Dark stripe on the pubis during pregnancy. Why does a stripe appear on the stomach of pregnant women, at what stages of pregnancy does this occur and what does it mean? Causes of the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen

There is no doubt that pregnancy changes a woman and often for the better. From the side, a rounded belly, some prettiness of the expectant mother and inexplicable charm are clearly visible.

1. Why does a strip appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

2. When and for how long does the band appear?

3. Pigmentation and signs

4. Conclusion

But the woman herself sees much more changes, because day after day for 40 weeks she notices how her body is being transformed, new features appear, often not always clear to herself. A striking example is a strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. The phenomenon is very common, but in many hypochondriac pregnant women it causes confusion, and in very suspicious ones it causes anxiety and anxiety. Should I be worried about this and what does this phenomenon mean? Let's talk.

Why does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

The question is very good, and the answer is surprisingly simple and can be described in one word: “pigment”. Didn't guess? Then listen.

I really like to talk about the wonderful substances called hormones, and this time I can’t do without them either. So, if you know, some of these hormones are responsible for preparing a woman's body for bearing a baby. In particular, after conception, multiple processes in the body are activated, including the production of a number of hormones, including ACTH, adrenal hormones, female sex hormones, somatotropin, etc.

These substances stimulate the production of another substance - melanotropin, which, in turn, activates the activity of special cells - melanocytes. And already these cells produce the familiar melanin, which makes our skin darken in the sun. In simple terms, the plant (melanocytes) starts the production of the product (melanin) only after this very plant receives “permission from the authorities” in the form of melanotropin. Something like this.

The increased production of melanin is precisely the same pigmentation that appears in most pregnant women in the form of this notorious dark strip, darkened nipples, labia vulva (even!) And the appearance of age spots on the face, shoulders and, possibly, back.

Now let's figure out why it is the middle line of the abdomen that darkens. If you have ever seen an anatomical image of the human abdominal muscles, you probably noticed that the press consists of a number of muscles symmetrical about the vertical axis, separated by some kind of white stripes. The largest one in the center even has its own name - the white line of the abdomen (linea alba). We always have it, it consists of collagen fibers and connective tissue, in the normal state it is not noticeable at all. But pregnancy is not an ordinary and familiar condition for a woman, the stomach grows, the skin and muscles of the abdomen stretch, the white stripe becomes more and more noticeable. Over time, due to the accumulation of pigment in this area, the belly line darkens, and the intensity of the color directly depends on the activity of the production of the hormone melanotropin.

When does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy

As you might guess from the story above, the pigment stripe on the belly of a pregnant woman is a completely normal physiological phenomenon that is not worth worrying about. It appears to some degree of intensity in 9 out of 10 women in position and closer to the third trimester, when the stomach is already decently large. It may also happen that the strip will not be noticeable at all - this is also a variant of the norm that does not require intervention.

By the way, this phenomenon has a Latin name - linea nigra, which literally means - "dark stripe". At the same time, its appearance is influenced not only by a change in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, but also by her color type. Those who have a lot of skin pigment by nature: brown-eyed brunettes, swarthy and dark-skinned women, will have more pronounced pigmentation. The stripe on the abdomen will be dark, exactly like the nipple halos on the chest. Less noticeable or completely absent pigmentation in fair-haired white-skinned expectant mothers.

The dark line on the pregnant tummy disappears in the same way as it appears, that is, by itself some time after the birth. The hormonal background changes, the production of melanin is no longer so intense, the strip either disappears or becomes much less noticeable.

Many women are worried about this and consider it to be something like a cosmetic defect, something unattractive and spoiling a lovely pregnant belly. It’s a matter of taste and understanding of beauty, as they say, but if you don’t want to provoke its darkening or make the strip stand out even more, then here are a couple of tips:

  • - since exposure to the sun directly affects not only the production of vitamin D, but also skin pigment, it is logical to exclude or, if possible, reduce sunbathing so that the line on the stomach does not become more noticeable;
  • - try to protect yourself from the sun's rays with closed clothing or creams with the maximum degree of protection;
  • - it is impossible to prevent the appearance of a strip, but it has been proven that in northern women such a cosmetic feature is less common and less pronounced than in residents of hot southern regions.

Pigmentation and signs

Now let's talk about the most interesting. In ancient times, when they still did not know what prenatal diagnosis was, the sex of the child was determined by the fact at birth. But of course, many wanted to know this information long before this moment and tried in every possible way to guess the sex during pregnancy, to identify some kind of pattern and a reliable sign. The same pigment line on the abdomen of pregnant women did not go unnoticed. So, I offer you options for "fortune telling on the strip":

  • - if the strip is dark, even and extends from the pubis to the sternum, then surely a son is growing under the mother's heart;
  • - if the strip is light, short or not at all, then a girl is likely to be born;
  • - the intensity of the stripe color can speak about the nature of the unborn child: the brighter it is, the calmer and more balanced the baby will be born.

The last option, by the way, can be quite scientifically substantiated. Melanotropin, the same hormone that is partly responsible for the appearance of linea nigra, is considered a hormone of stress resistance, so you can clearly trace the relationship between the intensity of the color of the strip and the resistance to stress in the fetus.

Some sources consider such a situation that melanotonin can be produced by the fetus itself, and not by the mother's body. In this case, during pregnancy, the strip on the abdomen will be pronounced, and the baby himself will be born fair-haired and with fair skin. It is likely that such a child will later cope with stressful situations better than other children.


Dear future mothers! Let the stripe on your stomach be your biggest problem in this life, and let your pregnancy flow easily and end with the birth of a healthy baby! As we found out, pigmentation on the abdomen during pregnancy is a completely normal and physiological phenomenon that is not worth your concern. The strip appears closer to the third trimester, but it can clearly manifest itself for a short time - in any case, this is normal and will go away on its own after childbirth.

Pregnancy is a happy period in the life of a young family. A woman is in a new physiological state for herself, when the body changes, there is a restructuring of the internal organs and the internal state. Some changes delight and delight, others, on the contrary, bewilderment and questions. Most attention is drawn to the strip on the abdomen in pregnant women and pigmentation.

The phenomenon is not dangerous, refers to natural hyperpigmentation. A thin vertical line begins at the junction of the abdomen and pubis and stretches up straight to the navel. Rarely reaches the ribs. Its location is always strictly vertical in the center.

Statistics say that the strip appears in 90% of pregnant women. One in ten manages to keep the body clean. The probability of manifestation is higher in the fair sex with dark hair and dark skin.

Reasons for the appearance

The pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is an individual phenomenon. The reason is clear and understandable. The appearance is preceded by hormonal changes, or rather fluctuations in the level of progesterone and estrogen. During their restructuring, the secretion of the hormone melantropin increases. This substance is responsible for the production of pigment, which makes the skin dark. Due to numerous chemical reactions in the body, the pigment is unevenly distributed. As a result, a dark spot or a whole pigmented area may appear on the thigh, face, abdomen, back. Increased hair growth throughout the body can join these cosmetic defects. Almost all women note darkening of the areolas of the nipples. They become dark brown in color.

Doctors suggest that the darkening of the vertical line is due to the fact that there is no muscle tissue in the middle. The pregnant belly grows, stretches week after week, and the connective tissue in the center begins to stretch and thin, resulting in translucence. The hollow gap visually looks dark.

How long does it take for pigmentation to appear?

It is impossible to provide an exact answer to the question posed, the process depends on internal factors. In some of the fair sex, the appearance of a stripe is regarded as an early sign of pregnancy. At short periods, it may be yellow and gradually the color changes to dark.

The main part of expectant mothers notices a pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy, reaching 12 weeks. But it can also appear at a later date - 7-8 months.

It is not possible to predict exactly how long a strip will appear on the abdomen. There are no algorithms. Everything is individual and unpredictable. If pigmentation was in the first pregnancy, it will occur in subsequent ones.

What determines the intensity of pigmentation

For each expectant mother, the line has distinctive characteristics in terms of color concentration and location. It is intermittent, crooked, slightly to the left or right, depending on the position of the fetus. When the color begins to appear light, barely noticeable. With an increase in the term, the color is more intense, brighter. The process is driven by an increase in hormone levels.

There is a belief in women's circles that it is easy to predict the sex of the unborn baby from the strip on the abdomen of pregnant women. If absent, this will mean that a girl will appear in the family. And with an intense bright, black line, a male child should be expected. Scientists advise not to listen to mythical predictions. Numerous studies have not revealed a direct relationship between the sex of the fetus and the level of pigmentation.

When does it go away and can it be prevented?

Age spots on the abdomen that appeared during pregnancy is a natural process that cannot be controlled and managed. They will gradually pass, disappear within 6-12 months after childbirth. It rarely happens that childbirth does not correct the situation and the dark striped belly remains for a long time, sometimes for several years. It is impossible to whiten the belly, it remains to be patient and wait, the speck will pass on its own. Methods have not been developed to remove it in a short time, but you can smooth out the color without abusing a sun tan.

  • use natural-based bleaches without hydroquinone, mercury, and AHAs as soon as you get pregnant;
  • give up black tea and coffee in large quantities or remove from the diet;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • increase the consumption of dairy products;
  • avoid stressful situations, anxiety, worries that cause a surge of hormones.

Now we know what causes a strip on the abdomen in pregnant women. Take care of your nerves, keep calm even in case of ugly changes in appearance. Enjoy a wonderful period, each pregnancy is a unique feeling and emotion, and there is no need to be distracted by negativity. If the problem is very disturbing, get feedback from your doctor regarding the issue of interest. Pigmentation is a small part of the physiological changes, as well as a protruding navel. The natural process is not dangerous for the expectant mother and for the child. After childbirth, the pigment will pass and return to the prenatal appearance. Some have a horizontal dark seam from a caesarean section, but it will quickly brighten and disappear. Your main task is to wait and love yourself and your new body.

The dark stripe on the abdomen is nothing but manifestation of hyperpigmentation. The strip is a thin vertical line that runs from the navel down to the pubic area.

In some cases, the strip "grows" up to the level of the ribs. The strip is always located vertically in the center of the abdomen.

In fact, this strip is present in all women, but at a time when a woman is not pregnant, this line is completely invisible. The darkening of the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is due to increased pigmentation of the ligament located in this area (“white line”).

Will I have one?

According to statistics, 90% of women during pregnancy a dark line appears on the abdomen. Dark-haired and swarthy women are most likely to have a stripe.

Why does she appear?

The exact cause of the appearance of a dark line on the abdomen in pregnant women is unknown, but it is believed that this is due to natural increased levels of the following hormones:

  • melanotropin (a hormone that stimulates melanocytes - cells that produce pigment and increase the risk of darkening of the skin, freckles and birthmarks);
  • estrogen;

As you can see, there is no reason for concern: the appearance of a strip on the belly of a pregnant woman indicates that everything is going as it should with regard to hormones.

When does it usually appear?

In some women, a dark stripe on the abdomen appears at the very beginning of pregnancy and even acts as a sign of it. At first, the strip may be light, and over time it begins to darken.

Most often, pregnant women notice a line starting to darken on their stomach. after 12 weeks. Also, a dark strip on the abdomen may appear in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Obviously, each case is different.

How long will the dark line be present on the abdomen?

Appeared strip on the belly of a pregnant woman gradually starts to get darker due to an increase in hormone levels.

Usually the line disappears soon, but in some women it brightens, but is still visible. With subsequent pregnancies, the strip on the abdomen tends to appear earlier and is more visible.

Is it possible to prevent or get rid of its occurrence?

The strip should disappear on its own after childbirth. Ways to prevent the appearance of a strip quite limited:

  • pregnant women are advised to spend less time in the open sun;
  • use sunscreen;
  • try to be in the shade during the period of highest solar activity;
  • Wear light, closed clothing while outdoors.

Unfortunately, even full compliance with all these recommendations will not give a 100% guarantee that the strip will not appear.

The only thing that can be achieved by following these rules is to prevent a strong darkening of the strip. It will not work to mask this line or get rid of it during pregnancy.

Important to remember!

Sun- the main source of vitamin D, which is essential for the health, growth and development of bones. That is why it is important for pregnant women to strike a balance: not to reduce sun exposure to a minimum (trying to prevent the appearance of a strip), but also not to get involved in sunbathing.

The amount of vitamin D each person needs depends on many factors, including a person's skin type, season, location, and more.

On average, 30 minutes of sun exposure (during low activity periods) per day will be enough for a pregnant woman to get a good dose of vitamin D.

Dark stripe and gender of the child: folk signs

Folk sources contain information that the gender of the unborn child can be recognized from the strip on the stomach: they say, the light line that ends at the navel indicates a girl, and a pronounced dark line that stretches to the ribs indicates that it will be born heir. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no scientific confirmation of this at the moment.

We can now safely conclude the following: dark line on belly during pregnancy- not a magic tool for predicting the sex of the unborn child, but only an indicator that a new life is developing correctly in a woman’s body.

It is not worth being embarrassed by the dark strip on the stomach, and even more so trying to remove it: this “order of the future Mother” should be worn with pride!

Expert comment

Pregnant women are people of increased suspiciousness. Therefore, they pay attention to any changes. When certain signs appear that were absent before pregnancy, women have questions, the most important of which is: “What if this remains for life?”

Not a single woman agrees to acquire cosmetic defects after pregnancy, one of which is a dark strip on her stomach. Why does it appear, what does it mean and when will it disappear?

The appearance of a dark strip is due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

Changes in the appearance of pregnant women due to the synthesis of hormones, special substances that are produced in the body and induce it to certain actions.

The mechanism of action of hormones is highly intelligent. The released substances enter the bloodstream and do not have an effect on all organs in a row. The work of hormones begins only on target cells.

In relation to pregnancy, target cells are located on the organs on which labor activity depends.

The amount of female hormones: estrogens and progestogens increases hundreds of times. Synthesis of hormones of general action, which include growth hormone during pregnancy increases tenfold. But this is enough to notice changes in the appearance of a pregnant woman.

Somatotropin is translated as follows: "soma" - the body, "tropin" - I give birth. That is, the hormone that gives birth to the body. Somatotropin works in childhood and adolescence, then its activity decreases. During pregnancy, somatotropin is again synthesized in large quantities. This leads to noticeable changes in appearance.

The fingers of a pregnant woman become longer, facial features are sharpened. This phenomenon is temporary and reversible. It is called acromegaly in pregnancy. After childbirth, somatotropin synthesis decreases to the original level, and all changes disappear without a trace.

The role of somatotropin in the formation of a dark strip on the abdomen

A dark stripe is formed along the midline of the abdomen. This line is located exactly in the middle of the body vertical. The right and left halves of the body converge at the midline.

The growth of the uterus is due to female hormones, and the walls of the abdomen - somatotropin.

Its action is aimed at the growth of muscle tissue. There are no muscles in the midline of the abdomen. Here is a strip of connective tissue that serves as the border between the right and left half of the body.

Growth hormone, as it were, pushes the muscles apart, as a result, the midline of the abdomen expands slightly. When the connective tissue is stretched, the layer becomes thinner and more transparent. So somatotropin prepares the "base" for the appearance of a dark strip of the abdomen. But its color depends on another hormone.

The intensity of the color of the vertical strip on the belly of a pregnant woman is determined by the amount of melanotropin

For some reason, women pay attention to the strip on the stomach more than to the age spots on the face. The interest is historical. They noticed something, evaluated something, passed on knowledge from generation to generation.

Since such folk art did not fit into classical obstetrics, knowledge was lost as unnecessary. But the interest remained.

Melanotropin in the body of a pregnant woman

Melanotropin refers to anti-stress hormones, and its synthesis during pregnancy determines only the fetus. When the glands in the fetus begin to work, then this strip appears.

Moreover, brunette and dark-skinned women have a dark stripe along the central line of the abdomen without any participation of the fetus. Through the thinned connective tissue shine through melanocyte cells that appeared long before pregnancy.

Quite another thing if they were not. For example, in fair-haired women. Then you can determine the internal state of the fetus: how comfortable it is to stay in the womb. Or draw a different conclusion: the fetus produces melanotropin that enters the mother's bloodstream.

A child is born with absolutely white skin and blond hair, but during pregnancy there was a dark stripe. This means only one thing: the unborn child has a powerful genetic resistance to stress.

A dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy occurs in most women, and this cute sign of pregnancy becomes a cause for alarm and even is the basis of popular superstition.

You may notice that you have a streak on your stomach early in pregnancy, but most women find it in the second or third trimesters. Sometimes the tummy stays clean throughout pregnancy.

The color of the strip on the abdomen, its length, depend on the predominant pigments in the woman's skin. For example, the main skin pigment melanin is present in humans in two main fractions, eumelanin and pheomelanin. If you accumulate more eumelanin, you will have a very dark, almost black, line on your belly. This is more typical for women with naturally dark skin, which is prone to the production of this particular melanin. Pheomelanin is a lighter, reddish-brown pigment, and if a pregnant woman has more of it, then the strip will be light brown, not bright.

A striped belly during pregnancy does not pose any threat to the child and his mother, it is just a symptom of pregnancy, not dangerous and not terrible. The strip on the abdomen after childbirth remains for 3-4 months, and passes by the time of the resumption of menstruation. If it does not pass, you can not wait until everything returns to normal and help nature.

Why does a stripe appear on the stomach?

The answer to the question of why a strip appears on the abdomen in pregnant women lies in a serious restructuring of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman.

Since everyone associates increased hairiness - spotting with male sex hormones, there is a popular belief that a pigment strip on the abdomen, as well as a strip of hair, appear if a woman is expecting a boy, because he has male sex hormones. But this skin change is not associated with sex hormones, but with hormones of the adrenal cortex, so the pigment strip on the abdomen, like other skin pigmentation, is in no way connected with the sex of the child.

And even more so, the sex of the child is not associated with the shape of the strip on the stomach, if it is curved, this does not mean the birth of a girl, no matter how much you would like it.

How to prevent the appearance of a strip and deal with it if it does not go away for a long time?

The brown strip on the stomach looks, of course, cute, but it can be not only in the lower abdomen, but also go to the navel, and then it turns brown, and even rise above the navel, dividing the tummy into 2 halves. And after the birth of a baby, this stripe, which used to decorate your watermelon in such a way, becomes a cosmetic problem, you want to get rid of it.

But let's first go back a little, but is it possible to prevent its occurrence at all? Yes, you can!

The vertical stripe on the abdomen will be less bright and pronounced if you protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Since we cannot widely use all kinds of different cosmetics, let's discuss the problem in a little more detail, which will be especially useful to you on the eve of summer or a trip to the sea on vacation.

Regularly use cosmetic masks and creams with a UV protection factor of at least 25-30 if you are in the sun. When buying creams, please note that all sunscreens must contain filters based on zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These substances do not irritate the skin at all and are safe for pregnant women.

Remember, any whitening cream is contraindicated for you if it contains mercury, hydroquinone or AHA acids.

You can influence the formation of the strip through ... your diet. Lack of vitamin C and folic acid provokes pigmentation and is dangerous for the fetus. Enrich your food with fresh vegetables and fruits, brew rose hips and pamper yourself with lemon, eat green vegetables. Take a prenatal multivitamin.

Fatty and meat foods also affect the tendency to form a dark strip, so sour-milk products and herbs, vegetables, fruits are much more beneficial for the skin of pregnant women.

The strip on the living is darker in those women who abuse coffee and strong tea, during pregnancy they should be excluded from the diet.

So your baby was born, and now you really want to quickly return to normal shape. Your tummy, most likely, you will not like it for a long time, the muscles are weakened, the skin is stretched, and this strip is also ... It will pass by itself in about 3-4 months, but some women have to live with this reminder of an experienced pregnancy for several years.

In such cases, you should contact a cosmetologist, today there are quite effective methods of hardware correction of age spots, and you will be relieved of the strip in 1 visit. But tightening the tummy itself is, of course, more difficult, and much depends on you.

The body of a pregnant woman goes through many different changes and transformations. These are always individual characteristics that cannot be predicted for everyone. A strip on the abdomen during pregnancy appears in some women, causing concern about their health and the well-being of the baby. What causes such conditions, expectant mothers should know.

What is a "dark stripe"

The appearance of a pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy has long been overgrown with legends and superstitions. They are not recognized by medicine. For example, some argue that a dark line on the abdomen during pregnancy will help predict the sex of the child.

Science, of course, rejects such a claim. Physicians have their own ideas about the essence of such a phenomenon. The scientific name for this condition in Latin is Linea Negra and means "dark stripe". It appears as a result of changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Its appearance is influenced by melanin, progesterone and estrogen. They can also cause hair growth on the abdomen.

But don't be afraid. In fact, the dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy simply appears more clearly. In normal times, all the fair sex has it.

This strip can stretch along the entire abdomen, and sometimes it is noticeable from the navel to the womb. Its intensity can be from dark to light brown. The width and configuration of the strip is also always different. It shouldn't be intimidating either. After all, every organism is unique.


The abdominals have symmetrical muscles. They are connected by tendons, which are called the medical term "white line of the abdomen." In its normal state, it is completely invisible.

When a strip appears on the abdomen during pregnancy in women who are carrying a child for the first time, doubts begin to creep in whether this is normal.

The reason for its appearance, according to scientists, may be increased production of the hormone ACTH by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the production of melanotropin, which forms the pigment melanin. This substance also stains the skin in a dark color.

When does the line come and go?

The period when a dark strip appears on the abdomen during pregnancy is also individual for each case. For some, it may appear in the early stages. It often comes along with other pregnancy symptoms (nausea, feeling unwell, and a big appetite). It may intensify over time.

When a strip appears on the abdomen during pregnancy, the 12th week of this position of the female body is usually already underway. Some begin to notice it at the end of the second or even in the third trimester. This condition may be accompanied by increased pigmentation on the face and nipples.

Such a phenomenon should disappear within one and a half years after childbirth. It is impossible to predict this process in advance. For some, a very light trace from the pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy remains for life.

What to do if a streak appears

There is no need to get rid of the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy (as shown in the photo).

Its appearance is considered an absolutely natural, natural process. This phenomenon should go away on its own after childbirth. And there are not even drugs that remove the brown stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy.

You should think about eliminating the mark if it stays on the skin for a very long time. The pigment strip that appears on the abdomen during pregnancy, most likely, cannot be eliminated at home. The use of scrubs, ointments, folk remedies in such cases can somewhat lighten it.

A greater effect can be achieved with the help of procedures by a professional cosmetologist. He will carry out hardware correction of hyperpigmentation.

What external factors affect the appearance of the strip

In 10% of women, a strip on the abdomen does not appear at all during pregnancy. It has to do with where they live. In more northern areas, solar activity is quite low.

Therefore, melanin in such women is produced in much smaller quantities than in southerners. In fair-haired, fair-skinned women, the appearance of a dark strip is less common. Although external signs are not a 100% guarantee of the absence of hyperpigmentation.

Southern women are more likely to have dark hair and swarthy skin. In their geographic area, the sun is scorching, there are fewer cloudy and cold days. Their skin is originally endowed with more melanin than northerners.

Due to this feature, a dark stripe on the abdomen sometimes appears even without pregnancy. This proves that it exists in all women. A brown stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy in residents of the south appears in almost every case of the onset of such a condition.

How to prevent streaks

Sometimes it is easier to prevent such a phenomenon than to get rid of the mark later. There are several ways to help somewhat reduce the likelihood of such a thing as a strip on the abdomen during pregnancy (see photo in the article).

These recommendations include reducing the consumption of coffee and black tea. You should also pay attention to the composition of your daily cream. It is recommended to abandon products containing mercury, hydroquinone, AHA acids.

You should consume more dairy products. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy as a whole.

The easiest way to avoid causing a stripe on the abdomen is to avoid exposure to ultraviolet light on the skin. By protecting yourself from the sun's rays, you can reduce its saturation.

Traditional medicine recipes

If hyperpigmentation on the abdomen has not gone away for a very long time, you can use folk recipes to eliminate it. The strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is not eliminated immediately. Its intensity will gradually decrease.

One of the most effective remedies are lotions made from cranberry or lemon juice. Suitable for such procedures and sweet peppers. A slurry is made from it and applied to the stomach for half an hour once a day.

A mask of ground parsley and cucumber will also have a certain effect on the strip. It is applied to the stomach for 20 minutes.

Kefir and yogurt also have a whitening effect. Gauze is moistened in a fermented milk product and applied to the area of ​​pigmentation. It is left for 30 minutes and washed off with warm water. After the procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Folk omens

There are many beliefs that make predictions on the shape and color of the pigmentation area. These most often include determining the sex of the child. To do this, consider the shape that the strip on the abdomen has during pregnancy. The gender of the child is determined by its length and intensity. If the area in question passes from the navel and has a light color, then a girl will be born. In the case when the strip passes through the entire abdomen and has a dark, saturated shade, the birth of a boy should be expected.

Another interesting theory is the consideration of the hormone itself that causes this phenomenon. Melanotropin is characterized as a hormone that induces resistance to stress. The appearance of a dark strip along the entire abdomen, according to this theory, indicates the birth of a calm, stress-resistant baby.

However, none of these versions has been scientifically confirmed, and the experience of many generations testifies to the failure of such superstitions.

Having delved deeper into the topic under consideration, it should be noted that the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy (as well as its absence) is not a pathology. This is a purely individual phenomenon for each organism. It does not threaten the health of the baby and his mother. The dark line disappears on its own after childbirth. The only thing that can be done to eliminate its manifestation in the future is to listen to measures to prevent its occurrence. Subsequently, the brown strip left after pregnancy can be gradually lightened with the help of folk remedies or by contacting a beautician.