Special stones for Libra: talismans and amulets. What stones are suitable for Libra according to the horoscope

Air Libra is often subject to mental hesitation, cannot make the right decision and determine their goals. Libra stones according to the zodiac sign will help them gain stability. Opal will give women self-confidence and help them make the right choice. Coral will help Libra to decide on life goals and will contribute to their achievement.

To make the effect of the amulet more pronounced, wear it constantly with you.

Women's Libra Stones: Opal and Coral

Since ancient times, opal has been considered a precious stone. Minerologists describe it as silica hydrohelium, which shimmers with iridescent radiance, comes in various colors and shades: blue, milky, green, red, yellow, etc.

Opal stone is extraordinary, it takes on its exceptional colors and their iridescent play from water. Therefore, he is so afraid of dryness and heat, from them the opal quickly dies and loses its charm. One has only to put it in clean water, and after a short time it can again be reborn. Chemists claim that it consists of a third of water.

This is the stone of Libra according to the horoscope, which have an indecisive character. Thanks to the opal, its owner gains self-confidence and firmness in the decisions made. A talisman with an opal is able to give an active life position and good spirits during periods of laziness and apathy, which Libra often has. This mineral replaces a negative mood with a positive one and gives fortitude. Thanks to this, its bearer can direct his activity, strength and talents to a peaceful and good cause. If its owner is noble, able to overcome the desire for wealth and selfishness, the talisman guarantees success in all endeavors.

Opal - the stone of Libra women according to the horoscope - will help her in relationships with the opposite sex and creating a strong family. It contributes to making the right decisions and develops logic, which helps in personal life and restores mutual understanding between lovers. It is also called the stone of loyalty and hope.

For friendly and sociable Libras, this crystal can do a good job, it helps to make acquaintances with the right people and build good relationships with them. Each person has his own character and temperament, everyone needs to find their own approach, an opal amulet helps to find a common language even with people who are stingy with emotions and withdrawn. It is especially useful for individuals who occupy high positions and are engaged in managerial activities.

Opal is a stone for Libra, as they are fighters for nobility and justice. The gem is able to regulate mood swings that can develop into melancholy. This talisman contributes to the formulation of a goal and the development of a plan to achieve it, it helps to make decisions quickly.

If the stone coincides in energy with its owner, it can become an excellent antidepressant that drives away negative thoughts, sharpens the mind and protects against destructive energy. Opal owners develop logical thinking, the ability to make the right decisions.

Thanks to this amulet, the intellectual potential is aggravated, which helps to get rid of anxiety and negative thoughts. The talisman is especially useful to those who often fall into a melancholy state and have a tendency to commit suicide.

Medicinal properties

The ancient Romans knew many healing properties of this mineral. It was used as a remedy for problems with the nervous system, poor sleep, depression and nervousness, which have a very negative impact on the health of representatives of the Libra sign. In the modern world, lithotherapists still use this mineral and the water infused on this stone to treat the effects of stress and damaged nerves.

It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the immune system. Opal can be called a shield that protects its owner from infectious and catarrhal diseases, facilitates their course. Rare and expensive black opal will help to cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and even restore vision.

magical properties

Opal has powerful magical properties. He brings the gift of prophecy. The owners of this stone are credited with the ability to influence the minds of other people with the help of telepathy. It is believed that it can protect its owner from theft, fire, preserve health and life during epidemics, protect against the influence of dark spells.

In European countries, opal is considered an assistant to gifted and talented people, which can be attributed to those born under the sign of Libra. In the East, opal is popular as an amulet that brings love and happiness.

The black mineral should be handled with particular care, because it is directly related to magic and the supernatural abilities of a person. If a person does not have such abilities, then opal can do much harm. Therefore, it is recommended to set it with gold, this enhances the positive effect of the stone.

White opal helps to find inner peace and find harmony with the outside world.

This mineral is able to be a powerful amulet that will help in any endeavors and protect you from failures and failures. Opal is acquired before responsible events in order to protect oneself from embarrassment and to show oneself brilliantly.

Items, jewelry, the stone itself must be purchased independently, except when the opal is received as an inheritance. It is very undesirable to give and receive it as a gift. If the opal was donated, then it can cause hostile feelings towards the one who gave it, become a cause of enmity or contention.

Second Stone of Libra: Coral

Coral is considered a stone for Libra, although in fact it is not a stone. Corals are marine animals that live in colonies, from which skeletons form coral reefs, and sometimes entire islands. They are pale pink, red, white, black, blue.

In many countries, coral is believed to be a symbol of immortality and happiness. In Europe, it is considered a symbol of modesty, and in Rus' it is a prophetic stone. There were a lot of beliefs about this stone, one of them says that coral was found in the brains of dragons. The stone affects metabolism, digestion and body temperature. It is considered the strongest assistant in getting rid of envy and anger.

Those born under the sign of Libra are trying to get to know the surrounding reality, to discover something unknown for themselves, which pulls them on a journey and does not allow them to sit still. On a long journey, you need to take an amulet with you, which will save you from dangers along the way and help you return. Coral can become such an amulet for Libra. Since ancient times, sailors have taken coral amulets with them, which protected them from storms, storms, fires, floods and other natural disasters.

Medicinal properties

Healers in many countries use coral as an excellent means of increasing tone and relieving fatigue, with diseases of the spine and joints, as well as with fractures. Thanks to the healing properties of coral, its owner can cope with the most complex diseases.

Coral has the strongest impact on children, women and the elderly. If Libra needs to remain calm in business or difficult situations, coral can help him. It maintains the balance of the nervous system, helps to overcome stressful situations more easily, develops intuition.

Coral is endowed with the ability to improve blood circulation. It facilitates the healing of wounds and ulcers, including internal ones. Corals strengthen memory, heal the heart, improve hearing and vision. If worn around the neck, they relieve tics, nervous breakdowns in various stressful situations.

Which stone suits Libra? The color of the coral should be chosen based on what effect you want to achieve:

  • Pink coral calms the nervous system, fights insomnia. It has a calming effect on young children, helps to get rid of problems with teeth. It helps the elderly to strengthen and maintain their mind over the years and not suffer from diseases that come with age. Serves as a preventative for arthritis.
  • Red coral improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood circulation;
  • In case of throat diseases, it is recommended to wear coral beads, which can be of any color;
  • From attacks of sharp headaches, massage with any untreated coral helps;
  • The stone for Libra women is white coral, and for men it is red.

The white coral talisman preserves female beauty and youth for many years, improves well-being, improves the menstrual cycle, reduces menopause symptoms, smoothes the skin and gives it a natural healthy color. Coral also has an impact on rational thinking, helps to formulate one's own opinion about any situation. The talisman with this stone gives the Libra woman the love of the people around her, liberates her, helps to improve family life.

magical properties

In Europe, it was considered a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that it gives longevity. The Indians still wear coral beads with the belief that they protect a person from a fever that is sent by evil spirits.

Libra often feel a strong influence of bad energy and the evil eye, and I consider coral to be an excellent means of protection. All negative energy directed at the owner of this amulet is reflected in the opposite direction, that is, on the one who is the primary source. In family relationships, coral brings mutual understanding, makes them more peaceful, which is very important for Libra. Such a talisman helps the owners of houses to keep them safe during natural disasters. When traveling, it contributes to a successful road.

Mineralogical experts do not recommend wearing this talisman all the time, as it endows its owner with a penchant for adventure, obstinacy, absurdity and capriciousness. Coral from a fairly long wear may lose its attractiveness, as due to contact with the skin it may turn pale or become dull. Products from coral are advised to be worn when the moon is in the growing phase, to clean during the full moon and to remove and not to wear before the onset of the new moon.

Libra is recommended to have a bush or a sprig of red coral at home, this will not only decorate the home, but also cleanse it energetically. Travelers and romantics simply need a coral talisman, because it protects from adversity and obstacles on the way.

A sign that constantly fluctuates, changing priorities and mood. These are modest workaholics who do not require recognition. However, trying to please everyone, they lose themselves. To make the representatives of the sign stable, true to themselves, precious stones for Libra are called. There are many of them, there is a suitable option for everyone.

What should be the stones for Libra

Libra belongs to the element of Air. Classifying the stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, astrologers singled out translucent minerals with a slightly heterogeneous structure for them. Their colors are the whole gamut of blues and greens plus white.

Universal Libra stones: diamond, beryl, amethyst, malachite, lapis lazuli, zircon, tourmaline, emerald.

Stones suitable for Libra are energetically combined with all minerals. Only with water minerals unpleasant vibrations are created.

Selection by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest making a choice of patron stones by date, taking into account the date and month of birth.

September 24 - October 2

People with a birthday in the period from late September to early October are subject to the influence of Venus. The mistress of the decade endows them with good nature and languor. However, natural softness often does not allow them to stand up for themselves or defend their own opinions. By date of birth, their lucky stones are diamond, lapis lazuli, malachite, crystal, amethyst, selenite.

October 3–13

The children of Saturn are inconspicuous workers, caring for the good of relatives and others. It would never occur to them to demand decent pay, let alone honors for their work. But having made a decision, they will not back down.

Stones suitable for Libra of this ten-day period are tourmaline, sapphire, amethyst, ruby, emerald, zircon, topaz, opal. They will balance the public and the private without causing pangs of conscience.

October 14–23

Aesthetes and sybarites of the second half of October are the favorites of Jupiter himself. They will need topaz, tourmaline, beryl, chrysoprase, aquamarine. Diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald - this magnificent four will reinforce the love of life.

Depending on the year of birth

Magic stones are often selected according to the year of birth:

  • Rat. Amethyst is useful for men, protecting from addictions; ladies - a diamond that stimulates a realistic assessment of oneself.
  • Bull. The emerald will teach you how to get along with relatives, keep the peace and tranquility of the hearth.
  • Amethyst will protect the Tigers from impulsive decisions or actions.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Topaz organizes career advancement and financial independence.
  • Amber will make the Dragon indulgent to his own or other people's weaknesses.
  • Snake. Jewelry with opal is designed to implement the principle: keep it simple, and people will be drawn to you.
  • Horse. Emerald or turquoise will help to appreciate the inner world, create conditions for personal growth.
  • Goat. Sapphire, emerald, green garnet are useful for intellectual improvement.
  • Monkey. With aquamarine, he will become a reliable, purposeful person, will bring the work he has begun to the end.
  • Rooster. Topaz will reduce his pride to ordinary ambition.
  • Dog. Amber will cheer you up, add activity in your chosen field.
  • Pig. Lapis lazuli will facilitate the process of self-knowledge, attract success in business, and make an able-bodied, strong-willed person.

Any Libra stone is effective in jewelry, crafts or crystals.

Women's Libra Stones

Nature has created gems for Libra women for all occasions, tastes and finances:

  • Turquoise. The symbol of peacefulness and luck will make the hostess happy. With an amulet, the evil eye or witchcraft are not afraid, especially when traveling to exotic regions. Jewelry with a pebble is put on if it is not possible to extinguish a conflict or quarrel.

  • Chrysolite. It is necessary for too active or emotional natures to perceive life philosophically.

    Chrysolite ring

  • Business women or careerists are advised to wear jewelry with beryl. They will submit to the career ladder, up to the highest level. Wearing a talisman clarifies thoughts, makes you smarter and more enterprising. At the same time, the stone will protect from negative influences such as the evil eye, envy or curses. Become a magnet for money.

  • Opal. Useful for women Libra, constantly changing priorities or decisions. They will become wiser and more circumspect. For unmarried ladies, the stone will create marriage bonds.

    Gold ring with opal

  • Suspicious women Libra suits amethyst stone. He will save you from bad thoughts, winding yourself up, strengthen your will.

  • An emerald is necessary for a girl who wants to always be on top and not get into a mess. An older lady will help to remain attractive, youthful, not to worry about trifles.

    emerald jewelry

  • Lapis lazuli will awaken dormant ambitions, teach you to think on your own or depend less on the opinions of others. Libra is very modest and the stone will make them appreciate themselves anew. Attract luck in love or career.

  • Pomegranate. Having a talisman with a stone, the lady will find a way out even from a hopeless situation, will receive answers to important questions. The gem helps to cope with excitement, makes you wiser.

    Golden ring with garnet

  • Malachite. An almost universal talisman for a woman: it will slow down aging, make the hostess calm and attractive. Creative people will be inspired.

    Malachite green

Gemstones can be worn in jewelry or used as a beautiful thing on the desktop.

Libra men stones

The following minerals are recognized as the best allies of Libra men:

Almost all stones for Libra men smooth out mood swings, improve it, strengthen self-confidence. An attribute of wealth and financial prosperity is zircon.

Individual talismans and amulets

Astrologers offer the following amulets and talismans for Libra:

  • Diamond. The best talisman for Libra, who has the means. Owning a stone means belonging to the elite. The power of the diamond makes the owner just as solid and self-sufficient. Able to protect against negativity of any kind, tells where to go, what and how to do.

  • Lapis lazuli. It improves relationships in all areas, sets up a calm rhythm or rest, removes the effects of stress. It will help to catch luck, persistently go to the goal. It allows you to express yourself, therefore it suits young Libra.

    Gold bracelet with lapis lazuli

  • Beryl. A good amulet when traveling or on a business trip. Balances Libra's mood, establishes peace of mind. Attribute of people of mental labor: activates the thought process for the successful outcome of scientific or philosophical research. Strengthens relationships with family and friends.

  • Coral. It slows down the aging of Libra, protects the skin, so it is suitable for both sexes who are concerned about their appearance. Protected from the evil eye, aggressive people or other external negativity. It helps to clearly formulate and voice personal opinion, quickly make the best decision.

  • Tourmaline. A stone that relieves Libra of turbulence in thoughts and deeds, making nature whole. A person will begin to resolve issues without being led by a momentary whim, mood or temptation. The talisman creates inner harmony and balance.

  • Sapphire. The stone is a talisman for Libra, protecting against betrayal by enemies or friends. It will make the owner resistant to outbursts of anger, heal mentally and physically. A pebble in a ring is able to abruptly turn the fate of a Libra woman into a happy course.

    Purple sapphire

  • Amethyst. Stone for Libra, in need of moderation. Amulets with a gem will make a person inaccessible to the destructive effects of alcohol, drugs or other temptations. Passions will not overwhelm him, gossip, black magic, illness, a fatal combination of circumstances or sadness about the past will bypass him.

    Amethyst bracelet

  • Topaz. A person will become generous, say goodbye to nit-picking and pettiness. Acquires the ability of intuition.

  • Amber. The best love stone for Libra. It will help to determine the personal sphere or friends. The talisman will make the beloved person pay attention to the hostess / owner.

    Amulet from amber

  • Moon rock. A child who does not sleep well on moonlit nights is placed under the pillow with selenite. A good talisman for a Libra girl: she will be more confident, calmer, more feminine.

For the sign of Libra, you can choose a strong "professional" talisman. For artists, architects or designers, tourmaline is ideal; for writers, amethyst is indispensable. Emerald is suitable for everyone - regardless of occupation or social status.

Healing minerals Libra

People of this sign are not particularly painful, but failures happen. The following natural minerals are suitable for Libra as a talisman that protects health or helps restore it:

Stones are useful for Libra women and men. Semi-precious or precious gems are equally effective. They are used as a natural supplement to traditional medicine.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

The fourth chakra Anahata (heart) is associated with the Libra symbol. Her color is green. Gems used in chakra manipulations are malachite, emerald or tourmaline.

Green tourmaline

As the material of the box, you can pick up a tree recommended by the druid horoscope:

  • hazel: September 24 - October 3;
  • mountain ash: October 4–13;
  • maple: October 14–23.

It is good to use their symbols in the design of the box: a bunch of mountain ash, a hazel fruit, a maple leaf.

The mineral is also selected by name. That is, in the general list, stones are found according to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, rauchtopaz, lapis lazuli and jasper are considered suitable for Catherine. Of these, lapis lazuli corresponds to the constellation Libra.

What stones can not be worn sign

According to the Libra horoscope, the following stones cannot be used:

  • coil;
  • onyx;
  • jet;
  • cornelian;
  • rhodolite;
  • sardonyx;
  • hematite.

Stones drive into depression, disorganize, take away energy, are dangerous for the health of Libra. The last four minerals are considered talismans of the zodiac Aries, and he is in opposition to Libra.

Features of using stones

Jewelry accessories work more efficiently if stones are worn correctly:

  • amethyst for Libra is especially powerful in silver; white, azure or green stones aesthetically harmonize with metal;
  • a ring or ring with zircon is Libra's ideal assistant in making the best decisions;
  • a mineral with antique, Chinese or Japanese motifs is useful for business or career;
  • talismans that bring good luck to Libra in love affairs - hearts, frogs or cupids;
  • amber should be worn in a ring on the index finger;
  • the best jewelry for Libra is a pendant or pendant;
  • links of a bracelet, necklace or beads are preferably of the same size or diameter, their number should be divided by two.

Agate is good for Libra according to the horoscope. When choosing jewelry with this gem, color matters. The white color of the stone is suitable for enhancing intuition, moss - gaining constancy of feelings, gray - clarifying the mind.

Moss is a light-colored stone with incredible patterns.

It is desirable that at least five types of gems be presented in the box.

The main feature of Libra is variability. They have a well-developed intuition, they easily make new acquaintances, are able to lead others, are fair and sociable. On the other hand, in order to please everyone, Libra uses duplicity. They are quite lazy and indecisive, easily influenced from the outside, narcissistic. Negative traits will be smoothed out and neutralized by talisman stones. Their energy can change a person for the better.

What stones are suitable for Libra according to the horoscope?

When choosing a stone for Libra, you need to know the date of their birth. If this:

  • First decade (24.09 - 2.10). Venus made these people soft, gentle and dreamy. They often fall under the influence of others, and they lack the determination and willpower to make decisions. Improve their lives, and.
  • Second decade (3.10 - 13.10). The influence of Saturn affects the industriousness of Libra. They are ready to give all of themselves to work for the benefit of the family, the company, and at the same time do not require anything in return, they are completely devoid of ambition. They will help to pay more attention to themselves, without being tormented by remorse, and.
  • Third decade (14.10 - 23.10). Their planet is Jupiter. Libras born on these numbers are distinguished by sophistication. They love life, its benefits, delicious food, ceremonies, reading. Their stones are, and.

Birthstone for Libra woman

Women, as the weaker sex, more often succumb to other people's influences and tend to look for flaws in themselves. Uncertainty in their abilities makes them unhappy. Can change lives:

  • . It strengthens the will and drives away all evil thoughts. With it, any woman will easily become happy.
  • . This stone will bring the owner to harmony, and also add to her attractiveness. The stone will slow down the aging process. With its help, creative abilities are enhanced, potential is revealed.
  • It is a protection from the negative influence of others.

Stone for Libra men

The main disadvantages of Libra men lie in their indecision and duplicity. The best choice would be:

  • . This stone will help restore harmony within yourself, restore balance. It will drive away bad thoughts and help a person make plans for the future. A bad mood will not interfere with their implementation. Aquamarine is a talisman that helps to make acquaintances for various purposes (business, friendship, personal).
  • . Another stone that helps to restore balance on the emotional plane. It inspires hope, faith in the best, gives optimism. The dreaming Libra will quickly return to earth and begin to work for their own good, coping well with any tasks.

Libra stone amethyst

Libra stone malachite

It is recommended to constantly wear jewelry or just a piece to all Libras. Quite often, representatives of the zodiac during the day change their mood several times, lose motivation. smooth out sudden changes, add attractiveness and give vigor and strength in order to follow the plans to the end.

Libra tourmaline stone

Mood volatility can be eliminated. Although this is unusual for Libra, the talisman will help to tame the “essence” of Libra without contradictions in itself. It compensates for their shortcomings, will not let them succumb to the influence of emotions during decision-making, and will also facilitate communication with others. Another property - he will not let Libra dream, will contribute to a sober outlook on life, real actions.

Stone Libra Labrador

From an astrological point of view (abroad, this stone is called labradorite) is the stone of Libra. He helps them make decisions and not change them until the very end. The stone loves the purposeful and strong in spirit, helping Libra to deal with his volatility. brought good luck in relationships, personal life.

With the help of various minerals-talismans, as has been known since ancient times, you can achieve and achieve very, very much. One of the main desires of almost any person, no matter how mercantile it may seem, is to have a big income. The same miraculous stones and their magical properties should help with this. But you need to keep in mind that each sign is offered its own specific stones. Consider wealth-attracting stones for Libra:

According to the horoscope, people born under the Libra zodiac sign are distinguished by uncertainty, changeable mood, and inconstancy. They have a very well developed intellect and intuition, so it is useless to argue with them, they will always find something to answer the opponent. As a talisman, it will be useful for such people to purchase a product with a moonstone. It is this stone that is able to establish peace of mind and give peace, relieving the owner of negative traits in character. Also, the moonstone will help get rid of the negative influence of the moon.

Almandine garnet will suit Air Libra in the finest way. will help Libra to relax and easily solve difficulties. Pomegranate Libra will improve metabolism, relieve pain during childbirth and set in a positive way. Almandine garnet is also able to give Libra a cheerful disposition and increase sexual energy.

Aventurine will definitely appeal to Libra. The stone will immediately reveal its abilities. Aventurine does not let go in difficult cases, easily endures stressful situations, and is ideal in meditation.

Jasper will become Libra's faithful friend-talisman. The stone gives strength and courage, protects from negativity and evil forces. Jasper has long been considered the stone of the church.

Hematite for Libra is a stone of new beginnings and a rethinking of the past. With hematite, Libra will have to become wiser and more prudent, as well as experience success and a new round in relationships.

For Libra Tourmaline will be an assistant in the correct solution of any situations, will not allow you to get confused in your personal life and will attract only positive moments that will favorably affect the representatives of the Libra air sign.

Libra obsidian establishes inner harmony, helps to suppress bad thoughts, indicates the mistakes and merits of Libra, they will achieve a good place, both at work and in their personal lives.

Libra has a dual but interesting character. Most representatives of the sign strive to balance all aspects of life. Suitable stones help to harmonize relationships with others and achieve success in all areas. Of course, an expert should choose a stone-talisman of scales, depending on the characteristics of a particular person. For informational purposes, this overview of current stones has been compiled.

Opal stone for scales

Opal for friendship

Undoubtedly, opal jewelry is suitable for scales, such an accessory is a talisman of friendship. Using the mineral, you can establish real friendships. The people around have different characters, so everyone needs a special approach, this will be successfully implemented together with the amulet. Moreover, contact can be found even with people who are closed and stingy with emotions.

Opal for intelligence and positivity

It is known that opal significantly sharpens the intellectual potential of the owner, neutralizes negative thoughts and excessive anxiety. The owners of the opal create the correct logical thinking, which helps to always make the right decisions. The stone acts as a universal antidepressant, and also continuously protects a woman from the destructive energy that inevitably comes from outside. Libra is normally characterized by apathy, sometimes laziness. Opal replaces these qualities with persistent good spirits and an active attitude towards life. In the mood of a woman, the mood for the best begins to prevail.

Opal for health

The strong energy of the stones is in harmony with the body of scales, beneficially influencing the functioning of the immune system. If possible, wear a rare but expensive black opal. The mineral works effectively with cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the nervous system, with its help you can quickly restore vision.

Opal Features

For Libra, opal personifies all manifestations of love, it is able to give the representatives of this sign the desired balance, create stability. A pebble symbolizes reliability and fidelity, therefore it is organically combined with the personality of indecisive women. Talismans help such ladies to believe in themselves, gain confidence in the correctness of decisions and actions. Opal is acquired by scales who want to show themselves brilliantly at a responsible event, protecting themselves from embarrassment. It is important to note that self-purchased or inherited amulets act most powerfully; it is undesirable to present them as a gift. Talismans are especially helpful for unmarried women and persons holding high positions in management activities. The shade of the stone can vary from gray to deep black. Opal is best paired with people whose birthday is in the range of October 3-13.


Coral stone for scales

coral properties

Now consider another successful stone-talisman of scales - coral, it is good to use it as a talisman. This strong amulet is in many ways similar to opal, but has many unique properties. Coral accessories are best suited for people whose birthday is in this range - September 26-30.

Coral as a talisman against negativity

Wearing a coral as a talisman promotes the best development of intuition, adds rationality of thinking and gives the ability to make decisions without delay. Jewelry reliably protects women from various destructive thoughts, allows them to have their own point of view in all areas, and protects them from dangerous actions by others. Together with coral, envy and damage are not terrible. All negative energy directed at the owner of the stone will be reflected towards its primary source.

coral for health

A powerful amulet has a positive effect on the skin, thereby helping to preserve youth for a long time. Also, the stone improves the functioning of the entire digestive system.


Lapis lazuli stone for scales

Characteristics of lapis lazuli

Amulets with lapis lazuli are recommended to be worn by Libra born in the period September 24-October 2. According to other sources - October 14-23. The blue scale of the stone, ranging from pale blue to deep purple, is attractive to women. The most common and effective lapis lazuli is blue in color. Particularly beautiful specimens with golden blotches, magically shimmering in intense light. Of course, accessories have a practical purpose. The use of talismans helps to achieve the desired goals, establish the necessary contacts, and maintain a good mood.

Lapis lazuli for personal development

Modest people of this sign often fail to achieve success, they fade against the background of others. Libra definitely becomes more lucky and persistent with the talisman. Success appears in the professional field, as the stone pushes a person to manifest the best qualities of his personality. Amulets set up a person for quality rest and quick removal of accumulated emotional stress. With this accessory, the scales gain the desired stability.

Lapis lazuli for relationships and health

Jewelry helps Libra to strengthen both love and friendship contacts, happiness begins to reign in these areas, and this cannot but rejoice. Talismans with lapis lazuli go well with the personality of the traveler. The accessory is shown to women who have problems in the love sphere. When carrying a child, jewelry with lapis lazuli stone is also suitable, as it balances the psyche and sharpens the maternal instinct. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Experts say that talismans with lapis lazuli have such healing qualities as normalizing blood pressure, eliminating sleep disorders, improving blood circulation, and reducing rheumatic ailments.

lapis lazuli

In addition to the considered stones, it is recommended that the scales look at the following talismans: zircon, tourmaline, aquamarine, cat's eye, malachite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, amber, sapphire, diamond, green jasper, quartz, pearl, moonstone, emerald, ruby, aventurine, agate , spinel, rhodonite, calcite.

These representatives of the elements of Air, perhaps, need significant protection from envy and negative energy. After all, not every one of Libra's numerous social circles is their well-wisher. A stone that enhances innate intuition and inspiration will not be superfluous for Libra. Libras need to strike a balance between the dark and light sides of their own personality. To solve this problem, they will be helped by stones, talismans, selected in accordance with the horoscope. But all Libras are advised to be careful with stones that have a bright red tint.

Libra, the mineral will help restore health and physical strength. People with chronic diseases are shown to wear agate from time to time. It is also suitable for those whose intellectual powers predominate over physical ones. A full and harmonious development of the personality is possible, provided that agate is worn, no more than twice a week. It is advisable to use the stone as an amulet. It will bring the greatest benefit, framed in silver or copper. Agate is rarely worn with gold.

Astrologers observe ideal compatibility of adularia in Libra. In Libra, the gem will increase self-confidence and give him inner peace. He will make people of this sign more balanced and save them from unnecessary ambitions. Libra with adularia will be able to find a way out of any situation. Libra adularia will help bring creative ideas to life, unlock potential, find harmony.

According to the zodiac horoscope, the gem is best suited to Libra. It will help develop intuition in representatives of this zodiac sign and help them recognize lies. In addition, the mineral will help them make the right decisions even in the most difficult situations. At the same time, Libra does not have to use azurite for personal wear. It is enough for them to have this talisman at home in order to feel its influence even at a distance.

Diamond is not just a king among precious stones, but a powerful protective amulet for Libra. For people with a strong will, he serves as a talisman, helps to be firm in his intentions, and guarantees success in his endeavors. But Libra is an exalted and vulnerable people, they, like children, need protection, love and joy. Diamond patronizes the weak, protecting from aggression from the outside world, removes fears, gives the owner strength, pride and courage, tempers the soft character of Libra.


Libra ammolite will restore balance in the "scale" of mood. Libra will now perceive the world more deeply and refuse, as if subconsciously, to make mistakes. In the form of jewelry on the neck, ammolite, in relation to Libra, increases the functionality of the immune system.

The best amulet for Libra, who have been in fluctuations all their lives, is made of andalusite. The mineral helps to gain clarity of mind, learn how to make decisions quickly, and achieve success in tasks. For Libra, the mineral will become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, it will help not only to catch ideal ideas in your head, but also to bring them to life.

Libra needs beryl every time this sign has bouts of gloom and disappointment, a breakdown and a pessimistic mood. Beryl helps Libra to recover faster and get out of depression, gives strength and vigor to go towards success and new achievements. Libra is a wonderful intermediary, and they really like this role in society, the help of beryl in establishing friendly relations is very appropriate here. Sometimes people of this sign suffer from feelings of guilt caused by indecision, weak will, laziness and apathy - all these character traits prevent Libra from developing and achieving success. They need someone (or something) to help, and beryl as a talisman can help Libra all their lives.

The human qualities of the representatives of Libra will be enhanced by rock crystal. The crystal is an indispensable talisman that will help make the Libra representative more attractive and useful to society. Libra with rock crystal will be lucky in any kind of relationship: in friendship, Libra is always needed and irreplaceable, and romantically, the air sign is loved and respected. In this case, rock crystal is especially responsible for love relationships - Libra will find all their love in one person, in which one - the same rock crystal will indicate.

Demantoid is great for Libra. With such a mineral, they will find success in any endeavor. Any business started by the representatives of this zodiac sign will be brought to the end by them. They will also be able to find a soul mate and build a strong family. Those Libra who have already managed to do this, the mineral gives protection from adultery and scandals.

This stone has a positive effect on people born under the sign of Libra. He is able to show his owner the right path in life and even completely transform it. Will give him confidence in the future, and make him believe in his own strength. The zodiac sign Libra may use jadeite as a talisman. The stone will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to change their lives for the better.

Libra under the influence of tourmaline will become more restrained and optimistic. For strong and purposeful individuals, this stone will bring good luck, accelerate success and maintain good health. It helps them to achieve their goal, and at the right time to calm and balance the nervous system. Inconstant and arrogant scales, the mineral is able to gain peace of mind and restraint.

Cacholong is especially useful for people born under the sign of Libra - it strengthens their material well-being, increases savings, attracts success and good luck. Cacholong is able to respond to the emotions of its owner, he rejoices and is sad along with the person. It is because of this quality that astrologers do not recommend Libra to wear a cacholong.

The element of Libra is air, representatives of this sign often doubt their decisions. Iolite will help such people find the right solution, relieve doubts and self-doubt. But not always the representatives of this sign manage to realize their ideas. Cordierite in a silver frame will help Libra achieve success and realize their potential.

From an astrological point of view, the Labrador is the stone of Libra. The character of Libra is known for constantly balancing between good deeds and bad deeds, it is difficult for them to find the balance that they really need. He helps them make decisions and not change them until the very end. The stone loves the purposeful and strong in spirit, helping Libra to deal with his volatility. Labrador brought good luck in relationships, personal life.

Indecisive by nature, Libra with the help of lapis lazuli can gain additional confidence, simplify decision-making and get rid of unnecessary doubts. It is recommended to wear jewelry with lapis lazuli. The influence of this stone softens the weaknesses inherent in people born under the sign of Libra - changeability in friendship and love. Lapis lazuli has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, preserves youth, and increases physical strength.

Libra, whose mood can frantically jump from plus to minus and back again during the day, malachite is useful for stabilizing and uplifting the spirit in general. To protect against envious people and ill-wishers - and Libra always has a lot of acquaintances, and anyone can be among them - you can use small malachite jewelry and products as amulets.

As a talisman, morganite is ideal for Libra. This zodiac constellation will feel the full power of the mineral. He pushes the representatives of this sign to spiritual development, solving problems and achieving the goal. He "pushes" Libra to move forward. In addition, the mineral gives them financial well-being and the opportunity to find harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Libra jade brings success and honor in risky matters. Libra is bold and sometimes careless - it's good, jade will direct all those qualities to get an excellent result. The lightness of Libra is needed just the same for some cases, there is simply catastrophically no time to think about the consequences of which. Libra always looks positive and happy, but sometimes you can notice that they have become aggressive for no apparent reason. Jade, having a positive effect on Libra, calms their ardor and they again become kind and sympathetic.

It is also worth paying attention to the blue tourmaline Paraiba, the most valuable and coveted variety of tourmaline today. Practical Libra diplomats are always looking for balance and harmony in themselves and those around them. Paraiba blue jewelry will sincerely support its owner.

The Libra zodiac sign is perfectly compatible with green quartz. They have similar energy, so they do not need to get used to each other. The gem will help people of this sign to reveal and develop hidden potentials. If they constantly wear this stone, then luck will never leave them.

Rauchtopaz is a stone of the signs of the Zodiac Libra. For representatives of this sign, wearing a stone helps to gain the wisdom necessary in everyday life. It stimulates creativity in the sense that it helps to turn a creative idea into reality. Such talented natures as Libra are highly recommended to wear jewelry with rauchtopaz. It will inspire them to creativity and creation. Endowed with worldly wisdom. It will give you good luck and help you achieve your goals.

Rhodonite makes Libra more confident and bold, adding more enthusiasm to the behavior of its owners. Libra will accomplish their plans with great vigor and special passion. But rhodonite will also find its place for the innate dreaminess of Libra. The stone never begins to act immediately - it needs to "get used" to the owner, get used to it, feel the owner. It is better to wear a stone in a pendant, ring, bracelet, but rhodonite put in a pocket or purse will bring a lot of benefits!

Rhodochrosite's favorite zodiac sign is Libra. Libra is a sign of the zodiac that appreciates harmony and tranquility, and rhodochrosite contributes to their acquisition to the fullest. Libra rhodochrosite helps to find family happiness, brings harmony to existing relationships, fills with confidence in overcoming life's troubles and the correctness of one's actions. For people born under this constellation, you should never part with the strongest amulet. He will make life successful, attract an ideal soul mate to create a strong and friendly family.

This stone has a truly magical power for Libra. This mineral has a strong impact on the emotional background of Libra - men. It will give strength not to be subjected to daily stress, to forget old emotional wounds, unpleasant situations. It will calm the soul, internal conflicts and experiences will go away by themselves. Undoubtedly, the main feature of rose quartz that will interest Libra women is the attraction of love. According to the horoscope, Libra is very eccentric, contradictory. And even with these qualities, the chance to meet a soul mate increases many times over.

Sugar quartz is especially suitable for people born under the sign of Libra. Snow cooling energy cools the ardor and helps not to say too much in the heat, and when overstressed, it helps to think first and then write, significantly reducing the risk of making a mistake. Nervous and indecisive people will find a real miracle in this stone - after all, its energy is such that even obsessive fear can recede under its influence.

For Libra, the hawk's eye is a protection stone. This extraordinary amulet tries to keep its Owners away from dangers and worries. With a hawk eye, Libra will not fall into the "embrace" of stress and depression. The mood of Libra will also please. Hawkeye will not let Libra get hurt under any circumstances.

Chiastolite is best for Libra, given the ability to bring harmony, it will suit a sign that has a constant need for it. Without it, people - Libra suffer, feel tired and disappointed. Chiastolite will come to the rescue. He will not only be their talisman, but will also teach you to recognize the signals of the universe, make you wiser and strengthen the intuition that is inherent in Libra.

Chrysolite will become an excellent talisman for Libra, which can relieve nervous tension, protect its owner from bad dreams and insomnia and the negative impact of people. Chrysolite helps to gain self-confidence and develop self-esteem. It helps to achieve moral balance and instill in a person tolerance and patience towards others. It protects a person from the manifestation of unreasonable acts. It is increasingly being used as an amulet or talisman, and less and less often as a mere piece of jewelry.

This stone as a talisman is ideal for Libra. This is especially true for those representatives of this zodiac sign who were born in late September - early October. The stone will help them find harmony with themselves and the world around them, protect them from evil witchcraft and evil forces. In addition, the mineral will develop Libra's intuition and help develop hidden talents. The main properties of this stone are calming and balancing. Charoite makes the world of people kind and calm.

Lucky Stones of Libra