How to make a conspiracy to meet a person. Conspiracies that act instantly - proven methods

Many people believe that a real man must definitely go through the harsh school of life in the army. This may be true, but how many things await a young man who is about to join the army! A newly minted soldier ends up in a new one, cruel world army. Many people know that the famous Siberian...


What to do if you begin to notice that you have become a victim of someone else's influence and cannot get rid of it? Do you understand that a person with his influence on you and his views simply interferes with your life, and his ideas become harmful and dangerous for you? Only the power of conspiracy can help you. ...


Sometimes it happens that different things are spinning in your head bad thoughts. You try to switch your attention, but the bad feeling stubbornly refuses to leave you. Of course, you need to listen to your intuition, in case these are not bad thoughts, but the voice of the heart that wants to warn you about something. Read...


How to make the enemy fear you and not plot against you? Of course, with the help of a conspiracy! If you want to become stronger than your enemies, instill fear in them and make them internally afraid of even the mention of you, then you need the following conspiracy. For execution...


In the vast expanses of our vast homeland there are no few animals. In almost every region you can come across snakes. Snakes cause inexplicable terror to many people. Therefore, people have always known many charms against snake attacks. In fact, a snake rarely attacks people first. Usually...


Summer is coming. All nature comes to life after winter. Along with the first strawberries, ticks appear in the fields and forests. Small insects can cause a lot of trouble. Tick ​​bites can cause various diseases. Small children are generally a tasty prey for ticks. IN...


Angels are always invisibly present in our lives. They protect us, protect us, protect us. Exactly to guardian angel it is necessary to deal with everyday trifles and various requests. You can contact your guardian angel in your own words, or you can use prayer. I want to teach you a prayer-amulet...


On April 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the great church holidays- Annunciation. It was on this day many thousands of years ago that Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary. He told her the good news of the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ. Annunciation is one of the revered holidays. March 25...


The trial can sometimes take a long time. If it is to your advantage to delay the consideration of the case in court, then one prayer will help you. How does prayer work to win a case in court? Very simple. Prayer will not admit a dangerous witness for you the first time. The power of prayer will allow you to endure consideration...


Enemies and ill-wishers have already bothered you with their intrigues, and you don’t know how to deal with them? Try a spell that will strike fear into your enemy. I explain how this conspiracy works. At the mere thought of you or the mere mention of your name, your enemy will be attacked by the inexplicable...


Situations are different. I am not a fan of punishing enemies, but sometimes it is necessary. It's only the Bible that says that if "they hit right cheek, put your left one in.” IN real life The enemy definitely needs to fight back, and sometimes use magical power...


Many people ask what prayers should be read before leaving home. We are publishing a prayer especially for you that will protect you from troubles. You need to read the prayer before leaving the house if you have a difficult and hectic day ahead. The power of protective prayer will help you overcome...


Do you know which one is the most strong amulet? This is a talisman for the threshold. Not one bad word, not one evil eye, not one damage will affect either you or your family members. Anyone can make a talisman for a threshold on their own without the help of a sorcerer or magician. All you need is some aspen bark. So, ...


The fear of being poisoned has always haunted man. And probably not in vain. Remember, poisoning is always present in our lives. People are poisoned by everything: mushrooms, canned food, sausage, alcohol, eggs. The list of foods that can cause poisoning can be continued endlessly. Let's, ...


There is nothing worse when the enemy is unknown to you. A person behind your back is spreading rumors, plotting, turning people against you, and you don’t even know who it is. What to do in this situation and how to influence an unknown well-wisher? Of course, resort to the power of conspiracy! Siberian healer...


What to do if enemies constantly interfere in your life, and you don’t believe that they will ever leave you behind? There are several conspiracies that can drive out enmity from the heart of an ill-wisher, and your enemy will leave you behind and forget about your existence. Today I will share a few...

So that everyone loves

I will rise, servant of God (Name), from bed, crossing myself, I will go down the path, praying. I will look in all four directions - east, west, south and north; on one side, the eastern side, stands the house of God, the church is white, just as everyone is looking at the house of God, so let them look at me, the servant of God (Name), everyone, big and small, boys and girls, old men and old women - in a word, everyone living on earth and singing praises to God would look at me like that and dream, and I would be loved by everyone, everyone from now on and forever. Amen.

Gather, people, good people, for the honorable holiday of Christ. How they look at crosses and domes, at Mother Holy Mother of God, on different images, so it would be for the servant of God (Name) Old old men, young men, old old women, young young women, beautiful maidens, little guys looked and looked. So would the servant of God look and look, so would the servant of God (Name) seemed more beautiful than the clear sun, purer than pure silver. Be, my words, firm and strong, forever indestructible. The key is in the water, but the lock is on your hand.

From the book A Course in Miracles by Wapnick Kenneth

B. To have peace, teach peace, to learn it 1. All believers in separation are accompanied by an primordial fear of retribution and loneliness. They all believe in rejection and attack; that's all they perceive, teach and learn. These crazy ideas are clearly the result of disconnection and

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that spouses love each other This plot should be read for wedding table when young people kiss. His words are as follows: How they look at crosses When Christ's holiday, So if the young people looked at each other, they wouldn’t have seen enough. How Christ loved His Mother of God, So

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 04 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the son does not drink They wash the windows in Maundy Thursday and the last water is poured into a jar. Then this water is poured in seven steps after the son when he leaves home. At the same time, they read the following conspiracy: How I gave birth to you, I fed you with my milk, So you, servant of God (name), would not drink alcohol,

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 07 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the husband does not drink. This conspiracy is read only over food. Under no circumstances should you read it while drinking. His words are as follows: If you ate, you ate, but you didn’t drink. A flammable snake, an effervescent reptile, hiss, burn, And not effervescent mash, flammable vodka. I tied it in words, I ordered it in deeds. Key, lock,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To lend money (to give a loan) Carry a handkerchief under your arm for three days, and when you go to ask for money, wipe your face with this handkerchief, standing on the threshold, and say to yourself: Lord my God Christ, My Angel has brought the petition. My Lord, You said:

From the book, Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

For the husband to leave From the letter:

From the book Transylvanian Magic. Babylonian "Book of Power" author Mekheda (Raokryom) Igor Vladimirovich

So that the son does not drink. They wash the windows on Maundy Thursday, pour the last water during washing into a jar and pour it into the son’s back seven times when he leaves the house, with the words: As I gave birth to you, I nursed you with my milk, so would you, servant of God ( name), did not drink alcohol, did not pour mash, or pour wine into my mouth. Window

From the author's book

So that the husband does not drink They talk about food, but not about drinking: If you eat, you eat, but you don’t drink. A flammable snake, an effervescent bastard, hiss, burn, not effervescent mash, flammable vodka. I tied it in words, I ordered it in deeds. Key, lock, tongue, Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the author's book

So that spouses love each other. If this plot is read at the wedding table, then not a single separation curse will break the newlyweds. They read at the moment when the young are kissing. As they look at the crosses on the Feast of Christ, so the young would look at each other - not

From the author's book

From the author's book

So that the actor is popular (so that people don’t dote on their souls, don’t see enough, don’t hear enough) They say when entering a pool, river, lake, etc.: I am a singer-queen, I am a golden marten, I am a dear sable, a nightingale singer. Whoever looks at me will not be surprised, an asterisk to all the stars, to all the nightingales

From the author's book

A spell for water with milk to be loved, appreciated and respected. You will need: spring water, milk, bird feather, small container with wide edges Time of the ritual: winter evening, preferably after the New Year holidays Place: room where the one who will speak sleeps

From the author's book

A spell for melt water to be loved and appreciated You will need: clean snow, a container with wide edges Time of the ritual: February, in the evening until midnight Place: room with an open window Suitable days of the week: Wednesday, Friday Moon phase: first, second Special condition:

From the author's book

Conspiracy in Maundy Thursday, in order to be valued, respected, loved Time of the ritual: Maundy Thursday, early morning What to do: On Maundy Thursday get up early in the morning and, without washing, go to the river or stream. There you need to find a quiet, secluded place and secretly wash yourself from

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that your family will be attracted to you, respect you, have many friends. You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle. Time of the ritual: evening Place: indoors Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week:

From the author's book

Magic recipe 7. For two people to love each other Take 3 ropes different color. One is the color of the earth, one is the color of the sun, one is the color of the moon. Tie them together and place them in a small clay vessel. After three days, add a little jasmine pulp there,

Very old conspiracy, according to some sources, this spell was used for dental treatment in the 15th century. Of course, the text of the conspiracy has been adapted to modern language, but it also remains very strong, the pain is relieved immediately after implementation. This plot has one drawback

This is a maternal conspiracy; only the child’s mother can do it. The spell will help get rid of toothache in a child. This ritual is light, nothing bad can come from it. With the help of this conspiracy, peasant women saved their children from toothache back in the 18th century.

If at home, in your hometown, next to you, your husband can behave like a good boy, then imagine what he is capable of if he finds himself in a hotel in a completely foreign city... What serious things men on a business trip are not allowed to do. I think that you know that in every hotel

To carry out this conspiracy you will need a rope white about 50 cm long. A conspiracy can only be done on other people’s children; you should not remove fear from your child in this way. The conspiracy operates regardless of whether the child is baptized or not.

If you have a hard time with people’s envy, then with the help of this plot you can get rid of it. Envious people, after carrying out the conspiracy, they will treat you normally, without any prejudice. They won't be jealous. The conspiracy is strong, there is no rollback from it

Cheating... How often they are in the life of a man and a woman. Not only men cheat, we women also sometimes don’t mind having a little fun with some lonely wanderer... However, this article will focus specifically on men's infidelities and about male infidelity. Because male infidelity

If your child cries without any reason apparent reason First of all, I advise you to seek advice from pediatrician. The fact is that crying in young children may indicate the presence of some kind of disease. If no health problems are identified in the child

This conspiracy has no analogues, since just seven days after reading it, bad neighbors disappear from your home forever. I watched this conspiracy in action only four times, but each time the neighbors simply disappeared in an unknown direction

This plot helps well with any colds your child's. Only the mother of a child or his grandmother can make a conspiracy. To carry out the conspiracy you need one church candle and some holy water

Thanks to this plot, you can get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and other insects. The conspiracy must be carried out in a home that has been attacked by insects. To carry out the conspiracy you will need a small cup of water

It's no secret that young children fall and hurt themselves very often. In most cases health care for minor bruises it is not required, but the place of the bruise may hurt and cause harm to the child discomfort. In such cases, you can make a spell against a bruise so that the pain goes away

This conspiracy can be attributed, if not to blacks, then most likely to grays. No, none bad consequences after it is carried out, of course, it will not happen, but still the conspiracy involves an appeal to a very dark force (a demon). And to ward off negativity, after the conspiracy you will need to do a small ritual

This plot works very well against stye on the eye. The stye will go away within a few minutes after you wash your eye with the enchanted water. If the stye is only on one eye, wash only the affected eye, so that the other one gets infected through water or wet hands didn't pass

Many girls read conspiracies in photos, personal belongings of their loved one. But the simplest and most popular love spell is the food spell. It must be read correctly and with caution.

A love spell on food or drink is one of the most effective ways magical influence.

Features of the ritual with food

Today, both women and men resort to food spells. This is the most affordable and easy way, allowing you to tie your loved one to you. It is food that is chosen as the subject of the ritual. And this is no coincidence. It is vital for everyone and enters the body, penetrating the organs through the blood. Food is an irreplaceable source of energy.

The conspiracy is the most ancient ritual white magic. It is actively practiced today and does not bring harm to the person it is directed at. But sometimes mental and physical harm can be caused. Therefore, such a ritual is far from harmless fun.

Preparation for the ceremony

To achieve desired result, you must sincerely believe that the plot will work and strictly follow all the instructions given. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • The ceremony is carried out in a good mood.
  • All thoughts must be focused on action.
  • The words are pronounced quietly, but clearly.
  • Before any conspiracy, the prayer “Our Father” is read.
  • A love spell does not work on someone else's man. With the help of a conspiracy, you can return or strengthen your relationship.
  • You need to think several times whether such a conspiracy is really required for a specific object of passion.
  • You cannot use food spells for the purpose of revenge or out of resentment.

What food is suitable for a conspiracy?

You can talk about the following products:

  • eggs;
  • wine;
  • fish;
  • meat dishes;
  • pies;
  • milk;
  • garlic.

Only apples are suitable for fruits. It is better not to use vegetables; they do not sense human energy well. It is not recommended to add blood to food. This is, to say the least, unhygienic. Blood rituals are used in black magic.

The main thing is that the food is prepared with your own hands. The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon in odd numbers. How more expensive products, and the more time spent on preparing food, the more powerful the spell will be and the faster the result. Depending on the desired goal, you need to choose the ingredients for the ritual.

Hard-boiled eggs spell Brown. This will help improve relationships in the family, create comfort and warmth in the home.

Garlic scares away enemies and prevents them from getting into difficult situation. They can ensure the protection of their home and property from envious people. A spell for garlic is made in case of lack of money.

Meat is used in order to never quarrel with your husband and live in perfect harmony.

A common ritual is the bread spell. It must be baked yourself. Read the words for the seeds. They are then added to the dough before baking. Anyone who eats three pieces of bread will not know poverty.

Love spells

A love spell using food works quickly and is the most effective. The ritual can be performed independently. Any food will do. But you can’t give it to other people to eat. You need to select a day of the week whose name will be male, and read above the dish:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

Even after the wedding, ladies resort to love spells. If your loved one has become cold, they say the salt that needs to be added to the food and give him a taste. This will bring back the faded feelings in 2-3 weeks. The words are pronounced over the salt 3 times. Preferably it should be a fish dish.

Another love plot They make dishes for all products. If water is needed, it is also placed on the table. The prepared ingredients say:

“How a dryness descends on all products, causing melancholy, but leading to me. Yes, how dry this will become across the throat and eat into the brain, that there will be nothing but me, the one who eats it.”

You need to say it three times and start cooking. When the dish is ready, the remaining food is thrown away. Then they say three times to the plate of food:

“Give me the dryness, as it is, so that neither water nor vodka can wash me out of my thoughts. Let it be all mine. As soon as he eats me, he will stop at me and will never leave for others in his life.”

The result of such a conspiracy will not be long in coming. After 3-7 days, the man who ate this food will be inflamed with new feelings and will be drawn to the woman who spoke the dish.

A good and high-quality spell for your husband’s love, carried out according to all the rules, will help revive lost feelings.

Another method is quite easy. Unbeknownst to the man you love, you need to charm drink or food. In this case, you need to repeat three times:

“Just as one half cannot exist without the other, does not exist, so you (name) will follow me all my life, all century, forever. May we live together forever, share bread and bed with you.”

You can talk chocolate candies. To do this you need to buy tasty candy in the box, open it and read:

“Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then you should treat your lover and not give it to anyone else. You can't eat by yourself either.

Many women believe that their husbands will always be faithful to them. And some want to play it safe. This is where a conspiracy against a cheating spouse comes in handy. It is read over food prepared for the husband.

Possible consequences

Before casting spells on various foods, you need to remember that such a ritual can cause an unexpected result. If a man feels bad and feels nauseous, then the ritual was unsuccessful. Such practices can have adverse effects on your loved one's health, cause illness, damage self-esteem, and even change temperament. Health problems may also arise for the person who carried out the conspiracy.

A deliciously prepared dish will not leave any representative of the stronger sex indifferent. Your lover will appreciate culinary efforts even without a conspiracy, if the food is prepared with love.

In this article:

What happens to us every day. To emerge victorious from any situation without any problems, use conspiracies for all occasions. It's worth learning them by heart. Huge opportunities open up before a person. With the help of magic you can find and win love, gain luck, wealth, and preserve beauty. You can take revenge on your enemies or help your friends. All this is available to those who are not afraid to practice the art of black and white magic. Many conspiracies are short and do not require special rituals. They can be said at work, in public transport. Help yourself with your strength. You don't have to be a strong practitioner; these words of power are also suitable for beginners.

How to pronounce a spell correctly

Before you start working with conspiracies, you need to know the rules. After all, these are not just words, but words containing power. You activate energy, send it purposefully. You need to know that magic does not go anywhere, does not dissolve into thin air. It remains, and with it a particle of your energy. This needs to be kept in mind. Rules for all conspiracies:

  • Neither white nor black conspiracies can be pronounced to a person who is sick. Even a small cold will become a problem. You are wasting your personal energy. For a sick person, this is a big loss, which will only worsen the situation;
  • You must be completely confident that the plot will work. Just “trying” is not an option. It may be dangerous;
  • It is necessary to have protective talismans and amulets against the “rollback” of magic. Everything has a price, it is better to pay it yourself in the form of a sacrifice than to wait for the Forces to take something themselves
  • Don't tell friends or family about your practices. Only if one of them is also passionate about magic and conspiracies. Then you can share your experience;
  • A keen practitioner needs his own Grimoire. This is the book you keep. Like a diary of magic. There you can record your experiments, spells, conspiracies, descriptions of rituals, effects;
  • You cannot change the words of the conspiracy, rearrange them. All texts are strictly learned by heart. You cannot read from a piece of paper or keep the monitor on. If you want to have the desired effect, take the trouble to learn the spell.

These are the main points that need to be followed. Each plot indicates Additional Information. Observe the phases of the moon, day, date. If nothing of the kind is needed, then the spell can be pronounced at any time of the day or night.

Is a ritual necessary for every conspiracy?

Rituals give special power to your words. You understand that your own energy is not enough for energetic intervention. Then entities are called upon from the smallest to the Universal scale. The ritual helps to establish a connection with them. For simple everyday conspiracies, rituals are not needed. They can be whispered in the subway, pronounced at work, at the institute. It's best to whisper.

If it is indicated that the ritual is required, do not neglect this rule.

The words you pronounce will not achieve their goal without special action, objects of power. The ritual must be observed in full - if it requires a chicken head or a pig rib, then without these items nothing will work. Each item carries special energy information, and their combination provides the desired vector of force. If you understand that you won’t be able to find this item or you simply don’t want to work with it, choose another plot. It's better to start with simple whispers who don't need anything special.

How to protect yourself from someone else's conspiracy

You are interested in magical arts. Perhaps you already know how to cast a spell, spell good luck, and cast spells on others. Today this is not so uncommon. There are many people who are passionate about the same thing. And this means they can harm you too. It’s worth thinking about protection before you get an unpleasant evil eye. Methods of protection may be different:

  • Protective spells for home, car;
  • amulets, amulets, talismans. They will need to be activated correctly;
  • embroidered amulets on clothes;
  • runes-amulets that you sew into your clothes or will always carry with you;
  • tattoo with protective signs.

When using conspiracies for all occasions, remember that the first and most important thing is protection. Looking through a person through cards, runes, Tarot, you will see a real shield that protects from influences. Be sure to carry out diagnostics before casting a spell or spell. Such a shield will direct your own influence against you.

IN modern conditions life, when there are many things around different people, you can’t do without protection.

For good luck every day

Life is a zebra. Black stripe, white stripe. During the white streak, everything is fine, but it is replaced by not the most pleasant moments. So that this very strip does not fall on important point your life - apply simple and short words strength. They will drive away failures and put them under your feet Right way and the right decisions.

Agate spell

Agate - special stone. It was used by alchemists, magicians and healers. He has one useful property. Agate attracts good luck in all endeavors. You cannot neglect its power - wearing agate every day is a mistake. You can cast a spell on a stone that will serve you long years. Wear it only for the most important events and occasions. You can wear it around your neck, hide it in your pocket, or buy a ring with agate.

You will need:

  • 3 church candles;
  • dry lavender;
  • dry clover.

Place the lavender and clover in a sturdy bowl. They will need to be set on fire. When the dry leaves flare up, quickly extinguish them. You will get a fragrant smoke.
Place your agate in the dry mixture. Place the candles in a triangle, light. Say:

“Help me, agate, help, protect me, agate, bring me good luck.”

Let the candles burn out until the end. Leave everything unchanged for 1 day. The next day, wipe off the agate and start wearing it. Now he is charged with the energy of good luck. Each of your new luck and success will fuel it. You will have your own lucky stone. You can't give it to anyone. Take care of the stone, don’t lose it. It should be stored in a green velvet bag so that sunlight didn't hit.

Herbs have special powers even when dried.

Useful spells for students

Help is greatly needed during exams and tests. Sometimes there is nowhere to look for it. We can only hope for support Higher Powers. Make a request to them and your day will be very successful. Several interesting spells that help with your studies.

Magic water for passing the exam

Water needs to be spoken in a special way. In general, everything energetic influences on water are considered one of the strongest. This liquid retains information for a very long time. You need to buy water with your own money. If you have change, give everything without reserve to the poor.
Pour water into a cut glass and place it in front of the bed. The night before the exam, you need to chant the water:

“I call upon myself good luck and luck, so that tomorrow brings me good news, I receive the mark I need and remain satisfied!”

Say 7 times for good luck. In the morning, drink half a glass on an empty stomach, and wash your face with the other half.
This is a simple but proven method. You will get a lucky ticket, and the teachers will be lenient. Don’t tell anyone your personal secret to success - Lady Luck doesn’t like people bragging.

Plot on the pen

Speak with the pen you will use to write the exam. To do this you will need:

  • New blue pen;
  • checkered piece of paper.

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

“As the sky is clear and bright, so are my thoughts clear and bright. Just as my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers take pity on me! Amen!".

You need to read it out loud three times, fold it into a triangle. The triangle is hidden in the pocket of the clothes you will wear for the exam.
Do not give the pen to anyone - it is already set for your good luck. Pass it into the wrong hands and you will lose your luck in the exam. After the exam, you need to break the pen in half and throw it away. Prepare a new lucky pen for every exam.

Short love spells

You can attract attention, make a challenge, captivate and push to action without words. Whisper the right words, your loved one cannot resist. This is a simple way for those who are shy and can no longer tolerate separation. Try them and appreciate the powerful effect.

To meet your loved one

If you passionately desire a meeting, but it still doesn’t happen, remind the person about yourself. This will work for those who are already communicating. It's a shame, but it won't be possible to inspire thoughts about you to a stranger or a girl. Communication is very important. The more often you see each other, talk, correspond in in social networks, the faster it will work. For some it works within the first few hours.
You need to take a photo of the person you like, a handful of fine salt. Sprinkle salt on the photo, repeating the text 3 times:

“Lying in emptiness, without wind and rain. There is no thunder here, there is no storm here, only calm around. Everything will go calmly, smoothly and without trouble for me.”

When you say it 3 times, you will need to collect all the salt and throw it out the window. The wind will spread the salt all over the world, one grain will fall to your lover - so he will remember about you and will no longer be able to help but call. This spell works well in the evening.

Challenge to the wind

No ritual is needed, just wait until it starts to wind outside. The stronger it is, the faster your words will reach your loved one. You need to speak loudly:

“Gather me, Lord, on the road. Give the go-ahead for the relationship. Reveal the secret of dating. Provide me with only what is necessary. Give me confidence in (name) or disappointment. Save me from wasting my time. Let me understand the prospects. The heart is worried. Sympathy has arisen and is growing. God! Don't let me disappear in torment. Bring (name) on a date. Don't let my chance be missed."

You can say no more than 3 times in one day. Usually, this is not required, because after 1-2 times the call action occurs. One limitation is that it can only be read by baptized people. Your loved one will appear suddenly or make themselves known. Can be done every day except Sunday.

Love whisper on a candle

It is done at night. You won't need anything other than a candle. One condition: the candle must be melted down. You need to take a whole candle, melt it in some form, melt it and insert a thread - a wick. On it, write your loved one's name on one side with a knife, and yours on the other.
Stand by the window at night, light a candle. Bring it to the glass. The flame will be reflected on the glass several times - look at this path and say:

Flash a candle where my beloved walks - remind me of me. Find my beloved, tell me everything about my longing.

Say everything you want to convey to the person. About your love, longing. If you want him to call, just say so.
You can do it every day, but not on Sunday. This whisper is powerful, it transmits your thoughts over a long distance, and the effect always comes.

For beauty and health

Say these words every morning or evening. They help you remain irresistible. For girls and women of any age. Your beauty is the most wonderful, wonderful magic in the world.

Get rid of shortcomings

If you have an important event or holiday waiting for you, you need to look irresistible. This is difficult if pimples or redness appear on your face. You can quickly get rid of them if you make charmed water.
In the morning, place the water in a jug in a dark place. You need to put silver spoon or bracelet. Say to the water:

“There were 12 young women, 12 sisters, 12 queens, 12 beauties. From every beauty - in this barrel!

In the evening, wash your face with this water.
In the morning you will be surprised how good your skin has become. If there were bright spots, they became noticeably paler. Pimples and inflammation go away without a trace. You can do it just like that if you like the effect.

This method - a great opportunity see quick results and be pleasantly surprised

To keep your face fresh and rosy

This conspiracy is done with soap. Buy a new bar of soap. Look for something natural, free of additives and fragrances. For those who know how to make soap themselves, this is an ideal plot. Homemade soap do it according to all the rules, add healthy oils. Use a new knife to write your name on it.

Wash your face every morning and every evening, saying:

“Water, water, take away all the scars/pimples/wrinkles/spots/pimples (choose the one you need) from my face. Amen".

You will be surprised how quickly your skin becomes smooth and ruddy. You won't need powder and blush if your skin is so wonderful. Russian beauties used this spell and were famous throughout the world for their beautiful faces.

Try it, this is a simple spell for the beauty and health of your skin.

Spell on a jar of cream

You can talk about cream for the body, hands, face. This is a universal whisper for beauty and youth. The skin becomes elastic, toned, and you will soon say goodbye to cellulite.
Buy a new cream. Don’t be stingy, it should be good. Open the jar and say the spell 10 times:

“As from the first sister I receive beauty, from the second - love, from the third - thick hair, from the fourth - gentle hands, from the fifth - a ringing voice, from the sixth - snow-white teeth, from the seventh - black eyelashes, from the eighth - hot eyes, from the ninth - thin eyebrows, from the tenth - scarlet lips, from the eleventh - a raised nose, and like the twelfth, let me be all of me!

Now, you have your own beauty secret. Use the cream 1-2 times a day. When the jar runs out, we can make another one. This effective remedy, because it activates the energy of your skin, its desire to be beautiful, elastic and young. Can be used at any age.

Minor damage and evil eye

You can quickly punish the offender. If he harmed you, then the truth is on your side. Power will punish the wrongdoer and help you. With these evil eyes you will not cause great harm to the person, but he will not want to contact you next time.

Damage for 7 pins

Anyone can cope with this damage. You will need:

  • Black long candle;
  • 7 pins;
  • black canvas.

On the candle with a knife you need to write the name of the person who is being damaged. Insert 7 pins into the candle from top to bottom. Use matches rather than a lighter to light the wick. Think of 7 bad things that should happen to this person. Is not severe damage, so there is no point in contemplating death - it will not come true. You may wish:

  • dismissal from work;
  • breaking up with a girl or guy if they are not married in church;
  • collapse of an important plan;
  • loss of money;
  • time of property;
  • cold, illness, boil.

All this can be done on any day of the week during the waxing Moon. Done once a month. When another pin falls, say - so be it! When it burns out, wrap the candle in cloth and place it at the intersection.

The method is proven and effective, it works quickly. You will definitely cause trouble for your offender. They are also valid for 1 month. Then you can repeat.

Discord in a couple

If you want two people to end the relationship, the discord is on the needle. So you can divorce your husband from his mistress, or you can take someone else’s man away from the family. The main condition is that these two people are not married in the Church, otherwise nothing will work out.

You will need:

  • A photo of a couple or two photos of the people you are divorcing;
  • needle;
  • black candle.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, light a black candle. Take two photos and pierce them in the area of ​​your lover's heart. Say:

“I read strong words on the needle and speak to it. The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong. I entrust their lives to the dark forces, so that they have no peace and quiet. Let it be so. Amen!"

The ritual is performed on the waning moon

In the photo of the woman, add 4 drops of candle wax.
After this, the man will stop loving the woman and will no longer be able to be with her. After this, you can make calls to him, a love spell or binding.

Damage to loneliness

You don't need a ritual for this damage. It can be quickly whispered anywhere. It's important that you touch the person. You can stand behind him in transport, at work. You need to install tactile contact, and after that read the damage:

“The love spell, the lapel doesn’t work on you now. You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness will be your eternal companion. As your hairs burn out, my words will gain power. No one can remove the conspiracy now. Amen!".

It makes a person lonely. Lovers, family and friends turn away. He is left alone and cannot understand how this happened.

Protective spells for yourself

Be sure to learn these spells. They help protect not only from magical effects, but also from physical ones. In a dangerous situation, say them. They can protect and sometimes save lives.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

Very good for situations where your life may be in danger. When returning home late, you can read this plot several times. He will protect you from the views of bad people and ward off troubles.

Say 3 times:

“Like spears with a cross, so the enemies are all prone. He who has good will pass. Those who are evil will be hooked with a cross.”

Speak only in a whisper, crossing the index and middle fingers of both hands. This is gypsy protective spell, which always works.

Protection from hostile magic

This way you can protect your home from magic. You need to buy a kilogram of coarse salt and fresh meat.
Put 1 kilo fresh meat in salt and leave overnight. In the morning, the blood from the meat will saturate the grains of salt. Take it, separate it from the meat. Say 3 times:

“I added salt and soaked it with water. Just as salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll away, turn away, come back! There she goes! I didn’t call you!”

After this, the salt is placed in 6 black bags, and the meat will need to be taken to the cemetery and left at the gate. The bags are hung at front door, windows. Place one of them under the bed. Charmed blood in salt protects against all types of witchcraft. You can carry one pouch with you, but discreetly. Your sacrifice at the cemetery gates will protect you from the attacks of evil spirits and demons. They won't be able to get into the house. The evil eye, damage, curses will not pass.
All this - available methods working with the Forces. Everyone can start practicing with them. You can protect yourself from ill-wishers and the harmful influence of magic, conjure love and good luck, and bring the energy of beauty to yourself. It's simple, you just have to start. Try these amazing home, village and countryside spells. gypsy magic. Every day will be amazing if you make it that way.