Branch of lavender tattoo. A poet, faced with such a problem, will compose a song or write a poem. It will be much more difficult for someone who is not marked by such a divine gift.

She is gorgeous - lavender, application which is hardly comparable with the number of fairy tales and legends composed about it! Fragrant lavender fields - a very inspiring picture. The color of lavender is soft purple, its smell is subtle, cool, spicy - this is harmony itself!

"Lavender warms the brain, tired of the past years"- this is how Hippocrates spoke about this amazing plant. Of course, he was right: lavender relieves nervous tension, normalizes the mental and emotional state, gives a feeling of calmness, comfort, which is sometimes so lacking!

However, such properties of wonderful lavender were known even before our mothers and grandmothers. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean. The ancient Romans and Egyptians were very fond of growing it - they were captivated by the freshness and beauty of these flowers.

Lavender is still cultivated today, but already on an industrial scale - it is used to make essential oil, which is actively used in perfumery, cosmetics, and aromatherapy.

There are many legends about lavender. Here, for example, is a story about lavender love. After an avalanche came down in a small alpine village, a barely alive young man from a neighboring village was found under a layer of snow. The black-haired beauty Wanda nursed him all winter. Time passed, and Lal - that was the name of the young man - was going home, where his bride was waiting for him. But Wanda managed to fall in love with the guy with all her heart.

The girl turned to the old witch for advice. She handed Wanda a bottle of thick liquid and said: "Every morning, drip this magic oil on your hair, but remember - no more than three drops!" The girl really managed to keep the young man, but not for long. Lal said that he still had to leave. Then Wanda poured the entire contents of the bottle onto her hair. Lal, unable to bear the intoxicating smell, pushed Wanda away and walked away. And she never returned to her former state of mind. When she was a hundred years old, Wanda went to the mountains. After some time, the shepherds found her withered body. Where the hair touched the ground, a plant never seen before grew. Its bluish-purple flowers exuded a delicate, pleasant and cool fragrance. People, combining the names of Lala and Wanda, called this plant lavender.

What to do with lavender - application

IN closet where bed linen is stored, a linen bag is often placed inside which are dried lavender flowers. How pleasant it is to sleep afterwards, shrouded in this light aroma! And he after all and calms, and even helps to remove a headache.

Brew for the night lavender tea to sleep soundly and peacefully. It's like a good meditation, after which anger and resentment disappear, and they are replaced by calmness and clarity. You will feel like a rested person, free, full of strength and joyful hopes!

If you caught a cold, then a decoction of lavender will help you by having an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect. And the soothing properties of lavender will perfectly manifest themselves in stress-relieving bath with her decoction.

In Italy, Spain and parts of France, lavender is added to salads, sauces, soups, and stewed with vegetables and meats. The powder is used in America instead of pepper, and in China, lavender is added as a flavoring agent to green tea and other drinks.

The magical properties of lavender are widely used in various cleansing rituals. This plant is an excellent natural antiseptic, moreover, it frees space both from completely material pathogens, and from subtle-material entities and negative programs. Lavender will help protect against evil spirits, improve sleep, strengthen the nervous system and significantly improve the condition of the skin, especially if the cause of the disease was primarily energy.

Lavender oil for cleansing the aura and space

Lavender oil is one of the most effective remedies if you need to replenish your vitality in case of experienced severe stress. If the quarrel took place in your room, for example, in the bedroom, use oil to remove negative energy from the space.

Lavender oil is one of the most effective means for relaxation. Store it in a dark, cool place and use as needed, each time tightly closing the container with a lid.

In 20 ml of almond or other base oil, add 5 drops of lavender. Light an ordinary wax candle and place it in a candlestick in the center of the room. In an aromatic lamp, add 3 drops of a mixture of oils and place next to a burning candle. Turn your face to the east, close your eyes and mentally imagine that the room is filled with bright light emanating from the lamp. Light displaces all negative energy from the room. It is enough to visualize in this way for two or three minutes.

In magical practice, lavender has been widely used in cleansing rituals. It is believed that the aroma of this plant does not tolerate evil spirits. You can store a bouquet of lavender in the room where you spend the most time. Energy cleansing is provided to you. Plus antiseptic.

After that, wait until the candle burns out to the end. Throw the cinder down the drain. In a similar way, you can cleanse your own aura if you suspect an evil eye, for example, if you suddenly and for no apparent reason feel weak, unwell, dizzy, there are frequent mood swings. Lavender oil can be added to water before taking a bath, after setting an energy program for it: “Cleanse my body, free my aura, open the way for me to light. Let it be so".

You can pour running water into a deep container, add three drops of lavender oil. Moisten the fingertips of the right hand in this water, rub the wrist of the left hand and mentally imagine how the negative energy gathers at this point and, as if the thread rolls into a ball. After that, bring your palm to the flame of a burning candle and imagine how the “ball of negativity” burns in the fire. You will feel when the cleaning process is completed. This can be expressed as a feeling of lightness, freedom, energy. At the end of the session, pour lavender water into the sewer, just throw the candle cinder into the trash can.

We treat the skin and remove slander

It happens that the cause of skin diseases lies in the negative intervention from the outside. The result of certain slander can be rashes on the skin, itching and peeling. You should not write everything off as negative, be sure to visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations. However, it happens that the prescribed treatment is ineffective. In this case, in order to exclude an energy cause, it makes sense to conduct a special ritual before starting treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor. Such actions will be most effective during the waning moon.

Lavender is used both fresh and dried. For magical rituals, it is better to harvest the plant yourself

Pour boiling water over an odd number of lavender sprigs and cook over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes. Cool slightly, strain and pour into a transparent container. After you take a shower, take a decoction of lavender in your palms and wipe your face in a clockwise direction. Take some of the decoction back into your palm and spritz over the damaged area of ​​the skin. Say the conspiracy three times: “I take it off, unlock it, I clean the skin (your name). I destroy the slander, I send it away. He won’t find a way back to me, the old attack will leave me, but the new one won’t come. Exactly".

In combination with rosemary, lavender will be very effective in rituals for the removal of various energy programs aimed at the destruction of the family, separation, discord between lovers.

The procedure must be repeated for five days. The energy cause that caused the skin disease will be eliminated. The aforementioned lavender oil can be used to speed up the healing of bruises, cuts, and insect bites. It is added either to water or to base oil and, using a swab, lubricates the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The base (oil or water) must be spoken before use: “Drop to drop, leaf to leaf, covered - whole, healthy, without flaw. Let it be so". The oil, spelled in the same way, can be added to shampoo or hair rinse water to improve their appearance and energy purity.

Strengthening memory

For occult purposes, lavender is best harvested during the full moon. For a ritual to strengthen memory, you will need 5 branches. The plant must be well dried. On one of the first three days of the young moon, you need to go to a deserted place. In addition to lavender, take with you a lighter, any metal container and a linen bag. On the spot, turn to face east. Put dry lavender in a bowl, light it from a white sheet of paper (crumple and light with a lighter). When the plant is completely burned, carefully collect the ashes and pour them into a linen bag and immediately tie it with red thread. This is your personal memory strengthening amulet.

Fresh lavender can be rubbed with your fingers and rubbed into your temples to relax after a stressful experience. Gently massage the temples with the pads of the index and middle fingers of both hands, close your eyes and mentally imagine how you are filled with the energy of a bright purple color.

Spend the second part of the ritual at home. Light the wax candle. Place on the table in front of you so that the flame is at eye level. Sit opposite, dip your fingertips into the ashes, and then apply to your forehead with the words: “I (your name) will activate the brain. My memory is strong, I think clearly, analyze and draw the right conclusions. Let it be so". Continue to look at the candle flame, imagining how golden energy emanates from it and envelops you from head to toe. At the end of the ritual, extinguish the candle with your fingers and set aside until the next time. It can be used in other rituals of a similar theme. Keep a bag of lavender ash. After a year, you need to replace its contents.

Fresh lavender can be used for relaxation, the dried plant is usually powdered.

Lavender oil can also be used to strengthen memory. They speak it in their own words, using the phrases “strong memory”, “clear thinking”, “excellent intellectual abilities”. After that, an odd number of drops of oil is added to the aroma lamp or simply to a glass of hot water, which must be left in the place where you are engaged in intellectual work, for example: on the desktop or on the windowsill in the office.

Lavender for the fulfillment of desires

The occult properties of lavender allow it to be used in rituals for the fulfillment of desires. It is necessary to prepare and dry 12 branches of lavender. When the herb dries well, it must be crushed with your fingers into a powder. Walk along each branch, removing dry leaves from it. Pour lavender powder into a pre-prepared cardboard box with a small lid or a wooden box. Store raw materials in a dry, dark and cool place. Before an important event, when you especially count on success, light an ordinary wax candle, take out your "magic" box and take a pinch of lavender powder.

Briefly and affirmatively state your intention aloud (a description of what you want to achieve, the desired result) and throw a pinch of lavender powder into the fire. Immediately after this, extinguish the candle with the index finger and thumb of the right hand. The ritual is over. Use powder and a candle only in magical actions of a similar orientation. When the lavender powder runs out, you need to prepare a new one so that the box is not empty.

For magical purposes, it is best to harvest lavender yourself. This should be done on the growing moon in the morning after the dew has dried. You need to cut the stems in the place where the inflorescences end. Dry in a well-ventilated area, divided into bunches and hanging on a rope with flowers to the ground.

Another important note to the ritual is that it may be easier for you to formulate and write down the desired result in advance. For example: “I successfully spoke at the meeting, my idea was received with enthusiasm and accepted for development”, “My body has changed, I am slim and healthy”, “I am happily married, the love between me (your name) and (partner's name) has flared up with renewed vigor. Formulate your affirmative phrase on your own, depending on the direction of your desire.

Magic rituals using lavender are traditionally performed on the waning moon, since most of them are aimed at cleansing negative energy. However, in a number of rituals, lavender is used to attract love and improve the material condition. In this case, plan the action on one of the first days of the new moon. And, most importantly, remember that everything that is pronounced during the ritual must be formulated in the present tense in an affirmative form.

In the material we invite you to learn everything about lavender tattoo meaning, the meaning and history of the tattoo design, get acquainted with examples. For those who have gathered in a tattoo parlor and have decided exactly what lavender will do, we suggest looking at two more materials on our site on this topic:

  • Sketches for lavender tattoo
  • Photo ready tattoo lavender

Lavender tattoo meaning - interesting information about the drawing and examples of finished tattoos in the photo

What does the drawing of lavender in a tattoo mean?

The fair sex love to decorate the body with a variety of colors. I would like to apply a quivering and delicate flower to the skin, so that at first glance there is some simplicity and fragility. Lavender tattoo meaning just such, although in addition the symbol grants long years of life, good health, and also helps to find your soul mate.

Veneration of lavender in different countries

Even the ancient Romans came up with the idea of ​​​​adding a few branches of a fragrant plant to the bath for cleansing and freshness. In ancient Egypt, lavender was so revered that it was grown in the sacred groves of the city of Thebes. The flower was used for aromatic fumigation of rooms, as well as for the preparation of healing drinks. In the ancient world, lavender had cultural, religious and commercial significance.

The Catholic Church has used lavender to ward off witches and sorcerers, as well as to exorcise the devil. Superstitious people always carried several branches of the plant with them, and also strengthened the dried bouquet at the entrance to the dwelling.

According to church legend, the Virgin Mary herself gave the flower a magical aroma. So she thanked the lavender for providing her branches to dry the clothes of little Jesus.

How is lavender depicted

A characteristic image of lavender is a bunch of thin twigs covered with small green leaves, completely showered with beautiful purple flowers. The drawing is dominated by long, elongated lines, so the tattoo is applied to the legs, shoulder blades, arms, sides.

Lavender tattoo meaning depends on the color scheme, which is preferred when drawing a picture. Drawing in dark saturated colors hints at mysticism, hidden meaning and mystery. More saturated violet tones of flowers evoke thoughts of a balanced character and tranquility. Blue delicate lavender indicates a serene nature, a readiness for adventure and a penchant for romantic daydreaming. The saturated green color of the stems speaks of cheerfulness, the desire to learn new things. But if you look closely, lavender is often dried in memory of a past love that has become a memory for a lifetime. But in the place of the old love, a new one will surely come, in the place of a dry lavender plant, next spring, fresh sprouts will stretch towards the sun, which will be completely covered with small purple flowers. Therefore, sometimes lavender is depicted as a symbol of cyclicity and rebirth.


Who will suit the tattoo with lavender

On the advice of astrologers, a sprig of lavender will bring happiness to people born under the sign of Leo. The flower will give them courage, determination, help to save strength. The Slavs, with the help of lavender sprigs, protected babies from the effects of evil spirits and dark forces. For pious people, the flower symbolized true faith and service to God. Therefore, lavender will suit many people, especially those who want to become bolder, more courageous and strengthen in faith.

Refined girls love to decorate their bodies with lavender, but couples often wear this flower as a sign of unfading and eternal love. In this case, two branches are most often depicted, tied with a ribbon.

Men apply lavender tattoos in honor of the upcoming wedding to capture a tender and reverent attitude towards their beloved. The inflorescence of this plant is associated with the French Provence style, in which simplicity is intertwined with sophistication. Previously, the symbol of lavender was often applied to the body by French soldiers in order to express love for their homeland in this way. But the most eccentric male tattoo is considered to be a ram's skull surrounded by lavender sprigs. Such a tattoo is a talisman and symbolizes courage, a deep mind and rationality of thinking.


Symbolic meaning

Most often, the fair sex tattoos with lavender in very inconspicuous places or hidden under clothing. A sprig of lavender looks very beautiful on the wrist, back or ribs. Such an image can act solo or be a component of a bouquet of flowers or an elegant bracelet. If lavender is complemented by poppy, then the picture has a mournful, sad shade.

Before finally making a decision about applying to one or another tattoo master, we advise you to familiarize yourself with additional information on the website, where there is an impressive number of reviews about tattoo artists, their work and salons.

Prepared by: Vasyukhno Nelya Vasilievna

The language of flowers

Purple lilac in the language of flowers symbolizes the "first excitement of love"

The language of flowers(Floriography) - symbolism, the meaning attached to various colors to express certain moods, feelings and ideas. In the Victorian era the language of flowers used to secretly express feelings, in cases where they could not be spoken openly.

The language of flowers can be realized both through the use of multi-colored objects, coloring objects, and by creating flower arrangements from living plants - bouquets, wreaths, etc.


Although it is impossible to speak, although my gaze drooped,
The breath of flowers has a clear language:
If the night took away many dreams, many tears,
Then I will surround myself with the bitter sweetness of roses!
If it is quiet with us and does not blow with a thunderstorm,
I will silently hint about that with mignonette;
If my mother caressed me tenderly,
In the morning I will already breathe violet;
If the father says "do not be sad - I'm ready" -
With incense I will enter orange flowers.

The language of flowers was born in the East, created by women. Deprived of communication, not often daring to open their faces, they transferred all the shades of their mood and feelings to the flowers. The associations that once arose gradually turned into persistent symbols, thanks to which it was possible to carry on a conversation.

In the Eastern tradition it is considered important:

  • when flowers are brought;
  • how the giver holds the bouquet:
    • inflorescences up or down;
    • in the left or right hand.
  • whether the bouquet is decorated with leaves and whether the thorns of the rose have been removed.

Here is a genuine story for you,
What gave birth to the Eastern Selam; -
From an ancient charter on purpose
I wrote it out for you.
How sweet are the flowers of the East
Unspeakable beauty!
But for the worshiper of the Prophet
Their silent language is more pleasant! ..
Our harems are unknown;
Our North is cold! For ladies
Selams will be useless:
They are so devoted to their husbands.
But you, whose eyes are blue
So timidly lowered down
For you young girls
Spring flowers sparkle in the fields!
From a strict mother furtively,
From the perspicacious nanny's eyes,
Weave selam, in sweet bliss:
Love will teach you easily.

Dmitry Oznobishin "Selam or the language of flowers"

Knowledge of the language of flowers came to Europe thanks to the notes of two people: Aubrey de la Mottreya (fr. Aubry de la Mottraye) and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

Aubrey de la Mottre described his stay at the court of King Charles XII of Sweden in Turkey in the two-volume Journey ... through Europe, Asia and Africa in 1727.

The wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul in 1717, Mary Wortley Montagu, described the secret language of love correspondence "selam", also called "the language of objects and flowers", in her letters, published in 1763, shortly after her death, and made her famous.

“There is no paint, flowers, weeds, fruit, grass, stone, bird feather that does not have a verse corresponding to them, and you can quarrel, scold, send letters of passion, friendship, courtesy, or exchange news without getting your fingers dirty.”

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Flower dictionaries were published throughout the XVIII century, talking about the meaning of a particular plant. The language of flowers was very popular both in France and in England during the time of Queen Victoria.

In 1830, the book “Selam, or the Language of Flowers” ​​by the Russian poet D.P. Oznobishin was published in St. Petersburg, where about 400 meanings of plants were described. Basically, the symbols and meanings of colors displayed generally accepted associations, often far-fetched and fictional. The book was very popular among young people. Oznobishin also introduced the game of forfeits, known today and beginning with the words "I was born a gardener ...".


Board game with cards "Flirt of Flowers", Russia, 19th century. Kuzminka Museum

For many years, people have tried to unravel the mystery of the symbolism of flowers, studying the myths and legends that have developed about them. As a rule, flowers are associated with certain qualities of a person.


Primary colors expressing feelings, attitudes and ideas:

  • red - the color of life and love (hence the rose - a symbol of love, carnation - passion), as well as the color of blood, a symbol of anger and revenge (the color of war and revolution);
  • white - a symbol of purity and innocence (lily);
  • black - a symbol of sadness, mourning;
  • yellow - a symbol of disgust, hatred; except for golden - a symbol of the sun and joy;
  • green is a symbol of hope;
  • blue is the color of the gods;
  • blue - a symbol of fidelity (forget-me-nots, violets);
  • purple is a symbol of greatness.

The language of living flowers - plants

The symbolic meanings of living flowers of plants were widely used in the preparation of bouquets, when each of the elements of the composition was given an additional, emotional meaning.

Flower Meaning
Abecedarius talkativeness
Acacia secret love
Acanthus (Bear paw) art
Azalea restraint
Aconite misanthropy
Ambrosia return of feelings
Burdock Gratitude
Aloe bitterness; mourning
Almond Promise
Cornflower grace
Amaranth undying love
Anemone renunciation, sickness
Angrekum greatness
apple blossom preference
Arbor vitae eternal friendship
Melissa mutual understanding or sympathy
Balsam impatience
Laurel wreath triumph
Orchid zeal
Bell thinking of you
Irish bluebells luck
Lyadvenets revenge
boxwood loyalty
Broom modesty or humility
reeds obedience
Buttercup wealth
Cabbage utility
Japanese camellia modest superiority
Bell medium Gratitude
Carnation pink female love, innocent love (first).
white contempt
purple waywardness; unpredictable inconsistency
red my heart longs for you, passion, obsession with love
yellow you disappoint me; refusal; neglect
striped rejection
Celandine joy
Sakura flower a good education
transience of life (in Japan)
female beauty (in China)
Chestnut judge me
Aster variety of love
Chrysanthemum red I love
white Truth
yellow rejected love
Coreopsis cheerfulness and fun
Primrose overcoming grace
Clover red zeal
white oath
Coriander burning desire
Pale yellow daffodil meekness, humility, nobility, respect or unrequited love
Dahlia sophistication, self-esteem
Daisy innocence, chastity, modesty, fidelity, devoted love
red daisy beauty unknown owner
Dandelion coquetry
Rosehip flower heal wounds
Elder sympathy
Fennel impregnability, resistance
forget-me-not true love
Geranium nobility
gorse patient affection, love at any time of the year
Grass submission, obedience
Heliotrope devotion, passion
Hibiscus rare, graceful beauty
Hollyhock ambition
Honeysuckle bonds of love, loyalty to a loved one
rejuvenated economy, economy
Hydrangea coldness, indifference, heartlessness
Ivy dependency, trust
Narcissus renewal of feelings
Viburnum evergreen symbol, sign, distinction
Lavender piety, doubt
lemon flowers freedom, sanity
Salad "frozen heart"
Lichen loneliness
Flower Meaning
Lilac purple first love
white innocence
Lily white purity, innocence
scarlet lofty intentions
yellow 1) fun and gratitude, 2) lies and frivolity.
orange hatred and disgust
Brindle abundance, prosperity, arrogance, pride
Lily of the valley reliability, credibility
lime flowers fornication, betrayal
Lobelia malice, unkindness
Lotus purity, chastity, eloquence
Amaranth hopelessness
Magnolia love for nature
Mallow "tormented by love"
Marigold despair
Epigea repens best wishes
minionette value
Mint suspicion
morning glow unrequited love
Mullein good nature
Nasturtium (Capuchin) patriotism
oak leaves force
oats musicality
Olive world
Nivyanik (Daisy) patience
peach flowers longevity
pear flowers strong friendship
Resinous pine flowers philosophy
Poppy ordinary eternal sleep, oblivion, fantasy
red pleasure
white consolation of dreams; modern version: world
yellow wealth, success
Rose tea room beauty is always new
red real love
blue sacrament, achieving the impossible
white eternal love, silence or innocence, longing, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility
black death, hatred, farewell, separation by death
yellow friendship, happiness, joy.
pink courtesy, courtesy, courtesy
dark pink gratitude, gratitude
light pink desire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy
burgundy unexpected beauty
coral desire, passion
pale lilac love at first sight
white-red unity, common interest
red-yellow delight, happiness and excitement
without spikes love at first sight
callas The highest degree of admiration, respect, admiration; the donor bows the knee before you; You are awesome!
Rosemary memory (memories)
Ruta sorrow, remorse
Mimosa bashful sensitivity
Snowdrop comfort, hope
Arabian poultry farmer hope
Straw unity
Sunflower sublime, pure thoughts
Rosehip red-brown simplicity
Datura deception
Thistle nobility
Thyme (Thyme) economy
tulip tree glory
Tulip red declaration of love
yellow admiration for the smile of a loved one / hopeless love
Violet blue loyalty, fidelity
white modesty
Weeping willow rejected love
Any plant seeds dispersed by the wind envoys
witch hazel CONSPIRACY
Wheat wealth and prosperity
Hyssop cleansing, humility

Flirting flowers

Flirting flowers- a parlor card game popular in the 19th century.

The cards have a set of color names, and each name corresponds to a certain phrase. The names of the colors on all the cards are the same, but they have different phrases. The players say the name of the flower aloud and pass the card to the interlocutor. The interlocutor learns from this card and the sounded name what they wanted to say to him. Thus, only two people know the true content of the conversation, for the rest it is just the names of colors.

The language of flowers. THE MAGIC MEANING OF A FLOWER.

Flowers are a gift from God... Without flowers, the world will become gray and dull. Flowers have always been and will always be a source of beauty, joy, peace, love and endless inspiration. Whatever the event, it is always accompanied by flowers. We give flowers for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays; we bring flowers when a little man is born and when an old man dies.

We express our feelings with flowers.

Flowers have their own language. There is no doubt that flowers can convey feelings without words, and for every feeling there is a flower.

People attached a certain meaning to different colors and even invested a mystical meaning. In reality, things took such a turn that a completely independent language arose, called "floriography" (floriography) - the language of flowers.

This language was especially actively used in the Victorian era. We should not forget about the religious symbolism that gives flowers a divine meaning. There are references to flowers, herbs and plants in Biblical times. In the Middle Ages, people believed that herbs had magical powers, and flowers took pride of place in royal flower gardens. Flower gardens were plentiful in the Victorian era; people not only enjoyed but also studied the beautiful flowers, which helped them create a list of symbolic meanings for their favorite flowers.
When and where the language of flowers originated remains a mystery.

According to some statements, it was Japan, according to others China, and others claim that the language of flowers originated in India. In any case, in the 1600s, the language of flowers was known in the Byzantine Empire, and in 1716 information about the magical language of flowers was brought to England by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. In 1819, the first flower dictionary appeared in Paris, created by Charlotte de la Tour. But the most popular book on the language of flowers was written in 1879 by a Victorian lady, Miss Corruthers of Inverness, a small town in Scotland. Her book Flowers lore: Teachings of Flowers Historical, Poetical and Sumbolical became the source and basis of flower symbolism in England and the United States.

The language of flowers and Queen Victoria.

In the Victorian era, during the reign of Queen Victoria of England from 1837 to 1901, the popularity of the language of flowers reaches its apogee. The language of flowers becomes as important for people as the ability to “dress well”. Even smell recognition has meaning: the scent of a single flower, plant, or even the scent of a handkerchief conveyed a specific message.
In the Victorian era, everything was decorated with flowers: hair, clothes, jewelry, dresses, men's lapels, home decor and china, stationery. Only a few are listed here. A young man could express his delight or displeasure to the lady, but he did it not with words, but in a much more subtle way - he showed his feelings in the form of a bouquet of flowers. Flowers could be a message of love or dislike, depending on what kind of flowers were sent, what size they were, or how those flowers were grouped into a bouquet. Flowers served as silent messages and could tell what a person would not dare to say out loud. Even the manner in which the flowers were sent flowers carried its own secret meaning. Flowers held vertically meant positive thoughts; presented in the opposite direction, they acquired a negative meaning. If the bouquet was presented with the right hand, it meant "yes", if with the left - "no".
Everyone could master the language of flowers - special dictionaries were created for this purpose. These dictionaries were especially in great demand among lovers. In the dictionary, one could read that “ROSE” symbolizes love, but each variety and color of the rose gives the meaning its own shade. "LILY" is a symbol of beauty, but lilies are diverse, and the messages acquired different symbolic meanings. You can imagine the predicament that lovers would be in if they used different dictionaries: each dictionary could offer its own interpretation, and then the hidden meaning could be misinterpreted. Such a nuisance could lead to the most unpredictable consequences! So, we see how important it is to learn how to compose flower arrangements, and to do it beautifully and correctly, as well as to be able to correctly explain their hidden meaning.

In the Victorian era, they loved to make bouquets of flowers. Tussie-Mussies were especially popular as a gift.

Tussy moussy is a small bouquet of flowers in a lace napkin, tied with a satin ribbon. The secret that such a bouquet hid in itself caused a persistent desire to unravel the encrypted message. Unraveling the tussy-moussi messages has become a craze and a popular pastime.

The language of flowers and modernity
But what about in our time? Do we not experience the same passions, are we not subject to strong feelings? Of course yes! And there are still situations when it is difficult to convey in words your true feelings. This is especially true of such subtle matter as love. How many experiences are associated with thoughts: “How can I tell her that I love her?”. How difficult it is to pronounce the phrase: “I want to be your friend”, “You are special” or “You are not like everyone else”.

A poet, faced with such a problem, will compose a song or write a poem. It will be much more difficult for someone who is not marked by such a divine gift.

What to do? There is a way out, and this way out is spectacular and worthy, despite its simplicity. You should just give a bouquet of flowers!

For example, roses can represent a variety of moods and feelings. Passion and romantic love are still associated with scarlet roses. Pink roses mean less passionate love, but more tender and poetic. White roses of sincerity and purity, and yellow roses of friendship. Blue roses give people mysterious and inaccessible. Blue roses can also mean unattainable love.
It remains only to master this elegant language and bring romance to the modern world. Be sure to include an accompanying card with the message so that the message can be deciphered. I offer a list of the most popular and common plants and flowers and their symbolic meanings. Of course, this list can be continued indefinitely. And if you find any other values, then report them to our forum. We should also not forget that the meaning of flowers can change depending on the combinations in the bouquet.
Find out how to buy flowers for women!

AZALEA - come to me, short-lived passion, Chinese symbol of femininity
ACACIA - friendship
ALPINE ROSE - be careful
ALOE - grief, sadness
AMBROSIA - reborn love
AMARANT - unfading love, faith, eternity
Amaryllis - gorgeous, luxurious beauty
ANEMONE - sincerity, loneliness, I leave you
ALFEA - engulfed in love
ASTRA - symbol of love, Grace, Talisman of Love
WHITE DAISY - don't test my patience
HEATHER (white) - protection, wishes will come true
HEATHER (lavender) - admiration, loneliness
WATER LILY - feelings rage in my soul
GARDENIA - you are beautiful, secret love, I am lucky
CLOVE - charm, female love
CLOVE (white) - sweet and beautiful, innocence, pure love
CLOVE (yellow) - refusal, you disappointed me
CLOVE (purple) - inconstancy, capriciousness
CLOVE (pink) - I will never forget you
CLOVE (solid color) - yes
CLOVE (striped) - no, refusal, unfortunately I can’t be with you, although I want it
CLOVE garden - female love
GERANIUM (wild) - persistence and availability
HYACINTH - swiftness, a flower dedicated to Apollo
HYACINTH (white) - lovely, I will pray for you
HYACINTH (yellow) - jealousy
HYACINTH (red or pink) - you play with me
HYACINTH (purple) - forgive me, I'm sorry
HYACINTH (blue) - constancy
GLADIOLUS - give me the opportunity, I'm sincere
GLOXINIA - love at first sight
HYDRANIA - thank you for your understanding
IRIS - a symbol of France, faith, hope, wisdom and fearlessness, I need your friendship
CACTUS - constancy, warmth
CAMELIA (red) - you kindle a flame in my heart
CAMELIA (white) - you are amazing
CAMELIA (pink) - I wish you passionately
BELL - fidelity, devotion even in misfortune.
Lily of the valley - freshness, tears of the Mother of God, return to happiness, humility, you decorate my life
LILY (white) - innocence, purity, greatness, being with you is amazing!
LILY (yellow) - false, dissolute
MAC - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination
MAC (white) - consolation
MAC (yellow) - wealth, success
MAC (red) - pleasure
DAISY - innocence, true love, never talk about feelings
MIMOSA - coquetry, charm
Narcissus - love me, the desire for reciprocal love
NASTURTIUM - conquest, victory
Forget-me-not - true love, memories, don't forget me!
MARIGANS - grief, jealousy, cruelty
ORCHIDS - love, beauty, sophistication, the Chinese symbol of having many children, you are a beauty!
PION - happy life, happy marriage, modesty
ROSE (without thorns) - love at first sight
ROSE (white) - innocence and purity, mystery and silence, I deserve you!
ROSE (yellow) - jealousy, love is not so strong
ROSE (scarlet) - I love you!
ROSE (pink) - perfect happiness, believe me!
ROSE (dark crimson) - mourning
ROSE (blue) - mystery and inaccessibility. unattainable love
ROSE (tea) - I will always remember!
ROSE (wild) - your wounds will heal!
ROSE (Chinese, hibiscus) - sophisticated beauty
ROSE (bud) - beauty, youth, pure heart
ROSE (white bud) - girlhood
ROSE (bud red) - pure and sweet
TULIP - excellent reputation, glory
TULIP (yellow) - your smile is like sunlight!
TULIP (red) - declaration of love, believe me!
TULIP (colorful) - beautiful eyes
VIOLE - modesty
VIOLET (white) - let's take a chance!
VIOLET (blue) - vigilance, fidelity, I will always be faithful to you!
violets - thinking of you
Chrysanthemum - cheerfulness, peace, you are a wonderful friend!
CHRYSANTHEM (white) - true
CHRYSANTHEM (yellow) - weak love
CYCLAMEN - resignation, goodbye, good luck!
Zinnia (scarlet) - constancy
Zinnia (white) - courtesy
Zinnia (yellow) - daily memories

the language of flowers

Quote from Leonsia Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!
I know souls like lavender...

The language of flowers is now almost forgotten and for a modern person it is something very exotic. And once people were very seriously interested in it and wrote manuals and books, generously illustrating them with very colorful drawings and engravings. In 1869, a book called The language of flowers, or, Floral emblems of thoughts, feelings, and sentiments, was published in London, lifting the veil of secrets about this unusual language invented by people to express their feelings for each other. The engravings from this edition are very nice and may well be of practical importance for those who are fond of needlework, in particular embroidery, or work in the decoupage technique.

And what is this "language of flowers"? The language of flowers - "Selam" - originated in the East, and according to it, each flower, its color and aroma have a special meaning. Selam was created by women who were squeezed by the harsh framework of Islam: they did not dare to open their faces often, they were deprived of normal communication, and therefore they transferred all the shades of their mood and feelings to the flowers.

The language of flowers, as well as the language of the fan in Spain, has long served in the East as a way of secret explanation between lovers. And while in Persia, Turkey and Arabia the meaning of a flower derives solely from its name, in France it is based on the symbolic qualities of the flower itself. And with us, lovers pay attention to the meaning of the flowers that they give to their Beloved. From the Ladies' World calendar 1912

Bouquet of flowers with wild strawberries and tulips

Information about the language of flowers came to Europe thanks to the travel notes of two people: the first - Aubrey de la Mottray, who was in Turkey at the court of King Charles XII of Sweden and described Selam in the two-volume book "Journey ... through Europe, Asia and Africa" ​​in 1727; the second is Mary Wortley, the wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul - she described the secret language of love messages in her letters, which were published in 1763, shortly after her death, making her famous. Montagu wrote: There is no paint, flowers, weed, fruit, grass, stone, bird feather that does not have a verse corresponding to them, and you can quarrel, scold, send letters of passion, friendship, courtesy, or exchange news without getting your fingers dirty.».

Bouquet of flowers aquilegia and calendula

Bouquet of roses and ipomoea flowers

In the Victorian era in France and Great Britain, the language of flowers was used to secretly express feelings (in cases where they could not be spoken openly). Throughout the 18th century, flower dictionaries were published, talking about the meaning of a particular plant. Yes, there was a time when European boys, girls and married ladies enthusiastically counted the number of petals, trying to unravel the "language" of each presented bouquet.

In 1830, the poet and folklorist D.P. Oznobishin translated from Persian and published the book "Selam or the language of flowers" in St. Petersburg. More than 400 plants were described in it, their meanings and symbols reflecting generally accepted associations (however, in places far-fetched). This book was very popular among the youth, the aristocracy, and the common people.

Bouquet of flowers with cornflowers

Bouquet of flowers with roses

Flower "alphabet" of feelings

  • Azalea - "Take care of yourself for me", restraint, attractiveness, gentle passion (in Chinese symbolism - femininity)
  • Acacia - secret love, the beauty of loneliness, chaste love
  • Amaryllis - pride, pastoral poetry
  • Ambrosia - mutual love
  • Pineapple - "You are perfect!"
  • Anemone - "I'm leaving you!" - parting, sincerity, hope; renunciation, sickness
  • Pansies - "Your innocence conquered me" or "think of me" - fun, entertainment
  • Arbitus (strawberry tree) - "I love only you!"
  • Astra - a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, versatility and memories (in China, again, this flower means accuracy and punctuality)
  • Begonia - originality
  • Birch - gossip
  • Hawthorn - hope, courage
  • Buldenezh - thoughts about unearthly happiness
  • Cornflower - modesty
  • Heather (white) - protection, wishes come true
  • Heather (lavender) - admiration, loneliness
  • Bindweed - affection
  • Gardenia - "You are beautiful, secret love!" or "I'm lucky!"
  • Carnation - charm, female love.
  • Further, depending on the color:
    • white - sweet and beautiful, innocence, pure love, a gift of female luck
    • yellow - rejection or "You disappoint me"
    • red - admiration or "My heart hurts you!"
    • purple - inconstancy, capriciousness, pride
    • pink - "I will never forget you!"
    • solid color - "Yes"
    • striped - “No”, refusal or “Unfortunately, I can’t be with you, although I want to”
    • garden - female love
  • Geranium - devoted friendship, or "Remember me", modesty, sincerity, hope
  • Hyacinth - general meaning - swiftness.
  • Depending on color:
    • white - “You are a charm”, “I will pray for you”
    • yellow - jealousy
    • red or pink - "You're playing with me!"
    • purple - "I'm sorry, forgive me"
    • blue - constancy
  • Gladiolus - "Give me an opportunity, I'm sincere"
  • Gloxinia - love at first sight
  • Hydrangea - "Thank you for your understanding"
  • Pomegranate - "Come to me!"
  • Decembrist - "Reduce my suffering!"
  • Sweet Pea - "Farewell, my beloved!"
  • Christmas tree and pine - hope for change
  • Honeysuckle - fidelity
  • Iris - "Your friendship means a lot to me", faith, hope, wisdom and fearlessness, "My compliments" or "I'll be back!"
  • Cactus - danger
  • Camellia:
    • red - "You are a flame in my heart!"
    • white - "You are amazing!"
    • pink - "I wish you passionately"
  • Four-leaf clover - "Be mine!"
  • Clematis - mental beauty
  • Bell - constancy, humility
  • Crocus - sociability
  • Lily of the valley - freshness, return to happiness, humility or "You decorate my life!"
  • Levkoy - unprecedented beauty
  • Len - household chores, fate
  • Lily:
    • white - innocence, purity, greatness or "It's amazing to be with you!"
    • yellow - false and dissolute
    • lily kala - "Your beauty drives me crazy!"
  • Linden - love in marriage.
  • Buttercup - wealth
  • Magnolia - nobility
  • Poppy - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination.
  • Depending on color:
    • white - consolation
    • yellow - wealth, success
    • red - pleasure
  • Raspberry - repentance
  • Daisy - innocence, true love or "I will never tell about my feelings!"
  • Menthol - "Get out of my way!"
  • Mint - warm feelings
  • Narcissus - respect, unrequited love, "You are my only one", "The sun always shines when you are with me"
  • Nasturtium - conquest, victory
  • Marigolds - cruelty, grief, jealousy
  • Dandelion - fidelity, happiness
  • Oleander - caution
  • Orchids - love, beauty, sophistication, a beautiful lady or "You are a beauty!" (Chinese symbol for having many children)
  • Holly - foresight
  • Fern - magic, charm, trust and refuge
  • Primrose - "I can't live without you!"
  • Petunia - resentment, anger or "Your presence calms me"
  • Peony - happy life, happy marriage or modesty
  • Ivy - conjugal love, fidelity, friendship, affection
  • Primula - first love, spring of youth
  • Rhododendron - waiting
  • Rose:
    • wedding - happy love
    • dark red, crimson - sadness, mourning
    • hibiscus rose - gentle beauty
    • pink - perfect happiness, "Please believe me"
    • red - "I love you"
    • tearoom - "I will always remember"
    • no thorns - love at first sight
    • white - purity and naivety, "I deserve you", "You are divine", mystery and silence
    • red and white - union, flower emblem of Great Britain
    • white dry - "Better to die than lose dignity"
    • yellow - the fading of love, jealousy
    • bud - beauty and youth
    • alpine - "Be careful!"
  • Lilac - beauty, love, the first excitement of love
  • Tulip:
    • common - perfect lover, Holland flower emblem
    • red - "Trust me", declaration of love
    • motley - beautiful eyes
    • yellow - "The sun is in your smile"
    • black - "I want to die for you!"
  • Violet - modesty
  • Orange blossom - nobility, purity, naivety, eternal love or marriage and fertility
  • Fuchsia - taste
  • Chrysanthemum - cheerfulness and peace, or "You are a wonderful friend."
  • Depending on color:
    • white - true
    • yellow - weak love
  • Cyclamen - resignation, or "I wish you good luck!"
  • Cherry - charm
  • Blueberries - waste
  • Rosehip - poetry
  • Apple tree - good reputation
  • Yarutka - self-confidence

Bouquet of flowers peonies and lilies

Bouquet of flowers with mallow

Bouquet of flowers poppy and bindweed

Bouquet of flowers lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots

Bouquet of flowers with lilac

Bouquet of rose and astilbe flowers

Bouquet of rose flowers and fragrant tobacco


Flowers live in people's hearts;
I secretly read in their pages
About unmarked boundaries
About unblossomed petals.

I know souls like lavender
I know mimosa girls
I know how from tea roses
A garland is woven in the soul.

In the branches of a laurel bush
I see the slit of black wings,
I know cups of pure lilies
And their sinful lips.

I love in naive lungworts
Silent sorrow of dead fairies
And the face of shameless orchids
I hate in secular faces.

Acacia white words
Given to the departed and forgotten,
And I, on the old plates,
A gap-grass grows in the soul.

Cherubina de Gabriac 1910

Materials from the site were used to write the article: How things work

A series of messages "English engravings":
Part 1 - Lord Byron Beauty Gallery
Part 2 - Her name is Woman!
Part 6 - The heroines of Walter Scott in old English engravings
Part 7 - Stratford Gallery of Engravings of W. Shakespeare's Heroines
Part 8 - I know souls like lavender...

I was walking down the street today and caught a warm, spicy, rich and slightly sweet smell - lavender is blooming all around))) And I wanted to write about something so magical and enchanting))) After all, lavender is really a magical plant. She has long been a symbol of love, beauty and sophistication. Lavender is widely used for decorative purposes, for the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes, in cooking and at home.
There is a legend that claims that lavender was given its enchanting aroma in gratitude for the fact that the Virgin Mary dried the clothes of little Jesus on a lavender bush.

This plant got its name from the Latin word lava, - "to wash, clean." This is confirmed by the ancient Roman custom of washing with water with lavender, adding it to the bath for a delicate aroma of freshness and purity. It was even customary for them to refresh everything inside the premises with lavender water. Bouquets of lavender were hung everywhere to scent and freshen the air and clothes. And during epidemics in Rome, bonfires were made from lavender, so that fragrant smoke protected from the disease. To protect women in labor and newborns, the premises were fumigated with this magical smell.

Even the ancient Egyptians in the sacred garden of Thebes grew lavender, it was part of the ointments for embalming. In the tomb of Tutankhamun, vessels with lavender were found, which retained the smell for three thousand years.

Catholics attached sacred significance to lavender and it became an indispensable attribute in church ceremonies. Everywhere in the monastery gardens they planted fragrant lavender bushes. Monks and superstitious people in the Middle Ages wore bags of lavender, fixed it on the doors of houses to scare away evil spirits.

Then everywhere they began to use lavender as part of amulets.
Since ancient times, for many centuries, lavender has been used for mystical purposes. The Celts even had one month of the year called Willow Moon Month (from April 15 to May 13), which is dedicated to the sacred smell of lavender.

To concentrate forces on the fight against evil in ancient times, lavender was used in the form of incense and infusions. In principle, it has always been believed that lavender helps restore strength, has relaxing properties, helps to calm aggression and envy, cleanse oneself of bad thoughts and intentions, enlightens thoughts and helps in self-knowledge. Avicenna has a very accurate statement about lavender: “This is a whip for the heart and a broom for the brain.”

Lavender also helps to cleanse the body of negative influences and restore the strength spent during the rituals, so the sorcerers took baths with it, and before the rituals, the room was fumigated with lavender. Lavender helps to induce dreams about a past life and while taking baths to see the future. Such a bath with a decoction of lavender is taken before going to bed, falling asleep they ask one exciting question. The answer will come in a dream. Lavender was also carried with them to see the Spirits. She will help to find financial balance, it is also believed that she brings good luck.

I recalled the recipes for love potions, elixirs of youth, good luck and happiness: a pinch of blue lavender flowers, a couple of mint leaves and a spoonful of thyme ... Magic is next to us, you just have to notice it, pick it up and believe in it)) Each of you can come up with a magical lavender story and a beautiful lavender fairy.

And you can also tell this lavender story to your loved one for the next dream, let him have sweet lavender dreams)) And in the morning you will drink fragrant lavender tea together ... I think he wants to repeat such happy moments. It's fabulous, isn't it?)

Lavender was used both in love magic and to attract happiness, and mixed with rosemary to protect virginity, preserve beauty and youth. In the XIV century, even such spirits were released. They were called "Hungarian water". They were considered magical.

Lavender helps to heal lovesickness. It was believed that to seduce a man, you need to wrap a bunch of lavender in a new towel and leave it there for seven days, then invite the man to visit you and let him dry his hands with this towel.

If a bouquet of lavender is hidden in the bedroom under a mattress or under a pillow, then it will help restore intimate relationships between spouses. In Metamorphoses, Apuleius described the action of lavender: She “not only drives out evil spirits from the room where lovers are, but also helps them to love each other. » Lavender was used to make ointments that were used to lubricate the body before meeting with a loved one. The gentle, warm and enveloping aroma of lavender helps to find in a passionate embrace, fire, refinement, and penetration at the same time.

They say that if you put lavender under the pillow of your loved one and make a wish, then it will come true. To make relationships trust between people, a mixture of lavender, cedar and nutmeg is used.

It was believed that lavender, collected on the full moon, increases its magical properties. It is necessary to harvest the plant during the period of mass flowering - at this time the aroma is the strongest. The peak of the magical powers of plants usually falls on Ivan Kupala. They say that witches on Midsummer's Day threw lavender into the fire as a sacrifice to the ancient gods.

In general, the lavender plant is kind, with a warm aura, very elegant, which has conquered many with its exquisite and delicate aroma. For most people, for some reason, it is immediately associated with the invariable blue color. But there are many more shades of different varieties, conquering with their diversity.

There are also purple, white, pink and even greenish colors, only the main palette. There are still a great many shades of inflorescences - spikelets.

Plus several different cultivated groups of this plant: English, French, Dutch. And it comes from, in general, from India and the Mediterranean, and in nature it has 30 species.

They have different shapes and sizes. Some of them reach a height of two meters and can be used for hedges. Although this plant is southern, there are varieties that are quite frost-resistant.

Lavender came to European countries in the 12th century and spread only as an ornamental plant, and in the 18th century, industrial planting of lavender began in England and France.

Use this wonderful plant at home. Place dried lavender flowers in linen bags and arrange in the closet where bed linen is stored. She will give it a delicate aroma and you will sleep on it with a blissful sleep, as in childhood. You can put the sachet near the pillow.

Such a sachet will help against insomnia and contribute to a good mood. “Lavender oil stabilizes the physical, etheric and astral bodies of a person, as a result of which it has a beneficial effect on psychological disorders,” Rudolf Steiner made such a conclusion about this product.

Also, a sachet with lavender will help to expel “evil spirits” called moths from your dress wardrobes, and at the same time annoying mosquitoes in the summer)) Fragrant twigs will cleanse your home of dark stagnant energies and attract creative good forces into your life.

The room can be fumigated with lavender. They take dried lavender flowers and set them on fire immediately, extinguish them, and leave them to smolder so that there is a little smoke. After a visit to your home by an unpleasant person, burn a sprig of lavender. This will remove unpleasant energies. You can tie a glass with a candle with lavender sprigs and, when heated, they will delight you with their delicate aroma.

They do not like the smell of lavender and such peddlers of evil as mice and rats.