarium and quickly achieve results? You can use a special cream scrub, it will help get rid of dead skin cells. Makes the skin even and smooth.

You can also use folk remedies for tanning in a solarium. Among the most famous is nutrition. It is enough to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice before attending a session for quick effect, more saturated shade. If you don't like carrots, you can drink a glass of natural cocoa, or a couple of pieces of chocolate half an hour before the session.

How to speed up and improve the quality of tanning

If you are interested in the topic of how to tan in a solarium before... chocolate color, you need to listen to the opinion of not only masters, but also dermatologists.

It is worth noting the importance of using special cosmetics before, after the session. This helps to accelerate the change in skin color, protects it from harmful effects UV radiation, prevents premature aging, makes the tan more durable.

You should choose cosmetics among proven ones brands, designed specifically for this type of tanning.

Who are contraindicated for tanning in a solarium?

There are groups of people for whom both sun tanning and artificial tanning are contraindicated. Among them:

  • Children. Their skin is very delicate and susceptible to UV radiation. Therefore, persons under 15 years of age are prohibited from attending procedures.
  • Women carrying/nursing a child you can attend tanning treatments. The only thing is that no one can guarantee you good result, there is a high risk of uneven pigmentation. It is better to avoid solarium in this position.
  • People undergoing treatment antibiotics, complex hormones, you should avoid sunbathing.

People suffering from the following diseases should also avoid sunbathing:

  • diseases of the heart and circulatory systems;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance or hypersensitivity to UV radiation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • excessive skin pigmentation.

Everyone decides for themselves how best to sunbathe: with ultraviolet light, or in the sun. Get in the solarium bronze tan as quickly and safely as possible. You are given the opportunity to choose the intensity of the shade and the radiation power. At the beach, you can only control the tanning time. By listening to the advice and following all the rules, you will be able to tan well in the solarium, quickly and enjoy your tanned body for a long time.