How to tan quickly and correctly without harm to your health at sea, on the beach, in the solarium and in the country: a rating of the best products and a selection of effective methods for a beautiful, even tan. How to tan quickly in the sun: a review of folk remedies

A beautiful bronze tan is the cherished dream of many girls. Dark, golden skin, refreshed after a vacation spent on the seaside, looks very attractive and impressive. The question of many contemporaries is: how to properly spend time on the beach in order to quickly tan and not cause harm to your health? There are several simple recommendations, following which every lady will achieve a dazzling, lasting effect.

Having survived the inclement winter period, the skin, like the entire human body, uses up all strategic reserves of the vitamin and becomes very vulnerable to harmful factors. Hot sunny days in early summer are the most dangerous time for delicate and sensitive skin, and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays will not lead to the expected bronze tint, but to a sunburn fraught with serious consequences.

Air and sun baths were popular and appreciated by doctors in ancient times. It is known that exposure to the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is important for human health. The acquisition of a dark shade by the skin is a protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

When exposed to the sun, cells in the upper layer of the dermis actively produce melanin, which provides dark skin color. The intensity of the process of formation of this pigment depends on the innate individual characteristics and health of the person in general. Therefore, the basic rule for safe sun exposure is to match your desires with the personal capabilities of your body.

Safe tanning rules

Rule 1. We provide reliable protection

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly and in advance for sunbathing. Before going outside, we apply special products to the face and open areas of the body designed to protect the skin from the effects of aggressive solar radiation. We especially carefully apply sunscreen to the shoulders, neck and décolleté, cover the ears and the sensitive area near the eyes - these areas burn more than all other areas. We select creams and other sunscreen cosmetics according to your skin type.

When choosing a sunscreen, we focus on the SPF index (level of protection against ultraviolet rays type B) and UVA index (degree of protection against rays type A). The higher the number on the cream, the more protection it provides. Products with the abbreviation PPD reduce the risk of developing skin cancer and prevent early aging. Please note that the maximum shelf life of sunscreens does not exceed six months.

Rule 2. Moisturize the skin as much as possible

When exposed to external factors: sunlight, temperature changes, wind, the skin rapidly loses a significant amount of moisture. The result of loss of water resources is premature aging of the skin, early appearance of wrinkles, sagging, uneven color, and the appearance of uncomfortable sensations such as dryness and “tightness.” Therefore, during the hot season, caring cosmetics from the moisturizing series should become an invariable attribute and be used daily. Don't forget to moisturize your skin with lotions and tonics, creams and serums before applying protective products.

Rule 3. Cleanse your skin regularly

In summer, skin peeling is a necessary procedure for the fastest and most even tanning. Please note that gentle scrubs with a light composition are suitable for summer care. It is recommended to carry out the peeling procedure once a week, and two weeks before the intended vacation, replace scrubs with less aggressive cleansing masks and serums. Don't forget to use cleansing milk to remove makeup every day.

Rule 4. Saturate the body with vitamins

Taking pharmacy vitamins is a necessary condition for ideal skin condition. Vitamin complexes for the skin help remove free radicals from the body, which are actively formed under the influence of solar radiation.

Summer time gives us a storehouse of natural vitamins. Review your diet, give preference to fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Eating berry desserts and vegetable salads will not only replenish the necessary supply of vitamins, but will also help improve the condition of your skin and hair. Try to drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice every day, because this vegetable is rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of melanin.

Let's go to the beach

  • Before going to the beach, take a warm shower without using soap or gel. These cleansers wash away the fat layer from the dermis, leaving the skin without natural protection.
  • An hour before leaving home, it is better to have a light snack to avoid dizziness or nausea. And swimming immediately after a heavy overeat is generally prohibited.
  • On warm sunny days, it is advisable not to apply perfume or eau de toilette to the skin: they increase the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to the appearance of age spots.
  • Don't forget to apply hygienic lipstick or protective balm to your lips. But it is better to avoid applying decorative cosmetics during sunbathing.
  • Do not use products containing glycerin and petroleum jelly. After they are applied to the skin, droplets of liquid are formed, acting as “lenses” that attract the sun’s rays.

Taking sunbathing

  • The optimal hours for sunbathing are: in the morning - from 8 to 11 o'clock and in the evening - from 17 o'clock until sunset. The period dangerous to health is the hours of maximum solar activity: from 12 to 15 hours.
  • On the beach, be sure to wear a hat to avoid sunstroke. Don't neglect sunglasses either.
  • We remember that the water reflects the sun's rays, and be careful when staying on the shore. It is better to choose a place to relax five meters from the water.
  • If you prefer to sunbathe while lying down, try to raise your head slightly. It is better to place your legs towards the sun - then your tan will be even.
  • You can get the perfect tan by taking fifteen-minute walks along the seashore. The sun's rays will evenly affect the skin, and you will acquire a uniform dark complexion.
  • After bathing, be sure to dry your body with a towel and “refresh” the layer of protective coating.
  • The optimal sunbathing schedule: 15 minutes in the open sun, half an hour break in the shade under a canopy or umbrella. Don't forget that while frolicking in the water, you get a tan too!

Attention! If you have skin problems in the form of allergic reactions to sunlight or numerous moles, you are strictly prohibited from being under direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. We can stay on the beach for a minimum time and only in the shade.

What to do if you still get burned?

You can use pharmaceutical preparations against burns, or use folk remedies.

  • Lubricate the burned surface with raw yolk, and after it dries, carefully rinse with warm water.
  • Apply a thick layer of rich sour cream or natural yogurt to the burn site.
  • Apply a mask of raw, finely grated potatoes to the damaged area.
  • Make a cool compress with fresh, strong tea.

Who doesn’t love spending time on the beach on warm summer days, lounging and sunbathing under the sun’s rays? But sun tanning can bring not only benefits, but also harm if you do not follow simple rules.

What to do to tan faster in the sun

Firstly, to prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, be sure to apply cream before tanning for an even and safe tan. Pay special attention to sensitive areas of the skin - face, chest, shoulders and legs. Tanning product must be selected individually, depending on your skin type. For example, sunscreen will be relevant for people with dry and normal skin. But on skin prone to oiliness, it is better to apply liquid products. You should not use oil on your skin for the first 2-3 days on the beach, as it practically does not protect the body from burns, but only moisturizes it and makes the tan softer. But tanning lotion is suitable for almost everyone, and besides, this product gives a long-lasting effect.

The second rule of sunbathing: before going to the beach, you should give up soap, which washes off the protective coating of the skin, colognes and eau de toilette. It is also not recommended to apply cosmetics to the face.

It's no secret that the speed and quality of tanning depends on the amount of melanin produced, therefore, in order to tan faster, you need to consume certain products that stimulate the formation of this pigment. First of all, these are natural vitamins A, E, B, which protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and cancer. A beautiful tan will be achieved by daily consumption of foods containing natural red-orange pigment, namely tomatoes, watermelons, and red sweet peppers. The active production of melanin will also be promoted by proteins, which are especially rich in meat, fish, cereals, nuts, as well as eggs and cheese.

Also, during the beach season, you should limit your consumption of fatty and too salty, smoked foods, chocolate and citrus fruits, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, and strong coffee.

When going to the beach, do not forget to have a small snack, but do not sunbathe immediately after eating.

How to tan quickly on the beach?

The first and most important rule of safe tanning is to choose the right time to go to the beach. Stay on the beach before noon and after 4 pm to avoid burns and overheating. To make the tan stick better and more evenly, you can use tanning cream. By the way, according to medical recommendations, the total time of continuous exposure to the sun should not exceed 20 minutes.

To tan faster on the beach, you should choose a vacation spot near the water, as water tends to reflect the sun. But people with sensitive skin should give preference to shaded areas. After all, even in the shade, almost 65% of the sun's rays will hit the skin. And don’t forget about protective accessories – a hat and glasses.

How to tan quickly depending on skin type

To tan quickly in the sun, you need to pay attention to your skin type. According to the advice of cosmetologists, people with fair skin should not be in the sun for more than half an hour. But even if your skin is naturally dark, the total tanning time should not exceed 2 hours. It is also necessary to take “sunbathing” especially carefully for those whose skin is covered with many moles and pigmented formations. But besides this, it’s worth knowing what type (one of 6) your skin is in order to individually determine the conditions for safe and quick tanning.

  1. The first (Celtic) type includes those with delicate milk-colored skin, blond hair and blue, green or light gray eyes. The appearance of pronounced freckles is often observed on the face. Since people with such skin produce melanin very slowly, they should definitely limit exposure to open sun to avoid burns.
  2. The second (European) type is distinguished by light skin and eyes, combined with light brown or brown hair. To get a beautiful tan, you need to use sunscreen and get used to the sun gradually - starting with 20 minutes on the beach.
  3. If you have brown or dark gray eyes and dark brown hair, as well as slightly dark skin, your type is mixed (European dark). People with such skin have little to no fear of sunburn, but to tan quickly, it would be a good idea to use a cream with a protection level of about 30 Q.
  4. The fourth or Mediterranean skin type is distinguished by an olive tint, which is harmoniously emphasized by dark hair and eyes. People with such skin quickly develop a long-lasting and rich bronze tan, but they are also advised to be careful in the sun in the first days of tanning.

For representatives of the Indonesian and African-American type with very dark skin, there are practically no restrictions on the time they spend in the sun. It is only important to periodically moisturize your skin with oils or lotions to protect it from dryness.

Skin care after a quick tan in the sun

In order for your tan to remain even for a long time, you need to properly care for your skin after sun exposure. First of all, if after being on the beach, despite all our advice, you still notice traces of burns, you should not leave everything as is. After all, today there are many folk and medical remedies for sunburn. The sooner you apply the medicine to the burn site, the more likely it is that the tan will not peel off.

After the beach, you can take a warm shower and apply moisturizing oils or creams to your skin. They will not only soften the body, but also give the tan a richer and shinier shade. If after sunbathing your skin begins to peel, apply a scrub and then a cream.

Don't forget these rules for safe tanning and enjoy your holiday!

Every beautiful lady wants to become the happy owner of smooth and tanned skin. This can be achieved in a solarium or while sunbathing. We are interested in the second option, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. When thinking about how to tan quickly in the sun, you should take into account some nuances. It is necessary to prepare the body and skin for the procedure in advance.

Important features of tanning in the sun

  1. Taking vitamins. Before you go on vacation, buy a multivitamin. The drug should be aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Start taking the composition 1-2 months before your vacation. If you neglect the recommendation, after a long stay under the scorching sun, the skin will begin to dry out and become flabby. Choose drugs that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, riboflavin. The listed vitamins are necessary for the epidermis to fully form. The end result will be an even, blemish-free tan.
  2. Carrying out scrubbing. It is known that the skin is renewed at the cellular level. From here, the epidermis begins to peel off, lose moisture and look unsightly. You will achieve all this if you ignore advice. So, 7-10 hours before sunbathing, remove dead skin cells. This can be done using homemade or store-bought scrubs and peelings with fruit acids. After the procedure, do hair removal (hair removal is prohibited if less than a day has passed before the start of tanning).
  3. Choosing a place and time. To tan faster, choose an area near salt or fresh water sources. This could be a river bank, sea, lake, or any body of water. Some people practice tanning by the pool, as long as the water is free of chlorine. This recommendation will allow you to tan quickly and evenly. To get a beautiful skin tone, you should choose the right time period. To avoid burns, go to the beach before 11:00 am and after 4:00 pm. The listed intervals are considered the safest for human health.
  4. Body position. A quick and even tan is obtained only if you lie strictly “in the sun.” Before spreading the blanket, stand with your back to the sun and look at your shadow. You should place the bed at the same angle. After this, you can start sunbathing. Try to lie down on an incline so that your head is down and your legs are slightly higher.
  5. Use of protective equipment. Any tanning should be done only after first applying a cream or lotion with ultraviolet protection. Choose a product labeled “tanning.” A special oil is considered effective. It acts like a magnifying glass, allowing you to get a quick and beautiful tan. The use of protective equipment is mandatory, otherwise you risk burning or getting a spotty tan.

Doctors prohibit pregnant girls from being in the sun and sunbathing. Ladies who are breastfeeding can sunbathe, but with extreme caution. Avoid burns or severe overheating of the body.

New mothers should adhere to the following rules:

  • choose the right time for tanning (9.00-10.00 or 16.00-17.00 hours);
  • when choosing a cream, study the effect of the composition on the child’s body;
  • take water with lemon juice with you;
  • the first tanning session lasts 15 minutes, gradually increase the duration to 1 hour;
  • never sunbathe without special protective equipment;
  • try to stay in the shade more.

There are a number of certain diseases, in the presence of which sunbathing should be limited or completely eliminated. These include:

  • eye diseases;
  • varicose veins, spider veins;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of moles measuring 1.4 cm or more;
  • age restrictions (less than 5 years);
  • dysfunction of the genital organs;
  • melanoma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • precancerous diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • fever, increased body temperature;
  • taking hard antibiotics;
  • many birthmarks, moles and freckles on the body;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disorders of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • infection;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • albino people (white hair and skin);
  • diabetes;
  • polycystic ovarian disease, mastopathy.

Many people are interested in the question of at what body temperature you can visit the beach. The answer is obvious: you should feel healthy. If the temperature has risen to 37, you should only limit the duration of stay to 20 minutes. If there are inflammatory processes, postpone sunbathing until you have recovered.

In addition to the obvious contraindications listed above, there are several other restrictions. So, you should not sunbathe when:

  • peeling and scrubbing performed less than 5 hours ago;
  • cleansing the skin of the face and body, performed less than a day ago;
  • presence of Botox injections (consult a specialist);
  • permanent makeup (permanent makeup), tattoos - protect with sunscreen;
  • carrying out hair removal within 24 hours;
  • wraps based on essential oils;
  • recent removal of warts and moles.

Foods for a quick tan

It is known that a beautiful, even tan can be obtained only if the release of melanin is stimulated in sufficient quantities. To increase the effect of sunbathing, eat the TOP 7 foods.

  1. Apricot - contains beta-carotene, which enhances melanin production and allows you to achieve an even tan. Fruits also contain B vitamins, iron and phosphorus. All these enzymes will preserve the released hormone, thereby increasing the durability of the tan. To achieve the effect you need to eat at least 0.2 kg. apricots daily.
  2. Carrots are a vegetable that occupies a leading position among girls who want to tan quickly in the sun. You can eat carrots in their pure form or make fresh juice from them. A huge amount of beta-carotene will promote the production of melanin, make the skin even and smooth, and reduce stretch marks (if any). It is enough to eat 2 grated carrots, seasoned with oil, before going to the beach. An alternative is a glass of freshly squeezed juice (at least 0.3 liters).
  3. Tomato - tomatoes are aromatic vegetables that will not only speed up tanning, but also improve the functioning of the digestive system. Again, you can eat a salad with tomatoes or drink freshly pressed tomato juice. Lycopene, which is part of the vegetable, will make your tan golden, even if you are on the beach for a short time. Before sunbathing, eat 3 tomatoes or drink 300 ml. juice based on them.
  4. Citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes - freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from all of these citrus fruits. Add honey to enhance the effect. You will get a quick tan with minimal exposure to the sun. To do this, drink 150 ml. juice with honey in the morning and 200 ml. - before direct access to the beach.
  5. Spinach is a vegetable loved for its low calorie content and impressive chemical composition. Spinach gives the tan a bronze tint with a hint of gold. It is enough to take the vegetable with you to the beach and consume it during your vacation. Reception is limited to 300 g.
  6. Oil with coffee is an amazing composition of folk cosmetology, which has gained wide popularity among girls of all ages. To prepare the product, grind a handful of coffee beans and mix with 100 ml. nut butter. Place the mixture in a dark glass jar and leave for 7 days. Then filter, apply to the skin and after half an hour go sunbathing.
  7. Eggplant - vegetables take care of the skin, give it elasticity, and help to obtain an even tan without spots and dark stripes. Eat boiled or stewed eggplants, but do not fry them. You can eat as much as you can handle per day. As a result, the sun will cover the skin with an even and soft tan in a short time.

What to do to make your legs tan too

  1. From year to year, girls wonder what to cover the skin of their legs with so that they also tan. The problem is that the legs take the longest to tan, making them look very different from the rest of the body.
  2. There are certain rules that must be followed to achieve the desired effect. Try to lie down so that your legs are higher than your head. In this case, the lower limbs should be exposed to the sun's rays more often than other parts of the body.
  3. Exfoliate your feet well before heading to the beach. After 7-12 hours, go sunbathe. It is advisable to use coffee grounds or apricot kernel scrub. Some girls simply rub their skin with a washcloth.
  4. To tan quickly, after swimming in a sea or fresh water source, dry your body skin and leave your feet wet. Drops of water will resemble a magnifying glass, thanks to which the sun will begin to shine better.

Cosmetics manufacturers supply tanning products to their shelves to suit every taste and budget. It is advisable to choose products in the form of oil, they are more effective. Lean on foods that promote melanin production. Choose the right hours, do not visit the beach during the highest solar activity.

Video: 8 rules for a perfect tan

An even, beautiful tan is the dream of many women, because thanks to it, skin imperfections become less noticeable, and your figure looks slimmer, making you feel more attractive and desirable. During the summer holidays, getting a tan becomes more accessible, especially if you have the opportunity to relax outside the city near a body of water.

Unfortunately, not everyone and does not always have enough time to get a seductive bronze tan without harming the skin. However, there is a quick way to tan in the sun, and for this it is not necessary to use expensive activator creams, but just follow a number of simple recommendations and use available products. How you can tan very quickly and beautifully in the sun without creams, using folk remedies, we will consider further.

How to tan properly and quickly in the sun?

As you know, the skin acquires a golden tan due to the activation of the production of melanin pigment under the influence of sunlight. It takes some time for melanin to be produced, so it is impossible to achieve a tan in one day, and if there is insufficient production of this pigment, the risk of sunburn increases. You can stimulate the production of melanin by eating foods that contain certain amino acids, enzymes and vitamins involved in the processes of its synthesis. These products include:

  • carrot;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon;
  • liver;
  • nuts;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • green tea, etc.

Thus, to help your skin tan faster, you should adjust your diet in advance by introducing the above products in larger quantities. At the same time, you need to avoid foods that, on the contrary, reduce melanin levels:

  • chocolate;
  • strong coffee;
  • citrus;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • alcoholic drinks.

An important point for getting a beautiful and quick tan is preparing the skin. Namely, it should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dead cells that interfere with the penetration of ultraviolet rays. To do this, it is recommended to exfoliate 2-3 days before sunbathing, for which you can use homemade recipes based on ground coffee, sugar, salt, apricot kernels, etc. After using the scrub, the skin should be moisturized with creams.

In order not to reduce all your intentions to get a beautiful tan to zero, you should especially control the duration of your stay in the open sun on the first day of rest. To begin with, it is enough to sunbathe for only 10-20 minutes, and in the following days gradually increase the time spent on the beach. It should be noted that a tan “lays down” best if you are on the move, so beach volleyball will come in handy for those who want to tan quickly and evenly. It is also important to follow these rules:

  1. Avoid using cosmetics on the beach.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids on the beach (preferably clean, still water).

And finally, here are a few folk remedies that will help you get a gorgeous tan faster:

  1. Strong chilled coffee - this should be wiped over the skin twice a day using a large cotton swab.
  2. Olive oil with iodine (add 5 drops of iodine to 100 ml of oil) - lubricate the skin with this mixture before going to the beach.
  3. , combined with a small amount of olive oil, this product should be applied evenly to the skin before bed to enhance the intensity of the tan.

A beautiful and even tan is the dream of many girls. Typically, representatives of the fair half of humanity spare no time and money in achieving the desired result. Indeed, the skin looks much better this way. How to tan quickly and beautifully? Use available means, take sunbathing, remember a few nuances and useful tips. Perhaps you will determine the methods that suit you best than others. Then, even in the cold season, you will delight yourself and those around you with a spectacular and even tan, emphasizing the beauty of your body and skin.

Beautiful and quick tan. Your best helpers
First, let's look at your best assistants who will provide a quick, beautiful and even tan.
  1. Sun rays. Of course, you can’t do without the sun if you decide to tan naturally and not in a solarium. Remember that from the gentle sun you receive not only benefits, but also harm. Be sure to protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, use special creams. Sunbathing at hours close to noon is also not worth it. The sun is scorching at this time and can cause great harm to your body and the body as a whole.
  2. Melanin. It is this pigment that helps the skin tan evenly without burning. You can easily increase the production of melanin through your own efforts. Include eggs, cottage cheese, cheese in your diet, eat more peaches, coconuts, melons and apricots. Then the amount of this pigment will increase, you will be able to tan quickly and beautifully.
  3. Salt. Many claim that they have already been convinced in practice that salt helps to tan faster. You get a tan better by the sea. You can drink tomato juice with salt.
  4. Movement. Skin actually tans faster and more beautifully when a person moves more and not just lies in the sun. For example, people working in their summer cottages get a great tan.
  5. Special formulations and creams. It is worth visiting a pharmacy and specialized stores to stock up on the necessary creams and ointments. They protect the skin from burns, ultraviolet rays, and make the tan lasting.
Tan carefully, remember your helpers, take advantage of the gifts of nature and modern cosmetology. Move more and ensure increased melanin production.

Getting ready to sunbathe in advance
When you have already decided that you just need to make your skin beautiful, get an even and beautiful tan quickly, you need to prepare. Watch your diet and skin condition. Then the tan will fall faster, will be spectacular and natural.

  • Citruses. Include more citrus fruits in your menu. Eat tangerines, oranges, add lemon to tea. An excellent dessert can be original jam made from grated carrots with the addition of lemon zest and pulp. Rose hips contain a lot of the vitamin C you need for tanning. You can buy rosehip syrup and add it little by little to your tea.
  • Carrot. Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene. It promotes increased melanin formation. Eat carrots, drink carrot juice. It is best to prepare light salads and desserts from raw grated carrots: you will get a lot of useful substances and help your skin tan faster.
  • Tanning cocktail. An excellent cocktail for a better tan is carrot juice with the addition of cream and ice cream. Fat will help the body absorb beta-carotene.
  • Preparing the skin. You will need to prepare your skin for tanning in advance. About a week before your vacation, perform a peeling procedure to cleanse your skin of excess dead cells. Then the tan will go on noticeably smoother and faster. Body scrubs will also help. Choose them carefully, use formulations from trusted manufacturers. After cleansing your skin, do not forget to moisturize it with cream.
  • Vitamins. Start taking multivitamin complexes as early as a month in advance. Vitamins A, E, B, C will help improve the condition of your skin. This way you will perfectly prepare your skin for tanning and strengthen it. It will remain elastic and beautiful, despite frequent exposure to the sun and loss of moisture.
Prepare for tanning in advance so that your skin becomes not just dark, but also beautiful. It should not lose elasticity. By supporting your body with vitamins and fruits, you will avoid the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, and burns.

We tan quickly and beautifully. According to all the rules
Remember a few tips to tan quickly and beautifully, making your skin look spectacular.

  1. Protecting the skin. First of all, you need to think about protecting your skin from the negative effects of sunlight. A tan that appears too quickly without the use of skin protective products will fade very quickly. In addition, you may get sunburned. Burns look unsightly, do not go away immediately, and damaged areas of the skin tan differently - you can no longer get an even color. Be sure to use special creams to prevent burns.
  2. Let's move. It’s great if you play ball, run, do something, and not just lie in the sun. As you move, the tan applies better and becomes more even.
  3. Tanning products. They are also worth using. It is important to choose formulations and creams that are ideal for your skin type. Be sure to carefully read the instructions and apply the cream correctly, otherwise the effect may be reversed.
  4. Time for tanning. From 11 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon the sun is scorching. It still won’t give you a good tan, but burns are very likely, and the skin will become very dry. Just sunbathe in the shade at this time. Even when you are not in direct sunlight, your skin will still tan. The best time to tan is after 4 pm and before 11 pm.
  5. Roll over more often. When you want to tan quickly and beautifully, you need to turn over not once an hour, but much more often. The optimal time spent in one position is 1-3 minutes. If you turn over approximately every 2-3 minutes, your tan will become even and beautiful.
  6. Sunbathe by the ponds. Water repeatedly reflects and refracts the sun's rays. This effect will help you tan much faster.
  7. Keep your skin moisturized. After tanning, do not forget to moisturize your skin to maintain its elasticity and beauty. During the tanning process, moisture evaporates intensely and the skin becomes dry. The lack of fluid must be replenished.
Use creams and special tanning products. Eat more fruits, take vitamins. A body of water, movement, and frequent changes of body position will help you tan better. Moisturize your skin and don't forget to protect it. Tan quickly and beautifully!