How to celebrate a birthday? Secrets of Solar. How to wisely celebrate a birthday or the magical ritual of laying solarium How to celebrate a birthday better

Why you shouldn't celebrate your birthday on your birthday itself and why you shouldn't blow out the candles on a birthday cake.

Each of us celebrates one of the most important holidays – Birthday – once a year. This is a very important and multifaceted day. This is usually a reason to gather friends, loved ones, relatives and properly celebrate, receive well-deserved gifts and congratulations. It is also a reason to rejoice that you have become a year older, wiser, or think philosophically about the fact that you are a year closer to the time when you need to leave this world.

But few people know how important it is to spend the 12 days after your birthday correctly, and very few study what a personal Solarium is).

Solar is the exact rotation of the Sun relative to the Earth, its exact return to the point in space that it was at the moment you came into this world, at the moment of your birth. It is better to be able to calculate it yourself, otherwise you can turn to a specialist, an astrologer, to calculate the solarium time. This day may coincide with the calendar birthday, or maybe plus or minus one day from this.

It is at this moment of the solarium that special energies are activated that determine the fate of a person for the coming year.
The sun is the source of vitality for all living things, including humans. Therefore, at the moment of solarium, there is a certain “recharging of the battery” of a person, his internal energy.
Therefore, it is so important to celebrate your personal New Year correctly.

This is where the ancient saying comes from: “how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it.” This applies primarily to birthdays. On this day, any signs are important; a small event can easily be reflected in a big one throughout the year.

So that recharging is successful and you have enough strength to do good deeds throughout the year, you need to spend your birthday as calm and quiet as possible, preferably in nature.

On the contrary, we have a tradition of spending this day as noisily as possible, celebrating “properly.” As a result, we simply “drain” all the vital energy that is given to us for business for the whole year on a noisy holiday, we lose this huge resource and during the year we often we feel weakness, lack of strength, get sick, because... our batteries were not charged.

It is better to celebrate your birthday on the 3rd day after turning on Solar.

It is important that on your birthday there is a fire in the house (candle, lamp). Fire is a reflection of your inner fire; it is symbolically connected with your creativity, with spirit, the divine spark of universal Fire.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you blow out the candles on your birthday cake!!! It’s better to take them out of the cake and let them burn completely, and while watching the fire burn, put your desire into it.

And by blowing out the candles, you symbolically extinguish your fire, your development. The tradition of blowing out the fire on this day is artificial and very harmful, specially introduced by evil spirits...


Solarium: bookmarking the life program on your birthday.

Every year a person, as is customary, celebrates his birthday, sometimes without even realizing the full significance of this event. Since childhood, he has become accustomed to considering this holiday as something special and memorable - when those around him give him gifts and say kind words. With age, his sensations become less strong and vivid.

And the days of his birthday are no longer so memorable to him - as if they are becoming something ordinary. But the time of the new “birth of the Sun” is the most significant event of the year! However, no one taught him how to spend this day correctly, no one taught him to understand that this was the time that ancient wise people chose in order to change the course of a person’s life for the better. After all, it is by the Sun that all living things on Earth determine the cycles of their Life. At this time, a person can perform a special “magic” ritual and start a new life.

And for this it is good, of course, to know the exact time of your birth and the position of the degree of the Sun in the horoscope. Every year your Sun falls at this degree at different times and even sometimes on different days. Without this knowledge, it is more difficult to lay down a strong Solarium. But if you cannot consult an astrologer, do not be upset.

We will help you do everything possible to make the year following your birthday successful and happy! This requires only one thing - your desire. Among your friends, probably the vast majority habitually celebrate their unique birthday: prepare a table for guests or spend large sums on a good restaurant, try their best to cheer up the guests, so that the next day they almost get sick from such a “holiday”. However, the result of these efforts is only the next year, which is like two peas in a pod to all the other years lived.

What is SOLAR - from the point of view of an astrologer, this is the exact time of the connection of the Sun with the degree of one’s natal position - the position at the time of a person’s birth. But you can consider the day of Solar - the day of your birth, and start the ritual itself a little earlier in time - early in the morning. Although it is better to find out from an astrologer the switching point of your Solar, it can happen at any time.

For many people, the period before SOLAR or a birthday - especially the last week, is not by chance the most difficult of the year - after all, you need to let go, finish many unresolved affairs during the year, forgive someone, remember someone, return your debts and receive other people's. All year a person could live in a hurry and accumulate small debts to the world because of his ignorance, laziness, inattention... And now, the hour is approaching when everything old, outdated, unnecessary must go away. And before laying his solarium, it is useful for a person to begin to remember what this year was like, what special events, achievements, victories and defeats he had.

So what else does a person need to know in order to competently carry out a ritual to attract success, good luck and health in the coming year? He can write down on paper all the events of the past year, he can even create a special viewing album, where all the pictures are removed from him in reverse order - so that the events clearly emerge in memory. In this work, his friends and relatives can help him. Together with him, they can remember many of the events of this year - and talk to him about what was hidden, what they didn’t want to talk about before. At this time, a person must constantly remember that it is important for him to open up, not to hold grudges about the past, not to hide what he really feels, but to be SINCERE and HONEST - FIRST OF ALL WITH HIMSELF.
It is best to do this based on the position of the planets in the horoscope during the period when remembering the past year occurs. But if this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a simple recapitulation.
Before the Solarium itself - early in the morning - stand in cool salt water for 10 minutes, imagining. How water “takes away” the past year and everything that should go away with it. It is good to hold a wax church candle in your right hand.

After this, you can begin the Solar ritual itself, which lasts 12 days and helps a person bring something new into 12 spheres of his life - astrologically 12 houses. Each “house” designates one sphere - unique, unrepeatable for its owner - so you need to carefully read, she means. Every day, starting from the first day, you must live very actively - because how you live it will be the same for the whole year.

So the FIRST day corresponds to the 1st house, the 2nd day to the second house, etc.
Houses describe the structure of human existence.

1 - appearance, character, temperament of a person;
2 - money, valuables, movable property;
3 - close environment, neighbors, contacts, schooling, short trips;
4 - parents, home, family, real estate, end of life;
5 - creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art, speculation;
6 - work, service, health and illness;
7 - marriage, partners, obvious enemies;
8 - sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occultism;
9 - worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel;
10 - career, recognition, honors, goals in life, superiors;
11 - hopes, friends, surprises;
12 - secrets in life, isolation, monastery, serious illnesses, mysticism.

If you want all these parts of your life to be in order, then you need to live each of the 12 days very actively. And since each person’s horoscope is unique, you need to be careful to fulfill all your wishes. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you have NEW CHARACTER QUALITIES that you need, so that you don’t just “shoot off”, but feel these qualities within yourself.

And now - in more detail about the houses:

FIRST HOUSE - denotes the impression that a person makes on others: this is a person’s appearance, his personal ideas about himself, his talents, temperament, activity, ability to be first.
On this day you should be creative and active in everything. You get your future health through dousing and sports exercises. YOU NEED TO BE very independent and try to become noticeable within your environment - but this does not mean that you need to suppress others and be overly selfish. Women are encouraged to dress up and put on makeup - to create a new, strong look. Maybe even completely change in appearance. On this day it is better not to invite guests - try to pay more attention to yourself.

SECOND HOUSE - denotes property, the ability to earn and spend money, practical knowledge and skills acquired through one’s own efforts, business activity, property, prosperity and wealth.
On this day, it is not very useful to accept gifts, be greedy, or be proud of your material property. It is good to make a donation or give away with all sincerity something that is still of value to you. If you consider yourself a “lack of silver” and earning money comes to you with great difficulty, then, on the contrary, you can devote your entire day to earning money. Try to understand that you simply “invented” your poverty and from this day on you have every right to become rich. On this day, you must definitely earn something and be sure to spend it usefully, check all your accounts, debts, do not borrow money on this day and do not lend money to others;

THIRD HOUSE – denotes brothers and sisters, neighbors and relationships with them, exchange of thoughts, curiosity, speech, contracts, agreements, news. Short trips.
On this day, in order to avoid “punctures,” it is best to remain silent or speak very little and to the point. The motto of this day is “YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MARKET”. You can go on a short trip. The most useful thing on this day is to do the opposite of what you usually do when communicating with other people. If you are “silent” by nature, it is useful to have more contact and exchange your thoughts and ideas. It’s good to generally refrain from watching TV and reading on this day. It is better to spend this day in nature or with brothers and sisters.

FOURTH HOUSE - denotes parents, your roots, ancestors in general, home and family, completion of life, mental peace, familiar surroundings, emotional security, support for survival.
Observe where you want to go during this day - you may want to spend the day in the forest or in nature, or in a place where you can remember your family and ask for help and support.

It is best to visit relatives on this day. It’s good to do your homework, put your garden in complete order. On this day it is better not to start anything new, not to be active, but inaction, laziness, sadness, tears are better not to allow them to accompany you throughout the next year.

FIFTH HOUSE - denotes children, creative professions, creativity itself, hobbies, hobbies, free time, random happiness, love, romantic adventures, the desire to be noticed and appreciated in society, popularity, spending on entertainment.
On this day, it is better not to get carried away by love affairs, not to be seduced by the image, if there are strong temptations and temptations, you should not gamble or make expensive purchases. It’s good to be with children - watch them play and you will see how much joy, attention and spontaneity there is in it. You can also do something that you have never done before. We advise you to remember your childhood years - do something like this, which your parents categorically forbade you to do back then. In love adventures, on the contrary, you need restraint - then you will make up for yours. Natural communication with one’s own or other people’s children occupies an important place.

SIXTH HOUSE - denotes your health and care for it, service and daily work, caring for others, and responsibilities, subordination, discipline, relationships in service, work environment, professional skills, working with tools and mechanisms

THIS IS A DAY TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH. A day when you can completely devote yourself to business and everyday worries. On this day you can move up the career ladder as after years of hard work. DAY OF CALM. But try to beware of routine. See if you are not being pulled into your whirlpool by small everyday affairs, which make it easy to miss the main, important thing. It’s good to try a new diet or treat yourself to a light meal on this day.

SEVENTH HOUSE - denotes spouse, partners and enemies, personal relationships with people, responsibility to the front; marriage, divorce, separation, breakup, litigation, trade, transactions, competition, co-authorship.

If you live with a partner, then it would be very good to spend this day together and discuss joint plans for the future - they may consist of you starting to do something that you did not dare to do. Maybe you will finally speak out directly and clarify a lot in your relationship. It’s good to remember all your partners and understand what worked out for you, what didn’t and why. It’s better not to sue, not to get divorced, not to enter into contracts. But if you still have to sign important papers on this day, be sure to check them more than once.

EIGHTH HOUSE - denotes death, changes, trials, crises, the end of old conditions, the beginning of new ones; conception, birth, sex; losses and gains for reasons beyond a person’s control; the values ​​of other people.
THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT DAY - you need to spend it alone - recapitulate yourself in order to get serious changes in behavior and thoughts. Sex, interference in other people's lives and jealousy are contraindicated on this day. It is especially important to learn to control your emotions and feelings. Be prepared for the fact that on this very day something long outdated, although still expensive, will leave your life. Losses on this day mean liberation and are a good omen. There is no need to be afraid on this day.

NINTH HOUSE - denotes knowledge that expands horizons, worldview, higher education, travel, distant relatives, people from afar, with a different view of the world, long trips and travel, especially for educational purposes.

YOU CAN learn something new - that's very good! It’s good to meet guests from afar and go on a long journey if you intend to travel throughout the next year. On this day it is important not to sit at home. Go to a museum, an exhibition, a library, read an educational magazine. But on this day you cannot teach anyone yourself. You cannot teach relatives, friends, or even children, although you may be very drawn to this.

TENTH HOUSE - denotes power, implementation of plans, profession, career, social position, authority, practical goals and results in life, assessment of your merits - both fame and shame, relationships with superiors, government authorities, personal power and its use, manifestation of ambition, strategy for moving towards a goal, practical life choice.

DO NOT RULE, DO NOT BE PROUD, DO NOT SET GOALS THAT ARE FALSE. On this day, there may be a strong desire to feel like a boss, but initiative is undesirable. If you are not at all an ambitious person in life, then you need to do the opposite - reach the top, set high and difficult goals and objectives, plan real actions and look at the possibility of achieving a practical result. Be sure to remember all your bosses and mentally thank them for their “science”.

ELEVENTH HOUSE - denotes friends, hopes for the future, plans, faith and dreams of a person, his idea of ​​happiness, patrons.
This is the day your Destiny changes. It’s good if your hopes come true - that means you can make new plans! On this day you can FINALLY GATHER ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE A GRAND BIRTHDAY! Anyone who literally made you sick that day is not your friend! You don’t even have to invite guests to your place on purpose, but check who comes to you today even without an invitation - that means he is your true friend.

TWELFTH HOUSE - denotes restriction, renunciation and liberation from the old, unnecessary, purification, religious actions.

A DAY OF PRAYER, SOLITUDE AND REST. It is good to sum up the whole Ritual. Feel your strength, visit the Temple. On this day you need to be patient, be peaceful and compassionate towards the needs of other people. It is very good to help someone in a difficult situation and completely free yourself from the burden of memory, from all the past years, forgive your offenders, feel love for the whole world, for all people.
When you spend all 12 days following these rules, you definitely need to remember them throughout the year. Try to live the way you managed during these 12 days. The easiest way is to write down the events of these days in a diary and re-read it. But there is another way. Each of the 12 months following the birthday is also associated with the Solar - the first month is 1st house, the second month is 2nd house and so on. You can continue to live by these rules all year. And then a lot will begin to change in your life. A new love, a new job may come to you. You can become more successful, happy and healthy.

In fact, this short article is only an attempt to make you take the birthday theme seriously. Be attentive to this day!

It doesn't matter how old you are, 16 or 60, almost everyone loves birthdays.

Don't know how to celebrate this day with maximum pleasure? It is for you that today’s article contains 20 traditional and original ways to celebrate a birthday.

1. Rent a villa for your birthday

I’ll start with a personal dream that I plan to bring to life next year. Celebrating a birthday in a secluded villa near the sea, with your family and best friends, is a wonderful way, although quite expensive.

A couple of years ago, an acquaintance of mine celebrated his 40th birthday in a rented villa in Sant Feliu de Guixols, on Spain’s picturesque Costa Brava. It was at the height of the tourist season, the expenses were substantial, but he brought a lot of impressions after the weekend.

If you are ready to spend several thousand euros for a couple of days of a beautiful holiday, then this idea is for you. Be sure that you and your guests will remember this birthday for a long time.

2. Organize a themed party

The option is simpler, cheaper and without long trips. For a birthday party to be memorable and unique, it must have a specific theme and style.

There are many themes for birthday celebrations: superheroes, medieval, fantasy, Star Wars, James Bond theme, etc. It all depends on the age, hobbies and imagination of the birthday boy.

3. Birthday in nature

Have you dreamed of celebrating this holiday surrounded by picturesque forests, on the shore of a lake or in the mountains? This is a unique experience that is definitely worth trying. Rent a house far from civilization or even buy tents, pack your backpacks and go camping with friends to celebrate your birthday around the fire.

4. Put on a magic show

Most have never been to a real magic show. An amazing way to celebrate a birthday, especially a child's. To arrange everything at the highest level, you will need the services of a professional celebration organizer and talented illusionists.

5. Just don't do anything.

A way for those who want to celebrate their birthday alone, taking a break from everyone and everything.

No, I love holidays, it’s just that situations in life are different. Take a day off, turn off the connection, sit at home with your favorite hobby or just in front of the TV, or better yet, go out of town. Relax as much as you like – today it’s your right!

6. Favorite place

Name your favorite city, country, resort, where you have always dreamed of going. Or just a good cafe or club where you like to spend time. For example, I have a favorite lake not far from home. To avoid wasting time on planning, grab everything you need and head to this place.

7. The long-awaited meeting

If you've been busy and haven't seen your loved ones in recent years, get together for your birthday. A wonderful occasion to meet those who played an important role in your life.

8. Private party

The best way to celebrate any event is to organize a private party where only your people will be. Dance until you drop, have fun as best you can - here no one will watch from the sidelines or comment. Only familiar faces around. This is really cool.

9. Party on an open bus

A unique way to celebrate a birthday that few have thought of. We are used to celebrating at home, in a restaurant, in a hotel. Admit it, you haven't thought about a party on a bus without a roof.

What are you waiting for? Rent a suitable vehicle with a driver, load up on food and drinks, gather your guests and set off on your holiday tour. The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

10. Help those in need

In developed countries, it is customary to help orphanages and charitable organizations during the holidays. This is not just good manners, but our humanity. By helping a disadvantaged child, you will be many times happier than simply spending a few thousand on a banquet in a restaurant.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not just teenagers who love a good video game. Take a look at the respectable guys who drive paid virtual tanks, and you will understand this.

Why not have a real gaming festival with games of different genres, including action games (rent a couple of Wii consoles). Organize a fun championship with prizes and pamper the child inside you! By the way, this could just be one of the parts of the birthday party.

12. Go to a concert

Let's move on to sublime ways to celebrate a birthday. If your family and friends are into classical or contemporary music, grab a pack of prime row tickets and spend the evening with your favorite performers. A simple and unpretentious way to celebrate any event.

13. Frugal family dinner

Don't want to celebrate loudly and pompously? A traditional family dinner in a small circle will suit your mood. In fact, millions of people celebrate their birthday this way.

This is not just an opportunity to communicate with family, but also a good time to try out an interesting recipe (it is advisable not to make the latter the basis of the holiday menu - you never know how it will turn out).

Skydiving is a truly memorable way to celebrate. Skydiving has long been a popular entertainment for birthday people and guests. And don't forget video shooting! Imagine how you will then watch extreme videos with friends.

We would like to warn you right away that skydiving is categorically not recommended for people with hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, osteoporosis, diseases of the knee and hip joints, as well as those who have problems with coordination. “Earthly” methods will suit you better.

15. Children's holiday

The option is not for everyone. Remember how birthdays were celebrated in the most carefree years. There was so much enthusiastic expectation and anticipation in these plans, treasured packages, balloons and ribbons... My idea is simple: invite old friends and remember your childhood.

16. Shopping

For busy people, going to the mall can truly be a holiday. Set aside time and money for yourself by spending in full. Then smoothly move on to family dinner.

Sometimes we are so busy that we neglect even our innermost desires. But every person has them. For example, I love a good watch, but I still can’t find the time and extra money to buy a favorite brand. Common situation?

One of the ways to celebrate a birthday is to fulfill a small personal whim that has not reached the hands. It could be anything. Relatives, if they carefully follow your words, will probably guess about your innermost desire and will gladly support you.

18. Celebrate with your parents

I know, I know. Some will find it boring, others live thousands of miles from their home, and still others do not maintain good relations with their parents at all. However, these people went out and raised you so smart and independent, so try to give them some warmth and attention at least on this day.

19. Game club

If you like billiards, slot machines and similar entertainment, you can turn your home into a real gaming club for the day. A birthday party in such surroundings will definitely not be boring.

Of course, you will need to rent and professionally install gaming equipment.

20. Unplanned holiday

Something special, not everyone will dare to try. We constantly draw harmonious plans, prepare, rent and buy decor, but in the end the holiday is too predictable and uninteresting.

My plan is no plan at all. Yes, I'm serious. Call your friends and invite them to jam day. When they get together, it turns out that no holiday was prepared here.

Then the whole company will flex your imagination and come up with a birthday party on the fly, taking into account everyone’s wishes. Don't worry, you won't be left without a holiday. In any metropolis there are dozens, or even hundreds of places where you can have a decent rest!

Such an impromptu will be more fun than a well-thought-out and polished script.

We hope we've given you a couple of interesting ways to celebrate your birthday.

If you want to organize a family or business event, but don’t have the time or suitable ideas, you can contact.

In it you will find offers from cafes and restaurants, hotels and clubs, showmen and artists of all genres, experienced event organizers, as well as reliable suppliers of equipment and transport.

Every year we celebrate our birthday and sometimes we no longer think about how important and responsible this day is. Remember how in childhood we waited for this day and it seemed somehow special, magical, we wanted something bright and unusual. With age, this feeling becomes dull, and a birthday becomes an ordinary day, sometimes even a very busy one, especially when you invite many guests home.

But as children, we intuitively knew that a birthday was the most significant event of our year. That’s why they apparently took this day so seriously and expected miracles from it. We can change our lives for the better now. Let's be a little magicians in our lives and try to set our lives in a positive way.

How to behave and how to celebrate your birthday correctly.

On this day and in the next 12 days, we can change the course of our lives for the better.

So why do we sometimes spend so much effort and money on celebrating a birthday, on entertaining guests, and often do not receive any satisfaction, but only a headache? And the next year is no different from the previous one?
The last week before a birthday is usually very difficult. Over the course of the year, you have accumulated unresolved matters; during the year you could accumulate small debts to the world, to loved ones, and friends. Now is the time to forgive, to let go of the past. It is useful to remember everything that happened this year. You can even write down all your achievements and failures. Praise yourself for what you have done. Try to be sincere and honest, first of all, to yourself.

It is very important in the period before your birthday to let go of all past grievances, open up, and understand your feelings. Plain salted water can help with this. On the morning of your birthday (the so-called Solar Day), take a shower, mentally imagining how all the negativity, all the grievances go away with the water, everything unnecessary that prevents you from living freely and breathing deeply is washed away. Or just stand in cool salt water with the same thoughts.

The ritual of proper birthday meetings is designed for 12 days and 12 areas of a person’s life - 12 astrological houses, helping to introduce something new into them. Each house represents its own area of ​​life. Read carefully what each house means and live each subsequent day after your birthday actively in accordance with the recommendations. How you live them is how the whole next year will unfold.

For example, your birthday is on the 27th, therefore the 27th is the first day of the Solar (the first astrological house) and it lays the foundation, events for the first month after the birthday.
If you want all areas of your life to come into harmony, you need to live each of the 12 days actively. Your horoscope is unique and individual, so fulfill your wishes, try to acquire the character qualities you need. Live your days in such a way that you feel the best you can, and not just behave formally for show. Try to feel the qualities you need inside yourself, let them pass through you.

FIRST DAY(first house of the horoscope) – your self, your appearance. Be a little selfish today and treat yourself. Don't invite a lot of guests, especially at home, when you're hovering around the stove and trying to please everyone who comes. It's your day. Dress up, create a new look, pamper yourself a little for your loved one.

SECOND DAY– finances, things, money, accumulation of money and experience (skills), talents, movable property.

Today it is good to accept gifts, be a little greedy, be proud of your ability to earn money and the material income that you have. If you belong to the type of people for whom earning money is difficult, then you can devote the whole day to earning money. Try to understand that your poverty is only in your head, you invented it yourself, and right from today you have the right to wealth. Wealth is not only financial, but also the wealth of choice. Today, do not borrow or lend, try to spend your money usefully, check your accounts.

THE THIRD DAY- contacts, intellectual activities, sociability, transport, travel, means of communication, siblings.

Today you can do all things related to communications and communication. Read a book. However, you should think carefully before you say anything. Spend time with your brothers and sisters.

FOURTH DAY– symbolizes the immediate environment, home, parents, family, real estate, homeland, living conditions.

Dedicate the day to communication with loved ones, home, family. Remember your family, ask for support and help. Don’t start new things today, start cleaning and gardening. Laziness, sadness and tears are contraindicated today.

FIFTH DAY responsible for hobbies, entertainment, games, pleasure, children, theater, education, financial games, pedagogy.

Today you can have a holiday, communicate with your own and other people’s children. You can’t gamble, don’t get carried away with love affairs, try to avoid temptations and temptations. Remember your childhood, do what your parents forbade you to do as a child.

SIXTH DAY- work, working conditions, co-workers, hard work, health, service sector, hired work (servants' house), pets.

Dedicate this day to health. Dedicate the day to normal routine work, but try to see the main goal so as not to get bogged down in small worries. Dedicate a day to improving your professional skills.
SEVENTH DAY– relationships, marriage partner, business partner, contracts, house of open enemies.

Dedicate this time to your partner. Discuss joint plans with your spouse, do something nice for each other. Avoid quarrels with partners, even business ones.

EIGHTH DAY- other people's money and things, the ability to take a loan, the house of magic, the house of dangerous situations, death.

If possible, spend this day alone. Think about yourself, your mistakes and miscalculations, try to understand where you were wrong. Under no circumstances should you interfere in anyone’s life today, avoid jealousy and fear. Today something valuable to you, but already outdated, may leave your life. Losing today indicates liberation and is considered a good omen.

NINTH DAY– long trips, emigration, relations with foreigners, higher education, creativity, writing, justice, fairness.

Chat with foreigners. Everything related to teaching is good. However, you shouldn’t lecture anyone, but you can learn yourself. Travel and travel should be for educational purposes. Visit a museum or exhibition.

In addition to the birth horoscope, each person also has a Solar horoscope. It is built relative to the position of the Sun at the moment of your birth. The sun returns to this point every year. And since it does not always move at the same speed, the Solar moment itself will be floating. And the date and time of Solar may differ from the date and time of birth within 2 days before and after the birthday. To find out the date and time of Solar (when the Sun will be in the same coordinates as at your birth), contact an astrologer. But there are other available rules that will help you use the energy of the Sun for your benefit.

The solar horoscope shows the events and trends that await you in the year after your birthday. Using this horoscope, you can determine whether a happy year is ahead or not, whether you will have to work a lot or will be able to rest more often, etc. But Solar only indicates the direction, and whether what was predicted will come true or not depends on you. This is why it is so important to meet and spend your solar days correctly. They can start 1-2 days before the traditional name day, a couple of days later, or coincide with your holiday. Even if you can’t find out the exact time of Solar, you can simply follow the rules when celebrating your birthday - and thus lay the foundation for positive changes.

When to celebrate your birthday according to your horoscope?

You need to celebrate your birthday on the same day or after the event. And not at all out of superstition. It’s just that if you celebrate before the onset of Solar, the energy of the planets will be wasted.


Some time before your calendar birthday (for example, a month), try to reduce the number of contacts and fuss. This is an ideal period when you have the right to rest, restore strength, balance, and take stock of the year. Give yourself some time to relax, go on vacation or at least go to the pool, tune in to a wave of peace, because very soon you will become a year wiser.


When you relax, throw away the unnecessary, try to digest everything that the year has brought, take stock, think about what you are moving towards and what you want in the next year of life. The main thing is to maintain harmony in your emotions and get more rest.

How to choose a place for a holiday

The positive influence of Solar on the events of the coming year can be enhanced if you celebrate your birthday not only at the right time, but also in the right place.

It is better to celebrate a Solar birthday in the city where you live, or where you are going to move in the coming year. If you travel or live in several cities, meet where you spend more time.


In what cases is it worth going to a Solar meeting in another city or even country? Firstly, if it was recommended to you by a professional astrologer who compiled your solar horoscope. Secondly, if a month or two before your birthday you feel dissatisfied with the way things are going, and you are not happy with the immediate prospects in work, personal life and other areas.

This may mean that the upcoming Solar will not be the best, so it’s worth thinking about meeting your birthday (Solar and calendar) in some other city.

And thirdly, if your intuition pulls you to celebrate your birthday in an unusual setting, far from home. Trust your instinct and act.

Hi beauty.

At the beginning of the post, I want to say that I write more practical and interesting information on astrology and accepting one’s nature in my blog.

I’ll say right away that this post is not a collection of ideas on how to celebrate your birthday. No, these are tips on how to spend this day so that for the next year you can enjoy discovering your potential and be true to yourself.

In recent years, I have always wanted to hide from everyone on my birthday and spend it in silence. At the same time, I was ashamed that I was somehow strange and unsociable. But in reality there is nothing abnormal here. There is an opinion that each person is assigned a certain number of breaths or heartbeats. This is probably the secret of the longevity of yogis and swimmers - they are excellent at controlling their breathing. We, with our lives in chaos, are always in a hurry, often wasting our energy to nowhere. It is believed that this energy is not released all at once. Namely, on our birthday, we receive a certain portion of vitality to implement our plans throughout the year.

And towards the end of the year, energy becomes less. And if before this it was spent on destructiveness, stress, unnecessary activities, then there is a desire to run away somewhere, weakness in the body, illness, irritability, apathy.

How to spend your birthday in order to use your resources for the benefit of yourself and others? Let's talk about this ;)


It is important to complete the lived cycle and take all the good from the past, leaving all the bad. To do this, pay attention to the following points

Take stock

Review your plans - remember in advance what exactly you wished for yourself a year ago. Look what has come true, what plans are still awaiting implementation this year, and which

Clean the container for new energy

Imagine that you are a cup that will soon be filled with a new portion of resources. Do you really want to absorb more energy? If it “pours” into a dirty cup, then all plans and desires for the year will be overshadowed by this. To prevent this from happening, take care to cleanse your “cup”:

  • go to the bathhouse
  • stick to fasting for a couple of days before your birthday
  • get rid of unnecessary things - throw away expired cosmetics, jewelry and clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time and probably won’t wear again. And especially what you were wearing during the difficult moments of your life.
  • get rid of unnecessary thoughts - forgive everyone who offended you, forgive yourself for all the “mistakes”. Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended. Don’t keep this burden to yourself, draw conclusions, thank you for the lessons and let go. It would be great to do this in writing, so that later you can burn this piece of paper and flush everything down the toilet, for example))


It is advisable, of course, not to have a noisy party on this day, give up heavy food and alcohol. It’s better to postpone it to another day if you really want to.

Be sure to spend this day the way you would like to spend the whole year. Maybe a noisy party with alcohol is quite appropriate for you. Look the way you like yourself, and not the way it is accepted. Let there be people nearby whom you are really glad to see, and not those who will be offended if you don’t invite them, or they invited you, and now you have to. You can celebrate your holiday with them on another day.

What is a good thing to do on your birthday? I suggest the following practices:


Write in your diary, or maybe directly on social networks, 100 thanks to the Universe, yourself and the people who helped you all year. This way you will feel how much the world cares about you and how much beauty there is in your life.

accepting congratulations

Accept all congratulations by visualizing a magic chest at chest level, where you put all the good things they wish for you and leave with you for the whole year

letter of congratulations to yourself in a year

Write a letter of congratulations to yourself in a year, wishing yourself everything you really want. And then hide it in an envelope and open it on your next birthday. Or you can write an email and set a sending date in a year.

list of goals and desires

Think and write down what you want to implement this year, voice your intentions for the year, what qualities you want to develop, what to give up, write down plans: long-term and step-by-step.

We are given energy for creation, not for nonsense. So it is very important for yourself to understand what you really want. And ask the Universe for a blessing to fulfill your desires.

You can create the college of your dreams: paste images from magazines of your ideal world onto Whatman paper. This will give impetus and direction for development

mood before bed

Before going to bed, talk to God/Universe/Guardian Angel, thank for your care, ask for tips that will help on the path of development

solar diary

Write down in your diary how the first 12 days from your birthday go. Each day will show how this or that month will pass. You can specifically plan these days the way you want to spend the next months. After all, 12 days lived correctly lay the foundation for a successful program for the year ahead.

And what is Solar, I’ll tell you now


Every year we live not only our birthday, but also the moment of birth. The so-called Solar, the moment when the Sun returns to the degree in which it was at the time of birth. It is important that this moment may not occur on the birthday itself, but one day before or after it.

The 12 days following Solar are very significant, as the laying out of the events of the next year takes place. It is in our interests to spend these days mindfully.

The practice of Solar is prescribed for these 12 days with the goal of pumping up 12 areas of life. These spheres in the natal chart represent the 12 astrological “houses”.

There is a lot of general information on the Internet. It is described which “house” is responsible for which area and what is favorable to do on a specific day for those responsible for this or that “house”.

But it would be much better to take into account the features of your natal chart, your astrological periods and transits. This is how you can take the maximum from your strong “houses” and play tricks with weak areas. Taking into account your qualities and abilities.

Of course, I will be happy to create your personal Solar practice for you. During the consultation, you and I will be able to discuss all the features of your natal chart, in which direction you should focus, and where you will need to lay a straw. I will make a list of practices for each of the 12 days, selected especially for you. If interested, then all the details about my consultations

Advice from an astrologer: draw up your personal horoscope for the year.

I think you understand that the general advice of astrologers makes little sense. It’s hard to describe 8 billion people with 12 signs and then give them similar advice.

But an individual annual forecast has practical application in life, which concerns you specifically. Agree, it’s useful to know in which months you can expect the best efficiency from yourself and get the most out of yourself, and when will it be more practical to pay attention to yourself, health, rest and your condition without a twinge of conscience?

The annual horoscope will give you the opportunity to understand which areas require close attention and elaboration, and on which it is better not to waste your time and energy. This way you can plan important events and vacations, understand when it’s better to launch your new project, and when to go into deep meditation) You can take a closer look at the areas of money, relationships, children, and work.

If you are interested in knowing your individual annual forecast, I will be happy to help you;)

Tell me, were you already familiar with the Solar practice? Have you practiced? Do you love your birthday? How do you prefer to celebrate it?

I really hope that the post was useful to you. If so, it will be very nice if you share it with a friend;)

With wishes of happiness,

And if you want to always stay in touch, subscribe to updates in or at. I will be very glad to our close communication;)

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  • How interesting! I want to try this practice. I'll write to you next month about a consultation))

  • Nastyusha, I fall in love with you more and more with every post! You are awesome! It seems like much more? But no, you never cease to amaze me!))

    Yes, I also felt that on my birthday I wanted to turn off phones and social networks, go into the forest and just live this day quietly. I heard something about this practice, but I didn’t know that it was called Solar and I didn’t know what to do during these 12 days. Moreover, for the first couple of days I remembered that I needed to live these 12 days the way you want to live a year, and then I happily forgot =))) This time I will definitely turn to your help, my birthday is on August 21, approximately how much time before Do you need to contact me so that you can calculate it comfortably in time? And what's the cost? How was the consultation?

  • Nastenka, thanks for the article! I remember once flashing on Instagram, and today, while brainstorming about how I want to spend my day, I remembered the article. I really like the recommendations, I even downloaded the article for myself, I hope I can implement something)

  • Anastasia, good afternoon! I want to order a personal horoscope from you.
    Are you still doing this?
    Thank you.