Christmas tree topiary made from coffee beans. How to make a Christmas tree from coffee beans with your own hands - job description. Do-it-yourself topiary Christmas tree: final design

Now there is a very common trend to replace live Christmas trees with artificial ones. You can easily buy an artificial Christmas tree in any supermarket, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself from improvised materials.

There are quite a few options for making Christmas trees. A Christmas tree can be made from almost anything: from paper, from candy, from feathers, from cones, from fabric, etc. And it is not at all necessary to be a professional designer in order to create your own unique, one and only Christmas tree.

Fantasy and a little patience, and you can make any kind of Christmas tree with your own hands. Those who love coffee and the aroma of coffee beans will surely like it. coffee tree. Such a Christmas tree will not only be a wonderful, and most importantly, incredibly fragrant New Year's interior decoration, but also an original gift option for friends and relatives.

Dimensions trees made from coffee beans may be different, but it is better to make small coffee trees that can be placed on a table or bedside table. As a basis, you can use both a foam cone and a cardboard cone.

So, before proceeding to the description of the manufacturing process coffee trees, we will figure out what materials you will need in your work:

  • coffee beans (the number of beans depends on the size of the Christmas tree you are going to make),
  • foam or cardboard cone,
  • band-aid,
  • brown acrylic paint (can be replaced with instant coffee mixed with PVA glue),
  • brush,
  • hot glue (glue gun),
  • scissors.

If the Christmas tree is with a curved crown, then in addition there is a little wire with a diameter of 3 mm.

For twine stand:

  • jute twine,
  • wire 3mm,
  • thick cardboard.

Decorations for the Christmas tree at will: beads or large beads, sparkles, etc.

Let's prepare first twine stand for our tree. You will need: thick corrugated cardboard, twine and some wire with a diameter of 3 mm.

Using any improvised means (a glass or a compass), draw 2 circles on cardboard, cut them out. We make a hole in one of them.

We fix 3-4 wires to the lower circle with hot glue, bring them together in the center (as in the photo).

We coat with hot glue and from above, bringing out a bundle of their wire in the middle of the upper circle, we fix the entire structure.

Carefully wrap the entire stand with twine in a spiral.

Now you need to decide which Christmas tree you will make: with a flat or curved crown. The cone can be used both from foam and cardboard.

If the Christmas tree is with a curved crown, then in the center of the top we fix the wire of the desired length. The length depends on how exactly the top of the Christmas tree will be curved.

We wrap the entire cone with adhesive tape.

From the bottom in the middle we make a hole and carefully fit the cone onto the leg of the base.

We paint the entire cone with brown acrylic paint, if you don’t have it, then you can replace it with ordinary gouache or make the following mixture (1: 1 water and PVA, and generously add instant coffee). We apply all compounds with a regular brush, covering the entire cone. We are waiting for complete drying.

or with a curved crown ... At the end, do not forget to make a loop for attaching jewelry.

After our blank is completely dry, it will be possible to start decorating it with coffee beans.

How exactly to glue the coffee beans is up to you, here, as in decorating the Christmas tree, it's all a matter of taste and personal preferences.

You can simply glue the coffee beans to each other as close as possible, trying to close all the gaps. Spin the grain in different directions, choosing the best placement option. If the grain does not fit or does not fit well, you need to take another one, since coffee beans only look the same, but in fact they have slightly different shapes and sizes. If it is not possible to completely close all the gaps, then later you can fix this when decorating the Christmas tree.

You can glue the grains like a bump, each next row is glued with a slight overlap on the previous one in a checkerboard pattern.

In this case, I used paper twine for decoration: I untwisted the twine, cut the rolls for my coffee tree.

For decoration, you can use any decorative elements: small Christmas decorations, sequins, rhinestones, braid and ribbons, feathers, nuts and much more.

You can create the effect of a snow-covered Christmas tree, for this, semolina is used. The places where it will be applied are smeared with transparent nail polish, and semolina is sprinkled on top. Some grains may crumble, but the main part will stick.

By this principle, you can make any coffee Christmas tree, this is the beauty of this master class. I hope that it will be to the liking of the readers of the site. And you can decorate such Christmas trees in different ways. Fantasize, surprising your loved ones and friends with original gifts!

Today I got this Christmas tree made of twine and coffee beans! It remains only to rejoice and inhale its wonderful aromas.

Such a coffee tree will be a wonderful decoration for the New Year's table and will create a festive atmosphere in any home. And you can also give it to relatives, friends or work colleagues, I am sure that they will be satisfied with such a creative gift.

I was glad to help!

The main holiday of winter is approaching - the New Year. The most anticipated and beloved family holiday! Now on the shelves of supermarkets and shops you can buy a variety of New Year's gifts. But it is on this holiday that it is nice to receive a handmade gift. If you want to surprise your family and friends, try making an exclusive New Year's souvenir - a Christmas tree made from coffee beans.

You will need

  • - cardboard 1 sheet;
  • - colorless glue moment (1 tube 50 ml);
  • - black woolen thread (ball);
  • - coffee beans (100-150 g);
  • - black peppercorns (small and large);
  • - nail polish (white, red, green);
  • - decorations (bows, beads)


Preparing the basis for the Christmas tree. We take a sheet of cardboard and fold it into a cone. For convenience, the joints can be fixed with a stapler. Glue the edges of the cardboard to each other. Next, coat the entire blank for the Christmas tree with a thin layer of glue. We glue the cone in a circle with woolen threads. Leave until completely dry.

We form a Christmas tree. Next, we begin to glue the coffee beans. Lubricate small areas of the workpiece with glue and apply grains. It is up to you which side to glue the grains to. For a more aesthetic look, I recommend gluing the grains with the smooth side to the workpiece. Once you glue the entire workpiece, let the Christmas tree dry completely.

We decorate the Christmas tree. Prepare the balls ahead of time. Take black peppercorns and coat with white varnish. Let dry. Glue the peas alternating small and large grains. Next, decorate the Christmas tree with all sorts of attributes: bows, tinsel and beads. Also, for a more festive look, paint some grains on the Christmas tree with varnish. You can use a variety of colors: red, green, purple, yellow, etc.

We fix the tree. After decorating the Christmas tree is finished, I recommend smearing the entire Christmas tree with mother-of-pearl varnish. This stage will make your Christmas tree play in the light, like a real one.

The New Year is coming soon, and the main attribute of the New Year holidays is the forest beauty - the Christmas tree. That's just chopping a living tree for the sake of a few holidays, at least not humanely.

Therefore, it is now becoming a very common trend to replace live Christmas trees with artificial ones. You can easily buy an artificial Christmas tree in any supermarket, but it is much more interesting to make a Christmas tree yourself from improvised materials.

There are quite a few options for making Christmas trees. A Christmas tree can be made from almost everything: paper, candy, feathers, cones, fabric, etc. And it is not at all necessary to be a professional designer in order to create your own unique, one and only Christmas tree. You just need to have the desire and a little imagination to use the materials available in the house, which have long been idle. In this MK, I suggest that the children, together with their parents, make an unusual Christmas tree from coffee beans.

For work we need:
1. A sheet of thick A4 cardboard;
2. Glue moment transparent;
3. PVA glue;
4. Scissors;
5. Dense threads;
6. Coffee beans approximately 150 grams;
7. Plasticine;
8. Small plastic flower pot;
9. Twine;
10. Small wooden branch;
11. Cotton wool;
12. For decoration - mother-of-pearl beads; 1 small white ball - for the top;
13. Varnish - spray;
14. Foil;
15. Several newspapers or thin magazine sheets.
16. Brown gouache, brush.
17. Semolina - 2-3 teaspoons.

First, let's decorate the vase in which our Christmas tree will be located.
We wrap it with a small piece of foil on the outside.

And inside, not reaching the top 1 cm, we tightly apply plasticine. Plasticine will give stability to the flowerpot and the Christmas tree will stand firmly and will not turn over.

Now let's get down to making the Christmas tree. We take thick cardboard, fold it into a cone, seal the edges well so that it does not turn around. As soon as the edges of the cone dry, we cut the bottom of the cone in a circle with scissors so that it becomes even.

We put the cone on a small piece of ordinary cardboard, draw once strictly along the contour, and the second time we draw a circle around it 1-1.5 cm larger than the circumference of the cone.

We cut out the resulting circle and cut it in several places for those 1-1.5 cm that we set aside. We bend the resulting segments.

After that, fill the cone with crumpled pieces of newspapers or magazine sheets. We insert a small branch into the cone and the middle of the cut out circle, which will serve as the trunk of the Christmas tree.

Glue the bottom of the tree to the cone.

Now we insert the Christmas tree into the prepared pot with plasticine.

To ennoble the “trunk” of our Christmas tree, you can wrap it with twine. We wrap the twine around the twig, which we pre-lubricate with PVA glue.

Well, finally, you can start gluing coffee beans on a cardboard cone, but in order for the grains to hold better, you must first apply PVA glue liberally to the cone.

Then wrap it with dense threads, such as acrylic, as soon as the threads dry, we proceed to sticking the grains onto the base of the Christmas tree.

We will stick coffee beans in two layers, starting from the bottom up. For the first layer of grain, glue the flat side of the grain to the base, arrange them in a checkerboard pattern, try to make the gaps between the grains as small as possible.

For the second layer, glue the grains flat side out. When creating the second layer, we glue the grains in such a way as to close the existing gaps that were obtained for the first time. When gluing coffee beans, I recommend using Moment transparent glue.

After all the grains are glued, you can start decorating the Christmas tree. It is best to decorate a coffee Christmas tree with white mother-of-pearl beads; they look bright and elegant against a dark brown background. We stick them on the Christmas tree with the same glue Moment.

We completely paint over the cardboard bottom of the Christmas tree with brown gouache paint. You can also glue it with coffee beans, but that's how you like it.

Now we take varnish - spray and lightly varnish the Christmas tree. Let me remind you that you need to do this in a well-ventilated area! The varnish will give the coffee beans a lacquer shine, and will also serve as an adhesive base for the semolina, which we, immediately after varnishing, sprinkle the Christmas tree on top.

From above, in the pot in which our Christmas tree stands, we glue fluffy pieces of cotton wool to the plasticine with PVA glue, the cotton wool will act as white snow.

Do not forget to glue a white fluffy ball to the top of the Christmas tree, if there is none, then you can replace it with an original bow, a beautiful bead, etc.

All! Christmas tree made of coffee beans is ready! We expose it for a couple of hours on the balcony so that the varnish dries well and the smell of it completely disappears.

Such a coffee tree will become a real decoration of the New Year's table and will create a festive fairy-tale atmosphere in any home. And you can also give it to your closest relatives and friends, I guarantee that they will be satisfied with such a creative gift! Good luck to everyone and Happy New Year!

Irina Demchenko

Topiary "Herringbone" - a unique New Year's souvenir that creates an upbeat festive mood. This decorative tree can be decorated in accordance with the symbols of the coming year, which will make the gift even more relevant.

Topiary-Christmas tree, made by hand, can be decorated with a variety of materials. Suitable tangerines, sweets, Christmas decorations, sisal, fir cones. The widest scope for imagination! You can use the technique of combining different materials in one composition, and she will only benefit from this. But for a beginner in this exciting business, it still makes sense to follow the proposed step-by-step instructions.

Options for creating a herringbone topiary

To understand how a Christmas tree decorated with tangerines, you need to remember one rule: the diameter of the base (pot) must match the diameter of the crown. In this case, you get a stable and harmonious composition.

If it is not possible to find a suitable container (a vase, a jar, a glass), you can make it yourself from plasticine and old newspapers using the papier-mâché method. The process is as follows: the shape of the container is molded from plasticine and pasted over with finely chopped pieces of newspaper. The more layers of pasting, the more durable the papier-mâché will be.

The easiest way to create a topiary is as follows: a fluffy Christmas tree branch is placed in a container of suitable size and strengthened there with decorative pebbles or any other material that weights the base. You can also use a quick-hardening composition: gypsum, alabaster, plaster.

Such impromptu Christmas trees are decorated in accordance with the style of the holiday. Tinsel, cones, sweets, symbols of the year, miniature soft toys, Christmas tree garlands are suitable. To create such a souvenir, step-by-step instructions are not required, your own imagination is enough.

The crown of an ornamental tree traditionally has the shape of a ball. In order to make the Christmas tree topiary, the master class suggests using tennis balls, plastic or foam balls. You can make the base for the crown yourself. To do this, you need to take a piece of polystyrene foam or a hardened polyurethane foam and cut a ball of the required diameter out of it. The base of the crown can also be made from a balloon: paste over it with newspapers using the papier-mâché method, and upon completion of work, let the air out of the balloon and take it out.

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Instructions for creating a topiary "Herringbone"

  • thin cardboard (whatman paper);
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • wire with a cross section of 4-5 mm;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • green sisal;
  • woolen threads of green color;
  • leg-split;
  • pencil;
  • small pots;
  • dry cement or gypsum mixture;
  • glue gun or glue like "Moment", "Crystal";
  • old newspaper;
  • decorative material: Christmas balls, bows, flowers, tinsel, rain, confetti.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Draw a semicircle on cardboard (whatman paper) using a compass. The radius should correspond to the desired height of the Christmas tree.
  2. Cut out a semicircle and fold it into a cone, fix it with glue or a stapler.
  3. Take a small piece of corrugated cardboard, place a cone on it and outline it.
  4. Cut out the resulting circle with scissors. It will serve as the base of the Christmas tree.
  5. Crumple the newspaper into a ball and lay it inside the cone.
  6. Glue the top of the Christmas tree to the wire.
  7. The circle and the cone are wrapped with green woolen threads.
  8. A hole is cut in the center of the circle and a wire coming out of the cone is threaded into it.
  9. The wire is wrapped in a spiral with twine. Get a beautiful trunk of a Christmas tree.
  10. Cement or gypsum mixture is poured into the pots, diluted with water in the required proportion and a cone with a wire is placed in the container.

Next, proceed to the design of flowerpots and a cone in the style of a holiday. The stand can be wrapped with beautiful paper napkins and pasted with rain and tinsel on them. The cone is wrapped in a spiral with a bright satin ribbon and Christmas toys, sweets, and decorative ornaments are fixed on it. You can choose from various options for the spectacular decoration of the Christmas tree. Decorative pins are used to fix the decor. A Christmas tree made of threads and sisal is an excellent decoration for the holiday.

Do-it-yourself topiary Christmas tree (video)

How to make a herringbone topiary from coffee beans

New Year's is a spectacular and stylish decoration. For its manufacture you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard of dark brown color;
  • leg-split;
  • coffee beans;
  • wooden stick;
  • glue gun;
  • bronze gouache;
  • satin ribbon bow;
  • a glass or plastic container that will serve as a stand;
  • decor for decorating the crown (beads, Christmas decorations of a suitable size, garlands, tinsel);
  • building plaster;
  • sponge;
  • scotch.

The main difficulty in making this craft is gluing coffee beans.

This painstaking work will require perseverance and accuracy from the master. If you glue the grains slowly and close to each other, the Herringbone topiary will turn out incredibly beautiful. In order to simplify this task as much as possible, use a glue gun.

The most enjoyable moment in the manufacture of topiary is the decoration of its crown. For its design, any New Year's decorations are suitable: tinsel, rain, sweets, small fruits. Topiary "Herringbone", made with your own hands, can be decorated in the form of a New Year's tangerine tree.

Stages of creating an ornamental tree

  1. A cone is made of brown cardboard, the lower edge of which is evenly cut off.
  2. To fix the edges of the paper, use transparent tape.
  3. Bronze paint is applied to the sponge.
  4. A satin ribbon bow is glued to the top of the Christmas tree.

Topiary "Christmas Tree" master class suggests decorating with a string of beads wrapped diagonally around the crown. The lower part of the cone can be pasted over with beads. Next, proceed to the manufacture of the trunk of the tree. To do this, a circle of such a diameter is cut out of cardboard so that it can fit snugly into the lower part of the cone. A hole is cut in the middle of the circle, into which a wooden stick is inserted.

The paper circle and the upper part of the trunk are coated with glue. After the crown is firmly glued to a wooden stick, it is installed in a pre-prepared container, which will act as a topiary stand. In order to strengthen the trunk in it, gypsum is poured into the container and diluted with water. The Christmas tree in the stand is held in an upright position until the binder composition hardens. The turn has come to design the base of the topiary. The stand can be pasted over with Christmas needles, sisal, pine or spruce cones, confetti.

New Year's topiary (video)

Reviews and comments

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)


The children and I made a bright Christmas tree like in the first picture of the balls. Bought plastic balls. We made a cone out of paper to focus on this shape. We connected the balls with instant glue, you only need a drop of it and it holds well. It turned out incredible beauty. Unusual and bright. Now we are on fire with the idea of ​​​​making a big Christmas tree like this, but here you can’t get by with a couple of sets of balls)

Irina 11/24/2016

What a beauty! These Christmas trees really awake the New Year mood in me! It would seem that it’s nothing complicated, but it’s necessary to find time, find all the necessary materials ... I would like to make a funny Christmas tree with a curved top, I liked it the most, but where can I find green sisal ?! perhaps, all the same, I will decide to create such a New Year's miracle to please my loved ones! 🙂

Ekaterina 11/27/2016

In kindergarten, there was a task to make crafts for the New Year. I do it every year and my imagination has already dried up a little. After thinking for a long time, I decided to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree. I got it 30 centimeters high. I made the base from whatman paper, used old beads to decorate Christmas trees. I also glued the entire cone with pine needles. Thin tinsel and rain braided the entire base. We made Christmas tree decorations with our daughter from colored paper and also glued them to our Christmas tree.

Rimma 14.08.2017

I want to make such an original topiary for the New Year, I like to do all kinds of crafts with my own hands and then decorate my home with them. By the way, this is also a wonderful gift.

Valeria 08/30/2017

Last year, we made a Christmas tree topiary with our daughter from spiral pasta painted green. It turned out very non-standard and beautiful, this year we want to build a Christmas tree from acorns - the material has already been prepared.

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  • What kind of Christmas trees people don’t make for the New Year: from cardboard, and, and from sweets ... In general, all you need is imagination, skillful hands and patience, and you can make any Christmas tree you like. Those who love coffee and the aroma of coffee beans will surely like the coffee tree. Such a Christmas tree will be a wonderful, and most importantly, incredibly fragrant Christmas decoration or a gift.

    Coffee tree - master class

    So, before proceeding to the description of the process of making a Christmas tree from coffee, let's figure out what materials you will need in

    • work:
    • coffee beans (the number of beans depends on the size of the Christmas tree you are going to make);
    • cardboard (quite dense, but flexible);
    • threads;
    • double sided tape;
    • hot glue (glue gun);
    • scissors;
    • tree trunk (this can be a branch, as in this master class, but you can use bamboo sticks tied with a ribbon and other options that you have enough imagination for);
    • decorations for the Christmas tree (beads or large beads, sparkles, etc.)

    And now, having decided on the materials, let's move on to making a Christmas tree from coffee beans.

    Step 1: First, roll up the cardboard cone, securing it with double-sided tape. Trim its edges if necessary. Then, to further secure the cone, wrap it with thread.

    Step 2: Now you need to be patient and glue the base of the Christmas tree with coffee beans. Glue the grains with a glue gun at an angle of approximately 70-80 degrees. You need to start gluing from the base of the tree, and not from the top. After the tree is covered with its “clothes”, it needs to be decorated, because a Christmas tree made of coffee without decorations is not interesting. For decoration, beautiful beads, bows, sparkles - whatever you think of are suitable.

    Step 3: The last step is to strengthen the Christmas tree. In this master class, both the base and the trunk are wooden. It looks very stylish, but if suddenly you don’t have a piece of wood for the base on your farm, then you can decorate a plastic cup, and find a stick for the trunk on the street. And you need to fix the trunk inside the Christmas tree with a glue gun.

    Here is your Christmas tree made of coffee beans and ready. It remains only to rejoice and inhale its wonderful aromas.