Conspiracy: Feeding the Vampire and how to get rid of him. Protection from energy vampires with amulets

Negative energy, negative thoughts, malicious statements - all this affects the human mental field. Every day you have to deal with different people at work, in public transport, in the store. A protective prayer, a charm from evil people will help to cope with a negative aura. It is necessary to stop the materialization of harmful thoughts, words, views. Protecting yourself with an energy shield, conspiracy or amulet should not only be from ordinary negativity. A magical ritual of harm can be performed by both an enemy and a close relative.

Someone else's envy, hatred, evil will cause serious harm to the astral and physical body, psyche. When an unpleasant conversation or person cannot be avoided, protective prayers and conspiracies will help. They are read immediately before meeting with the ill-wisher.

  1. Whisper words of prayer before the visit. Or write on a piece of paper and hide closer to the body.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I will go to the open field. Seven spirits and half-spirits run towards them, they are all black and evil, especially those that are seventh. Go you, spirits and semi-spirits, to dashing people. And let dashing spirits cling to bad people, and keep them on a leash so that I am safe and sound: on the way, on the road, in the house on the threshold, in the field, forest, with strangers, with relatives, in the ground, on the water, in bed, at the table, in your own yard and outside the yard. No one will interrupt my word, every dashing person will leave me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

  1. Take a small metal object (nail, pin, wire). Clap your hand three times with the words:

“Just as nothing sticks to an iron crucible - neither water nor fire, so it does to me”

  1. Words and conspiracies on a handkerchief remain relevant in all unpleasant situations. The scarf must be new. You can use it several times. The same plot is read on one handkerchief. After a painful meeting, wash the handkerchief in running water.

Bring the handkerchief closer to your face, say:

“The angels and seraphim of heaven, all the Lord’s honest servants, will protect me from unexpected evil, protect me from the evil eye. Evil damage will not reach me, everything that is in this scarf will go away.

Wipe your face and hands with a handkerchief. Hide it in your pocket (not in your bag).

  1. On a new handkerchief, say conspiracy words:

“I knit knots, put locks against the sorcerer and sorceress, sorcerer and sorcerer, spoiler and spoiler, I tie it, I close my eyes, you wouldn’t see the white light for a century and on me, the servant of God (name), do not look, do not spoil, do not temporize. Amen"

Wipe the face and hands with a handkerchief, tie one knot. Hide in a pocket or closer to the body.

Home protection

Uninvited guests, grumpy neighbors can descend into the house. Or unkind people will whisper conspiracies to discord in the family. It is necessary to put up protection, get rid of negative energy as soon as possible.

  1. Wash the corridor after unpleasant visitors with salted water. Rinse the threshold 3 times, repeating the words:

“I salted it with salt, soaked it with water. As salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll back, turn away, turn back. Get out, don't come back"

Pour water at the crossroads or in a wasteland.

  1. Mirror conspiracies will help to reflect the negative, protect from unkind words, envious thoughts.

Rinse a round mirror with running water. Put it on the table, put 8 consecrated candles on the sides. Light one with the words:

"Determining you to ward off evil"

From this candle, light all the others with the same words. Then, looking in the mirror, say 3 times:

“Protect from evil inside and around. Create the world from one to eight, incarnate from eight"

Extinguish the candles and hide. Hang a mirror on the wall. Rinse it after a year, repeat the ritual.

  1. Prepare charmed salt for uninvited or unpleasant guests. Keep it in a closed, dark container, away from household members.

Closer to midnight, sit in front of the window, light candles. Whisper 3 times on coarse salt the words:

“On a fierce enemy, on a cruel offender, on a sworn enemy. Scatter salt, fill with tears, lose sleep and calmness, leave me, the servant of God (name), alone. You don't see me, you don't know me, you don't notice me. And if you look in my direction, you will immediately turn away. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Throw a pinch of enchanted salt imperceptibly after the offender with the words:

"Take what you want with me"

  1. Put needles, pins, nails, broken glass into an old leather shoe. Add basil, laurel, rosemary. Fill the shoe completely. Hang it up in the attic or basement. In a city apartment, the amulet can be hidden on the mezzanine. Say incantations:

"Guard the house, do not let evil"

Metal objects will attract and hold evil. This is the protection of the house from negative energy. Change shoe after 7 years.


It is not always possible to avoid unpleasant life situations, sudden outbursts of negativity from acquaintances or strangers. It is worth carrying protective amulets with you - they will help deflect the flow of negative energy.

Sew to clothes, lining a red silk ribbon. Tie 7 knots on it. Red color carries with it a positive, active energy. Nodules protect from envy and anger.

Wrap a clove of garlic or a pod of red hot pepper in a scarf. Carry with you in your pocket.

Buy a safety pin Friday night. Pin to clothing so that no one can see it. Periodically rinse the pin with running water.

Energy vampires

After communicating with an energy vampire, the state of health worsens, fatigue and loss of strength appear. If it is impossible to avoid communication with such a person, then conspiracies and amulets will help restore lost energy.

The best amulet against energy vampires - pet. It is enough to stroke him or play with him - and the forces spent on communication with the vampire will return.

Place an energy barrier between yourself and the vampire. It can be a fire or a waterfall, a brick wall or a golden shield. It is important that mental concentration be strong. Then she will not allow the vampire to feed on someone else's energy.

After a quarrel, a conflict in the room, walk with a lit candle, go around all the corners or throw a pinch of salt in every corner. Repeat words:

“Be gone, unclean spirit, from our house, from all places, doors and corners, nooks and crannies, from all places. We have the Lord's Cross, the Holy Spirit is with us and all the saints are with us, and the Evangelists John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, and the holy archangels of heaven Michael, Gabriel and the great George the Victorious, and the Mother of God, and all the cherubim and seraphim. Amen"

Having finished communicating with an energy vampire, you should take a shower or wash your face and hands. Running water will wash away the negative, help restore the integrity of the astral body.

From a letter:

“When I was thirty-five years old, I suddenly fell ill. Yes, but, like many women, she was in no hurry to go to the doctor: she was afraid to hear something bad. And when I finally came, the doctor told me that I had cancer in the last stage. My suffering is indescribable. The pains were unbearable. The smell from the linen was so disgusting that I disdained myself. Sometimes it was so bad that thoughts came into my head: it would have been over as soon as possible. But at night I was seized by the fear of death. I cried, imagining how I was lowered into the grave and covered with earth. I thought about my daughters, tried to imagine what they would do without me, what to live on. Sad thoughts haunted me, adding mental torment to physical torment, and I could no longer understand what pain was tormenting me more.

The eldest daughter was only sixteen years old. Every day I explained to her that she and her sister should sell first of all, so that, and at what approximate price. I tortured her with advice for all occasions. At my request, my daughter read aloud the advertisements for the sale: I hoped to profitably sell the dacha that I inherited from my parents. It was in this newspaper that we saw an ad: “I guess, I can do everything, I will help in a hopeless case.” It turned out that this ad was given by a gypsy.

She refused to go to our house, and I, having ordered a taxi, somehow got to her myself.

Just looking at me, she said:

- You have cancer. It was necessary to be treated for a long time, but now I can not guarantee.

I began to cry and promised to give her the dacha if everything worked out.

Nina (that was the name of the gypsy) said:

- I will not hide, I want to get your dacha, but you yourself missed the time. There are many ways to get rid of cancer, but they will not help you. True, there is another way, but you are unlikely to agree, because the disease will have to be shifted to blood relatives, and you only have children and no one else. So it’s better for you to look for another master, maybe he can throw off your disease on your cattle, but I can only do it on my relatives.

In general, what can I hide now, I agreed to try the gypsy way and began to feed on food. And the food is my own children. At night, I approached my sleeping daughter and, raising my hands above her, as the gypsy taught, read the spell. Then she went to bed and fell asleep like the dead.

When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was listen to my feelings. My condition improved every day, and there was practically no pain anymore. Soon I began to go outside, sit on a bench near the house, enjoying the fresh air. It seemed to me that I finally comprehended the secret of life. People, while healthy, do not understand that they can die at any moment. And I knew it.

Time passed, strength increased, I even looked younger. The district doctor, seeing me, could not resist and began to ask how I managed to defeat the disease.

“Yes, I wasn’t treated with anything, so I got better, I don’t know myself what helped, probably all at once,” I answered her.

Once I asked my daughter how she felt, and, not hearing anything bad, I calmed down. I fed on their energy once a month, as the gypsy taught. First from one daughter, then from another. Less often it was impossible: I tried it once and immediately began to feel worse.

Soon my eldest daughter got married and left with her husband for another city. “Mommy, mommy,” she wrote, “I have recovered and become prettier here. Apparently, the climate has such an effect on me. ” But I knew that now no one is taking away her vitality - that's the whole secret. Our daughter called us to her place, and I began to think about really moving in with her. I began to prepare an apartment for sale, but then my youngest daughter admitted to me that she was pregnant. And she said that she would not go anywhere, because she loves her boyfriend. Then they got married and began to live with me. In autumn, the daughter gave birth to a dead child. And I'm sure it happened only because of me. If we lived as before, I would be fueled only by the eldest daughter during the pregnancy of the youngest. As a result, I hated my son-in-law, because it was because of him that my daughter did not want to move to another city. Then I decided to separate them and put a photo of the girl and a love letter in my son-in-law's pocket.

When my daughter discovered this, she thought he was cheating on her. The son-in-law shouted that he did not see this girl in his eyes, that the photo was thrown to him. The daughter forgave him, but in the end they still divorced.

After the divorce, my youngest looked terrible. I decided to let her get stronger and stopped the rituals for a while. But after four months it completely weakened. Then I reconnected with my daughter. She died seven years later. By that time, the eldest daughter had divorced her husband, and I moved to live with her.

“Who will I feed on if the eldest leaves?” I thought more and more. Fearing for my own life, I bought her fruits, helped around the house, involuntarily turned my thoughts to my granddaughter: can I recharge from her if something happens to her mother?

Once, on a full moon, I slowly approached my daughter and, raising my hands, began to whisper a spell.

- Mom, what are you doing? her voice suddenly rang out. "Explain what's going on now!" It's not the first time I've seen you by my bed, but I used to think that after your sister's death, you were praying for me. However, this is not like prayer. What's the matter?

My daughter turned on the light and blocked my exit, demanding an explanation. It turns out that she began to get sick, but, not wanting to upset me, she did not talk about it. Doctors, except for anemia, found nothing. Then the daughter went to a psychic, and he said to her:

“You are the fodder of the Vampire. Drink blood with blood. Someone close lives at the expense of your strength, shortening your life.

Of course, I began to shout that my daughter was listening to all sorts of swindlers, but she didn’t believe me, the mother who gave birth to her and raised her.

We didn't talk for a week, but then my daughter apologized to me. And at that moment, when she said: “Forgive me, mother,” I suddenly realized that I could no longer take her life from her.

For the past three months I have not performed rituals and I feel that I am dying. The face of the deceased daughter stands in my memory, and her words, which she said shortly before her death, ring in my ears:

- Mom, what is the dream of a leech for? I see a leech in my dreams every night.

I didn’t say anything to her then—and what could I say to her? That her dream is prophetic?

I go to church almost every day and will go as long as I can. I ask God for forgiveness. That's where I got to know about you. The woman who lit a candle for your health helped me get out into the fresh air (I felt bad that day). We started talking. I decided to write to you that I didn’t even tell the priest at confession in church, I didn’t dare. Do not judge me harshly and, if possible, pray for my sinful soul. If you decide to publish my letter, I do not mind, let it help others and save them from the same mistake. Just don't give me my details, for my daughter's sake."

And another letter on the same subject:

“When I got married, everyone said that they had not seen a bride more beautiful than me. And really, I do not want to brag, but at that time I had soft white skin, red plump lips, blond puffy hair and shining blue eyes. Many even called me an angel. Do not think that I want to brag, just how I looked before the wedding is very important.

Before getting married, my husband and I dated for a very short time. What can I say, only two weeks have passed since we have already submitted an application. I loved my husband with all my heart, I could not imagine life without him, and then it seemed to me that he loves and appreciates me too. No one stopped me: neither friends nor relatives. The groom was enviable: a car, a summer house, and a four-room apartment inherited from his parents who died very early - he had everything. And literally six months later, my relatives stopped recognizing me. My lips turned blue, wrinkles appeared, my once-white skin took on an earthy hue, the clear blue eyes that the guys so admired were now some kind of watery gray. I am sure that strangers considered me an elderly woman, and yet I am still young. But my husband was prettier by leaps and bounds. They say about such people: blood with milk. I could not understand what was happening, but for some reason I always really wanted to leave home. I didn't like everything there.

My husband had an excellent appetite, and a piece did not go down my throat, especially when he looked at me. When he touched me, I felt like I was going to vomit in disgust. And after intimacy with my husband, such fatigue and apathy rolled over me, as if I were terminally ill and I had very little time left to live.

But as soon as I left the house, I changed before my eyes. A good mood immediately returned to me, I ate even the simplest dishes with appetite, I was happy to communicate with people and I was ready to walk around the city or in the park all day, chatting with my friends. Gradually, I realized that the cause of all my misfortunes is my husband, and the longer I live next to him, the more danger threatens me.

Then he started arguing with me all the time. After quarrels, he seemed to blossom: a blush appeared on his cheeks, his eyes burned, a wry grin played on his lips. I, on the other hand, fell on the couch without strength. I had the feeling that my husband was sucking on me and now he won't stop until he sucks all my life force and destroys me.

Once, when my husband fell asleep, I jumped out of bed and began to rush around the room. On that day, another quarrel just happened, and I clearly understood that I would not last long. And then I decided to run! At that very moment, I rushed to the closet, trying to move as quietly as possible, left my things in a suitcase and jumped out of the apartment.

Many of you have heard about Vampirism - often a deceased person (most often an inveterate or suicidal person) pulls the next family member with him, and now another one appears next to the grave of the recently deceased. However, even among living people there are energy Vampires. If such a person appears in the team, everyone begins to feel discomfort. People involuntarily become irritable, quarrel more often, lose their temper, lose their ability to work. And energy vampires, being charged, feel great, feeding on the strength and health of those who are next to them.

Marriages in which the energy of one of the spouses prevails over the energy of the other is not uncommon. The one who is weaker cannot break out of submission and suffers, in fact sacrificing himself to a stronger spouse. But in general, energy vampires are not aware of how they affect others. However, there are people who are well aware of their abilities. They specifically look for a victim and systematically destroy it, strengthening their own health. Marriage with such a person can end in death - remember the tale of Bluebeard.

“Is there any protection against such people?” - you ask. Yes, there is, and everyone should know the methods of such protection. Any of you can face the energy Vampire and suffer from it.

To protect yourself from it, on Wednesday, on a clear moonlit night, outline the earth around you with an aspen stake. Raise your face and, looking at the stars, say out loud, as if you wanted to be heard:

God help me!

So you need to say forty times in a row, and then return home, break the aspen stake and read the following plot:

Majesty, power and glory of one God,

God Christ in the Divine Trinity:

Father God, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit,

United and united in the word "Jesus".

Lord, King of Heaven and earth,

Blessed is the star in the sky

Indicating the place of your birth.

Blessed be thy way, Lord,

Brought from earth to the Throne.

Blessed be thy mother,

Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin.

Blessed be Thy army

And your heavenly angels.

Blessed be thy word

Weapon against enemies.

Blessed be thy shield,

Invisible and indestructible.

Cover me, Lord, with Your shield,

Protect with your weapons.

I'm running to you now

I hope in you

As a shield and my refuge.

Evil will not come to me if You are with me,

The enemy will not destroy my flesh if You are with me,

No one will drink my blood if You are with me.

God bless me, my soul,

My flesh, my blood.

Bless, Lord, the arrangement of the planets,

For them to patronize me

In all years, in all months,

All weeks, all days

At all hours, at all minutes,

Every second and every moment.

When the planets are in their houses:

Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius

Jupiter in Sagittarius and Pisces

Mars in Aries and Scorpio

Sun in Leo, Venus in Libra and Taurus,

Mercury in Gemini and Virgo

When the moon is in Cancer.

Bless, Lord, the hands of the clock,

When will the connection

Square and opposition!

The key is in my hands!

I take off and unhook from the astral plane,

From blood and flesh in the name of God Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Then you should burn the fragments of the aspen stake.


Quadrature- this corresponds to the position of the hour hands forming a right angle (at three and nine o'clock); in astronomy, the longitude of the planets in relation to the Sun with a difference of 90 degrees.

Compound- the hands of the clock converge at twelve o'clock; planets in this case have the same longitude.

Opposition- the hands show six hours; between the planets the difference in longitude is 180 degrees.

The above conspiracy scares energy vampires away from you. Pay attention, when reading the conspiracy words, you do not pronounce the name of the person who feeds on your vitality. This is a protective conspiracy that will save you even from the person whose name you do not know, because the Lord knows all the names.

Since childhood, I have been an ardent atheist. I believed exclusively in reality, sanity and my own strength. Even the words "conspiracy", "love spell", "magic rituals" only made me laugh. And so it would have continued, perhaps until the end of my days, if this story had not happened to me.

My success is my life mood!

I have always been a cheerful and active woman, trying to find the good in everything.

Our family lived not so richly. But I had the ability to even make a “candy” out of an old little thing. Sometimes, I would attach an original collar from my grandmother's scarf to a worn blouse, change the buttons and “make a splash” with my outfit.

Friends and acquaintances claimed that in any company there is no price for me. They were probably right: I will sing a song, and tell a joke, and perform a belly dance, and I can even show a trick if necessary.

With my daughters, we were like close friends: in the evenings we made something together, we did needlework. And then we’ll suddenly start drawing blindfolded - who can do it funnier? Our evenings were especially fun when my husband's mother dropped by to visit. She did not lag behind us at all: she laughed, argued, played and even crowed under the table when she lost.

Energetic vampire

My troubles began with the fact that a new teacher came to the school where I worked. This lady was already old. But it seems that life did not spoil her. She constantly complained about something: about her sores, about her inattentive husband, disobedient children, about the lack of money and huge debts, about her excess weight. And always found guilty on the side. Tatyana (that was the name of the new one) even managed to get angry at the bad weather, which came only to ruin her plans.

This unfortunate woman, as soon as she entered the teacher's room for the first time, immediately gave me an appraising look and threw the following phrase:

- Yes, among women for whom appearance is the main concern of their whole lives, it will be difficult for an intelligent teacher to work!

Since then, it has been that way. Whatever I put on, whatever hairstyle I did, everything was subjected to the strictest criticism. Moreover, my main drawback was that I take too much care of myself, that everything in life is easy for me, that I am a minion of fate.

- Of course, what do you care, because your husband is carrying you in his arms!- she often exclaimed with envy and irritation.

She also had other favorite phrases, for example:

- Yes, you should have my illnesses - I would have looked at how you smiled then!

Often Tatiana came into my office on purpose to say some other taunt. And once she even said that it would be laughter if a truck ran over me! At the scene of the incident, my husband would have collected only a handful of cosmetics ...


It got to the point that, returning home, I felt like an old, exhausted and sick horse, which dragged an unbearable burden uphill for a whole day. Even a night's sleep did not invigorate me - in the morning I woke up broken and tired. I no longer wanted to go to the school where I used to fly, as if on wings. I sometimes began to pretend - to call a doctor and take a "sick leave".

Because of this, I got into trouble at work. And at home, I began to break down on my husband and children. Of course, my husband also somehow gradually began to move away from me. I saw it all, I understood it, but I could not change myself. The family collapsed, the reason was only in me. I was just going crazy not knowing how to save my marriage! Troubles grew like a snowball, clinging to one another.

And on that memorable day, which I decided to talk about, I even rude to my mother-in-law - it was the finish line! But my "second mother" was a lady of strong character.

Help from a wise woman

But here's what's interesting: the mother-in-law was not at all offended by my rude attack, she didn't slam the door. She just took my hand, sat me in front of her and ordered me to tell me what was happening to me and why I had changed so much. And I, like a little girl, smearing tears on my face, laid out everything for her, as if in spirit.

- So. Clear! Your colleague is an energy vampire. She deliberately takes you out, taking away your beauty and health, success and good mood. After all, when a person begins to get angry, he becomes an easy prey for evil forces. You need energy protection. Some magical actions will help us with this.

Energy protection

The mother-in-law found a sheet of brown paper in the children's corner, took a red felt-tip pen and ordered me to write down Tatiana's most angry and hurtful words. Then she crushed this leaf, put it in a frying pan and burned it. And during her actions, the mother-in-law uttered a conspiracy:

- I don’t burn paper - I burn the offender, I don’t collect ashes - I take back strength, beauty, health and success! I do not plant a cactus - I call on an intercessor to me. Save, protect, turn away evil people!

We carefully collected the ashes in a pot of earth, in which we planted a cactus shoot. I took this “magic” amulet to school and put it on my desk. A wise woman told me, while watering or fertilizing the plant, to repeat the last words of the conspiracy: “Save, protect, turn away evil people!”

Return of vital energy after the ritual

What is interesting: the cactus began to grow so vigorously that everyone was simply amazed! But the most important thing is that now, as soon as Tatyana appeared at the door of my office, she seemed to immediately recoil. It seemed that she opened her mouth to say something, and the words themselves stuck in her throat.

Gradually, I began to notice how things got better at work, how I became calm and cheerful again. And now my husband again meets me every day after a hard day with a bouquet of flowers. And the relationship between us is as if we are experiencing a new honeymoon.

And one day, when we, happy and contented, walked home hand in hand, Tatyana came across to us. She had the same look! The next day, she submitted her resignation. And immediately after her departure, my cactus gave us a real holiday - it bloomed!

This is how a conspiracy and a magical ritual helped me regain what was lost and “survived” an energy vampire from my fate.

What needs to be done?

  • Prepare the "baby" cactus, pot and soil.
  • Take a sheet of brown paper and a red felt-tip pen.
  • Write down on a sheet the most offensive and memorable words of a person who behaves like an energy vampire.
  • Crumple the leaf, put in a frying pan and burn.
  • From the moment when the sheet is crushed, you need to repeat the conspiracy against the energy vampire.
  • Collect ashes and mix with prepared soil.
  • Plant the shoot in a pot in the resulting soil.
  • Put the plant in a room where you most often meet with an unpleasant person. If the energy vampire usually "gets" on the street, you can identify the cactus on the windowsill in your room.
  • Watering the plant, you need to say the last phrase from the conspiracy.
This energy protection is very strong. She starts working almost immediately. The energy vampire loses its nourishment, weakens and disappears.

We have already written about how to recognize an energy vampire in your environment, and now we will tell you how to protect yourself from it with the help of magic.

They usually work in two ways. First: having seized the moment, they pin a person in a corner and for a long time, tastefully complain about their misfortunes, pour out their Soul, demanding sympathy, consolation. The poor listener is furious, but it is difficult to interrupt the "confession": after all, this will offend an already suffering person. And that's what the sufferer needs: at the same time regretting and angry, you open up, and your energy flows like that ... straight to the vampire.

Method two. He is especially fond of vampire bosses. They call the subordinate “on the carpet” and reprimand for a long time for mistakes that he may not have committed. After these "sessions" a person feels completely exhausted, but the vampire simply blossoms. Vampires prefer to choose a victim from among people who are emotional, those who are easily "turned on" and react violently, wasting energy.

First of all, stop reacting to both complaints and scolding: the dog barks - the wind carries. If you really have nowhere to go, listen to all this nonsense without delving into it, think about your own things, wait out as you would wait out the rain. And to completely block a vampire, imagine a tin can that you use to cover your tormentor or tormentor. The walls of the jar are opaque, and all the negativity that comes from the vampire is concentrated inside a tiny space. The more he complains. screams or gets angry, the denser the cloud surrounds him, the more it squeezes him. Believe me: very soon the vampire will lose all interest in you.
And in order to avoid his attacks in the future, take a piece of paper and write on it: “As the saints tamed the lions in the desert, so you, Lord, tame (the name of the energy vampire).” Fold the sheet in four, tie it with a red ribbon or twine crosswise and carry it with you for three days, preferably on your body.

Conspiracy from a vampire

Another effective conspiracy to protect against energy vampires must be read before you go on the carpet to an inadequate boss or enter into an argument with a rude neighbor. You can read on a piece of paper without learning by heart:

“I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates, to the high eastern side, to the ocean-blue sea. On the ocean-blue sea there is an island, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne is the eagle father Vladimir, Ilya Muromets and the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I came to you to ask and beg from stabbing, from hunks, from whining, from a simple-haired girl, from a male sorcerer, from a wild eye, from a windmill to protect me, a servant of God (name).

After that, the energy vampire will be quieter than water below the grass, but even if this does not happen, his screams will not affect you in any way.

Amulet against energy vampires

There is another conspiracy, using which you will protect yourself from the attack of lovers to profit from someone else's energy. On the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday (this year it falls on April 28), pour water into a small container and whisper over it so that your breath touches the surface:

“Lord, almighty God, who created everything from nothing! Bless and cleanse my body, strengthen and save me from enemies visible and invisible. Bless, Lord, this amulet for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen". Put the water in a secluded place where no one will find it, and go to bed yourself. On Thursday morning, wash yourself with charmed water, and then do not dry yourself, let it dry. From now on, boors and rude people who deliberately provoked you into conflict and release of energy will disappear from your horizon forever.

Complete collection and description: a prayer from an energy vampire for a child for the spiritual life of a believer.

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Their weapons are verbal and physical attack. They are arrogant, trying to humiliate you in order to cause an energy release. Protect yourself with calmness and cold politeness.

Silent energy thieves. They come to visit and, drinking tea for hours, force them to listen to their complaints. They like to wear someone else's clothes and sleep on someone else's bed. They shouldn't be allowed into the house. And if it already happened, you need to quickly see off. By the way, such people are not touchy.

This one repeatedly calls and is silent, enjoying your bewilderment and irritation. Another variant of a telephone vampire is one who calls regularly and conducts many hours of conversation, taking you away from work and household chores. Learn to avoid such conversations under any pretexts.

In order to check if you are attackable, take this simple test:

If you agree with the following statement, give yourself 1 point.

You often feel depressed, sad, apathetic.

It is very difficult for you to endure loneliness.

You always regret and patiently listen to everyone who complains about fate.

You are used to being in a subordinate position and have long come to terms with it.

You are rarely the focus of the company.

You are easily turned on and angered.

You feel some attachment to people where there shouldn't be.

You periodically become the object of conflict situations in trolleybuses, on the street and similar places.

You feel a strange discomfort in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

You are a nervous person.

It's hard for you to refuse.

After interacting with some (or maybe all) people, you feel empty and depressed.

In the evening, you want to hide in a far corner, curl up in a ball so that no one touches you.

Some people annoy you just by their presence.

You avoid noisy, unfamiliar companies.

0-5 points. Everything is in order with you and there is no need to put energy protection, except for preventive purposes.

5-10 points. It may well be that you are an energy donor. Especially if the problem of lack of will runs like a red thread through your whole life. it is possible that the problem is karmic. In general, pay close attention to it until the "disease" has passed into the chronic stage.

10-15 points. You are a typical donor, and with experience.

Use these tips to increase your mental resilience. The simplest technique is to cross your arms or legs while talking to a person from whom you can expect trouble. At the same time, you close the contour of your biofield, trying to prevent its leakage or breakdowns. To do this, the thumb and forefinger of one hand are connected to the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, forming a ring, the other three fingers overlap each other. An effective method commonly used by yogis is "ring insertion". First, the thumb and index fingers of one hand form a ring, and it is inserted into the palm of the other hand, then the thumb and index fingers of the second hand form a ring and are inserted into the palm of the first hand. This cycle is repeated three times. Usually, after the third time, the performer feels an increased density around him, it seems that his head is being squeezed by something. The insertion of the ring really not only closes the contour of the human biofield, but also thickens it several times.


1. Visualize around you silver caps, cylinders, walls, and the like.

2. Before going outside, turn your face to the east and bring your right palm to your face. Look at it closely, saturate your hand with energy. And after 3-4 minutes slowly - slowly bring it to your eyes, press it to your eyelids, slide it down your nose, lips, chin and so bring it to the heart area.

3. With the words: "Stand, cool down, recoil, perish! So be it!" -put a dirty bag over your vampire's head. You can pre-throw nails, broken glass, pour glue into it.

4. At the time of the energy attack (it coincides with the verbal one), immediately leave the conversation and mentally read the prayer "Our Father".

5. Looking at the bridge of the nose of an unpleasant person, mentally say: "Through a bump and a snowdrift, past the eye, right on the forehead, take my misfortune not to a friend, but to an enemy. Amen."

6. When the moon is in its growth phase, protect the house. At home in different places (near doors, windows, cabinets, i.e. wherever there are doors), hang and spread tobacco leaves. The strength of tobacco is enough for a year. After a year, replace the tobacco with a new one. Burn the used leaves at the stake.

7. To cleanse your ethereal field, you need to light a cigarette and, without inhaling deeply, fumigate yourself with quick puffs. This is what you should do if you feel that you have been under the influence of vampires. Many of these entities are completely intolerant of tobacco smoke.

8. To cleanse the second etheric field, you must perform the following ritual: smoke cigarettes in short puffs (not inhaling deeply, but only typing in your mouth) for three minutes three times with breaks of 20 minutes and then repeat the session after six hours. Tobacco cleanses the etheric zones and the throat chakra. During such a session, blood circulation and thinking improve for a short time. But keep in mind that with deep and frequent smoking, peripheral vasoconstriction occurs.

9. In a box with matches, which, as you know, are usually made of aspen, in addition to new ones, there should also be used matches. Well, what if you don't smoke and matches are useless? Then light 13 pieces one at a time, and when the match burns out a little, put it back in the box.

10. If unpleasant personalities enter your house, then do the following ritual. Take tobacco leaves, grind them, mix in equal parts with pepper and salt. Spread the resulting mixture around the house in different places. After three days, sweep the tobacco mixture, pour it into a white paper bag. Leave the house and pour the mixture into the fire, burn the bag too. The fire will destroy all the evil spirits that were in your house. When you get home, light a white candle in the room. Wash the floor in the house with cold water. Pour water outside the yard, best of all on the road. This cleansing ritual must be performed on the waning moon.

11. Wait until the 13th falls on a flawed moon, and at sunrise go to the nearest crossroads. There, slowly relieve a small need, saying until the stream goes: "Communication, down, from now on you are not with me. Amen." Then turn over your left shoulder and return home without looking back. At noon of this day, visit the church and place a candle for the health of your enemies in front of the image of the Mother of God with the words: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forgive (a), forgot (a). Amen. Amen. Amen." Say an even number of times. At sunset, you should try to relieve a great need where you usually do it. At the same time, say: "Communication, down. From now on, you are not with me. Amen. Amen. Amen." From that moment on, one should fast for three days, give nothing to anyone and take nothing from anyone.

12. As soon as you notice such a person, whisper through clenched teeth an even number of times: "I'm not kidding, I'm whispering out loud. I whispered out loud (a), anger is gone. My whisper is sculpted and strong." If that person decides to talk to you or just says hello, then before answering, say mentally: "Lord, have mercy!"

13. At the first signs of an attack, you need to form an energy knife on the edge of your palm and cut off the flow of energy with it, at the same time mentally say: "I (my name) do not give in, I do not give in to you. God is in me, I am with God. Amen."

14. To break the negative psychic contact and normalize the aura, you will need a handful of rock salt. Pour it into a white sheet of paper, folded in the form of a bag, placing the closed index and middle fingers of your right hand on top, say three times: "I conjure you, the creation of the earth, by the living God, the almighty God, so that you are cleansed of all evil influences in the name of Adonai, Lord of Angels and Men." Then, extending your right palm over the salt, say: "Creation of the earth, honor your God in the name of the Almighty Creator, Creator of heaven and earth, and His Son Jesus Christ, our Savior. I illuminate you for the service of God, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Fill the bath with water, the temperature of which is suitable for bathing, place closed middle and index fingers over it, say a conspiracy: "I conjure you, the creation of water, the living God, the omnipotent God, so that you are cleansed of all evil influences in the name of Elohim Sabaoth, the Lord of Angels and people." Place your palm over the surface of the water and continue: "Creation of water, honor your Creator, in the name of God the Son of Jesus Christ, our Savior, I consecrate you to the service of God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Pour the consecrated salt into your hand and dip it into the water with the words: "We pray to you, God, Lord of heaven and earth, and of every creature that exists on them, visible and invisible, extend the right hand of your power on these creatures: water and salt, and sanctify them In Your Holy Name, let this salt contribute to the health of the body, and this water to the health of the soul, and that all misfortunes and delusions and wiles of evil be expelled from the place where they are used for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. Undress, remove all jewelry, loosen and comb your hair, lie down in the bath. Try to relax as much as possible and mentally say 12 times in a row: "Lord, be merciful to me a sinner (oh)", or: "Lord, have mercy!" Continuous reading of the prayer will clear the mind of negative thoughts and help break mental contact with the aggressor.

15. On the day of the new moon, buy a skein of strong black and red threads. Go with them to church and, reading the "Our Father", carry three times over the flame of a candle that you have placed in the glory of Jesus Christ. Then at home, after midnight, sit in front of a lit blue candle and, as sincerely as possible, in your own words, ask God to grant you protection. as soon as you finish praying, start braiding two thick braids of black thread for the ankles and two red ones for the wrists. At the same time, chant "SER-TI-SAN-ZI" non-stop. At the end, tie the resulting ropes to the corresponding parts of the body, stand up and say, imagining a stream of white light pouring on you: "From now on, no person can hypnotize me. I carry the protection of God and pledge to always keep a secret about this. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Now you must be silent about the ritual performed and never take off the pigtails. If someone asks what it is, say that you treat joints with folk methods. If over time the threads wear out or break, do not worry - from this moment on, the protection will become even stronger.

Vampire protection pin

On the full moon, buy a pin, overpaying exactly half the amount for it. When giving money to the seller, say to yourself 1 time: "I pay for the cause, so that everything works out, I want it."

After returning home, leave the pin on the window at night, so that the light of the full moon falls on it.

The next morning, firmly hold the pin in your right hand and say aloud 7 times a conspiracy: “In the faraway kingdom, in the faraway state, there is a door, a stump behind the door, a man is sitting on a stump, guarding my peace. In my right hand, a sharp spear, in my left hand, a shield wide. He drives enemies away from me with a spear, protects my peace with a shield. Whoever approaches me with evil, he will stumble on the edge, whoever casts witchcraft on me, that evil will return. My words are true and true. So be it!"

Attach this pin to the inside of your clothing at the heart area before you go to meet the vampire. The vampire will leave you alone.

Prayers from energy vampires and enemies

Protection from negativity. Prayers from energy vampires. These prayers help to protect yourself from people who cause irritation. They protect from those who constantly provoke to wrong actions, from those who constantly say nasty things, in general - from people who are called "vampires". These prayers are very ancient, and they are called "apocryphal", that is, they are not included in the Orthodox canon.

Prayer to Michael the Archangel, the formidable governor of the heavenly forces

Lord God, great king without beginning! Send, Lord, your archangel Michael to help the servant of God (name) and deliver the servant of God (name) from enemies visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies to fight the servant of God (name). Make them like sheep and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. O Lord, the great archangel Michael the six-winged, the first prince and governor of the heavenly forces, the cherub of all the saints! O miraculous Archangel Michael, the unspeakable guardian! Give me help in everything: insults, sorrows, sorrows, at a crossroads. Give help on the river and go to the sea a quiet haven. Deliver, great archangel Michael, the servant of God (name) from all the tricks of the devil. As soon as you hear me (name), your sinful servant, praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up help to me and hear my prayer. O great Archangel Michael! Conquer the forces that oppose me with the power of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels, the great St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Holy Prophet Elijah, the Holy Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all the powers of heaven. O great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name)! Deliver me from fire, from the flood, from the sword, from vain death and from all evil. Protect from the flattering enemy, from the coward, from the storm and from the evil one. Deliver, the great Archangel Michael, me, the servant of God (name), from evil and all kinds of misfortunes. Always now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

* Lord, God, great king without beginning! Send your servant (name) Archangel Michael, the guardian from enemies visible and invisible. My Guardian, Archangel Michael, be to me, a sinful slave (name), an assistant in troubles, in sorrows, in empty sorrows. Deliver me, servant of God (name), from the temptations of the devil. O great Archangel Michael, defeat my opponents with the power of the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy angels, teach me to endure, as our Lord God Jesus Christ endured. Always now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer calling for a guardian angel!

Angel of Christ! Saint, sent to me to save the soul and body of my sinner! With my laziness, with my bad habits, I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all my judgmental deeds, lies, slander, envy, condemnation and contempt. Disobedience, brotherly hatred, vindictiveness, love of money, adultery, rage, avarice, overeating without satiety, drunkenness and verbosity and evil thoughts. How is it possible for you, Holy Angel of Christ, to approach me if I am like a stinking dog? With what eyes do you look at me, mired in vileness, angel of Christ? I ask forgiveness for my evil and good deeds. Protect and save me from the enemy, the slanderer and the envious person in the day and at noon, at night and at midnight and at every hour. Amen.

Prayer for protection from enemies

You, Lord, have known the kingdom of God, and on the third day you rose again. In glory and majesty you ascended to heaven, you judge the living and the dead by their deeds. You are good, Lord, if a sinner turns and repents, then he will live more and will not die forever and ever. I also pray, your sinful servant (name), about my sin. Forgive me, Lord, my sins before the soul is separated from the body. Guide me, your servant (name), Lord, on the right path. I pray and repent of my evil deeds. Save, look, visit, have mercy, have mercy on your sinful servant (name). Deliver me (name), Lord, from enemies in the house, on the way, in the water and in every place. Conquer, Lord, all who fight with me. O merciful Lord, hear me a sinner, crying out to you, looking at your most pure images. I hope for the power of the life-giving cross and for your most pure mother and for heavenly power and for the prophet Forerunner and your baptist John and for all your holy apostles and prophets and martyrs and reverend fathers and all saints. Accept my repentance and deliver me from eternal torment. I trust in you! Save me, servant of God (name), grant mind and memory to remember your many-loving name. You are one, sinless and merciful, Lord God, and I send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer from vampires and enemies

Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael see at the doors of the Lord, hold a scepter in their hands and say: “Curse Satan, who with devilish power fell into the underground abyss, into the abyss of hell. Get out the damned demon, Lucifer the intruder, accursed Satan! May the powers of the underworld not touch me, the servant of God (name), neither to my house, nor to my family, neither day nor night, nor on the way, nor by rivers and shores, seas, lakes, water sources, mountains and hills and sands, crossroads and waters. At slopes, wilds, forests and swamps, at fields and vegetable gardens, various gardens and estates. Sources and wells and in every residential building, in the temples of God and prayer houses. May he not hide from the sign and power of the honest, life-giving cross. Amen.

Spells from the devil

Prayer from energy vampires

How often can you meet complaints from people about suddenly feeling unwell or that something has suddenly gone wrong. Someone writes off bad luck or an unpleasant set of circumstances. But there are those who can blame other people for such troubles. And call such a culprit an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?

These are people who feed on the energy of other people. They are charged with the positive energy of other people and can even take it away completely. The vampire is well, but his victim begins to get unlucky, his mood drops, things fall apart, and his health may also deteriorate. It is not necessary that a person can do this consciously and on purpose.

At first, the victim may not even understand why this happened. A typical situation: a person rejoices at some event, talks about it. Naturally, the mood is good. Here comes the vampire. His mood can be both good and bad. And, having heard the admiring stories of the victim, seeing the radiance on her face, the vampire with his very presence can immediately spoil the state of affairs. A vampire can be either a friend or a stranger. He can even be sincerely happy for a person, but on a subconscious level, he is still envious of him, thereby taking away all the good things. After some time, everything can go wrong for the victim. And she won't even understand why.

Why, for example, many women try to hide their pregnancy or their babies until christening - they are afraid of the evil eye from such people. They may admire sincerely, but they still take away a good aura from children. And then the children become restless, or the pregnancy can be difficult.

Prayer from energy vampires

Those who seriously believe in energy vampires can even read prayers, thanks to which they protect themselves and their energy. Basically, such protection is made by believers.

Prayer is a text that is designed to protect a person from the evil eye; from a person who causes negative feelings. You can find it both in the Bible and by turning to the Father in the church.

In the words of the prayer there should be an appeal to God, where a person asks him for help and protection from evil. All prayers are usually long. Therefore, it will be difficult to remember it. To be always ready - write it down and always carry it with you.

If it happens that you feel someone else's energy that harms you and the prayer "Our Father" will protect you, the main thing is to read it with faith and always wear a pectoral cross. Read more about prayers in the article: Prayers from negativity

Protection from energy vampires

How else can you protect yourself if you suddenly meet such people?

  1. The first is, of course, to try not to communicate with them. But it will be difficult if the vampire is your colleague or relative. Therefore, if this option is not possible, there are several other ways.
  2. Try not to show emotions when meeting with such a person, do not share good news so that he does not jinx it.
  3. When talking with him, imagine a wall behind which your thoughts and emotions. It will be difficult for a vampire to get through it. And as soon as he starts trying, immediately stop communicating.
  4. You can also imagine a mirror. You are on one side and the vampire is on the other. All his bad energy is reflected back into the owner.
  5. Never complain to such a person.
  6. Some imagine a pleasant picture in their heads, thanks to which the vampire will not be able to commit his evil eye.
  7. Don't be afraid of the vampire. He tends to choose people who are weaker and more vulnerable than himself.

Protect from energy vampires

And what thing can be a good amulet in such cases?

  • Trees have good energy. Some suggest that by hugging him, you can recharge your aura.
  • The well-known two fingers crossed behind the back often help from the evil eye.
  • Some carry a pin. Like, she repels all evil. You need to wear it from the wrong side and the head of the pin down.
  • In general, any thing can become a talisman. The main thing is that she should have your positive energy and always be with you. Don't give it to anyone. It can be a ring, a pendant in the form of your zodiac sign. Do not be too lazy to consecrate your amulet in the church.

Everyone has good and bad days. Some people have more, some have less. But this does not mean that he has a bad aura or chakras. But if you are sure that this is the case, then learn to protect your energy.

  • Try to avoid people you don't like being around.
  • Do not show your irritation and fatigue in public.
  • Only share good news with people you trust.
  • Get yourself a guardian.
  • Get a pet. He will take all the bad energy for himself.
  • Sprinkle the corners in your apartment sometimes with holy water.
  • Learn to recognize energy vampires.