How to get rid of an energy vampire using spells. How to protect yourself from energy vampires and live calmly next to them

We are all accustomed to considering energy vampires as people with aggressive behavior, who provoke you into conflict and are fueled by negative emotions. But there are no less dangerous “energy suckers” that can deprive you of your vitality gently and imperceptibly. These virtuosos of psychological nourishment have a number of distinctive features and certain behavior patterns that you need to know about.

If you feel discomfort for no reason, catch yourself thinking about ending the conversation as quickly as possible, and after the meeting you feel empty and lack of strength, then you can rest assured that this is an energy vampire.

The main sign is your internal state during and after communication with a person.

Some calculate “energy suckers” by date of birth, others pay attention to the zodiac sign, but the easiest way is to recognize a vampire by demeanor :

  • trying in every way to provoke others pity and sympathy;
  • love impose one's opinion and teach others;
  • distrustful in everything;
  • deceive in small things, are hypocrites;
  • make people feel guilt and remorse;
  • provoke others to conflicts;
  • know how subjugate the will others.

Psychologists have created a certain portrait of the “energy sucker”. An arrogant look, pronounced wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and around the mouth, fused eyebrows, a pale face, an uncertain gait - betray a vampire with a head.

How do energy vampires behave?

Modern vampires have little in common with their mystical cousins. Most often, these are excellent psychologists with carefully thought-out methods of taking energy away from their “donors.” It’s not easy to figure them out, because sometimes even the most charming smile can hide a real “energy sucker”:

Vampire always trying to find the culprits in their troubles: a boring husband, a cruel mother, out-of-control children, greedy relatives. Accidentally throw a phrase and you will instantly be added to the list of enemies. At the same time, you will feel guilty before the vampire, even just remembering him.

Provocation- the easiest way to get energy. They deliberately provoke quarrels and conflicts, are easily flammable and throw fists.

Likes to gossip, savoring other people's failures and problems. If someone shares their successes with them, then in response they receive only gloating and envious phrases.

A pity- another way to receive someone else's energy. By talking about his problems, he is trying to get you to maintain negative emotions rather than solve problems.

Energy vampire calculation:

Sometimes vampires suck energy from those around them unknowingly - this is a way of replenishing vitality given to them from birth. Using a simple test, you can determine your involvement in energy vampirism:

Write your date of birth in full... For example: 02/24/1988. Now add each number: 2+4+2+1+9+8+8=34. If you get a two-digit number, add them together to get one digit: 3+4=7. Remember the resulting figure and check the result.

One or two - energetic vampire;

Five or seven— people who easily give energy (donors);

Three, six, eight- people with innate protection from vampirism;

Nine— people with the most powerful energy protection;

Four- unconscious vampires.

Zodiac sign

Each of us, to one degree or another, has the ability to feed on the energy of those around us. The whole difference is whether we replenish reserves with positive emotions or unconsciously cause negativity, drawing vital forces through the opened channels. You can also determine your type of energy vampirism by your zodiac sign:

  • water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are sophisticated vampires. They can bring anyone to tears with their manipulations. The toughest of the trinity - Scorpios - skillfully play on the feelings of their loved ones, invariably causing them to feel guilty.

  • earth signs(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - they teach others, sometimes without thinking about the feelings of their loved ones. By criticizing, they touch a nerve and receive their dose of negative energy.

  • fire signs(Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) - achieve superiority over others with their arrogance and sometimes cruelty of criticism. The safest of the trinity, Aries, often become donors themselves, generously gifting those around them with their energy.

  • air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - can unbalance those around them with simple chatter, exhausting them and forcing them to share their energy. For the sake of their goals, they can deceive and make excuses to the last.

Vampire calculation according to Krivonogov

Another interesting way to calculate energy vampires was developed by cosmoenergetics specialist Yuri Krivonogov. The calculation is simple, but very accurately reveals a person’s energy exchange abilities:

Multiply the date and month of birth by the year: 2402*1988=4775176

By adding numbers, we bring the sum to a simple two-digit number: 4+7+7+5+1+7+6=37

If the resulting number is less than or equal to 21, the person is a real energy vampire, intentionally or unconsciously feeding off of those around him.

Representatives of the neutral sector are located within 22-29. They can both give and take away other people's energy.

Donors are in a numerical value above 30. Moreover, the greater the final number is 30, the greater the person’s connection with cosmic channels. Many people constantly flock to donors in an effort to recharge themselves.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Recognizing a vampire in real life is not so difficult; they can be easily identified by their appearance, habits and even taste preferences:

Energy vampires have a cold attitude towards sweets and hot foods, often refuse tea and coffee drinks. But they enjoy refreshing drinks with ice and spicy-pepper foods.

Pets and indoor flowers subtly sense a person’s aura; by their behavior and condition it is easy to determine the “energy sucker”. Animals try to leave the room where such a person appeared as soon as possible, and in an apartment where a vampire lives, plants will die for no reason.

Vampires try to connect with their donor skin-to-skin contact . Pat your head, hold your shoulder, take your hand, push - this way the energy exchange happens even faster.

Vampires often have sudden mood swings . When they managed to feed off someone else’s energy, they are excited and in a good mood; without someone else’s feed, they are gloomy and confused individuals.

How to deal with an energy vampire?

The best way to protect yourself is to stay away from energy bloodsuckers. But what if your colleague, relative or even loved one turns out to be a vampire?

To begin with, it’s worth understanding yourself, because most often donors become people with a shaken psyche, an unstable emotional background, overly trusting and inclined to care.

Calmness is the main trump card in the fight against energy suckers. Do not give in to provocations and maintain your inner dignity.

If a vampire provokes you into conflict - mirror his. Keep it as a joke, smile back, and don't try to make eye contact. Learn to firmly defend your boundaries and don’t be afraid to speak the truth face to face.

If a vampire is trying to “stick” to you through pity and compassion, then do not try to delve into his problems head on. You Not psychological support center, therefore, just change the topic or tell a fictitious story with a similar problem about your friends.

Amulet, amulet against energy vampire

For more active protection against energy vampirism, you can use special amulets and amulets. This can be either a purchased symbol or an amulet created with your own hands.

The pectoral cross is a classic amulet against the vampire. It is important to believe in its power and, if you feel an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection and read your favorite prayer.

The red thread tied on the left wrist is not just a tribute to fashion, but a powerful amulet against any energetic influences.

A pin pinned to the inside of clothing protects against the evil eye and attacks from energy bloodsuckers. The main thing is to pin it with the needle down.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family?

The most tragic situation is when a vampire has settled in the same house with you. There is never peace in such a family: constant quarrels, scandals, family members begin to get sick and stay at home as little as possible.

Most often, children who have not yet learned to replenish their resources and elderly relatives with weakened energy become “household” vampires.

In order to solve a problem, you must first discuss it. Perhaps the vampire will become aware of it and begin to control his impulses. Organize small holidays, picnics and walks for your relatives more often. Place a large aquarium with fish and several large indoor flowers in the vampire’s room to replace the donor.

What to do after contact with an energy vampire?

After an encounter with a vampire, a person seems to be overcome with fatigue, he feels empty and weakened, and begins to get sick. To recover quickly, you need to learn how to quickly replenish your vitality level:

  • water. A warm shower, bath, or simply holding your hands under running water will help relieve excess stress.
  • Fresh air. Skip the car ride in favor of walking in the fresh air.

Aromatherapy with lavender, mint, cinnamon oil, as well as infusions of medicinal herbs, helps restore peace of mind.

Prayer from energy vampires

Reading prayers helps protect against the destructive effects of vampires. Turning to higher powers will bring you peace of mind and help restore your vitality.

The most famous prayer to the Lord Almighty from evil, enemies and corruption

Chief energy vampire

If an energy vampire is your immediate boss and it would be inappropriate to turn communication into a joke, then the following method of protection will help:

Imagine a mirror wall between you so that all negative words addressed to you are reflected on the wall and returned back. The pose of crossed arms and legs also helps protect against the boss vampire.

Conspiracy from an energy vampire

If you cannot avoid communicating with the energy pump, then try to keep water or any other liquid between you and your opponent. Treat your friend to tea and read a simple conspiracy to yourself:

“You (name) have 5 powers, and I (name) have 12. You can’t defeat me and you can’t beat me.”

How to protect yourself from envious people?

Not only an energy vampire, but also simply an envious person can make a hole in your biofield and bring a lot of problems. Whether you believe it or not, even unconscious envy can bring trouble and deprive a person of good luck. In order to avoid becoming a victim of envious people, follow simple rules of protection:

  • never brag. There is no need to dump your successes on others; share them only with trusted people.
  • to neutralize the envious tell him about your problems and difficulties. In order not to scare away your luck, when talking about your problems, keep positive slides in your head that this problem will soon be solved and will not bother you.
  • mentally create an energetic energy around you cocoon shell for protection from envious people.

How to protect yourself from evil people at work?

Surely, everyone at least once in their life has met a person at work, after communicating with whom everything begins to fall out of hand or suddenly an incomprehensible apathy overtakes them. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your work colleague or a random client, a simple ritual will help you protect your workplace from evil people and nagging bosses:

Wait until you are alone at work and draw thirty small crosses around your workplace with a simple black pencil. These crosses will become a protective wall for you from evil and evil people. It is important to repeat this ritual once a month.

How to protect yourself from people's hatred?

Sometimes, without noticing it, we become a target for negative people. These people do not always have vampire tendencies, but hateful views and thoughts directed at us can disrupt the positive biofield.

If you notice hateful looks on yourself, there is no need to panic. The most powerful defense against negative people is your mental balance and spiritual purity. In order to maintain the required level of psychological protection, you can use any affirmations you are familiar with:

"I love you! I am grateful to you! I'm sorry! My world takes care of me and gives me the best."

In order for affirmations to “work”, you need to pronounce them from the heart, feeling how they penetrate your energy biofield

How to protect yourself from unkind neighbors?

Conflicts with neighbors are common life for residents of apartment buildings. Endless holidays and renovations, noisy parties, all this incapacitates even the most persistent.

If you can’t reach an “amicable” agreement, a few simple ways will help you get rid of unkind neighbors:

For the ritual you will need a broom made of dry branches, collected with your own hands, from spruce or birch. On the waning moon, exactly at midnight, sweep the rug at your front door, in the direction away from it, saying the following spell:

“I dare all prying eyes from myself, I fence off harmful people from my home!”

Then fry fine salt in a frying pan and say:

“Salt is strong, its strength lasts forever!”

Then pour the cooled salt in a thin strip under the threshold of the apartment where the unkind people live, saying:

“Let the evil noise never leave this apartment and disturb neither me nor others!”

Over time, the salt will darken and will be invisible to others. After this, during the lunar cycle (before the moon becomes full), you need to say the following conspiracy when passing the doors of your hated neighbors:

“Let this home always be quiet and peaceful, and let the residents be polite to everyone. May no stranger’s noise or stranger’s scream harm my house.”

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye?

Even if you don’t believe in damage and the evil eye, you’re unlikely to be pleased to hear curses from an unfamiliar passerby in your back. However, such statements can disrupt your energy space and frighten off possible luck. In order for all negative words to bypass you, you need to put up some protection.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to cross a “fig” behind your back or in your pocket and say a spell: “Whoever brings damage to me will die from damage.”

Prayer against damage and the evil eye

“Angel of Christ, I turn to you my pure, sincere prayer. I ask You to deliver me from the evil of haters, enemies and all those who wish me harm. Let all the demons and devils not be able to destroy my womb. Let all evil spirits burn with flames in the fire. By the will of God, save and preserve me. Amen".

Vampirism is the process of obtaining the energy of strength or life from a person without his consent. Vampirism can be unconscious or conscious. Unconscious is almost the norm in our life; vampires often capture energy through food, talking, screaming and scandals. In this article we will talk about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire using prayers, spells and amulets.

Amulet against energy vampire

The history of the appearance of the magical clover plant on earth is rich in fiction and legend. There is a belief that Eve took a clover leaf with her as a memory of her happy life in paradise.

In one old Scottish fairy tale, a mother tells her son that whoever wears a clover has nothing to fear from evil spells - a sorcerer, a demon or an elf. It is the magical power of clover that helps in this fairy tale not only to cope with evil, but also to save a friend from death and avoid bad company. The most powerful talisman is a real clover. In Europe, it is customary to give natural clover plants in a special pot, and the pot is made in the shape of a heart: this promises happiness. It is also useful to grow such clover at home - it brings youth of soul and health. Clover, picked during the full moon and tied with a scarf to the wrists, helps get rid of irritability, anger and depression. Silver coins are placed in the place where the clover was picked.

Among the amulets that are available in stores, you can find silver or gold pendants. They also protect against evil spells.

  • Silver clover pendant helps protect against female vampires.
  • Golden clover pendant - from male vampires.
  • Amethyst clover pendant - protects against seriously ill people, and also gives strength to those who are forced to care for seriously ill people.
  • Garnet and turquoise clover pendants are good for health, they remove negative energy.

Four-leaf clover amulet against vampire

Once, a long time ago, knights burst into the wizard Merlin and declared that they wanted to receive protection immediately. Merlin said that this is very easy to do, you just have to find the Magic Clover flower in the Hidden Forest. This flower is a powerful amulet. In addition, it brings unlimited power, wealth and happiness in love and endows the owner with the secret of eternal attractiveness. The knights rushed into the Hidden Forest, but found nothing. It is unknown how much time they would have spent in this forest if they had not met the wise Dwarf, who told them that the Magic Clover never grew in the Hidden Forest, and God knows where it grows. The knights again came to Merlin and demanded that he give them the Magic Clover amulet, to which Merlin said - that the Magic flower blooms in the soul... Only one of the knights guessed that the point is that there is no protection for those who are pure in soul need not. Such a person is not afraid of vampires, damage, evil eyes and other misfortunes. The magic clover in this legend is a symbol of a harmonious personality, which anyone who wants to become invulnerable to magical influences should strive to achieve. The knights did not understand the legend, got angry, took out their swords, and if not for the ability to pass through walls, the wizard would have had a hard time.

Ritual after communicating with a vampire

This ritual for removing the evil eye is valid only if the place where the evil eye occurred is known. You need to take a piece of wood from the place where the victim was standing at the time of the evil eye, burn it and put it out in water with the words: “From the black evil eye, from the blue one, a lesson, a lesson above the threshold, a lesson under the threshold, a lesson sees nothing, a lesson hears nothing.” " Pour water onto the intersection where the evil eye occurred.

Prayers to protect against vampires

Prayer helps protect yourself from people who cause irritation. They protect from those who constantly provoke wrong actions, from those who constantly say nasty things, in general - from people who are called “vampires”. These prayers are very ancient, and they are called “apocryphal”, that is, they are not included in the Orthodox canon.

Prayer to Michael the Archangel for protection from vampires

Lord God, great king without beginning! Send, Lord, your archangel Michael to help the servant of God (name) and deliver the servant of God (name) from enemies visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies to fight the servant of God (name). Create them like sheep and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. O Lord, great archangel Michael, six-winged, first prince and commander of the heavenly powers, cherub of all saints! O wonderful Archangel Michael, the ineffable guardian! Give me help in everything: grievances, sorrows, sorrows, at a crossroads. Give me help on the river and let's go to the sea for a quiet refuge. Deliver, great Archangel Michael, the servant of God (name) from all devilish tricks. As soon as you hear me (name), your sinful servant, praying to you and calling on your holy name, hasten your help to me and hear my prayer. O great Archangel Michael! Defeat the forces opposing me, by the power of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels, the great Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Holy Prophet Elijah, the holy Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius and all the heavenly powers. O great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name)! Deliver me from fire, from flood, from sword, from vain death and from all evil. Protect from the flattering enemy, from the coward, from the storm and from the evil one. Deliver, great Archangel Michael, me, God’s servant (name), from evil and all misfortunes. Always now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

*Lord, God, great king without beginning! Send to your servant (name) Archangel Michael, guardian from enemies visible and invisible. My guardian, Archangel Michael, be to me, the sinful servant (name), a helper in troubles, in sorrows, in empty sorrows. Deliver me, God's servant (name), from the temptations of the devil. O great Archangel Michael, defeat my opponents by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy angels, teach me to endure, as our Lord Jesus Christ endured. Always now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Prayer to call upon a guardian angel when communicating with a vampire

Angel of Christ! Saint, sent to me to preserve the soul and body of my sinner! With my laziness, my bad habits, I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all my judicial deeds, lies, slander, envy, condemnation and contempt. Disobedience, brotherly hatred, resentment, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony without satiety, drunkenness and excessive talking and evil thoughts. How is it possible for you, Holy Angel of Christ, to approach me if I am like a stinking dog? With what eyes do you gaze upon me, mired in infamy, angel of Christ? I ask for forgiveness for my evil and good deeds. Protect and save me from the enemy, the slanderer and the envious person during the day and at noon, at night and at midnight and at every hour. Amen.

Prayer to protect against vampires

You, Lord, have tasted the kingdom of God and rose again on the third day. He ascended into heaven in glory and majesty; you judge the living and the dead according to their deeds. You are good, Lord, if a sinner turns and repents, he will be alive and will not die forever and ever. I, your sinful servant (name), also pray about my sin. Forgive my sins, Lord, before my soul is separated from my body. Lead me, your servant (name), Lord, to the true path. I pray and repent of my evil deeds. Save, look after, visit, have mercy, have mercy on your sinful servant (name). Deliver me (name), Lord, from enemies in the house, on the way, in the water and in every place. Victory, Lord, all those who fight me. O most merciful Lord, hear me, a sinner, crying out to you, looking at your most pure images. I hope in the power of the life-giving cross and in your Most Pure Mother and in heavenly power and in the prophet the Forerunner and your baptizer John and in all your holy apostles and prophets and martyrs and reverend fathers and all the saints. Accept my repentance and deliver me from eternal torment. I trust in you! Save me, God's servant (name), grant me intelligence and memory to remember your beloved name. You are one, sinless and merciful, Lord God, and I send glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer from vampires and enemies

Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael behold at the doors of the Lord, hold a scepter in their hands and say: “Curse Satan, who with devilish power fell into the underground abyss, into the abyss of hell. Be gone, damned devil, evil-doer Lucifer, accursed Satan! May the powers of the underworld not touch me, the servant of God (name), nor my house, nor my family, neither day nor night, nor on the way, nor along rivers and banks, seas, lakes, water sources, near mountains and hills and sands, at crossroads and on waters. Along slopes, wilds, forests and swamps, in fields and vegetable gardens, various gardens and estates. Sources and wells and in every residential building, in the temples of God and houses of prayer.” Let him not hide from the sign and power of the honest, life-giving cross. Amen.

Prayer for protection from vampires

I, the servant of God (name), having blessed myself, will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard gates, to the high eastern side, to the Okiyan - the blue sea. On the Okiyan - blue sea there is an island, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne are the eagle-father Vladimir, Ilya-Muromets and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I came to you to ask and beg you from the pricks, from the hunk, from the whining, from the simple-haired girl, from the sorcerer man, from the wild eye, from the windy eye to protect me, the servant of God (name).


How to recognize an energy vampire? Screaming is one of the main weapons of a vampire. A loud, grumpy voice unsettles a person and makes him vulnerable.

A person is not susceptible to all sounds, but only to sounds of a certain tonality: the voice of a certain timbre is considered especially “vampiric”: it is this tonality that affects the psyche in such a way that the vampire’s victim spends a huge amount of energy.

Vampires intuitively know how to “bark” in order to steal energy.

Screaming as a means of vampirism is often used by bosses and colleagues to unbalance competitors.

If you have a problem with "noisy vampires", you need to get rid of it. To protect yourself from an energy vampire after communicating with him, you need to write the following note: “As the holy saints tamed the lions in the desert, so do you, Lord, tame,” then write the name of the ailment from which you would like to get rid of. In this case, you need to write “impacts” and the name of the “vampire”. This note should be folded in four, wrapped with a red cord and worn on the body for three days, without taking it off for a minute.

Conspiracy from loud energy vampires

Have mercy, Lord, on your servant (name) and send the consolation of St. Peter to him. With one word, take away the fire and, having rewarded the debtors according to their deserts, grant absolution to sinners, be patient with those who do not pray. Lord, take away evil from the man - the servant of God (name), take away from him the main disease - the envy of his enemies, if he himself is not envious. Deliver him from the horrors of winter-cold, from fire, from a cruel person, from black eyes and evil spells, from the midday demon, tame the fire-envy, take away the disease.

Conspiracy from a dashing man (from an enemy and a vampire)

I’m walking across an open field, and seven demons with half-demons meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go, you demons and half-demons, to the dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them along the way and on the road, in the house and in the forest, in foreign and native lands, on land and on water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever disproves the word, otherwise it will be naive in everything, for better, for worse, as it was said before.

Ritual for protection from energy vampires

You need to leave three cups of honey, three of beer and three buns at the crossroads and read the spell:

Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, come to me today to help cure God’s servant (name) from deception. Drive away from the servant of God (name) the distant streams of rot, the distant wicked people, the distant swindlers. Rotten, Crafty, Strekavtsy are walking in an open field. Then the Most Pure Mother of God met them and asked: “How far are you going?” They told her this: “Oh Most Pure Mary, Mother of God, we are going not far to meet the servant of God (name), so that we can open his heart, suck out his soul and drink his blood.” The Most Pure Mary, the Mother of God, answers them: “I conjure you with the living God and the Holy Spirit and all the holy heavenly powers: you cannot approach the servant of God (name), his body, his heart and his blood. Go back to your path, where you have been until now. Three glasses of beer, three glasses of honey and three bowls of bread await you there. Walk and drink, but do not approach God’s servant (name). Give him rest day and night forever and ever.”

In this conspiracy the word “elusiveness” appears. Previously, this was the name given to fears, unpleasant sensations and other “oddities” that often make life unbearable.

Conspiracy from an energy vampire in the house

This plot helps protect yourself from an energy vampire that has settled in your home.

Get away, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners of this. You, the devil, have no part or participation, no place or rest, here is the cross of the Lord! Mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Peter, the holy Evangelists John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ugasil, Egudiel, Barahail. The heavenly powers rejoice: here are the bright cherubim and seraphim, Saint Michael now and throughout the Universe, Saint Peter holds the shelves, holding a club. Here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here you, the devil, have no part and participation, no place and peace, do not do dirty tricks, devil, to this place and house and man, and cattle and all the servants of God. Run from here to utter hell, where your real refuge is, and find your way there. My word is as strong as a stone.

Spell for protection against vampirism

The Lord God, the all-evil devil, forbids you to hold (name the person who needs to be protected from addiction) the holy, consubstantial name of the indivisible Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Depart from the servant of God (name), you all-evil devil! Do not kindle hostile thoughts in his heart and go to waterless places that the Lord does not visit. I conjure you, unclean devil, in the name of the Lord. May he (name) not be tempted by your crafty dreams! May I pray to my God! Let your thoughts not be with him (name) neither at night, nor during the day, nor on the day of judgment.


Spell from the bosses of energy vampires

Place, Lord, around me one iron wall, another of damask steel, and a third of copper, and a stone wall as high as the heavens. Block the walls around, O Lord, with earth, and draw, O Lord, a river of fire from all four sides: from east to west and from north to summer. And they commanded, Lord, to lock the walls and the stone wall to the holy Apostle Peter with holy golden keys and to bring them down to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, on the throne under his holy incorruptible robe. And just as no one can see those vestments, no one could harm me (name). Protect from (boss’s name) the bear, she-bear, she-wolf, wolverine-wolverine. Snakes do not harm, do not touch. From now until forever. Amen.

Spells from the devil and vampire

O you, great devil, king of all malice, pride and deceit! I conjure you with the distant terrible name of the one glorified Father and Son and the Holy Spirit in the trinity! I conjure you, all-evil enemy of the human race, ancient serpent, in the great and terrible name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all earthly and underworld powers worship with trepidation. Be afraid, damned overthrower, go away, be afraid, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, and forbid you by the saving incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and his glorious birth from the Ever-Virgin! Fear this, enemy of truth. I conjure you, tempter of evil forces, by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove who came down to us and with the voice of the stepfather from heaven: “You, art my beloved son.” Be afraid of this, shameless flatterer, go away and don’t come back to (name). I conjure you, destroyer of human souls, with four hundred days and four hundred nights of fasting! Be afraid of this, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, by God incarnate, who appeared on earth, and by man, who showed the way of salvation to the world, who drove away demons with a word and healed various ailments. Fear this, be afraid, distance yourself, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, hellish destructive serpent, to make the blind see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the lepers to be cleansed, the dead to rise again. Be afraid of this, be afraid, move away from the slave (name). I conjure you, devil, to show humility to us by the saints and apostles! Be afraid of this! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, tormentor, by turning bread into body and wine into blood! Fear this, founder of heresies. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, the source of all sins and destruction, through the life-giving sacrifice of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fear this, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, vile envious person, with the Lord’s Prayer and drops of blood that have fallen to the ground. Fear this, get away from God's servant (name). I conjure you, devil, by the cross of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you with the commandments of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, with the sun darkened and the earth trembling when the Savior died on the cross, and with power, when the stones crumbled, the coffins were opened, the bodies of the dead saints were resurrected. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, libertine, by piercing the most pure rib of the Lord, flowing blood and water from it. Get out! Get away from the servant of God (name), perish! I conjure you, devil, by our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, by the great god and savior Jesus Christ. Fear this prayer, predatory spirit, fear the fire, the beast and eternal torment. Get away from the servant of God (name), why are you delaying? God, strong in strength, mighty in strength, terrible in battle, wondrous in miracles, commands you - the unworthy devil - to leave the servant of God (name). Move away from the servant of God (name) into the desert, into waterless forests, where the beast does not run and from where there is no return. The power, dominion, kingdom and glory of Christ our God. Amen.

Why, after communicating with some people, a feeling of causeless irritability appears and your mood sharply worsens? There is a feeling that you have been “squeezed like a lemon.” Where does this mysterious feeling of tiredness come from? Most likely, your friend is an energy vampire.

But how to distinguish an energy vampire from an ordinary person? How to calmly communicate with him and not feel a breakdown later?

There are several signs by which you can identify an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are people who can feed on the energy of other people when communicating. It would seem obvious, but, nevertheless, this is precisely the definition of energy vampires. No more no less.

It is completely useless to classify them in any way, because, in fact, there is exactly one way to define them.

Namely, if when communicating with a person you feel an energy decline and he, on the contrary, noticeably perks up, then you have communicated with an energy vampire.

The time of the actual act...

Each person has their own energy level. Some people are constantly sick, stressed and feel chronic fatigue, while others go through life like a wind-up battery.

When one person communicates with another, their energy levels “even out”: the weak one feels better, and the strong one suddenly begins to feel tired, resentful, or even in pain. Recently I saw somewhere a very true phrase: the weak among the strong will survive, but the strong among the weak will not.

Energy is like...

Energy vampires, when present nearby, can have a negative effect even on persistent people. There are effective amulets that help protect against them both at home and outside.

Energy vampires are people who feed on other people's emotions and moral forces. Sooner or later, everyone has the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with such a person. And it’s better to have a proper conversation with him, because it’s quite difficult to completely abstract yourself from an energy vampire. They will help you...

A good friend of mine told me about this case several years ago. I am quite familiar with his energy abilities, and therefore I have no reason not to trust his story. “I’m on the subway this morning and I’m sitting and reading.

And suddenly I feel a strange discomfort. I look around - everything seems to be fine. I listened to my inner sensations - and suddenly realized that energy was not circulating in the body as usual, but was gradually flowing to one point on the right thigh, just above the knee and...

Have you ever noticed that after talking with a certain person, you begin to feel irritable, your mood becomes bad for no reason? It feels like you've been devastated. How do you suddenly start to feel tired?

This is explained by the fact that your friend is probably an energy vampire. How can you understand who this energy vampire is and how you need to behave with him so as not to experience discomfort later?

Prayer for fear - why it is so necessary to relieve fear in children

Prayer for fear was often used by magicians and sorcerers in ancient times. However, this is not surprising, because there are so many things in the world that you can be afraid of.

Especially if a small child is scared. No matter how hard we try to keep track of our children, the world is too huge and something is constantly happening in it. Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to protect from everything. Moreover, you can never predict what exactly he will be afraid of...

Energy vampirism is a social phenomenon that can be considered as a disease based on hidden and overt interactions between people.

With this disease, a forceful intake of vitality and energy occurs.

In other words, we are dealing with a type of damage.

Energy vampirism as a phenomenon was a constant companion of man, and in our 20th century it began to be found everywhere. The more complex and tense relationships between people become, the more often vampirism becomes the cause...

A person can be attacked not only by hypnotists, sorcerers, vampires, but also by energy entities. These entities were mentioned by the ancients. The ancients believed that invisible “ethereal” beings live next to us, the density of which is so low that for us they are just invisible shadows. However, modern instruments are capable of detecting these invisible creatures in the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum.

Parallel to our biological evolution, evolution proceeds on earth...

Religious reading: protection from vampires, energy prayer to help our readers.

Energy vampires can be resisted

Protection from energy vampires at work is a pressing issue, since we usually do not choose colleagues, employees and bosses. Among them there may easily be those who like to profit from other people’s energy, with whom they will have to somehow coexist.

The issue of energy vampires is ambiguous, and measures to combat them can be very different: from reading prayers and mantras to wearing special amulets. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon of energy vampirism and ways to protect against it.

Energy vampirism

Strength leaves a person for inexplicable reasons

In essence, energy vampirism is the drawing of vital forces from the energy system of one person to the system of another. How do they do it? Sometimes - unconsciously, sometimes - consciously. The unconscious process occurs as if by touch, at the level of reflexes. The vampire feels a surge of energy during a quarrel or conversation, and his unconscious takes note of the situation in order to repeat it more than once (in this case, the robber, like the victim, may simply not be aware of what is actually happening during the communication process).

Conscious energy vampires act differently - they create the intention to feed on someone else’s energy and visualize a certain channel through which vital forces flow from the donor to them. Of course, they know what to say and do to “trip” you into emotions, unbalance the system and force you to splash out your energy. They can act out pity or show aggression, probe for vulnerable spots, or even do nothing - just be somewhere nearby. Your mood deteriorates, your head hurts, you feel drowsy and your performance decreases.

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After communicating with a certain person, you feel...

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Such employees, and even more so bosses, really are a problem. After all, you not only have to endure them, but also perform some tasks together. Of course, you don’t want to change your job because of the presence of an energy vampire in the office. But you will have to put forward a defense against him - both you and he need this. The fact is that by getting used to free energy, a vampire extremely weakens his energy system and practically loses the ability to generate life force himself.

Regular attacks by an energy vampire affect not only the donor’s performance, but also their health and mental state. Options cannot be ruled out when a vampire needs more than just energy. Taking advantage of his ability to “de-energize” the victim, he can pursue other goals - to “hook” you or discredit you. In this way he can fight competition or take revenge for something. Since the victim suspects nothing, the vampire’s insidious plans sometimes come true.

However, one should not consider an energy vampire a superman or at least a strong personality. The main reason for his abilities is precisely the weak, disrupted energy system. This is a kind of disease that can be cured if you set a goal.

Forms of protection

You can protect yourself with prayers and object amulets

  1. Subject. These include amulets, amulets and talismans that you can wear on yourself, keep on your desk or in your nightstand. To activate the amulet, you need to perform an appropriate ritual. It’s also good to do it with your own hands, investing positive energy and the specific intention of protection.
  2. Abstract. These are energetic methods that are based on visualization and intention. Most often they involve mentally creating a force or reflective barrier. This group of protection methods also includes prayers, spells and mantras.
  3. Aimed at strengthening our own energy system. This is perhaps the most successful approach, since it allows you to create permanent protection against vampirism. A vampire simply cannot “attach” to a person whose energy system is strong and balanced. If there are no cracks or gaps in the subtle body, the “tentacles” of the invader do not penetrate it and a channel does not form.

Talismans and amulets

The pectoral cross protects

Whatever they say, the pectoral cross is a classic amulet. Of course, the little vampire himself can wear exactly the same cross, but this should not discourage you. It is important how you perceive this symbol - if you believe in its power, then you automatically fall into the protection zone of the Christian egregor. If you feel signs of an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection, read your favorite prayer.

In essence, a talisman against an energy vampire is any amulet that protects you from negative influences from the outside and strengthens you from the inside. It could be a red cabalistic thread on the wrist, Slavic amulets, Scandinavian runes... To choose a suitable amulet, get to know several of them - read the literature, find out about their capabilities, history, meaning. Then purchase or make one that inspires sympathy and observe how it works in practice.

There are also specific amulets recommended by esoteric scientists to protect against energy vampirism and increase personal energy. One of these amulets is a quartz crystal. Due to its structure, this stone lends itself perfectly to programming and creates a strong protective barrier. In addition, it is able to smooth out disturbances in the energy system of its owner, cure phobias, depression and other diseases.

The quartz crystal must be correctly programmed, and first remove the old program by holding it under running cold water and allowing it to air dry. To program the crystal, you need to hold it in your hand and formulate your intention to cooperate with it to create a protective barrier. It is advisable to carry the crystal closer to your body or at least in your purse. If one day you see that a speck or other defect has formed in it, know that the amulet has protected you from a powerful energy attack.

Another talisman is a pyramid that follows the proportions of the Great Egyptian Pyramid. It can be made of any natural material - stone, wood, glass... To activate the pyramid, hold it in your hands, imagining how cosmic energy pours through its top and spreads throughout your body. This amulet not only creates a protective barrier, but also promotes concentration and focus on work.

Abstract methods and self-improvement

Strengthen your energy protection

In fact, abstract methods operate on the same principle as substantive ones, creating a protective field and strengthening the human energy system. The only difference is that they do not require any items. On the one hand, it is easier to concentrate on the subject, but on the other hand, you simply may not have it at hand. In this case, abstract methods are indispensable. They are especially suitable for people with a developed imagination.

The easiest and most fun way is to imagine a little vampire and cover him with an imaginary glass. You can develop the situation further - imagine his futile attempts to influence you from behind the “impenetrable” glass. To some, this method even seems cruel, since it isolates the vampire from all sources of energy. What if he comes to his senses and wants to connect with space? A softer way is to put an “impenetrable” barrier between him and you, alternatively a mirror one that reflects any attack.

You can mentally read conspiracies, mantras or prayers. A universal amulet is the prayer “Our Father”. Communication with nature - trees, sea, starry sky - will help replenish the loss of vitality and strengthen the energy system... All kinds of meditation and yoga classes are also useful. Concentrate your attention on something high - spiritual growth, self-improvement, revealing your potential, and no vampires will simply be able to reach you.

Prayer from energy vampires is an effective way of protection

Do vampires exist in our modern age? Of course, Count Dracula and ghouls like him became only echoes of bygone times, and vampirism took on a different form - energetic. Prayer from energy vampires is more relevant and modern than ever, because they are all around us.

There may be a vampire relative living next to you, a boss at work, and even vampires among your friends. Vampirism acquired a hidden form, putting on a mask of friendship and mercy. And sometimes a vampire can disguise himself as a pathetic loser who is terribly unlucky in life - and only you can help him with your participation. True, at the expense of your personal energy. Let's look at different ways to protect ourselves from this “evil spirit.”

Signs of a modern vampire

What is vampirism? This is always a defective human energy, or in other words, a disease. A person lacks personal vitality, and he intuitively takes it away from those around him. There are many ways to extract energy:

  • cause aggression in the donor object;
  • whine about your failures, feeding on the donor’s sympathy;
  • constantly be close to the donor and get on the nerves with your presence;
  • “to pull the soul” out of a person, not by washing, but by rolling;
  • whining and boring;
  • deification and veneration of the donor;
  • make you feel guilty - “guilty without guilt.”

A vampire may not be aware of his own characteristics, acting instinctively. Unconscious vampires include all seriously ill people, elderly people, lonely losers, schizophrenics and people with clearly inappropriate behavior.

In the old days, such people were treated by bloodletting - leeches were placed. Most young ghouls do not have obvious diseases, but their blood is heavily contaminated.

There is another type of ghoul - envious people. Envy can corrode a person’s soul and deplete energy. The way out in such a situation is to take the life force from another person. An envious person can also feed on the energy of the person he envies.

Oddly enough, in our time there are entire dens of vampires where they gather together:

  • nursing homes; clinics and hospitals;
  • mayor's office and city administration;
  • prisons and pre-trial detention centers;
  • places of mass graves.

All these and similar places have a very unfavorable atmosphere. After visiting these establishments, you are left with an unpleasant aftertaste, and sometimes a loss of strength. Try to appear there as little as possible, and if necessary, place a talisman. After visiting public places, always take a cleansing shower and dump negativity on a candle. From the flame of a candle you can be filled with energy and restore your strength.

Energy protection methods

Esotericists believe that it is easy to protect yourself from a vampiric personality if you know about her intentions. As soon as you realize that there is a ghoul in front of you, put a mental barrier between him and you. It could be a wall made of brick or concrete, a glass sphere, a mirror dome with the reflective side outward.

It is important to maintain emotional balance, not to get irritated and not to throw out your emotions: this is exactly what the ghoul needs from you. Even if some boor on the tram openly expresses his attitude to you in an obscene form, do not react. This will be difficult to do at first, but as you become more aware of the problem, you will be able to adjust your behavior.

It is very important to immediately cut off the energy outflow channel. This can be done very simply: stop thinking about the ghoul and remembering him. Imagine that a cord or hose is stretched between you and him, and break it. Break the hose with anything: you can imagine that it burned out. A person’s thought is material. Remember this and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Prayer protection

Protection from energy vampires through prayer is a wonderful amulet. Prayers protect a person from negative energies. If you have suffered from the actions of a vampire, read the prayer:

After this, imagine a double-edged knife in your hand and make movements around yourself that imitate cutting off the vampire's channel. Since you don’t know where it is, cut off the space around you - in a circle.

Protective sachet

If there is an energy vampire living in your home, make a protective sachet of herbs. To do this, take a canvas bag or roll up gauze in several layers. Put the following ingredients in there:

  • rosehip flowers;
  • pink petals (white);
  • ash leaves;
  • dry thyme herb;
  • aspen leaves;
  • garlic peel;
  • feather from a crow;
  • peppercorns;
  • silver item.

Tie the bag with a red cord and carry it with you at all times in your bag. When communicating with an energy vampire, you must touch the sachet.

However, no protection will help you if you respond to a vampire's call. Don’t succumb to provocations, don’t respond to abuse with abuse, don’t even make comments to ghouls. Emotional emptiness is the worst punishment for a vampire and the best amulet for you.

Ritual of protection against vampires

To avoid becoming a victim of a ghoul, you need to protect yourself. The ritual is very simple to perform, but requires concentration and concentration.

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a simple white candle and matches;
  • felt-tip pen or fountain pen;
  • metal tray.

The ritual is performed at sunset on any day of the waning moon (look at the calendar). You must remain alone, take a shower, and wear clothes without fasteners or a belt. You should not be wearing looping objects - rings, chains, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. Let your hair down, it is better to remain barefoot or in cotton socks.

These preparations are very important as you will be operating with energies. Energy needs free flow, and looping objects will distort its flow. Cleanliness of the body is also important: traces of sweat distort the information component of human energy.

Light a white candle from a match, place it in a candlestick on a free table (remove all objects from it). Place a sheet of paper with a pen in front of you, read a prayer or mantra and draw an equilateral cross.

Now you should imagine how all the energy from space flows into the symbol of the cross. This energy is very powerful, it literally bubbles and fills space with its vibrations. This energy can have color, or it can be completely transparent - it doesn’t matter.

When you feel that the energy of space has filled the cross, say:

Light the sheet with a match and watch the paper burn. At this time, you need to feel how the powerful energy of the universe flows into your heart and fills you with strength. When the paper burns, say:

Put out the candle and hide it. When necessary, light up and imagine the power of the universe that protects you.

Mirror protection

Mirrors provide very effective protection. They tend to reflect the negative messages of ill-wishers. The mirror should be worn on the chest in the form of a pendant. You can order a small round mirror from the workshop and make any frame for it. Just don’t need to drill a hole in the mirror: the amulet must be intact. Wear a mirror amulet with the reflective side facing out.

The principle of operation of such a talisman is simple: any attempt at a psychic or energy attack will be sent back, that is, reflected. The amulet should be hidden under clothing and in direct contact with your body.

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Prayer, conspiracy against vampirism and other means of energy protection

Everywhere you look there are only vampires. Some lie in wait for us at work, others reach out to ask for alms, others meet the tired and exhausted at home to continue the feast started by their “colleagues”.

The situation is still the same! And it’s good if you are experienced in working with energy and can easily create an insurmountable barrier only with the power of your thoughts, but what if not? This is where a conspiracy against vampirism, various runes, herbs and amulets can help - in short, everything that can strengthen your faith. Yes, yes, this is not a typo, it is faith, because without it you cannot protect yourself from the energy pump.

The power of a word

Everyone probably remembers this childish rhyme: “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, with a word you can lead shelves…” these lines have much more meaning than you can even imagine - after all, the word is the fundamental principle of everything that exists.

Just look at the Bible (and this is a very powerful book):

Well, the word is always the cause of the effect, that is, first we form our desire with words and only then can we receive its material form.

It’s just that some people need a fraction of a second to clearly verbalize their goal, while for others it can take hours.

This is where the conspiracy manifests itself in its full force. After all, by charming an object against vampirism, we already attach to it in advance your formed and more than once expressed desire, while the strength of the conspiracy will largely depend on the strength of your faith, as well as on the properties of the object that you are charming.

Here is one of the texts you need:

“All-Merciful God, grant me protection, grant me a talisman from all troubles! Save me from the vile fluke, take away the skillful energy, give me the strength to stand on my feet and fight back! In the name of all that is holy, have mercy! Amen"

Please note - this is a conspiracy, not a prayer. Using it, you can create a talisman against energy vampires with your own hands, but in general its effect will be many times weaker than that of the canonical appeal to God. Now let's explain why.

The Power of Collective Faith

We have already figured out what a conspiracy is, how it works and what determines its effectiveness. So, while the amulet you have enchanted uses the power of only your faith, the prayer is based on the multimillion-dollar faith of all those who read it. Just imagine how powerful the ordinary “Our Father” will be!

If you have paid attention, psychics are especially effective in stadiums, during large-scale television broadcasts, while in the silence of an office you will not expect a miracle from them.

And all this because among the audience, the “magician” has the opportunity to connect to his powers the faith of people waiting for a miracle. But how many are there? Ten thousand? One hundred? Well, a million at most? And there are about 2.18 billion Christians who read “The Virgin Mary” every day! And everyone puts a piece of their strength into the text.

If you apply prayer correctly, then there won’t be a wet spot left from the energy pump, or at least your appetite will disappear.

That is why, before making a mirror wall, cap or pyramid, read the same “Our Father” and things will go much easier for you.

How to save energy

Well, now let's talk about those techniques that do not require any stone that protects from energy vampirism, that is, those weapons that you can use even if you are caught by surprise.

The easiest way to close your biofield is a cross. We sometimes resort to it even at the subconscious level. Cross your arms, cross your legs, you can even cross your fingers, all this will help close your energy from outside interference, or at least make it quite difficult.

You will also complicate the energy pump’s task if you connect your thumbs and index fingers on your hands, and cross the rest with each other. Such a gesture loops your energy flows, which means that in order to eat, the vampire will have to make a hole in them himself, which will not go unnoticed on your part.

We have already talked about this rather simple but effective method of protection more than once. Just imagine that there is a glass wall between you and the vampire. But your faith must be so strong that you must feel this shield, guess its thickness and even weight.

If you really find it difficult to believe in such a structure, build it yourself, mentally stacking massive glass blocks on top of each other or growing a mirror barrier directly from the floor. Try not to miss a single detail; the process should seem as realistic as possible.

The pyramid is a fairly strong fortress; building it over itself is quite troublesome, but effective. Similar protection is used when encountering several energy pumps. The main thing here is not to get too tight and build a full-length shelter. The preferred color of the pyramid is fiery gold.

Just like a pyramid, it is a fairly reliable shelter, the only difference being that you can move in a ball, but the pyramid is static.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to protect against energy theft, but it should be recognized that all of them are not perfect, since they are kind of shields, and it is only a matter of time that you can break through any armor.

Therefore: when fighting energy pumps, do not limit yourself to passive protection. Either go on the offensive, or, which is preferable, leave the “battlefield” yourself, it will cost less.

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Everything about religion and faith - “prayer against energy vampire” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

Everywhere you look there are only vampires. Some lie in wait for us at work, others reach out to ask for alms, others meet the tired and exhausted at home to continue the feast started by their “colleagues”.

The situation is still the same! And it’s good if you are experienced in working with energy and can easily create an insurmountable barrier only with the power of your thoughts, but what if not? This is where a conspiracy against vampirism, various runes, herbs and amulets can help - in short, everything that can strengthen your faith. Yes, yes, this is not a typo, it is faith, because without it you cannot protect yourself from the energy pump.

The power of a word

Everyone probably remembers this childish rhyme: “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, with a word you can lead shelves…” these lines have much more meaning than you can even imagine - after all, the word is the fundamental principle of everything that exists.

Just look at the Bible (and this is a very powerful book):

Well, the word is always the cause of the effect, that is, first we form our desire with words and only then can we receive its material form.

It’s just that some people need a fraction of a second to clearly verbalize their goal, while for others it can take hours.

This is where the conspiracy manifests itself in its full force. After all, by charming an object against vampirism, we already attach to it in advance your formed and more than once expressed desire, while the strength of the conspiracy will largely depend on the strength of your faith, as well as on the properties of the object that you are charming.

Here is one of the texts you need:

“All-Merciful God, grant me protection, grant me a talisman from all troubles! Save me from the vile fluke, take away the skillful energy, give me the strength to stand on my feet and fight back! In the name of all that is holy, have mercy! Amen"

Please note - this is a conspiracy, not a prayer. Using it, you can create a talisman against energy vampires with your own hands, but in general its effect will be many times weaker than that of the canonical appeal to God. Now let's explain why.

The Power of Collective Faith

We have already figured out what a conspiracy is, how it works and what determines its effectiveness. So, while the amulet you have enchanted uses the power of only your faith, the prayer is based on the multimillion-dollar faith of all those who read it. Just imagine how powerful the ordinary “Our Father” will be!

If you have paid attention, psychics are especially effective in stadiums, during large-scale television broadcasts, while in the silence of an office you will not expect a miracle from them.

And all this because among the audience, the “magician” has the opportunity to connect to his powers the faith of people waiting for a miracle. But how many are there? Ten thousand? One hundred? Well, a million at most? And there are about 2.18 billion Christians who read “The Virgin Mary” every day! And everyone puts a piece of their strength into the text.

If you apply prayer correctly, then there won’t be a wet spot left from the energy pump, or at least your appetite will disappear.

That is why, before making a mirror wall, cap or pyramid, read the same “Our Father” and things will go much easier for you.

How to save energy

Well, now let's talk about those techniques that do not require any stone that protects from energy vampirism, that is, those weapons that you can use even if you are caught by surprise.

The easiest way to close your biofield is a cross. We sometimes resort to it even at the subconscious level. Cross your arms, cross your legs, you can even cross your fingers, all this will help close your energy from outside interference, or at least make it quite difficult.

You will also complicate the energy pump’s task if you connect your thumbs and index fingers on your hands, and cross the rest with each other. Such a gesture loops your energy flows, which means that in order to eat, the vampire will have to make a hole in them himself, which will not go unnoticed on your part.

We have already talked about this rather simple but effective method of protection more than once. Just imagine that there is a glass wall between you and the vampire. But your faith must be so strong that you must feel this shield, guess its thickness and even weight.

If you really find it difficult to believe in such a structure, build it yourself, mentally stacking massive glass blocks on top of each other or growing a mirror barrier directly from the floor. Try not to miss a single detail; the process should seem as realistic as possible.

The pyramid is a fairly strong fortress; building it over itself is quite troublesome, but effective. Similar protection is used when encountering several energy pumps. The main thing here is not to get too tight and build a full-length shelter. The preferred color of the pyramid is fiery gold.

Just like a pyramid, it is a fairly reliable shelter, the only difference being that you can move in a ball, but the pyramid is static.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to protect against energy theft, but it should be recognized that all of them are not perfect, since they are kind of shields, and it is only a matter of time that you can break through any armor.

Therefore: when fighting energy pumps, do not limit yourself to passive protection. Either go on the offensive, or, which is preferable, leave the “battlefield” yourself, it will cost less.

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Prayer from energy vampires is an effective way of protection

Do vampires exist in our modern age? Of course, Count Dracula and ghouls like him became only echoes of bygone times, and vampirism took on a different form - energetic. Prayer from energy vampires is more relevant and modern than ever, because they are all around us.

There may be a vampire relative living next to you, a boss at work, and even vampires among your friends. Vampirism acquired a hidden form, putting on a mask of friendship and mercy. And sometimes a vampire can disguise himself as a pathetic loser who is terribly unlucky in life - and only you can help him with your participation. True, at the expense of your personal energy. Let's look at different ways to protect ourselves from this “evil spirit.”

Signs of a modern vampire

What is vampirism? This is always a defective human energy, or in other words, a disease. A person lacks personal vitality, and he intuitively takes it away from those around him. There are many ways to extract energy:

  • cause aggression in the donor object;
  • whine about your failures, feeding on the donor’s sympathy;
  • constantly be close to the donor and get on the nerves with your presence;
  • “to pull the soul” out of a person, not by washing, but by rolling;
  • whining and boring;
  • deification and veneration of the donor;
  • make you feel guilty - “guilty without guilt.”

A vampire may not be aware of his own characteristics, acting instinctively. Unconscious vampires include all seriously ill people, elderly people, lonely losers, schizophrenics and people with clearly inappropriate behavior.

In the old days, such people were treated by bloodletting - leeches were placed. Most young ghouls do not have obvious diseases, but their blood is heavily contaminated.

There is another type of ghoul - envious people. Envy can corrode a person’s soul and deplete energy. The way out in such a situation is to take the life force from another person. An envious person can also feed on the energy of the person he envies.

Oddly enough, in our time there are entire dens of vampires where they gather together:

  • nursing homes; clinics and hospitals;
  • mayor's office and city administration;
  • prisons and pre-trial detention centers;
  • places of mass graves.

All these and similar places have a very unfavorable atmosphere. After visiting these establishments, you are left with an unpleasant aftertaste, and sometimes a loss of strength. Try to appear there as little as possible, and if necessary, place a talisman. After visiting public places, always take a cleansing shower and dump negativity on a candle. From the flame of a candle you can be filled with energy and restore your strength.

Energy protection methods

Esotericists believe that it is easy to protect yourself from a vampiric personality if you know about her intentions. As soon as you realize that there is a ghoul in front of you, put a mental barrier between him and you. It could be a wall made of brick or concrete, a glass sphere, a mirror dome with the reflective side outward.

It is important to maintain emotional balance, not to get irritated and not to throw out your emotions: this is exactly what the ghoul needs from you. Even if some boor on the tram openly expresses his attitude to you in an obscene form, do not react. This will be difficult to do at first, but as you become more aware of the problem, you will be able to adjust your behavior.

It is very important to immediately cut off the energy outflow channel. This can be done very simply: stop thinking about the ghoul and remembering him. Imagine that a cord or hose is stretched between you and him, and break it. Break the hose with anything: you can imagine that it burned out. A person’s thought is material. Remember this and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Prayer protection

Protection from energy vampires through prayer is a wonderful amulet. Prayers protect a person from negative energies. If you have suffered from the actions of a vampire, read the prayer:

After this, imagine a double-edged knife in your hand and make movements around yourself that imitate cutting off the vampire's channel. Since you don’t know where it is, cut off the space around you - in a circle.

Protective sachet

If there is an energy vampire living in your home, make a protective sachet of herbs. To do this, take a canvas bag or roll up gauze in several layers. Put the following ingredients in there:

  • rosehip flowers;
  • pink petals (white);
  • ash leaves;
  • dry thyme herb;
  • aspen leaves;
  • garlic peel;
  • feather from a crow;
  • peppercorns;
  • silver item.

Tie the bag with a red cord and carry it with you at all times in your bag. When communicating with an energy vampire, you must touch the sachet.

However, no protection will help you if you respond to a vampire's call. Don’t succumb to provocations, don’t respond to abuse with abuse, don’t even make comments to ghouls. Emotional emptiness is the worst punishment for a vampire and the best amulet for you.

Ritual of protection against vampires

To avoid becoming a victim of a ghoul, you need to protect yourself. The ritual is very simple to perform, but requires concentration and concentration.

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a simple white candle and matches;
  • felt-tip pen or fountain pen;
  • metal tray.

The ritual is performed at sunset on any day of the waning moon (look at the calendar). You must remain alone, take a shower, and wear clothes without fasteners or a belt. You should not be wearing looping objects - rings, chains, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. Let your hair down, it is better to remain barefoot or in cotton socks.

These preparations are very important as you will be operating with energies. Energy needs free flow, and looping objects will distort its flow. Cleanliness of the body is also important: traces of sweat distort the information component of human energy.

Light a white candle from a match, place it in a candlestick on a free table (remove all objects from it). Place a sheet of paper with a pen in front of you, read a prayer or mantra and draw an equilateral cross.

Now you should imagine how all the energy from space flows into the symbol of the cross. This energy is very powerful, it literally bubbles and fills space with its vibrations. This energy can have color, or it can be completely transparent - it doesn’t matter.

When you feel that the energy of space has filled the cross, say:

Light the sheet with a match and watch the paper burn. At this time, you need to feel how the powerful energy of the universe flows into your heart and fills you with strength. When the paper burns, say:

Put out the candle and hide it. When necessary, light up and imagine the power of the universe that protects you.

Mirror protection

Mirrors provide very effective protection. They tend to reflect the negative messages of ill-wishers. The mirror should be worn on the chest in the form of a pendant. You can order a small round mirror from the workshop and make any frame for it. Just don’t need to drill a hole in the mirror: the amulet must be intact. Wear a mirror amulet with the reflective side facing out.

The principle of operation of such a talisman is simple: any attempt at a psychic or energy attack will be sent back, that is, reflected. The amulet should be hidden under clothing and in direct contact with your body.

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Conspiracy from an energy vampire

Of course, any adequate person realizes that the existence of such dark creatures as, for example, vampires is no more than the imaginary prejudices of our ancestors, in other words, everyone knows that vampires do not exist. However, oddly enough, in our time there are vampires among living people, but not blood-sucking ones, as they are presented in stories, but vampires who suck energy out of a person in the literal sense of the word. There is a proven conspiracy from energy vampires against the influence of such people on your strength and energy.

Our conspiracy must be whispered onto a copper pin, which at the end of the ritual will need to be secured to the wrong side of the clothing and carried with you all the time. Pronouncing the words of the conspiracy requires a huge flow of energy, which will be enough to resist the one who is sucking the strength out of you. Therefore, before carrying out a conspiracy, it is recommended to sleep as long as possible and gain strength.

Be sure to copy the plot onto a small piece of paper, roll it up and keep it with you.

Conspiracy from an energy vampire - words:

All-Merciful God, grant me protection, grant me amulet from all troubles! Save me from the vile fluke, take away the skillful energy, give me the strength to stand on my feet and fight back! In the name of all that is holy, have mercy! Amen.

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Protection from energy vampires with amulets

Energy vampires can be resisted

Protection from energy vampires at work is a pressing issue, since we usually do not choose colleagues, employees and bosses. Among them there may easily be those who like to profit from other people’s energy, with whom they will have to somehow coexist.

The issue of energy vampires is ambiguous, and measures to combat them can be very different: from reading prayers and mantras to wearing special amulets. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon of energy vampirism and ways to protect against it.

Energy vampirism

Strength leaves a person for inexplicable reasons

In essence, energy vampirism is the drawing of vital forces from the energy system of one person to the system of another. How do they do it? Sometimes - unconsciously, sometimes - consciously. The unconscious process occurs as if by touch, at the level of reflexes. The vampire feels a surge of energy during a quarrel or conversation, and his unconscious takes note of the situation in order to repeat it more than once (in this case, the robber, like the victim, may simply not be aware of what is actually happening during the communication process).

Conscious energy vampires act differently - they create the intention to feed on someone else’s energy and visualize a certain channel through which vital forces flow from the donor to them. Of course, they know what to say and do to “trip” you into emotions, unbalance the system and force you to splash out your energy. They can act out pity or show aggression, probe for vulnerable spots, or even do nothing - just be somewhere nearby. Your mood deteriorates, your head hurts, you feel drowsy and your performance decreases.

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Such employees, and even more so bosses, really are a problem. After all, you not only have to endure them, but also perform some tasks together. Of course, you don’t want to change your job because of the presence of an energy vampire in the office. But you will have to put forward a defense against him - both you and he need this. The fact is that by getting used to free energy, a vampire extremely weakens his energy system and practically loses the ability to generate life force himself.

Regular attacks by an energy vampire affect not only the donor’s performance, but also their health and mental state. Options cannot be ruled out when a vampire needs more than just energy. Taking advantage of his ability to “de-energize” the victim, he can pursue other goals - to “hook” you or discredit you. In this way he can fight competition or take revenge for something. Since the victim suspects nothing, the vampire’s insidious plans sometimes come true.

However, one should not consider an energy vampire a superman or at least a strong personality. The main reason for his abilities is precisely the weak, disrupted energy system. This is a kind of disease that can be cured if you set a goal.

Forms of protection

You can protect yourself with prayers and object amulets

  1. Subject. These include amulets, amulets and talismans that you can wear on yourself, keep on your desk or in your nightstand. To activate the amulet, you need to perform an appropriate ritual. It’s also good to do it with your own hands, investing positive energy and the specific intention of protection.
  2. Abstract. These are energetic methods that are based on visualization and intention. Most often they involve mentally creating a force or reflective barrier. This group of protection methods also includes prayers, spells and mantras.
  3. Aimed at strengthening our own energy system. This is perhaps the most successful approach, since it allows you to create permanent protection against vampirism. A vampire simply cannot “attach” to a person whose energy system is strong and balanced. If there are no cracks or gaps in the subtle body, the “tentacles” of the invader do not penetrate it and a channel does not form.

Talismans and amulets

The pectoral cross protects

Whatever they say, the pectoral cross is a classic amulet. Of course, the little vampire himself can wear exactly the same cross, but this should not discourage you. It is important how you perceive this symbol - if you believe in its power, then you automatically fall into the protection zone of the Christian egregor. If you feel signs of an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection, read your favorite prayer.

In essence, a talisman against an energy vampire is any amulet that protects you from negative influences from the outside and strengthens you from the inside. It could be a red cabalistic thread on the wrist, Slavic amulets, Scandinavian runes... To choose a suitable amulet, get to know several of them - read the literature, find out about their capabilities, history, meaning. Then purchase or make one that inspires sympathy and observe how it works in practice.

There are also specific amulets recommended by esoteric scientists to protect against energy vampirism and increase personal energy. One of these amulets is a quartz crystal. Due to its structure, this stone lends itself perfectly to programming and creates a strong protective barrier. In addition, it is able to smooth out disturbances in the energy system of its owner, cure phobias, depression and other diseases.

The quartz crystal must be correctly programmed, and first remove the old program by holding it under running cold water and allowing it to air dry. To program the crystal, you need to hold it in your hand and formulate your intention to cooperate with it to create a protective barrier. It is advisable to carry the crystal closer to your body or at least in your purse. If one day you see that a speck or other defect has formed in it, know that the amulet has protected you from a powerful energy attack.

Another talisman is a pyramid that follows the proportions of the Great Egyptian Pyramid. It can be made of any natural material - stone, wood, glass... To activate the pyramid, hold it in your hands, imagining how cosmic energy pours through its top and spreads throughout your body. This amulet not only creates a protective barrier, but also promotes concentration and focus on work.

Abstract methods and self-improvement

Strengthen your energy protection

In fact, abstract methods operate on the same principle as substantive ones, creating a protective field and strengthening the human energy system. The only difference is that they do not require any items. On the one hand, it is easier to concentrate on the subject, but on the other hand, you simply may not have it at hand. In this case, abstract methods are indispensable. They are especially suitable for people with a developed imagination.

The easiest and most fun way is to imagine a little vampire and cover him with an imaginary glass. You can develop the situation further - imagine his futile attempts to influence you from behind the “impenetrable” glass. To some, this method even seems cruel, since it isolates the vampire from all sources of energy. What if he comes to his senses and wants to connect with space? A softer way is to put an “impenetrable” barrier between him and you, alternatively a mirror one that reflects any attack.

You can mentally read conspiracies, mantras or prayers. A universal amulet is the prayer “Our Father”. Communication with nature - trees, sea, starry sky - will help replenish the loss of vitality and strengthen the energy system... All kinds of meditation and yoga classes are also useful. Concentrate your attention on something high - spiritual growth, self-improvement, revealing your potential, and no vampires will simply be able to reach you.