Part 1 The balls in the photo, plasmoids, orbs are other forms of life. Revelations of Guardian Angels. Security for your home

Everything you see is not solid... everything is energy. Atoms, once thought to be the smallest particles that ever existed, are in turn made up of subatomic particles that have no density at all. Science tells us that these are waves of information that vibrate.
So your hands or the chair on which you are sitting are nothing more than clots of energy and information.
And you must recognize that you are currently energy. An entity that is much more complex than just a physical body. A creature that exists in several dimensions at the same time.

You must go beyond the dominant "way of thinking" and look at the body holistically, so that you can understand yourself as a multidimensional being in a multidimensional world with invisible parts such as meridians, chakras, aura, spirit and soul, as well as visible parts such like the physical body and all its organs.
By accepting and understanding this, you will be able to use various methods to restore the flow of energy for optimal balance in all dimensions.

Healing energies is a broad term for any therapy that stimulates the flow of energy in or around human body to restore balance on all levels, allowing the physical body to heal itself. Basically this is clearing blocks and rubble in the biofield. Some of the more well known treatments that may fall under the heading " healing energy» include: Reiki, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Pranic Healing, Thought Field Therapy, Acupuncture and Tong Ren Therapy. Even yoga can be considered a form of healing energy. Yoga, meaning "union" in Sanskrit, is a practice that uses postures and breathing techniques for relaxation, increased strength and flexibility. Union between body and spirit, one of essential elements flow of energy.

In fact, there are hundreds of techniques. Healing energy also includes the well-known natural methods treatments such as: aura and chakra balancing, crystal healing, color therapy, spiritual healing, among others. I believe that they all have their place.
The knowledge of energy healing has been used for centuries, and there is much evidence that energy balance creates the conditions for our body to heal itself.

A relatively simple way to sense bio-energy is to shake the body, and especially the arms and hands, rapidly for about a minute, along with deep, rapid breathing, and then suddenly stop. Leave your arms slightly raised in front of your stomach or chest, as if you were holding a large beach ball. Concentrate on the sensations in your arms and hands.

The health of our energy systems or biofield also determines our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked, we are less able to cope, we are tense, which in turn has an impact Negative influence on our physical being. During long period this leads to poor health.
Illness tells us that our energy is not flowing harmoniously and that something is not working in our system.
In general, your goal is to get to the root of the imbalance and clear it in multiple dimensions.

Cleansing the aura - “Black Ball”.

Energy converter. Imagine a small black ball (black hole) that rotates counterclockwise in space. He draws into himself indignant, negative, dark energy from the surrounding space, and inside himself transforms it into luminous, pure energy, and then emits it. All these processes occur inside the ball simultaneously. The radiation energy of the ball can be any of seven colors, it all depends on your desire.

You don't need to do anything with the image, just observe and perceive the energy flows. After you feel its rhythm and resonate with the energy of the ball, imagine a picture in front of you, the image with which you will work. State your intention. For example, “I forgive,” “I let go,” or “I accept.” When you express your intention, you may experience internal resistance, this is because negative energy-information blockages are activated in the aura, which prevent you from realizing your intention.

But the ball will draw them into itself and convert them into pure energy, radiate it and fill your aura. Thus, with the help of a black ball your aura will be cleansed.

If you want to cleanse some space, you can mentally place a black ball in it and give it a command so that it draws in negativity and emits pure energy. Or you can put the ball between you and the person emitting negative energy, and it will be easier for you to communicate, and the person will even become kinder.

A person has a soul. She is material. This is a clot of magnetic energy that controls our entire body, including the brain. Engineer Viktor Kuksin is sure of this.

Each person is allocated his own piece of energy, already programmed to maintain the functioning of the body for a certain number of years of life, he shares his guesses. “This little lump is not able to interrupt our lives earlier or later than the time allotted by unknown forces.” On the contrary, the soul helps and protects us. That is, it maintains the body in integrity, protects it from external influences, from dangerous cosmic rays.

Help is provided when, during failures and stress, our energy is exhausted and thrown out of the body. It is no coincidence that people who have the ability to see a person’s aura say that holes always appear in the shell, next to the diseased organ of the body. So the soul itself strives to replenish the sick organism with energy.

Have you ever wondered, continues Kuksin, why the human heart works in the same rhythm for such a long time? Where does it have so much energy to support blood circulation? Elixirs of youth, pills of longevity - these are only for cleansing the body. The mystery of youth is the magnetic energy of the soul. Unfortunately, it does not last forever. It, like all magnetic elements, also requires periodic replenishment.

Move with magnets

A logical question arises - where is the source of power? According to Kuksin, this “generator” may well be the energy of other people. But this is “energy vampirism,” and he prefers to draw energy from the endless magnetic field of the Earth. But an excess of magnetic energy, Victor believes, leads to phenomena incomprehensible to us. For example, a person begins to possess some psychic abilities– see the future, move objects.

Maybe a super-increase in magnetic energy not only somehow affects the increase in the number of brain cells, but also increases the percentage of “thinking” gray cells? - asks the engineer. Is it possible to control this bundle of energy? This is still an unanswered question. But Kuksin suggests that there is a mechanism for recharging a person’s magnetic “battery”.

People who experienced clinical death claimed that their soul was flying through a spiral-shaped colored tunnel. I do not rule out that the magnetic clot replenishes its energy with the help of spiral magnetic circuits of the astral plane in order to return back to the human body and heal the body. The engineer believes in the limitless possibilities of the human mind and believes that the Earth’s magnetic field can someday be used to prolong human life.

Sleep – charging time

All these discussions about the shower and batteries not included in the kit may seem like nonsense to some. But last year, Russian scientists, knowing nothing about the original hypothesis of our fellow countryman, found a “socket” using various experiments. It turned out to be our brain. Sleeping.

The fact is that for a long time in neurophysiology it was believed that a person needs sleep in order to process the information accumulated during the day. Scientists also assured that during sleep it is possible to solve emotional problems. That is the main task sleep - allow the brain to disconnect from the body and deal with its own problems. Until Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan PIGAREV put forward an interesting hypothesis that during sleep the cerebral cortex switches to analyzing messages coming from internal organs.

That is, it is during sleep that the brain, based on information received from receptors distributed throughout the body, assesses the physical state of the body and develops action programs to maintain it in a “working” state. By the way, our fellow countryman assures us that refueling from the Earth’s field occurs at rest. So maybe, while we sleep, our soul “darns” our ungrateful body with electromagnetic threads?


According to Viktor Kuksin, our entire Universe is a huge mechanism in continuous motion. And all space objects live according to the laws of magnetism in a vacuum environment. Each object has its own magnetic potential, and a vortex magnetic field acts between the bodies. Once upon a time, objects entered orbits by receiving attraction or “pushing off” from others.

And “black holes” are areas in space with a large accumulation of planets that form a powerful magnetic core. It pulls in other bodies. But, it seems, the question “who started it, where is the key and why is it still spinning?” Only earthlings are concerned. Other spacefaring nations are already making full use of planetary magnetic energy.

ENERGY BALLS (Creation and management.)

What is an energy ball? How to do it for someone who has just started practicing extrasensory perception?
The ball is a kind of clot of the creator’s own energy, which exists objectively, and not just in the imagination of the person himself - it can be seen and touched by an outsider who knows the basics of extrasensory perception.
It is called a ball figuratively, mainly for ease of visualization and the ball usually does not have an exact shape.
Now I will try to describe in detail what and how you need to do in order to make your first ball, which you can literally touch with your hands.

Later, the “sculpting” process can, and even should, be simplified.
Sit on a chair in comfortable position. Place your hands in front of you on your knees - so that your palms face each other and are parallel to each other. There should be a distance of 20 centimeters between your palms. Now begin to breathe slowly, rhythmically and deeply (inhale - exhale). In rhythm with your breaths, begin to slowly move your palms, while focusing on the sensations between your palms. Imagine holding a half-lowered balloon. Focus completely on how your palms feel. As the distance between your palms decreases, you will feel some resistance - as if you really are holding a balloon in your hands. Feel how the “ball” does not let your hand go further.
Happened? Half the job is done.
Next, start pumping energy through your hands - make the ball larger. Take energy through your hands - make the ball smaller. Make the ball elastic. After practicing, make a ball of the desired size. So, the ball is ready.
Next, you need to train the sensations: remove one hand - the ball should not disappear. Next, feel the ball again with your removed hand - you should clearly feel its boundaries. Pass the ball from hand to hand.
It will be very nice if you do this exercise in pairs with a partner - let him make his own ball and pass it to you. Feel his ball. Record how it differs from your own.
Then, after practicing, you can move on. Namely, to paint the ball with emotions. Whatever. You can be good (imagine that the ball is white, fluffy...), you can be bad (sticky, black, etc.).
You can give the “good” ball to someone. It's better not to have a bad one
Once you have trained, we move on.
The next step is to learn how to throw the balls. This is usually done while exhaling. Exhale sharply and imagine (or better yet feel) the ball flying in the right direction.

Here are some of the exercises:

1) After creating the ball, smoothly spread your arms, throwing the ball from hand to hand.

2) Place the ball on the back of your palm, connect your hands fingers to fingers and roll the ball from hand to hand through your fingers.

3) Place the ball on the back of your hand, extend your arms to the side and roll from one hand to the other, over your shoulders.

4) This is more difficult: make 2 balls, one white, the other black, and juggle them, listening to their weight.

After a while you will be able to control them freely.

ATTENTION! The ball can be used for assistance, i.e. if you see that someone close to you needs energy assistance, mold a ball of the color of the chakra responsible for the energy it needs. It is better to throw unnoticed and from behind.

You can throw it for fun white ball, but not to the head - it can cause dizziness and loss of orientation in space.

Try not to use the black ball - it can cause harm. And if a person has powerful, competent protection, but you don’t have it, then in general...

Vampirism which, like damage and curse, belongs to combat magic.
On the energetic plane, the act of vampirism looks like this:
A suction cup is thrown out from one or another energy center of the vampire and connected to one of the victim’s centers, energy is pumped out.
With a powerful outflow of energy, even the victim may lose consciousness.
This skill is very useful when there is a dangerous aggressive person in front of you, and is used in combat magic as a method of self-defense.
So, Attention! Method of conscious vampirism.
The technique is called the “Gaze of the Gorgon”
In the area of ​​the third eye, each person has a certain amount of blue energy. When looking at the person between the eyebrows, try to visualize this reserve. Then imagine how this supply flows from the opponent's third eye area to yours. When the supply is depleted, immediately remove the channel to avoid the outflow of energy using the method of communicating vessels. Turn over your left shoulder and leave the scene. Anyone who has encountered inadequate aggressive individuals recognizes such Vampirism as justified.
But it is human nature to distort everything, and this natural skill is also used by many for selfish purposes. In addition, in most cases, unconscious, intuitive vampirism occurs. Some vampires tend not to remove the suckers and the outflow of vital energy occurs constantly. From which the victim wastes away for reasons unknown to her and those around her.
You can protect yourself from vampirism.
In order to master this art, you will need not garlic, but practicing combat magic techniques.
It is necessary to constantly work on the development of visualization
Before practical classes, you should not drink alcohol for three days,
there is no one to quarrel with.
It is not advisable to start training in a bad mood or when your physical health is poor.
Training should not be carried out in your home, it is best to do it outdoors, in a secluded place. Ideal on a hill.
The fourth training time is the pre-dawn hours.
Means of passive energy protection are covered many times, including on the pages of Magic. This includes the creation of energy shields, including mirror ones, and the method of strengthening the energy field, according to the egg principle, and the energy blockade of a vampire (“Inverted Glass”). All of these methods have their weaknesses.
I want to offer you. A universal method of defense against vampires. Being a complex of combat magic techniques.
Step one.
"Solar Cross"
To begin with, you should close your eyes and try to imagine your energy field and the energy flows in it.
The downward flow determines the activity of the central and nervous peripheral system, psyche, endocrine system, carries programs and ideas from outer space, calms physical activity» stimulates mental activity, reduces arterial pressure.
The Ascending Current (or Reflected Cosmic) enters through the root center. area, approximately a palm below the perineum), moves upward counterclockwise, against the sun, that is, from right to left. This stream is active in the afternoon, as it is a cosmic stream reflected from the Earth; it is intensified by an INHALE and comes out through the “Spring” towards the sun.
Updraft strengthens physical strength, tones up gastrointestinal activity intestinal tract(gastrointestinal tract), cardio vascular system, musculoskeletal system, increases blood pressure; together with the Descending Flow, it supports the activity of the excretory system, reproductive (genital) sphere, and strengthens the skin and hair of the body.
The crown and root centers are a kind of modulators that transform the vibrations of the Descending and Ascending flows into our individual energy, personal magical power.
The trouble for our contemporaries is that for a number of reasons, which we will talk about later, these chakra centers are closed, disrupting the Ascending or Descending flows, respectively. In more severe cases (for example, generational curse, severe depression and unbridled self-abasement), both flows are blocked. All this ultimately leads to the development of diseases of the physical body, and in some cases leads to death. These conditions can and should be fought.
Then connect to the horizontal flow of the earth, it passes at chest level. This way you will create your first energy amulet. A sphere, the boundaries of which will be your energy field, with a cross of three streams inscribed in it.
Now hold the image for 10 - 15 minutes.
As soon as this exercise works well, you can move on to 4 active self-defense trainings.
Step two.
"Opening the chakras on the hands"
Rub your palms and try to feel the attraction between them. Then visualize the flow of energy going from your right hand to your left.
When the palms begin to warm up evenly, it means that the centers are open on both hands and you can begin further exercises.
Step three. “Aspen stake.”
Stand facing east, shake your arms several times to relax them. Now place your palms level solar plexus opposite each other. Connect the energy of the downward flow to your left hand, and the energy of the upward flow to your right and form an energy ball between your palms gray, across the surface of which discharges run. Place the ball in right hand and begin to unwind into a circle on its own axis, as if pushing a cannonball. As you rotate, you will feel in which direction you need to throw the ball. The hand itself will push the ball, push the ball along the already existing energy channel created by the vampire himself. The thrown ball rushes along the hose connecting you with the vampire, reaches the energy center from which the suction cup was released and explodes there. Simultaneously tearing the aggressor's chakra. After the throw, try to visualize this moment as clearly as possible.
Step four.
"Fire Hall"
Extend your right hand forward at chest level, palm, visualize a ray of energy escaping from the center of your palm. As you rotate around your axis, imagine that a fiery ditch appears around you at horizon level. When the circle closes, lower your hand. Relax as much as possible and do a cleansing exercise.
Step five.
"Silver Rain"
Visualize streams of silver-colored energy of a flowing and piercing nature that wash away all the energetic dirt from you. I want to note. That this exercise should be done after every workout.
The whole technique in combination will force the vampire to bypass you on the tenth road.


A person spends most of his life within the walls of his home. There he sleeps, rests, eats, stores his property, and members of his family live there.

“My home is my castle,” the British say. In fact, there is much more meaning hidden in this phrase than it seems at first. A house is not just walls, a roof and furniture inside. A home is a “workshop” in which a person daily restores his energy, his protective field. How he does it?

We have already touched upon the topic of how the invisible world works. The invisible world consists of clots of white, positive energy and clots of black, negative energy. When coming into contact with white energy, a person experiences pleasant sensations; when faced with black energy, a person feels anxiety, fear, and nervous breakdown.

If a person is resting in own home, as they say, soul and body, if he feels comfortable, cozy, this means that the house is filled with white energy. If the house is clogged with black energy, then the owner suffers from insomnia, is chronically tired, constantly feels overwhelmed, nervous, everything irritates him, etc.

Where does black energy come into the house?

Black energy and energetic dirt enter the house in several ways.

Energy dirt, like ordinary dirt, is brought by people - the owner himself or his guests. You've probably had this feeling - after talking with an unpleasant person, you want to wash your hands, even though they are clean.

Or, if you need to make a decision, but your head, as they say, doesn’t work, you’re tired, you stick your head under the shower. Not to wash your hair, but to freshen up.

And finally, after washing in the shower, bath, or sauna, a person usually feels not only physical, but also spiritual cleanliness. His thoughts become calmer, more sublime, more peaceful.

Energy dirt can enter the house through open windows. Therefore, in the old days, windows were caulked for the winter and they tried not to open them unnecessarily.

In summer there is much less black energy in the air than in winter, because sunlight disperses blackness. This is why flu and colds are rampant in the winter season.

Why is this happening?

Energy dirt sticks to a person in the same way as ordinary dirt. Only the ordinary one stains the body and is visible, but the energy one sticks to the person’s protective shell.

While at work or visiting, a person picks up dirt on himself, and when he comes home, he loses some of it. And energy dirt gradually accumulates in the apartment in the same way as ordinary dust.

Every guest who comes to visit you brings with him both ordinary dust and energetic dirt. Only some guests are energy dust, while others are energy soot. Dirt – it also varies in composition and concentration.

Among your friends there are probably people whose communication is hard work. They begin to put psychological pressure on their interlocutors. After a while, I just want one thing - they would go to hell faster.

They are also popularly called energy vampires. They say they steal vitality, after these “vampires” you feel morally empty.

Actually this is not true.

These people are not stealing anything from you. They emit black energy, real soot. And, communicating with you, they throw this garbage, stain your shell, etc. Remember, even after they leave, you still have the feeling that they are still sitting in your home. It will still take a long time for you to come to your senses. No wonder, “people are trash cans” have left, but the garbage left behind them lies in the corners of your apartment. Or in the center. The garbage is invisible, but you feel it well.

After such guests, there is a desire to wash yourself and clean the apartment.

Water is a weapon against any dirt

Water is a universal substance. It simultaneously washes away both visible, ordinary, and invisible, energetic dirt. That’s why after a good bath they sometimes say: “Ugh! Just born again!” Of course, wash off so much dirt! We wash off ordinary dirt with plain water, stronger dirt with soap, and in very severe cases we use solvents and chemicals.

Exactly the same way of dealing with energy dirt. Light contamination is removed with ordinary water, more complex cases - with holy water, in very difficult situations you have to use the entire arsenal - holy water, incense, spells, prayers, infusions, etc.

That is, all these at first glance incomprehensible church rituals such as the consecration of a home have a very specific practical purpose. Each element of a church ceremony has an explanation in simple everyday language.

By the way, in the old days there was a very useful custom - to annually invite a priest to bless your home on Maundy Thursday before Easter.

What and how to deal with energy dirt

1. The simplest and accessible remedyplain water.

2. Metal, iron.

Iron objects, like a magnet, attract clots of black energy to themselves, performing a cleansing role. This amazing property of iron has been known since ancient times. It is from there that common but incomprehensible superstitions take their roots, for example: finding a horse's horseshoe means good luck, or a charmed pin saves you from the evil eye. Yes this is true. Iron brings great benefits, ridding us of black energy.

3. Silver.

Of all the metals, the most powerful destructive force for blackness it is silver. It’s not for nothing that church utensils are made of silver. And according to the legends, vampires and sorcerers must be killed with a silver bullet. Pectoral crosses, by the way, should also be silver. Let’s add right away: gold does not have such a cleansing ability.

Moreover, gold can harm the human body. Even if it's wedding rings. For men, wearing gold jewelry is much more dangerous than for women. This can lead to impotence.

If you still cannot part with your jewelry, then at least follow safety precautions.

At night, gold objects must be removed and placed in a container with salted water. And wash them every morning with soap or powder. And you will see for yourself how much dirt attracts gold every day.

By the way, if your skin turns black under your gold ring, this does not mean that you have a heart condition. This is how the accumulation of black energy around gold manifests itself.

4. Holy water.

Holy water is water collected from January 18 to 19, on the night from 24.00 to 4.00 in the morning (Epiphany), with a high content of silver. Such water is considered very healing and has great cleansing abilities from all energetic dirt.

This water is used in church ceremonies.

5. Incense.

When burned, it emits smoke with a sweetish odor. This mist acts on black dirt like a solvent does on paint.

6. Wax candles.

Melted wax has the same effect. Only, unlike incense, it has a different principle of action. Imagine a stain of fuel oil on the surface of the water. It can be removed in two ways. The first is to pour a bucket of solvent on top. The second is to screw the fuel oil onto a stick. Wax acts on black energy like a stick acts on fuel oil.

7. Lamp.

The light of the lamp attracts clots of white energy. You have probably noticed that if you look closely at the light of a lamp or candle, then for some reason a philosophical mood and peace gradually begin to arise in your soul. Remember how romantic nighttime gatherings around the fire are. Fire attracts white energy. Therefore, fire in a person’s eyes is something bewitching. A light is a small piece of the sun.

Now look at the church with a more careful eye. Silver, candles, holy water, lamps, prayers, icons - it’s just a whole production to destroy black energy!

And what kind of people go to church! All with pain, with problems, that is, with blackness. Which ones are coming out? Enlightened, with hope. What happened? We entered, threw off the burden of black energy from our souls and left.

Figuratively speaking, the temple is a bathhouse for human souls. Here they wash and clean themselves.

The darkest place in your apartment

This is the bathroom. It is in it that the black energy is washed away. Ordinary dirt, washed away with water, flows into the sewer. But the black energy doesn’t flow anywhere, it creeps into the corners of the bathroom.

The next blackest place is the table, where guests most often visit. Either this is a dining table or a living room table. All the energy waste that guests throw off remains on and near the table. By the way, many old superstitions are associated with the table, which are now becoming clear. For example, why you shouldn’t put a baby on the table; Why can't you sit on the table? The answer is simple - you can pick up any kind of infection. And by the way, it is now clear why it is considered indecent to put your elbows on the table while eating. The less we touch, the better.

And everyone probably remembers what an unpleasant feeling the table leaves behind the next morning after a good feast.

The cleanest place in the apartment

Naturally, a bed. This is the place where a person spends most of his life. A place whose energy should be carefully protected. You should never allow anyone to sit on your bed! Especially if it is not filled. Why?

Imagine that someone wiped their dirty hands - one hand on a cloth, the other on a sheet. Where will there be more dirt? Of course, there is enough dirt on a clean sheet and a floor rag. Therefore, any guest in your apartment will lose much more black energy in a minute of sitting on your bed than in an hour of sitting for dining table. It's easy to stain something clean. In villages, the ban on sitting on beds has been preserved for a long time. In cities, especially in one-room apartments, this prohibition is often ignored. So where do people sleep more peacefully?

You will rarely find a person in the city who does not suffer from a sleep disorder. Most people cannot sleep until late at night and do not get enough sleep in the morning. Because they don't have beds, they have trash cans.

If the situation is such that the guest must be put in his own bed, then be sure to change the linen. Linen also reads all the negativity from a person.

In general, absolutely all the things you touch retain a little of your energy – good and bad. In the same way, when you pick up any object, you read from it all the energy that your predecessors left before you.

By the way, microbes migrate from person to person in exactly the same way. Previously, even before the invention of the microscope, epidemics decimated entire nations, and no one could understand the reason. Cholera patients lived near healthy people and ate with them from the same dishes. The discovery of microbes brought about a revolution. The attitude towards everyday life has changed, the disease is no longer considered as something random and incomprehensible.

So, clots of black energy, unlike microbes, cannot be seen in microscopes. But the principle of transmission from person to person is the same. Together with black energy, people share with each other poor health, problems, nervousness, irritability.

Just anyone is sitting on your bed, and then at night, instead of pleasant dreams, you see solid black and white nightmares. Guardian Angels warn: you should not allow even close relatives to sit on your bed. An exception can only be made for your small child. For example, you shouldn’t imprison your grandson. He already has a different energy.

How to properly position a bed in an apartment

Try to place the bed where the cat slept.

Which way should you lie with your head and which way with your feet?

In any room, the darkest place in terms of energy is the threshold. Agree, the most unpleasant thing is to sleep right next to the threshold. Most importantly, never place your feet on the threshold.

Only dead people are placed with their feet to the door. The fact is that magnetic, energy flows. And in this position - with feet towards the door - a person with these flows loses a lot of vitality. Sleeping in this position will be restless, difficult, and you will wake up exhausted and tired. So it’s better not to go to bed in a dead man’s position.

If the bed is located along the north-south axis, then lie with your head facing north.

But in any case, make sure that your feet do not point towards the threshold. If there are two doors in a room, then the “dangerous” doors are those that lead to the front door to the street or landing.

To sleep more peacefully, it is advisable to read a prayer before going to bed. It is short and easy to remember:

I go to bed, cross myself,

Angels in the heads, angels on the sides, angels in the feet,

Guardian angels, guard my soul,

From evening to midnight, from midnight to broad daylight.


How to cleanse an apartment of black energy

Prepare the following items:

- lamp;

– church coal;

– a candle (church made of wax, a regular paraffin New Year’s candle is not suitable);

- Holy water;

– new needles.

Before starting cleansing you need to do general cleaning at home, throw out old unnecessary things and trash.

Then close all the doors in the house, windows, turn off the phone, the bell - the cleaning process should take place in complete silence. The presence of strangers in the room during this time is permitted, but all those present must remain completely silent. If anyone breaks the silence, you need to interrupt the ritual and start all over again.

So, get started:

1. Take a container of holy water, bring it to your lips and begin to whisper prayers.

Prayer before starting a task(3 times):

Lord Jesus Christ,

Only Begotten Son of the Beginningless Father!

Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips:

For without Me you cannot do anything, my Lord,

Lord, faith is in my soul and heart

spoken by you, I fall down in your goodness:

Help me, a sinner, this work, I am beginning,

To do about you,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Prayer for the sanctification of every thing(3 times):

Creator and Creator of the human race,

Giver of spiritual grace,

Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself,

Send Your Holy Spirit

With the highest blessing on this thing,

As if armed with the Power of Heaven

Advice to those who want to use it,

Will help in bodily salvation

And intercession and help,

About Christ Jesus our Lord.


Prayer for entering new house (3 times):

God our Savior,

Deigning to come under the canopy of Zacchaeus

And salvation for that one and for that whole house,

You yourself want to live here now,

And we are unworthy of praying to You

And bringing prayers,

To remain unharmed from all harm,

Blessing those who live here,

And save your belly from being hated.


Prayer after finishing a task(3 times):

The fulfillment of all good things You are, my Christ,

Fill my soul with joy and gladness

And save me, for I alone am merciful,

Lord, glory to You!

It is worthy to eat as one truly blesses Thee Theotokos,

Ever Blessed and Most Immaculate

and Mother of our God.

The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious

without comparison Seraphim,

Who gave birth to God the Word without corruption,

We magnify the present Mother of God Thee.

Glory even now: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother,

Our venerable and God-bearing fathers

And all saints, have mercy on us.


Then place the container with holy water on a table or chair next to the front door.

2. Light a lamp and place it near the front door inside your apartment or house.

3. Light a candle from the lamp and place it next to it.

4. You begin to walk around the perimeter of the apartment counterclockwise. Near the front door and near each window on the left side, at approximately the level of your chest (can be higher or lower), draw this icon with a pencil on the wall.

(Note There is no need to draw icons on internal doors and windows - from room to room.)

5. Light the church coal in the censer and place incense on it. If there is no censer, you can use a hot spoon.

6. Walk around the perimeter of the apartment counterclockwise, crossing all the corners, windows and doors, both external and internal, three times with a censer. If the rooms are not quadrangular, but polygonal, cross all the corners.

(When moving counterclockwise, the black energy in the apartment decreases; when moving clockwise, on the contrary, it increases. Be careful not to confuse it.)

7. You put the censer aside, take a burning candle and repeat the walk around the apartment. Everything is exactly the same - counterclockwise, cross all corners, doors, windows with a candle three times.

8. Place a candle (do not blow it out, let it burn out until the end), take a container of holy water and repeat the walk around the apartment. Counterclockwise, baptize all windows, doors, corners with holy water three times.

How to baptize with holy water?

Dip your fingertips into the container and, splashing water from your fingers, make the sign of the cross. Instead of fingers, you can dip a brush into the water and use it to make the sign of the cross.

How to be baptized correctly. In all cases, when placing a cross, say to yourself: “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Cross yourself in the following order: forehead, stomach, right shoulder, left shoulder.

If you cross something in front of you (window, door...), then the order is slightly different - fingers up, down, left, right.

9. Having finished walking around the apartment, open the front door, go out the threshold, throw out the remaining water, saying: “Where everything came from, let it go there.”

10. Enter the apartment, closing the front door behind you.

11. Stick or attach needles into the door jamb (from the hinge side) with the point outward. The number of needles should correspond to the number of residents of the apartment or house.

As you stick each needle in, say the baptized names of the residents. (For example: “For the servant of God Alexander” - if baptized. If unbaptized, then say: “For Alexander,” although in this case there will be almost no effect.)

What do these needles do? Every time a person enters the house, he will leave on this needle the black energy that he picked up on the street. Each apartment tenant will dump blackness onto his own personal needle.

12. That's it, the apartment is cleaned.

How to protect your home from a sorcerer

You need to stick the knife into the window frame, into the upper door frame or into a knot, if there is one on the door, having first outlined it with a triangle.

Sleep safety

If you are afraid to stay at home alone or you cannot sleep peacefully in a new place, then do the following before going to bed.

Cross the windows and doors with the words: “The Lord left Heaven, carrying with him a cross from all dogs, from all wolves, from all evil people. Amen".

How to secure your property

Need to write on paper property plot:

The servant of God walks out the door...(own name),

I stand in the middle of the yard.

Nikolai Ugodnik is standing with me.

I'll lock myself, I'll lock myself with a bolt lock.

There are two angels sitting on both doors.

Those who travel will pass, those who walk will pass.

A robber will enter the yard but will not get there,

The legs will become stiff, the hands will turn to stone, the eyes will darken.

Around my yard there is a fast river, a steep mountain, a dark forest.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Leave the paper with the spell in the apartment, in the house, in the garage. You can put it in the car in which you transport goods, or in the container in which you ship things.

- pray three times Our Father»,

– three times a conspiracy about property,

– “Key” three times.


Every living space is inhabited by a brownie. It is a rather large - more than a meter - clot of invisible energy. Depending on how dirty the apartment is, the brownie is either a positive creature that brings benefit, or a negative entity that causes complete harm.

What exactly your brownie will be depends on you. The brownie is a thinking creature. Moreover, he easily reads your thoughts. (By the way, cats, dogs and even flowers also have the ability to read minds.

A number of scientific experiments have established that if you say a few pleasant words to flowers every day, they will bloom much better than their relatives who are told rude words. You probably know very well yourself how dogs and cats read minds.)

So, let's start in order.

Where do brownies come from and why are they there?

The world is designed in such a way that nature does not tolerate emptiness. Therefore, everything around us is literally filled with creatures from the invisible world. Brownies live in houses, goblins live in forests, merman live in water, etc.

It has already been written before that everything around us is filled with clots of energy – white and black. So, all these invisible clots are essentially doing the same thing - establishing their own order in this energetic chaos.

For example, what does a brownie do?

He keeps the house clean. Unlike a person, he sees all the energy garbage scattered around the apartment, and this upsets him very much. The brownie gets dirty in it, his mood worsens.

Brownies do not go into the bathroom at all. And in rural areas, completely different creatures live in bathhouses - banniki. Due to constant communication with blackness, the banniki become evil and dangerous. You spend a little more time in the bathhouse than necessary, and instead of pleasant freshness, you feel empty and powerless.

When everything in the house is in order, clean and tidy, there is no energetic dirt, the brownie feels great. He loves such an owner and helps him in every possible way.

How does the brownie help?

Firstly, the brownie monitors the safety of things. In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break and equipment will not break - refrigerator, TV, etc.

Secondly, the brownie helps to find missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: “Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...”

Thirdly, the brownie watches over small children and prevents various troubles. A brownie will never allow a fire, an accident, or theft, provided, of course, that he likes the owner.

The brownie can wake up the owner in the morning if he has important things to do. May remind you of forgotten things. The brownie can also clean out small energy waste from the apartment. He cannot deal with serious damage, but he can disperse small things.

The brownie senses the approach of damage in advance. If, for example, someone came to visit you unkind person with black thoughts, bringing with him a heap of blackness, envy, malice, then the brownie begins to worry. If the owner of the apartment does not hear the brownie’s whispers, then the latter will do anything to attract attention. An unkind guest may have a mug or plate break out of his hands and break, or spill something on the tablecloth. This is all the work of the brownie. It's always unfortunate for dishes to break. The brownie seems to be signaling - pay attention to this person!

Sometimes the dishes break at the hands of the owner - this is also a warning. For example, one woman I know broke a glass at dinner at home. In the evening, guests came, word for word, they got excited, and one of the guests hit the hostess. Moreover, all this happened exactly in the place where the glass was broken a few hours earlier!

And probably, each of us has such an unlucky guest who, it seems, comes to visit you only to cause trouble - either he knocks something over, or drops it, spills it, breaks it... It’s just that the brownie really disliked this friend of yours , and, believe me, there’s probably a reason!

The brownie tries to survive the unpleasant guests with all his might. He begins to choke them, put pressure on them. Such guests feel somehow uncomfortable at your place - they are irritated by everything, they feel stuffy, and in the end they have only one thought - to quickly get out of your house.

Brownies are also very irritated by tobacco smoke. Everyone is well aware of the dangers of smoking, so there is no point in repeating here. Tobacco smoke does not disappear anywhere. It settles on furniture, in the corners of the apartment. Therefore, the unpleasant smell of tobacco simply cannot be removed from an apartment in which there is a lot of smoking. This clearly does not improve the health of the apartment residents.

In general, if the brownie gets too hard, he can destroy the owner of the apartment or his property. Fires caused by an unextinguished cigarette of a sleeping person or faulty electrical wiring are the work of a brownie. On the contrary, before leaving the house, the brownie will always remind a good owner: turn off the lights, gas, water, iron, etc. That is, the role of the brownie is difficult to overestimate.

What does a brownie do in his free time?

Usually sleeps somewhere under the ceiling. Yes, he can fly and he has the power gravity It does not work. In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, minds his own business, and plays with animals.

By the way, cats and dogs see the brownie. If you have a cat or dog in your home, watch them closely. You will notice how, for example, a cat, while licking itself, can sometimes suddenly perk up and stare into emptiness. And he looks, as if following someone with his gaze. This invisible traveler is the brownie walking around his possessions.

There is no need to be ashamed of a brownie. Although they call him male name, he looks at women indifferently. The brownie has no gender. So you can safely change clothes in your apartment wherever you want. After all, you’re not embarrassed to do this in front of your cat, are you?

Sometimes a brownie can appear to people. This happens in two cases - either before good event, or before bad. And then you can ask him: “For worse or for better?” The brownie will answer in a dull voice: “For worse!” or “Good luck!”

The brownie loves to appear to small children, who perceive him as a big plush toy and they tinker and play with it heartily. Externally, the brownie looks like a shaggy little man (about 1 meter tall) with a face similar to the head of the family.

There is nothing surprising here. It has been noticed that over the years, husband and wife begin to resemble each other in appearance. The same thing happens with pet dogs and their owners. Something in common appears in their appearance, and every year more and more. Likewise, the brownie is equal to the head of the family.

The brownie plays with children with pleasure, just like with a cat or dog. Many children, by the way, then tell adults about this. Parents, as a rule, smile, thinking that their children have seen enough fairy tales on TV.

If a brownie loves to fuss with your baby, this is a good sign. He will not only play with it, but also protect it from minor troubles - matches, scissors, etc.

What is the relationship between the brownie and your Guardian Angels?

Basically none. Angels are beings much more powerful, more developed than the brownie. In their presence, the “master-father” hides somewhere in a corner.

The brownie itself is much smarter and stronger than domestic animals. If the brownie does not like your cat, rest assured that she will not last long in the house. If, on the contrary, he fell in love, he will play with her. Please note that sometimes your furry pet suddenly falls over on her back and starts waving her paws through the air, trying to reach an invisible midge. It is the brownie who tickles her.

What to do if you are moving and want to take your brownie with you to a new apartment

To do this, before you move out of your own apartment and spend the first night in a new place, kneel down in the corridor of your former apartment at the front door, lay a towel on the floor and say the spell: “Master-father, take your belongings, let’s go live together, We will be friends as before."

After these words, carefully fold the towel in four and put it in your bosom. When you arrive at your new apartment, the first thing you do when entering the hallway is get on your knees again, lay out a towel on the floor and say: “My master, happy housewarming to you!” And everything will be fine with you.

How to be friends with your brownie

First of all, he demands attention and respect. You must address him only as “Master-Father”, “Yourself”.

Every month on the 1st morning, prepare porridge for the brownie in a separate saucepan. Put the porridge in a bowl, put a wooden spoon and a glass of water next to it, put all this next to you when you sit down to have breakfast, and say: “Master-father, sit down to taste with us what God has sent.” Then give the porridge to the birds or some other living creature. You can't throw it in a bucket.

Treat the brownie as an invisible member of the family, and he will dote on you. Then you won’t be afraid of thieves or fires, you’ll always find missing things in your apartment and sleep like a baby.

If, on the contrary, you are tormented by nightmares at night, it is possible that this is the work of a brownie. When he is offended, he comes at night, sits on the offender’s chest and begins to induce “pleasant dreams.”

How to meet a brownie in a new apartment

On your first visit to your new apartment, bring your cat, a glass of red wine, some bread and salt.

First of all, start the cat. Place your bed in the place where the cat will lie down - this is the most the best place in the apartment.

Then lay out your gift - wine, bread, salt - and say: “Master-father, accept our treat - for our housewarming.”


Now we're talking about that the world around us is not structured exactly the way we humans are used to perceiving it.

In addition to human souls, there are many different intelligent clots of energy on Earth. Throughout their history, people constantly communicate with these representatives of the invisible world and have already managed to come up with names for all of them - these are angels, archangels, brownies, devils, goblins, water creatures, etc.

Yes, they all really exist, it's not fairy tale characters, but the real inhabitants of our planet. It's just that our human eye is not able to see them. I must say that our eyes are not the best suited for this life. Cats and dogs, unlike us, see perfectly in the dark. By the way, they also see all these brownies, devils, goblins just as well...

Sometimes a cat, having settled on your chest, begins to carefully examine someone, as if sitting on your shoulders. At this time she sees two clots of energy on your shoulders, called by people an angel and a demon.


It is believed that the merman is an evil spirit that lives in bodies of water. He drowns everyone, demands tribute from the fishermen and rules over all the fish and crayfish. It is in this form that the merman appears in fairy tales and folk superstitions.

In fact, the merman is a fairly harmless creature. He cannot drown anyone, because the life of every person is in the hands of his Guardian Angels. And only the Angels decide who, when and where should die.

The water man does not decide the issues of life and death of people; this is not in his power. In the same way, other inhabitants of the invisible world are completely harmless - goblins, courtyards, kikimoras, banniki...

The vodyanoi exists for approximately the same purpose as the brownie - it maintains order at the bottom of reservoirs, cleans the energy system and lives off black energy.

All underwater inhabitants see the merman. It looks like this: the front part of the body looks like a frog - bulging eyes, a huge mouth, two webbed paws, the back part looks like a large fish tail, the whole body is covered with mud.

The merman has a brown body three meters long.

Funny incident. Hearing the description of the merman, I exclaimed: “God, why is he so scary?”

To which the Angels replied: “And the fish like it.”

The vodyanoi lives in all separate bodies of water - ponds, lakes. There are many water rivers - every creek, channel, and whirlpool has its own owner.

There are many superstitions that the merman allegedly demands tribute from drowned people from fishermen and people living near the water. Otherwise, they say, there will be no life for people - the waterman will tangle everything in the net, scare away the fish, and drag the cattle to the bottom during watering...

In fact, this is all nonsense. The merman is simply not interested in people, he lives in his own world, according to his own laws, and he doesn’t need anything from us.


They are similar in appearance to aquatic creatures, differing only in their green body color and size – five meters. They live in salt water. Each sea has one Neptune. The oceans, despite their size, also have only one Neptune.

Neptune, like the merman, is also a completely harmless creature who only keeps order in the household entrusted to him.

Neptunes have nothing to do with shipwrecks. In fact, sea vessels crash when they fall into a cloud of black energy. And Neptune is busy destroying this blackness.

So Neptune, on the contrary, protects ships from misfortunes.


Contrary to all fairy tales and superstitions, the goblin also treats people very well. He does not lure lonely travelers into the thicket, does not throw them off the scent, does not frighten them with whistles and shouts...

On the contrary, a goblin can take on a human form and lead lost travelers to the right road. Such stories can be heard in any village.

The goblin's tasks are the same - to keep order in the forest and clean the energy sector.

Outwardly it looks like a brownie - just as shaggy, but taller, reaching two meters.


A harmless inhabitant of swamps. Outwardly she looks like a shaggy old woman, she is small in height - a little more than one meter.

He keeps order in the swamp, cleans the energy sector, and doesn’t bother people.


Lives in separate baths.

Externally, the bannik looks like a brownie. Only a worse character. The fact is that the bathhouse is the uncleanest place in the house. People go to this establishment specifically to wash away all the black energy. Therefore, the banner has to constantly tinker with this blackness, disperse it into the corners.

* * *

All inhabitants of the invisible world (brownies, water creatures, goblins, kikimoras, etc.) feed on black energy. And they bring great benefits. They are similar to plants that, by absorbing harmful carbon dioxide, produce useful oxygen.

Devils, demons, demons behave completely differently.

Devils, demons, demons

These are different names for the same creatures.

Devils tell people bad thoughts, push them to commit suicide.

It is believed that the devil is something similar to a goat standing on hind legs, he has horns and a pig snout on his head.

This is all wrong.

Outwardly, the devils look like ordinary people; they do not have any horns or hooves. But there is a tail. There is something demonic in their appearance, but they can still be quite attractive.

Almost all people living on earth have encountered devils, without even knowing who they were dealing with. Devils can inhabit a living person and communicate with you in this form. Naturally, they do not have tails.

Demons cannot inhabit all people in a row, but only those who are close to them in spirit - these are evil, envious, vengeful individuals. It is customary in the world to call such people the spitting image of devils.

It’s not for nothing that, having committed a vile deed, such a person later is sincerely amazed: “The devil got me wrong!”

Orbs - I or Paranormal Plasmoid Objects

In this article we want to offer some of our own considerations regarding such a phenomenon as orbs. In our opinion, such objects are neither the reflection of light from dust particles, nor anything equally elementary. They are paranormal plasmoid formations, invisible to the human eye when normal conditions observations, but clearly visible when photographing using a bright flash. Those. orbs are energy clots that have such a variety of different characteristics and quality, that this can hardly be explained by the “mote theory”.

About “physicists” and “lyricists”

On one of the English-language sites we find a double explanation - materialistic and mystical.

“The desire for maximum compactness when developing modern cameras (especially digital ones) leads to the fact that the distance between the lenses and the touch sensor (light-sensitive CCD matrix) turns out to be very small. This in turn leads to an increase in the angle of reflection of the lens and distortions in the transmission of objects invisible to the eye that enter the camera lens. However, it should be recognized that the appearance of the mentioned objects in photographs is almost equally likely, both when using digital cameras and when shooting on film.

Artifacts in the form of orbs in images can be caused by the reflection of light from microscopically small solid or liquid particles (dust, water droplets), as well as due to the entry of foreign particles into the lens system.

Most often, the effect, called orbs, represents translucent areas of relatively small or (vice versa) quite big size shaped like a circle. In some cases, the color of such areas may be completely or partially one of the shades of the spectrum, as well as color halos in the form of a ring.

Fans of underwater photography also note the presence of this phenomenon, which can be caused by the appearance of grains of sand and other small objects in the immediate vicinity of the lens...

This phenomenon has numerous paranormal interpretations, including the following: entities, aural phenomena, angels, ghosts, energy fields, energy clots. However, the most common opinion is that these are not paranormal phenomena as such, but simply a defect in photography...”

Photography enthusiasts, explaining the effect of the appearance of circular flare-balls, cite the following as the main reasons: a short focal length with a large depth of field and the close location of the built-in flash to the lens. It is believed that the effect is enhanced when shooting in wide-angle mode or using a wide-angle lens. To overcome the effect, it is usually recommended to turn off the flash when there is dust or water droplets in the air, and also use the sensitivity adjustment function (ISO value). Or use an external flash, turning off the built-in flash.

In English, there is a special name for spherical plasmoids - payne object. In Russian descriptions and articles, such objects are more often called orbs (from English light orbs).

About focal length, flash and rain

The explanation given in the foreign article seems to be quite well-reasoned. However, firstly, many who have encountered the appearance of orb balls in photographs report that this problem does not appear in every photograph when shooting. Why? If the orbs do not appear in every picture when shooting under the same conditions, then, you see, something is wrong here.

If the reason for the appearance of “balls” was dust or tiny drops of water, then the experimenter would always get orbs in the pictures by taking pictures of the same place under the same conditions with the same camera. However, this does not happen. It is completely impossible to predict the appearance of orb balls in a particular place in advance, despite the fact that the smallest grains of dust are always present in the air in large quantities. Let's support our statement with an example. Here are two pictures taken with the same camera in the same conditions, with flash. This is a concrete wall with a graffiti type pattern, taken from a distance of about 3-4 meters.

The next picture shows a blue plasmoid object in the form of a ball.

If this is a glare from a speck of dust, then why is there only one? Is it possible that at the moment of shooting this “speck of dust” was the only one in the six cubic meters of air entering the camera lens? Hardly. Question two. Obviously, the characteristics of the camera used or the shooting settings are such that the overall tone of the images as a whole is obviously reddish. However, the orb in the photo has a bright blue tint. So bright that its shade does not “fit” into the overall color tone of the photo.

Please note that the plasmoid object in the image is in a zone of good sharpness, and the shooting was clearly not done from a distance of one meter. If (as the “physicists” claim), this is a shooting defect that occurred due to the fact that a solid dust particle was near the lens, and the camera’s sharpness was adjusted to a distant object, then how to explain the good sharpness of the photographed orb? The presence of the main eye-center, as well as the entire structure of the surface of the ball, is clearly visible. But more on this later.

Now about the flash. Real orbs - plasmoid balls - are visible in the photographs even when the shooting is taken by a professional photographer. Few professionals use the built-in flash - this is considered bad manners. On the other hand, the same photography professionals can hardly be blamed for shooting with a cheap camera with a short focal length and a simple CCD matrix. So, orbs also appear in photographs of professionals, and often. IN in this case references to a bad camera, built-in flash, or incorrectly selected shooting mode are hardly worth considering seriously. How then do skeptics propose to explain the appearance of orbs during professional photography? A speck of dust caught in the lens system?

And one more difference between a real orb - it has interference structure. It is simply impossible to obtain such a structure by removing drops of water or dust particles.

The photo above shows a famous journalist, taken by a professional photographer on a professional camera with an external flash in the corridor of Beslan school No. 1 some time after the tragedy. The photo shows a huge number of plasmoid objects with the same characteristics - a white-silver ball with a clearly visible center - an “eye”.

Obviously, the level of professionalism of the photographer in terms of the appearance of plasmoid objects in the image does not play any role. There is no doubt that the author of this photo knows how to handle a camera - professional journalists on business trips are always accompanied by highly qualified professional photographers. The above photo shows that the orbs fill almost the entire space of the corridor, being both in front of the journalist and behind him. The orbs in the photo from Beslan are, of course, a manifestation of the energy of the dead children, and not “specks of dust” at all... And this is obvious, among other things, from the characteristics of the orbs in the picture.

Many experimenters get “orbs” when shooting in the rain. The first photo below shows a lamppost when shooting without rain in the evening with flash (photo from the Internet).

The second one shows the same pole, shot with the same camera, configured in the same way, but during the rain.

It is immediately noticeable that the illuminated areas in the second photo do not resemble those objects that are called orbs. The objects in this photo can hardly be called balls; they are rather flat. Flash glare from raindrops clearly does not fall into the sharpness zone. This is the first thing. And secondly, they are smeared, because raindrops (unlike real plasmoid orbs) fall, i.e. move quickly enough even for an average camera shutter speed. Orbs also, of course, move in space. But usually they swim quite slowly. Therefore, in photographs with real orbs, the latter do not have a blurred “tail”, a trace of movement. Moreover, real orbs are truly three-dimensional objects. And this is very clearly visible in the photographs. You will see this in the pictures given in the article.

So, let's draw our first conclusions:

1. True plasmoid objects - orbs - differ from the flare that occurs when photographing, for example, rain. When photographing fog, which, as is known, consists of a large number of tiny water droplets, it is impossible to obtain an image with millions of orbs.

2. With orbs, even in flat photos, you can always guess the volume - a sphere of some diameter - approximately from 5 to 50 cm.

3. Paranormal plasmoid objects always have a clearly visible volumetric structure and a certain surface pattern - moiré, “eyes”, crown-halo, i.e. The orb is not a plane-homogeneous structure.

4. Orbs have different characteristics - color, pattern (moire), size, number of centers.

5. Such objects do not appear in every photo, even when shooting the same place with the same camera with the same settings.

Place and time of appearance of orbs

The following assumption can be made about the place and time of the most likely appearance of orbs, which will certainly turn out to be correct: plasmoid objects appear in special places, mainly in the evening and at night. This explains the relatively large number of similar photos taken in the evening. However, there were photographs with orbs taken on a bright sunny day. In the photo below - orb dark blue big size.

We believe that orbs are much more common than usual:

1. In places of geomagnetic anomalies, as well as in areas of faults in the earth’s crust.

2. At the nodes of the so-called Hartmann grid and Kurri grid.

3. In places of disasters, especially in cases of mass loss of life.

4. In cemeteries, both old and new, where burials continue.

5. In the so-called places of power associated with the presence of ancient religious objects - temples, sacred groves, temples.

6. In occult-unfavorable places - murder, suicide, the presence of a poltergeist, dark rituals.

7. In places modern implementation mass church and occult rituals, as well as actions accompanied by the release of large amounts of energy. For example, at rock and pop concerts.

8. In places associated with energetically strong personalities, and with any sign - positive or negative.

9. In close proximity to any person who has some positive or negative characteristic. And also near a person who is in an altered state of consciousness or with altered energy levels.

Ernst Muldashev was engaged in observations of orbs in places of anomalies some time ago.

“Sometimes it turns out that the camera lens acts as a “third eye”, catching some luminous objects in the form of different figures, nebulae, lines. But the most curious thing is that near temples, sarcophagi, and especially inside the pyramids, the camera lens picks out luminous balls, very similar to each other. These balls have a specific internal structure, consisting of four spheres nested inside each other. It seems that they can change their size. We received many photographs of these balls during the expedition to Egypt. Perhaps, in fact, ancient people, with the help of sarcophagi, transferred their worn-out bodies into a dematerialized state and continued to live an earthly life, but... somewhat different? ..."

Description and classification of plasmoids - orbs

We offer our own considerations regarding the classification of orbs, taking as a basis chakra color characteristics, the results of personal observations and some paranormal analysis of such objects.

Orbs - II or Discarnate Entities

Number of “eye” centers in orbs of this type apparently, determines the energy level of the disembodied (physically dead) entity to which the orb belongs. We believe it can be argued that the more centers the orb has, the greater the potential impact it can have on a biological energy object, since the “eye” is the connection point for the energy channel. The more “eyes” an orb has, the greater the number energy channels can form such a plasmoid. Accordingly, the greater the impact it can have on the biological energy objects surrounding it.

The above photo clearly shows the interference structure of the object, the main energy center and two additional ones. Since this object is translucent, then additional centers may actually be on the other side of the sphere, but in a flat photograph it looks exactly as we see. The presence of several shells is also well identified, i.e. spheres, as if nested one within the other. A small luminous corona-halo allows us to conclude that the outer shell of this orb is not smooth, like, for example, soap bubble. Apparently, the plasmoid sphere has dimensions that are not constant over time, as if pulsating.

Please note that in this photo the rider on the horse is in motion, and therefore the image of her and the horse is blurry. At the same time, the orb is quite large in size, but has quite decent sharpness. So much so that a dark energy center—the “eye”—is visible at the bottom right of the sphere.

The center is one. Apparently, this orb belongs to a disembodied entity who happily “takes part” in a circus performance. And the large size is explained by the perceived energy coming from the hall. This orb, if it moves in space, does so much more slowly than a woman on a horse. Most likely, the orb simply hovered in the center of the arena.

Orbs of this type should, apparently, be attributed to the paranormal manifestation of the energy of deceased people.

Conclusions about orbs of this type

Color- a silver or milky-white ball with a clearly visible center - an “eye” - is a paranormal energetic manifestation of a deceased (i.e., one that has lost its physical body) creature, not necessarily a person. A plasmoid is a pulsating object with physical dimensions that are unstable in time and usually moves smoothly in space.

Structure- relatively simple, the surface of the plasmoid has a light wavy structure - interference moiré, without pronounced nodes and spatial symmetry. In such orbs, in high-quality photographs, the presence of one or several sphere-shells and a small crown-halo, which turns out to be larger, the smaller the diameter of the object, is clearly visible. And vice versa - for orbs large sizes There is usually no halo.

Place of appearance- orbs of this type are most often found in places of disasters and mass deaths, in cemeteries, during events during which there is a strong release of energy - occult rituals, psychotrainings, meditations, all kinds of performances, etc.

The picture shows a photo of a factory workshop built in the 40s - 50s. last century in Moscow on the site of an old cemetery.

The appearance of orbs of this type is often observed when photographing people with energy damage in the form of damage or obsession. Or when filming occult-unfavorable premises in which the presence of poltergeists and other similar manifestations has been detected.

Let us make the assumption that the presence of a halo in such an orb indicates the readiness of the plasmoid object to enter into energy contact. The absence of a pronounced halo may indicate that the plasmoid object has already come into energetic contact with another object - a biological being. For example, with a person.

The picture shows a photo of a person (covered with a mosaic for privacy reasons) with energy damage in the form of damage that existed at that time. In the image from January 24, 2008, a large number of orbs are noticeable, showing signs of entities that have lost their physical bodies. In simple words, these are paranormal manifestations of the dead. The occult negativity detected on a person was accompanied by poltergeist phenomena in the room.

The following photo was taken under the same conditions with the same settings with the same camera, but after performing a series of reports (02/06/2008).

If in the first image a large number of orbs of significant size and without halos were observed, then in the second image small orbs have halos (visible with magnification). Those. As a result of the rites of reprimand, the channels of energy communication with humans established by plasmoids were cut off.

Character and behavior- if the concept of “character” is generally applicable to orbs, then we can conclude that plasmoids, which are a paranormal manifestation of the energy of a deceased creature, are curious, sociable and very susceptible to human energy. In the sense that sometimes they willingly feed on this very energy.

Subtypes of orbs of disembodied entities

Orbs, which are energy clots of disembodied (ceased physical life) entities come in two subtypes.

First subtype- a silvery translucent ball with one or more “eye” centers. The transparency of such an orb allows you to clearly see objects through the plasmoid, which, in addition, has a calm, clear contour-shell. Such objects are rather not participants in energy exchange, but rather observers who find interest in their presence in a certain space-time period. Orbs of this particular subtype are recorded in the photo from Beslan.

Second subtype- milky white orbs with low transparency and a poorly visible energy center. Some data allow us to conclude that orbs of this subtype can be quite strong vampiric structures. Being in a certain excited state, they intensively absorb energy. At this moment, their structure takes on the appearance of a vortex, as the plasmoid begins rapid vibrating rotation. The center “eye” becomes almost invisible, since when rotated it merges with the structure.

There is reason to believe that orbs of this subtype can pose a serious danger to human energy. The photo shows a religious meeting of one of the modern churches. Directly in front of the woman (currently acting as a “priest”) a large plasmoid rotates, feeding off the energy of the room through this woman. We have no doubt that this woman herself, having seen the photograph, explained this phenomenon in a completely different way - positively both for herself and for the other participants in the action. Many people do not know what such objects actually are or simply do not want to know.

Of course, not all orbs are vampires. But vibrating the plasmoid of an aggressive disembodied entity performs exactly this action - pumping out energy from the object with which it managed to come into contact. At the same time, an involuntary donor, not possessing diagnostic abilities and not being puzzled by questions of self-diagnosis, cannot realize this fact. When the euphoria from participating in some action or ritual ends (explained by the release of hormones into the blood), fatigue sets in. But it usually doesn’t occur to the donor to analyze such signs.

The photo shows a seminar of one of the psychotrainings that have proliferated today. In front of the woman’s face in the foreground, a milky-white orb of the second subtype rotates (vibrates), absorbing her energy. Near the woman in the background, in the head area, there are two orbs of the first subtype - observers.

By the way, a considerable number of illustrations for this article were provided by photo galleries from psychotraining seminars posted on the Internet. The training participants themselves joke on websites and blogs about orbs, which invariably appear in photographs taken during the “training.” At the same time they take photographs different people, with different cameras, in different rooms and in different cities. And it doesn’t occur to anyone to draw parallels. Indeed, many orbs always gather for these and similar seminars and trainings different types. Simply because it is much easier for a vampire orb to enter into energetic contact with a person in an altered state of consciousness (artificially induced trance).

Another photo from a similar seminar. A vibrating plasmoid orb hovering above the heads of the “seminarists”.

People voluntarily share their energy with orbs, which are often vampiric-type energy structures. Moreover, in the listed cases, the victims think that, on the contrary, they receive some kind of energy.

Group photo from one of the psychotrainings. Above the group is a huge number of milky-white orbs of the second subtype that have flocked to feed on energy. As they say, bon appetit to all training participants...

It is interesting that it is in the photographs taken at seminars on “personality development” that a huge number of orbs, of various types and high degree saturation per cubic meter of air. We specifically looked through thousands of photos from cemeteries (!), posted on various photo sites, looking for orbs. So, ten thousand cemetery photos will not provide even a tenth of the material that can be obtained from just a hundred photographs of seminars on some Simoron. Draw conclusions.

Moreover, looking through a series of photos of similar seminars, we noticed trainers (!) with obsession in the most extreme stage. Those. a little more - and such a coach will growl in a deep voice that that clique is doing proofreading... We won’t point a finger, of course. But we made our conclusions.

In any case, we express our gratitude to all the unlucky participants in various trainings who posted their very interesting (from an occult point of view) photos on the Internet. When presenting similar photos on the website in our collection, we carefully retouched all the faces, sparing no time on this and considering it correct. It is not the ordinary participant’s fault that he was “substituted” for the entities as an energy donor.

Third subtype- rainbow-white orbs with a low transparency and an eye located strictly in the center. The eye of such an orb is dense, i.e. this area of ​​the orb is the least transparent. Such orbs have a radial-beam structure and, apparently, are essences-spirits of nature, since they are recorded specifically when photographing outdoors - hiking, picnics, etc.

Orbs often appear when photographing ancient religious buildings. Here, for example, is a photo of a dolmen.

And this is a photo taken near one of the Egyptian pyramids. The distance between these places is thousands of kilometers, the shooting conditions and cameras are different. And the orbs have a clear similarity.

To conclude this part of the article, I would like to cite two more interesting photos, which in many respects are indicative and even in some sense rare.

Note that the orb is reflected in the mirror at a scale determined by its spatial location, just like people. The red dots in the photo mark the orb itself and its reflection in the mirror. It is curious that the orb in the foreground is vibrating and opaque. The energy center of this orb is not visible, while its reflection in the mirror is in better focus. Moreover, the center “eye” is visible at the reflection. Let the skeptics try to interpret this fact from the point of view of physics-optics.

And this picture shows a similar picture. Does anyone else believe in the speck of dust theory?

Another interesting photo, caught from the Internet. In the photo there is a woman reading a prayer. Judging by the blog post she left and the photos, she is frightened by the presence of a large number of orbs in the house. The orb in the picture is clearly a vampire, having penetrated directly into the confines of the woman’s etheric body through one of the chakras on inner surface palms. Please note that the orb has even changed its spherical shape and seems to envelop the brush.

Due to the huge number of photos with orbs of this type, it is not possible to post them all in the article. Therefore, for those interested, we provide a library with previews. By clicking on small photo, you can view the enlarged image in a separate window.

Many of the photos shown will seem very interesting both to specialists and to people simply interested in this topic.