How do I know if I'm jealous. How to understand that you are envious


Envy eats a person, regardless of whether he radiates it or receives it. This feeling can turn friends into enemies, break any relationship, and even ruin it. mental health. It is better to avoid envious people in your environment, primarily in order to sleep more calmly and not feel negative on their part. But to do this, you need to be able to recognize such personalities. We have defined the following moments of the envious calculation.

If in your presence a person’s mood deteriorates for no reason, be prepared that he envy you. Try to follow his reaction to your remarks: if he reacts irritably, looks away and makes fun of words, then he is probably jealous.

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Lack of compliments is also a sign of envy. Of course, it depends on the person, but most often this is true. If your friend used to get excited about jewelry or a new dress and immediately talked about it, but now she stopped responding to changes in your wardrobe, she may have begun to envy.


If a person constantly does not respond to emotional stories about your successes, he puts on a mask of indifference, behind which he hides his true feelings. Be careful and think about whether such a person is worth revealing completely.

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When a person starts copying your gestures, clothing style, habits, etc. characteristics personality, most likely, he is jealous and tries to be at least as good as you. In this case, you can talk to the person and, possibly, save the relationship.

Envy - primordial human feeling which belongs to everyone. It is inherent in a person in the same way as fear, joy, hope, confidence and any other feeling. Envy is based on the comparison of everything. that surrounds a person. But since, in addition to envy, there is also a conscience that unmistakably determines that it is not good to envy, people came up with "black envy" and, in contrast to it, "white". This is done in order to, envying, continue to consider himself as good as it were. decent person. You see, I do not want evil, I envy white envy. At the same time, the majority forgets that not wishing evil is the norm, and not the personal merit of a person.

I agree, there are envious people who feel good not when their house is intact, but when a neighbor's house burned down. The blackest envy ever. And there are harmless people who look at someone else's car and say "I want the same one." They don't want the owner of this car to fall into the ground, so what's wrong if they also want to have a car? I don’t see anything terrible in this, the usual human desire: children also ask for the same toys that they saw from others.

But the child asks for a toy naively and unconsciously, while his childish soul remains pure. But an adult who feels that his mood is spoiling if another has something that he does not have should take urgent measures and not allow himself this. But there is a gulf between what is supposed to be and what is actually there. Have you seen many people who are constantly and painstakingly engaged in their soul? But everyone learned to pretend so that this very envy was not visible. I understand: it’s hard and difficult to uproot, and it’s not known whether it will work, but it’s easy to disguise; especially if you can.

I will tell you about the characteristic gestures and techniques that people use to hide envy. Or rather, they are trying to hide, because you can completely hide something only in a black bag in a dark room. But remember that one or two signs that you have noticed do not mean anything yet. For several years, we have managed to convince the whole country that if a person rubs or scratches his nose, then he is lying.

Nonsense is complete; this is called "I hear a ringing, but I don't know where it is." Information about touching the nose is a distorted, incorrectly taken out of context, tiny part of a very large separate topic. As a result, thousands of people are now afraid to scratch their nose when they feel like it.

Remember, everything you learn from this article must be applied wisely and look at several signs in the aggregate, correctly understanding main principle. And the main principle here is simple: a person hides that he is envious, but he does it cunningly, as if imperceptibly. In no case do not attribute to a person something that is not there: when reading and deciphering the information of gestures, be careful, turn on your intuition and do not go too far.

Insincere smile.

The person shows that he is happy for you. In fact, there is no joy - hence the falseness in the smile. With a sincere smile, the eyes always smile, with an unnatural smile - no. She, as it were, lives separately from a person and is put on when necessary, like a mask. A sign of false joy and a too open, welcoming smile: the more a person is envious, the more joy he portrays.

The smile can be skeptical, wry, asymmetrical, doubtful, vague, barely noticeable - in any case, this is an attempt to hide true feelings.


He who is envious does not like to be looked into his eyes and does not look himself, for fear of being discovered. People love to look through the bangs, askance, frowningly. The most cunning naively and honestly look into the eyes, as if trying to convince them of the authenticity of their feelings. If at this moment to expose real feelings, you get an unsightly picture. Knowing this, a person depicts exactly the opposite of what he feels.

The most radical generally wear glasses. Best of all are black ones, and even better are mirrored ones, in which you will see anything, but not the expression of the eyes. Simple, fast, and most importantly, it works. Mirrored glasses are worn by those who like to spy on others through them, while remaining invisible.

Or those who get tired of people and want to fence themselves off with glasses. And, of course, those who need to hide the expression of their eyes, and there is neither strength nor time for pretense. Pay attention to the sincere look of a child who has nothing to hide, and how it changes if the kid is caught in a lie. Hiding his feelings, a person often lowers his eyes. But he is well aware that this is too noticeable, so he pretends to be looking at something or is busy with something, i.e. finds an excuse to lower his eyes.

Hiding envy, a person often squints slightly, narrows his eyes: this happens involuntarily, he, as it were, narrows the source of information about himself.


The fingers are intertwined, the hand props up the cheek: this is a gesture of appreciation. Someone who is envious doesn't really think that whatever you say is good. Therefore, as if from within, he always shows through gestures of discontent and doubts that he does not want to show. Once I was in large group invited guests, to whom the owners showed their new mansion: a chic, huge house, fully furnished, which for the first time opened its new doors to guests. The hosts took guests through countless rooms, talking about how they argued with the designer, the guests watched and admired, and I looked more at the guests than at the house.

I'll tell you the truth: not everyone came out of the proposed test with honor. The richer the guest was, the easier it was for him to share the master's joy. There were also those who could hardly hide the surging envy and were relieved when the protracted excursion ended. Gestures, facial expressions and postures of people said that they were not happy with someone else's wealth. For example, I did not express much enthusiasm and honestly said that I would like to have such a luxurious house. True, I would not have had enough money to support the servants and the gardener, I would have to clean everything myself; but if there was a house - and there I would have thought of something!

When a person considers what you show him, a sign of hidden envy is a too straight, tense back, clenched hands, tightly intertwined fingers, hands hidden in pockets, crossed on the chest. Now put it together: the bowed head, the clenched hands behind the back, the arched back, the narrowed eyes, the false, too-approving smile - the picture emerges, doesn't it? There is something to think about.

At the same time, bespectacled people often touch the glasses, as if correcting them, in fact, covering part of the face, nose, lips. People often cross their arms over their chest, cough into a fist, rub their chin, touch their shirt collar, tie, or jewelry around their neck. They seem to prevent hands from approaching the face and covering all the lies that are written on it. The rules of decency require that a person praise and smile, and a person does this, but internally gets tired and, as it were, wants to be freed from all this. In addition, often not all invitees love each other. Gestures give away the inner state, which is why, with a large crowd of guests, it is customary to distribute wine so that, while communicating freely, they can take a glass from the tray and relieve internal tension.

Envy was, is and will be. Be condescending to people, noticing clear signs envy, forgive them what you yourself are probably not free from. May you have a rich house to which they will come loving friends and each of their gestures will tell you that they are sincerely happy for you.

All text materials presented on the site are exclusively copyrighted. Copying is prohibited. © 2017 Author Natalia Rego. All rights reserved

Perhaps there is nothing worse for a person than talking about success to those people who do not appreciate it and are not proud of it. All they feel is envy. This negative feeling can cause significant harm at its worst, especially if you are successful and conquer new heights.

Each of us has experienced this terrible feeling at least once in our lives. And the truth is that many experience it much more often. But also harder themes who are jealous of themselves. Yes, with some effort we can learn to control ourselves and our emotions, but we cannot influence the behavior of others. Therefore, you need to be able to calculate envious people and take appropriate measures in order to avoid trouble.

Listed below are 8 signs on how to identify people who are jealous of you.

1. False joy

An envious person tries to be the first to congratulate you or anyone else on your success. He will scatter in compliments that at first glance will seem sincere. But be aware that aggression is hidden behind this mask. As soon as you leave the room, he will immediately change his tone and behavior.

Such people prefer to pretend, pretending that they do not envy anyone or anything, diverting attention from their true feelings. by the most effective way struggle with such personalities - to reciprocate them. That is, do not hesitate to approach them and express admiration for their achievements in right time. This will help you disarm them and let them know that they, too, are worth something in this life. So, you will curb their envy.

Clinical psychologist Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., says, “You don't have to get paranoid and look at everyone with suspicion. Not everyone will show envy, praising and admiring you. It is easier to start analyzing your acquaintances and assess for whom exactly you can become the object of envy. So you will be prepared in advance for the appropriate behavior and will not become nervous over trifles.

2. Belittle success

No matter what heights you have reached and how much effort you put into it, an envious person will try to belittle your efforts so that it looks like a pure accident or coincidence. As if you didn’t do anything and everything fell on your head. Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of envy.

The more your success, the more the envious person will speak badly about you. Therefore, try to remain in the background and be modest. But do not lose confidence in yourself and understand that your merits are the result of your efforts. Showing off your achievements will only cause another stream of negative emotions in your direction.

3. Exaggerate your own success

An envious person will try to give more importance to his own success than he really deserves. This can happen while you are celebrating yours. This is especially noticeable, for example, at a wedding.

But why do they flaunt their success in the first place?

Because, most likely, they are not as successful as you. Author Bob Bly says, “There are always people who are overwhelmed with negative thoughts—not only about others, but also about themselves, about their fictional inability to achieve certain goals. They are often connected with finances and with the desire to be richer than now.

Of course, this may be unpleasant for them, but excess sadness can only convince them of their envy. Instead of exacerbating their poor health, try to admire their efforts and achievements. Become a model good behavior and you can change someone's behavior.

4. They imitate your behavior

An envious person wants to be better than you and also to be just like you. They may imitate your conversational style or the way you dress to make you feel better. Instead of letting them frustrate you, try to inspire them with your example, not just make them jealous. Show them that they don't have to be your carbon copy and that they can be who they are.

5. Feeling of competition

Envious people tend to show high level competition because they always want to be the ones who succeed. Clinical psychologist Melanie Greenberg says of them: “They are either insecure or arrogant and want to prove their superiority.”

You may be tempted to take the fight, or refuse to compete, which may not lead to the most better consequences. Try to tell them, in the case of the same promotion at work, that "this is not a competition." Playing against their rules will cause envious people to reconsider their position and may encourage them to completely abandon the fight with you.

6. Celebrate failure

The one who is envious will be in seventh heaven when you make the slightest mistake. It could be a reprimand at work or even bad grade learning. Although they will never show it, they will secretly enjoy your failures. Handle failure with your head held high. You can always remind them that mistakes are part of life and learning. If you're not upset, they don't enjoy it. Everything is simple.

7. They gossip behind your back.

Jealous people will always find a way to gossip about you behind your back. And this often only harms you and your reputation. The best way to deal with this is to confront them directly.

As author James Clear notes, “…negativity from other people is like a wall. And if you focus on that, then you will stumble upon it. You will fall into the trap of negative emotions, anger and self-doubt. Your mind will go where your attention is. Criticism and negativity cannot stop you from reaching your goals. But they can distract you from that."

Because envious people tend not to show overt confrontation, serious conversation with them about what they are doing can disarm them. And this will be enough for them to rethink their behavior or stop spreading rumors altogether.

8. They hate you

If you encounter a person who openly hates you for an unknown reason, know that he may just be jealous of you. This is hard to deal with because each of us doesn't like to hate for no reason. You can start trying to prove to this person that you want to build a relationship with him. But maybe it's not best idea. Sometimes it's better to do nothing. If you can’t charm them, fall in love with you, then it’s better to just cut them out of your life. You do not need this negativity, and such people are likely to force themselves to hate you. That's why, The best way fix it - let go.


Faced with someone else's envy, you may experience big problems. You can try to fight them back. But you need to understand that when dealing with such people, it is better to show positive attitude and let them know that you are not rivals. These are people who are experiencing a self-esteem issue that they need to contend with. And extra pressure on your part will not improve the situation. Try to identify these signs in your environment in time and prevent Negative consequences to keep going towards your dreams!

Human nature sometimes manifests itself as an intricacies of the most absurd and wonderful passions. Some people boast, others hide. But there is such a base passion that no one dares to admit even to themselves. And this passion is envy.

Severe corruption due to black envy

Envy itself is a corruption. An envious person does not need to carry out special rituals, it is enough to look with his own eye, and make a mental promise for destruction and failure - and the matter is ready. Everything went wrong. And the envious person will also rejoice, fix his black evil eye on the mental level - damage from envy.

And if we talk about base passions and human sins, then envy will turn out to be the worst of sins. Envy is the enemy of everything good that can be in a person.

An envious person can sometimes do nothing with the feelings that are born in the soul, although this does not serve as an excuse. Everyone is given the will and fortitude to tame their beasts - their passions. It is unlikely that they will calm down and reconcile completely, but even growling, they must be submissive. To the one who creates damage from envy, there is no, and there can be neither justification nor forgiveness. One way or another, the envious person will pay the bills for his deeds. But the worst thing is that his descendants will have to pay the price.

Powerful damage from envy - a manifestation of vampirism

Envy is not good. Envy is an evil feeling that destroys the soul, and it will not recede, will not go away just like that. It sets a destructive program, this is black damage from envy. Sometimes a bad prophecy whispered to oneself is enough for it to come true, for luck to turn away from a person.

And sometimes the absolutely incredible happens - the envious person pulls over someone else's successful,. The one who becomes a victim of the enemy, then regrets his gullibility, openness. The envious person forges his weapon from this and uses it against his victim.

Envy is a manifestation of vampirism. An envious person feels bad at the sight of someone else's success, pleasure, happiness. At the sight of the suffering of others, he feels an inner uplift, and rejoices in other people's failures more than his own successes. In passing, they induce black damage from envy, and watch with pleasure how others suffer disaster.

Watch the video methods of inducing damage to a person

Corruption from envy is energy dirt

What in everyday life is usually called the evil eye, is this very damage from envy. A black unrighteous thought is like a sticky web. It entangles the subtle bodies of a person, and he is no longer free. It is possible to determine whether there is damage on a person, whether he is caught in the network of an envious person by the same signs that allow one to judge the possible. Negative program induced evil sorcerer during magical rite, works according to the same principles, according to which the wishes of the envious person also operate - these are programs of destruction, destruction, decay.

Envy is sticky energy dirt. Because of this, the Guardian Angel can move away, lose sight of his ward, and the person is left alone, without help, without protection, and falls ill.

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How to determine if there is damage

If, against the backdrop of success, everything suddenly went wrong for you, there is reason to think, but has anyone brought black damage from envy?

Remember with whom Lately you communicated with whom you told about your plans, with whom you shared your joys. This will help to identify the envious. It is imperative to draw a conclusion from what happened, because mistakes should be learned from, and not forgotten about.

A black cat will help determine if there is damage. These animals are like sensors, they are very sensitive to any induced negativity.

Take the cat in your arms at the moment when she is in a calm state. Do it better evening, before bedtime. Hold it on your lap for 10 minutes. If the cat was calm, but in your arms she got nervous, began to meow, to break out - this means that she felt

I recently got a call from a friend who we hadn't talked to in years. Once we studied with her in the same group of the institute, but then she dropped out and went to her parents from the village. She never received an education, never got married, does nothing and does not look after her appearance.

In five years, we called up only a few times to chat. Not that such conversations were interesting to me, just my politeness did not allow me to stop talking.

Envy ruins friendship

And then a couple of days ago she called again. As usual, she asked how I was doing, like my husband and children. When I talked about children, Natasha was touched. But then she seemed to be replaced. She began to complain (however, as usual) about life. I, wanting to support the person, said that everything would definitely work out for her. And then Natasha blurted out: “It’s easy for you to say, you are happy, you have a husband and children. You were always lucky in college. And I'm fat, ugly, at the institute they laughed at me. And men don't like me. So you can't understand me!"

Girls, I didn't know what to say to that. I just quickly ended the conversation with some unpleasant feeling. Now I'm confused. Is it worth continuing to communicate with such a person, do you think?

I had no idea that Natasha was jealous of me before. Only now, remembering our conversations, I realized that alarm bells began to appear long before this conversation. Let's see what signs envy can be recognized by?

Signs of envy

1. copying appearance, habits and gestures of other people. As a rule, this is done by people who lack self-confidence. Natasha has repeatedly bought herself the same things as the girls from our group. Once I bought myself a bag, and the next day Natasha came with the exact same one. After that, I gave the bag to my sister. It turns out that this was the first sign of envy on her part.

2. Frequent change communication mood. I noticed this too, and not once. There were times when Natasha asked me about something, and then interrupted me in mid-sentence, changed the subject of the conversation. She blushed and looked irritated.

3. Confession. If a person, jokingly, admits to envy towards you, be careful in communicating with him.

4. Lack of congratulations, praise, compliments with personal success. A person who is envious may not wish happy birthday. Even if others congratulate you with him.

5. Criticism of the object of envy. During our close communication, I often took Natasha with me to stores “for the company”. When choosing outfits or jewelry, I really wanted to hear an opinion from the outside. Whatever I tried on, this opinion was negative. Natasha criticized absolutely everything that I liked. And all the time she tried to pick out baggy cut clothes for me and dark colors. Then I thought it was her taste, but it turned out to be envy.

Are there envious people in your environment? Do you tell them about your successes?

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