Attract trade. To have a profit. For stale goods

And bees fly, so money would stick to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!» Then dilute honey in this water and wash yourself at midnight with this water.

In the morning, wash your face before trading and wiping yourself with a handkerchief say: « Stars can't be counted, plowing cannot be kneaded with hands, my word cannot be removed from me. I am a merchant, my crown is with me. How bees they fly for honey, so everyone looks at my goods, they want to take it away. Amen!" The scarf will need to be taken with you to trade.

- Take the first money (they have strong magical properties), proceeds from the sale of goods, in the right hand and say the prayer “Our Father” three times, while baptizing the goods, and then say: “ I am a seller, and you are a buyer, I am a good fellow, and you are a prospector. Try, come, buy my goods! Amen! Amen! Amen! Buyer, not a joker! My prosperity guide! I bought a product and left, and another came after it! It is dear to my soul and heart that I always have it like that! Buyer to buyer, and money to money! May it always be so, forever and ever. Buyer to buyer, and money to money!”

- Light a candle, on a small slice of bread pour salt with your left hand and then whisper to him three times: “T s, bread and salt, tasty and reliable! Make it so(speak your deepest desirefulfilled, only his time will pass! Pagario!» Then slowly, slowly, bite off a piece and chew it thoroughly, mentally imagining how the conceived desire is fulfilled. After that, rubbing your palm against your palm, you need to drink some water, saying to it 12 times: “ And you, will, are tasty and reliable! Bread, salt and water will never let you down! Pagariyo! Then extinguish the candle, dip it in water and drink the rest of the water to the end. The ritual is performed only on Saturday or Sunday, at sunrise, another day is not suitable.

First change you need to give in small change, after reading the plot, holding a small change in your left hand: “ A month, a full month, an average month, a young month, bring me a treasure from a penny. How my mother gave birth to me, slave(mother's name), Swaddled in the first diaper. I gird myself not with a belt, but with a gold-silver tuesk. My word is stucco, my deed is tenacious". 3 times Amen. And if the buyer refuses to change, then this little thing must be left the next day for work.

- Take a shirt (blouse) in which you will trade and sew a coin behind the collar (on the back). When sewing, you will need to say: « Just as this coin is sewn up, hidden in a hundred knots, a hundred threads are tied, so it is with me, servants of God ( Name), things soon came together. Amen!"

- On the eve of the trading day in the evening (not late), read the conspiracy to trade: “ Send me, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, fair and profitable trade. Forever and ever. Amen".

— To get rid of failure in trading, on waning moon take any old rag, fan it with dust from your trading place (you can wash the floor with it). Wrap any unnecessary key in it, and say to the bundle: “Dashingly poor, famously tradeless, famously unprofitable, do not touch me, the servant of God(Name),be quiet, swim away on the water, do not call me with you. Lie under a snag, hold a clawed cancer, a white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and never be poor, so that I don’t have to sell all the goods and hoard rags. Carry you a wave, I'm rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the water. Amen". Then take the bundle to the river and drown it in water .

- before trading wash up cold spring water and dry your face with a red towel, then roll it up and take it with you. When meeting with customers, say: « Like bees flock to honey, like crows fly to carrion, so everyone looks at my product, praises, wants to take it away ".

- You need to be baptized near your trading place with goods, saying : « Get the goods out, return the money for it ringing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!» This ritual cannot be done on church holidays.

- Speak to the profitable moon poppy and sprinkle it where you trade: « Whoever steps on you, poppy, will buy my goods from me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- In order for the goods to quickly sell out, you should cross yourself near the store and say: “Holy is pure, and holy is strong. As the Lord is revered by the people, they respect Him, so that my goods are also dismantled, among other things, singled out. Saints, come and help in my work. Amen!"

- Take a black crumple and roll in salt with the words: " My black longing, my black sadness, my black blackness - go away forever. Come to me good, gold and silver. Forever my chamber is full of all good things. It is fortunate for me to sell all the goods every day and not know grief. Amen!" And throw it out the window as far as possible.

- In the autumn in the field, pick up a dropped wheat, read the plot over it and bring it to your trading place: “The Lord God gave people wheat. She ears of ears, she feeds young and old, beggars and boyars. Tsars and princes eat it, I bow to this ear too. How do you, ear, let the wheat grow from one grain: one, two and three. Holy Trinity Help, cover me from poverty, protect me. Cover, multiply all my cash lari. Let my money be born, be fruitful, like an ear in the field is born, be fruitful, grow night and day, don’t let people die of hunger - beggars and princes, bars and kings and us Orthodox merchants. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever. Amen!"

- To improve trading, you need to look into her eyes and stroke her shell 4 times. And for a greater change in your luck, you need to take the turtle into the house for two weeks, and the larger it is in size, the more significant changes in trading await you. From time to time, you can take it with you to trade.

- Put in a clean bag a kilogram of nuts, a loaf white bread, a bottle of good red wine and a banknote. Say a conspiracy to the package: « I will rise, blessing the east, the east side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, good luck, knock on me. From this God's Day wealth goes to my trade, the purchase of wealth gives. I give a purchase to the mother church, I will ask her to me,(Name),to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, my goods to you, my bow to you. Simple people and bars, take my goods, they are sweeter mother's milk, tastier than honey, need water pharynx. My deed and word in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen". The package must be taken to the church (but you cannot leave it on the memorial table).

- Look at the buyer, smile and rubbing his hands say aloud: Please take. Inexpensive! And about myself: you take mine, you give yours. Amen!

- Coming to workplace, cross yourself and say: « nesSaint Peter's purse, on his road the snake lay across. Whoever counts the scales of this snake, only he will interfere in my bargaining. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever. Amen!"

- Cross the goods and say: "I'm a slave(Name)your goods(Product Name) I stroke and thereby I get along with the buyer. The first one will come - he will look, the second one will come - he will praise, and the third one will come - he will get three times more expensive. Knot is a strong word, you can't untie it. Amen!"

- The ritual must be performed on the growing moon. Iron ruble dip in eucalyptus oil and say: " My gift on your trade roads, as you accept this coin, you will marry me with luck. From now on, I will be white light, clean water, delicious food for you. miss me slave (Name)». And immediately throw an iron ruble into the center of the trading floor and say: “Paid ».

- We need to go to the field, find a large ant pile and throw a stick smeared in honey into it. And when you see that ants rushed to the stick, immediately say: “How ants gather in a heap, how they rush to a stick, so it would be to me, to God's servant (Name)people came running to buy from me ( Product Name) were going to. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen". After that, turn around 3 times in a row around your axis, spit over your left shoulder, and quickly go home. On the way home, you can not look back and talk to anyone until you cross the threshold of your house.

- Take a handful from the ant heap in the forest, sprinkle the goods with it and say: “As there are many goosebumps in that house, so many buyers for my goods went to me, Lord God. Amen!"

- Knowing this slander, you can easily sell any thing, for this you need to read on what needs to be sold, baptizing with a finger: “I am a merchant, always well done, I will sell our goods to you, money to money. Your money to us, our goods to you. Amen". But every time you need to re-read the slander.

- On sunrise you need to read the prayer “Our Father” three times, take small money (which is prepared for change) and just before going to the trading place, say 7 times to the coins: “M Grow the scarlet ones big, grow the big ones big, today, tomorrow, always! Let it be so! Amen!" Then throw the smallest coin with your left hand over the threshold of your house, while saying: “I went myself, I brought it with me!” The remaining slandered money must be kept in the left pocket. Immediately, after the first purchase, you need to take out one slandered coin from your pocket without looking and quietly throw it at your feet, while saying: “I went myself, I brought it with me. And it will be so! And immediately you need to imagine the next buyer who will buy your product. And so it is necessary to do after each sale.

- Try to find clothes yellow color, pick up a handful of any grain and, slowly pouring it into a prepared saucer, say these words: “Z gold-gold, pour to me like peas in a bin, like barley on a threshing floor, like rye on a current! Gold-gold, stick to my hands, like flies to chalk, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun! Gold-gold, pour into my pockets without counting, without measure, handfuls, handfuls! Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass! I am not a merchant-morgash, but a young merchant, I sell by honor, I hang in excess, I measure with powders, I cut with an increase, I pour with the remainder. Be in my barn a treasure, yes, yes, yes, ergot in everything, without protores, without ruin, without intoxication and without burnout, all the days and years of my bazaar. Repeat this ritual three times, do not throw away the grain, but give it to street birds or pets.

- when you see hop, which winds and strives towards the sun, you need to cross yourself and speak to it 3 times: « How hops curl around a pillar towards the sun, so that around me, servants of God(Name),there were private merchants and generous buyers. Forever and ever. Amen".

- Read over water, then wash your hands before trading. Then wipe them with a white towel without a pattern. “With my hands, with my lips I speak, I pronounce, clean water I'm talking. Give, water, strength for trade, for prosperity, go, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His hands, my guardian angel will take this water, to me, God's servant (Name) will bring. I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy, reads it before trading, will not count gold and silver. I close my word and my deed and lock it with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

- cut at night a loaf of bread into four parts. Read separately for each piece: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed, was not afraid of anything, then sat down at the oak table, ate white bread, got up and said - As this bread was divided into four parts, so (Name) good luck has appeared - As people's hands are greedy for bread, so that I, God's servant(Name),they took everything, sorted it out, gave me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language" Say Amen 3 times. In the morning, take this bread to the church and give each piece of bread to an individual beggar.

- IN full moon , after sunset, while within your outlet, spread both arms wide to the sides (as if trying to cover all the goods available) and say three times: "Be famous(Name),by the power of heaven, by a sheer rock, by a thundercloud, by rain water, on the right hand and on the left, in front and behind. From deceit and counterfeit money, from slander and evil people. Take my goods and pay me money. Power on me(Name),the power of Water is in front of me, the power of Fire is behind me, the power of the Earth is under me, the power of Heaven is above me, for the goods I am rewarded, and I am money and glory ” . Stomp three times, first with the left, and then three times with the right foot.

There are a lot of tales going around among people who are professionally involved in sales. Many of them relate to the luck of a particular character. It is not explained only by talent and perseverance. Often the case is presented in such a way that the lucky person receives help from above. There are reasons for this. Especially when you try it. The consequences of such an experiment can please or disappoint. The result depends on the correct mood and other factors. Interested? Then let's find out.

Does the merchant need magical support?

Somehow it is not customary to persuade people to take any action. We also have tools for “building” our well-being. However, it is worth saying a few words about this topic. Many people wonder if a trade conspiracy really helps. Are the consequences of it really so noticeable for the wallet (cash)? The buyer is unlikely to observe this in life. But those who are spinning in business are constantly faced with uneven sales. There are special people. They are always lucky, the buyer and "rushing". Other periods are extremely successful. It seems that actually - not really. There is clearly a relationship with the aura. Only we do not see it, so the logic of events is not realized.

Nevertheless, even without using conspiracies and prayers for trading, a person can fall into a wave of good luck. This happens when he intuitively tunes in to his heavenly patron. Eg, lucky chances often shown in the information field. Someone gets a bonus, the other - superprofits. For the most part, this happens with people who follow their calling. That is, the sky supports them, giving them the opportunity to have all the blessings of the earth. Any person deserves this. Only we ourselves build blocks in our thoughts a lot, therefore we do not live, but vegetate.

How does a conspiracy to trade help?

The consequences of any of our actions are primarily manifested in the energy sector, the flows of which only the lazy one does not talk about now. Money will only come to those who can accept it. This is also a common opinion. But it is not without logic nonetheless. Money only seems to us to be pieces of paper for which you can buy things, develop a business. In fact, they are, in fact, guided by energy structures - egregors, generated by the thoughts of "big" humanity (already dead and living people). It is to this "boss" that it is desirable to settle down. Make, so to speak, egregore your friend.

Approximately in this direction, conspiracies and prayers for trade affect the field of the seller. They build bridges to the egregor of money, remove obstacles. In other words, they provide patronage to those who influence the flow of funds. Reviews of those who actually used them are quite unambiguous. Act!

Rules for the application of rites for trade

If a business person (of any level) undertakes something, then he is not interested in the action itself, but in the result. Is not it? Magic is hardly an exception. Therefore, preliminary preparation is necessary. After all, a person is interested in a conspiracy to trade, the consequences of which will certainly be positive. Since such actions have a very indirect relation to the material sphere, it is precisely the result that appears there, then preparatory work should be carried out at the level of emotions and moods. People who practice these methods say that the emphasis should be on the mood.


It is easiest to imagine that you are a river. Since the flow of money is not rushing in your direction, then there are obstacles. Maybe these are rapids, sometimes even dams are deaf. During the ceremony, you will begin to dismantle them. That is, when you start a ritual that uses prayers, conspiracies on good trade, it is necessary to visualize unhindered flows. They must strive in two directions: towards you and towards reverse side. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. It is impossible to only attract without giving. You How to develop without investing? And do not forget about faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and good mood. This is the basis for achieving results.

To summarize: tune in to the fact that a fun and powerful river of money flows through you, filling you with an extraordinary sense of job satisfaction (receiving, communicating, and so on).

How to stabilize trading

Business situations can be different. Naturally, it is necessary to select the appropriate magical tools for them. By the way, they are enough. There are also generic methods. They attract good luck, remove traffic jams, and open up new opportunities. For example, try out such a conspiracy strong for trade. Reading it is done when you need salt. Quantity is up to you. You can talk a whole kilogram, and then use it as needed. No, so no one will forbid the ceremony in a month or two, when the time comes again.

Put the salt under open sky. Say the following words to her: “Dashingly poor, non-trading, loss-making trouble, do not disturb me, the Lord’s servant (name). Run away, on land and water, let there be no shelter anywhere for you. Go beyond the distant seas, where the whole earth burns in the fog. Don't call me with you, I won't miss you when you're away. So that I never wear rags, never live in misery and suffer. The goods are not to be sold for nothing, but to remain with the gain. Lack of money I send away, I lock the word with a key, I sprinkle salt, I block the roads. Amen!" Salt is sprinkled on the threshold of the premises where trade takes place (shop, office, apartment, and so on). This is not the only conspiracy (strong) for trade. It's just that this rite is somewhat universal. In any case, according to the reviews of those who dared to use it.

So as not to suffer from envious people

Most often, the most powerful trade conspiracies also carry some protective
functions. If we return to the streams, then they turn aside those who pile stones into your river, thereby creating obstacles. Such a ceremony, for example, is performed with hops. The only inconvenience is that it must be personally plucked. The one sold in the pharmacy is not particularly effective. It is used only in last resort. The following words should be spoken (on the growing moon): “Fragrant and fluffy hops curl around the pillar. Such is his fate. My share is different. I attract her. Let the caravan of rich merchants wind around me, never run out. Amen!" Hop cones, of course, store in the place where you carry out transactions.

Conspiracy for a coin

You need a special "money". Her choice is important. The more exceptional the coin, the more effective it will act. For example, an ordinary ruble (five, ten) will become a good talisman. Any anniversary coin will attract good luck. Gold (silver, historical) will act like a powerful magnet. If you are interested in foreign exchange earnings, then take a foreign coin. In general, the idea is probably understandable. At midnight, the money is said seven times like this: “I collect the light of the sun, send it to the coin. Let the rays spread, customers collect. My sadness is black, bottomless poverty, go away forever. In the hands of my wealth is a star! From now on, chests are bursting with good, troubles and sufferings are not remembered! Amen!"

Ritual in the shop

As a rule, people practice magic in secluded places. This, of course, is convenient. Only not everyone has enough power to influence large groups of people, so to speak, remotely. If you want conspiracies and rituals for trade to have a more serious impact, then conduct them directly in the trading room. So, for example, you can turn to your personal heavenly assistant. Calculate the visual center of your retail space. Please refer to this point. The words are: “I appeal to the spirit of trade! I need help right now! My luck lies on your trade roads! Bring me to her, marry me, bind the two of us! I will trade with luck. And you, spirit, undertake to lead buyers to us! Amen!" Behind this conspiracy need to pay. Give money to a beggar or give a discount to the poor. Only the same hour, do not wait for a reason.

Goods Conspiracy

Sometimes it is necessary to apply magical effect to material objects. People often jump to conclusions. They think that the rite will open golden streams from the sky right from the first minute. Not getting such results, they are disappointed. They begin to look for a conspiracy to trade in force, focusing on last word. It is recommended then to gradually learn magic. Speak one by one from your wares to convince your stubborn brain of the effectiveness of the rituals. Here are the words: “Lord’s servant (name) strokes his goods (name), the buyer gets along with him. A string will be pulled. They will look around and praise, increase the price, take from each other. You merchants don't fight, agree with my price. I look - I lie. Amen!" Naturally, it is necessary to really stroke the thing that is for sale with your left hand. Good luck!

Oddly enough, most businessmen, large entrepreneurs and merchants believe in magic and its effect on the sale of goods. A good trading conspiracy can help you increase profits. But for it to work, you need to know Right words, have everything you need for the ceremony and deeply believe in its power.

Merchant conspiracies for trade will help you profitably sell goods and get the desired profit.

If you read the conspiracy for good trading correctly, then the words gain their magical power and begin to act. When everything is done correctly, even the most stale nondescript goods can be sold as good as new. Many merchants use daily magic words. No matter how successful the business is, unconventional safety nets will not hurt him.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Simple conspiracies for trade

Used to increase sales simple rituals with reading. They are read right in the place where the business is conducted.

Conspiracy for the ruble

Pick up an iron ruble and rinse it in eucalyptus oil, saying:

“My gift is on your trade routes.

As you accept this coin, you will return your luck to me.

I will be white light, clean water, delicious food, I am dearer to you.

Dry for me, God's servant (name), luck is fort.

After the spoken words, throw a coin into the center of the market, shopping center or the store where you do business and whisper:

Salt Conspiracy

In the morning, before trading, take a handful of salt, throw it over your left shoulder right hand and say:

“On foot, traveling, run all here,

There is a place for you, food and water.

Your pennies for me, and my good-looking goods for you.

Let it be so."

Buyer conspiracy

Seeing the interested look of the buyer, rub your hands and say to yourself a conspiracy for good trading in the store:

"Take what's mine, give what's yours. Let it be so".

Goods Conspiracy

To "appease" the product and sell it as soon as possible, cross it, then stroke it and read the plot:

“I am a servant (slave) of God (s), I stroke my goods (name of the goods), I adjust the buyer.

He will come once - he will look, the second time he will praise, and after the third time he will buy at exorbitant prices.

The word is a knot, do not untie. Amen".

“A month, a full month, an average month, a young month, revive a treasure from a penny.

How my mother gave birth to me (your name), swaddled the first diaper.

I gird myself not with a belt, but with a silver-gold tuesk.

The word is strong with a stone, my work is sculpted. Let it be so".

Red thread conspiracy

You will need banknote denomination of 100 rubles and a coil of red woolen threads. A thread equal to the length of the bill is measured 49 times. Then it is cut off and wound like a bracelet on the wrist of the left hand. At this time, the following words are read:

“Trade for me, money for me, everything for me. And you take the goods and change. Let it be so".

Conspiracy on animals

To profit only multiplied, perform such a ritual. It is performed at the workplace when the store is still closed to visitors.

From the place where the animals stand (any, you can domestic, you can cattle), take a handful of dirt. Then light the coals (they are sold where the hookah goods are) and throw dirt on top of them. When the coals burn out, take the ashes out the threshold and say the words

“Just as these animals all ran and walked a lot, so my profit could not be counted, my work could not be redone. Let it be so".

After that, you can open the store and start the working day.

Honey plots for good trade

A strong conspiracy to trade, which is read as honey, will attract more buyers to you, they will flock like bees to your product.

A properly performed ritual “attracts” customers to your product like flies to sweets!

Conspiracy on a spoon

You need to take a spoonful of honey and say it three times, after each reading, spitting over your left shoulder:

“As the bees - God's workers - rejoice at the honeycomb, so would the trading people rejoice at my goods!

Merchants flocked, goods scattered!

Money - in my wallet! Words are a castle! Amen."

Spelled honey should be lightly lubricated with whiskey before going to the workplace.

Goods Conspiracy

To sell a specific thing, you need to cross it, smear it with a little honey and read:

“I am a good merchant! I sell my goods, I take money for myself!

Your money to me, my goods to you. Let it be so."

A conspiracy on a blade of grass

During the period of the growing moon at the dawn, take a thin grass or straw, brush with honey and read the plot 12 times:

“Like grass stretches towards the sun, bees flock to honey, so would merchants reach out and flock to me! Let it be so."

Almost all conspiracies for trading in honey are read on the full moon, this time endows magic the greatest force. Only the performer should know about the performed ritual, it is forbidden to tell colleagues or partners about it.

Conspiracy to trade in sugar

Not only honey, but also other sweet foods are associated with wealth and abundance. If you read the conspiracy to trade in sugar, then there will simply be no end to buyers.

You will need sugar and a rustic wood-fired oven. Sugar is better to take in pieces, less messing around with it. First put it in the stove blower, then melt it with aspen wood (everyone knows that aspen is a magical tree, it is used in many rituals).

“The fire is strong, do not touch my sugar!

It is better to stir up buyers so that my goods are smashed!

Wait until the fire burns out and only then take out your charmed sugar. If there is tar or ashes on it, do not be afraid to get dirty and in no case clean it up, otherwise you will have to redo it. Always carry this sugar with you or hide it at your workplace.

Salt trading conspiracy

This substance, familiar to any housewife, is used in numerous rituals to attract good luck, love and luck, as well as to protect against other people's witchcraft. It is quite easy to fulfill a conspiracy to trade in salt.

Trade conspiracies are always popular. Sellers wish by all means to attract good luck and stimulate sales. Therefore, in the future we will consider common rituals for improving trade.

Some spells need to be cast daily, others at regular intervals. It all depends on the particular ritual. Usually, the instructions indicate how often the ceremony is performed, be guided by the accompanying recommendations.

If the period between rituals is not specified, then the plot is read once. Such spells do not have to be repeated every day. It is believed that after a single ceremony Magic force stored for a long period.

But why is it so popular white magic and black in trade? The main reason is that such activities are accompanied by various risks. Entrepreneurs are extremely afraid of not making a profit or unsuccessfully making a deal, becoming bankrupt in the future.

Therefore, merchants from ancient times resorted to magical rites. They wanted to succeed in every way and receive support from higher powers. Magic among sellers remains popular even today, because the fear of failing spurs them to perform various rituals.

As a rule, it is recommended to read a plot for a good trade in the workplace. It can be a company office, a store or your counter. It is believed that in this way you attract the necessary energy in given place and create conditions for successful sales.

But we must understand that officially the fact of the existence of magic has not been proven. But even experts recognize the effectiveness of such rituals. But according to psychologists, there is nothing supernatural in such rituals, and their impact is directed at the psychology of the person himself.

Many salespeople know that half the success in sales is confidence and the ability to present the product correctly. Clever merchants can sometimes sell even the item that no one wanted to take away for free. Persuasiveness and the ability to quickly list the advantages of the product, the problems that it solves are the key to a successful sale.

Almost every industry is highly competitive. But with the help Orthodox prayer or spells, the merchant receives that very self-confidence and is not afraid to fail. Feeling the support of higher powers, he can actively act and sell any goods more efficiently.

Types of trade conspiracies

It is simply impossible to list all the options for rituals. Today there are a huge number of rituals, but we will name the main ones:

  1. For a quick profit.
  2. To attract good luck.
  3. for various transactions.
  4. Conspiracies on Orthodox holidays.
  5. Spells from elders and healers.
  6. Rites with banknotes and coins.
  7. Rituals with various items.
  8. To fight competitors, etc.

Additionally, rituals can be divided into:

  • Prayers.
  • White magic, or conspiracies.
  • Black magic, which is a potential danger.

What is the difference between white magic and black magic? The answer is simple: the kind of forces you turn to for help. Naturally, white magic is aimed at receiving support from higher powers, and black magic is aimed at receiving support from dark entities. The second option is a certain danger, since in the future you can expect the opposite negative.

For quick profit

It is not necessary to search strong conspiracy for trade. You can independently make a simple and effective talisman that will ensure the influx of new customers and increase the company's profits.

To make an amulet, you will need three nutmegs. Take a drill and a small diameter drill, make holes in them. Pass a strong green thread through the nuts. Its ends must be firmly tied, making three knots.

The finished talisman must be hung on the door or directly at the place of trading. It is believed that such a charm is able to attract many customers and improve the financial performance of the organization.

For successful and easy trading

Do you want to trade easily and successfully? Then it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony in order to receive help from higher powers. Initially, you will need to cast the spell three times before leaving the house:

Now take the green bag. You must put in it:

  1. 10 pinches of basil
  2. 5 pinches mint.
  3. 3 pinches of salt.
  4. Dried and chopped peel from three apples.
  5. 3 copper coins and one metal.

After you have put everything you need in a bag, you need to pick it up and read the plot on good trading:

Place the finished amulet next to the workplace. At the beginning of each week, take it in your hands and repeat the spell. It is believed that such a talisman will contribute to successful trading.

Conspiracies for various transactions

Any major transaction causes excitement even among experienced entrepreneurs. The fate of the business may depend on the success of the negotiations and the signed agreement. So a little fear is quite normal, any person is afraid of the subsequent failure.

Before negotiating, you can cast the following spell:

The most powerful trading conspiracy is to read at the workplace any day

Salt is used for this ritual. You need to pour it on the table, say the magic words 12 times:

Now you need to pour the salt into a small jar. Go to your counter, take a pinch of salt from the container and throw it over your left shoulder. You can perform a similar ceremony on any day, regardless of the lunar cycles and other factors. It is believed that the effectiveness of the ritual is maintained for one year. After the rite must be performed again to extend the period of the magic spell.

Conspiracy on Orthodox holidays

On Orthodox holidays, believers can purchase prosphora. It is considered a sacred object and is commonly used when administering the sacrament. But it can also be used during conspiracies.

You need to take the prosphora in left hand and cross with the right. Repeat the spell 12 times and eat it:

For sugar

Conspiracy on successful trading can be performed on sugar. To do this, you will need to come to work wearing some kind of red piece of clothing. It is necessary to sew a piece of sugar into it in advance using red threads.

Directly at the workplace, you must cast the following spell:

Repeat the plot the next day for maximum effectiveness. The charmed thing must be constantly carried with you to the workplace so that it allows you to succeed in trading.

Poppy rite

The poppy rite is performed during the growing lunar cycle. You need to purchase a glass of confectionery poppy and a handkerchief. It's better to use new thing, which is not yet charged with positive or negative energy.

Lay out the scarf on the counter. Sprinkle poppy seeds on it and repeat the spell nine times:

A charmed poppy can be wrapped in a scarf. Every day before the full moon, scatter the grains near the counter. It is believed that they will attract buyers to your product.

For bread

To perform this ritual, you need a piece rye bread. Take it from home to your workplace. Before you start trading, you need to talk about bread special words three times and eat it:

To holy water

Holy water is used in the event that the evil eye or damage could have been brought to the outlet. A special rite will help get rid of negativity and restore successful sales.

At the workplace, pour some water into a glass. Throw a coin into the container and say the text of the plot:

How to get rid of competitors in trade: conspiracy

To protect against competitors, you can make a special amulet. To create a talisman you will need:

  • Crest.
  • Pin from any metal.
  • Handkerchief.

It is recommended to purchase these items in the store. New items do not have any specific energy, so it is much easier to speak them. You need to lay things out on the table and cast the following spell:

The conspiracy of the elder Zacharias for trade

Elder Zechariah offers a special conspiracy to attract money. Text to read at work:

Types of money rituals

There are many conspiracies for good trading in which money is involved. We list the popular options:

  1. With a coin in a shoe.
  2. With a banknote.
  3. Leftover coins.

Coin in a shoe

You need to take a ten-ruble coin and say the text of the spell. Then put it in the shoes under the right heel. At the end of the working day, take this coin to the church and throw it in the donation box. It acts as a kind of ransom for the performance of the ritual.

Ritual with a bill

After the end of the working day, return to the trading place in the late evening. Take a small denomination banknote, a red thread, measure the length of the paper on the thread forty-nine times. Then cut it off the spool, begin winding it gradually around your wrist, saying the following incantation:

Rite with surrender

Often people do not take small change up to 1 ruble. Coins in denominations of 50 and 10 kopecks now have no particular value and accumulate in the wallet over time. Therefore, many buyers do not see the point in taking them for themselves.

Leftover change must be put in a separate jar. In the future, you need to take it home with you. Retire in a room, squeeze the available coins in your hand and cast a spell:


It must be understood that various rites allow you to receive positive result only if available sincere faith in their effectiveness. According to experts, a person programs himself for success, gains confidence in his own abilities.

Additionally, conspiracies allow you to get rid of unnecessary excitement. A person can calmly trade, actively offer goods to customers. It is due to this, according to psychologists, that the desired result is achieved.

A whisper to trade is short plot which can be spoken at any time. This kind of conspiracies came to us from antiquity. Formerly women read different whispers, performing the usual homework so that everything comes out okay and smoothly. In essence, a whisper is the voicing of one's desire.

How are they different from conspiracy texts

A whisper and a conspiracy should not be confused with each other. Whispers can be pronounced whenever your heart desires, but conspiracies are tied to certain day week and time of day. Also, the whisper is not recited for objects, water, and so on, but is pronounced in order to convey their desires to higher powers. Not only the text itself is important, but also the correct pronunciation:

  • you need to clearly pronounce each word;
  • the better you learn to focus on the end, the faster the action will manifest.

People working in the field of trade know perfectly well that there are "fish" days when there is no end to customers, but it happens that there is no bargaining and that's it. In such a case, whispers are needed for successful trading. Think of a product that is not for sale and imagine that a person finally came who wants to buy it, then whisper in an undertone whisper.

Before the start of the working day

Before the start of the working day, whispers are usually read for successful trading for good earnings. To do this, all goods should be overshadowed by the banner of the cross and say:

“I am a merchant, my buyer is well done. I have a product - he has money. A person does not bargain, does not find fault, everything that I offer, he likes.

Facing the sun, cross yourself three times. Open a store, and you will see how, literally in the morning, customers will flock to the store in a crowd. When the first person enters and takes one of the bargaining items, turn away and say:

"Look, turn, but just buy it right away."

It is very important to have time to say this while the person is holding the little thing in his hands. Such a whisper arouses people's interest in your product, even if it is exactly the same two meters away, a few rubles cheaper.

after sale

“Money to money. Buyer after buyer. Our goods are sold, money is strictly counted.

Best of all, if the first buyer will give you money for the calculation. This means that your whispers for successful trading in the store before the start of the working day had an effect, and today you will be lucky in trading all day long. To ask in the morning for the whole day the right attitude, just waking up, look out the window at the rising sun and say the words:

“I went out into the street, no matter where I went, they couldn’t refuse me anywhere. I am a merchant, I have a crown on my head. As soon as people come to a full store, it will immediately be empty. My product is good, its price is not one penny.

How to lure clients

Whispers for successful trading will help to lure more customers to the store and quickly sell your products. Whispers for successful trading are especially relevant, when very few people come and for the most part they are only interested, not buying. To correct your desperate situation, before the start of the working day, go out onto the porch, clap your hands and rub your pockets with them with the words:

“Ay yes, the merchant, what a fine fellow. I sold all the goods, I collected a bag of money. I traded at the market, but overtrade everyone.

After that, go to work, because soon customers will come running to your point. After each person say:

“I bought the product, showed it to my friends, one came, now bring two friends.”

So that the store is always crowded, passing by a large anthill, look at it and say:

"How many ants are in the anthill - so many people are in my store."

If on a certain day there were very few customers at your point of sale, then before leaving the workplace, say:

“Slowly yes surely. I am going to success measuredly, today one buyer has come, tomorrow he will bring another. The money will find its way to me."

To have a good income

You can perform a ceremony with Thursday salt. It is prepared before Easter, on Pure Thursday, consecrating in church temple. Going to work in the morning, throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder and say in a whisper:

“As the treasury is full, but the bins are full, so my heart is calm. May it always be so.”

So that luck never turns away, and revenue becomes even greater, at night, looking at the starry sky, say in a half-whisper: “How many stars are in the sky, so much money is in my treasury. As the clear moon walks over them, so I want to over my customers and offer goods. No one is bargaining, as much as I say, they give so much. They don’t know where to put the money, let them just bring it to me. ”

As you begin to cut the cabbage, say the following:

“I cut the cabbage with a knife, I add money to my purse. Gold flows like a river to me, and the goods only bring joy to people. Shoppers in a store are like wasps in a hornet's nest."

How to sell a stale item

People say that for every product there is a buyer. In order for this buyer to come quickly, the stale little thing should be stroked with your hand and say:

“As soon as the buyer came in and was stunned, as soon as he saw the goods, he immediately bought everything. And the goods are good, and the seller is handsome.

To sell a defective product, say this whisper:

“I went to the market, a swarm of wasps followed me. He sold all his goods. You took the goods and gave me the money.

How to sell livestock

People trade in various goods. Many people sell livestock. To sell pets faster, read this whisper, looking directly into the eyes of the animal:

“As I raised you, cherished and cherished, so now other people's hands will take you away and will also take care of you. As full of water in the well, and in the fields of grass, so you will know neither thirst, nor hunger, nor cold.

In order not to give the animal into bad hands, while feeding, say these words:

“As I spoiled you, so other people's hands will spoil. As bees have sweet honey, so you will live sweetly.

How to sell real estate

Selling real estate very often causes problems. Not everyone is able to sell their home or land right away. In order to quickly sell real estate, there are also whispers. When you wash your home before selling, say the words:

“How nice and lovely it was for me to live here, so buyers will not be able to calmly pass by. They will come into the house, the first one will look, the second one will be interested, the third one will buy.

There is another belief that says:

“Whoever walks around his house three times in a matter of days will find a buyer.”

This whole ritual is carried out in a special way. Don't forget to whisper magic words. Stopping in every corner, bow to your home and give thanks for the happy moments spent in it.

Bypass possession should be clockwise, saying:

“As I lived happily, so others will live happily here. As before I could not live without this place, so now others cannot. They will come, look and buy.

So that evil, picky people do not come, they read such a whisper:

“I am a merchant, well done, God’s crown is over me. Only good people they come to me. They don't leave without a purchase. They don’t bargain, they don’t bring down the price, for what I sell, then they buy.

You can also whisper into the open window:

“Like a breeze, it flew by, plucked the leaves from the trees, carried them around the district. And so my message spread. Buyers hurried, my house was quickly bought.

How to trade exclusive

Today, at the peak of popularity are exclusive items made with my own hands. The work is quite expensive and not everyone will understand how hard it is to do these things. Often, novice salespeople in such cases fail. Here, whispers for a successful needlework trade will come to the rescue.

Final part

The profitability of the whole business depends on good trading. Since ancient times, noble merchants used conspiracies and whispers that attract money, buyers and help solve problems. everyday problems. With the help of such simple rituals, you can significantly increase sales and make your business more profitable.

The main thing in such rituals is faith and the ability to clearly articulate your desire. Speaking a whisper, you need to think about how your wish will come true. With the help of special words, you send a signal to the Universe. If done right, higher power Your efforts will definitely be noted and all your desires will be fulfilled.

It is not necessary to memorize the texts given in the descriptions. You can ask the Universe for what you need. The main thing is to pronounce the words clearly. Thoughts are material, and like is always attracted to like - always be guided by these rules in trading and your business will be profitable.