Applications for the lease of commercial space. Application for renting a room

Types of applications received from tenants:

1. Urgent emergency repair (failure of communications, breakage of elements of the room, windows, doors, etc.)
2. Current emergency repair (elimination of damage to the finish, etc. non-urgent work)
3. Reconstruction work in the premises and on the networks in the interests of the tenant. (laying additional communications, changes in the room)

How is the reception and accounting of applications at the facility:

1. The register of applications is located at the security post for applications of types 2 and 3 (not urgent). For all questions about the execution of applications, you can contact the administrator or manager.
2. Manager and administrator of the office center - accept any applications of type 1, type 2 and 3, both in writing and orally.
3. Security post - accepts oral applications by phone and personally only type 1 (emergency). It also organizes access to the application log.

Who finances the execution of applications?

Type 1 - at the expense of the Lessor.
Type 2 - at the expense of the Lessor, at the expense of the tenant, mixed. The decision on financing is made as a result of negotiations with the Manager.
Type 3 - at the expense of the tenant, mixed. The decision on financing is made as a result of negotiations with the Manager.


Type 1 - immediately.
Type 2 - in planned dates, or on receipt of funds, or both.
Type 3 - upon receipt of funds, within the contractual terms.

How are requests processed?

Application type 1. It is executed immediately at the expense of the Lessor in any case, even if the accident occurred due to the fault of the Lessee. In the latter case, upon the presentation of the service station, the manager submits a claim to the tenant and makes settlements to cover losses. The submission indicates the nature of the incident, causes, conclusions about the guilt of the tenant and an estimate of the cost of restoration.

Deadline (start of work): immediately after receipt of the application.

Application type 2 . It can be carried out both at the expense of the Lessor and at the expense of the tenant, mixed options are possible. In this case, the estimated calculation of the work and the contractor for their implementation, the deadlines are first determined. The order of financing is determined by the manager. He also issues invoices to the tenant and makes payments on account of the work performed.
Type 3. It is carried out mainly only at the expense of the tenant, but mixed options are also possible. In this case, the estimate calculation of the work and the contractor for their implementation (in-house or an external contractor) and the deadlines are first determined. The order of financing is determined by the manager. He also issues invoices to the tenant and makes payments on account of the work performed.
We kindly ask the Tenants not to communicate with the employees of the service station on financial matters. Perhaps a misunderstanding.

List of persons responsible for receiving applications:

Type 1. (emergency)

    1. Security at the post (round the clock).
    2. Manager / administrator (during working hours).
    3. Security Service (during working and daytime).
    4. Service station directly (during business and daytime) - any employee in uniform.

Type. 2 and 3. Manager, administrator.

Approved procedure for accepting applications:

Type. 1 (emergency) - accepted by phone or in person by any employee of the Olympia EC, who immediately contacts the relevant service, management, etc.
Type. 2 - Fixed in the existing log.
Type. 3 - not logged. A written application is made and submitted to the manager.